V'ff THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. : TEE' OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT ha been ihorouqhly supplied with r edd tant, and vith the Latest &gle vf i Xnd every maimer of Job Work can now mi neatnetti diiptich and chtcrne-:' .', . BLANKS, SILL HEADS, ':i - - w I LETTER BEADS, CARDS, ! ; '-V , : TAGS, REOEIPISPOSTESJlf , : TROGRAMZZSt UAZLllLL8 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: y;;,; Daily, one year (postpaid), in advaneeLi.$X 00 Three Hop"'' '' ""v.... f i-: hV'V . - v, a 111 ! ! ' 'EEKLY EDITION. ; Weekly (in the county) inadvance...i...2 M; y Joixcmnty,poitpaid.,..A.y 2 10 CHAEMTTE 5; CFRIDAYir MAt :'ftt. 1878. Six MMf- H0.2,SSG jjberal reduction for, clubs, . -v ' 1 1 FAMfULETS, CHECKS, MACHINE. AKD tHON vmdkxue,' vi -1 that we were treseniia tfie town of wtrwvr oo . oo Itflharlnttfi: in "theVsS3countv of Mfiok- F I Metropolitan Vycrlis, '' WW WW EX . WW WW. . W W BEX lW-.i-X:lrrBBJl. - Copy of. What ?prlaji jte the ftledaenfearg Deo. henburgh, on tfie ilSfchT day of May, toady-made Clothing and -General Merchandise, larauou m r yuuum rctC. 1775 wnen two persons, elected from ..- Kill II II tl Ml 111 'IH'Mlf.MlH ' 111,111 1 I 11 111 w- 111 ,.. Ill s-t ' I II "III- 1! I . I II . Ltr . Til V . 'Ill III II I H III HI 11.. . IATIII-' HI IITI ixriif I 1 o''"flt- ?-".'!? ' m . "-''' ''-"!. - .'"I1"' ' 1 !' '" ''V". ' -. ; j' -''"' 1 "' '' : ' ' " 'j '' ' ' ' "' .;.!; -- -.-'' i :'J !''-')-,' "- .. ':" '. " ." . i ; I- , .!,. !-.: :!,-:: ':; ''i :-A I ,1 . j .. t . ... :. . ' . .. ai 1 - - ' ' ' ' " " - 3 f, W will hnd at -the old established house or v i ' . - - r j. v 1 w. aDDeareu aa utueuama w naxe into - ' .consiaerauon me siaie 01 me country : Tjie llRGEST, Best, ;Assorted. fend Chbapes Stop ofJ Goods 2 ever brought to ihis mdrJcet. - pi g We "a.re prepared to prove) upon examinatidp ofonr stqcl-lhat e MiirB o vain boast, and solicit buyers,' both" wholesale and retail, to LOOK OUR GOODS AND KRICES before" purchasiqg : Our tock of Dress Goods, "White: Goods, AlpaceaS, Embrpid- ViA mi-i-Toa - Sun are complete and willlfcl. sold 3$ Istonishing lo.pr Carpets, Oil Clothstilahd Matfihgsf fery low. dealinff. Polite and attentive clerksr Call and" see ns and indge for Democrat and Home copy. march 22 PRICES. V t4 iP BURGESIiNICHOLS, WHOI.ESM.S RETAIL DAXJtE IH ALL KINDS OF 1,1m... rf' ' . r ai ijLLiisu.ii. . it . it J.: nirari'iK Tr " i BEDDING, &C. A F TJ Jji 3Li 3bXKB CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR HAMBERSUITS. U COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. jan3 44.' -vi .V'TnttlTi Iff n - i. n he . . n. . . i FINE ASSOETMENT OF GfflJREglBRIAQES, JSTnAE,KiyED. X ill. No. 5, West Trade St., .r: ' ? it I bet i0" -i Express "Freip'fMS, PROMPT AkD CABBIT BVEElM OTjiEMCTfeEK " ( iii;iM't'l,:l .UIVHHA t33.aiV3i i'j .H'T'I alii, u- For fall informatioq, Jftrifs, f W- i4-444h ' mch26 hOM A I: AU A.i.1 - : ' J30 JNU1 