' "PRTDAY 'MAY 24. 1878. - BTATB NEWS. Cherri ' Toy&enr " wfca fjtftefa long flfetiea of letters from Europe for tHe Fayette ville .Gazette, will JiubliBtLthe same in book formin . Ji's TDr An; ' AUgUStUa VY JU10X, 01 JMUBJgu, on WednesJay'tupiiled in holy wed to Miss Eebecca Oadwallader, was on lock daughter of Dr Pride. Jones, o nf Hills Ma? Wm Abraham, of Lincoln, is toMeliver the ; literary address ito-oaj L-r .fnanfa nf Messrs (Inhh & Spencer's school at Lilesville, Anson county. Tf ... Columbia Phoenix ; Mr K B John, of Nortt Carolina, was awarded a pocket knife as the premium for the ugliest man at Wofford College. . Col Jno N Staples writes ' an 'open, letter" to the people ofI.Guilfprd,. tell- inz them that he is not a canaiaate ior ... -VA " - . J , the Legislature. It is a column and' a half long. Wilmington Star: .The sacred can tata or oratorio of Esther was present ed last night for the first time; in 'this city before a large and appreciative au dience for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan' AsyhimV Greensboro Patriot ; The following is a statement .oi tne 8 -wins Dougnt Dy . -- 41 . JL 1. I Houston & Bro during the rtast season : jn : 114,768 rabbit, 4,182 opossum, 2,47l muskrat. 627 mink. 474 coon. 145 fox. 24 otter, 24 skunk, 10 house cat, 3 wild cat. , Wilmineton Star : We learn that a petition has been forwarded to Wash- mgton from this place, setting forth that John H Smith, whom the Presi- dent nominated a few days since as minister to Liberia, is not a citizen of Potter resolution is matter Of cbnjeo North Carolina as it seems he claimed I ture. as none of them would talk to the to be. r i tv7-j, . xr; -pQ. p-rt- .f?-.?!01 A?J. from this place to the . Baleigh & Gas ton Bailroad at or near Henderson, re ports thus far most favorably. He finds that nature has almost marked out the track for him. This is cheering intelli gence. , The Washington Light Infantry came up toTarborO last Monday and with the Edgecombe Guards celebrated the anniversary of the Mecklenburg Dec laration' of Independence" in elegant style. "The festivities of the day were followed tyla "ball at' night. . These facts are from the Tarboro correspond ence of the Jialeigh JSexvs. Salisbury Watchman : The Danville, Winston, Davie and King's Mountain 'Bailroad project seems to be moving right ahead. Public meetings in Da vie Afld elsewhere show a spirit on the subject; wuich seems to mean business. We fete tRlad to see it and hone the road mavle built. It will hrincr nrns- I petit 'td sectious now lanuishinVfor it,.; r, At I new life the dormant ; ivT vl"V eiuuuo w energies of the people. Wilmington Star: The purchasers of the Ireal estate, assets 1 and franchise oi tne Wilmington Uotton Mills, yea terday . re-organized as a new corpora tion under the same title, with a capi tal stock of $60,000, in shares of $100 each., r The fallowing officers' were elected: President Donald McRae; Vice president Wm A French ; Sec retary and ; Treasurer Walter Q Mc Rae ; Directors Edward Kidder, F W Kerchner, Jas H Chadbourn, Col John W Atkinson and Norwood 'Giles.