! . " , ( - - .V- " ' - . - J -'i-i...-:..-;..'"'.-. . - 7Z,',---:.'ZZT.. - -- -; - , - , .. Z ........ ,. - - . . , .f,.-..VV- T;,,.t . )-.-..' ' ' , ' " , - ' , '-M THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. P SUBSCRIPTION RATES.1; Daihi one, year (postpaid) in advance.: .. TEE &BSER VER JOJt Mi been thormtqMy- supplied' with every ne wwu., ana wua tns jxuest iStyiet of Type. anc Six Months Three Months One Month every manner 0 Jo TTor dan now be done nearness, aupatch and cheapness. " - FeonrnM at short noticed Z I&TTERBEAI& QARDk " WEEKL YEDITIOH Weekly (in the county) in advanced Out of the county; postpaid.... Six Months ........................ j0r Liberal reductions for dubs, TAQS; RECEIPTS. POSTERS. - PROQRAMUEStMAItD BILLS, vu Ajcanja mi alia lin l nr,u - f. . a w - - wm hi mwi ! kt - m m n v a b m. w i I 1 . . . - ' I "Old Beac," mtars Disraeli. Ayer's brain Weighed 53 ounces . Jeff Davis la-other, Gen Eeoben Dafi, i i -3 k ead v-made Clothing anfteneral BIehdise9 win nna ai me 01 esrapnsni QOf$e or, u pmtote .qojpge8ip:Miai89ipvi -s ; tVT -u.f " -Xftira "Wong jfojaipnft-sisteenth The Largest, Best Assorted and v: v ever brought to this market. Cheapest Srocfb of" Goods of the spoils. Beaconsfleld. I'll take: the:: other &U Grass shouH always be cat a la mowed. N:wirMaaW6tfCfoiicih'' ;th?te it is neyernt bjr .Biletin.:Yl ',''' K'faandaMrigton6j off his tern perance Potomac scope. badge; after looking., at a drop'of throngU a micro. river water 1 'I' Wp are Drepared to prov6 upon examination of our stock that we make; vaik boast, and solicit buyers, ; both wholesale and-retail, to tOOK AT OUR GOODS AND" JrltlCJES before purchasing. 5' " Onr stock of Dress Goods, "White Goods. Aloaccas, Embroid eries, Kid Glovun Umbrellas.'Fa TieS and jfajfrfiS 'F&M 1 are complete and will pe sold at Istonishinlow pbi5s. ; -Bccdiwjiroib&haikeSr (sciv Carpets, Oil Uloths and .mattings very lor ; York suttra:1 Fair dealing, yourselves. Desnocrat and Polite and attentive clerks. If ''i ;! copy. if I flome Call and ee us and judge for t . iSLiAS & corneal. f " f. rrfarch 22 BURGEEg: NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL dkajlxb in ALL LKIND8 OF BEDDING, &C. a-., en link of;- CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUrre, COPJPINSof all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade 8t., O.HABL CCt T E , X . 0 FINE ASSORTMENT OP-CHILDREN'S ' CARRIAGESr JtlST ARRiVED. ... CALIBAN! SEE THEM. ; 'AM-extravaganterttX liafclion fawn he;tJ?erif -sifta4aloa,has Trie.xnanfwjiega,jwsr icard, "My attention aeWUe," Jb a. self-; proclaimed idiot. Men of common eense see things for themselves, and don't lie about them. Courier-Joarnai. Among the interesting reHgious events in : Eorope this gammer is that rthe world's oonerence. of the Xoang Mpnl Chiistian i cosuviauuu, wmcB wiitxajie place me mia- dle of August in Switzerland. The work of the conference promises to be. btitinusaal importarce. ' , J Milton ..Tamer, colored, the present Unitedfitatee minister-to- Liberia,- novr in St Lonis on a visit to his old home, has an nounced himself: a candidate for nominal tion before the Republican convention of the third Missouri coniressional district ia that city. An exchange says, : t . "Monuments of great men crumble." Not in this country. ; The great men don't get any. How much!suier it is. therefore, to rjemetnate a man's mem. ory to talk abou erectinga' monument tdl him. than to actually