THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. i lVTYTH 'I I'll I IT 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, one year (postpaid) in advance.' .$8 OO and via the Late Stvfet of Tvoe.and &ix monins Three Months... One Month &?. ............ 4 00 2 00 v75 everg narmer tfJob Work beat nowti done with neamm, aupatcA end cheapness, i iWetakfitrniih atthort notic BLANKS BILL SKA nst -, 3 i . 4 z WEEjttr EDITIQX U j - - - - - , . . - W'ccJfcw (in iAe cottwty) n advanoe':.V. Z. f2 00 Qui of the county, postpaid ...... 2 10 Six JHimtt l oo iff ..'3. CHABLOTTE N. C., SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1878. NO. 2,928 Liberal reductions for ciubs, , r ' S2 ,31 i " ' , ' , - ' ..... . . . . . " ' - ' ' '" 1 '- ' -rT..' ' ' ' . . - f M 1 W ' " . . :.'...-.' '5 . : tl.c, ..Ill . v T A. ; iT .' . " I - BRffBBO Off DBY-CtOOBTJ. lleadj-maiie Clothing and General He rch and isc, will find at the old established house of BBIA8& The EST, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stock of .Goods (nier brouaM to his market, j tl We are prepared to prove upon examination of oar stock that we make no vain boast: and solicit buyers, both "wholesale and retail, "to LOOK AT OUR GOODS AND PRICES before purcbasigi t ,,y ; Our stock of Dress Goods, White tJoocfe, lAJpaccas, Embroid- ' Heaven's Pbngrrapb. J" "For ev'ry idle word that man shall speak."- ii or ev ry low breatiied corse his upa snail 1 matter. Fre always read tbatman shall give account ! JLt tne last day, to bis confusion utter. Scoffers have sneei'd, "What, every word recorded. Nothing illegible on pace of Earth has its phonograph 1b 1 outH7 gcoffer, beware ! the phonograph is old Boston Advertiser OUR BlCHMOJrt) IETTER. old?" eayen with- OBSERTATIONS. .The St Zicuis Globe-Democrat, 4 a Republi- i Can paper, says : 'We 1)611670'. John Sher man to be entiiely innocent of the great 't-v-r m- ? J n 1 J I irBUJKrCBBlOU, UUl Bt IUC Dauitj umo wfl lire eries, Kid Gloves, Sun Umbrellas, ans,aies ana ancy vrooas 6ound to say that I e would greatly purify are complete and will be sola at aston ishd? g ; low prices. CarpetsOil Cloths and Mattings Tery, low. . I ' ' '' i. Fair dealing. Polite and attentive clerks. Call and see us and judge for yourselves. .. , , . , , ... ELIA8 & COHEN. 22 5 J Democrat and Home copy. march BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL ALL KINDS OF FURNITURB, BEDDING, &C. A f cr ij Ij linb OBSAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. Ho. 5, West Trade St., US HDLB X O T TE, r N . 0 the public service by leaving it." The New York Herald P. L man speaks disrespectfully of ''the habit Southern men have of wearing their bands inf -their -f&ck- but they don't wear their hands in other people's pockets, that's certain. New Or leans Times. The most singular feature df the Arkansas Supreme Court's recent decision that $3,000,- 000 of State bonds are void, because a legis lative clerk failed to record the negative votes on the passage of the bill authorizing them, is that this issue was not presented in the arguments of the counsel on either side. Mrs Langtiey, a well-known London beautv. in the midst of an admiring circle the other day asked ber husband to intro duce to her a certain gentleman. He did so, and the gentleman smiled and bowed. Giving him her handkerchief, she said : "I want you to wjoe the paint from my face, as I hear that you say at the clubs that I am painted." When the triangle had called the meeting to order, Brother Gardner arose with his usual sleekness and said : "Gem'len, if it wasn't for de wheels on a wagin de wagin wouldn't move. When de wheels am on, den what?" "Grease I" solemnly exclaim ed the old man Toota. "K'rect!" whisper ed the president Boftly. rubbing his hands tK4&) Am rtrttr nrnvra . m a v'tjt a nva TTTaT a tjtjtvttti together. "We haz de wagin an' de wheels. jan8 CALL AND SEE. JHJEM. Jir We will grease." now pass de hat aroun' far de VIA PORTSHOUTH; 7i; BALEIGH, HAMLET, and CHARLOTTE, N.C. STATE POLITICAL ITEMS. Thad ABkew has been nominated for the House in Lenoir. The thirteenth senatorial district convention nominated D G Robeson, of Bladen. As QUICK and RELIABLE as any Freight Route between RALEIGH, PORTSMOUTH, NORFOLK, ALL EASTERN