.,, ..i 'tft 1tM,lltM, 1Mini imim -, -lia-nHm-n r M .i mill I mi in mi ui I inimr --Yimn lmlr-i mi.ii I in n . .MM.ii. i M..wn.mi iiimhww TT'' in.mjWji.nffw" ilii will ' '"'"'"- M"''""'ri1M'' 4 THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT SUBSCRIPTION RATES . - nas ot DaUyQfre year (postpaid) in advance.,.. 00 Six Months ;'r"v; v? 0 On .. -i . 75 WEEKLY EDITION-' JZLi neatness, dispatch and deepness. Ws eanfurnuh at short noilcwL BLAKE3, BILLHEADS, "r. St LETTERHEADS. CARDS.: - Out of the county, postpaid. c2 10 TAGS. RECEIPTS. TCJTEES.' ""ifitiJ "S5('rj 3?oat ttiu ha. HAliLOTTE N. G.f SATURDAYS JUNE 150 iiT stfi meb - e V'" I Six Jfonfli - 1 W "r -TZOaRAiriTIX. HAS"D SILLS. 1 ol ;afji29 ca fib iusu oi q v &La&al reductions fof &vb. . v en utorvuqniy svppiiea wun way nocacu and with the Latest of Type, and 3 14 I y - i -i -rt. r r, . ; n w . ' 3 wilMnd aVthe otewkhed liouseof "w 1 THXARGEST;:BEST VAsS0RjOTdCimTjS3K GOODS Wfcjire prepared ?tb -jpjDei upOJi wpatoSatiol"! stqpkpthaiweikB Oil stock eries, Kid GloygIJrcaes anfanfy Gds are compieie anu win De soict at Pair delfcg. 4 Fpnte3ttentive OterkST'- Call "and Bce-ns -and indge -for Democrat and Home copy,,- Jt44 4- BU S3 5H; j.-C ,""'.11 WHOIifiSXBE ibhO hswioti FINE AflSQKCMEHT OF rCHILDEEN'8 ri tt. i-Mn an3 rot: PORTS! Ottlf LbIlHGH. HAMLET, ai CHiBLDTTLK a As Quicksand RELIABLE aa aiiy Freight Route between AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. Espress Frtight' Traias, Z CWSE CONNECTIONS, For full information, TariSs, Ao.', apply to . Jl t JiA mch26 . ; ViiaraaV Iv;; .uiUO A a .r-r, 31 IN - YA A I' n. i V A " 1 1 i. i 1 iP 1 11'J 1 : ;a -v ' i if m v -v rm im . - r t -ti-'-i r,T v;r'J. ?ua t , QNEX?JX-FOSTOFFICE .p my smnir TS VERY LARGE ANDsJMBCrtULLJNF Parlor, Clmciteb 1 J T U a .1 .1 THIS ENTTEB STOCK FOB SALE Aj a- fee 'r ACTUAL CPSCSgSi) 5JJ0iUETg2KIKT, 1 i i i. if J 1 U .J 1 il ' ' ' ' '." ! ,j.si.. bn riau ua : .b - . - j m r.ii iTii i ,:iaTAJI 22TJ13 IIA . . .7 . . Va.n M V 1111 I .... . . ... .. .i I t, T " ' . . - .r J.,mV.jm'LF. r.r -r- -.- T " ' -.i ..a 'i i in , , , AULI ' 5 P astonishing uw prices- march 22 1 & RETAIL ALL KlhDS OF BEDDING, &C. CHEAP BED8TEADS, LOUNGES, ' P A nTVR A: fTFT A VRTCR SUITS. COFFINS of aU KINDS on HAND. No. S.Weet Trade 8t., r CABEIAGES, , JIJST JtRRIVED. ewB '-TfrmMr 1v ! 1 r -5- 4 iivftH j.f-Z has .-jaoicri ed snlJiiK) laoJi an. , .. . t-. l .... :.,.,.-tt .fu ?,ir,: I J -- --- - (1 cu i w 5HO mifiJ 1 i WWW - .- tt . - .." . . ?rt 4i:1a nt y ? ao it ton 1 1T 1 i a r - r i .. . aak.5 fDnitWiitteoJbr;tIieOt)BerTeRJ 4 waJMiiyjtffiiZ?.ic Ahsie! those "latter davBhftlrA com; WJ'fY;yiAjkfr in sbeep's atkra When bearers should bate ''itching ears,' Sedaqing , w,eiacXnrjSle3& souls fromdqe i ; yirinea aouna.tod.old. . . r.;:- Oh ! what a worlidf trouble 'these, heretics haye made : w , They've ienldVwndrnTerM, and new , S , S .hbS sa a' fonndationslftid . . With nebulse. and'hwies. and germs, lb nebulse, jinajSpnjBgs, and germs eys make a great parage ; -Far betterxfojJ.etW(orld and. them had ihtj bnt snng and prayed. -!.?:?. .sM Oh I whereare i(?alvin4'B iandmarkt?;pray tell .-'Tij aefwhere thevetand li i 5' mwA Ja?n tAird of "icarnal reason l?as deinged alJi .fhend,,;.; '. f .' .o.