t :A- f g j TELEGRAPHIC' NET7BT J TOE EASTERN WAR-GAA. CSISTSi J03X'r fKHorand Proprietor FRIDAY, HAY 24, 1878. "Free from the doting screples that fetter our free-born reason THE MECUE5BIBG NOMINEES. The Raleigh News, of Thursday, has editorial axtiele highly commenda tory 6T the legialatiye ticket put forth by the Democratic voters of Mecklen burg county at their convention held !h this city on ' Saturday last. The article indicates a large degree of fa miliarity with the characters and ca pacities of the Several gentlemen whom we will send to the next General As sembly, and as a matter of general in terest to our people, as well as for the IXVL').'- ii. v ..A.. i.'J ajko uo tavt tiiau in icuobu uui sentiments, we copy it entire. The News says : (tfPAiwas foreshadowed through the township primary meetings, Capt S B Alexander, Col Jno L Brown and Mr ,W E Ardrey were nominated for the Legislature in Mecklenburg on Satur day last, but the Observer containing the announcement did not reach this office until yesterday. OfMn the selection of Mr Alexander for the Senate, recognition was given to one of the most prominent agricul luraiists oi tne btate, and it is a nomi nation in every way worthy to have been made. Mr Alexander is Master of the State Grange, and a leading far mer himself ; he is in every sense thor oughly identified with the great farm ing interests of North Carolina. A modest and unassuming gentleman, his merits betrayed him and the office sought him out. Called upon to speak in the county convention, he said he felt espcia gratified foJthe hanoi which had been conferred upon him, for Jtoe reason that it was. the. custom of the people to select as their repre selitfSveB xftenTwhoad Spoken and5 written nf piflbliomeaaures, andhe had never doneeither? lie had, how ever, supported all the measures which the Democratic party has advanced for PROCEEDINGS OP; CONGRESS Official Advertlslns-Dcbate on tne Ap. proprlatlon Bill-Earner's Ylrglnla Opinion Overruled Postmasters' Re ports The fionse Totes to increase Gortscnakoff Better-4cnoaTalolTi His sion Believed to nave Been Success- rnl-jBulgartan Autonomy Being Be stored Fire In,, Constantinople BchonTaioff Interviews Sallsonry. the Army. fiMiftpal lfatM Mi fiAMlB. Losdon. May 23.-CountSchouvaloff wm can on juora eaiisbury to-day. A dispatch to the Standard from St reiersDurg Bays rrince uortscnaJcoa is better and hopes to attend the congress which is thought certain. - - - Washingtoh, May 23. In the House Th Daily New? correspondent at St last nieht Butler's biUi' to sunercedeaU eierJDnr? !y8 ie. opmion prevails newspaper advertisine for the eovern-1 yount Bchouvaloi? takes to Lon- ment bribe nublifeauon of an official I -0D instructions containing the ele - c r. j . - . . i advertiser, passed. ' eauiy ua aecisive soiu It shall be published weekly, sent to I toftta questions at issue. The secre- BUDBcnrifira tree tnrouern tne mails, ana i w imov4 vj uuu nm wuuuue IS only promwe now to ,use allh ability to make tfce; people of Mecklenburg; a good representative. , f tionwhic il Alexander occupies in" ihe Grange Order, wili giyo h a commanding influence in tifi Senate in behalf of the great ma- HfftW :pteretenl. the peopleand his1 election wilt be a mat- ler or public importance to the Stated - ooionei WUliam Johnston.was ?qV ea xor Dy several 0g&tfB, u was announced that he was not a candidate, as also' ColorielHam Jones, who was voted for, Captain Alexander, FtW fyps ,a miQ'ity t ftll the