CITIES K AND AW W A Darden is the Democratic nom inee of Greene for the House, and D C the nominee in Duplin. Izpress Freight Trains, . CLOSE CONNECTIONS, PRbMPTtANL CABEFUL DELJEIES GUARANTEED. For full information, Tariffs, &c, apply to x Southwestern . A gent,r Charlotte, N. C. meh26 1 ; . ' : bargains IN " TE TO" TJS E3" IE "IPTLT IR iBg -AT 7 JG-. RO GE EL S RaQM '1 1 NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. MY STOCK? IS VERY" LARGE AND EMBRACES A FULL LINE OF Parlor, Chamber, Dining Boom and Office Furniture. R M Henrys of Buncombe, has with arawn as an independent canuiuaie lur judge of the ninth judicial district. Jacob F Parrott, of Lenoir county. has been nominated for State Senator bv the Democrat of Lenoir and Greene. '" The congressional district conven tion for the eighth district has been called to meet at Asheyille on the 8th ofAueust. There is no doubt of the re-nomination of General Vance. J F Murrill and O G Foard are inde pendent candidates for the House in Catawba the unhealthiest county in North. Carolina for any candidate oth er than a nominee. The Raleigh Observer intimates that Jas E O'Hara, the colored nominee for Congress m the second district, nas never been naturalized. He was born in the West India Islands. O'Hara was nominated for Congress in the ..second . district on the thirty- second ballot. The last heat, the Wil mington Star savs. was between him 0 - - - and Humphrey. The Democratic senatorial conven tion of Yadkin and Surry has nomina ted Richmond M Ireareon, son ot tne date chief justice, for the Senate, lhe Raleigh Observer says there was some little feeling manifested at one time be cause Yadkin has had the Senator for six consecutive terms. Mr Pearson at once withdrew his name, in order that the utmost harmony might prevail. On the next ballot he was nominated by a flattering and hearty unanimity. The Amende Honorable Forcing Passenger Traf fic trewery Closed, and . Why Politics, Weather, Etc. Correspondence of the Observer. Richmond, Va July 9, 78. Pardon me for not speaking of your townsman, Baker, as "colonel," be cause people who borrow a small amount from you and pay it not, inva riably designate you as colonel, or judge or professor. Always op in our town "general" is the only handle that will take a name on the . "dr" side of a ledger. Is that apology sufficient? The Jiichmond, b redericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company has deter mined to put on a line ot boats from Quantico to Washington to force peo pie to take water whether they will or no in going nence to tne Worth. This will throw much of the North and South travel over the Coast and Kenne saw routes, which ought to pass via your city and Richinond. It is simply aristocratic money forcing peonle to do what they ought not" in this day of general liberty. Yoofr State and her more Southern sisters have a choice as to lines, but Virginia must put up a snack that will last a day if she wants to visit tne capital that might be reach ed in two hours and forty minutes, be cause the majority of the stock of the road mentioned is controlled by men who can make a few miles of boating pay better than its revenue from that portion of the railway to Washington, which is not controlled by the Penn sylvania Railroad. lhe James River Brewery, the larg est south of Cincinnati, in this city, is idle. It cost $250,000 and employed fifty persons. The reason: Want of capacity of the railway managers of our State. Your beer-drinkers "swig" lager from Chicago or Philadelphia. You can get a lower rate of freight from those points than from here; hence we are poor, our institutions and our factories are bankrupt, our laborers must go away for work and bread, and all because we have no men who seem to know how to keep our means of deyelopment fully employed. This fine brewery will fetch about one fifth of its cost. Our politicians are warming up for the summer campaign. There are nineteen in the central district who want to take Walker's place in Con gress. The general passenger agent of the Richmond and Danville Railroad left last evening for New Orleans. lhe weather is so warm here that all ofuswantto go South. Picnics and parks, parades and perfumery, perspi ration and potatoes