build A young lady, at a bail in Dublin Castle diaplayed! her charms so freely that a looker- on turned to" Chief Justice Doherty with, : "Did yoa ever see the; like of that since you were born ?" "Well," said the judge, "cer tainly not since. I was weaned." ; J --Z is, i Sanitary Precautions Poisoned Water. via PORTSMOUTH, Yl; RALEIGH, HAMLET, aid CHARLOTTE, N.C. Correspondence of the Observer. Water is one of God's greatest bless logs lor man, and pure water is most necessary to the preservation of health: The- average-sized man is facetiously said, to be composed of "six pails of i mo tor onrl two vo nnnnHa rf orvlii tm a f mm at m9x mm. mmm mmt mmi mmm m m MPMI Bt ' V M ATPR1I fMTrnT I "MWfV vuximo v;nu U4a? KflLtmH. rUn loTllUU H. HUnrULR. ALL t Ad .1 tHW ll I ltd ,T a great extent this is true, As QTJICK and RElIlBlE as any Freiglif Roufe etween folly -not to h.wm. The' matter is .one Of? last? ? importance lnvolvuiir. as it does.' human happiness rand; 1 life. : Let alL.oL your1 readers at o'hfce; aod: see as to whether it is affected or not Joy any of the above poisoners. Almanure pile.etc, can and may de stroy a whole family. Many are w sitviatedr -owing la limited space, that these evils are necessarily close to their wells or springs.' Then sanitary precautions mast : be exercised contin ually io at once! neutralize and remove the mattery The privy must- have a box in it, and, everything fluid and soi- id,alling lro ltmust be deodpfised by eaith.u6r chart 0baK.and bet i,is readily tfenrfrvexf tothe ' compost heap. The manure pile, elc, must be kent con stantly clean ed Up "and carried to the! same place, and drlerthrvbjk charcoal sprinkled' 'otj' the "beds. "The water is tus kpure;lie8Jth is itnbi'oved and .the garden fend farm" enriched by the increaeA ArAltie of the:i9'an13rWJ :-r 1 win give oneof maBysihatances as an illustration of the"" danger Of nee- ectnir this matter. Some thirtv vearai v. jh ?. n.i .... i- . t " ' - . . t airo. -on one or trie Healthiest n antai tatibns in bne of thehealfibiest conn- ties' in " this the family: of the owner and himself were attaftkd by a terrible disease, called at that' time "black tongue a species of erysipelas. Me and the most of. the family died, but none of the servants who were far from the house were affected. The place . was sold, knd . tha ne w 6 w ner found a large pile' of negled m ariure- near tne nouse,. tne accumuianon of years. J5eing a good tanner ne natl it removed to his fields. The result was that the healthy reputation of the place was restored. Here was a case of double poisoning atmosphere and water-f-and the removal of the cause restored the health. ... : This subject is too important for 'a brief article. Volumes could and ought to Re written oh it,'- and on this water supply of large cities.' The reader is warned ; let him attend to it, or. suffer th3 fiP.naequences -resulting from his obstinsiCy..Or stupidity. Vidette. :w?-i-fnde writing the above; some teirdays since, I found the following corroboration of my statements in ah editorial of the Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic, of July 4th, giving two start ing instances "-; VA- ferevears -. aeo one of the most fiopulaf of tne few'renaaining wells in he city of London was found by anal ysis to be the source of an -epidemic which had : nearly depopulated the wara in wmcn it was located, it was filled up at. once, and the disease dis appeared. ' "In a small town in the mountains of North Carolina, not-twenty years old, five cases -of typhoid; ;ocetirred in one The intelligent physician in attendance ' traced the trouble to the H. Express Freight, drains,: rCL0SE - CONNECTIONS, PROMPT AND jCAyL;pEL? VEIE GTIARTED. f-? r :For full information, Tariffs, &c?t apply. to mch26 Sbuthwesiefn 'Anr Cnarlotte, N. C. -IN '6L -Uiml (Sh ilAtrVlhiiLUM IT -A. l:.jxTrL' AT 1 u NEXT TOrJfQSTOFEiGBo ; . 