i. V , M -4.- .1 v - i - - x - 5 THE CHARLQTrEPBSERHEf : - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: r- ' hZhsone year poitpaid) in advance.,.. $8 00 Months., v00 even tnanntr tTJott Three mewi i ffmKi'.., .......a......... W vmftamA et $hortiuaic$ V"v3 WEEKLY EDITION. BLANKS, SILL . m Weddv (in the county) in advance... $2 00 of the county, posted.. -210 ' - TA OS, KECZIPT3, TOSTZT 1. . . rnoGKAUz: cand z ills, VOL. XIX. CHABIXHpPRfN. C, SATURDAY, MAT II, 1878 PAMPHLETS, CHLGHk . r l. t. .. y::mm m i : life h it: : wmmjumimL wwumm iiri: , BHS&as Beady-made Clothing and General Merchandise, "will find at the old established house 0f " ; The Largest, Best Assorted ewer brought to We are prepared to prove upon examination of our stock tht vo vain boast, and solicit buyers, both wholesale and retail, to OUR GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing. Our stock of Dress Goods, White Goods, Alpaccas, EpibrotoT eries, Kid Gloves, Sun Umbrellas, Fans,-Ties and Fancy;' Goods are complete and will be sold at astonishing low prices. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Mattings very low. ; Fair dealing. Polite and attentive yourselves. : ; . Democrat and Home copy BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE &TRETAIL A M FINE ABSQRTMElirf 'OF0 CfeREfcARRlAQES, CStJST ARRIVED. jan3 N -.t io. ,L,i ! i .j 'ii f.TT.'i. ..:; .ii ( i. i .'. , . . : I .I 'A TORTSMOMrlMHGHr HAHLKTriaCHARIillTU t The QUlCKISTa mcj BEjLRIGHT OUTE. between RALEIGH, PORTSHOUTH, NORFOLK,' ALL EASTERN CITIES Express FtsSotoa CliOgEj OpECTIONS, PROMPT AND CAREFUL DELIVERIES GUARANTEED. NOMINAL INSURANCE AND NO RISK. For full information, Tariffa, Ac, apply to meh26 ISf OT B.UY YOUR until you haye, seen the now in mv warerooms. largest and most complete TO INSPECT r-- , . IT AND Rospectfully, ES . . IHL O US' 3EI H. S , FUjBJTITUBE DEALER, MemOtfed next doorto JPost Office, j Jan 5 DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Now 1 oWm to'the trad e a full Colognes' English Select wces, Colgate Honey and u-iycenne PRES C R I PSPIO NS Carefully prepaijed ataUr6ours', J. H. McADEN S New Stfiefc . Mi' jii I ii u i nave reitti edlny sfoclr. of to the NEW AND ELEGANT V k lately occupied hyvJ..Mc. Alexander' as "a Boot -and Shofe Store, n My Pall" Stock : of HARDmREiniallgaxl& otovesy TinrwaTefiHojPbwarel 10 the inspection .of, the puhlic,' kuiea m tne unarlotte market. Ibmlar ZEE VANCE and Cheapest Stock ot , Goods this market. v that we make LOOK AT clerks. Call and see us" and judge for " ELIA8 fc COHEN. ; march 22 OKAJJCB ia ALL KINDS OF FUENITURB, BEDDING, &C. A OB BAP BED8TEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., l H A S L (fcttfJE , N . 0 , n it j'.zi.'H - : '.m '.M". i.. .i s. rasre: Southwestern Agent, Charlotte, N. C. elegant stock of goods ine assonmeut ia ine ever offered in Charlotte, GET MY PRICES. T'T. stock of Imbwf JEcacfe and Prescription Store. V V T T6'4W 'J'; A HTJi I IT Ui y 5. - - Ha rtlwateStoved an i mware STORE on TRADE STREET, WoodenariStjnow openj at prices whichare unprece- STQVETtimcUmSU f - II. I. UUILtlU TbeSooriBg Juror. " PLiladelphia Times. Our systenl of trial by jury is in peril. If Ihe precedent just set by a St Louis iudge is allowed to stand,there is no tel ing bow soon the time-honored plan of submitting causes to the decision of twelve uninterested fellow-citizens may become a thing of the past. While a litigation was going on in a St Louis coufC before a judge and jury, one of the jury Men slumbered and slept'. History does not inform us that this slum berer was the only one in the company. It is more than likely that, moved by that one touch of nature which makes the whole world kin, the sleepy fellow had comrades in the jury-fbox who joined him In his nap. But history gives no evidence that they1 snored. The one slumberer whose slumber has made him a marked man waked the echoes - of the court room by snoring aloud in an objection able manner, and thus drawing the at tention of the bench to the fact that he was securing fred leadings i ft wajr not. contemplated y the roles bf th court. Had h& peacefully laid himself down to rest, ot bHently used for a pillow the shoulder 6f the nearest fellow-jury maEf hhtiCfe would have beeb taken of 'itr The evidence would "have gone on just as if he and all the others had