- ' - Greensboro Patriot : The railroad meeting at the court house Monday nigh was largely attended. Remarks were made by Messrs C G Yates, C P MendenhaU, and D W C Benbow." At the dose of the meeting further re marfy were made by D F Caldwell. A resolution was passed aim ost . unani mously to submit a proposition to the voted, of the city to levy a tax of-- $5, OOOumUally for three years to provide for the Convicts at work on the road, and the authorities will be called up on tofrabmit the question to the voters. "Vfngton'-Kepiew : The. patriotic votera.J6f the first ward have adopted a novel method by. which to keep the po litical .excitement up to boiling heat. Asqttad of the t,ranf-and-file" of the Republican party station themselves on the Jsidewalk r contiguous to some "cornergrofiery'afldwhen one of the Jiiany Candidates for political prefer ment comes in sight, the shout is raised: "Here's my manl" "Here's my candidate every time ; I'se gwirie to vote wr him, I is I" Of course the woujd-e official is'. very - grateful sand Swy? ' ' wfff a ana l"e "t iJ tt-1 ?? order' np?n wmc SSflWSfS.W. SsTw" em.dTmi X.:,xrT"' , - . - -, .-! i i,') .. "i : -d- floestjjTjtfi&r Sg,iaie JLaurie oa Sunday. TJiijdjanip spirit'that found ex- 5reon., a the ibluo s laws and other egislative enactments of colonial New Englandetill'holds the ifoi't in' Scot land id all its'pristihe vigor. In Edin burgrOareoent-Sunday,- an English SSSSJoiS1 !dJfSte!ii aajommg apartment, walked mn th Englishman's i room, and opened a dis cussum. by -knocking the profane deee crator down. A fight eflsued, ih which the burly 9t came out, ahead. Both were arrested and taken before a mag istrate. who, after carefully weighing the evidence, isent the Englisliman to JaU Jfpr. Weakine the Sabbath ahd is (Aj-rgedhw assailant withhearty com ; men-tion fo? his noble conduct.' The London papers, with genuine English perversity, complain of this decision as unjust, and even hint that the wrong man was ! Incarcerated ; but there ' are thottsahd of Americans whose .hearts !11 WailM'fxWii.ta (Un I-J:t... Will warm towards the Bdinbuitt' fflHi'"'18 istraFe.while they' lament thb dfokrll l V)KW?mJ. :AiJlV'r- Thomnson : but, who were to be iheirr ble country wbich permits indulgence . uugoaiy meioaies upon tue i-oru v m -t ; ti Fatal Wagen -i f s ! ui,ai- i a, . y In New1 Orleans last flundav nichl ' William Martin, runner for a sailors' If a - . - ' ' passed In its arrangements, for the conve - nlenoe and comfort of the traveling public. rtilaaellU, holis the highest rank. uoaraing-nouse, on a wager drank ', :ft o siicsp to ootn tnoee ana -nis'f caomet i f- j . " . stapled condition, and next morninff m& : ' -JLJL ! ' -I 1JL mma wan u Ann... ... t.,; . , -. Arr: 4i I -rrpar---. -.Vi-.rui,. ----- , . v-l '-to-Time. 1878. a34a all , -Jr:. i . TT.-V- ...--'"-Jl: . --If f '- -Jf: t i- 1 ' - 1 JS'r'WjtTtirTI. S HH)1!n ttfl vuniUOW. 1II'1U AMt M .nil ram.,l inir Rvr - f S 15 .. JJI Jli - J U M H m Southern Ckf Prospect.