townsmnsin the cnuntv. f n vio 'Ar i,a fomKaAow'ed' leglilatio'n'touching raii- jv v uciguu, VUI jonnston, who is confessedly one of the first' of .onjrajlrbad . men, would have made a valuable Senator for his county and the State at large. of Well known abiity; and thorougbly uientmea with the interests of the peo- been identified with the commercial in- wiOTioitnarioe; and Mr Ardrey having before been in legislative life. and la a farmer in Mecklenburg. The county and the general public have vauBa ior congratulation on the ticket chosen." Scabcely atj nj.l-gie Washington itt&fican recently alleg ed that North Carolina is a Eepublican stau5tb:4cpoii4ur- vofaUisi&n trammeled. We asked it for the name of a single respectable Bephhlfcar cti4 aen of North Carolina who wotfla say that any Eepublican, white or colored, JH$Vh&bjJevi froTA -speaking or .vating.hia sentiments . in this tate, whereupon it returns with the name of Uol KcDU&gytfli vfWJdthefac that Lindsay is chiefly note(f for his piraticaliastiiacts and practices, and in lew of the further fact that he nuii. is iu vs uvuv vj u yuuiiv u.ui i " - . - m. . S . x Imaalp - Tha JMhim T..n. Ot D.l. ter. xne vote stood iuy to . I w;r:"fi'e"ve v cw- Hewatk Windom. nf Minnesota .1 burgalso declares that there can be no from the Appropriations committee, PftiJ ' intelligence regarding the re- exeoiitive ajrojriation bill, itli sev I ,2? eea. " ' eral amendments. Placed on thecal-1 A Viennadi8patch to the Times' re- endar. I ports that en Korsakoff, Governor- Johnstoni of Vireinia. introduaed I &?ner of Bulgaria, has issued a pro- bill to authorize the West Point com- clamation announcing his appointment mercecompany, of Virginia, to do bus- D 0241 and that he is about to car iness in foreign countries. Eeferred to f? out tbeantonomatio oreanizationjof the committee on Commerce. t tho country and prepare for the eleo WAEHusrotos, May 23: H6us&-The tion ora prince.- As yet, he says, it is committee on Eules pr. rented a reso- hecesaary to employ Eussiana yersedi lution that the amendments to the ap- J administration, but when the organ- propriation bills made by the Senate, "kon is complete Bulgarians will should be referred to the1 oOtaihitteof abe,P1fea the Whole. A spirited debate followed, : Dmh Tcleffroph'a Vienna corres- the opponents of the resolution hold- pondent ears : , "I hear on trustworthy ingtbatitwas a device to defeat the fo&ority that although Gen Schouva- will f the majority, and especially loffis the bearer of propositions he has aimed to defeat the river and harbor not obtained all he desired ; neverthe- bill. The resolutions were tabled. less lt 18 believed that he succeeded to It appears that the Secretary of the a certam extent." Treasury has overruled Solicitor Ray- . Tb;e supplementary army estimate ner's opinion, and the suits against the or the expenses of the Indian expedi- Vvginia flioialsi who were paid froni tionary force has been issued. The State funds drawn from the bank after amount is $1,750 fiCO. The navy esti- tne capture of iiiohmond, will be I milte Ior ne transportanon of Indian pusoed. I fcroups uaa aiso ueen issued and shows NIGHT DISPATCHES. Tf'-Xrt. i i j it- i It is authoritatively stated that Count Washington-, May 23. The legisla- Schouvaloff brings from the Czar coun ti ve, execuUve and judicial appropria- ter-proposals, couched in conciliatory tion bill, as reported to the Senate, terms, proposing that all questions amends the House bill by restoring