1 L-fja atrl '-trk I rr.,.-, an-d how necessary, therefore, it is that the fluid which enters so largely into his composition should be pure to pre-: serve health. Outside of large cities water is most generally obtained from springs or wells in some Southern.lo- cali ties from cisterns, either above or te!ow the surface of the ground I this source of supply is, however, limite'd to certain localities, and from neglect is often impure. Water as it comes from the earth, fro.m its. reservoirs, fissures, pj yeins between strata, or as it fallsP from' the heavens, is always pure, excepting the presence of some harmless, often beneficial, mineral; un less m a rotten limestone region. But owing to inattention and neglect, this water, supposed to be pure, is made, by man s act, a deadly poison, gradu ally sapping the foundations of health: and the diseased, one. dies, as! is sutw f feNosetl by' bne 6 themany sdisease8Tih the vocaouiary oi tne pnysician, wnue in fact he is the victim ot water, pois. oned either .by-, the neslect of himself In a former article I discussed the effect of a noisoned atmosphere! tipon the system "producing epidemics, etc, showine how it was poisoned, how- it generated disease and how.it ,cpvld iie corrected. That same cause,Hegleet- MiiiTiAfl hdvn. vowia nnm nana A STOCK lERVliRGkMrt. W tot ucu.iwux33 I'Rina & ot sf.itimn r i H k junll ACTUAL XIOST, ANP.EQREfJER RENT. pig .Btys rppieons, a iarge: portion the water in our larger towns,'.v-iilages and country-houses. The latter part : of this -statement may striKe some oi your country readers as strange j. and the queatiOEtLj askeo,inow. can a ivpii or SDrinsr atah isolated farm botise in the country be poisoned by its siir- rottftdings? These are really. tne peo- -w 1 M 1 - i lL ' to the matter : but they, neyer. . Let us see how all of these fsprings and; wells are poisoned: The question is thus . answered i Water oipon the surface of the earth tends to spread it self ittfitery dirleiction in settling lateiv ally, as well as perpendicularly, and would extend as much laterallylas per- rJendicularly were it not for ; the in flu ence of gravity counteracting the later al capillary attraction Hence the wa ter tendinz all the time laterally, coun ter-influenced by eravity. descends on its outer i limit in the diagonal of a square, of any horizontal distance with an equal depths rarid to reach any point below the service, unless intercepted by an ODDOsine strata, w odrdlreach it on. I 3 1 1 - C a .-w BMW A 'HI Vt j OlI Afl were equal to tne nonzontaxuitance )zi o-.il between "Where the water; starts into .waif, "-'.'usi tuT mm fail - ' IZ: DRuccfst mmmmfflBj, dX si B14DCK 01 jjuom's ji&wajcw anu Cohgnes, English Select feiCISiir0rine; wap: JMieiisn, a? renenraua AUieiicau nuir auu xwiu uoioo. i . --i J " ' . ..... . ! vif PRE S CR PflW '' ! : ilK-: the'earthr" and a" perpendicular line na; iis l-i! drawn r upwara from . tne; ornect4 po tne day, at Hrrace5cmahnre MeMcltnti hun- Carefully pre p sfred at all hours?! Iioth night ariS ! vri fil-ttuiadO 4 ' : VZTZ' Z I since, , the r elevation- of the'jvell fHr t - ioqici x-ijtii tSSfivt s of relief to AffcWwate: Ihftn hy the diagonal.iune flows in.i--A i t'd St ban-,aoii)a fia'de ia -.olvi suiito (KJ-ud Td I bA i fy err liij. ailiTs fir xmI ,clfpd :feeto from VJjBU&) on. nunureu. teev uBcp,rt w iuf jwioui, iun.b Well -oy the sipage on a aiagonai nne 0..4- it ;il Ti-iVtmoK oHll Jtrtftria hftianfi s be BUTE'EES .AJft ,j3a3fl044i6aaig 13,0 USB --.'