moly hoses, how hot ! Next time I write I will say what I know about Petersburg as a warm climate. By the way, a Mr Wilson, of your city, always feels a warm ring around his old heart when he hears of Petersburg. Pine Top. Charlie Ross Found Again. Charlie Ross is now thought to have been seen at Milan, Italy, about a year ngu, auu again wnmn a iew weeks. A party of Americans noticed the boy with a strolling band of musical beg gars, saw that he seemed to understand the English language, and when one of them said : "Charlie, come to me,' he started to do so, but was roughly nurriea away by his keepers, two swarthy Italians. They have disap peared, but it seems plain enough that if it wasn't Charlie Ross who played their accordeon, it was somebody's stolen child. What a Boy Can Do. Beaufort Atlantic About nine years ago, James W Per kins left his father's house, at New port, Carteret county, N C, to seek classical education. He started with le6a than fifteen dollars as his capital. He obtained profitable employment, j and without assistance from home, he nas pam nis way through the Universi ty of Kentucky, where he graduated on the 11th of June, being but about twenty-five dollars in debt when he I graduated. This is another illustration of the adage, "Where there's a will, mere s a way.' Had Him There. Raleigh News. Among the institutions of the city is an aged, black, blind mendicant, who unceasingly bsks aims and nreatnes a "God bless you," after. The other day this beggar accosted a wit, who told him he could surely see, else why could he walk up to him so directly, and ask for currency. He thought the question was a direot one, but the answer proved to be more Sb. The re- j sponse of the yenerable asker oEialnis was, "Boss, 1 declare I didn't see you, I only smelled you." OBXflnKAI. OR, THE Failures for the Last Six Months- Outlook. -The Business this' entire ; stock for sale 'At n ! 1 1 iiV Maj Avery's Acceptance of the Nomination. Flemington, Columbus Co., N C June 20th, 1878. junll t ;i 7' 'i - ! . a , :; : ; ' D R U GGIST A N ID -C H E IlitSiJ l.i'; ACTUAL COST, A.ND STX)RE, JQR, RENT. Hon A C Avery, Morganton, N C. convention which assembled at Raleigh on the 13th inst unanimously nomi nated y&u for judge of the Superior Curt for the eighth judicial district. 1 was directed by tne convention to inform you of your nomination, and to request youjto accept tne tne same. .1 am yours truly, HB Short, Pres State Dem Con, ; According to the semi annual circu lar of R G Dun & Co.'s mercantile agency, the failures for the first six months; of the present year show a large increase. Ine failures for the first six months of the past four years exhibit the following figures : Jnrst six months in 1875,3,563 failures, $76,- 844,246 liabilities, with $21567 average liabilities; first six months in 1876, 4,600 failures, $108,415,429 Uabilities; average liabilities fzd.obo; nrst six months in 1877, 4,74y failures, $ yy.wo, 171 liabilities ; average liabilities $20, 974; first six months in 1878, 5,825 failures, $130,832,766 liabilities ;' aver age liabilities $22,4o0. From the above it will be seen that the failures for the half year just closed are in number over 25 per cent greater than in 1877, while the liabilities indi- - ? - . m .Jsial cate a percentage oi increase suui greater. But before accepting these statistics as a true test ot tne present condition of business, the circular ur ges some considerations in mitigation of an unfavorable conclusion, inese con siderations are briefly synopsized as consisting of an unusually open winter, retarding sales, deliveries ot produce, and collections; the discus sion in and out of Congress of financial measures, and the necessary condition of uncertainty that resulted; the possi- bilitv of important changes in the tar iff : the postponement ot tne date oi the repeal of the bankrupt law, and finally, the steady declme in prices of merchandise, and tne general snrinic- age of values, which, it is said, have been more apparent in tne past six months than ever before, especially whenever it became necessary to real ize. SecretHFair Face. An Item of Interest to Every X&dy who Iesirea to be More Beautiful than she now it. Unfortunately not one woman in ti hundred, ssb