-I ii' i ) CHARLOTTE OBSERVER." I. SIM Subscription rates. Paty, y"" (postpaid) in advance?.;;t$ 00 ,Su: 3W ..!.3i..'My.:M. 4 00 1'hrte JEfowvw.............ji.. ..... 2 CO Weekly (in the county) fit haivancet.LX2 00 Out oM coun, j)a.4.iW;i..ir. 8 "JO TSB OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT has been thorcmchtv tvpptied with every needed wani,0ndiWit lU I-atat Ci 'ct cf Jips, and every fhan-itref J,b "rorkcT".ou)l: d me with neaine&iCL:' c I c' "-.-"'. ' ireij5rrci ' lrxe ' Qiuzxarz-zzz. a: , 'J friETTzr. rzi: ?, c: ii'$p- :j t&:TA'GS,jz:. rc;rcs7zzaC.- Mao I ?--.r.vi-:2.ifc9in-list. tor? .f.-.. 7:ib ,b matfictt XW- omi f A lit 1 1 i . ui" i ii j. . . -1 it T o i!f l Ml' - 'Yft V3 r.f -fir k ffftfj -! . r JT. C.; SOTDAYJlINEj 1878 pgrUbtraX reductions for duii. -Li 4 - ... -v,,-.. i ... i - - . - -T f i iv l -ill in. n ii nit? ii4 1 r i i ii - ii wis tw,,ir if--". . -i" r , f . : 5 . i ., ... r ... .. . . - ' , . . . : j "CJ A -iff VII Ul 4 , -Hveate prepareSltb fpf inbdlii;ouritochate make Odttock os6rSsj eriesrKid Gloves. StitfbrilS are complete a4d& Uffpets, vii WfciSjiMM8ytwgs' Tj5ry low. ti. FaifiSealing. Polite and; attentive clerks. Call and see foind judgeTr vonTFeiyer. " Demt BUR WHQfeES&IHE 1 t j r r . b .1.- r 1 P0RTSlIODTPaMIGH;HAlILIT,aEilCH4RLOm;H.C. RALEIGH, PORTSMOUTH! IORF0LK, ALL EASTERN CITIES Express TiJim M&SW PROMPT AND CAREFUL DELIVERIES QUA-RANTEED. For fall iplonIop.Sao.t WDll A rfio . r - ' 'r i iiich26 L' mi Haw AT 1 13.1 h MH M?rM r' - j Pwlw, Chamber IMnine' IgWHSQ tto-erj spqif yR SfLEAT aniM .pitiYfit ' 5 '' ' 1 ACTUAL COST, AND -STORE FOR RENT. 8oapS glislu-Frencbrand-Amencaii Hair zM&m fimiW6 TM- T O 7 U I lf III 1 IXI. sfcsiT 77 :i I. i, 83KKXH ,Pg !DTA7f . j .oifcii0 .lioloO tjjVlxl m 'iria Y.sd 3i 3 Jjojs jealtoti Hod te niiw J vaa if a. ,i;tr kli&iiU i-Jil'f iaiTix7T wti8 aJAH J7f TLBOX, 1 n -W. CO ffiiSSSWriuicfi Goads low prk ELIAS & COHN- LS, &RETXIL H ALU KINDS V. i )i ' . ri." . A 0HEA.P BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, &FFINftorll KINDS on HAND. No. 8; West Trade St.. 'I LLL .. - T ' i 'hi HUAOHjiy, on 4 ?lVf H!&i;ftw W it til HmWY t- - r - i T" PQSTOFFICE. ' , X oi -saoqoKi. r dsidw ,bad no w m I aHViXXLB TSUI ffl r 'itviiTTAO H EOUT T 5 ' 'v.'y iiiioO - ' " i ' .... .. - . . : ' - 1 - - -I ! i L 'i JjiSl mmmmmmm -fAahepiaie , liaflouriflhingi eadi to Item -d ju-3 I Iwiiiritts Jt'jansg do 621 i .uDriJ Adolfjliti )Gibbn, -o oQeoeprd, diefli Frfday atleiTaoaa flt S.SOdocfc. ; ,ahoHc tstiiili .siisdloo'i i'.afls l-r'Cowoodlg:Jpp68ad 6 the" proposed TbV:peejailSftdrfechedule docsn'tj BUiUUumMjiil. 11,1 ' a, arnvea nome irom juurope. lalWdrle8dvtv)Bmng. .ioo t Ttto:SJ .wax i; .i' 5 i-i" .wZ - feiittbirorantevJw lig tippet; fufei0 'I gjit ; !a Jori ni. bn i llittKnidr8ain dlm I of liquor Af,no;ir(10TOCpfr " IJWlve 1 months Asbeville townBbip wenb wet: Hldkbry re Tbej wer '150900 yQujjg jhadjtiirnjed looiaJn thfl-Yidkin eth WaoaOjPOO idOaiwbj ep at jCatawba 8tation on thail0th.ja.biA 60;00a lhitheo Qveatf I Pey f Dee (lower xaaKie',7 attw,iwwttie'Joigaree, tower oroaa vaiawna, on June ana ;r$PT$hlM Blade i;,Thef4 a ven erable dalin nW.iPWityV.ite trunk-of, .whjK being hDilw. io which family consisting of &.mbh .two women and three children, livedfor sbrnT' tjme. and Our reporter sayaf he1 never heard them complain for want of room. This ree is in, tie .South tpuntains.p i Adam Wfolored 1tf.ConToord aner-pehitentiary'Aconvi6t, played a sharp trick the other evening, accord ini!ti) the Swiif. Castinflr-his eye on a good jppkipgassenger.tf Adam watch- eKJi rum tuL the tram;' started off, when ief reached for the stranger's hat and transferred tt to his own head. The Irainsifwdaway learvlng a hatppy darkey behind and carrying a hatless traveler Withjt , , ffmj y j?