cer- pertaining to European Turkey be sub- tain salaries, and non-concurs in the mitted and treated by the Dronosed iyiivn wi mo vw y- awuisu mo i Xiuropean congress, ana that the ques fourth and fifth auditors of the treas-1 tions relatinsr to Turkev in Aria Ha to be of small dpnnminatlonn in wViiaVi the savings of the masses may bo safe ly invested. A thorough s investiga tion pi me electoral frauds of t 1876 Should be mad A. inn fn.nd Im-attvmmI the truth vindicated.' and the criminals i . i .. . . ... puuuueu , mn we oppose any atiacs UPOn the t) residential title bji dtnmrnnn to our institutions and fruitless in its results." The platform' was unanimously adop- , . x w- vauot. Andrew J Dill, of TTnion wAA nnm! nated for Governor nn Via third Ko11f H P Boss, of Montgomery, was nomi nated forjudge of the Supreme Court uu me urat oauot. Yesterday's THETUEF. loilsrille Bad Saees. Baltimore and a half mile nuA for thi-M Tsm nM fillies, Belle of Nelson won, Buena Vista second, Fortuna, third; time 2.89. BALTTJIOSE. Mav 23 Tn th-a milo race for all ages Mary won, Italia sec ond, Hattie P. third; time 1.45. In the mile race for thro not won in two year old form. Danger n,"i vn".iw. ecuuuu, Aeueuuru; time 1.421. In the for all ages, Lady Salyers won, Balance All second, Tom Bacon third. New Advertisements. TO P LA NT E RS Fiftv tona nartlv dMytmrmaaA Rm tr.t. f x w Axug . . mil , used with success on Tobacco. Corn and Grass, price $13 per ton. in bus. Shell lime, in bags 4fi bushels to the ton -12 cents per boihel. BO WEN & 1LKECEBT72 Exchange Place; Baltimore. ' Hkfinir ms HA7Y . . . . a ... . Jfcn ckMv cnaX and BrtrflMW tmd lotting eiar- Tf ,A one blu itrip trademark la closelr Imitated on Inferior roodL ice that Jackton'i Bat U en erery plnr. Sold by all dealer. Send for (ample, free, to C. A. JxciaoJt Co- Jtfrv. Fetenbarr. V.' DR. PIERCE'S STANDARD REMEDIES Are not advertised as core-alls," but are specifics in the diseases for which they are re- HWIIIIIIBUUBIli NATURAL SELECTION. Inrestig&tors ef natural science hare demon-1 Q nfma 1 MhihIam .v. a " .i Jr. l . too only law that vouchsafes thrift and perpeth lty. Does not the same nrincinla crovArn tn. COmmrHa1 nrmtnarit-a nt mar, . cannotsupercede a superior article. By reason ?ir . J'S'1??1 n otters. Their sale in tne united Rtaivia ikm mtiit ai - " ww whvbaw VMWVUD VUW Bl'llirr UUVI I "Pe nnnm, while the amount exported foots i" wTtuat uuuunu uiuasaDu more. 53 ness could grow to such puree on any otner Na ttnsl. tic proportions and I made the suhipft nf . oorotn I ventipn between England and Russia last night within the precincts of the Sublime Forte destroyed the ereater ury. The Postoffice committeo nf tha House has aerreed to the bill renrrirW nost masters Rnnni ntfiH hxr tVio Pmoi. dent'aud confirmedi)yJ the Senate to report monthly: Others may1 report qnarterly. ., portion of trio bnlldinM. inelndif-o- th A5e bop.M. Democratic Commit-, offices of the ministers of justice and of l Before buying or renting a CABINET OB PARLOR ORGAN Be sure to send for our "Latest CtalmmJ i nt-.i. it ui. . . r r vuvuian wit -i new styles, reduced Dricea and mnch in(nrmK MA80N & HAMLIN ORG AN CO. Boston; DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Is Pleasant to;tTse. BR, SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Its .Cures extend over a period of 20 yea rs I Cure by its Mild, So thing Effect DR. SAGE'S Catarrh. Remedy Cures "Cold in Head" and Catarrh ,or Ozoena. AJST OPEN LETTER. It