w.ffl tn thp -whims of an American cliitiato possess-, es that basis and starting point of ronl beuaty a pure and dear complexion. What nature has thus denied, art must l o called upon to furnish. Tf. onn be done: it is done daily. Prof. "W. E. Hasan placed beauty within the reach of every nn lamrYitar nf Eve when he discovered that surprising article known in fashionable circles as the true secret oi Dearoy, ana caueu MAGNOLIA -ii: .; . tit i .tad in Now .offers to the Oracle i'full stock otEulnn's Mdracfs and tow offiers to the Oracle a -lull s Colognes, English Select Spices, j Colgate Honeyed Jycerinp, r- -J t O- t m 1 ti.J-Ml.K!;i'. !r f?" J i'.H I'ittQ OT ifiiqrKJ ia& I JfufaD3t felSS. f 01 luvuzs, bc4b might and day,"a' ' .hxU'Sj " i ... j;;H- mmm$ Prescnpfiori Storle; , .i.-.-w-;' k.-j fh,!W .tutted1 i. ',8.t oai r OTaTTHT LIU' O Mokganton, N C, July 6th, 1878. ITiTsiibrt, Etq:; ' ; Dear Sib : With I trust, a due sense of the' responsibility that it imposes, I hve the honor to accept the nomina tibn'fbr judge of the Superior Court for th eighth judicial district, tendered, through you by the State Democratic Convention. ;-As a citizen I acknowledge allegi gance to the body that you represent, and feel proioundiy gratemi lor tne combliment implied in its action. As a, judicial oflicer I believe that I would only .meet tne just expectations ot tne party; could 1 rise superior to tne m- fience of partisan bias. , v Youra truly, A X3 Aveet. A Fatal Lightning Flash. During a thunder storm in New York last Wednesday afternoon Ed ward White, & bricklayer, who was en gaged id repairing the steeple of Dr Wilsoii's I church, was knocked by lightning; from the steeple and instants iy Klliea. sxe was turuwu uu iiib pia,i form into the air, and fell sixty feet to the. ground below. The body spun round several times in the mid-air and struck the ground with a thud. At the' same time that White was Btruck 'his fellow-workman, Bernard Gray, receiv ed a shock from the electric current. He was struck in the chest, and the current ran in dark, bluish lines . along his chest, arms . and thighs, making fantastic figure3 over his whole body, lie fell on tne piattprm unconscious, but it is supposed he will recover. For un wards of thirty years Mrs Win- Blow's Sootbine Syrop bas been used , for children. T it corrects acidity of the stomach. relieves wind colic regulates the bowels, cores - dysentery and . diarrhoea, . whether arisine from teething or other causes.' 'An old and well-tried remedy. 25 cents a bot tle. . .. -r . .. - - Remain of a Alastodonsr Beaufort Atlantic some oiicners uneartnea tne unper jawbone or a mastouon, nearewport, Carteret county; in tne early part ot June. The teeth are firmly imbedded in the jaw, and measure seven and a half inches in length, and four inches across. As the teeth are very perfect, it is quite probable the animal was young at the time ot his demise. The roof of the mouth is twenty-seven inches wide. Numerous portions of the skeleton have been exhumed, but they are in a state of. decay. Delicious Cookery Light, white, wholesome biscuits, rolls, (bread, and elegant cake, 'crullers, 'waffles, donghnats, ' muffins, and griddle cakes of every kind, are always possible to every ta ble by using Dooieys x east rowder. fJIHS CELEBRATED ' Magnolia Hams, at the! - . ' v v .. 6ASH STORE, uhl3 1 ' !:'- Tryon St BALM THE IL A TIP IB. FOR H0HDA7, JUNE 8th. We will make a IP TP Clearing sale a i tM . m CD m ALL SMALL LOTS At prices irrespective of real value, and our Children's Department will be LH?. closed at actual cost "We will w present Special Bargains in several lines, and w j H V invite your early I M l attention to se- : . . . J cure your -choice. Ujy IB TT (xi V m m w FOR 30 DAYS MORE ONES. The Magnolia- Balm is a sure device for creating a pure and blooming complexion. It conceals all natural blemishes m lhe roost sur- prisinor and effective manner, It removes all roughness, eruptions, reaness, blotches, freckles, and tuu with magical power. It drives away all evidences of fatigue and ex citement. It makes the plainest face beautiful. If. gives the complexion a dazzling purity and- makes the neck, face, and arms appear graoemi, rotund, and plump. It makes a matron of 33 or 40 