been awake. The lawyers would have thundered away. with tjheir eloquence, regardless whewier they we're harangu ing twelve living m en or twelve of the wooden Indians which mount guard in. front of tobacco shops. It was the snore, which aid the business for .this juryman. Snoring was a violation of decorum for which the court was not prepared. It proclaimed to all who were gathered in the court room that the sleeping beauty of a juror was not closely attending to anybody's busi; ness but his own, and that the business of his own, to which he ' was giving earnest and undivided attention, was that of taking bodily rest. The angry and possibly unjust judge ordered the juror to be punched, pinched and shaken, and so awakened from His untimely slumber. As soon as the poor fellow had awakened, rubbed his eyes and looked around sufficiently to take 'in tne situation, he was startled by hearing himself fined ten dollars and summarily ordered to betake himself with all speed out of that jury-box. The defendant refused to proceed with eleven jurors, and so the case had to be postponed. Should the cruel and unreasonable practice initiated by the St Louis udge extensively prevail it will revo utionize jury trials and spoil the busi ness of the professional juror. Few things can be more unwarrantable than to expect the average juryman to stay awake during the trial in which his only interest is the pittance which he receives for professing "to give his time and thought to what is said. Of time he generally has plenty; of thought, exceedingly little.- It is idle to ask him tositbpltjjpghtin an uncomfor table chair, and give as close heed "as if be were really interested in the matter. The estimable persons who make a business of sitting on juries. ust as some people go to funerals and others to hangings, and as the late Mrs Toodles went to auctions, are not paid for staying awake, but for sitting there and rendering verdicts. If it can be proved that they are "good and true" it is of no consequence how stu pid or how tired tbey are. They may have been born tired i.fehe probability is mat iney were, jjikw tue x at ouy of whom Dickens, wrojte, Jhey must sleep wbehever PporUnity Offers It is likiily that Uey Will understand as much; of what s going on llxneyare asleep as if they aTOawakeU'.'Iir one of our bwn ouf ta tfiefesrosed dtot be an aged professional juryman (he is dead now) to whom:h; felow jurors would say when tbey-wretgo out to medi tate on the testimony to wnicn tney bad nominally beeniistetirng : "Now old idaddywak up and c6p(frihr$iJL uror once senrta tne jaageaymg wist ie"would .like To hate m owde8ntt understanding than he had as to two words which be" heard frequently used during the trial of the case on which he was to give his assistance in rendering a verdict. One of these words proved to be "plaintiff ;" the other was "de fendant7 JLet us. hope that tne verr diet in which he joined was A jhst one Another juror declared that-ne t la ought "arson" meant poisoning,-because it Bounded like ''artenie." IT the culprit who was tried by the 1 jury ef "Which this man was- one", was' wited witb proper punishment T0t: flrtag tis store in ordertoTgefr thednsurane moey, it was not because t this juror: tmdei stood hlsbcisihessj $qcti jorors as these mi?ni JOVflttiWRS'i""i'" If the precedent set by the tst Liouis udeei iscfbff'clJnsidered an establish- ;d 6ne. it furmsnes an admirable hint fchowdfab'ar'lcitizens who have an honestAveriinrtlo jury duty, but who hava no. reasonable excuse for not serving. "They.cftjanc 4hey are deaf, dumb or idiotic, ox that they have made uptheir minds on the tfuestlofis likely -toclerae 1 before thetn. possible. srifffUKEuWith: a sound ,i Ubf JBeveri:fog-hern8 ihe jUjagemen afthem ':wad'ltpi'dder7$niw Ihfm.ten dollars each, sdin; yim$ rejoicing.: ' .. ': ..-. Ui . . "--Trr r. . A cueer.cMe .citm'e oefore a. Frentoh ottftjart tnepeaanjtrd greeq 4m psy ou irancs .k ..torrv a zesm, wehty-tfanc cofns'ahd "a "one 'QUhdred franc bill, when the cow made a snatcn at the latter and swallowed it. ine auestion arose, who was the rightful loser? and the iudee decided that the buyer, who had held the cow by the halter when it devoured the bill, had not taken proper precautions and must pay over, again, , We,suppose.the only way toei tBe raonfey out'of that cow wbu&be by tfie giltdge' butFer er cream wold maKe. A Bonanza Mine Winston Sentinel.