-ti t J A. Till in AILS m MULS OPltK POB DELIVERY Northern through mails, daily... I30 t ' through and way mails, 8 00 am Southern rnai!s, 4 CO p m western mails. (5 K K 8 00 am Aiatu irom Eastern Ui vision V. V. R.,, 8 00 a m Mis from A., r. & O. and W. N. . (5,a. K, 4.30 p m Northern through mail,"iaafcaG"v Oflt ff cept Sunday, tee of arrangements ifor the firemen's picnic nwent up to Cleaveland Springs rsterday morning to complete all. the arrangements for the picnic on the 16th. A great many people will go. Thp iipketB fcayejteelif rimed anJT tare K U - m ma B ft J . - a m . i Ml BB rMeahsl6HI"'6f,B-lAnfai! M Rigler and L R Wristou & Co. This i. 3 30 d m Northern though and way mails, , r . uey naa to retui daily wJ-Ui. .UU.. .iUo- Od p tnlGbacbfd ) "Wftlfrj&l li tfftfins? ih o . i : I r -ii I . ; o oouiiieru uimis ior an pomus South, daily, 12 00 m Western mails, by Air-Line,RaW roadtailir;.f..f .p.CV.tCW Of 00 Mails , for -a lidi nis biKvv AeMm -.1. Division 0. 0, R. R.rtiaily ex ceot Sunday Eastern will be one of the most delightful ' ex cursion that e,er peft , e qitfrr IJ , sawyer jsaiiey Had to return fitom e ebld nlU 1 3 . - ! w,wu auu rea suspenders stolen frirn his room in the hotel,. He doesn't ! 1 rrvTS"? TWF0 mucn : a man uau Kei aionc with nn t o. vat.). ki - 1, --zrz,'.: z r- wumuB uitu-jominauonr-ana n sees aSanEaaca,,.naiIPoh,t.- ,f, , at late dar Birijr.whM, others saw Col Thomas, superintendent? of the wn9Ue wasjfirjj&flounced as a can- Cirolina Military Institute, announces S his , . ' . spleen on me, because he must blame frfcKtbefi ;Bion of the Instisute somebody. Iam glad to.lSJttat wilt begin September 15th.,-j Danng the my shoulders are broad and my con comiBg session.the euperiri Undent will science is clear. That he feels disap be assisted by the same corps tf fceach- Pted is natural, but he should not ssrssj wuBuiuvmg a iacuuy wnicn is unsur- On several former occasions. I hav DaBSed t)V that' of anVlRiVnilftl' innMtn. I been a verv warm nnrl nrrlont arinnKvtvMnrernadeSa xt'd -iJiJ7j; :iuJ linn : iU. Oi.i. mi i !. I Ar of rVil TciKiutnn mKn hnnn Lr'ailOO iSH,-,f r tiop,,in the State. ,W01omMjiinetf.r,ofv2l JOBWtonb'enheaB mq- himself one of the . most highly cfllM'"!-0?1' be on.? date fox Congress in the commsr ele&- students a self-respect whicjenders dk- tph&ftfi by- ffc jtaiyjwjhen cftlt" j cipline almost unnecessary. Withhis dtdgether in convention. r j Wtk along 6 30 a ml there is nothing morel dpnlnrohio tWoU cept Mails and ceDt Mail for Raleigh and points on the Ral- however, one stolen from C t eigh StmkvmefW yiCTilrritW eaCa5S2bverffir road tfd3KMridDl. teilhe Office ttSltk 2JX?PverSS. Hi Oray Excursion to WUmingti: If 41 ii nd t the lne m f ex- utWM rv vi m mini ikiiii itk uhiinrti All n m- t ouuuajr, v w t ui jr vowwiy nueu mey nave I lmnmimrt- .nH . fw rc1DRU R daJ 1 i oftheirt,odlehae. buildings and spaTiol Sunday 5 30 a m In the search for Mr Bailey's watch JmMM -.aSI etafffl JtiiS E ' V 1.-1 n must i jpuue A,H wo.no flw sum vantages in the Institute jChjstR Jones, - Cotton Marlteu 1SSE OFFICK TheAUagTuro yeriiy's quotations Good Middliriglir. 1 10 .Miiiling.. jA ?! . -m ...... 'lvi Strict lowMiddiing. (104 Low ili$atiai..,:.j. .S...-. 10J Good Oi liiisY - Tinges.... .. -...m.ut MH.L'tl ,. iA UtauuiBtisncAasaaJsa i,nd -.es i 8tains (deefm clean) h - f ii- i j criii 10 9 io i, CI1AUL0TTB BETAJ& MilKET ; ludt wuTfcl fii.ru v niiuw fct i j Oil 1 BtjtteV.1 scarX!.:aVkUr8verike4. FbwlB BotJnMemand.' .V,tt '"LX ." 1 on -irfi!WH.wdffte.jriWi 2nd,r 1878 o. 1-Day rasseoger-3 OINQ 0UT it.' (Daily;),: . r J a-mca .iui a. 4 m.- icmva vjommoia.. ,- : . nm-nm iniii niui. ----- :., HL8knxmt aU-Mrnla rninlnm m .IT 3fe )LeaTQAuguau, j, j-ti yj oi ? ;aS i. K(i i .78UO . oprinfir tTiiCKenB. : , iifl5'Pj"'Ji'Ui" .fju-iL.i-n-tff-rt -i -f Inin IVlmnMa Leave Oolnmbia. , ' 4 irfWlt tu-i71ii.n Oi 10 ..... -.".vnr It Johns! p. m Omce open Sundays for delivery from 8 kizhiqhbl en winner I uu uue w in una Nil iihtwi vtm m I r k nonm s . v m i-nrniB: rnnniHC 1 1 mo snv nrnav Kifuwi . umiu. - tntitrim I ; f 1 1 1 1 -i i ;i , -v tj ' . : . y , . . . t i etnods ot teaching in yain ; it always cures. f p K 'Ish ?otat. : , .,,1W, in are of the most Liu- L J1 M' .?w no cl . aoi.9.teM7,;, ! Xnlr For medicinal' al'hblic resuscitaort SweefKSSoWSe.