Speaks for Itself, DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Its sale constantly, n creases DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy ports of the remarkable cures of eatarrhTl am Induced to tell ''what I know about catarrh5 uu m. wikj uie tniuu ana lnnaune-tube" makers (mera dnTiar o-rViio,- v, i j . . , m nvuw w KiWi 11 FV t' ? ." lu l papers. ' j ouudidu TTitii cawrra. me nasal BkaawH WWUPJi ItlllBllllir-l.tlllHN ' V T1 Jl "OTIAU ouldn't work, though at intervals r wntiw i X sS 1 rJ I r! f " I PIP- "la e. TOE SOUTHERN CIGAR MANUFACTORY I Cure Fits. When I say cure I do not mean merely to 0D them for a timm and than . tkAm HHi.Hiwun- ium again ; I mean a radical cure. I am at mon sense. We 'Inha uv wio .wauBu eaiarra snun. nntu I becamA n. TaiuaDie tester for such medicines. I gradually grew worse, and no one can know how much I sunerea or wnat a miserable being I was. M ueaa acuea oyer my eyes so that I was confine vuij to w uuuiy Buccessiye aays, sunenne the most Intense pain, which at one time lasted continuously for 168 hours. All sense of smell and taste gone, sight and hearing unpaired, body shrunken and weakened, nerrous system shat tered, and constitution broken, and I was hawk ing and spitting seyen-eighths of the time. I prayed for death to relieve me of my suffering. A farorable notice in your paper of Dr. 8age Catarrh Remedy Induced me to purchase a PMkage, and use it with Dr. Pierce's Nasal hi j 0) B 0 TiA i t . - im: i " BKBiu , a mean a radical cnr. i im no business teTonX Tx ."i physician, and have made the di.3 xion jj recK j rrmce is ;prepa?in an the archiyes were saved. The oritrin auuress i,ne people., i x of the fire is unknown. It is beliefed ILKPSY or FALLING SICKNESS bul occupied the day. Lokdos, Mar 23. Count Bchouva vuurmauoHs: jonn 1 amytn, I ioffnad an interyiew with Lord Salis- tfiiiniaij-.n ix j liiiiHnH. r npipniinn . jahi hnw avm.m aua.a. x j o 1 -w w wpu. HlOUl VI merchandise for thn rliatrint. nf York; ere waaodersiie discus sion but onlv two Sfinalnra vntw1 in tne amrrnative. ; ' ' H0USE.i Thfi - . - j -re vtwHuu bill occuDied eicluaivelv tha aHontinr. of the House to-da . The amendment onerea oy Throckmorton, of Texas, makiner the streheth of th a urmv 9A mn instead pf 20.QOQ jnen, was rcarried by a ju-juniy o ieu an ine xexas mem-! DerS eieertt KPfttrarr vnfina WilK tV. sona Kepubiican vote Jot the amend ment. iTus Jwaain committee of the JkV nolo and it has yet ta run the eaunt- let Of a vote by yeas and nays in the Mouse. , j ; r Terrific and DestructlTe Storm In ofado. Cpl- THE PEJTXSTlYAm. DEMOCRATS. Permanent Organization of the Conyen- tlon Platform and Nominations. Piitsbtjeg, May 23.-The Democrat' ic btate convention re-assembled at 9 o'clock, rand the renort of the commit. tee on contested seats having been reaa ana tne contestants Beated, 4 per manent organization was effectea bv the election of Hon Ohas K Buckalew ; as permanent chairman. Mr Sowden, of Lehigh, obtained re- wguiuun ana movea tnat alter the nomination of a Governor the conven tion proceed to ballot for a Lieutenant- Governor. ; This boing contrary to the regular or- uvi oi nominating was objected to, and the yeas and nays being ordered the a life-lone stndv. T core the worst cases. Because nth h failed IS no reaann tnr nnt nn urv.un. - cure from me. Send to me at once for a Treatise and a Free Rnttl nf mv infaiitkia remedy. Give express and postoffice. It costs you notbine for a trial, and I win m auutwh wn iwr, 183 earl Bt, New York. iche, which applies the remedy by h rue ouiY wav com nan n in w- Veil. Mr. KHitnr 4f 4 J nn . . , . I... irm , .v Til ' " ma ITI UtrAA TminTia rif uimnil . 