- ym Conoord Sjpi flsdnesday' ilasj Jai' tSea&i -farmer p Ko wan , , cam e to Concord with a wagon load of cor a to sell.; Late in the evening he disposed of his load to Cannon, Fetzer & Wads woVth, and after getting his money in formed them that 1 he was- going to wuip UUtlrrthetrtiggk'lotrMeBsrS V, F & W, asked him if he wouldn't pre fer to let them keep his money in their safe as some one might rob him of it during the night. In reply to which he drew out a six shooter and said he'd give 'em a dose of lead firet . Well, when he awoke in the morning, he found his money safe, but a thorough search all over the person revealed the fact that he couldn t find his pistol.nor pocket knife, tobacco nor matches. Why the thieves did not take his mon ey is a mystery, Asljeville Citizen ; On Monday even ing,' the 3rd ihsfVthe vicinity of Mar shall -wai visited rith a terrible and most -'destructive 'bail storm, great damage being done - to a number of farms.-! la the immediate track of the 8tom great damage was done, nothing green being left upon the trees or on theground, the former being literally stripped of eve j-y vestige of foliage, and many of tnem being very badly barked. The hail continued .to fall for some thirty minutes, some of the stones weighing a half pound after be ing carried to Marshall, and hail was still on the ground on Saturday last. In a cove jus above Marshall the wind Accompanying seemed to have concentrated its force, 5ahd ten acres of timber were felled to the ground, scarcely a tree being left standing. .TheBlue Ridge Blade thus tells of what one tOf. its fellow-citizens lost by not keeping his mouth shut : Mr H A Rust, aiafltt of Mr Joseph ii Rust livmg near Bfidgewater, in this county, a young; man. of unusual mechanical ingenuity, conceived a jan ' of using different blades or "bits" in an axe and on the 6th of last March his application was filed in the patent office, and says he afterward showed his model to one T 4 K0vrarng"Of1Missis8ippi, who forth- wiin posted off to J WashiDgtOn, and applred for and obtained on the 9th of April the patent right for the axe of which Mr Rust is certainly the inven tor. Weunderstand . that Downing Jias already realized oyer $4,000 from sales of territory and that the in vention is hailed as one of the most useful as well as profitable extant, r f tJnlting the One Party and Dividing the Other. New York San. iTt&New York IHottne -founded by Horace Greeley says that Mr Potter has consolidated the Republican party ana aiviaea nis own vy ais invesiiga-' tion into the alleged electoral frauds. an be consolidated in support of a presidential title, based on its false re tifrns atidelectioh frauds, it "is well to have that fact understood; for unless we wholly misunderstand 'the charac teOC.Ajpericaheople, the. part; nority. i And. on the other-hand, we fear no division in the Democratic party which: UlayrCBUHriiuiu"iiuo -ucimuuimiau ui , Mrrrayes' .uniawiui.. ana rrauauient title;. . Good tiddance to all Democrats. be they few or beitiiey -jriany, who wan tQ lAave tae jaty on, nas grouna. More .thaa;theix a number ot uaaepen dftniniof honest - Re Dublicans will nah in to fill their .flittft" 9id 1 Tffitobrttfit p&ftrvictory caSrjifi. fV bS W6fi byumenaiTctng ahdr.emTl I bradng an electoral ud then-l ILWelcome-rthrice welcome-r-eternal del HAVAKArJ made"his triumphal entry into Havaaa -x- Jl j : i :ik ..i i luuomoiu ujr uuiiu vuww La? iards. Captain- General Jovellar nasi issufia Jiiaareweuaaaresaj : miner ilpWr Wenkketf ifi