- CSp We?SL oH: ... Ln Ph Oft grounds are a&a UhTsioai oienr wHfch tlta,tMti tkFh'h! SYaiJSPii'j arifTI Ariive si ColnmW ui? iPK. 5ther?pafposei foj place of the heady and, IreqnyadnJtera h TOmkSeclr.1'1. 1 f',!a9ifll In jn,m '' ;";;V'I ' aIoPB. fi Vo rea snmniants oi commerce, the meffloarghW" "J" "" r u(jsv gniu ,1 , . HAnjtWT PuuimV iMiit I ing effects npbVftelystemfTte U'STOn, -a, Vffl.L.iy' 1, . - .-J. to 9 a. m., and from 4 to 5 p. m. mint rin o.rTf bmXoV JaXv -jj-afT r'tfl an eicursidii a. m. to o p. m pauably adaped-Jo, irhich.theyar&jafled -rCol -Thomas liastLwaV s : fiae JPatrdnlael froL&-SoTilhl.nftrniirifl "V W JENKINS, P. M. Gnu lotte, N 0., June ft, ,1878. , lb I lit wrTnvn-.ii n vn.M imV. v i A - . - t Grays have decided to J 3f- .7. I come. tae WMt pbpiilar; tnedioihfr 'sold T j y -V " I '- fl " " ... - . , , v 1 I Al i . -rr .... I fn'iW;iCiiii i i u uurge. lu ,jrujltary BCnoOiS ' DOth I lU18 wuuueni, viz: uostesters . to snend th A. ?a .bw aodimarleston, -T I nf Itafllf YiAriltifna V-ai The Weather To-Day jtoy ui ine e "StatTs. vartlv aoudv weather, occas oncu 8, light sovUherly tt-tfaqtopopy J jMi opportunity of visiting S ature, stationary or lower prea- viire and other points of interest i showers, temperature. ' O -l t vicmi.crf.WUinlneton- Dsiiftn Chalybeate 8plings;- "iH-: Dawson & Co Wanted. H B Williams-Register. 1.1 The Charlotte tin Tuesday, the 23rd . ' . 1. ucic, returning oaturdaT mnrnirnr. ThiB frelWill be only $3, for the rouiid inp. j?uu accommodations will be niihefi alfwhoiish ts ATfiirtncT xcursionists tney will fl . tity of visiting SmiihJ pBsesBs' pfetuliSf SflVSn roads rjanderitieaEilv. acoessihlft frnm -11 i- - t . . . . .1 particulars wijl.be given in a few days L A1 ine countq 5 no city: in. i. in u rdm- urther recently introduced, but which has since be- on Stomach admira-,farthr gniheant en- disclosed that this botanic remedy effected -1 : TIL. - il.-ll . . 'Tm dorsement lngyear with pleasure to the time when this viSor, the removal of digestive, secretive and PTPAllonr 'aivTSl if"T nj - evacuatiye irregulairties,and the eradication excellent, bdol pl-J:elled to over- and prevention, of periodic fevers. Speedy recognition o the merjtsi.qtyiersi by nnpieju'diced and enlightened physicians . The outlook for the com- 16811118 wnic? tne-nunerai arngs of tne pnar '. .. a. s . 11 r macoDeeia oiten ntteriv faiind t,- nmdiimx . 5V S i iorwara among others, the permanent restoration of Jjcjjc M.ATS-r-; ,i.. ,;s : Clear. Rib Sides, Long Clear, ;, Slnidflis,, AC,Caovaaed,, jvvvneanvassed. Bei s; ltTrail- f F ytm want first-lass Carriages.- Phtrtosi, JJt BoVfetes or-Saddle Bene go to the KW Iivbrytablei:it !. hlu.r, (-.idw) : t .Ztotf waniaCrria id,;Bi)EaxO; Wai gor rfl n,arrjv1ip8 or dtfUag trains, tu m new .uivery otaDie. : . : J(J If von want Tonf tinraea wall-faut mJv nlt -u:oz balfibaIs, 8 to o9 groomed, go to the New Livery-8bW f TroX k a uopackets and tins, OidlO ,Carsfnl,drirBTf.iromj)tnsf 'vndctidn2 I'jnJadv . i j - llial2i v.. ,!t ,9ial0l BestBefined.tierpfc, , ,jBalitQla8i 1, .era Whito'Waah Paint 7T djbf3 srfi 6ahoq.fli 4. aa in XTU.jiJjMiflw.i Sh oi niqojMi woTIol ailed iwi aoearr?v Mid .4m.k TT Vm OjaftiiJjeloi? il iju yen sisaw iu:ik TURNIP SEED, J. ,,.-.( ti.ft.l ! IKUieum WIIYOIWBIUH--- ,t, u --i inf. . M-j.fs,! tL. ui iacis, wnicn nave since received saeft,lT.j iTlSSaSiSfV..V tuaait. do 1 VLi- am.m .... -xu.iia v,.wiiue f-'lSSiV: i. hi. i V ll .lOOl'J SERVER. Tle. Teipnunre :. WhpvA a fiiiAffiil tf fa a CnnimAv. What man with a family hvinr k.Wd8fers.fi 1 1 j-Tii vd xPr-- health record, and with a male and been orowded lattfcmie small "sky parlor"- fV.MJ.WT5hoee, :(,Am,mm. fensTOorpassed in the f monSlgliMS ,f 8rjouJ4, ipecmlly com- elbowed by the Metropolitan throng thai' oi fr?,o,i.PaMftP i-a j . . uibuU(s iweu.io parenia, wno nave sous Altr'ijiWii W"KJ . Slack. Mo$i; nrL.