JBU x v.a .r YOUJrt until -your have seenthei elegant stDck(crflgoodyi i -m !now iaywajreropms. . ITie asso.rfmfl largest nd mQ9& WwPfR16 eer uiieicu iuuuuiuW, TO INSPECT IT AND Ae8pectfully,?i IS. .1 Jan 5 TOld-wIili OJl JUT04 S3 T ? . ..... i f jfcpnkoy&i next uoot w jrva uiw uuktu vjAKoi.iiSA, iwisujiajsfliiuittm va), ?and to adopt such meaaires as to them j May 20, 1775. WmedJbest,1 secntfeWJlveinib- Tn thfi jitifiiifirky -.77fiLUh Insulin ir W.v YJittoSi'.fKrM tW' stetVwf characters of M.eekleqJburgh ,comity , whiolfl was - -gatrieiht khfT5 hM liriist ptimullJliitSbSR 4bat entlittiiiailihGiM.tri- lapoflihehrellbitia tyw'a.fiiMt btism which elevates the mind above J Vrartfc bv af 'jBritMhXrmridir ''-the oousideratiobs 0fiHolviduaIa?grahdize-1feQtho Stnent. and scorning. tar shelter -them- lliamerit. ? dri J . --.a :o selves from the impending rm, by ; Thdorder ' for mleetloiv&6fiielie submission to lawless rpoweti &c, &c, gates was 'giverr bJCdl Tomaslf'bikf held several detached meetings, in the commahdiotf officer ofnheinintia each ofrhiohTthS'" indiydaenti- bf the county;' itlf th0 Teiauesthat m CLito iycic iiuab we uaucsc ui xjublvu. i mwr power BUOUlU'UB jMupje lOUCuing was the cause of all : that their dsti- any measure5 tHafMtfWprbfebsed.'' pies were indissolubly connected with f Wdefarthefrccrtify aneNrgclare" all the impositions, .which, an unprin- from- ' eyry-T6TiTp cipled, and to theM1 anicinr'epresented, ineeting took placeTabout 12 o'clock Parliament might pnpos, pr support bn th s&B 19fh d olilay 177, whfen their brethren who were doomed to lbfaliatrr Areiatraer m& chbsetir chalr- j5ustainT0i& &m tshocl;f per, taanindjixErhiai which,' if ' siittreSBfdl there, would ulti- tary. mTbat tm defiiafes oontitrded in paately overwhelra .aiiwita common fcesaion until in tlwJnttAtf that day ciples, Col ''Tomtta Folk; through so- aornmi.tee, 'MeVbwecffiia dif. fais S?S?lhSS5eck- 6W wWcwpeadiidffnt to ienburgh4 ftherTcdnipriring tit pres- debate A telfj.d jw&&f ei wmwyiDi ADazxnB7raireciing eaca j wecKienDurg coiintjf itee and indepen ttuu,ncii;giw ;i,u.,kuciM itwyien power w. urreav joruain, ana inatirom tnat aay devise ways 4im";;W;iBtiibJ henceforth all allegiance and political suerng reiJiieh Relations were absolved between the generally to adopt measures i to extri- good people of Mecklenburgh and the cate thernrelveBlfrxim the impending Kine of Great Britain, which declirfi- storhi, ahdito secure unimpaired their I tion was signed by every taember of mauenauie ngnra, privileges ana juper-r i tne aeiegation unaer tne snouts and Wfl-'.V4w.ga9p-.ox xruisa nuzzas oi ft-very large ,assemDiy oi tne imposition arid tyranny. -; - "' people of the couuty, who had come lof confotmity ' to said order, oq' the to know the issue of the :meeting.' ' W0 19th of ; May, 1775, the said delegations farther believe that the Declaration of met'itf CharlottOj, , Rested Swfth tml Independence 'Wctf 'cbal'npC-'By'.the