Vfi&te S of Bancombe, didrrt know ias load-j d. - He-new draws bis pan talooita ever ! eh hoaFbeleintar.rTmTTn ! ; Campoi Enters lutwawtTriiiinpH,! i .awhrTOfifertegtfrora:thiemw rr . tt indlMlsdreUohsdf youth?meryonstwe4 , 1 HAVAianfi lr t3en rio.j Sa&to&tfn 'hty'1 nominated Capt F H Leather wood for the House. tffiT&tytl$Mlni Solicitor df &ik.di3trict.,bas teeci nominated for IlilC UUUDO IU X 1 All IV 11-1 . ;;.i no NoV'a singte paper thus far received -a'tthibfflce, has 'ailght to - say against hetictet' rioiis i dated by- the State con vention Thursday;' , "i "' il Jt" ; ' The candidates!! have scrub race Wake county BefnSjicah conten-; tion will meet pnttre th to nominate 'andf&ites!: , -!r'f 4 " T ; Tht-fight fof-tbe House, ia 'waiing very warm in Cabarrus ! between. . sPaui iBiMeahs ind.1 M ,OdelL' :.FreigbtI dis- jcrli&ra&UDD -seems to bevthe leading; issue.flhe campaign i c f! j r O. AtkinTTEsq.pale of the Mac.on ;Aavdnc4; rs- a . candidate, for trie rieit House of Representatives from Macon cpu : The-Xfinotr Topic Bays that the sena torial convention for that district meets in Marion June 25th, and that J G Bynum of Burke, JLC Bennett, of Mc Dowejllj Mack Young, and . J E Blay lockof Mitchell, are candidates. The convention to nominate a candi date for Senator sfrom; Cabarrus and Stanly metat Albemarle on the 8th. Dr R Anderson, of Stanly,' received ithe norainatioD. Resolutions!. were passed rendorsine Oov Vance for Senator and Col Steele for Congress. . Col W H H Cowles, chairman, has called upon the counties to send up fh'eir delegates, to the seventh con- gressionai aisuict . nominaung con vention at Wiikesboro on the 25th Inst. . Thedelegates from the counties of Buncombe and Madison met at Capt Alexander's on the French Broad, last 8aterdayfr4he purpose of nominating a senatorial candidate, lhe Asheville Citizen eays that discussion ensued on the question of, the tight of Madison or Buncombe Sblfiate -the nominee this year, puncompe having, haa it last, but, her ; numerical . voting strength being double that of Madison, many claimed she was entitled to it again. .ending some preliminary motion up on this question, and without any vote naving been reached as to a candidate, the delegates from Madison withdrew from the convention, and no further action was taken. Grant and Ingalls at Poker. Cincinnati Commercial. The allflredest game I ever saw was one Rufe Ingalls and Grant played in my quarters at Fort Dallas, in Oregon, in the winter of 1853. The y had been playing 'etJt-tbroat" until about mid- night, l; was. prettyweu slewed, and turned in and fell asleep. Just as the daywas breaking I awoke,, and there sat Grant and Ingalls playing draw. There was only about a half a pint left m the bottle, and - they were-. betting high for it: They had black and white beans for chips, and there was about one-quajtejvof a peck.piled on th e ta ble whe j?k.Mhat first attract ed .my, attention wajfiearing Grant say, "IU see 'you and go a million better." I could scarcely .restrain myself. I knew they didn't have a half dollar to bless themselves with and the whiskey they were playing.for was the last of a five-gallon jug sent me from 'Frisco, and they were - squandering millions over it. Well, I lay still until they had bet about one hundred millions, when I got up and quietly looked at their . hands. Grant had a pair of aces and Ingalls. three jacks. I waited half an hour to see who would get the last drink, but my eyes were too heavy and I dropped asleepV "When I awoke it was broaddaylight, and Grant and Ingalls were both under the table. I measured the beans, and there was just three pecks and one quarter. Who got the whiskey I don't know, but it is m y opinion, Grant did. He had the bottle in. his. hand, anyhow. . . . 