&lLlOL J-j . aU. ! lUjiiA-.- nn, ! Jraucn, ouimai nas yowea never sgain toidlii, - - 7 .i-T-mu,.., j imu. unugutcio lu euuuuie, ne ses- . An fuportni Omlaalmi. In- - the 1 ftiel ' of ; tViti An t nn nJa.a Tii-.f,.w : ,7i?T " 'n-1 -K WU6'P00 L.j ; .'ijJiUii L . . r urancn, out mat nas vowed never Sgain XHDiuiKnuiiv is mm WTOlllluiircusrre- ViVAW if n -f, f il.. Tl! .J UU UitUlTULerH tO enilfiRIfi. ' tlA aoa- I a i i J T ,Lj..ii storervSarS- &-.RPf.e"8 ' d ites. cirtuitl and.idistricl "htUf,ning 8n' ?T8 the qqery store yesterday . i tt ... ..-'"rLnH nf the i ah.rtt .t-u., where shall we go ?. Since test season anew r ft m 700 1 wuwjuiie, no appropriation; was made, iur u a. in.,,.... ....... o I. .. j . . i . -: i. . r .r . . .7,' i . - q a-'' m' ' ' ri .''"-- ' 'trfoland.'hehcW vfeltoi'fii VQ.w : 1 ioung juauies wui .Deregulated .jvith com v ur us ... . ..-... a...ui. a... au i niflirint nnniiia. cba Ka.v.V4i n pouio may uavH Liitiir I'.ru irirpn a r. rtnauMuaa mAM odvanfarraa fi'ili 1 I i : I T ' I ' -. -;t- WMA VO: Olli&Il UE lttflll HIU1I1H.1 V I mmm vvrwwxAww uv UUb J Wi VUO WUllfll-. 'Liverpool,' &n4 (fbie, " l.voaZJJW I gntrtf rAA tk LtIUitu ii l ii.ni iii-iJi-j 1 ! sfLl 1 1 4 luiwuiujnwimiHu ocTHieniiHi 6" tU JU.II p n..... ,......... ' ' oso- CTTLJl on thesecohdKMondays of June and lwal BH1EF8. Ijepernber. Asie next Congress c6n- U vj ! ,i. A 11 veles ii Nitemffer a biff may be gbt- sxjhoelsin the same place, an ad van- Pleaaar seeker, of those in search of rest Floue tage wnicn ait wur readily see and ap- 7? "tZ-.r i . 1 preoiate. . tt j r,T.-0 a. , " . P .than.tusU -1st; Its accessibility. 2nd, Its Hy car load, in sacks. ;ont, in bulk. From wagon .--ii-. i,H- .4 It is said that. a rag, saturated . with! ton through, making the neceasarv an- taiwiui 1M.-.IU will owe UIWI -OUfc-Ot--I fJ-uyi lanou, ui bllUW W HUBlli-Ol-tUi Dece -eier room. u i t i n -r in uim iaiiuf t UUU8B, near uiaaie in suiuieesteraay. xne corona ajrs,w as ,- - I, -war mr it ii ji : . had made no report. Family, cool, bracing and salubrious climate ; their tii.snper' i thermometer ranging in summer from 6fe;to Elc ' i Eev Dr W M Grier of Erskioe. fty. lege will preacii at me associate JKe a I x A-1 . , i wuv uvtoi oujiiiw -ouwuvua. All im RRlil rfkf Ta iv JJ li ; 'T i-S-- ,if Ail! liflfl Va 4-ra r i l -.l ..V 7vT', vl j vvuxm.uo w 1Cuu i- iuub. uwnuw kj t if jtriiaM;iiBiiM;oa ilf ll uci lci iu ill Liin i . 1 1 1 ii. w m T. rm k i. niKV . l I i : n a . w nA n n n . ill 1.1 I oa . . h. Mmr i 4m. ba Mt I n 1 : ai. . of JudWfe DiikVkDDointmeriohnstI imteiate'I Located on a bluff overiooking jthei , Othefwiae H CCowles clerk of the ention in Uol meets fhf erest." 'Inwt- l: ' Staesvi t rljl 2SKftS Ward meetings I presence ot several) gentlemen, that inojlfyto,MaBgeef'Ipvalidsnd Toqr ,r . . . , . . . , a!ol Steele had designated the very day ists Hotel," Buffalo, N. Y. . Very little interest was taken in theL-th 17th i w. ov v,Tit I , Democratic meetings called to be held f as requested by hitctJ He also said TP" . vAACrr Nevada county, Cal., Pure Cfeyj er bushel, ' -, x - Mixed: pet bushel. 1 ' Hat TJnchopped Tiaothy, per cwt, i North Carolina, per cwt, J. on the 8Dartanboi A;AaheTiHe Railroad. fca bonnection withj .tBeOharlotUlJkir-Linf i fer A.'w JStfaea.at ikiafl.ef the 6aa63KiJeWIV the 52a56 ye Chariots via -LImb Er 7:l6p. to ive atSDiitaiibnftIai.?.kil...... iMftnm LeV fparlafibnrg for MtTryon; 5KX) a.m Arrive at MtiTyon iiiw... 60 V Arrive at HendersoafviUe-., ,120 p. xa, arrive at Asnevuie, :w FARE. ' ! Round Trip ISickets, to go and return any timle within, ttatemratha. . rj! -a. JotaTOflpringsab4 return, $21 M " ir at i w t in wi t $2.fe0a2.75 $2.00a2.25 ! 