-t,-. j The '.'metes ' and bounds'1! stem changing " bl lines tipon theeand . ' :'.''';? Look dim I Scarce can tracie ihem oh- fliei desolated strand, . . . -. . &if?w&6rvtmief knowledge, , 'whib M!.,aused man's "total lall," : . -. ; ytUDg D D'a spoiled in college now, call no : ttree at all j Oiily an Eastern figure, with Yalue very! :r ."sxnal.;. ;.. .... -:V : The serpent bus a poet's dream a myth or : parable. . ' At that good "old, old story" of Adam and the rib, : :, :: ;. y ' The poor benighted Darwin, has. aimed his flashy squib. v j . ' And talks of evolution, so cunningly and ' 'v:;; :. ' v That half tbe chorea sow call it a poem or a rib rr 2 r. x . Tbey have spoiled that, g oia serines x wrotevaow4tneark,. By sayiogshetla on mountain tops at Noah's bigb'water mark: ;:- ; LWere raised up -with the mountains from; sbedsT-deen and dark, And'8oaTb't ,rboid iv. the ljdth" tb 'sticlr 'jii.fsh haife,-!. .- i-.-'V I ones eauld preach so boldly, bow sun and .moon stood still, j And waited for the battle all day upon the hill; That "God's own chosen people" their ene mtea might kill, And hold the land of promise their mission to falfill. But men by science-blinded, now doubt tbcweiolLvtewi, And EoinrweaYmin'ded christians sit wrig- gling m tneirpews, As if that long taught doctrine they inward ly refuse That of his many children Ood only loved the Jews. They've altered half my Bible ; I hardly dare to speak - . Before these learned professors of Hebrew lore and Greek Tbey say a day in Genesis means fifty mil- lionyeart; - And 'everlasting tirV'th Greek, in English may mean tears. , I , Hell now is naught but Badcs, ar d Hades underworld, ! ' ' '' Andpnderworid the common grave, where - gouuana vmm ar uuneu , They preash that endless woes may end, while ehdless joys endure Away with such learned heretics who leave us nothing snre. ; OBSEByATIOPTSr It is said that red-haired men can endure warm climates longest. The woman who maketh a good puddling n silence is better than she who maketh a tart reply, ' A Brooklyn lawyer has been arrested for throwing a handle of papers at a judge's head.--'-: " f ' t"ii' ; "",' :' t'- .. , j i .- ..... ; a! '4', i. : ,'..)' TheTerre Haute Express finds, after much research; that Junius himself wrote the Ju nius letters, .i The fact that bo many Btnirt children d,ie while -young is what prevents our pen- itenUirypopla&dnlfrom incrlasihg more rftpidly. The Biey Dr Chas F Deems, ef New York, will 'preach : the .-. Baccalaureate sermon at Emory and Henry College! Va on the 16th' societies on the 19th. . . . r . tV'elf,Hhectthe matter is, my brotieis trip ibEiirope'and. his long sojourn there was not one of his own choosing. I venture to say that he would gladly return to his ftoimd-reiriBj;tlef e If be6uld;bulhia advisers have decreed otherwise, Orvil v 17 a ; -r ... s i - Grant ?. . i.. Aze jfhi tck:place a week or so ago at Packington," England, 'between"lwo professional- brnisers, nnder distinguished pat ronagei The House of Lords and the -ity were folly represented, .therefore,' it need bardly be Bald.nd notice of'tbe occurrence ytaa wft&f ajf. buumwawv - i ; j , Uill,AVWM.MaMauu k,HHWiM ; jj IfflekingailroadMen ta New York Breaks : - : : Up Without an Agreement. Nbw YoiaK. Junel2.-At ,i: general meting pt Railroad men, to-day, the cpairznaui rwpurkeu vue uuuuuiiio could not agree on a basis of percent- azei? and there was nd " possibility Of " - - : - ' ' ... 