1 muuid, uui in less man eigne minutes I was re neTed, and in three months entirely cured, and uTj roiuauieu bu iur oyer sixteen months. While nfdnirthA f1a.fa.rrh Pamoo t erce's Uolden Medical Discovery to purify my DlOOo and Strnnothen niir atntnanh t imVn 0Wv uwumU. A WW UUb jujr utct avuye aoa Doweis regular Dy the use of .varau.i w5.uTc1 cucw. xt my experience win induce 6ther sufferers to seek tne same means of relief, this letter win h&vaa.nnwam. it. ntintA.. . i " . S. D. EEMICK. A CLOUD OF WITNESSES. 8 The following named parties rare among the ousands who have been cured of catarrh by A P Downs, New Geneva. Pa: D J Brown St Joseph, Mo; E 0 Lewis, Kutland, Vt: Loyi Dwingw, xterae lAxe, unio; Uhas Morcrop, North Chesterfield, Me; Milton Jones, 8cn ba, N Y ; J E Miller, Bridger Station, Wyo; AjjAt a iu AKenn canvassing ior the I wiuuau, iwKouoporfc, xnu; ja jjj, rost, Fireside Visitor. Terms and outfit free. I SlP5an8Port J W Baily, Tremont, Pa; "b PO VICKEBY, Angusta, Maine, I Z ? AW , La Porte, Ind ; Jessie M Sears, unucu, inu; ii wuiiams, uanton, Mo: W A Thaver. Onum. TH R Viohni. t. Galveston, Texas ; Jonas F BeinerL Stones- j I JiS.. " a. MCjanana, Wis; J Williams, Holmick, Ohio; Mrs MA Car rey. Trenton, Tenn; J G Joelin, Keene, N H; A J Casper; Table Rock, W Va; Louis An- aers, uaysport, Ohio ; C H Chase, Elkhart, Ind: Mn Hmrr TTatwVit flan VHkun M E M Gatlpaha, IwmiceyiUe,N Y; hi H 3 fl i A Mixed Cards, with name, lOc Agents' tfcUontfit 10c Jnvirs r-rT N.Y. v- Is the place to buy good home manufactured Cigars for the least money. The following brands are specialties- THE GOLDEN EAGLE-Warranted to be made of as good TobCco as 11 V. nn TH BrYkn ArVlrnAal tdgar South. foTTSsh" UU be P" 55 iZ9RIA Havana filled seven for 25 cents. THE REFRESHER Havana filled-eight for 26 cents? wl?1?08-1 Havana, three tor 25 cents. 1m? uU twelve Chgars for 25 cents, as good as any 5 cent cigar AU the finest brands of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO kept oil hand Orders promptly filled. . F. A. MoNINCH, Proprietor. FREIGHT LIN ES; O C Fancy Cards, Snowflake Damask. As "u sorted in 25 styles, with name, 10 ets. NassanOardOo., Nassan,N.Y. y Yuiwr. xerms ana ontnt nt Address P O VICKEBY. Augusta, Maine, ! I ORGANS BEATTY, Washington, N. J. IIft.llarcMsi UtertM CATKSLISS9 llWTttnr ll rW 1 a s xjji juv iio. a teXTUlO Storm 1 " .TT V T w VJT inu poamvely ear Tetnala Weakaess, raoh as rm and ralnTell oef a largW area of Dong-f gtl0n was : defeated-yeas lffl. nayi kg. VSMSrSlr3 las and El :Paso cfflintiTV,?fl Rf.2 l1: . . IfePwafta! snSS irSfSSS yesterday afternoon,, It believed to LufSSL , 5.0Tie? &ln H" lS uave Deen most Violent alone the -aririr I vua txu au u ou-1 "wa ana paoni)iotiowAK of thfi RnrW Mnr: '1 preine Court judee : reiected. and thn Y- Bn. rates the hiad waters of th. ZZZ, air annonnced that the rerular or- . , T . i1'.1 M Governor, hnt thit hairnnU :r n.mnnr I KL WmKES? J SW.1 . . MAjm W J Graham. Adl. Tnwa A n flmitt. H... nan, Ga; Chas E Bice, Baltimore, Md ; Jesse M Bears, Charliale, Ind; Dan'lB Miller, Ft Wayne, Ind; Mm Minnie Arnaise, 290 De- laney street, w x ; n w Hall. Hastini Mich: Wm F Marston. LowelL Mass: I Ueianey. WmrintoVtK PwSTi nt' "" convention would pro r . . - nuvi I llAa.AM M 1 A ll a t - which is ordinarily dry. was