; 5 '-vrr. '--v . .... " ' 4 -v 1 " a ' r ' ' - - THE CHApOTTEOBSERm' . : - SUBSCRIPTION RA TESi tti thmmqltf&nrpptted with every needed . Duty, one year (postpaid) in france...48 00 a.-- KfnnthS ........ ....... 4 00 ftiree Monms One Month... , "75 -rWEEKL 7 EDITION. I" Weekly (in the in M?WM5fl -......$2 00 0fthemnty,poidn.......J:.,.... 2 10 ILETTEK HEADS, CARDS, V ' ' ' . : , ; TAG&ttCZIPTSt tVStZZS, & PROGRJLilZiZZlIAKD SOLS. T0L.X1X. CHAE N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 3. 1878 HO. 8,869 --'Si i it' A f-avameT-rfl I - yfii rvxx hi wu, emt with'the Latest gzyu$ uyp, ana everv wcnnr TJ'or eon now l acme teaJA i jk 4 I";. it y. . . i . . .. r LOTTED ' i .' " V - - - : .; . f - TV T' 't- ' -SP '"J ' Cfc Beady-made Clothing iM "General Blerehandisej will find at the old establfthed house of 4 'q g The Largest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stock of Goods fetter, brought 'to'fhib market. I r'a are prepared to prore upon examination of our stock that we make no vain boast, and solicit buyers,' both OUR GOODS AJNU ritiuias before purchasing. .; i. Our stock of Dress Goods, White Goods, Alpaccaii- EmtoicM eries, Jvia Vjioves, oun umDreuas, rang, Aies ana ancy prooaf are complete and will be sold at astonishing lotv prices. Carpets, Oil ClothjBand Hattinvery 1 OW h Fftir dealing. Polite and attentive clerks. Call and see us and judge for yours selves- Democrat and Home copy. BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN'S jan3 - , , SEAIBOiUHLZIi .IIHL MBT32S ! ' via ;,: - PORTSMOUTH, Ya., RALEIGH, HAHLIT, ant CHiRMTTI, N. & The QUICKEST and most RELIABLE FREIGHT ROUTE between RALEIGH, PORTSMOUTH, NORFOLK, ALL EASTERN CITIES AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. Express Freight . Trains, CLOSE CONNECTIONS, PROMPT AND CAREFUL DELIVERIES GUARANTEED. NOMINAL INSURANCE AND NO RISK. For full information, Tariffs, Ac, apply to mcb.26 DO NOT BUY YOUR '.X i until you have seen the now in my warerooms. largest and most complete AMB IT WIIsIa PAY YOTU TO INSPECT IT AND ilaspoctfully, , i FUBIflTUQE DEALER, Removed next door to Jot Office. Jan 5 E5r, Jr. 3S. lMcLMSSSSSf DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of ZMrts Extracts and Colognes, English Select Spices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap; English, French and American Hair and Tooth Brushy. Carefully prepared at all fcours both" night ahd day, at J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store. fcw'Statffe I have removled w sodkr of to the NEW AND ELEGANT ". .;; . t uucupiea dv J, jvic. Aiexanaer as a jdwi uu w. QMy FaU Stock of HARDWARE, Jn.all. its, varieties, stoves, Tiii-ware, Soilow-ware, Wooaen-ware;c.;is now.opefl 10 the inspection qf ,tfte"piiblief at- prices which' are unprece Pted In the Charlott.fi market. 1 opuUZEB VANOB wholesale and retail, to LOOK ifPl JSiJjiAis a wnjiJM. march 22 DIAXXS IX ALL KlPiDS OF FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A or CHEAP BEDBTEADS, LOUNGES, ! PARLOR & CH AM BER SUITS. COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND No. 5, Weat Trade St., OHABLOTTB, N. 0. CARRIAGES, JUST ARRIVED. Southwestern Agent, Charlotte, N. O. '' elegant stock of goods The assortment is the ever offered in Charlotte, GET MY PRICES. & p Ep GE RS, New Goods. Harolware Stoves and l inware STORE on TRADE STREET, BTOTE specialty. j j : ;i!. T. UUILtli. BEAUTIFUL. TlIltfGS. ' " ' BY ILLEH P. ALLKBTOH ' Beaatiral faces are those that wear t matters little if dark or fair Whole-souled honesty printed there. Beantifal eyes are those that show, Like crystal panes where oeartn-nres slow. Beautiful thoughts that horn below. Beautiful hps are those whose words " Leap from the heart like sours of birds. Yet whose utterance prudence girds. Beautiful hands are those that do Work that is earnest and brave and true, ' Moment by moment the long day through. Beautiful feet are those that go On kindly ministries to and fro ' ; Down lowliest ways, if God wills it so. Beautiful shoulders" are those that hear Ceaseless burdens of homely caret wnn patient grace ana aauy prayer, , Beautiful lives are those that bless 8irei)t rivers of happiness. ,; -! , Whose hidden fountains hut Tew may guess. 'i ' ),.