ited powers"! at : Whwli . tirhe official, secretary. Dr Eohrairn BreWd.. .and news, by. eJcpress, arrived Of the battle I that it was conceived and brought of Leiingtpn dn thai dayjols! thie ;tre4 about through: tBe instruirfaitality and ent month. Evervi deJegat felt thM popularity Col TM) Pb&", Abraham value atfdjmpofte John McKnitt Alexander, the awful ahdaolerhncnsia which had Adarri' Alexaijden Ebhlahja OBrevard, arrived ; Veirjf boBomf swelled tfith in- Jqhfi Priifr and zeahlexandfir, digriatioh athiB'pdli t' and insatiable revenge 1 devlopedJin ;! We do certify and declare that in a th late attack at jGexinetoti. ",' ThQ'ia- : few days after the deleeatea adiourned. diviliI eiitiinnt was-j 'let:'.'ia. ooVf Oaptaloi James1 Jack, of the town of natter ourselves that popular. '.pai! v3harl.Qtte, was; engaged to ; carry the angues or resolves tnai popular .vapor I resolves to tne r resident oi tjongress, win avert tne storm, or vanouiBn our I and to our reDresentatives one cow common enemy 7 let us deliberate ; 'let t for each : and that his : expferises Were uo uaiuuiuie, lub ibsuo me prooaDie paia oy . a voluntary BUDsenpuon. result f and then let us act with enerev. And we da' know that Cant Jack, ex as brethren leagued, to preserve, our ecatect the -trust and : returned -with property our lives,' and, What is' still answers from the President and our more, the liberties of America. Abra r delegates in Congress, expressiy of uaiii Aiiuucr was men eiecieu cnair-1 meir entirerTmnrDDaiion oi tne course m an and J ohn McKnitt Alexander I tha? had been adopted, recomme'ndine clerk.- iAfter a full and free diBeussioh I a continuance- in-the ame and that-l f M . m . -mm ..l.K'.-.. . . r, jh -.L fos tne various opjects for wtuph tn,e rv9Aume:.woul(V-'.ooir' be when tions. j . , r v! tf;ffie'Be8 jwq wer;adoptedi at' A, . number of PV-laws were also adde d j the timabeJor imeatiocdhad ca8 eeh- merely.to protect th associotiori frohxteTaLinfluence cn-ihe -rreontB-Tsf-thls" cpntusion, and to regulate their gen- T oouhty a nite mem "ih: tfeelcuf4 I eral conddot as-Vitizen. Aftlr Bitting m tne court nonse aii nieht. neither hthattne sanjananimitVf and rjatriot sieepy, hungry nor iauguea, ana alter i ismmnMnnefl umta paired to digfiussigyejy pargraplmJlifly .were tbtfoiBfa;tnaf thfrejplii au.r jpasseafcaanctionea anai aecra icunsKl&TaBI aliffidnlBr, 20. In few daYs- k denhtatin Vf saidtt itSE , ft ii.. i '..'laT in.' Jfrisk, v$&&lptoi&y&k ;aepaj4"j?c- j jaqunty were electedjwho'w' press- ta, tnjpngreps s at rnnaneipniai f .-win mra and muftry mmt;na un- W4iu etsuivpaauu pivcBB- puer .neirautEroncyu several qisanecteu j:. . , -.V " '' ' -'' -' ' ' : i.; 'Uir: uaijai street, from, fiixih to, Beyenth KICHMOND, VAy jXr, m l ENGINES, portable and stationanr: S AW MILIS, GRmT-MlTjBOIIt 1NGS of BRASSnd ' MmSwm Ac. i MACHINERY ro? Gold r4nd Q)af Mrnes, BiBfit jPiirnaeeflj Se " ' 1 ;"--.i ; WeUispecialiatteiitiitootif IMjPROT ED PORTABLE ENGINE8.fOTaCTibtlttlral! nd other purpoaea. AjbwtoontliawjtvleB 61LALL LOCOMOTIVES for bkalir; IpEoH "ber- and - other' arfielea upon .rairtwayB and narr6W''patiaferniltkrftv- is-.