suddenly T ' T Vl ne wouia nrs re rioTnrra,! of i -i-u u: . I COKnize the chairman of lh mmmiHu v-iwn iuiB moraine, ana i ,t4- j v ""' in less than on hnnr iv -r,f;, I ?P resolutions, and Mr Wallace, ascen bci i& in vr-i.ii i ii sit r.nor nirv watt i . a sr' Seven bridges were swept awayand al f?!ollowinS the first part of the large inount of Mother, property de- F SJrt f Owing to the efficieney and industry uoiw7 aeciaro that the Bepubli- 1 'the fire department the entire iSAj measures and its men, By one who was deaf r-tmp ror particulars. for 20 Years. Bend JOHN G ARMORS. DRUGS AUD MEDICINES. had nrohahlv hen aalam- I many. Its system of finance has been IriTolvAi :jidftitX4tK.Ut0n- I"? of favor to a moneyed mononolr. wwm V BAUCMl Dill . X" mf 9 I on either side of the district, and the "i.1, ?au ?n exemption of Dptivpt anri Rinn-.n -d:i' I classes, of high rates of interest And nf a hndge nearCororado SDrines. inter- rmoreeiess contraction, which has de- mnt nff ha nnn;n r . i Bwoyea everr enterDrua tiut ma om end oTthe rTZXl on inM ployment to' labor. Its pTeelnrhold Two bridges were swept away on the "P0 Pxs was secured by JbLansas, Pacific Baikoidi ia, frMht auu, .perjury uaiu was suggested Blpwr time itf ; one off Hoi den's aeiVwmcili ftltauitabie inkn to take Zebulon B Vance. Thnmu Bragg, William A Graham, and other disttoguishe North Carolina Demo llilSlAxctfslon iasomi efeHlmii f e W0fjthe4 VHS known facts we respectfully submit that I fcan for bread it has giyen us only a atone. . : Thx New Asmy Bill. TH birffoi the reorganization of the army, an out lino of which has been given in the dis patches, makes a very ereat rfidnp.tinr. TftOfirBtn, so that w Villa tha :u . ' ' l nat nnfc renewed flernands' 6Yah" thtrease1 of troops on the Bio Gindle; th;e 'prospect of $h Jndianlwaf ,pf 'same irxagrinnde north of the Yellowstone and Fehian raids as a possibility. A considerable body of soldiers will be ' needed north ox the Black r Hills this ; summer, in view of the demonstrations of hostile Indians Five companies of cavalry centration of caviVj analsfanirV proposed between the Biz Horn monn tains and the Yellowstone. It is be lieved that the new bill will meet with much .eppe'ition. in.both'tbeiouse - ; f . ri 1-;. VkA j-l. fraud, perjury and forgery. Its laws vuu ana inuuves liXlUiOrai. yjix iiuaa ruau. conu.inino' aitrhtoan i .i broke throrio-H X;aZ J-ney aistress the people IOi.2Trv' their substance. The cars 30bwav and destroy -j only remedy ... . j-1 in .Baicer, the engmeer, and Frank Selden j It8 r n elira cnange or and John Piatt, the firemen. Debris PlMtf the dethronement of those V drift from Cherrv firt lo m Power, and wo resolve that the fur- V J the Colorado Central Railroad fridge ! iffi2S?irf Vlum,e of U? lr across the PlatS riverAand forced oS Btatea legal tender notes is unwise 1 aportiptvof tbelMp.vThisti hey should bere- also sustained consfrWhiA iio. 9Td for customs duties and issued as its Cheyenne divisions, but probably its 5 f-Sf 6i ''i ?olJ. er and TJni trains and those of the Denver and Bb Siffw legal- note8 at t:i j v . ,w therewith are a mat hasiR fni nana .WmcSoTilSnbMi I lTt if? 3"' 'A ;n?Votionof ft. ; 4 ' t s a r eueri government witn the business 8 S3' Kaw. Frederiektown. Ohin XTra ter, Fannington, 111; Capt E J Spalding, vaiupowuMug yy yo; i w VLTaey, steam boat Bock, Iowa; Mrs Lydia Waite, Shn shan, NY; JM Peek, JoncUon City, Mont, iiour jnuv, ruiiwa, uu; X" lemmings. Bantool, Illinois: George Francis Hall: Pueblo. Gal: Wm E Bartrie. Sterling. Pa- Vt HEbon 938Penn Street. Pittsburg, Pa; J awiuau, uauiuu a poc, j.y, nenry awonsi, ueneya. xi x, miss uatue rarrott Montgomery. Ohio. L Ledbrook. Uhathaml 111, SB McCoy, Kashport, Ohio, W W War ner, Aortn Jackson, Mich. Miss Mary A Winne, Darien, Wis, John Ziegler, Carlisle Springs, Pa, James Thompkins. St Cloud . f J T7 I- v. V i . . auuu, jdiuuwu iuer, jrawnee vay, neo; JO- fx N I T Miller, Xenia. Ohio. S B Nichols. Galves. ar I ton. Texas. H T, TmUtA TTnnar Atnn Til f Ss, j Davis, Preacott, Arizona, Mrs KancyGra- uauu, funvi vove, vzeg. VIA WILMINGTON, N0BTH CAROLINA Through Freight Route to aU Points South. ? w a Tnis line being fully quipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the Transportation of Freight, from WILMGTONAITC) ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO 0HABX0TTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, RUTHEEF0RDT0N GRiJLLK SPArKSbURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ' i-i-ta, q. AXViAOLVJlX A I IV-jjJJM JjL ATLANTIC TENNESSEE & OBIO, and WESTERN N C RAILROADS, as well as all pointa in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPL ITOOB44Jtro RATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND faiT INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO WM A MOODY, p w CLiEK rw!!-Ww Knt Agt, General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. 0, SSJ? 6' N,a TT SMITH, . flept8 Agent C. 0. Railway, Charlotte. WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY.l a v " i i . r i7; g fouoiaigoveramem Wltn tne DUSinesS h a. '1 a 1 a 1 A .i AMAR INDIEN. Golden Medical Discovery IsIAlteratiye, or Blood-cleanBing. Golden Medical Discovery Is Pectoral. Golden Medical Discovery I&Ja Cholagogue, or Liver Stimulant, Golden Medical Discovery Is Tonic. Golden Medical Discovery Bv reason of its Alterative cores Diseases of the Blood and Skin, aa o..Jfcr.., -rr: n. owwuuh wjuufb Ayu; . Aiunors; uicers, or Old Sores; Blotches; Pimples, and Eruptions? imuo vi no j-uKinu proprieties, n cores Bronchial, Throat, and Lone Affections Incipient Consumption; Lingering Coughs! ah un THE BIG SHOW is now open, at J. T. BU TLER'S. Call and see all the NEWSWATCHES, JEWELRY SILVER- WARE. , . ...... NO LITTLE SIDE SHOW HERE. bargains.. Every thing is called by their right name and warranted j X.BUTLJCK'B, . . Jewelry Store. as represented, at ueczs will vuutnu, vsae Doay nas oen re I ii "vu" juiubu ior. m f nil a B bonds bearing k Irt aio f Snt-o CREOLE HAIR TONIC. awwv .uwAvau .a I . for the : relief; and cure of f ,uw a-ryngiHs. m iia Batenaant mauauiea LR WRISTON CO r . lit. -, ia 4iuui lolagogne . 1 1 t xiAiuuiuicBa,- xoipia aayer, or "Liver I ComDlaint:" and Its Tonfn nmmafia, ..v Indigestion ine coroner's mry m the case of the S5SSn? 1C- tneicredlt of ine The best preparation for the Hair in the MinneArtnlio-mill Hiaoata .aiiH a I government can-bA envfln to nanAi mir. I T. i " verdict that the disaster occurred from Ueocy. Labor and capital have equal L R WRISTON & 00. voruiut mai me disaster ooourrea irom mwui wu vapiuti uaye equai the emlosion of mill ilnnt. nri on nat I demands upon and eoual resnonaibil. iiy, spark firdm.