651 $1.25 90c nd fi in town that very I8 amictea Col Steele to Hon- ?tl !HWH.o5? theftfce; ;and pim- pxeBxmsai every :pnysician. and every ... -s-.r.vL j tv.... . . ..... in thfi varinna wura of Iho ;tr VMf,. I Was not la town thltdnvunrl lisnxa Cjis'JjV$' MaySni9?7- lormea rresnyierian cnurcn to-night, L. r Jr he aid nAt nnM? ft7Tv.r EfftBollakmTlteV i; ami k .TvMft. .s w : I J'i ior me .purpose oi aDnomtinpi rv . i- -- - r w .T-vi.. JiiLnt.-i- rryiri-" vyiT a, o . . or nouung it. l was preparatoryiaihinurnnon4 convention day and. went with j Which meets Sal urn a rr t n onnntnl onn) Ik.l .dn.-.. T llunMarrtlrhrYBfirrifXia ipWHrHTT??. pisinct iu vui voues as 10 xne time or poaeiAt last I tried your Golden STedical I4e; X0ungeaa CbjQakifAttDcurJ VentiofJ 1$ W no Ofma Place convention. In returning Discovery, and was happily astonished with lion expect to have a pleasant meeting . Puai1w : . rom the State convention at Ealeigh the result. In one month's time my face of their friends at their'bodfc rebeiitibh 1 Z?7 i AVJ , ' ne stated to me that the district con, Decame mooth and wen, and eyery pimple m mm MWMwaA avaowta acocill" vnll till ill Mr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tinr .- na ' nam nnti I i n st- t vxvvu -via wtvir uioauuvuvu. jlack.aiu eases of the ' 1 pt..i, .t.i..m ji r u .... iai ar ricaets ror saie at t a i Alr-ldn Depot In Charlotte. i sr. v, ; - : ' The Poet-Office, Department at Washinr on has ordered daily .mails to a carried oa bB innta T" TJ mTVf 1 XT . v.. j . J. M. WMWaili ' aug7 . Brest 8. A A.'Raihoad W ANTE 1) : A- tndtitr' b b v o Hnvan a : i mi v . .. ,-l v-vr" c x r . i 1 x s. il l --' m uui uudo vuo j vuiik uiU i ii n . a-ri- I ivuo, wu jjavc J Ij ni J f II IM 1,1 If )llt- 1 . 1(1 i " - . inK oecna. w tbis I Assented. After a discussion at meeting as held. The voters Who did Dallas between Col Steele and mvself IWIT3D3V i blood.'' Yours truly, v. n't Jil-U.iKliO Diamond. have, and should be encouraged. gt Vinoe and Family in Morjant.n. I SO for thepurriose of attending the First and ha arrival and interview with Col v 'i'j'. ' . r:. . v " j I and Pourth ward meetings expressed a one8 1x1 Charlotte the 17th was fixed jLcawjruity aiberuuuu vju v vauue anu i Ti " v r FIRAF4C1AL AND CQMPJERC1AL TWENTY snarts Ceotwihtal buiWlng and Loan Association, of Oharlotte. ..... . 3 H .ii :;! lay aiternoon liov Vance and a Vnnnff fx. I upon as the dav of Che general cionten. wife;an theuc ibtir sons left jin a spe. CWngrefes. K r ' lV't '- '-' Ition without my knowledge or conj cial traid for Morgantop, where JI J t )-. - : Vance wi) rjeijuti i'artwejm the ef olT1" etab,e hope of improving her health. , She is The constabulary has come to the Buuie yener man two or three weeks will be able to stand the trip additional suffering. - I sent. That a convention reauiring Brimarv WJsPV$ty wrventiOQs to be held in adisfrlct comptftrilg 'eleven parities', TELEG9AFUIC BUlRKT8. .UMM ''SHU V ..i'.J i i JDLY-l18S-j -:')' .; in , u i, ii ii.i.i : .:-t C I : ' .rBODlMiE !-..-Hl!-.;;!if .-: f il fil)llutf Mliiiirtii-i tft 'ui ... lTE have a call; fur a house with (syen ejc f eight rooms, to $2,000. , Baltiasore-Oats unohatoFed .i i JVoVisibns steady sand quiet. .Bacon; ahoaldors &k, clear orvi ji,. i cn ' siaaynacruiei. sacoBcanoaJ uCiwir--6iT, JuueairibjiaeggaiTjpfi g Coffee un 8 ago, and- it is hoped molted at his dmce.to numerous envious uruau BUO"lu oe caea 7 giving only changed. Whiskey 1 08. Sugar active at ' f r w 5 ft Vi nti f I trb rrl rtnora I two tomatoes bf nis-' own Sunday School ITIeetiitt's. "7 seventeen aays-Tiotice irom the first 8ia93. 4 n1 Atl 1 9 too n 4k rxr- . nnaj va mam - I as?sffi "H mjuii fiaici. jU iud i o, ncca. i-u icauu luauy ui vats wun- at 4Ua4z. Vats, dull and lower at 26a27. IIILV T I V MMIIIM.1I I II IV 1 1 II Ik f I.I I H HIT III I " j j j - " -"O "WE have liquify tjT mill, two run of If burs, within six or eight miles of ChlBPJ lotte, weuPd! like Binall farni mtta.hM. ! - ) ' i Jj : .:..! . . . !; A C. AIR-LINK RAI LWAY. . ,');.' . . . i : . - . , h , change of, 'scmiixji. Pissniger trains will ran as Callows on andarrSanday,ane 9th, 1878: COIIINQ EA8T. Arrive at Charlotte..... ...:.......;.. 