7:-'. tneif agreeing. , . xney. euienam , ery diverse v oninions. and Tfiany" roads claimed & hieher nercentaee than the r i .i- : j.u u: 1.1 vfrthem. " The committee, therefore. sikod i0, discharged. 4 The! report was acceptea ana Mr ingaiia movea that the mee tine adjourn ems as the 'WKoJe pool systemwas &t, -m. end. The pfotipn ,a8 carried and the rneb' ing broke .apfInew8..of..tb!t)reakit ine tro of the combination ned Tapid ly and freight: rates i were 'cut'; bit 'all rates from Chicago, to ew York were, twenty "cents rAerxme hundreckpoundi hnt'alfGadv. fliaaaidJtbiew iAveiieen cut to "fifteen jcentsl. .Thereti87piS8- pect 4 aneaa nor a ;prorrciea ;! ireignf rate. war .a: i.,.j . ..: j IWinsloniayB it a1fine; hold State conventions of all kinds i i-oiiisY 6di STATE .NEWS. 3 trlryLniel'Wboroiiffh. father of the "State superintendent of public , in- struction, . died f in Wake county on nit. " " : , 'if ?At (Hcollector's "office in Winston thd ' a&zre&ate collections for the mOhth .of April, were $44,981.87, and for May,f44,97.q5.;r ' 3 (The K;Greensboro Neto North State publish es in fall a poem entitled ' "Cas ablanca' i i it begins thus : 'The boy stood on the burning deck" or words to that.effecb'jw yUi'f- , : ' r;--,f '-7"' , Wilmington ar, ; The regatta com mittee of thepCarolina yacht club have deckled to hold. thte next race on. the met on Tuesday, the 25th isst. oyer the regular course, starting from Marf ket dock.u : , .- . . ai ' : of.alem la the only, place in the State h aVing regular water- works supplying need 'at case of fire, .nd we believe it is thC only town , of its size in the . whole' south in which this supply to be had through pipes. ,, Wilmintrton Star: We saw a fine looking watermelon at Mr T H Smith's storfr yesterday, which Was pulled on the 10th met. It was raised in render county. - The first watermelons usually make their appearance in market here on or about the 4th Of July. Wilmington Star; The schooner Al abama,' CaptBoss, reported in our last as being ashore on the point of the cape near Smith's Island, has gotten off safely, and was reported last even ing by Uapt Williams, of the - steamer Wm: Nyce, as being on her way up the river without the aid of a tug. The Jtaidsville Times savs Eobt Dal- ton, of Hocklngham. was' fatally hurt last Saturday by his horse, which was hitched ; to a sulky, running away with him. When the horse started the bel ly band broke and this threw Mr Daltoh back and his feet caught, and just beat and bounced him all to Sieces ; ne is a very neavy man. xie ied Monday, evening., , " WllfmtioJn Tfcnyter A taarrram t-v Messrs Alex' Sprunt . k . Son, received tof-aay, conveys the gratifying intelli gence that the British barque North Carolina, uaptain iiuchan, arrived safely at Liverpool yesterday, with all wellj' after a passage of only 24 days. It will be remembered that Messrs W Blanks, Fred Kidder, John London and John Nelson, of this city, sailed from this port on the North Carolina, pouna lor the raris .Exposition. Salem Press: Some darkies, from Greensboro spread the' report among tbe colored folks hereabouts, that a deaf and dumb man at Raleigh was suddenly given the power of speech and hearing, and proclaimed as a reve lation that between the months of June and August a heavy storm would visit the State.destroying much property and many lives in