- i " New York Sun. A UrcrAr arfia'nf CTftin will b har- vMtAd v in, the Southern iStatesthfe orrriricf anl Hnmmer than at any har vest season Since :1865V Virginia, ere wheat is of thepriuQpai .cash broducintf ctops, the farmers, Doping tnereDy to pa iuuub. vyjlr. y vuv-w w " - , . . . m ' i . . - i ' ik .Ak.Vnlthaa rf-iT I I wVfiat. in abme instances reducinejA nwaaira rf tnhaAOOa InYieWlOI aUMJOO- sible row oh the other MeTot 4hew At, lairtic thoTpTanter itf j&$&$rafl SUtfi have also" consider aly4ncrea?Bd w6jr planting of corn; aijict hnmmA thia vear. In doinc so . toev act mainly on the motto; wiat rwny $&yed is a penny earnetu gj J was packed and did not represent pub- Uimo nf crrn.in nnrfihased fof "MaTitaU0n1U.j5si.ljr!.. r r use and the Jow price of cowcm coUse-lj aueiituDUU jauiuuotuji wtw, wyw vhi j uiham a mva Tvi nn- J erate disastrously upon the planters in canght unprepared for the emergency. I With the exception or a little i aamage by hail storms in Virginia and i oft: injury by rust further - south, these' crons are in the main ripening tirosper: 6usly so. that the farmers 4own j thre I have prospect of uncommonly. wii-j while the .colored illtdi look forward to 4 liberal supply of hog and honimy 0i Irtiidh tOvj make next year s crop. Political. The latest estimate of the ,flfe81;!!of the Democratic redistricting 6(ftemeH!n unio nuis aown bix oibwiuw as cer . I.:.!.. Lm . Vl- ma w BATTAVI O O AAUfBIn ITT uu - uy uuiuu, f?i- H jnTr:1? Jjemocrat - Q, j ana Beveo . aoj-uwui. Of the latter two were Republican xn 1876, and five were Democratic. Each of the doubtful districts gave less than a thousand maioritv to the oartv which carried it in 1876. h 'if' There were a great many political' visitors at Mr Tilden'fl tssidence ton Gramercy Park, Saturday afternoon, but whether they were there n law business or to compare notes on the, reporters. The Portland Oregonian, Republican, has declared aeainst the re-elwtion of on account of his course in relation to the Northern Pacific railroad bill. The Cincinnati Enquirer, Democrat counts on fifteen Democratic Repre sentatives from Ohio in the next Con gress. It is said by the San Francisco Bulletin th&t recent immigratioU has strengthened the Republican vote in Oregon. ' T , The Democratic State central cotH mittee of Colorado ' has unanimously indorsed the Potter investigation reso lution. . , Ex-Secretary Bristow's name is men tioned for the nomination of Governor of Kentuckv. ; ' ' Honi Soit Qui Mai y Pense. New York World. A very young and handsome memn ber of the Stock Exchange called the attention of one of his fellows on I sl.rlJSL : cijr u-unj- pau supported his socks. "It's the nicest thing going," said he, "and handsome, too.'' The garters were made of blue silk, with ribbon bows to match. The treacherous friend, after fully commit ting himself to their owner's senti ments, went slyly and whispered all over the floor, "Have you seen X's blue garters ?" Presently a platoon of brokers marched toward their well greaved colleague and demanded a peep at his order. He refused in a surprised way. They insisted, he still refused, and without-, .anyn Jurther, young man was carefully taken hold rostrum and laid flat on . hts back. While he made his vain laments the blue silk mystery was laid bare, and the'Whdle'board "rush'ed" en wosae to gaze at it. The garter ; market has risen two points on purchases for in- vestment, and an active interest devopmgi O 1 : ! The "Ify&jg&fcbi. lathe. ttatiuL Gentlemen of leisure who