.1 aim'T wati? ..Tf . f7 HOt ' water - 1 41 nf. id nan ap. 1 a a1 i ) .1 1 -fa.Vthe most convenient place, without M'Mttxrpri&a'tn the unkhbwh liar in It may doVTha well or.spnng is near,by, and nernans tne veiu buuuijiuk eaw is uu Hr them or an the vicinity,. rThe fluid BorkonsaScxeasedii by " ramwArej con tmrjw:descengi Bahi .titejreU or j , J -. ! . , .1 :jui(.' I - i - t 'Msxm Z'-ZZ Zz :;::IL ..ni! LL " oiruT WftWU .,,uo """JV Xiirl ease with positive certointy and exacesa. well. Which was poisoned hy thfe infiKH To designate tMa natural speciflo comno tration of drainage from a neighbors mg stable. Theseaymotic poisons-do not reveal themselves to - the- senses Often.1 in fact, the most snarkline and pleasant waters Owe their popularity to that. Which nia,(jhein.fteadly.'' BUDD DOBLE ON MOLUE MCCARTHY. What the Philadelphia Bdfsetnan Will Do with From Ihe Lo'aisville Evening News, July J.UU);J Mr. .Budd Bohle informed a New$ reporter yeatejday that he would enter. Home McCarthy lor the fall races jat iiaitimre, aratoga xiongranciiianu Jerome Park add po8oihly('rin her to TjnnisviTWftt the -fall mfifitiri of the Jockey CluD..ffe' says she has fully recovered from ner oier-?heating here on the 4th, and in-two weeks will be as good as'she ever was. .ma -'egresses th'e mip8t unbounded ccfcfidenfce ift the recordyert niatfe-any mare; in America'. He made an offer for Mol lie McCarthy: befpra shewas brought to this city from California, but the negotiations .were n,ot";.nnairy.,. cjosed until Saturday latyttj, th6 XJalt House, in this city:;.:.Xh:e pfle paid if prober w.aaJSJDOQi. ;& This information was d- rtyed fronii a gentleman jWflaa-W!rtbe transfe $metb anSJ -kpos? J Mr Ww, m flafor'otlie, bu'rafter thQt race ..of (th,,ourth, he?,, fearedjjshe; had been permanently , injured, and, losinir confidence hr tier from- this fear, determined ttf seil. her.' tit is more than p;(babrei she(.Win run1 yffW Parole daring erV'ititthich event her fnenas,are eonfidentshe will .h&fijoMuroi &agjav& V aemonstrate ner quauues as one oi iae flektesl of Km eiicaa1 racers. She is not lively to be ptft' toTmothfer fourmile'. test this year, and her races ia the East will, if ppssjble, be made at-two to two and a half mile dashes; 'tFor this distance Mr J3oble is confident MolUecCarthy, jthp ifestest'animal in theUnited States-:, iu, ..I i , Or SngarCoated, CouceutratodRoo aua ueroai at;et Autl.Biloni Grannies.. -TREf I.ITM, IANT CAfHARTIC, or ISalttam In, Parvv The u6vet of modern ItfedicaJ, Chemical, ana Pharmaceutical 8eiene5.- N6 W3eo( nv lomrei takiag the latsre, rebiUaiv. nd nanaetnis nfiia composed of cheap, crutte, and bulk fey lngre sQcstfon i-edi- o. entsr-wbeH.Jwe-ean, by a tsareful apn sucuiiDu 'Bctence. Bzcraci atiMAMhui a a Other medicinal properties trointha mosbyalu able roots And erbs.