gg'Mt,",l" ' SI . II . J . "U 1DSIMI m-mFJ!V." ' ! "li.-l. LI- 1 -' "PiS'M"SSSSSSSSSSSSaSSSSS rHECHARLOTTEQBSEEyEJL SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Daily, one year (postpaid) in advance..! .$8 00 &x Months.:- J.I.: 4 00 Three Months., !.. A 00 One Months -....!....,.. 75 iWEEKLT EDITION. " r Weekly (in the county) m aivance..-.-l.$2 00 on.lP0"""""""" 2 10 Six Month..-...... 1 00 Aa thoroughly twppUed with every needed wmt, end with the JCatrst EtyUt qf Type, , . every manner efJob Work can now M don$ vriA TT eanumtwi at iort no(ic. . . - J BLANKS, BILLHEADS, rf-' ' LETTER HEADS, CARES, -'J ' ; " PROGBAinirZLUND BLLLSi ' HO. 3,910 W6TTU rntttuwiH vr uavia v r mi Beadtpafe Clothing - and .ifiecpfiilHereTandisQ uwm . , , ; , L Q will find at the. old:establishedhonse of e rf .Aiu;S';lit'2;lU,:; SPLENDID OPPOETUKTTY k l) ? .. - w ! . .... I . !. i 1 -J. - ! '' . . . . : 1 "1 - ; , VOKXIX: " - u n 22. 1878 i a THE LfBpEST, UESTAsSOBTED df CHEAPEST St6CKX)F (g)ODSF A ma mania KeWbn h invented oflSc8.iK, We are Prepared to prove tooit'exliminatlon of got etock that weMAKE I thel so vain boast, and solicit ibayer, both,; wholesale imd xetail, toLOCEK ATlKeraltL . , ..x . -, , A . ..t I apeech at Ebcky Mount. . -ikiJ.L.'; f firs ife. Ouristock eries, Kid Gloves, To win a Fortnne. 8EVKNTH" OR A "NT) emocrata meet in con- distribution, i878,:st new ORLEANS. Doro ic-aav to nomi- i xuju3U4.x. juliX wb. nate legislative, candidates ,and counQr ftgiribMter fanaewlanda 1 K. rra ---.- - ... : ''. in"' : Liar rl V . I 1 wju. oj Miima State . Lottery Company . instittitiori was mrularlv ' TncorDora- tne lieeiaistnre ot tne State - lor Kdn- cational and lAaritabl purposes in 1868, of DtS powiok, Alacca Emoid: JW are complete and will be' sbld-at Astonhiiing loStrices. uarpeif v1 vioxns ana mattm yery low. FOvkirl n.s..-.??W?S ftivided between Vance and Mernmon, grand SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBU- Dr:or Ocr?ijaou in view oi vuisuh buu bo uew i xiun win iase mace montniy on tne fooryearajt breaches, a correspondent oC the Sal-1 second Tuesday. It never scales or post: nnJ-'fiI AvkitfebPJWgire that a part of thefPoaes.; -Look at the foUowing dictation eienteen montiw-xor "Boeaxine aiaresoeot-irv'e' . : r: i . . , i , fully" of Mnu--HawkeyB: . J CiL-liiZ lit : .wfl"". """"r"1 frrj' 100X00 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS . ' ... a . . , r2l- . . -irll , EACH. HALF-TICKETS ONE t air aeaiHig. ana-auenuseL.cierits. Vi4 ana see us ana juuge wrr- xaec year ct.uuu.uuu pounaa or toacoo t 01 anenunon. oureelves J iVVS'l 1'flJ! 4 ? .f . . . . DELIAS & COHEN. Democrat and Home copy. . . rnarclr BURG ES IN t C H O LS , WHOLESALE & RETAIL . a. r w If " v DSAXSB IK H ALL KINDS OF and -nearly 4we--4Ulio&a-f.Aigass--weti of tobacco and (xjOeW hj Ecnreion' Mule-rA 6oo4 rmoaHBltod Ma- tt c uavou b gub lame iu am wex wmmu n i- cations froioo 'Mary, MRebwsca,V 'uaatt,? "Hannah." Ac! We never tay anv atten tion to inquiries unless they come from a I ' Knsro's MoraTAUr, Jonp 20. "MaudVan "Ethel," an ."Ednar"- aBdan-rTbe event of the past week was an ' Amelia" n -eirla' of , 'that, kind Wh9 I ekcuxslonr bartv. numberine seventv nam look well in small : caps. St Louis 1 odd, to, Tuccoa, Ga. We , foon4 the Journal. ' - ' flails more delightful than waaexpeot- ea, xney are situated two mues ixom (rrespondence of the Observer. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize,... $30,000 1 Capital Prize, . 10,000 1 Capital Prize.... , 5,090 2 Prizes of. ..$2,600 , ; , 5,000 o ibises or... i,ooo..... 5,000 20 Prizes of....... -..500......... 10,000 100 Prizes of. 100 10,000 200- Prizes f.. - 50 10,000 ouu razee or, ....20. .... 10,000 1000 Prizes of. 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 9 Approximation Priges of $300, ,. . 2,700 Q Approximation Prises of $200...... 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of $100, 900 w to Ml 4 JUNE 22nd. CLEARING SAL1 Of all Small Lots on Our POPULAR JOB COtniTEB. WondeHfil- STARTLING BEDDING, &C, A young housekeeper wants tokno w how 4 th e villagelbf Tttccoa, and. are readily 1 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110, 10 wu zob age 01 a prjug cnixaten, jjhueo reacnea.oyxjussiJrnijne village. Responsible corresponding agents the bird, with a aledeefcatamer. If thehamvir JLxte water talis loa leet. Jrroiectine I at all Prominent toints. to whom a 400 wanted liberal .A. -4 .aaledeehammer. If thehamvir JLxte water talis lbs leet. Jrroiectine I at all Prominent toints. meMhanndii'vith anfltaiimi f mm ttvVnnfM I roiks. divide the stream into three iets. compensatiou wilt he paid vour brains out the' chlcVen is one1 Vear wHieh ire not0 so " dense but what the u Application .for rates to clubsshould only; oS.soJa madeto tbe Home Office in, New Or- couni lhe wrintleVon-theiSf ; $S3fc clearly stating fall addresil'fpr ? '....vr" '.rr a '.':! .ijhk ffle.:Y990'J 1 falls into a further information or sind: ordeis to BarhumsaystliatTom Thumhis,,gieatrrOCk M. A. DAUPHIN, - ' bitf fellowinow. weichin mtehtir Jnbtmds. l Oqwfr Off tO tt smaU, creek. A mjst 1 p. O. Box, 692, New Orleans, Louisiana. CHEAP BEDSTEADb,IA)UGJC8, and forjyea'rioid. :r:Heai lls eontinually waters the All our Grand, Extraordinary Drawings : - Pi'i;t Tf ii n rK OIlBe Da8mi ana a more cnoice are under the supervision anu management 'Parlor S.CHAMBJCKBU1TB. r.7: .! " - . . - . Z . ' . JDlace for fernaB4-mee8es it -would be or generals g t Beauregard and . 1. ... 1 Mianwougli, Mrs GOWS is tbeUJui . nA tk. Mm.K.!. al JUBA1V.A EARLY. ;5 C0FFDI80f-all KDIDS on HAND. 1 dwarf known as Minnie r-WarreoandiBar- J liXnrrinr. ond ' aroaA sindim. I jun 12dw 4w taw .... .. j . . WMdumwfA. WMW .OT. ,.AUS.AUK UU,U I uuuaw mmminj uawi nawiunH """"I HlKCSjIU?. piUVlUlXlg lit IB & lair CI1IJ1- wuleMpinothr; :"s fptne. very edge of eiffabove. FINK jkh0&&Wt&i& i JTJSTtA-iEIVED.v f I -AN OUTLAW'S APPROACHISfl tl'L. ejviceaere Jseld ai Uie' Methodist 1 ,t Mfi.a,,. i -nra hnw .jt vnu r.i tau.i i, , iuji. .. ,u,. 