-' Beauti ful twilight, at set of sun, : : , Beautiful goal, with race well won ; Beautiful rest, with work well dons. Beautiful graves, where grasses creep. Where brown leaves fall, where drifts lie deep Over worn out hands oh, beautiful sleep OBSERVATIONS. The girl in Paris this season who thinks she is the prettiest is an American. It is said that Bayard Taylor got so sick at sea that he threw up his hand while play ing euchre. - The peculiarity of croquet is that no brains have ever been knocked out in the game.'-Courier Journal. The Mexican dollar is rated only as bulli on by the Treasury Department, its value being about 93 cents. It would be just as well to read the his tory of the American Constitution before shooting Equibs at J Dayls. The long missing ex-Congressman, Hon E L Vance, 'reached Cincinnati Saturday, from $an Francisco, and proceeded home to GallipoUs, Ohio. He is insane and is in charge of a friend. ; Dr Hunter McGuire, of Richmond, Vir ginia, is pronounced by an Iowa journal to be one of the first surgeons in the world. McGuire was "Stonewall" Jackson's chief surgeon. The government has been swindled out of $40,000 in the construction of the sixteen chimneys on the Chicago custom house. We haven't room to speak of the swindles farther down. Free Press. Two hundred and sixty destitute Polish emigrants have arrived at New Orleans from Venezuela. They ' have been taken in charge by the Louisiana 8tate Board of Im migration, and will be provided with homes in the country. A rowdy insulted a beautiful young lady in Philadelphia, the other day, and she made him acquainted with tbe end of her parasol so effectually that be was glad to beat a retreat. This furnishes another evi dence of the efficacy of the belie punch. The New Testament Revision Company held their monthly session in New York last week, and finished the first revision of Ephesians and part of Colossiaus. The Old Testament Company continued the revision of Ezekiel. It is thought that we shall have another Indian war this summer. And we are like ly to be pretty roughly, handled, too, unless we should double tbe strength of our forces by hiring Sheridan and Howard to resign. Courier-Journal. Public Meeting iu Macoa. At a roudicg Democratic meeting held at the court hduse in Franklin, Macon county, April 20th, the con vention was organized by electing J D Franks, Esq, chairman, and A S Bry- son secretary, cpeecnes were made by Hon J L Robinson, Captain Craw ford and K Eliae, Esq. The following resolutions were of fered by the Hon J L Robinson, and unanimously adopted : Whereas, The Central Executive committee of the Democratic-Conservative party have called a convention of the party to be held at the State capital on Thursday, June . 13th, 1878, for the purpose of selecting candidates for chief justice and two associate jus tices of the Supreme Court : and, Whereas, Upon the purity of char acter, the legal ability, and earnest de votion to the principles of constitu tional liberty of our judiciary, depends the happiness and the prosperity of the people qi a ortn Carolina : and, Whebeas, In the persons of Hon W N H Smith, the present chief justice of the supreme Court, and Hon David Schenck, of Lincoln, one of the judges of the Superior Court,, the people of Macon county believe they can find a union of those traits already men? tioned, together with the virtues which made illustrious the judiciary of our State in other days : now, therefore, Resolved, 1st, That we declare the Hon W N H Smith our choice for chief justice of the Supreme Court. x Rewlved, 2nd, That we declare in common with our sister counties of Western North Carolina for Hon David Schenck, of Lincoln, as our first choice for associate justice of the supreme Court. Resolved, 3rd, That we will support the choice of our eastern friends for the additional associate justice of the Supreme Court. Resolved, 4th, That the chairman of inis meeting ,dq instructed, io .appoint twenty delegates to the convention to be held "in Raleigh on June 13th, next, and that they are instructed fo vote as above. . ti Jtetobed. 