-ftnd Boftceritratifuiem dntc a iimiuw oimuioy scaroeir laigrer tban t nmwra bccu, can do reaauj oy y inose or tne most sensitiva sMTtmtha mi n Udious tastes. Eaci little Portative Pellc represents, is a most ooncentnted forhv &a mnr. ; cathartic power as is embodied In any of th large pills found for sale in drttsr-Bhoos. their wondeifftl oatfcartio wer, to oomparisoc to their size, people who lave not trid thecj art ar suppose that thejrare harsh or drastic' ir effe t but such to not at allele ease, the dUTerec-. active medicinal; principles (Ol, which they av composed oping eo narmbtuzed'and modiflod.- j " m. 'uuuw 4 aearehinp and, thoromga, -yet unci Kincuy operauuff. catln most laxtla. S 5 00 Reward is berebv ofPnrftrt hv t.hn prietQE of these. Pellets; to any chemist who. uuuuiii;b, biuhuu iu mem any otuamel or other forms of mercury, mineral poison, or in Jurious drugv jaeinarentlrelT yesretable. novaraenlar care is required while using them. They oper ate wunout aistnrbance to the constitution, d 1st. poison, or in Ti them. Theyoper- or occupation. For Jaundteih Heaach foi)tipaUoiu Impure Blood, Palg In h9 Shoulders, TlgJitneM ot tine Chest, Dizziness, Sour Ernctatlona from the Stomach, Bad taste tu ho mouth, Billoas attacks, Patu lu re f?n 1m KWney Internal Fever, Bloated feeling about Stomaeh.Rush of Blood, to Head, Hlg-b-eolored urine, ciuaociaDiiii and Gloomy illfi. ant Purgative Pellets, Jo. explanation o2 the remeolal power of myurgative Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, I wish to say that; their action npon the animal economy Is universal, not a srlaud or tisane escaping their sanative 1m. press. Age does not impair tha properties of tnese reuets, xneyare sugar-coated and in closed in glass bottles, their virtues being there by preserved unimpaired for any length of time, in any climate, so that they are always fresh and reliable. This is not the case with those pills which are put dp in -cheap -wooden, oe pasteboard bxes. , Qecollect that fop Rit dis' eases where a fHaxatiye,-, Alterative, or argaMVet indicated, mesa Htue Pellets Will Kl lire the-most np.rfect gntiRfantinn tn nil vchn use, them. .. , . '. They are ; sold by all Druggists at 25. cents a bottle. : . iPiESCt;ltI.,Ip'r, ' BTJFFAIflL N. T. 4 By an immense praotice, extendirig through a period of years, having within that tame treated niany thousand cases of those diseases peculiai to woman, I have been enabled; to perfect a most potent and agreeable medicine that meets the indications .presented by that class of dis-. To designate this natural speciflo compound, halve namrirt It .' - :.-.rr j)r.Rercslor Of my high appeciatton.of its Value, based upon, my owa personal observation. Asa close ob-- server, i nave, jyiu3winiessing its positiyere 6ults in the few special diseases incident to the 8epsaifeToTghnliifi oTArdotah, singled it out as 1110 ciimax medical live, saiB, id ladv (AT recommend it. E How Hayes Has Been Vindicated. The Philadelphia Inquirer (Re canl has the followinp: in vindicatidh of Haiyesyehich:,' tp say thAjleastS not complimentary to his predecessor nor creditable to "the party' of 'grai)d moral ideas." " Bays the Inquirer : ",' " " "When we quietly contemplate5 ""Mr' James E Anderson and -his ' Seceased partflery Mf Weber; ' and -Mr 'Weber's Mendacious living-' brother;-and-M Jenks, and listen to their own shaale less confessions of the sort of rascality they constantly pursued 'for thrftood Loathe partyawh4Cft w ,tf aay jS$t-tfh goocr.oi vue parvy otixjamsiana carpe fcaggers, of :wbiok theywere (inembets,' we are suddenly Wd empbaticallyctffl- ed upon to admire the heroio