-Ithe, stones t iunnin? I x to1 the faw. Commerce and man- a m 1 . r mayS gencednthe ,vflkevJP?0entftW - ,Thm NktionlsOrinaVrad?TW be yielded to labor, whist safety of in. leal nnmoses. also MeRwna' ai. I SP! ."P-1 or I cbills alternated I i ?aTefniManuaBeBJaiid r "r"u every piece at once and and moderate return for its : - o csDiEai. viniAnnA n Order in untmnrt nt vA M. mayS LB WRISTON & CO. .Galveston vrtarKsvuietxexas ireportsi mpeteen v p"'1"" euer auouia ne busmess houses burned; rloss' $150,000. promptly suppressed, by the, . strong The Loiitfdtf -SUUm .yAtew&rfaW?'" f Uw.V . v.,,. ln if. ..r. 4v..Mn fThe Republican party, bvlta lecria. - " -rv" i.ti.siwo .t.. . . . . .Him.... ... . m wm ii ii.ii iiii 1.11a vaw.v I nnn hitnmtnnna fra fwvm An a ?sn11.1 BW MTCUkJ-mC WWW (IW WU RQa iron, steel, wool, metals, paper, glass, kther, and. all manufactures of each ine in its month's bank bills are discounted TCE COLD SODA; WATER. ; ' T ' aBF aa v 4W aww airijana vnaii at - 1. R WRI8TON UU 8. mays i-i. stc .-. ' --v .- Call C? X2d.JFtS fiyktentfiveoenti the latter hmnc nrohablv is s. T o -. iiUDbUS TT- Wakes. a . wui the extreme nve to eveniy-nve oenw per tony and l--'-? -JitUH&C , j leather, and all manufactures of each I (a Artnom tan nnr cadl atrrimr a ratal i Pennsyivama fl xne puowo lanas are A' Land nalaSllffi'iZl. 1 "10,QSnt pages, rWith two- VnndiSi' in th common wroperty-ot- the people te the HsS&SpS andey should .not 1 sold to specu- ftc23ij He has alre$T wld ofuS - nil, n.i irirn tn. "nn., - . . . i wura - - - - th.a r, "TT" lallv efflcadotM in tmrimw T . Where the skin is sallow and coyerad with blotches and pimples, or where there are scronueus swellings and affections, a few bottles of Golden Medical Discovery will suwa am umb core, jj you reel a mi, drow sy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or icuvwiui'DiowD spoiB on xace or body frequent headache or dialness, bad taste in uiuuut, umernai neae or cnuis alternated with hot flnahfM. lnw mWf. m-A tZTz w.vviui, uiquui . ayuww, ana (omnia coated, you are inflating fxom ToaprnLr. or fixrovsvxss. In many cases of Lrvxa wMTiuiT, umy pars oi uaese symptoms are xpenoed. As a remedy for allZ eases, Vt. Pieroe's Gdlden Medical DisooVnr has nn Mini! aa it mtPem iIilu,iTW' THE PEOPLED MEDICAL SERVANT, "S? u,wi : a JfeoDle's rk P. LAS N E, ' FromParisTtranoe " ?" WATCH MAKER, JEWELER GILDER ,.;'r 1 ' . akd pTLyisi plater, :" Trade streetX otmoaita (hti&e" I have opened this store for the repair of WATCHES, CJLOCXS, 4 JEWELRY Cm every style 1 will doctoring, Guilding, Plating. 2fTKSgvCvin8 Watches, Old Jewelry etc.. and tnaka thm osmalT -T-T' at short notin 7T,r.;Vl " aew' i'laK in.Prench, warrant them. marl 20 CASES SELECT ' CANNED TOMATOES, .' 2 AND 3 LB. CANS, TO BE L0SED OUT BEGAEDLESS OF COST, BY L Mayer '& Ross, ap ; niwa vnnvnaicrVihnv a htilntnff 'hand recommending him to keep Dr Boll's Baby Bvmv in his bi .. i are sulj family for all ;t to. the ills that I 1. ma AMf Ait wailwan at vJcorpatiD. bjBhou ? I ' Ovfii Ainh hiih Vit (as nomesieaa ior aciuai seswers. ; vur I 'f? -- l cost, au iarms ana I , . t ,Yyyvwv, i;uyic)i public dtbt .should be.he XC12?, Pofdl -ifjciLv , MA YOB'S ELECTION i TO BE COHTESTED.- w Also decided that B K Smith keeps! the Mutton in his market at the lowest prices in the dtv. -FiBiriBeefthis tnoaiac eyery rday tnis week fami ah) ..j V he cpavtaeed.' - Beef 'delrvered In mny part i K -Z7zc 'jbko mm 70Gi.i; i.a8 TilLa8i:r .iPg ffr..rr t4S w aa . caeoftwo,one2aWsandoneHerrfigi examine our stock before purcbssing.. A V X O A LkiJh V, Tin'wiifVndTOtheiri ana tO'Donas represeauas -ifccugoti euz3 i - " T VTi I ' --i ' t w . ' . .-' r - -.j .-... -.2. t-ivv f-vrC'.-.-.c:'.-"-.'. seitlStf Trade Street. -

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