5th, 'That the Raleigh Ob server. Ch arlotte Observer, Raleigh News and Asheville Citizen be request- i i . . . . . i. ? ea to puulisn me proceedings ui. iuib convention. . J D Fbankb AS Bryson. Chairman Secretary. " Ye ' We can change a fifty dollar hill if you. ant a bottle df Qlobe Flour, Cough tSyrup th, greatest Cough and - Lung- Remedy- in the world or ifjott want to tryit : first and sea if what tbe Hon Alex ?H Stephens, Er Gov Smith, Bx-Gov j Bro,wn -and .Hon, Bobert Tnnmbfl. of Georeia,- sav about it Is. true. on can eet a Sample Bottle for ten cents of Dr J H -McAden; T C Smith & Co.,i or 1 Wilson K BurweU. -;".' v "last "Days of the Confederacy in Charlotte." ' Editor Charlotte Observer Permit me-'tb ' correct . 'some state ment in 'the communication headed "Last Days of the Confederacy-,' found in the Observer of April 80th, taken from' th Norfolk (Va) Ledgers ' Jeiferson Davis was making a short speech stauding in the door of Bates' house, which stands opposite the store of BurweU & Springs, on Trybn street. About the time Mr Davis concluded his remarks a telegram . was handed him, containing the intelligence of the assassination of iTesiaent Lincoln, which, "Mr Davis opened and read si lently., 'He then remarked, "This is a mos.tu extraordinary communication." That announcement caused the crowd Id call for the reading of the telegram, wmcn was- nanaea ro uoi w m jonn stonA the present mayor of Charlotte, wuu reau me leiegram. auaiDiy to me :pwd.( ,Capt u il JSims, of Charlotte, was t, standing near me,, And will, I thinks JcaOrroborate this statement. I was in five feet of Mr Davis at the time, and he seemed much deDressed at the news. 1 The statement that Bates was un married is incorrect. His legitimate wife was not in Charlotte at the time. but was here after the war. This man Bates was perhaps one of the first to sell himself after the surrender. His baseness was" further shown by his tes timony in regard to Davis speech on the occasion alluded to, in his exam ination in Washington Citv. where he stated that Jefferson Davis said, as to the assassination of Mr LincolD. "If 'twere done, 'twere well 'twere well done." A baser falsehood was never sworn to by any man. W B. Mail-Route lettings. Washington Republican, 29th. The list of advertiflmAnrs frr tho mail route lettings in the country 623 in all have been sent to the pub lic printer, and will be printed in about two weeks. Bids will be received for these lettine's until thfi 20t.h nf.Tnlv ptiH the awards made on or before the 31st oi tbe same month. The highest num ber cif routes in ART rinfi Sfota ia in North Carolina, there being forty to be adyertised. Rhode Island and Dela ware have one each. DR. TUTT'S SARSAPARILLA AMD QUEEN'S DELIGHT THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, KSOWN PAR ANIX WIDE FOR. ITS WONDERFtt "VTOTimS, Thousands of victims ot Scrofnla.RTieTnnatic patient who have cast aside their crutches; sufferers from syphilitic taint an merenrical poison, all over the land, bear witness of its efficacy. The seat of these diseases is in the blood, and impure blood causes unhealthy secretion, which develop Eruptions of the Skin; Sore Eyes, foul Discharges from the Nose, Eeara and Womb; White Swellings; Scald Head; Night Sweats; Whites; Sallow Complexion; Kidney Disease; Nocturnal Emissions, and a long train of direful ills. DR. TUTPS SARSAPARILLA , Is a consentrated extract of the curative properties of roots od herbs which act on the blood, coming in di rect contact with the germ of diseases, extending its influence-to every part of thesystem. It Is a pow erf al alterative, and literally A RENOVATOR OF THE BODY. Under its influence the eyes prow sparkling, the complexion clear, and unsightly blotches rapidly dis appear. The value of this compound In general debility can not be overestimated . It arouses the flagging energies ol life TO rrt if rou are suffering from what is familiarly known as "Female Weakness," use Tutt's Saksapabtlla and Quckh'8 Deuobt. It will cure Leucorrhcea, Sperma torrhea, and other fool discbarges, when all otbr medicine fails. Sold by Druggists. Price, 81 a bottle, or six ff J5. Sent by express on receipt of price. OFFIC& f MURRAY STREETNEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA always had a good name as a place to purchase DRY GOODS and CLOTHING at LOWEST PRICES, and now that JOHN WAHAHAKER has added to his STUPENDOUS CLOTHING AND FUR NISHING