live in Nevada will be glad to know the fash ions for 1878. It will be a gross breach of politeness to shoot at anybody fur ther off than six feet, and if he falls at the first fire it is de rigeur that you Should walk up to the party and put at least eight more bullets in his cats cass in self-defence. This necessitates carrying two revolvers, but that cannot be helped. , ., ; -r , i . Fashion at times lavs heavv burdens on its votaries. The knife is hd longer used in polite circles, and ; the correct thing te do after the occurrence is to im mediately eive yourself up to the to the police and send a letter of condolence nearest relative or tne deceased. 18 not unusual to go to ,,tho, funeral unleisit(1happenfi UM your own, t in whickt ceVe A Ud tLto to. Sther ptayawayortakeany active part in tne proceedings. ' 'V- Fonr Lts, thjit Equalled , Twelve Hundred , Philadelphia North 'American.- The hundreds of Passeffeert'liufrvinff to and fro from trains M the' Pennsvl- vania railroad debet last evening found degree of light equal almost to that 4y- was.thertsulttif an'hi- depot and cast a brillant radiance over every object.; i:The four lights ecraallad i,zuu candies, xne upper carbon burnt out at tne rate Of over one inch per hour and 'Cost two cents piinch, vnd tnis is the sole cost of running tne Mr Hayes Will Not Swap Horse,. 0 i-"; Jy-- rWashinetonPoat.l It was reported yesterday Ithat cfianees I m une so-caueo. cabinet oi tne j- raudu- lent President were to take place in the ueurf- utux-. Among x uiose -oarKea t i : 1J .1 .. , 1 snvaie secreta-- X It. - TX7V TT.V... A i (kill Wi' suclumgea were-ntemplatedjr that Mr pEIayea was perfectTr- tatlsfifedth ijr, yi tuo-Tf utM'l-UUW humjiii,iiuim -u I the wnrkinea ot his Sotti servioeeform t policies; and intended"! I t kr.i r . . . .. ' T . l.!ff iX A J 10 siicfip to potntnose ana -.nis' cnumes 1 -n. v It I in cc Elving t ' i . rest to tiie mother. intnial I-. T --.-ti.-. W c.i- ttnil Iwom newer on reaaonahlBtartna-.; J ; ;rf3vi b-sH Jt !; flllLirik -i r i nicht -fi-rtryi r.Ta xKattir . . I akuW v IUV W MW.w STATE POtmCH ITEMS, 1 '-.Ji'-'J MJ!-- : - Buncombe county has nominated for the House Messrs MelyinE Carter and a at Atkinson. :ry f12xe, tyadesboro'eroiifitys ih Fee Dee country.,!! almost' unanimous for Got. Vance for the United States Sen- mtai O .M !.( 0. ' U mi. 't wmwmw - ' udicial district meet at Tarbord on the 18th of June, to nominate a 1 candidate for solicitor. I There is great. , dissatisfaction in Bowan'over the result of last Friday's iconyentionai to the sheriffalty, and the present sheriff, O F Waggoner, an nounces himsslf an independent -candH aaie on me grouna mat me conrenuon . v ;.. . .., r. . . a . . JDur&Bcnuiity t;uiLVB.iau- uaa -u- ettruoted its delegates : to vote, for Maj A'O 'Avery for judge. This gives Maj Averythree, counties out of the eight, and a part of a fourth, and some have $0t yet declared their preference, The-Bame convention endorsed Judke gehenokfenp a place on the 1 bench -vi the Supreme Court. A Proposed World's Fair, ; - New -York (manufactures, hotel proprietors, merchants and other idea seems to meet witlr considerable favor. As a first step it has 'been de- tteifted ftOnterest the' prM - in the enterprise Lto aee how far ' the public ieeiing. u accoru wuu tup jpcuvmv, find" already-Bome of the trade-journals are enlisted in the fcafi bqU Tito time for the proposed exhibition has not yet been suggested. ; J lAT k32oicmST roa DroDoy, CxBTajvFaUL R. L. Oct 19. 