2 20 a m " ' Charlotte Junction t 30 a m ' .GbtN.qEST. Leave Charlotte Jasntioa,J.. 1:10 H Local freight and Aocommodation .Train n , r - , b LUMIJMU JSiAiSX. Arrive at Charlotte,... 6 (X!p( m Tabva rtiap!fct a ... . ;javr Chrrrotte,VA...v........ 7 w a ia vrcHniow,-iiA'-: ; ! ; uil w .litfii-n n-i- .! i 'i J. n.i ;: Close connections at Atlanta for all noints ( west,, an d atharlotto foxall points East. ... MjA mi ik n:ai 'w m . i i,. - 'W. p. A r A , Qen'lflhpt.' PrANOS. ORGANS New, 7 wigtapj.i$67 New, 7iPt.,$l45. t.lIew7is8SK$78 " Jf agnifieant. "bran nawi' U ever siren." ' Oh how thfaVrYial m mms bat LUDPEN ABATES iUli hpld-tbsfiald and rain hot sftet intd the B4d' ifcaanf. 1 tmaan who dm(v4h4i fKiMiQiJwitil Bnm- ngqrai4 Qgerson EbSysMt iBftfinuavnte. llii'. Hit I IIIIHIIHII . ferMxryfUe MOU8B." TiteirfnatroisentSindbettraght ma um aajBa mthis aai 6 vanE an.: and cnaaper man qiHKXtfna,aoaah of by moathly iMtaUmfta poq't Mki to buy, Pork nominally, unchanged. r-Lard a shade . .The i teach ers of Sunday schools in another one xne city win noiff rneir -weekly meet- loes.as it Mfi'IreBerioiidr; Thin .nnnA.-. ;n t .wi a tKa nA titi rrft?M iWfffl!1)? pot: public rights and justice. Not one- Bulk m9f strngeohptUdea 5. shortlrib ann third ol the white 'voters in the district "f ""t 1 ""-v-, i 1 Obd iliproyew I yrtTWlA form' nod i n TV nin (Ttho tonno BsbVterian cU Mtii t liftbh-itrlliri WA't r i r . t I., o.TP " r r r Tr T :thisxiftwnotttat6roiocJThifni in; ra JV) rro litori . . . mr n a J A 1. A A u 1 1. . 1 I A ' s . ...t ' . L... . . L . . , ... rinhrw TiA w mnrv .aan.Jkwr-Jo; lJcafw1reaecfitb.popuJwillpr fhT - t r " L."r:r-v:"Wfc " """ r sentiment, i, as a private citizen-jpro- em fineoiSiSxtra 4 75a il oped QOiiD MUJRUbatan be bought -ttriivB theffi fffltffe and plwr MjtafoejL aj-fflrpyipe on ope v tjagamst .uch procfeding- vipla- sWgS Wheat ope cheaplfor cssh.. ,1 paring tne lesson ; ur a body, t '4'heJwfiM9A;l TQIEJftlra advance meetings are. instructive, and teachers a note, stating that they wel 7 mmtm jmJm New York- shoulders I ly ing near railroad of 2E0 acres, both to be i 6f . Whiskey in Mecklenburg coanty. higher, ackiDg 4 10a rnents none. Flouraebade firmer. South' f A ND we have as enquiry fdfarJ onfdevel- i ij Ml 11 11 t tWaVa n'lnltW Wa ; J 7 fHll flllfl WHIflt i uu id v ilf! t miff il-i.-t.-i. ii: ('i'-ir;-,,i; vjn: DRY antf ' kfilWEBTPRlTTtfl.ariATiAy tKa i ' i become more thoroughly preparedTFor raised by Mrs & C Ingram, of Wadqs- their tlaafeg by thtir att0h'.M' . .Apprf and that the bdnch original vj :i j weignea o ids., dui max some were broken 'off in the gathe'ring. How iW3i Johnston.! Ui-.i irwi&S fifi'itifoiiry. Sugar ,ii-;o.J: 1 Uiit WAnAOAKEE r an Excrtin Sawe. v fl iJ0 7 ebply to coii Johnston's cabd; ; Above is! published, another card tjj? ' ri.,) i r .. J mucJi :jjooeer is thi8 thihe f going to rrrom Uol Wm Johnston, latoan aspirr A, subscriber at Davidson' Gbliege, last? '' c ft Uf, j anorgongressi from:thei isixth. con-; wrrtean'ndr Atnt WetinAiAlhk -MTAtf hi gr,88SlJial district. I; publish "this TT t n " . 7: IT;. T.mTVj v r. he noticed with pleasure in that day's Observer that thereto rospect'bf an early excursion from' Charlotte to Beaufort. "I think," says be, "that a great many of the rp-cbtiritry'Tjetle would b deUghtedta got iandj hope the parties; wil&;Jbe: successful iin get ting it up, as n great many axe atrxioui to ga . on sameCUasure trip. There excureisnjfi ftKrmflrr! ' min Wlniiiilnir)ii SliiuilliiirKioiiiiii ' 1 I v vl jas MawhaU;orr4a9o, fefingag$ ;,inh!e; BhootinertRerana iElrtlriirf J XrA. O - .w w. vvaw J wxu II - 1 1 , rri i;ir-rr-. . irrrnTir-r-ojn'U mecklenbnrff Xeaners at tne Hnil I card as it is written, because I desire to iTj0Tjnrene,r- ''.1---.