look not more than 20 years old, and changes the rustio maiden into a cultivated city belle. Tht Xlmnuiia Balm removes all blemithet and am- ctalt every drawback to beauty; and, vJiile it it at harmtittt at vater, it it to life-Wee in Hi ejects that the clotetl obterver cannot aetecc itt use. Ladies who want to make themselves attractive can make an absolute certainty of it by using tt . iT.mnr t . ti.t.w. atmI wa know of no otbei way It is the cheapest preparation m the 'world, all tilings considered, and may be had at any drug store. The Just resuon&e to our lnnoinirrttmt HAS GIVM US ENTIRE SATISFACTION, and we are gratified to know tha our numerous patrons pro nounce our SUPERIORIN MAKE, STYLE and FIT, to any other sold or offered in CHARLOTTE. We have a few more of Boy's and Children's Suite which will be sold at less than Manufacturers, Costi You can still buy new fresh and stylishly designed goods for the same price as or less tnan Job Uooos. L. BERWANCER & BRO., "c" 1 . -r'.-u.:; :.: .'. . ... 1 ,.,;;J. : FINE CLOTHIERS iLND TAILO&S. A MERIOAN MET ALURGICAL WORKS, AX - ,. .... . VAN WYCK SMELTING COMPANY, Perth Amboy, N. J. Gold, Silver, Lead and Copper Ores redac- ed, and eighty per cent of metal recovered. GOLD SULPHERET ORES a specialty ; a guarantee oi elgnty per cent, from which expenses are to be dedncted. Ores shipped from Charlotte yia Carolina Central 'Railroad td Wilmington, thence to Amboy by sail. ! : , : ; -Ores, shonld be nssayed and inspected bv Prof ,Hanna, of the United 8tatee Mint , jror fartner information refer to members of the Charlotte Minine Board oi-to Perth Amboy. Dr JULIO H RA.B, prMtf Uen. Bopt. ' ' ' I, ; ; . i . 20c iiciber-$2aYe&r WIDE AWAKxniUu8tratedMsaxhie for Youne People, is the very best rnb- lication of the kind in oar country , a well as the cheapeFt. For an agency, ssnd to U LOTHBOP CO., feb25, Boston. - UNDERTAKING! ; The undersigned is not ptepared to fill pill orders for -every eJaas of .UndertakinK : a fall assortment of jHaving oh hand i i ' ' ' ' i . - Coffins, Wets, M LW Cm BOTH WCOD AND METALIC PRICES AS I0W AS ANT. . .Hearses furnished if desired, . Furniture of every description repaired at short notice. June 20. W. M. WILHELM. Tryon 8t., Opposite la". E, Church, itiMtii "RISING SUN,". , We offer ta the trade the following desirable o erooda at such According to the command Of Joshua p( greatly reduced prices a to enSUTB rapid' tales , '-i i'iffii t. v.:l 4 a although repudiated ,. jSS For the rest of th seasdri btir entirfe Stock of " ! nlpspphy'; of the New, is now standing --- ( nLl.,n :Turoi .tfri; .. -,-f,t Philosophy still, at the Old flace, on Trade Street; op-' posite the Market Honse, plus Hornet Eire Engine Hall, . where the light of reason illuminates;, the surrounding atnaospberr which invests all things with the. glow of inspiration, and the world no longer seema " A fleeting show, For man's illusion givenj' For right here you will find '.'til V V MM MM Sf?j4l (( MM MM RES U DMMMliHMHliR M MM MM MM M SB M t JK ! M R R D Mm U m DD RBX BSMRSRTi!'- oa OO' D D BKB KB "TSSfl'T3Sj11,jO '- O 'QO RRR Me . :m i M. r BCD1 R nn nQ. B i oo ubd nur -rXf KHASafl8S8 GOO OO .11 i l 'jS .t:vli,D ,.,ni out iv'tti ni U,8"f "K " will be sold atthelowest nrifiea of the season. ;' ' ' guarantee!;." ItV ;;,1;.'fJ :A Uif ''. , u'f! A lino fann-if, T .aAiaa "Miaaaas aYA e . x-. i . ' '' ren's, Who has in Store Orange3, Lemons, V j '. Candies, Cakes, Pies, The Great Washington Pie included, Corn Starch, Sardines, Pickles, Fresh Bread Canned Fruit and Vegetables, Sugars and Coffees, Tobacco,' Cigars', Snuff, Toys. In fact, everything found, iu confectionery, including Ice Cream and Lemonade. j jnnel4 C.8.H.; - i . i i' - FRESH EGG3, : ': . At 10 cents per d;zen.atthe if , u ' A ...... - r CASH STORE, Jan29.;,rJ ..; h ;Tryon Street ?. A' large fowniU inrts, wortti!S2 each, will be sold for 60 Atf elegant s&zoititie$ and Umbrel lasnwiU xdosedouabostj'' j :iM wfi. hm..; j .-o- i. k... vh charniinp: vmBuOi otherpretty noreltiesiiri ttieFahcj5 Goods departrneit t ! ; : . Our Barewn Cfeuirris beiiifR dallv retilemAhed-ilj io' v : Just Kcceive artl a V JiO...Vif5jOO" port wviijj.i Jane ly-; m -&m saas t4A-i l -ids. ,j.h sUejoiyj -a ,-edi m . ; 1: ' i itattlt ii yr,