-, -J - ' Nathan Vestal t a- North Carolina; man, who left this State at the age of 17 years; at ibe time .the gold fever broke KISPfl4f---T"Jc fortune has stwicj piJ.Andafter taking but$2f0,tX)(J froJriS hiaTfimedldrflrfor $400,000,and then married ft wldSwwhd loaned him 4400 inT;tne days of his ad versity, .'- . V , j sleen as tjro'mntlV and as vieorbnswias Interesting Correspendence Eecently Richmond Mormon, an able-bodied colored , man, of Selma, Ala, addressed a letter to United States Senator Morgan, of that State, com plaining that the Bepuolican postmas ter at Mobile had promised and then failed to provide a place for him, and requesting the Senator to use his influ ence to get. him & place tinder the Mo bile collector. To this Senator Morgan responded that he had met with such f discouragements in trying to find of fices, places and work for women with families of orphan children that need bread, that he could scarcely hope to find an office for Mormon. Morgan, however, added : "As I remember, you are a stout, hearty black man, raised to labor in the fields, and well skilled and trained to industrious habits. If you are wanting work at fair wages, I can provide for you and will be glad to do so. My son George plows eyery day for a living on a cotton farm which he is cultivating, and needs help. He will give you fair wages and good food. He is well educated and oan give , you in struction in many ways. He is a kind young gentleman, and will take an in- it- i teresi in seeing inac your time is pleas antly occupied and that your rights are not endangered." National Surgical Institute. Two of the Surgeons of this notable Insti tute will visit Charlotte on the 14th and 15th of May, 1878, stopping at the Charlotte Ho tel. They will hays with them a fine outfit of braces and surgical appliances, and will be prepared to treat all kinds of Deformities anachronic Diseases, such as1 dab Feet, Hip Disease, Spinal Disease, Paralysis, Hies, and Vistula, Uatarrh, . Private Diseases, Diseases; of , the Eyes. o. For- rail particulars, address National Surgical Insti tute, Atlanta, Ga. . r . Di Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery wil cure a cough, in one-half the time necessary to cure it with any other medicine : and it rfoes it, not by drying it up, bat by rem or ing the cause, subduing the irritation, and healing the affected parts, gists. .... Sold by drug- Motners, Mothers, Mot&en, Don't fail to procure Mrs Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup lor all diseases of teething in child ren. It relieves the child from pain, cures wind colic, regulates the bowels, and, by giving relief and health to the child, gives rest to the mother. ".' The Grand Central HoteL New York, possesses all the requirements, in site, style, location and appointments of the modern first-class hotel, and keeps its reputation as a model house. PATENT MEDICINES. VECETIIME FOB Broosy, - Ocstaax Falls, . I.J Oct 19, 1877. Da. H, R. fizxvBHs : . . i It ia a pleasure, to- give my testimony for your valuable medicine, I was sick for a long time wit& Dropsy,- under the doctor's care. He said it Vas Water between 'the Heart and Liver. I received no benefi t unti I I commenced taking the Vegetine; in fact. I was growing worse, l nave tried many rem edies; they did not help me. YxoBTuriis the medicine for Dropsy, I began to feel better after taking a few bottles. I have taken thirty bottles in all. I am pcrfectlv well, never felt better. No one can feel more thankful than I do. I am, dear sir, gratefu'ly yours, A. D. WHEELER. Yeqitikk, When the blood becomes life less and stagnant, either from change of weather or of climate, want of exercise, ir leeular diet, or from any other cause, the Vegetine will renew the blood, carry off the putrid humors, cleanse tne s omacn, regulate the bowels, and impart a tone of vigor to the whole body. VEGETINE roa Kidney Complaint, and Nervous Debility. I8LX8BOSO, Mi., Dec 28, 1877. Mr H. R. Stxvehb : Dear Sir I had had a cough for eighteen years, fwhen I commenced taking the Vege tine. I was very low; my system was de bilitated by disease. I had the Kidney Com- laint, and was very nervous cough bad, ungs sore. When I had taken one bottle I found it was helping me: it has helped my cough, and it strengthens me. I am now able to do my work. Never have found any thing like the Vegetine. I know it is every thing it is recommended to be. MBS, A, j. rjuNDLiUrruw. Vkqetikk is nourishing and strengthening: purifies the blood; regulates the bowels; quiets the nervous system; acts directly upon the secreuons; and arouses the whole system to action. VECETIIME FOR SICK HEADACHE. Evan8Vilb, Ihd., Jan 1, 1877. Ma. STBvrast - Deai Sir I have used your Vegetine for Sick Headache, and been greatly benefitted thereby. I have every reason to believe it to be a good medicine. 