all sections. There are a number of the poor unfortunates su perstitious enough to become alarmed at the report. ; A correspondent ef the Raleigh News writes that last Sunday night while Mr J L White, of Winston; was sitting on his front porob, awaiting the return of his family from church, he feu into a sound sleep; during his nap he ' was approached by a negro, who extracted his pocket book and was en deavoring to rob his other pockets, when Mr W awoke and seized the thief. A desperate struggle ensued, but the negro succeeded in making his escape. The Goldsboro correspondent of the Wilmington Revieto, ..writing ; in refer ence tb the recent bail storm there, makes the following, among:, other statements : At the Hook e place near here, many of the chunks of ice were from three to five, inches in diameter, larger than a large coffee cup.. '.Every fowl on . the place was killed. & steer had' his leg broken, and the fruit was beaten on the trees, and then beaten but of sight into the ground. And now I will tell you a wonderful hail story, to the truth of which there are several Witnesses. A block was picked up that was, over twelve inches .lohg and as thi ok through. as an ordinary size man's leg.; It lay in a gentleman's pi azza for six hpiira, where it . was seen by several witnesses, . in an unmelted state about half gone. . Crops and fruit , are! Turned in . the track of the '..: ..... : vjun .nL-3f;; ;'..- - ,: .a vsilXa j Of1."- ' ' '' 3' i. : ..J.i j ! Gen' liesft fori; of bine glass fame, argues that beoanse in his hot 1 bouse plants' grow stronger and more rapidly .Tinder blue glass, the same covering is equally: good for ani- maLlifo, and capable pf , curing disease. If amicted, hang no nope upon so doubtful a theory and remedy,' but rather trust some thoroughly tested agent Dr Piercers Gol den Medical Discovery, which ia successful above all - Other remedies yet known, in healing affections oi the throat, lungs and blood, works in perfect harmony with na ture's laws. If ... the skin be sallow with blotches and eruptions, or if there be head ache, " eonstlpatiori, . "biliousness,1'' general and nervous debility, - the Golden Medical Discovery and Dr Pierce' Pieakain t Purga tive reilets will.tr used according to direc tions, effect a perfect cure. , , , . : : Alexandria Rapides Parish, La. Dr R V Pierce ; Dear Sir Six bottles of your Golden Med ical. Discovery, has cured me of a hacking cough that I suffered with for : .nearly four years. I take pleasure in recommending it to the world. . Yours, &c.. . - ; W John Pilacy, P. M. "We can chance a fiftv dollar bill if you wan bottle of Globe Flour- -Cough Syrup, -the ereatest Cough and Lung Remedy in tLe world ; or if you want to try it first and see Srwpat tne; woar Aier a Btepnas; itx uov Bmithf iExGov ' Br own ' and-Hon ' Robert Tobmbsi of3Gorgta, say aboul IC'is true, you can get a Sample BbtUefer teri cents of r i J iH ; McAdetr,' x' U mrtn or or 'Wilson A'BarwelL'.x-ed iihen-wi ad: oixal . -. ... (.ii'ni.f i- :- nBt! i A Card i To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions or youtn.' nervous weak pess, early defay, loss of manhood,; Ac., I will send a reeeipt that will cure you. FREE LOE CHARGE n This ereat remedy was dis- fcovered.by a rnisaionary ia ScTith America. Bend a self-addressed envelope to the KEV JOSEPH T LNMAN, Station