-?z."t, I lofto vrVta.fi T.Viavnniri r.ti niiolr . fVioft .1 so lar tt'i'knfnr-tne 'Convention was H':'. ,-Ii ,:-t;KSSl do Ooi Jt Tne Uotvewiyl!roiBaT ewipg)Sn(iou.aniipa.K?nft,Qiiw nof caffecf in Col Steele's interest, any projector jaThert 'liate iri' Wttetidance more 'than in .qql Johnston's, and Over" iwdftun'driftte while the time might seem short sev?; includes thi noUcethatMeCkle4btirg countj'wwell and: appointed .delegates,. and. it wal repreflenteolTheeighiOiw believed that ample time was .allowed rxi-iKliaiwirf a iiai- nf fKnii nuaimf A'KSV.Ufnl tTl .5nth r cnnntlpj t6 Hr Hfti (Sri for i UUIIIOUbU M ia u& VUUOV lbOOI(Vj n UIUU w . T T '1 e ioiiowing nersons ironrrv; 7. : . r- 4 w" iTr"ti iT -L 1 believed then .and believe now, that W Mary Allenepjk- an early convention : was more favora WfnitPnfeyf" te ,iofcrJahnston'; chances. Col 4EArnfH!fiW9e) ; Johnston declared himself a candidate Latthews' Station D SDorwy arter nis aereat ior tne mayor -'HRG . . . " " . . . 1 ..-. J(TT , I . 11 a v r . J 1dwenfn'M4t1M hioBmation It was'nea injured. Morrison, who did the shoot- was, yesterday, arrested anrj: Irrde fault of bail was Mnt-rtfr-kiirv Janes having received a fiesruvJLltheL TLT ..K. bliii ill iiuii ann mill rtm Emnr w n a.B I rtoestifvl'fire'eoti hating -enliesi and as there were derburk, Matthews Station ; Miss Mat tie J HenderaoBr-Martendale r-Omder F Jeromeint Hill. If is ajsqftfltticed that the neighbor- ties are well i represented. i .1 iw two weeES. lt'iS J.Said thAt-tha two lXaUwwa.iIftea..:(',L miuLfc i - ' utu , wui- CMnm-theirprivilege! oefq Go1: WAT Johl)jBTOWis: rejfceiyeq aTet i ser.u:gmgin,mjLjw;g0t5QvwioanocjtsviMo I On the 17th to address the railroald IT i no witoe8eibftbTTj whole of the affair, meeting to be held there, in favor 6f there will be some difficulty in convicFT the projected road from Danville across ing them. m . t the country to MoOTesvi:leor States- ,, 4tion, is called t a-the aot that lat ' the:JasfriessioTHoPflh! gisla.tUTeIlthS bhosetf byth.fe'bb-araof jffifcrtlRfUi ;SThetkhd!derpf'thedrtrijea4 BieaAivtayjuinBctivoceDiinreAfAfiiii. r.? . i i , . . i .TiiiS'A4iriAi. m itii.Ti-xvxrci-xriiina Jiauroaa neia weir annual uieet- ms iaw aiso requires that the boardlw at vrm.u ta - " L t t I lug w AAAt&o V, T valU0J . vi uinguuano meet lur iiuus purpose on .1 I uov vance nasje-appoinieu jun Crafeejfiaahtls Atry aonnr'w w- over tnree weeks from thims. xj Jt 5TC3Tii i wf ..0iJl.8 ai nil -ff.UHI.J. J.V,, ll IIIIBiM ll .llll BL 1 1 bdttle: yseniry; and, Wind OoHoj i oyBp a promptly. cases., irnce cents a 4i-iiT t.WPj&months i before:.. Col Steele could leave Wa8hingtonand,confer,with his ftieridrperHonalIn the district. ' 1 Col Johnst6 uncertainly had this much the A $$&Jtii and if h e failed to make good use of it, he ought not to blame me. surterrny ixn-j(nreHTO to tneT-ime or I talked .over the matter twice with Viem . AnMaBAAn n fro' - Vi A' wa a vsfl A kttv iwwwi- "P l4Ws4iM,0,ieoulatt6 noiweenV wjien, JadHfBI cm- iM, 1 American. ' FSeady vp.nt.mn. and., Charlottes as : the s nlacA. Lj-Ij ti7sjji:-. i c- t.i. T , iTpjirTl i . t i.Tjpir-TTi iMWHUgwa; uit uiiuuiim uuiauac, jui uc DUU UUVC UUI JCtUlU UUUI lilC tOilC CQn.vep.tien when Ij did tell .'him. that I waa, then under the impression that the " 1 eonventioh;' ought" to" basiled )!6qn f P i The train left there too late to get the proceed- injs inthls tnornings paper. ectors of the Western North . . . i i . Gauge Rai Iroada," each h eld taeetitfi WedneMayAlie former at Henry's an the-lAtter atitWwtoq. . liT- arly tJlfai.Land . j . i . Ti.? j ii . . Bfi4 i asimi j? ii ui. iniuuiiua xuiu, . I 31. . i nl 3 1 ... a Uiipg, lusui gvuu uruiurjt, vjc; mieius, 41, lares. 175. c I" 6- - a g ! ; Cai8TOH-SteadKjni3fiin;g? Idw middlimr. 101oood ordinarvt -10ic: net PfeBeiptMO: jH2'Btdck, 5; exports kensolidated. iplaiefWconventiorin Ireply thJt 9 f&ft85 J"??1 -v . 1 jnthed Col Johnston was , fairlj for iwotoon tJaa, and-A again state that 1 believed thB time i fixed '.1 would be satisfiacfcory;to both of the aspirantsil Toe tinsfo fixed m juI two weeks before the State election, and I claim that the statementr.itpj i CoJ Jphpston oi roarfe good. ' 0 In-cegard to C6l Johnston's statement thathwasiiiCharlotte.and could havje been consute4, on the. ,dayr when vthje time of th0 convention-zwaS fiiei,!l have i, merelv to .state, that il .wasitold liovingt no trot otooio will bear me outj nSnltedAlm on viha lsoMdck. T ifth at iherA. would, be-no teausw ifor Aii ?BT - .. m -T . . ....... -fc. Qri.