nduf' ance andtlre matchless calmness of the neoDle of Louisiana under'tha 4 mrSStf cruel s'ecntiona'' w1iifeh! .timtt camea on ior yeaivtnrit.,aperpai lion or reiiress, anq wQ tne sanction and undej.ihe.protectlon and power of the national government. If; Presi dent Hay es ever .neededr any rwlnd ica- tioniforjeatoototheStaties oltbeUu ion their constitutional right to choose their ow4awmakers and laws;neTi.;i tamly it is given him in full meSsura J , "Ui rj?i la $lm 1 EV OB spto orTeinor water, ppp ymg f h tharevfihitians ofithnnaw E3.yi.JAil Has-'i f -1 r,, I aeaUffjbf maTf is mated? w tncjfnfss en- a1 3a fcioj? ed Urw jidW f 4 1 Surest And.eYery :one is alariedat and 1 .:lHHTIAO H POHI, inr regard fetejjujsually, I sickly season. How many fj yptu? readers tn ust realize nisv aawfwnen in formed of; it;feel;Kr41ty3iBfdiavint add gation.-.xA oPBwardaiof thirty years Mrp 9iq -otqo i)it5y.ta. r siow'fb Soothing Syrnp has been usdlfojri children. ; It corrects acidity jUbeterrnacrXri relieves wmvrvmHj .reguiavs-twp, Doweis, cures dysentery and tdlawKoBa, I wnfltlMi nax or crowning gem of my L career. On its merits, as a-posl-;and effectual !rmedr for this class nf lifcO'lCCQ QnH twit ihnF nrill ' n. nil mA.. n 1 M"jvwuw w.v. yub pill. Y1 JlU.. Mb -OlA lUilCD ailU Tinder atl"CireutR8tanee9,act iinifly and in har mony with, the aw1.wiq, govern the female system, I am willing td Stake my reputation as a that, it wi expectation for an v of the ailments for -hii that l offer and wU .lt.OTdepjLcPOSlxiT GUARANTEE. If a beneficial nftaat is not experienced by thetinie twothlrds of the con tents of the bottts are used, twill, oto return of the . bottle, tworthir da of the -medicine having been taken according to directions, and the case being one for which I recommend it, promptly refund the money paid for it. Had I not the most perfect confidence In its virtues, J Could sot offer it ha I da under these condition; but hav ing witnessed Ustroly miraculoaB-cnree inthou Bands. of cases, I feel warranted and perfectly afe In risklnar both jilv reputation, and my money on'lta merits. v lV;,-(jEi s;,ir . The following are among those l8eses .in which my- Favorite Prescriirtiou has Worked cures, as if, byl magic-; and with a cer tainty, never .before attained' bv -any medicine: lieucorrhoea,' Exctegsive ioVrng; Painful Monthly PerkdiSuBxesslQD3 when from un natural causes, liregufatieer, Weak Back. Tro- Bctroverewivi&Ariny Mwn sen0atioBfi Inters t pphdency. (..T$t6atehed , 3tfiscarriageu Ohronlei'. UoRgstiohy iBBttmrnRtion nd Vleerauon ofthe uterus, injpotencyj UMrensesSror stenntyrJ?' man not mentioned here, t tiiiB : natnre. rinv Xkvbrire 1 9 1 do not ex tat as all, -hafiilC! admliiabry fulalli' a single-- ness oi purpose, being a most perfect nu enronic qi IT HONDA?, JUNE 8th. TP "We will make a A CLEARING DB SAl.K A OF ALL SMALL LOTS At prices irrespective of real valued and our Children's Denartmpnt. willhfe: JJ( closed at actual cost We will dD "T (D .: Special Bargains in several lines, and we TTTT invite your early I 1 rjJCi atteDtion to se- r IE choic& M " FOR 30 DAYS MORE ONLY. The Just response to our Announcement -HAS GIVEN US ENTIRE SATISFACTION, and we are gratified to know tha our numerous patrons pro nounce our 0 'iHt:;g:7;xGS- "".'.".''