5S?S'' ' 7 7 ; T"7T'rl iflHffAW ixrwwn.M, a Tery -e.e?iep,B ser F Mpnjj- swng scienunovreading-a tCoTrespopdence Of the Vtoerver. t A j.. beygy . to advance the average lf)ri' ?Fridfl.f4norninr-ith- 14th inat'I fleaxer mseiieciuaiiy as wen as mor- 1, 11. U. I Pompey Easterling was called and th All-Wool Cassiraere Suits worth $10. $11, $12.50, $13.50 and $14, Vl Closing at one Uniform Price, 87.50. No. 5, West Trade St., THE .... r VP- :: 4 & " ' ,'U'i!-!t'K -.'t ' 6Jt Jvi.t'v M 1, ' ...I. ,., ;i-innT in.:.' sWf3 id, litofl aa sa Lo c; pi - v -j . f iiti QYD'U'iT OH! iVlAf, s ,f. t' ! PORTSMOUTi: RAtEIGH, HAMLET, and ' .via i: ;v st'H Hi 3finil rfl !'. ' . ::j.t CHaRLOttI J -! , ,i " -- ... ' ' ' . '.. :i. .i ',i Jim ; Tht lmouneetnent Of Selling i4t:;t?ion-: TOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS b - HAS CREATED GREAT EXCITKMENT IK CLOTHING MARKET Ot As QUICK and RELIABLE as. any Freight Route et ween s called? alod the ?lRiind io8161411 I8 Tuesday even- n line iau DiLUie i -isrr -z-Z T-; . . efficientisheriff. of Marlboro! bounty. I Loui ; coiresponaent nasnovsignea prisoners brought froni Ihe'iw by.thf I ?&Z Ablo wansel? were assignalfee i4 a7- - hW tter8Ln0 from OR, THE Secretofarair Face ota We are no cobvist. as to take advantage, or nronose ta kaII nnt rvnr entira :tock. ; ' . " The immense prosoerity in our business has forced v'na to sell, and we Stiff ' more reduce u4oek - in order Jtct Enlarge and remodei onr place of business ' Express FreightsTrain ,aOSE.nCOlIlIECTIONS, For full intormauWTar viuA- ui : mcb26 , n UOltK'JU' . ';.;. ; Public (Dpinion of Jnewton dc-pttUley. The defense V J -ui l Un. - AAnfeaf f -o K. trial report, possibly because the story ,J5 cause of the absence of-material' wit- l iaman s 3 Id Jin r . V T T 1 i . a . . , iiu ill M l T ti r i r 1 1. n u immv noir apron oyiartne worst one oi tne mo o KrrWa u irif at urueren., Beiii;u uiiiiy iuu.ijaereut i " - , " , . . , . . ' , . i IVesires to More jseaaurai S to his fate. Th scS.fciir wasjably lYf. assisted in the n-bsecutibn bv tho firm "iXM " . . . junu- i -. i man orxnevont n akaata1 th a mai i . . . . I - . ortnate not one 'woman in hundred, subf 8uw;uoanimous ana decisive .iq awarding the Palm of Merit to our ifopuiir to the vMmii nr Rn American ci iubiu uosse-s- i.nniiRH. DngJ?i"profe88ii0ni80 tdlt ?a' l!yr:r ! No Clothing House in North Car6fina caiisay wat we can, 1 ' the objector so closely, wwmmu . .i-vr.' a. Imt&Hrtm a -itw Mkrfty!,-- - olflA n rfnafllw that Pnm' F-bt- ore prouaoiy oecause tne writer am m to fnriudi. - I No Job or old stvles of eooda hut tiaw AMinh :frMhVwla'k TitMkftvlM,.' " . . - . I nnt raa fit. tn liatn in nitfttn-n fha . . .. , . j M'P' . o line WCS tiaceaHDOn triai.une Prose-1 ZZ1 T . , " .. oone; l every ume. ,: . . nnMAn Hndft' in ftflrAHi-fifno- th opjecior navmg imormea mm tnas ne t-AJ!TO!iW 11 1 besses, but the prosecution pressed the $'en