1 " i'" r About Canary Birds."'!' Place the cage so that ho draught "of air can strike the bird. Give nothing to healthy birds but, rape, and canary seed,, water, cuttlefish bone,: and gravel-paper or sand on , the floors of the cage. No hemp seed; A bath three times a week. T&Cf0.om JJpuld not be over-heate4nver fabve seventy degrees. Whn moulting (shedding feathers) "keep warm, avoid; all draughts of air. GiveT plenty of Ger man rape seed ; a little hard boiled egg, mixed with crackers grated fine,1 is excellent. ' Feed at a certain .hour In the'!, morning; ' By observing these' simple rules biida inay be kept in fine condionfor years, r For birds that are'sick or have lost their song procure bird tonic at a bird s tote. - Yery many keep birds who mean to give their pets all things tor make them- 'k$gk' .and happy, and at the same tim e'are guil ty of great cruelty, id regard" to' perches. The perches in a cage should be each one of difierent 5 size,. - and the smalN est as large as a pipe tem. If perches' are of right sort no trouble 'is ever had about the bird's toe-nails growing too lorg fSWd if alTlh≷? Tceep the perches olean s Next Towb1' " Ahead where? theY loan you a dollar r and chalk it1 t6wn: till to-morrowy for' a bottle bf jMerrell's Hepatms fpr the Liver. . The enor mous expense of importing the ingredients of this great liver medicine iDto the country, is why our Drneeists, Dr J H Mc Aden, Wil- pon & BurweU and T C Smith fcCo., sell but one sample bottler to Cms same person for ten trie all itant. VA. has neverbeen' ' known to fail ih'the core.of J pas ijeyer faiiedj n- then care of, liver, eom- chills and Fever. Constipation of the bow- pl jLpepsi(JMvercomplqmt.19ample Potties ten cents ; regular size, nny ooses, si 00. ... I .OTitsaonO... tHf0ft ?tt bo ,3sicK U ill send a receipt that will cure von. FBEE COARGK This great remedy '.was dis- Covered by ampnary ia "South AmericaJ fend a seifrMoresgea envelope to the RJfiv JOSEPH T INM AN, Station D, Bible Home, " xemacvtit var' 1 ''may30 aw 1 j a; ds.3 STATIi POLITICAL ITEMS. 1 cents: bat as there are nity doses in largeize botiJeSv U iS theap.eiioagb, after i i 1 hp iii mmmm mm mm pm The verr 1 rial i. bay ted: y celebrated Faculty of Si Meaiclne b Kurgery Ifrneoefcjary that tfip&i uimreri associacea wrain under of thl tn.HtuHina iroviae s-pisce on a granu.and commodloiu, tcate itkhi enienainmens ana comrart. . p more compieie ra its appointments tnan any Blml- jMlastltoUoata jwprfluT;iiffldiag tt located . in one of the most healthful ana desirable Dortlani at , .. T . , . 1 ustouus xium the City of Bul&lo, and oommanda afin yfewr-Eh of beautiflul parks. The Hotel ta nr ratuatea in xne tninst nr an kinds or approved battas, and has also oonneoted with it a well-appolirted gymnaalam and bowliug alley to afford proper means of exercise; j jl A . J! y u i DISEASES OS1 1 B Op WOMEN. Especially are the faciH. infirmary of a saperior order a regards tl means and appliances for1 tiie care of snecu ties of this infirn the remedial means and appliances forf Uie care of an tnose enrome diseases peculiar to lemaies, xue employment, la moderation, , of . top ; chemical, many eases an tnvainabie i aoe auxiliary to tne remed meads to wblcU we resort In euch oases. . Dry friction to tne Burrace, genera; snampoptaig, Swedish move- : ments, and light caUsthenle exercises, to enliven and i ieve coneeBtea streni JJo experimenting is resorted to ta the fteaU are appUca. meia nenb - The most approved medicines are carefully employed, and