.." ' . ;f ;: SUPERIOR IN MAKE, STYLE and FIT, to any other sold or offered in r CHARLOTTE. . . . i i -... We have a few more of Boy's and Children's Suits which will-be sold at less than Manufacturers Cost. J Ybti can still buy new fresh and stylishly designed goods for the .same price asor less tnanJoD Uoods, r A L. BERW ANGER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIEES AND TAILORS, JSATIOXALCLOTB.INGHALL. ems. imiJotencriftMTfl ,le Weakness, and: very many other chrauhjy iscb inciuem to worn I i ftBi Rffloetlansi of thi iseases of the sexual evi tern ol woraafi. at willnot disappoiot. nor will specific in i tern of wot it do harm, inqy tote or condition. Thnsn whn rloqlrA further informHrt these (Subjects can", obtain it IuIThe Peopj-k's oo Common SELnaE Medical Advisee, a book, otltlMf tfreaWwifelyTof thcseMdiseaeeWj 1omlnr; tn TFH?mnto3.Rr fffTf;rminh vaUiRhla aavice in regaru to tue management oi ios 1 1 oixcbiuun. FAVORITE PRESCRipirfON BIT AL,L. IRrJG91SXS.il ; BUFFALO K. i-iJJI '.-ji! :.-:!- ' v.- i : THE - ;;!;.- , - 'IfilSINGLSPLN," brother; MUtmoAetilfW1il& eUnhiana -of Joshuaof f Vt&i MtnbngV WpnaB lie f Jasper x liiiuaqpuv: oi. iue ivew. is uyjv biuuuiuk BfilL'at'flia'tild Place; "on Trade SWeefesoa ISiginep jtaU, , wojeije' the. light of t eason iUamineteg . the ;sniTonBdiBgutra08pheTe, Whie iByeSte . bliiithiqgs i with ttie jglow of inspiration, and the world no longer seems ,Foc iShtlhera yoaswill and S ,r. -1 ' " 1 .-.I. . . . . J itll JJG 1 3a irs: .19-iooD i Ewa5f"nclashed01 exjoiJifii sisjcs To nlam3 3uS bi j j sqdd odw ,siawbP13aJk!S, Pies, : raitaatWaahlBttoaflali jfiii Rfirrto n nana -tDHiOfaiy i Bread .'(nferflmt idTelataeiesI B ars ... MERICAN METALURGICAL WORKS, . VitN WYCK SMELTING COMPANY, .n o -Ji - perUl Ambcryv'N. J. ... j , Doldy Silver,1 Lead nd Oepp6r Oree redoc d, amrieht percent of metal recovered. 30X,1 SUVPaERET ORES a specialty ; a ggaf ute a ej, eignty -per cent, rrom which expenses are,to-beidedricted.; ': j;,Ores. Shipped Irorn' Charlotte yi: Carolina CtentralBaaroad to.Wilinington, thence to A'mboy fey sail;1 voU-I , ' ara feb6ekf1i9 assayed and inspected by Prof Hanna, ofthe Uaited States Mint. For further in formation refer to members of the . Charlotte Mining Board or to Perth Ahjoy. . Br JULIO .H BAB, pn4tf : , , ' Gen. Sapt. k.' wvr 'i-l UNDERTAKING ! ea amber-2a Year WIDS AWAJLK an illustrated Magazine for Yonne Peoole. is the verv bost nnb- lication of the kind in onr country, as well as the cheaper t. For an agency, ssndto D LOTHEOP & 00, 9b25 , Boston. The undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for;eyery class of Undertaking ; Having on hand a fail assortment of Coffins, Mete, and Mai Cases, BOTH WC OD AND METALIC. PRICES AS LOW AS ANT. ; Hearees furnished if desired.. Furnitare of every 'description repaired at short notice. , . jnne 20. W. M. WILHELkf. TryQn St., Opposite M. E, Church, OUT. i .13 .'ilo r v NOipWioHizgra to carry over an? mmm nns DA Y Reduced the OF 'A -.7-' flWMjii MEOi GOODS IN MY HOUSE. ?m,l -i.i' ; xir.O'vj r .:; 1 -,i: ' ,; ; -. ' " ' : '' ! :iltis.iJwa Adlias Jon )!;.- f; : -n.taz -iKinfii -. .isSiZCk- o;nv7 ttn fin a hfrfl KOW IS QUR TIM E :;: ;oi: 3niA:aO. f-L-1 A bob oi saw i as ILL ' . I 5 V iii ; Mi 4 i 1 1 : ) v 1 u hi If :1 if II it? ! : , , j . fc.1jr 0?11 w . j i i i- A . f II1 rYiti-SiTinsiRia 1 tv.1 TAabmnegiigece,prvigncrrance.'xn tnia oenw HMWJ.f-7.-:rrrnwrTiTrt II i&li-n-jsi 45sti : W sii-ftu .H3 .r,7 -,..- Sfft Ipx .1 Junel.?uodjiw oh jouaay aoM't8- June led thamanasofferteby eithfr cul- A arising fromteetrn&pther. SaaillRmaS?

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