- . . I - Thbe8t; Plantelsreea'rel birr -GlllNlNG: ENGINES snperite to ao V In ose." Snd ftp Illustrated Catalogue free. , -Qther 'things bemg eual enconige Boutfierh hafitutiotis Repair .work jSpliqteii fid 3inptlyj4oii' rouevs. (Ec. iot witi jq ; Wm E TANNER & COi.. may 15 dw ly ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, : I 7. ' J ,i , Charlotte, N. C, AprU 7th, J77. Ti7E hereby notify our , many friends and 1 1 the public cen eral ly .that the manage- menr ot the Charlotte Branch of the Ener City Iron Works is now to the hands .'of juapt jonn w uses, .qr tins city, who If pre pared to fill order for ckir well khon En gines knd Saw MlHs on the shortest notice, and at 4he most; reasonable prices. '. v: -; JOHNBLISSir. , , , , Secretary Erie City. Iron Wx? ka, ; Referring to the above hotfee oif ehangeX feel confident that it wm be adVantaeeotis topntchaseTs of Machinery of all kinds, as it places me in position to meet anv and all competition. With my facilities' on the spot, I can manufacture all parts of the Erie Engines which will not ear, freight charges such as Grate Bars, . Stacks, Spark Arresters, ' &c.,'nd handle the Erie City Engines and &oxit with little extra ex pense, thus enabling me ,to .offer Machinery at better figures to the purchaser than eyer before.. ,. ., .--:- .' 'Be anrV to give me a call. or wrfte for culais, before parcha8ihg:eiBewhere. ' JOHN WILKES, Mecklenburg Iron Wdrks, Charlotte, N. CL apr20 , . -. i nc-a.u.-j S1?MMEE EESOKTS. the Atlantic Hotel, 4. iFlRSTJ-CLASS SEA-SfDE ; RESORT i ! t i,;.v.li' .v. s ' u.-j s '.. I .OPEN FROM OTE 1ST to OCTi-lST. ;WlLli beinfeagebV thTjmderslgried for If V . thaseasbns of land 1S79. This; building lies directly oyer the water, the Ida epbjng and -flowing dally beneath it. Mbri!ers6nallyi and throu-rh thtaie renresent&tiorr. via use aii,; tjoastitim rnieaiktmikve 8aidtproce0dlngsjodfd Wi tinediaaadV apipivcl IGjmtef ifugai ah one week .A . ."I" TP S9SSSmSf i tachea to th, hotel, andiUopplied: prQceedlngs tfcey mdiviqually.approyea t for thf) decision of controversies be-1 , TA good b&nd-of music has been Secured oy tnmempersoijongreaai putntnat itween -the people were held, and wpriottiifi season ; Dr G K' BAGifTv i. was ueemeu preiiiaiurw- va iy iuiu i naveTio recollection mat aissatisiae-i , zeal in1 th common" cause' ..and reMaliid civ the names of all thadbleeatioh VA ' CATAWBA CQTJNTT N. C mejidihg :perBevera.ne, .ordec and en l?ho formed theeclaratigji of Inde bis desrrable watering place will lie opeu1 ergy,; ,.. it - ,.;,iU) pendjShc ; butkCSh safely decre as tgifo, select TisltoTB 20th May. 187ft. The Xhesubsequentibarmonyunanihiity I the tQllowing persons bejfig of the L48priBgs aw situated near ! Hickory Station; .J. ' . iiJr. iLx -Jf 1 'ai J'-1.J mrfC- wiHl J 1 1 ' .1 J .in ttt . . i -wrl n..u.llAV n.21.,n s tik. ADranamiAD me m estexn -Bonn nrutius jewturunu, cKnitt AlxandertT i The bracing .mnlaio atmospheres willil yHHP nifl "Hl 'andxertiGtt iri thuse; of liberty;. jjiinSlr, viz : Hfihtes OF MY JScES 1 f and independence, evidently resulting Aleiayer, JobMc wjcja from, their jejjurlajfcioiis and the45ontinf AdattS Alexander. E . w.. u ued xtrnsr.6iaiaegaiiy, ap JdhrfPhifer, H8ki tehee, , and. Jtugrrf apprqpation f pi s thi; thw council satety, wncr neia tneir ses-1 vvjiLroni jni sions at Newbern and Wilmington, al-1 kto. John ; T Ul 2 A J . D R U G G I SaT AND CJiOJJJ T, 0nes, EngHsh Select ces, Goteatefpney Jfflpft EngliS, nbHd Ainericand. .i......-,; .iixiKuD yesisu GarefuUr preparedlWioiirs, i-d- is? n .vita al jstnij u 3iVrf" ' ' ,5 w n BMiMKlTXOO -w or . els kk''.oj r,, ik. L 'T i m v i m v v : m m x h late! MvVall Stock SrlHiKfiWAREf StoYearTinaTfHofaai.e ?pied by flp.is5djer as Boot and Shoe Sto to th itrtiAift'tiY,1?nl Tinp.es "wmcnare unxrtiwc-rwwha were the principal movers and j,,f -:.fdao.to? v -. ' ..nthlaeclaationd'si ai-. - .' ' 1 , ' , . 1 c- .icountyrana oi tue. BBvenw kw bci ai4 -.. II . t: nilTI FR . twth onnosite to each of our names, up EDhrainV Brevard; tne heaitn: res wnDgpronerts or WW .war ,W sJiidfiiilTnhhifpr H-wIh Tirf, Bnlnhli ?ePs tneBpruigsa mosi esiraoie parently tranq.uilizd thiat eQtion, f Bingrhin PattoriiHezekiahAlexander frhe mineral 'witers'brkbldev and uie otate anu me- wii-u mo uunuur-i xticusm uarry.swimam vjtranam.matrT wmte Swphor and UhaiyMate. itns ttre McUlureHobt Irwin. Zacheus 1 best and most extensively ' fittea p1 waters eil MotllSOn, JOhn, JJiennir mgpioe W .vne owe. tu can -awoamo- Jit Sate three hundred 'persona : : .i ij ternately, and wh cpnfirm4lhm4- In testimony all andevery parU jSaSSH matioJdWor:thitegatiOiian have hereunto set luTes afforded for amusements usually found I htm- Atticial tarSLttt.xr I nrlr Mmns jp I -j. i. .i.-i.i.j J ' jn v..4l From 4th'ideregati6h onginated the I Slgked ( I to visttbra. A good supply of ioewshstantiy court jof JoauiraHDtr Um, cattutywflofs Weo Uhaham, agedrbl, near 6SJ.1 on Hand. ; ih Charlotte. TheaidtejS held their : 6-Jonas Claek, 61, t ,to .fOByeyfiwtow.to M JmlA f0 KOBHTSOK, CBbfPr'or 1 dMM -iiwuB f YSjjM "ijj f 4&wv wrmaDove is a copy uom retert pei weefc. 2peray. juair price. ror cnar nateiy? one wee at eacn piace. it was LFdrCft American Archives. drep aod colored servants, and liberal de a. Mail jWMTTt :t.nntAT ftn'- WU ItftTVrrw r ' - . I Jtnfttmn fnr tatniJlfis. :l : ' ' muiifcn BirePy'idLtir4)' -drSfflrWT ! .hnrinns Fi-ak f VfiMtatinn. 1 j ? :Dr E O'ELLTOTT, mmidnershns etBQ ' T . L ; o V ner d Proprietor wr weratbrm'ailv'trW rYorkville (S. C.1 Enouirer.1 v. J. i.Wwto .,, WIDE A.W4KB an iUjaatrntedMagaxiBe for YoungLPeople,sJthyeTyLbesjtp m t . Ais- -t isjr;j-;u.