1 Yours very respectfully, Mrs. JAMES CONNER. 411 Third St. Hkadache. There are various causes for headache, as derangement of the circulating system, of the digestive organs, of the nerv ous system, Ac, Vegetine can be said to be a sure remedy lor tne many finds oi ceaa ache, as it acts directly upon theyarious causes of this complaint, Nervousness, Indi gestion, Costiveness, Rheumatism, Neuralgia Billiousness, fec. Try the Vegetine. You will never regret it. VECETIWE. Doctor's Report. - Da. ChaS M. DusBXHHAVsKer, Apothecary, ;i : - Evansyme, ind. The doctor writes : I have a large number of good' customers who take Vegetine. They all sneak well of it. I know it is a good medicine for the complaints for which it is recommended. iec2, 1877. Vkgithh is a great panacea for our aged fathers and mothers ; for it gives them strength, quiets theirnerves, and gives them Nature's swees sieep VEGETINE Doctor's Report t .. ,; H. R. Stkvshs, Esq., Dear Sir We have been slline vour val nable Vezetine for three years, and we find that it gives perfect satisfaction. We believe .... m .-m . -W . IS it -to be the nest mooa punner now soia. Very respectfully, Db J E BROWN & CO . i- " Druggists, Union town, Ky. " VraKTiKX has never failed to effect a care, giving tone and strength to. the system de bilitated by disease ' t : VEGETinE e w - Prepared by - -H. R. STEVENS; BOSTON; MASS.) Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists."' I MACHINE AND IRON WORKS. Metropolitan Works, Canal Street, from 8ixth ' to Seventh RICHMOND, VA. ENGINES, portable and stationary, SAW MILLS, GRI8T-MILLS. ROILER8, CAST INGS of BBaSS and IRON, FORCINGS, fec. MACHINERY for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, fcc. We call special attention to our IMPROV ED PORTABLE ENGINES, for agricultural and other purposes. Also, to our new styles 8MALL LOCOMOTIVES for hauling lum ber, and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railway!. The best Planters jegard our GINNING ENGINES superior to aay in use. Send for illustrated Catalogue free. ' Other things being equal encourge Southern institutions Repair work solicited and promptly done Shafting, Pulleys, Ac, for Gin Houses. Wra E TANNER & CO. may 15 dw ly ERIE CITY DION WORKS, ) Charlotte, N. C, April 7th, '77. J WE thereby notify our many friends and the public generally that the manage ment of the Charlotte Branch of the Erie City Iron Works is now in the hands -of Capt John Wilkes, of this city, who ia pre pared to fill orders for our well known En gines and Saw Mills on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices'. JOHN- H BLISS, Secretary Erie City Iron Works. Referring. to the above notice of ehange, I feel confident that it will be advantageous to purchasers of Machinery of all kinds, as it places me in position to meet any and all competition. With my1 facilities on the spot, I can manufacture all parts of the Brie Engines which will not bear freight charges each as Grate Bars, Stacks, Spark Arresters, , &c and handle the Erie City Engines and Boilers with little extra ex pense, thus enabling me to offer Machinery at better figures to the purchaser than ever before: Be sure to give me a call, r write for culars, before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN WILKES, Mecklenburg Iron Works, Charlotte, N. 0. apr20 QENUINE OLD APPLE VINEGAR, Best quality White Wine Vinegar. Someth ing choice, by the barrel or gallon . JNO. W. HALL & CO., Trade Street. mchl5 rjio EDITORS AND PRINTERS. Having had many calls lately for Prin ters' Ink and Stationery, I bare deter mined to keep a suddIv of both al ways on hand, which I nronose to Bell at -manufacturer's prices. freight, trusting to a email commission for profit. Give me' ypur orders and you