1877. DaH-B.'&xxva-rs:. It is a pleasure to give my testimony Sot your valuable medicine. I was sick for a long time with Dropsy, under the doctor's 1 care. Jte eaia :u was; water between tne Heart and liver. I received no benefit until I commenced takxnz the veeetme: in net I : Was growing worse; Inave tried many rem edies : they did not help me. Yxsrixx is the--medicu.e-for Drepsy. -I began, to feci beuar'Bner taxinff a w notuee. l bave taxttS tiurty Potues in au. -i am perfectly well, never rat oeccer. mo one can reel more tkankfol then Ido i , tjti 1 am, aear sir, gratamuy yours, I . Vrrnt When the blood becomes life- ISbs and stagnant, either from change of Weather or of climate, want of exercise, ir regular diet. or. from any .other cause, the VecAtfna will renew the blood, narrv off .ha piasaes oi capuaiisw aret agitaung t we I . i . ubjeot flf getting p another . world's m B-w8 than fair, to.be held in that city, and : the 1 elMwhere. not putrid humors, cleanse thastomach, regulate I Cold, Silver, Lead and Copper Ores redac th hnels. and imnart a tone of view tn ih I ed. and eiehtv per cent of metal recovered. whole body. I : I if l-P?F I I VCtuiEa I lluE I i ' .ZlSrJ.'Vo'"11' ' .. o . i MrH. R. Stsvxvs: J)tar fitr I had had a cough for eighteen yean, iwnen i commencea tanng tne v tine. I was very low; my system was bflitated by disease. I had the Kidney Com plaint, and was 'Very ' nervous ccmrh bad, j lungs sore. When I had taken one bottle I found it was Helping me; it has helped my oatagh, and it . strengthens' me. I am now able to do mv work. -Sever have found ftnv- tiring like tto Yfsetise: f I know It is fery trung is is rewnmenaea to oe. Mas, A. J. PENDLETON. Vuavtm is nourishing and strengthening; purifies tha'bloodi rceulatetr the bowels: quiets the pervous system; acta directly npco secretions: and arooaes the whole sys 90S ; SICK HEADACHE. ; Evabsvilx, Izn)-, Jan 1, 1877. Mb. Stxvibs: , , . , Dear 8ir I haye aaed your Vegetine for fiidk Headache, and been greapy benefitted Thereby. I have every reason to believe it . - : 3 ? 1 Ki iw b guuu -ueuiupe , .. ' Yours very respectfully, I Msa. JAMES CONNER. 4U Third. St- Hkadiche. There are varioqs ptaisee for headache, as derangemen of the Circulating system, of the digestive organ's' ofthe nerv ous system. &c VeeeUne can be said to be a sure remedy for the mangr kinds of head ache, as it acts directly upon the various causes of this ,flmnl';"t W"""""" trtM. gestion, Cc-tiveness. Rheuiastiam.Nf uralgia BiUiousnees,-fcd. j Hhp iHfctind Ti You WUi never regret .t Doctor's ReQQrl. Da, Csas M. DtfDD-arHAUBiw, Apothecary, ' EvansvaieItut. . The doctor writes : I have a large camber nf trnnA mnm-a whn t.k. YT Af t fPfbM Mwvw VHII1VMIV1. . !. . i. 1 1 l. l V . rejommenoeai ... 1 ,v Dec 27, 1877 ' VBOKiiinc is a great panacea for our seed fathers and mothers ; for it gives them strength, unlets their nerves, and gives them nature's sweet sleep. VECET1IUE Doctor's RenoiL H. R. Eknvsna: Esq.