the judicious regulation of the diet, to salt toe conaiaon oi me patient, tne taorongn von the' eheerincr In. fluence of moelc, I tuauon or tne sleeping apartment, tne eneenn) fluence of mneic Boclal Intercourse. Innocent m for amusement, and all those agencies which, tend to arouse the mind of the patient from despondency. uiwrami:l uuiuytiju games SHU UiUB IKWUUW UUh UCglCVUXI. KEBVOUS DISEASES-Paralysis, Epilepsy (Fits'), Chorea (St Vltus's Dance), and other nervous aflee post happy results .accused, , a j J, , ii IUMfl BTHF h BKft This division of the nractlca In Hie invanas- iooei is very aoiy mani eman hroat. In this denartment. highly gratifying to both physician and patients. . EYE AND EAfi-Speclal attention is given to the delicate operations on the eve and ear, a dlstlo. conduct this branch of the practice. oculist ana aurisw oemg unuer engagemenc Invalids arriving In the city and desiring to eon iult us, should come directly to the Hotel. I omnibus, or street can. Mn xuy to uie ooki, 11 u easily LXB'S 1 low U7 earn; Omnlbi bus . , on all incoming be relied upon to deliver passengers and Wltn security ana aispaicn. r Address K. V. PniBcs, M. D World's Dlspea jary and 108' Hotel, Buualo, K. Y. ALLAN'S ANTI-FAT Is purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. It acts upon tne iooa in we stomacn, preventing its being converted into fat. Taken In accordance with dP rectlons, It will reduce a fat person from trw to Sr pomndm per week. "Corpulence is not only a disease Itself, but the harbinger of others." So wrote Hippocrates twq thousand years ago, and what was true then is none the less so to-day. , Sold by droggists, or sent, by express, upon re Sjeiptof 1 Jft.uarter-dozen SiOO. Address, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., . Proprietor, Buffalo, X. Y' PHILADELPHIA always had a good "name .purchase as a place to DRY GOODS and CLOTHING at LOWEST PRICES, and now that JOHN WANAIIAKER ,'.,-'. .. . 3.- . .;:'). i i s : bas added to his STUPENDOUS CLOTHING AND FUlt- NISHING GOODS BUSINESS, ON AN EQUALLY STUPENDOUS SCALE, "It is NO WONDER that the eyes of city , and country are ,on him. THE BE 4.UTY of his NEW ENTERPRISE is the ;-"'' ,;:';;:;V UNPARALLELED LOW PRICESVy, for Substantial and-very Elegant Goods, including positively ' EVERYTHING IN PERSONAL DRESS, for Ladies, Gentleman and Children, ; A Besides all HOUSE FURNISHING Fabriesl I would inform the citizens bf Charlotte and sarrounding country that ;I haye ac cepted the Agency of this celebrated estab lishment, and have a fall line of SAMPLES and am prepared to take orders for any class of Goods Wanted. ; ' s.i L . ..v-n Cail -and .be convinced that yon can be supplied at this Agency at lower prices than by any other establishment in this city,' -. .I S PUII IPft dec 4 SIERICANM ErALURGICAL WORKS. . VAN WYCK SMELTING COMPANY.1 - -. -t J Ferlrr'Anaboy, Ni J. --!i Gold,.8ilver, Lead and Copper Ores redac ed, and eiebtv per cent of metal recovered. GOLD SULPHERET ORES a specialty a guarantee of eighty per cent, from which expenses are to be deducted, " ' Ores shipped from Charlotte yia Carolina Central Railroad toWilming ton, thence-to Ores should ;ba assayed and inspected by Xiot juanna, of the piled States Mint, : , . ' For further information refer to members of the Charlotte Mining Board or, to Perth Amboy. : -""' Dr JUMO HBAB, JLj ; Clipped Herrings, on anslnmein) and ' , " -"TiraaeTSireet; unariowe ..v as bahiuixasi agea ipv a gen or mature juagmeni ana siuiut irononuu, and Lung Diseases are very largely treated and with results which have been '. The.GKEAX; REMKAV for 2.'