--' "n tii. " y r r c- - . . tr i xi.uen.mjtt m me 'j.AJiM,t Au;wm wuwa Ja mm ww ioenehxwona;jnucomfco 'jaajBiiij-atem. which ira itose as a-man s t Mthrffet. ri .ri-'aev: Ysndto ; tne aujHoeufr oupuupei io ,MiwqiA i$ ffMgt are nv distinct ana peneuwy i - -w - ' it jkni?riiwgonasai-ci cwpvjiaj r formed cobstna, wnoi reprf sentmg )apeM ithatkw 'sabjctiIe& y?tMi thumb and fingers of A .human; ana JtS aecreea as nnai ' wwe -conn nurrchweotmf inwhicn is Seim mmgm ffegetl6n?6wing ' but from the, Api,40qi that a copyi Qfthpr JB'- lKJ J. A, a. iUhmHIxIAiIMMMIIiiIVM .lt-IL. . rVr i tt Jj . xl . .. . .1 ..... I, IIS C i ; 3 ' - down till to-morrow. &x a bottle ot I rrfirr 1 3 i Heoatine for the Liver. The enor- mohf etpensejofinjportiBg jthe;ipgre4ient9 Jt T v of fihrthfUaroiina, ana tnat- copy c. ; waasenBTO3renerai,T .ftvsj'iamw fiAieaa. 1.1 1 'rsra, .fmivvixj tth0tWnV- - Ainwvi rtwrrm r rwi wiairie itptihtiu-atmii naanro nnc mm r. i i hth jam ii 1 1. v i u mra r in hians IL. jit4aif?Ai Ktiini! vkll at two cents per dose, for a medicine ttVffflSttFSittW been -knewntoW in the aitaiB4ajt e per tftj, pi x1. owiowif hitah ..toote Tlaej!HBiitn coixory oi tr i x am preparea- co oner extra mpneemenis - tr:?-' .ili.53-li:U0"i .-.1'iHr Lit :i. to parhea desiring .the !i( -,0 ,5.f:p;iJ n 1 r i r :irmt . i M . P 15 'f fiAl- nir.t.TOTfR ITin fiTTTTUCR A VTCRH7 A OflW rl i 14 i- 1.1.-1. I i. . . . . .1.. ' " uiav i jbu ami ex&mmatnB: waeonr . learsnoes mu i cireof l JV tri'-ai-rMfi bias .u.l-Ii I 1 1 . ..... . . . miianaiijuiiLiviMiT-.' mr-" mATniw)nn.wini urjuixtnieiiii iimriiirm-iffa. i 'M i . " . : resod0piopl9J ca?aJtrn.tftS4a SMxam. tiruiiBwrataiBwaKiwwiaBvxuautnMgi uk uibi wvjt- w ' lsi DypjsiAiaiLiyejEKari isbaevefaflMSffiecff fliver com- Bottles teancents i regular; aize fty " doseai mF is... . . ... "v , . i ... . ..; n.3wt Tiia rironri i 'Antra.! ia'nmtt trai nnusra j -MihegaTen l1tllllV!lllKlllL lU.WUMUBKiJdliCU.... lUUilllcil I .nlat. n . n audi tojctrisS.,aas prices lor board nave. zJ'jjlL. i .jt iu iui i. -un v 4. uevac Uccll bu tuw, auu tug utuio u iuu Mmy to its fint-class high standard. It has been , greatly improved, and is now tne oniy.ju.jXTiJiiAia sea-Bide resort in rortn L-arouna. , -L THEABL Will he supplied with everv hiirary and faltiiu'thcanD6prcnrdt rrom iano ana water. presfr tdAhrphgrefls i at with acoiy of aaidaresolvi dmgs togethexiwith a detterdressed 'pWsons inxwah:nd Tiryon Tnow td onr4hreeptesehta1iiv ffie.Y Jmc6MT6lftJHHsefiM KiChrJleil,: Win &6$pMt $&6 M'and conyed (after it Was satistac- . "KttnfrV&u ifjtiMMPj ;fMi4Mwiifyriiy pruves iRey i were; Miinucai j, to Terms or tsoara ? per oay. - uniwren maen, m.DQu.tn uarpuna ior saie j ana BerimjH nau pnee, .nv . j . vi r. i Kpeciai contracts will be. made witn ex- ineeitifythal ,thwe .wishing p. 4 , 4M 'iWt fclO-'Itf " 100; if - 50 C-4 1 -,ti, r -:.). j - I ' 'J ' '': 41 Harvest Leghorn Hats, at 10 ents each. ... . -! f.;ii v i ; tish i Hose; ......M........3 iEbr g ; ;' :"s ; ..: ill ?,bUl ;i M-JaynH ........2 for25 nt8. l&XgM4TtM& Cambric Hdkfs..... 