-r ikht,it.;T - ''Co? Johnston never had a ghost of ghoa i ,lrt;t.i.i:g It-v -:i!0il n V" "PARTIES having, any. qt the above' for .. .. j. 1 i w V Vj iUw HOCK, ,ufb j-it'imip! a - l. and firm. (Toikicl0fttl-heavy: mess 10 35a 10 60, middlesi qie and firmy Wester long clear. , city long 1 dear 6i. Lardi -:prim Bteam 7 22vWhiskeVttOTl. Frerthts qiet. ij.-ii )-". :-' .ie siiJ a-iii Tifil ',v. '6 !m sni j .ri.'.l. H V liiii i NoiroLxi-Qdlet;1--intddling ceipts, 80; stock, 1,458; exports TIE still have for iaiaseveral bargains , IT cuyhpusee ,,Apy to;tw,, in vi iiiq v.-!; jj-:-.t -(.in ttd'r .Jijhui J v o4 iii4jg tMldetf-WlU" ;ni 1-5 mmESDOsoBj CunmsQi aiu fue- iig l ni rrtsHta goods middling J 1 fcf 'g'ordlnary m coastwiM, 20,1. fill? .. ... ...CStrfilSPj iJi,-.. ,i toftirt,i,.ivli L jif!.iiLi i iliii-; i-i 1 ' : 1 - i r I i ,v " m uw un w.viij i aale8,.H.Tv --ij:' Ji w , i-j H.THJIITy of his NEW ENTEaPRISE i JiX ,b'.ufj!!;: . A !s the- : ,; MiihuiUi i ' i .... ... ; "j II Jill .iiiMltMtf 1 i'r-k. J jk..--ttnM...l Registers lost or mislaid," JJiympe aboye W J JJiacK s store. H B WILLIAMS' J Pj 75: stock. iC07; exports to Great Britain. 79? A WTO.'W?P 'OT jcoastwf8e. 8fl: srMnn0rs.B5. . ,. ;. V i " IffiS!? WiIirL.iB' Bo8TOK--Dnll;1 i midflBnir, lliffinJorr. mid dling, llje; good ordinary, 104rnet receipts, 94; gross, 282; salea; blank ; stockv 6,108 ex ports to Great Britain, 178. U-m -i.iiSi.T3 j o.: YniddHhe, 10$&' good ordinary, 9lc: Be6rt- ceiots none; sales, .5; sales.; nonei stock', 631 i :'T. Jlj.lV ..J ..ir. 7 li TJ'..I yi.' I'. I .... - I PHiEAiiiiraiA--Qbtet;i middlingf'f41 lowimidcrringalic; good ordinary, UNttRMULEfr tOW PRICES !1 jOllZ 14- I )J:rj W:l . I .-j. -.7 il:')U -i!I tiluTai. .ftabf apW i aoj .very -Elegan Qoods, i i -.1. :'.'Vi''j i ti i v -.! Mat v.'on '7HA,!iYBEATlS BPRlNQS, tat .iit.lfiin tl C lOi Sftuated ISO' yards Tjeyohd: the AhSLip Railroad, is faStBecoorinar afiivftt-lteblaceof - . " - - " ' I sgr Xhese,pmuuau rpaildjv1 Brj.rprrpenentejjifajii bet rMsita, eipgtotSiesptAiiea; public. '8 wingingr croquet, flying jjtrapf ieu 363; stock, 4,708. VttqB , shooting and dancing will be the order (of i mm miKuieii Lit . r .1 jkt uir.n juruir,i umhw win m WTTHlKr! . . j -v-iL. j i . 3f , f . . miu4uwi(wwi.vwiwiiiw Wiiuwiar- ly conduct wUlvh tawed.on-tlaHfronnd8i. Everything, n ill d arranged to suit the taste of the most fastidious. There will be a plc-f nic on tne grounds today. iall2tu sat lm taw ! M ; . - ; -i : i-Li - - ... - . . , Vntrir-iTVtH an A coin" TrtiHil Hrto. nn- " . ' 4 Qas,ntT-l& Orftaris.? aaleaf. 356: necelrjtes 453 'extorts to JftBreojn-yoon-?5ave- isnd firmer; middling uplands 6 le.rmiddlyOrleati BryBfJnland August, 61, Angtiat and ;tediber 6 13-32, Settember aud October October and November BJ3 32,. De er and January $ 5-16. s j; - i feiVKEPOOL 5:30 P. J-i. Sales i4 eluded 12,460, America. Fptnressteady JKI11JKES A ID.wu uaies. Julv, 11 51c. , iJ IAugnbW.U )66a67ci. : September, 11 27a28c. October, 11 12al3c. November ,-10 98a93c. December, 10 97a98c fc'OJia- PW10" February, 11 06a08c. Mareh, H iSal4c FiNAirct Naw Yoar Monay easy at- 2. Ex change firm at48laGol& SteadyUMGovttri ments generally steady. New 5's 1061a fitstis I uuit uu nominal CrtPRICT NOTICE. i , n ,1 i O .dinou w. 01 to VA-i-i -oi Jij;-.t.-ii'--w V . There being many notes and, accponts btm true the 'late1 fimtif .WMftlalkik Cb, thfe iS to adrtti sir rieBS'dwTriiaia firm to make settlement with' tbe-"tmder8igfe4d.J wbp aone is au.tuqiiEe4.to sjetUe theausi- Family Groceries .'A , !i i VAr Xf i UA3U. I nave now in store a fall supply or Groce- nes aB at th e prices. 4 J ik.T BICEIVKD NBrTREAlf CHEESfe b!iii neo ltd bnai kPiA'iiiaJauoia : i ftQiJijoda Ln ikn:do a lo aslim ii oidnw The fifth session of this already4wetl i known iastitatien-will eommenee Septeni also be received a limited number of dav Cnaitafca:oTi pnvaCB terma.: mw nuu, FormrtiuteiH ipjilyf t i"o fiiaiei .OTJtJaSRITANN WOLFE. 