- ' v t ' Dear Str W h - kam .riling Tfinr TftU uable Vegetae for three years, and we find that it mves serfeat satis fan tinn. We believe I do toe pest hloodpurifiei ' npwroi very respectfUUy, Dx J B BROWN CO Druggists, Uniontewn, Jty. ;.i - ' ' ' ton n JtrctK fn ,. avntAm da. znrzrL'Zi&r vutwwu uawBtt-"-. t .... I CVr4.M 1 GGETinE ; (Prepared by H. R. 8TEVENS, BOSTON, MASS. Vetiie Bold by Ah Druggists. It undersigned have opened aCS fert-claea Llverv Stables, at DidJLiZ Boa's old Stand, where can be had at all hoars ltrst-elass Olarances, Pheetons, Baggies, Ac, Orders left fori Carriages to go to the Rail I orwvi teams. caMfni Mvm. i ana reasonaoie prices are our motto. t.VB tf I r . I ---- p XV jar USD THIS DAY. .!.-.---;. 4, BTJTTEltlCK;ft 00 1 -;.!. "'- rrpr-K-fi- " ft. T T rYTTTT? T? ' , VEGETiniE VECETINE. 17 ? w e.wiu.aooommuaaiearove anamnsient I by any xther ssSaJuaiiment ln uus niy. , , stock, where they will .receive all the attea- f rTff ns.r 'giji. nf stilt t .J. . BOOTS AND SHOES. wxtt ' nun .. . . t BOOTS AND SHOB8 . GRSAT JBJEDUOTION IN PRICES. . .... ; i We ar now receiving our ..." - , SPItI!f G STOCK of BOOTS tut SHOES Which wit will sell at lower prices than the sam Goods have ever before been sold in this market. Our fedlitt for baying Boots ana Sees cheap, mr.not eqnalled by apyfinn in North Carolina, and we have Marked Down the Price of fstBMt shoe in ovra BOUSE. We can afford and intend to sell Boots they can be bought excepting any house or plape, ' From our Large Stock we haye selected several hundred pairs of i LABH-S1, MISSES' AND SHOES, CHILDREN'S Which we offer at Retail at the extremely low price of 15 Cents per Pair. Many o them cheap a 'double that price. Please call and see our Low Prices. SMITH k FORBES, csabixits, h. c. mchl7 liERIOAN METALUBG1CAL WORKS, VAN WYCKj3lELTINQ OOMPANTXE Perth Amboy, N. J. ret 5S GOLD 8ULPHERET ORES a specialty ; a ruarantee of eighty per cent, from which guarantee of eighty per cent. expenses are to le deducted. i to be deduct Oree shipped from Charlotte via Carolina rimfnl -'Pdiivr.-i! 13r.lTnfn.frr. fhttnAA ti Amboy by sail. . Oree should .be assayed and .Uispected by jfror Manna, or th Prof Hanna. of the United States Mint -for runner information refer to members of the Charlotte Mining Board or to Perth Amboy. Dr JULIO H RA.B, pri.tr uetLBUpc POULTERER'S FRIEND. r A sure preventive and cure for gapes and chicken cholera, and will promote fat. Sold in Charlotte, only by mays wiUSUN A BUR WELL. Neiswanger & Go's GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. CX-ASIXtttE, N. C. LIFE, FIRE AND ACCIDENT i OUly First-Class Companies Represented' japrzi.. . THRESH MACKEREL, ON CONSIGNMENT. I have in store, 65 half-barrels and kits of2 FRESH MACEJSRSL, Which will be sold at Packers' Wholesale prices. pall early. THOS H GAUCHER, . College Street.Q A' ARRISON'S WRITING INK Advertised in another nari - of fhls mmi. is ior sale by tuwi a tmu. pra . T, PHILADELPHIA always had -a good name as a plaoe to purchase ana CLOTHING j at LOWEST PRICES, and now that JOHn WANAOAKER has added to his STUPENDOUS CLOTHING AND FUR- ! NISHING GOODS BUSINESS, ot4 IffwoTT I . " vrr-- - I it is o WONDER that the eyes or city , I ana country are on mm. I THE BE AUTYofhif NEW ENTERPRISE i e- SiLi.s.5-.