TTk? ' -d-X,' i?. More probably ee fit to listen to dictation, the be ; done; n iJ aono daily . -rofivf.t' revi 1 IN followine facts s Onatnrday, February knP0" iae, "iaf sSnVartide W- id Mhbmai 23d. a consoiracv was entered into be- !;?ne ubs-uvjeb, m mougn inai trurtecretpf i-a-aeau V': , ' seuiea me mauer. oo me writer was rdbFBrV n IrSh 04116(1 the Qbsebtee mule. He at lAy itKyi lea8fc showed a mulish stubbornness in night. ' The peddler was rtf John Lock- ,Tt"0TX Jt?:; r learns charger and bd been convinced Knfin that Johnwto'htofiieiid; -Nftillxick- molested, he, trill endeavor, to demon- lear arlmuey Easterling came up aittl:H'MM was hwitbi their fedonble-'barreled guns. A daughter oe Aoner jjriggerftr came up to the Borin with her bucket for wa- sell at Manufacturers cost. n0Bt aptly, applied. -ml L. BERWANGER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIEES AND TAILORS, JV A tQt OF A Zr- CIj O THING HALL AT 'Jl irji 1 .. ill i i - i ? ' i i'ifui j i 'Jl.i 32S i 3EB. tO (E5r "EL ELoSi k tuxiMi rj . VEW'h JEjQ-O.. 3VT Ml . . .. . -i Ani Aa JtMaMTiintP ,nnn;hhM knnfrof fnf nra. I ;, imm rnm, imAi I M JUIWOIU uu is uo.. s . . i--. t -1 A, I . rag imu ter, ana JJryce Wen -on inCK loue . . , : It conceals all natural blemidiea in th most house with her. and the plot failed for I A Lanre Attendance Interesting Exercises I priaing and effective manner. that time. 1 John LoCklear staid with I The Pi elimmair Organization. It removes all roughness, eruptions, redness. V.o mnarxna or. A Iranf on ovo rvn htm I il - -' . .. I WOtcnes, ireCKies, ana wiia mngict" ww f w j " I until Monday-morning, whenBrycei rCorrespondence of the Observer. Mm Mm a jra tut ' VTVT K B II K NN GOO 4- 88S8 P MM MM L n NN H Ii " II K N If I. IT . H Fl W-i 8 L "L n N KIT LLIX LLLL U N NX' f)l: XSK & K: T 'Sv : I I HAVE RECEIVED MY V was;rjB03foo;his wayJi fohnliOckH i C&Apel Hnxi June 20. commencement the leW flileoild ifcim over a TdTitelean2 ? - fOBX. thrrmb4a iel!ea' of marshes, bavs indl ! RinAA hA laai t,VU rmu..n,- . uao houuiw d uibij. u T ,la of 85 or 40 look not more than It drives away all evidences of fatigue and ex citement. It makes the plainest face beautiful. It gives the complexion a daszling purity and mates tne sock, iace, ana aims appear grnuciui, rotund, and plump. NEW G-OODS more than a mile he was snot from I nearance as it nresents now. Since m r id. ami ehansea the xsti maiden into a ambush by the Locklears ; John hav-1 last Monday each successive train has cultivated city belie. ing erosseu aoraocu auu isu auwu u i prougnc a numoer or normal Bnuaenis, i to nA c a on the opposite side, to get ahead of I divine the vehicles of Durham Quite LZ..n uufZkk m u etrecuthot iinilQ nm "3 U"f -n'iit 7i I ,vtaoi3.' .s sci -1 tiis? victim m time to ao nis pan. neu i misk employment. i etosH)-nweanawMtwe, VA 1 1 H r i II J1! i fi I . , ' A , .i;l.lit tV.o fit mm fnnm amhnah Tfthn I TkalMriMiul fiVtWnl SwoO Xncmdllv I T.rlip who want to make themselves attractive