D, BibleHome, wew 3f ork uty. may30 dw tf .!it".)i 6ft mist vww r7iAvrrj; UVllWUJo r!' ht nn lmmimQA nv.Aniu A--A.:n uMns. many thousand cases oi those diseases net to woman I haye been enabled to perfect a iost potent and agreeable medicine that meet the indications presented by that class of dis eases with poeitive cerUmty and exactness -, To designate this natural speoiflo coctpound. Dr. Pierce Favorite Piescrintion i; L,-"z ty uowever, is ont s ieeoie expressKm l or my high appreciation of its value, based upon . in V Altffi MAMA AM Y - - - - - '. , lT I . m ' T j niMiuai uinerTaaim. as a Close OB server, I have, while witnessindlta positive rc suits in thn f pot- inAoioi Jiai.o. ;nATn.-..n -i. separate organism of woman, singled tt but aa 4 medical career. . Ou its. mefilsla-a poai-l i tive, safe, -and effectual remedy for this !clasa" pf diseases, and ene that wilL: a aa UmeS end under all curcumstanoes, aot kindly and in har-i monjr with the laws which govern the female An -r ; , : WT, ""Bw visiva louj nw uozt that I offer and sell it under A POSITIvB GUARANTEE. - U a beneficial effect" noj experienced by the time; two-thirds of theeort-i S2tlSSiebotfe used, I wiU,on,rettn ot the bottle, two-thttds of the medioine havina been akeaeoordiog to dtreetions. and the ease being one for which I recommend it, promptly refund the money paid for it. Had f not the tnpst perfect confidence in its virtnes, I could not offer it as 1 do nnder these conditions; tat hav ing witnessed its truly miraculous cores in thou tani52 of cases, l feel warranted and perfectly safe In rlskinz both my potatiou and my money ou ib , Tp following are among those diseases in Which my Favorite Prescription has Worked cares, as if by magic, and with a cer tainty never before attained by any medicine: Monthly Periods, Suppressions when froni nn xaco3sivo n lowing. jrainiw naturiu oanses, irregularities, Wea,k Back, Pro lapsus, or falling of the Uterus, Anteyersion and, Eotrpversion, BearlngDown Sensations Inter- pal Heat, Nervona Uenression. Debilitv, Des pondency, Threatened: Miscarriage, Chronic Congestion, Inflammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, Impotency, Barrenness, or SteriMlyy Fe-j male Weakness, and very many other chrbnw diseases incident to woman not mentioned here. In. all affections of this -natnre.'i my .Favorite Prescription works cures toe 'marvel of tbe world. This medicine t do not extof as a Cure-aU bm it admirahly fulfllls a sinarle- hp9i v rriHBi uKiug a moss perieot snecifla in all chronia aise&ses Sf thn cnvnal ava- ;em of woman. , It will not dissppoint, nor wttl it da harm, in any state or oonduloju - ; ,. ; J . these subjects cau obtain it iorTttE PEOpr.s'a; Common Sense Medical Advisju a book Of over 900 nacres. snt nnnt-miA -inn of $1.50. It treats minnfelv of tftfaA iw9ia peculiar to Females, and gifres much valuably advice in regard to, the management ol thoaa' affections. ' - ' ' " FAVORITE PR ESCRIPiON SOTn AI DBUG GISTS. R. V. PIERCE, H. D,, Proper, BUFFALO, N. Jt, ! SIZE QOO 009 Or Sugar-Coated, Concentrated, Roo ' ana neroai joico, AniNBiiIoa. Grannies. THELITTLE GIAKT! CATHARTIC, or lHuItum in Parv Pnysic. . ;- ' Thenoveltr of modem Mfrff.T. nhiminnV a-nii Pharmaceutical Science No use of any longev taking the iarge, repulsive, and nauseous puts., composed of cneaD. crude, and