0. 8. B. lUftOaiifalldi, P. O., Gaston co.. N. O. jun9 3aa ' i -1 i . , . , IIMHUUinr DTHIDTHIT ; EVERYTHINQo IN PERSONAL DRE3.'I j: for LadiaaiUenUemnandChildren,'' i Beaidea1t HCWSEFtJBJflgHINQ Fabric. J OTorni oJ -joiw m Ji ,!ifiw Qui ,, niXWonldiiaXotothei citisensof Cbaitette raanonujfing country ihat J, )haTe( ie- I a-;uu nne.oi 9AHJ iflhment. and have a full Dne of SAUPLES4 add antprepafed td take orders for any ei of Gaotta wmnaZ"'-18 iA ti.irf .iTj nyOn?l andi bibnvicedthaf yoh'eaji be rtppUBbat this Agehey at lorer priew tan ibyKptbstabUahmeMnldBiadkrvj : - dec 4 J. 8. PHILIPS. QELECTED CREAM CHEESE At3Q oeaata pcrrpodhd. iCaOai tb'H:; i . ;ipn4 .; oyairi.-:h H'-fflAflffSTOBE.! ANCY ' FAM'rT,LOtii Best and uhea peat lu the city, -at the junl .fUASB STORE, Tryon St. Clipped Herrinps. oaeonsimmentand . iJm-Stwet, 7faroM.lI iff ihnA r?!iJi.-8 noil sid li wi counting initial of noma MUST BE PREPAID. taken for lest than tteentu-j I " tot iel K'eZ - J I and awcx !n4 )u team- No dWtUHNctl IY3 Uytufii sdj ii.iu .waomi Li .111 imv ;u! Lysiiuifj jir STRf jiii?' 4 hi L:b i!(i )j)Jim ! lo t3i!jxl9 a.U hii!- ' --: ' '"vlj -Hi i't ,i i j'. ,di --.Mj L.n, ij.-'i J-r viiifn.,.1 n.i WHAT T) ULNK4ftt B0NS AY OF JJ , 1 THEIR BIEIJt yiiJ iiUitaiclL jlloiil-khni iiT Jbe CJjck dT Tte pWde tavMtVafler this yhaslttapofa our joi6 . . iK. imczottm ('jh iii iud esiuAisus innij lily. ) til il TtfDiTD fclJooT?.7l!, . Jr5r,t aaako j-umi o.w i.o -liut4M.M Efiooting StaKaj-t clbth,' ' .. ..U u.. - itt.oo iiia bn natoarj'i h f-v! , so Punch brothers; ponjoh and other Sketehes, OflfoniinieiTSuleiTta ' 'vmi Stories rrete'Soffler, by Chart, 1.25 nwu h wnwii wvU UIW ""3.50 Child's History of England, by Charles Dick - 1 rood's England, 12 vol. pop'lretL,. ,115.00 Two first volumes of Green's History of Eng taiidPepptr. " wieh:"" - 12, Cradle oretfortsFrothingliaW, ' - 1-60 The Oreattte Week Dr. Ba3iban ' ; 1 w Smith's Diet. Chrlsttaa ai Antloaitiea EnglisbEditioil, , 8.50 or sale by TIDDY A BRO. Dealers;- Batfalnab.'Ok. 1 1UIT OmtKU Wlierf ltdftcr the - ni ions t-Ai Jl . ' i i'n -xij Best C6bd& in tfte : . . "i A!4 1 not ty sorprlawr, 'pt . 'ibaautjto; jai ri" dwJ . mooarucies sy 'to lalj a lrw vm&y ihbas taHh cat: flrst-hlass ntd MyOoodaan aU anything, hukm bestttf TmunzuiH pl .itt .anotbet lot oYfftrrisACo's Choice B amajBaseiclitrif nf flropkea a j-.ji-ii by 4itj-j iu u lion . :,FAJlCYiGaKlRlXV.H':., u.n l. 1 r u rilitfl in n r M . ifrt MMWwMii all of which I m vita tbS"attitldo aid 1 ativwtMtamVa' U RA.tOMtW4 V 19 i miuiK in LeRoDwWdon.rI friend aad the vabuV ettfrflv4AMTW ma 4teall,roarilslngUlau myibss) Maavora tQpMaaavi TierritesyectrttUriJTJ .. j sW l.j oi-iI? .yMi..WlKM.Ts. ji .'13.-. u i 1 1 m i vtii until J RretfxbiWtjflW! iiu !i;61 a kWH't ".nit fil JUJIi yJ.S ji Yl' :J ILL. .'ii' L NOGRAPH JXtVH THEsnbacribarhasreaiovad from thi 'oti 1 t Z m a a F 1 5 to latitfCFClftoxiMeorrie Cemeterr Avenue. joU2 2t D STUART LYON, If. D. aerly occupied, by rde? Trade ster a T vino ocT .Sihflqju jal qili li liiV-.jn odi GTiiiw hi uu:?q?0Xa ia ! CnarlotfO' -r .oi-1.1 WILL Dp4oabte41j engage. the) aiUmtion ' o;;i.'i'hiit.'.'-'Y!'tI ..'. v.- i of the curious just as Uto Ibtrodticdon of the Fine Brands of Cigars at 9trf fatgai Btoia 1.. tifh t-.:i'-iijit:.l A.0100980J resort. The , increasing demand , fo Jfenr's ti'.f-. ni - jjr.ini ilJ ijdii-a 5c Cigars proves thai merit Hipprklated. oint 6d.' ! fi: !.iufoui xta bad Jo a ike line bf Ffae' ewibg and fembldng Jr mnJaiigiaoi edT .iedb )aui) sdl lo q erftQi e9)6ini fidi S beiaiiqoiqqa ting the, very, MttlitWtftkHiad OS'OdJ 101 VJI1O038 DlUv HI t93h Virginia Leaf, Jackson's Bast and ftiaaOra, Rlchmadi'O.Wnr4rei1W4pma .?b aew ytj at. . ii oi,i9yo bsbaad baa jn&DasMb edl ; ihd ttut a 'flg!J .m ilil .lttimui Yd .OfrTOff rt bni - tfl ol Hit evoivi ol Lawoila d JaI7 rfitwnfyw I--. il-b i).T miih loluoiloa da sasi inhhfm'iiH- 17 Ui rfc it iaJiilsnOtw