GOODS BUSINESS, ON AN-EQUALLY STUPENDOUS SCALE, it is NO WONDER that the eyes of city and country are on him. THE BEAUTY of his NEW ENTERPRISE ia the UNPARALLELED LOW PRICES for Substantial and very Elegant Goods, Including positively EVERYTHING IN PERSONAL DRESS, ' for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, Besides all HOUSE FURNISHING Fabrics. I would inform the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country that I have ac cepted the Agency of this celebrated estab lishment, and hare a full line of SAMPLES and am prepared to take orders for any class of Goods wanted. ' ' ;- Call and be convinced that you can be supplied at this Agency at lower prices tnan . . 1 i l 1 I i A Dy any otner estaDiisumem m tuis cicy J. S. PHILIPS- dec 4 T O EDITORS ANDPRINTERS. Having had many calls lately for Prin ten' Ink and. Stationery, I have deter mined to keep a supply of both al- wavs on hand, which I propose to Bell at ' manufacturer's' prices, less 'freight, trusting to a small commission for profit. Give me your orders and you snail be pleased, UtfAS R JUNES, marl7 Observer. gTUDEBAKER WAGONS, I am prepared to offer extra inducements A if J 3 ' IT CELEBRATED 8TUDEB AKER WjLGON ? Call and examine the Wagons, hear prices and terms, j THOSS, GATTBEBi . " '.College Street. 4 - - A. lad v on. the nnrthnn wiMhinr In tjmf. the merits , f Dx, Bull's Cough. Syrup thought it would never do to ask the drug gist in the name of "Bull," Why,, den me. She COnldn't SSV Bull to Aat hAF Ttfo anrT called at last on a neighbor 'woman for gesnona on me matter, ur vows, ut Uaii S xjz jduiuuu a auu VA8D Dyrup were aii men tioned. The latter suited., Yes, that will do Dr Oxen the yery thing, the druggist will understand that." - A walk- nf tram squares found her at the counter of DrH's store when the following dialogue occurred; "I wish a bottle of Dr Oxen's Couzh Syrup' - i ; "Dr Oxen, Oxen, why.vmanl, I don't be iieVe I keen that. Ynn men CnH'a mA 8yrup, don't youf" - - i . "Oh, no, I mean, mean Dr Oxen," and then she seemed wrapped in solemn thought jor a momcDi, wnen a Drrgnc laea seemed ta beam forth. "Hasn't Dr Oxen got a rela tion Or " : . ,. . i "Oh, yes, you mean .Dr Buil's Cough 'mn TM VM " TKo aAvr anf Ann n ment and all was over. tndianapolis Ex. The Grand Oehtral is how otfarlm? ttrmsti- al inducements to business men", families and tourists. The prices for board hive never been so low, and the table la still kept up to, its first-class high standard. . . , 'ID I i in MACHINE AND IEQN WOEE& Metropolitan Works, Canal Street, from Sixth to Seventh RICHMOND, VA. ' ENGINES, portable and stationary. SAW MILLS, GRIST-MILLS, BOILER8, CAST INGS of BRA8S and IRON, FORCINGS; &c. MACHINERY for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, Ac. ' We call special attention to our IMPROV ED PORTABLE ENGINES, for azricnlt oral and other purposes. Also, to our new styles SMALL LOCOMOTIVES for hauling lum ber, and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railways. Tbe beat Planters regard our GINNING ENGINES superior to an in use. Send tot illustrated Catalogue free. Other things being equal encourge Southern institutions Repair wort solicited and promptly done Shafting, Pulleys, (fee., lor Gin Houses. Wm E TANNER & CO. may 15 dw ly ERIE: CITY' t&ON WORKS, 1 Charlotte, Nw O, April 7th, '77. . J WE hereby notify our many friends and the public generally that tbe manage ment of the Chariotte Branch of the Erie City Iron Works is now in the hands of uapt John wilkes. of this city, who is pre pared to fill orders for our well known En gines and Saw Mills on the shortest notice, and at tbe most reasonable prices. Secretary Erie City Iron Works. Referring to the above notice of change, I feel confident that it will be advantageous to purchasers of Machinery of all kinds, as it places me in position to meet any and all competition; With- my facilities on the spot, I can manufacture all parts of the Erie Engines which wilt not bear freight charges such as Grate Bars, Stacks, Spark Arresters, &c, and handle the Erie City Engines and Boilers with little extra ex panse," thns enabling me to offer Machinery at better figures to tbe purchaser than eyer before. Be sure to trive me a call, or write for