MY STOCK: IS VERY LARGE AND JMau At .iWflr , ; twice , Neil fired the fourtfi shot, ooened 10 a m. At this SJJ1! .i .Tiwr" wr j, - D ii " ff l! t '-' i ! f f i ' ' . . ' . . i 4 j . m L . . . - . - T OaUAfl o iiuswnvsMsa " " Z , I . w m xas a vv.v v aa ujcl W UVAVi SAO A TV At A UU U3 UUUClDUsU V HUT UilO . ? .Ij.JO.' .5.1 uiliJJ -rf '? Va rvnrl1 thon . fttfjimntflfl An IkAim Va atnlanra onrl enmA intnrnata1 - T i. Ka .kMnMt TMnATfttinn in thfi VOtli M' wv -SfcUU UIO,- JJVavJ.V t AAVx wwsv wa. 4AWU VuU7 D.UUQU 0, SUAU SWUA AUVVOVVU I WJ. -V W xwjrw. T"Tli " AmmZmm I - w - v . . , NTEXITTa POSTOFFICEt .l And will sell them at Prices which defy COMPETITION. Persons purchasing Goods in my, line will find it to their interest to .'1 I ite.a I nv. It is the cheaoest nreparatton in tne worm, i-.fuM at atf3BifiJ ,wl tt. uJ.-w u..- i I ::. ij't'i.-i - I ,n things considered, and may be bad at any drag WW a ' -'k rlf iaH -J'-sttMl VTfWJl ' .! i .1 -.-.-4-1-- i:i i ;.:,. j-uj:- i . mutivi) vuhwmvj - -j .wffi tijo! struck TIxS ENtiR-I sloC 1R s2lE-1t junll on the head with a club, when i.were led in prayer by Her A 0 Dixon, he fell, apparently dead. He was then I President, Battle then, in his own inv rObbed, and about nity paces irom 'tne i imi table manner, gave a cordial wel road he was left in some myrtle bushes I come to the Normal Btudents.-Speech fni'l''AAA I'Tif. TMirfioa ' ViajJHincr tVinh I iio 1liwm).k' Ti PViaa "PViilHn- apr5 Mrs. R. McNELIS, Tryon Street. yjiU: rulj Hh 3a lira a-TT.T wm iwrj mite TTOR RENT, for 'Mead; -but parties; pa8singj that fes weredeliyeredl)y Dr C!hasjhillipst AUUAU ntmTmmT route neaw a ww, . 1UJ QfaK 333E. Er. moahine sound, and iBev J H Heitman. Professor Manerum. and passed on like children as they I Rev A C Dixon, Captain J E Dugger were. and rroiessor J j J-aaa. Tnese gen . On Monday, night,; the 23d, the I tlemen stated the objects and purposes appvanjea i prisoners al went hacK I of thut school, and each speech aboun- PHILADELPHIA r 6 oury the deadr, but the poor fellow ded with wholesome adrico and" en-1 TH5 V'rrOftT atSATJ'FFftlTLi hTive, and his lite was closed I couragementfwhile a tendersblrcitude 1 " - i a HUE .'.rtiJjL. 'h9ioaaoa ' rBnllm-O diijoS b 9t-f 9Tl4VI'Il V.XJCW ' iJL - K1-.-T fmm fha anH nf a. Annhlct- l K nA.uaa -vf cnlornnDQ nor. J;?. a ,Jsn .'JSLSJf. zoiilial 'i loll? f ? 1 ' "itnektfd'thea ethlrthrougiAmnetn were enrolled- the first -kt1W''l 1, rnTi otnrVJc c&idJUJnri'S JWCtractS aa brain. On the Tuesday morning foK day. which-T was a n yery 8oaiidEtli Fiencli and Bjnencan nair an TL w tr t sr tJ rHaerers- . ' , rlF:. :f !r lTOO which iuiiu.4ii .ij j pom'nW'Cerlmg : Watt the Ieas 1 was called to order..Dromntly u -1 ioa " ac siu-ii- x. ot u. 1 otiiltvjof the three., navme been nroven I feasor Aadd..i who, . ODened witb aoDro always had a good tam' purchase. as a place to r at lowest FRipESi .andnow that.. , We 0ffer to , the trade the following desirable' goodg asuch' . mmmm ihvm a I .1 . - .