- . i ti a pi n.cna - I -3f 2r---?rr- 1 UNPARALLELED LOW PRICES for BflbfitsaitJatirwI' very" Eeant; Goods ' K-iaaocung ponuyeiy YTfitlifG IN-PERSONAL DRESS, Besides all HOUSE FURNISHING Fabrics. I wouldlnlbrni the citixens of Charlotte and sftrrouhaiiig Country mat i nave ac ted, ttut-Agency of tbis eeieDra wtoo--hm .tiirh.v fall Una of SAMPLES and am prepared to take orders ior any cms 'or qoqos. wanted. -: .;;. - rUtinA4MUvin-InMd that TOO CSXtSe BuppUail Agency at lower pricM ihan Tha -tlantlii. ' t T-M J . . jt OtneiB. la m-rn-i- 4w--. ... n-:fyy. .CTeii the lae- te-?t -thsj 19 8r! -a jarDhn far &rtnftvm moklft: "tetrt PESETA f HOTELS AND SALOONS. ' ON HAND AND ON DRAUGHT Bergner fc Engel's Beer. Butterfield & Co's Ale. Fred LauieW Porter. , .. Sold by the dozen for family use. Ale, Beer and Porter, per dozen $1 25 Champagne Cider, per dozen- 3 00 Lager Beer on Ice, MISSOURI CIDER ON DRAUGHT. Wines, Champagnes and Choice liquors always on hand. Joseph Fischesser, PROPRIETOR. Ty ADDILL HOUSE, Gastonia, Y. C, -by R . E . WADDILL, feblO tf gTOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE, SALISBURY, N, C. 0 S BROWN, Proprietor Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. 0 S Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk ; L W Hasten and W O Shelbnm, Assistants. dec303m Charlotte, N. C. RATES $3, $2.50 and $2 ACOOEDIKGITO Location of Rooms H. C. ECCLES, PEOPRIETOE. febl IVIetropolitan Hotel COBNEB TRYON & 4TH STREETS. IS NOW IK REGULAR OPERA TION for tecs ACCOMMODATION OP TRANSIENT and PERMANENT BOARDERS. ON AND AFTER MAY 1ST. TABLE BOARD WILIi BB REDUCED TO $16.00 FER MONTH ; FES, DAY 2.00 and 2.60, J. Mc. Alexander Co., Proprietors. apx28 . . FAIRBANKS' STAND ABD SCALES, KAOSWITH XHS LATEST and MOST VALUABLE EUPROYEMESTS SCALES 1 i M1W JUiRMjHtoY, BHAWto C0PPEJ1JMIL18, 8PICK ilXl.;;,AND - STORE FIXTURES GENERALLY. IHl' lMPBOySD TYPE WRH35B, ; OSC3IIJ.TINQJ?TnPCO,SPlJlTSf . -a FnlvKnTilrB jft: ffvi vi OC I For sale by leading Hardware Dealers.: maro G ATALOGUES OF A ' SlERlCKtt PATTKRN8 i - l 1878; this day received.'-'; t Also i AltoeoTPatternsnp to 6,161. " - iiSS:.!111 intal T.e 8111111 fan poitment of new patterns as fast as issued. HOTEL, f - jBlj l?, PATTEB1SB for -PRIL, lo7fit up tp Nnmber 6,193, received this day. t - .' t . Hi' 1 t J . 'f V i"t V J Ttgr? . . - ' - " -'--wwi ." Facts Worth x,-. That the greatest bargains offered this w original cheap store of Spnn 18 t the Onr goods are all bought from first hand? ar,a oiixfnendsandthe eommumty the Cent ofT lhal1 Wholesale and Retail Loot af tii ixiS. J!. of . l Wh 4-4 Bleached Shirting, free from starch, only 9c uer 44 Heaw BroTO SMrtino.. nnl ' y Pryard. Beautiful Corded Piques, only....'