5 centelg. IValwobi :5assimereSttits, at .':f " 5Pt - Flannel Suits, at vU' til 3 5.00 j,:!: 3(.l ui-rn t;-ti Btegont Sancy Cassimere Frock and Sack Suits, at $SiOO JJ10.00, $13.50 and $15.00. IiOt of Eriglisli Worsted Coats, closing at less than manu facturing cost. E. B. L ATT A & May .U: . It t; PUBLLC I.' KJ X 1 1 : ,1 ! IS UNANIMOUS AND DECISIVE IN AWARDING THE PALM OF MERIT TO THE s1 . : II" I hj Btii POPULflR CLOTHING HOUSE OF L RFRViAlinFR A BRQ.. - LU US AN ITAlLUKb DEFINE i., ,,(. . .. t-i -fciitjwy:y ' Wise buyers are hot guided by glaring announcements 'and long lists of low prices, which are attractive only: M lose their-force and all interest when coupled with tfeeepj good they represent but member that , s ; v) THE BEST IS THE OBlEsi ' : - and will look for reliable and durable clothing at reliable ahd1 responsible houses. F i : ? i v fi White oiir prices are invariably as low or lower thalA ' Cop yeyances. will meet the trainfe dally at 0E-&CO" wi.nii.l.iU'?- ying aaa many ,.caus - iaieiy ior rMT, ' Ink atrd Stationery, I. have deter- atd keep a J supply "of ;both' al- of any other house in, the city, tne style, fit, (juaKty aii Dd&iislug p' buf garments are fat surioi to aU-jbfberln offering unequal ed advantages to the purchaser ; Dt Fresh Goods placed on our counters daily, No im representation at our house. n -US'' --a hao L BERWANGER & BRQm . FM CLOTHIEES ANDTA: . . i :.! ii !Wi'iU S'PPP Ran VI V N M R v K MM 14 Tf ; T. T. f T ft If W TITIT: !j Vjf ..-0 I HAVE RECEIVED MY Anicj will tsfell them at Prices which de ; COWIPEtlTION jiveime a call before buying elsewhere, as I will not b; undersold ty any vti,',i R MrlIFI IS Trnt KtrAATUi 3 ti IllVI - Wf : T I W B WWII V J .' CIA' ' dl hi r ' . ?-i .-r r.- if rm 5.o J! apr5 I . i1 MSf AILM3IEK11 OF lil IU 1 II 141 II nil 111 III 11 11 I i I J II I II I IUJ . - ', . : '.j ..;'.; . "f n st;i.''j"" riterl nil " .waif In JUST RECBiVEG. ia r Read Falls, of Cleveland . couhty, niinea . .77 .? ;-i ,bi.i.' viU ,v fi .waytr 'or nants," -wmcn xv propose 'to sen - at nmnuiaciurer & Tjnces, - less. V-XSxi 'M-xini freight, frosting to a small commission foe 1 1;? i .i;'j-J'j lOi 1MB i ur.L n"t ft !'. lis. I r . . , voseryer TTHXETfeAKEll WkQONS,' iT pMy clotliing- trade has increased so much this seasbtftha ; ,naye aireaayLpurcnasea a secanu, i pwu, wauaa, aw. cja u pricea is t unsurpassea. a. special uiuuceuicuw f ju maicicuj yAhiff about; 50;.pjMf Paints, which' cost froin, $5 tQ$9; whicK Jirittivt now sellaat the extre -,iiJ ii i " " AftUMiiieiof Gents' FuttiKhinr Goods and Neckwear al UU JJUlllLU ' viUcVVaVAAiaTT A-AC-tOj Oil' I W CUVUi it!1! fctniiii fHduJ tCbUegsStreeV anttM baft Is tnatasnan h? liiw e Tor lady or gantJemnn. Eiir Dresses. JO e PI rteor, Fi 0. Loa -.1 '5 TJ1! -di jo wait ' TT ' ' f . . ... . ir tn.vij.lf --..i:.'. MM '1 i i !4 H wi 'i 5il FX ill If! y i ft i ffj if. I'd : t .1 ' v v. " S ' I,'. H