- t: " .-- the first 1 II II fi W fl Ii A 1.1 A K F K greay reaucgcLpnces as to ensure rapia saies ; I- " ft11 JMIM11 I For the resfef the season our entire Stock of l0.-9jJi;-H-n fi.: '; -i (ftXOtl ilia rSSj-U TJMM.ltsTliMlMMBa.6S-t DDD KE-LKKBaSSo-SSgi GGO J9 00 PDD -SSg , nfcements, . - - J-" '- ' "! 8S8U 2mmmmm-im-ek rrr d dbak ekss-ssw r&rM-QootQiyA$?taa . ipSS: fiBSOtJDS VttSM lsoidat the lowest of the onT:' .V,:. . - equally tjptjs scalM j ,-,oAii elegant line of White Goods, in pleasing variety 5 prices SOUNDER 4at : : L aa.nm areonhun,-, ila fancj Hosd; Ladies, Misses aridChUd-1 .TjTYofWsKEW2EEiE njtistyeceived 'i' V,; - !'; ' f UNPARALLELED LOW. PRICES JL v- " ' ' ' - Srf CKA ..: - n ii ii w-.-.J-. U hrv'tirs both nirht and daysAt? bl-tohave been elsewhere, when tne poor rpnat religious services. , As I'roressor ON AN Oarefttljy jptjprajall notirs, DOtn nigni J, I man,waa8hot itftthe nung. but wasTiadd was8delivef!rig'aTeciufe, were ! ,- ; ;f-'i- r "" r i-.ii ' r,?. V'.ifPp9 !t'J f jfliT " " " . . . r . ..J 'i I tarn .a37LT,)3a--T8Tn r.i I I ilja v Xsr -r. Lucrust next. The trial of John and I work, and impresses this characteristic -ii j : ii iu:.j I "- :i rnu-' ;.u. i jxen win cqmejro ;uv"ik mo kuxiii i on every pupil.. j.hb.. uutuper ' ju wv: weeK in JUiYia -jutjun tenu,- ui mo i lenaance toe Becoau u&y was oue uuu- . J - -1 -I 4. JLlliiJ-Jrt HIT' .'I'M court naviDg-pef.n appointea ur m 1 TheeVfdrice' aiatnlt these criminalai Jl 'of such, aharacter tha, . tnejjf, ,06nn . viction is almost a' foregone cohclu- sion. Especial is , due .Hope iution.: Ah ly chained down lia rooms thfit defy morVatilyaAevenmgfVim-a i n elegdnt SOrtoent pectofnfinulBdadiUoa., t v? EVfiRifTHNG;' ISP 5 'PEESONLr iBES lasiwill be closOUtraist. ; 1 ' ' ' a: ! 0 C' iss'l'i tt 4esafa?fcmSfoA krt5S rifedthelatesfcio eSl!,S!f&Pf5LA424v iifi? I elianmngvanetv'ofe iwe Bum .SK ewfibri'-:Esd.rbf thelfirnt of 3Hewtoh & Dudley, for his. giant efforts in the U- d5i4 inrnRflcution.;The prisoners are secure- I ten. has arrived, and will commencel a" 1 aoiei . UAH .77 -K HOt any efforts at escape, and justice is d ;,i flikW .get her duesfI .. A-M1! oxvs??! ai f-fir k. ! 5' . . si f i Mothers, Mot-ten, Motners. wr nn r-'iir fl. t 7K1;IM 'iO '! '.I 1 l" ?"!. rI5."SK?y( v -- .. .-,..r-rr t.-;,- . ; ,. v U.Z evrup lor au ajaenBea 01 wjetuuig iu wxiiu- rcu. 4. 1 cue yea wc yu-iu( juu wu, uiuw wind colic, rezulates the bowels, and, by giving relief and health' to' the child, gives 2T.D2iE. 1 snrronnamg oa&tr ted the Attoev Of this Celebrated: estab-f en t, and nave a full line ox SAMPLES 1 It the;: q$$ffiffi'Mfiz designs ; tbgetherj miyny. -ft?:wLBote i.f 'ATTHEtJASHSTORlLtfJaaeH,; 'T""', 'Cr;1. b: Loiir? cv'vi .'J .ca Every one speaks Who have been -ever 'afterwardrl add that weiefertothe Oolnonnade1 Hotel !AT THE UASH BT0EE. J 'Jane 17b 4 db Ghestnut Street; Phlladelphie,-P f-lllunl n r , - sdx .u -.r iJH'f bovf: V: ;.1

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