! '- OORPULENOE. i,'IiLi Io i9l&blss Pio ! . Jaslei, 'i a v jii'idi s : -T on oMOl -Otl'li- Jb'oguiar Job ( Prices xbo Low o Vtialii.'W a 'in 3C.- J Ustrated With prompt defeat- The L FUL, XI ii acid diimii Imtuia nstml)9io yi itKj skiw ia noejaaus ?.r floni'i Ln.?f eW. attVitibns 'dail i&m ai lessoWcan Mf9TaIue.ft&rervthuj 'havmar orir nranf as perfect -goodsi" w j c. i . SiKlSlli rtan"- WhenWe: jifmWfce a Teductioi' then ouillipetitors huiver In despalff for" Our Gur?pree&Mk and everybody ielh. onr, pnoes ju n , io Our reputatibn is- ehvrefl3 &hidi900Teted for ij sellinginone ibut reliable pofan H Every patron is a Irving mbnoment of-"honor to ur ft? walking adYei?ement of which we are justly ' toroud. Ouigarments! have an: established character ' W beiiiff uwia w ptuo weuworxny oi tne purcnaser, r. :;We-Babecomeone pur aprddtibn ;pf the.ipublic's, patronage i;$asniaced 3u& to work: for the pubUc's interest. -nH n noii.i l'yto be asissttd in the New York market . ; r i i ; Orders -solicited, and filled i9ge of fexamlning beforerymint of bill. ,v E, D. LATXA & THE Jane 15 The Announcement TO BATTLE ; i ; FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS ' ' ; HAS CREATED GREAT CLOTHING CHAELOTTE. We are lid' copyist, as to take advantaee. or nronOBe t i sell out nnr entire , xne ifjimane prosperiiy in our DU8me8s n as forced us to sen,' and we still ifiegg e& uee our stok. in. order" to enlarge and remodel bur -place of bujiness. io ")f'f xu vci: is still unanimous and, decisive iof awarding the Palm of Merit to our Popular - No CTothine, House in North Carolina can say what we can, AS we lrnport our Goods and Manufacture our own Metes' Clothrog. i : ttoJ66 or bWsfyles df eoods bul hew designs fresh, Goods andLkieet styles every'tittie;'-" C ; - ::' , We have still a few Boys1 and seU at Jlilariufacturers cost. L. BERWANGER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIERS AND TAILOES, -RATIONAL CJQTMWG HALL. ooo rrr RRR I TI NS N GOO o o G O GO GOO ; MM MM MMMM MMMM M M S MM 3 8SS0 P PR R II NK S mm x r w vr a all luut U ' XI H XI BSSl : j K B II. N HM I HAVE RECEIVED MY And will sell them COMPETITION. 'if' Persons Durcbasine Goods in give me a call befpre buying elsewhere,, I will not be underapld 4 Mrs. R. McNEUSr Iryon Streeti 1 - ?!- . ' ; . ' 'i: t.! mi i" ' ' i2i '':;; f J.-?rat i. i-s 1 i. 5?U : .. -.-H: n "' . ' ' ' 'A '"'I; . BJfUBT aECEtYEO V i -U "!,'My; clothinsr . trade , has increased so much tbk: season jhaO have already purcbasea second stocky which for 'style' and prices is unsurpassea.; ja. special lnaucemet,, is . onerea on atioui Of:patrslpf Sant) wbich! cost from $5 to fPjwnich I will now- sell atthe extremely low 7 1 4 UTS H f.Mtl tifl:U!ii'I ipObfc Wi! O'lV: dill kg ftalli rot tmr' di mmrt ... .. . - , - yucisrno ei ii . i - r-nr.ii. ,A7Aii A JnJlUnfi.oljBents Furnishing Goods andeckwear al ways on . nanai MacKinaw : iJats at loe eacn;J w - ,.rft sdi i ,ViD 1 1 ; dyr.-' ' v; .O C5xqd t;: ersaimitate. Lead- aeJ 9.1) "t o u mf? Aa& of all flmll lnf a found upon oatr counter, aa sooh prOmotlv bv exnress.f with nrlv- PEOPLE'S CLOTHIKfiS.' Of Selling v Cof EXCITEMENT IN. ,THfi market of Opinion 1 ii f"! . ; r. .... ; . .:. Lau -.rs V. Children Suits which s we will S n n n H P If RNN Hi Mir NIT 2 R R T ... T.T,T.T. T.T.T.T. at Prifces .wffich d6ty i.! !jpsi: sv; t: 7 my line willnnd it to Uveirr r interest to losfj on. pt5it5r3 Hoi 01 ' foil o xn (:'.fj'PV ''.'I" jncei.otvg3?per .pair.: i i!--aRiibdoA? : Xw5ivn'vs ft ;eji4i 55J. d -? ioI Abibo. ras tont - site ? WON -osios edilla vh&a him e??d)t ilA : bti Mi&m wjsd d? ; 9YtI i'-t'.dw ?ilni n wel lf;J nix a' 1 ' '? 1. BM'1 i It !l MIM lifter 1! r :! m rrrrp.rr:-:- ii