bulkv incmrii. ents, when we can, by a careful application r chemical science, extract all the cathartio an. other medicinal properties from the most valu able roots and herbs, and concentrate them into a minute uramue, scarcely larger than k mustard seed, that can be readily swallowed by those of the most sensitive-stomachs and fas tidious tastes. Each little Pnrtratlve Pellc represents, in a most concentrated form, as muc cathartic power as is embodiedin ftny f th large pills found for sale in dr ng-shops. Fron to their Bize, people who have not tried them art apx u suppose mat mey are narsn or arastic ir effect: but such is not at all the ease, the difleren active meaicinai nnnoipies oi wnicu, tney ar. composed tteinsr so harmonized and modifl so harmonized and modifleG. one by the others, as to produce rs. as to produce m mnst searching . and thoronah, yet - gently and kindly operating-, cathartic. asoo Reward is hereby offered by the pro prietor ot these Pellets, to any chemist who, noon analysis, will find in them nnr mIadwI m other forms ol mercury, mineral poison, or in jurious drug. : Being entirely vegetable, no pa.rUeol&r care is required while using thenw They-eper-ate without disturbance to the constitution; diet, or occupation. For Jaundice,' Headache, , Constipation, Impure s Blood, Pain In the Shoulders, Tightness of the Cheat, Dizziness, Sour Ernctatlons ; fro fen the Stomach, Bad taste tn the Inouth, BUions attacks, Pain i Pj IHdneya, Internal Fever, Bloated feeling about fitomaeh.Rnsh ! of . Blood to Heady Itlgb-eolored Crlne, Cnaaciabllit and - Gloomy ivrvuvuisni utKo ur. riereea i jew ant Purgative Pellets. In explanation i a- oreooainga, taae air ieree i PJeat imuTfl reiieia. in explanation of (he remedial power of my Purgative -Pellets ever so mreat a variety of diseases. I wish tn ka Uiat their action upon , the animal economy la universal, not a gland or iwub vacBPiuf meir sanaifve- im Srese. Age does not impair the properties; of lese Felieta.' 03iey are iugaiscoated and; itA closedin glass bottles their virtues being ttieF uy preseryeu ummpairea ier any . in any climate, so that they aser-alwaysfrosl and reliable, Thfe- is uq the case with thos pals which are put up In heap wooden or pasthoara hpes, Becolleot. that tor all flis- s snwre a jaxave, Aiterattvew er Pnrnrative. , is intuoaieq, mesa iitue reiiets wii( tne most pgrieot sausiaouon torau who usethem.- " . - They fere sold hy aU DrngsIsts at 85 cents a bottle. . .; . - . ..- C i ... I V STANDARD SCALES, LATEST andMOST VAiTJilLE IMPSteVEMEYTS S C A L E'S . .. . FOB 8AUB ,1S03 -j s. : i PATisT ALARM Wi$i iPEAWEKS,;'; QQEFEBi MILLS BPICBJlMTLtc.sAJSD STORE FIXTURES OENERALLYv tiw T E IMPEOVKDTYPB WRITER; - ovj OSCILLATINd PDMPW8 PUMPS, FairMufcs & Co., 3ii Sroadway; isf. js'L3fvtsi .an i tyiut.. .aojr r. t t- . i t ... r orjMUe,DjduigJiar 0 7 jVOIO niSTADOaOSiV rrepartim, and a fTorit b, tu Ml prnen8tnd ork. A physician. Nay, even more, so confident am I that it will not: iiaA.nivMytt. tho MAot uKuuia PELinS. V- 11 1111 . 'Ml 'WE P0B.TWT let loriMV er nniiemin, . r ot or 4i ';'-'? '' .o4idiJid8--ti i t EoBulaK Job Counter I .aol) 61 Jiu tf;-i lulL hi'JjZ VQiChlj ; .. .. . .. .