culars, before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN Wi.LK.Ee, Mecklenburg Iron Woiks, Charlotte, N. 0. apr20 Real Estate, Mining AND Immigration Agency: FOE selling, buying and renting Mines, Land and Houses, and providing homes in the Piedmont regions of North Carolina and South Carolina, and. being connected with the "Southbbm Eioobd," circulated in this country and Europe twice a month, X will advertise, free of cost; all farms and mines, placed in my hands, for sale. THUS JT 11.KATTVM, aug9 Charlotte, N. 0. Groceries Cleaper to E?er. NEW GOODS. NEW FEATURES. COME to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee Molasses, and other Family Groceries. Just Received, a few barrels of Berry Fos ter's (Davie county,) best BYE WHISKY. I sell for cash, and make no 30 day billa. W J Black will continue the whiskey business ta the store occupied by W H Crimmiflger. . - . All gooas aeiiyered in the eity free or charge. W HCEIMMINGEE, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand. aprl8 ......... JT IS A FALSEHOOD! I CARE NOT WHO TOLD IT! I am only Belling the BEST STEAK ftt Tin (10) Ckbts, and then down as low as 2 cents per pound (for some kjadajt ' Young fat Beeyes, Sheep and Lanbs wanted by - aprSO B N SMITH, FOR SALE. Choice of two, one Miller's and one Herrings CH AS R JONES, ' septlS tf 20e a inrjber-'2a Year WIDE AWAKE-an illuatrated Migaijnn, for Young Peopia, la the yery beat pub lication of the kind 'in our country, as well as the cheapest. For stt agency, sand to D LOTHBOP & 00V fob25 d . - ri -i i" BoatmJ '. asntracsM'si It the M&tt ni llMti, kinsiMitiiuMna'te im aettea, nl UnodneM the nulutuu utsaea of biaelT ftr hn pnt iw.,a Yitb xd,'iai Is wily applied. It 1 ttaa4ar4 1-i-iioa, And fTorit roa Try weu-Tpointe4 V 'Krs. K G fcst Vl,(-i usw toiiu . , THE LAEQEST INVOICE STETSON'S" f EVER BROUGHT TO THIS OF THE SPRING SEASON. A Complete Assortment of .. iu.ysjc,:.:: t . ... ; 4 . tilt. -H ' -: f With Eyery French, Panama, and Fine Genuine Mackinaw, With all the lower grades adapted to this market. Prices very low to encourage &n . active demand. We respect fully solicit the attention of purchasers. E. D. LATTA & BRO. PUBLIC IS UNANIMOUS AND DECISIVE IN AWARDING THE PALM OF MERIT TO THE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE OF L. BERUAHGER & BRO., THE FINE CLOTHMlS AND TAILORS, Wise buyers are . not gtrided , by glaring anncmncements and long lists of low prices, which are attractive only in prititj but lose their force and all interest when coupled with the grade of goods they represent; but remember that THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST and will look for reliable and durable clothing at reliable and responsible houses. . While our prices are invariably as low or lower than those of any other house in the city, the style, fit, quality and work manship of our garments aire far superior to all others; thus offering unequal ed advantages to the purchaser. H-1 Fresh Goods placed on our counters daily. No mis representation at our house. L BERWANGER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. RSSR PPP RKB II NN N GGG S & P PR R II NN N G O 8SS PPP RRR II N N N G s 9 R RUN NN G GO MM MM MMMM M MM M 11 li H "MS" P R R II N NN GGU M M M I HAVE RECEIVED MY NTE W GOODS And will sell them at Prices which defy COMPETITION. tSf Persons purchasing Goods in my line will find it to their interest to givejme a cattfcefore buying elsewhere, as I will not be undersold by any one. Mrs. R. McNELIS, Tryon Street. f apr5 P wmwnn JUST BECEiVEEf. Mv clothinff trade has increased . so much this season that I have already purchased a second stock, which : for style and nrices is ; unsurnassed. A snecial inducement is offered on about 50 pairs 'of Pants, which, v A H-hr n..lLUiZ. rinAayA ISTa'tlmroar nl. ways on hand. Mackinaw m Ukstkmliws; in - MLTJJNSBT. just:, recim. Z 11 OF THE CELEBRATED MARKET,1 EMBRACING, " r Novelty in II X L I. II NN W EKti RKH V" V II NN N K . R R TV II N N N ER ' RRR TT II N NN E RRT II L II L L II L I II LUX LLLL II K SN BEE R x ; OF 3 (Mill cost from $5 to $9, which I will Hats - " at'75c each. VfifflS GOOM aM i v "i a - BXnr ILaTS. OPINION l r 5T jr. 4. li v; :

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