. """ n J&. J AUc Per yard. Hambure !liMrin?s and TnsprfiTi r ok- Wnen Damask bowels, 225 and 50c w'orth,? ' Handfiorrio whifo "R ffoi- double immense bargains ; Lovely Knidkerbod.e? Drees GoocU. ; S 12i, 15 and 25c ; Bali FringeB to match all colors ila 25ci 9-bar P ek Ruffling, 10 to 25c: iaoies Rippers, all s only 75c and gl.00 ; Ladies' HZ ers and Morocco Shoes, f 1.00, $1.25 and $1,50 A line of Indies' and Children Hosiery. Be se tjTl a call. We have a full f nnV f n Jl , glve U8 lowest prices. ' w KAUFMAN We call the attention of th9 public to our large and well assorted stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. OUR OUR CLOTHING lis Reliable. PRICES MOST Reasonable. Also, a Very firm ntnoV nf r-rfa Rfc -IT. . - wuyvg uu .ujjpim vui uue MUCK 0 Knr and Straw Hats, a specialty. Give us a call before purchasing, as it will be t your interest to do so. 10 W. K A U FM AN & CO., CORNER OP TBADK AND TRYON STREETS, SPRINGS' CORNER. BUY THE BEST! 5Hi Occt Booof siJSIN THE SXATE ABE FOB SALE AT WJSHSMM'EM. 2 GO'S, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, CBABLOTTE, JV..C. LADIES, IF YOU BUY lfM KM L IT KW K ESS BS h. 11 NJff H K B T. TT W W HI VB mm; KMM . II I. MKMlf n L S i. 2 g hzL i fi' Iss p Embroideries, White Goods, Xces, Corsets, Lisle Kid and Silk Gloves, Veils, Crap -padies' Underwear, Lace and Lin Collars abd Cufis, Worsted and r Silk !Figes, .TJnabrellas ' and Parasols, fans, Buttoiisyllosiery, Zypher Worsted, Material for fancy- work, all kinds Keck wear, go to MRS.. QUERY'S, Where you find the Largest and most complete Establish ment of the land in the State. A full stock, good business, OTiaUqensesya me to sell goods in my line at very low prices.' apr7 MBS. P. QUERY. IMPERISHABLE FRAGRANCE. MURRAY, & LAKMAN'S F L 6 IV I D A ' ' apwV' -mW lUng, yet most 4l icaW of all jperftutves :4i kwclilet t the TdUe ior use on tnii tiiuui- usaauimnan SWs Loplqoiit for eowfe - . 1 ! M mW t ! IS. . raiaiui jvenjp.ew arlc. .... Jxn 88-6 bV immmnni dmaviafai n fan. cif goods dttJirt- .?117rww nay7od 6m ' . ' mHE or , torfrT9ir Jlfn otf 5t?ia. and awftffiniwa trtibvandl ehU&STa tinman after ym are on, la Mtia&ctorY to Jl4 whoiael adeepniiety for Only MnaA? 1A. IK -.. ..ll. tM homfheut , JflTOlanL,, "7 . . . . . .-... bl a. W. J ' (i or : i 1 J I Mi! i 00 W ,M Hal" i .Lir2. f ' prep-d -by the sole jawrfetors, Meflirs v 't v8r Hm JCST lpiYED ABOUT " OtirSeciid Stoc Ladies' DBEbb QOODS, Spanish SCARFS. &c- Anpther lot of that cheap Bjrerybody is invited to call. 1 I f 4 . wiug auractioi w QS at the &C0. OUR ASSORTMENT THE Best, -.. on A O&aeo azscl -Safe T T Y Y GGO OO 00 DDD 088c G Q OOOODDgS O OOOOPDBS8, GQGOOOODD-1 GGO CO OO DDD 88S9 I . f IT D1 L W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST, Office T5Tr Scarr -. Go's drag store. I am working at pnoeS to suit the umea. iqt oasn. Will iriva vnn ai ISToil set of teeth and Tin Filling taserted for $1.00 and npwards." :. SWitttiSFeais' lite patiifaction. lanlF xperienoe I guarantee en KENT. ' - . -1 , . 1 1.- Tjirfffl ,h( .T-tree weat, new uowages. aw -Ary Boom, suitable for a boaineu office, on College fltre-tr"t3-ll oh THOS. H, GAlTHEBi Improved City Property For Sale. .0 s.i NY person desiring to purchaw wj' A.lxDprored city lot, hoaiw wito . ua tbom,andinodenianiTeniences, flnejw of watr,hriek kitchen, within fiyemtoW vilk: of the public squan b wcommo .dated by applying t THIS OfFlCifi. : j jiecl8 . Tv ijr -!:a: RUB : DDD R 5 2 So,, r4. H Sddd 8sss spectrully, , hT.r:7THinn:;! mm & CO. -.. . Vi.ii.. tachlS may ,18"