- . Prices too Low for era o . ON oil, Clearing Sale of all email lots at less than half valued and eveiytMngaying' our solid guarantee as perfect goods,? "To fhrt)h and;7tol ye stand. When we announce a $Aip$"c siuti, but our tiubtatiohs areje6nd tfie&cSjjOiWin teli, aijl "! yeDiQI tiififpHces. Our reputation; is envied and coveted for selimg none but reliable goods. Every patron, is a living monument of .honor to us, a walking advertisement of which we are justlypft)ud. We issue "Mission Tickets" to our Job Counter Exhi bition , and to the ForiImpO'Expo-situm, "where ' 'dis tance lends enchantment to ! the vlew.,, Our garments have an established character as being models of perfection, well worthy of the purchaser i " jie, proud of his investment and we of him as our representative whom we wfctht always with us. Our patrons are our friends and associates with a pleasant identity between us, ' ; : We have become one of the instittitinns nf f Tia lotvrl r1 " our appreciation of the public's work for the nublie's intpref?t. E. D. LATTA & THE June 13 FOR (H) DAYS ONLY. We will sell our entire Stock regardless of cost fof the next1- : ' :, IN ORDER TO BEMODKL OUR PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR THi FALL TRADE, ( - ' J - 200 Summer Coats, at the sum Flannel Suits:..;. Men's Business Suits ou ths' Suits, former price $ 1 , t ... " it u Children' Suits at any price you desire and regardless of cost. Pine Underwear and Hosiery at cost. Hats at cost ' We have" no Old Stock to offer you, as our Goods are all fresh and new. We mean good goods, at low, prices. . Don't miss your chance, if ; L. BERWANGER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS, - CLOTHING HALL. bqbo rrr kkk. ir nn n qoo mm dm PPP RRR H N N N O If MM 11 b an n w n a go mk B BUM KM GGO M M I HAVE HEW And will sell them COMPETITION. ?i,.iJ ,. li;fc -ii' xt: A ;;nri jgp- ffersotis pnrchafeingCooda in iiiy line will find ii to their interest to give me a fall before toying elsewherer at I will not be Undersold by any one. lVli-ci'( P MMniQ Tfinn .Qtraof 77 viJf ..OjL) a JiiVt 1 .1 s-.ss aiilaia a-'ilsl' eri) io e'.i;i its.;- sdi f'i " i;'. .; . '. t'f ;.! . f ir !i"i sci.-viffi n-M-.-u ,t-:'jXl Sr" ..; n r iMiiii ft ivit n 1 1 i in r, it j i ii i m JUST RECEIVED. unx.if ;:: 2H-J IiSAt j'i.j'if j-.'i'? . My clothing -i trade, has-increased so much this- season thatI 30M--.T i As i;Ji:U Oi. i .('.; .. -.; rhjo . nave aireauy jrarcnasea, a secona stock, wnic,, ior . Biyier ana prices tiuuassedliispecial inducement is offered on aoout ou pairs oi jrants j wnicn M&Iseirat theleemel loCpricc of 3 per pair. :l!Krie:" waAhand. Mackin , -a;Dij 1o -lA' .-tp' n.3i3i-5r: S.-O-i ; fc'-. .hiVi .1H,iifr'K4 Ul .i:t.: . ft s 1.3 ' Ir,AQatXTAB Others to Imitate. t--. . ;,: cru tms y?r-v v:,.,- - . rAIN! OtTEf ;.o . f .jci'i r w v wa,VMv V V14W alUUi uuu patronage has induced us! to PEOPLE'S CLOTHIERS. ; of .,.,.50c. $7.50 M 7.50 0, now i ...... ? ,, l 0,5 0 15.00, now i.... 11.00 yy rrxr iinn rtr i a on 11 l ii nn s mut ima -i j i II L L U HUH SI HB Tf 1 Ii UN If N I BR T IJ.T.I. U K MM SEE B B T RECEIVED MY GOODS at PriciBs which defy w. yvrii was 1 i"' hr,r' " ' fill '4 " 1 h :- OP 4 r " 0'i I : r i liJiiii. ufi i - -'!.-;:i o cosiirom $o lo.wmcn x wm 1 ,;r Goods and Neckwear al at 75c each;- ' u-f 1 . j it. ,iLjiist ranted.? '. . - -. . ;. " :Jf. 1 tii jlKji,- -fi? ' " . - . - - . r i' , i . - ' ' r . . T V . . .,.!.,.;.,.

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