shall be pleased, CHAS R JONES, marl7 Observer. gTUDEBAKER WAGONS. I am prepared to offer extra inducements to parties desiring the CELEBRATED 8TUDEBAKER WAGON. Call and examine the Wagons, hear prices and terms. THOS.'H. GAITHER, College Street. Real Estate, Mining ajn Immigration Agency,, ,. FOR selling, buying and renting Mines, Land and Houses, and providing homes in the Piedmont regions of North Carolina and South Carolina, and . being connected with the '' Socman Ricokd," circulated in this country and Europe twice a month, I will advertise, free of cost.' all ' farms and mines, placed in my hands, for sale. - THUS IT UKAl iUW, , aug9 Charlotte, N. C. Groceries Cheaper to Erer. NEW GOODS. NEW FEATURES. COME to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee Molasses, and other Family Groceries. Just Received, a few barrels of Berry- Fos ter's (Davie county J best RYE WHISKY. I sell for cash. . . : . . - ' All gacds. delivered in the city free of charge. :' -i. W M UKlMMliNUKlt, ' Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand. aprl8 IS A FALSEHOOD ! 1 CARE HOT WHO TOLD IT! I am only gelling the BEST STEAK at Txh (10) Cxsis, and then down as low as 2 cents per pound ;for some kinds, xoung fat Beeves, Sheep and Lambs wanted by aprSO . - B M SMITH. F O R S A L E .; Choice of two, one Miller's and one Herrings ; CHAS E JONES; ( septl8 tf WIDE AWAKE an illustrated Maga for Young People, is the very bostj anne :nub lication of the kind in our country, as ,wlj astuecneapesi. r or an agency, maam , - - D LOTHBO ' CCvi JjJLLIOTT'S FAMILY FLOUR, Youhte FaMily "Flour, :J, ' . - Bamsour'B Family Flonr J r ' ' N. C Hams, BaCon, Meal, Hay, 'Shucks, &c, a specialty. !. :' WILLIAMS & FINGER. . mcb28 i ..v :r,vi AMILY GROCERY; - - Ai my old Stand on, Trade Street. I have a Choice and well selectedr stock pi .Groceries and Damiiy, cuppiAes; wnicn.-1 intend to se. at the lowest pjssibleprices,7v V k t i' ' I . Ram sour" & Bonniwell's'and A, Shu-' ' - ,t?" S.M,f HOWELL; We open the Att WOOt OTDKO DYED, At the Extremely Low Price of S7.50 PER SUIT. The Latest Styles of FINE FELT and STKAW HATS, and very attractive Pat terns in WHITE VESTS, just received. Orders from a distance solicited. Goods sent to any section on turned at our expense tion, E. D. LATTA PUBLIC II AWARDING THE PALM OF CLOTHING HOUSE OF THE FINE Wise buyers are not guided ong lists of low prices, which ose their force and all interest goods they represent j but w?memWr1atL ; - r (, THE BEST IS and will look for reliable and responsible houses. , While our prices are mvanably as low or Ioefthaiix tnosQ of any other house m the city, man snip oi our garments. are onenng unequaled advantages ng Fresh Goods placed1 on representation at our house. L BERW SSS PFP ARB U o a -a t r tj tt NN N NN N N N N N NN N NN GGO O O O G OG GGO MM MMM Id PPP RRB n IHU X m MM "SS8 T R R II I HAVE DECEIVED MY NEW And will sell them COMPETITION. j Persons purchasing Goods in my line will find it 16 flaeir. Interest to givet me a call before buying elsewhere, as I will not be undersold b'y any brie. Mrs. R. McNELIS, Tryon Street. apr5! w m IBS1 just fiicstvso. My clothing trade has increased so much'Sxis season that I have already pttrchascrd a second stocky whichlbrswttlld prices is unsurpassed, a special :muuct. at)ou 6Q;paira of Fants si- A full line off Gents- ways 'on hand.Hainaiw;Hats at f 5c each ft r i season with 1 Mil' . fUHHES SACK .STJJTf, VlJ 'H hut: Vti h;'i biiia.' '' V l'l approval, to ter.je in case of dissntisfac etii'. f.lERIT TO l BERVAflGER & BflO ' by glaring aimOuncenielits1 fcnfl are attractive only, in print but when coupled with the grade of THE CHEAPEST, durable clothing rat reliable? and n' -:; i7fcr the style, ljit, quality ajpt& iar superior to au otners to the purchaser. : Jt.: our counters dairy, No mis ANGER & a FINE CLOtHIEES AND TAZLOBSi - i t. :y.i 'nit ii;4 ) I '...!' ' 1 1 HlJ ui II L L. II NHiN JC. i IT t t. Tt it Mi BB' EtxL 8 Wtef IS-' at Prices Which defy iv. -V hot')-. V OPINION -.' i . . H ill. i, . t i ff ... OF ' ': "i - .i . yti,.-' . CJiO'V.d imilii . . . it . r ; . v ; v ili.r5 ? -: : i tr : . ; bn lt,v TTrTTTTflrv7 InLIU VV'Uii. L- -A W U W .A. -: Ml. v . I f try? ."If ft. C -I i. I, 4 , 5 H i k, I a'i. r? 4 i." f f: ft ii I; 4' 3.M hi

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