THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVES SUBSCRIPTION BATES: , .' n.,;u, one vear (postpaid) in advance.... ..$8 00 i XEOff OjBSEB KEK JOB DEPARTMENT has been thorouqhhf svppUed tcith every needed ant, and vilh the Latest Stylet of Typ, and every manner of Job Work eon now be done with Matness dtgpateh and cheapness.- Six Monty.. 4 00 Three Months ............m-w, w WEEKLY;EDITI0WBP- i IK canfurnuh at short notice BLANX3 BILLIIZADSS if 1 ' LETTER HEADS, OiKD , H'ecti (i A couniy) n advance., Old of the county, postpaid..... $2 00 2 JO TAGS, BECEIPTS. POSTERS. U.V ,1rtJUl 1 00 VOL. XIX CHABLOTTE N. C, SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1878 jpr- JAberal reductions fur dubs. t3 NO; 8,934 PROGRAMMES, EAND BILLS : ft- ,' OBSEUVATIONS. y: in J 8T1TB POLTTICiL ITEMS. "'' . ti t '4 4.4. v t K eady made Clothing and will 'find at the old established house pf i JSLIS & CODEiiiElSr 'I'uk Largest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stock of Goods ever hrougM to this market VVe are prepared to prove upon, examination of our 'stock that we make v0 vain boast, and solicit buyers, both ; wholesale land retail, to LOOK AT OUR GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing. , Our stock of Dress Goods, "White, Goods,- Alpaccas, Embroid .eries, Kid Gloves, Sun Umbrellas, Fans, Ties andSancy Goods are complete and will: be sold at astonishing low prices. Carpets, Oil Cloths3 and Mattings very low. Fair dealing. - Polite and attentive clerks. Call jour-elves'. , ? ' -t Democrat and Home copy. BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Ml 7 FINE ASSORTMENT OP CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CALL 'AND SEE THEM. "VIA FOMOOTHJa., RALEIGH, HAMLET, and CHARLOTTE, M. C. As QUICK and RELIABLE as any Freight Boute between RALEIGH, PORTSMOUTH, NORFOLK, ALL EASTERN CITIES AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. Express Freight Trains, CLOSE CONNECTIONS, PROMPT AND CAREFUL DELIVERIES GUARANTEED. For full information. Tariffs, &c, apply to mch26 BARGAINS IN IE G . 16. O JEM u jS TTJT 3Hi En2T ; 5 . ' next 'to ptosTOFFicE.. ; 1 1 ,: ...... j . ,1 : : ; ' MY STOCK IS VERY LARGE AND Parler, Chamber, Dining Rooti and OlSce Fnrnitnre. THIS ENTIRE STOCK FOR SALE AT junll D R U C ,G I S X -Art "TV... Now offers to the trade a full iftogms, English Select Spices, oop; English, French and American Hair and Tooth, Mmsm H "R 'RR f7! "R T"P T1 TOWS -'.,tji. Careiatty.5'tt'ai4trail hours, Ibolji mgWldayt. -iit vj inoii: eldi bats?) wad I - " " " ft 1U tu'i ?!ft fllanv9 cpiii nfm bum. .;i viC-15'4 ytv'Vi n-jt. A'fc- j Jbi. JL. in Store and IHIardr7aEe House - . e .1,1 H General Merchandise, and see us and judge for ELI AS & COHEN. march 22 DXAXIB I. ALLfiKINDS OF BEDDING, &C. F TJ Ij Iji LINK CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR A CHAMBER SUITS. COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 6, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE N . 0. JUST ARRIVED. Southwestern Agent, Charlotte, N. C. At' IF TEJ-IES IE3 G 3EL3HL S ' : .EMBRACES jAFULL LINE OFj iy,' ACTUAL CiTANri STOREFbR RENX tosaod ixuihirota: bam .sowcoix njs ' ,nilMri . inn'f jh n jgi fi;.Mi I ,diaeca D,. C H. E M I S T, fcrtti an."! stock of Imbin's lMracte and Colgate Honey .and (Glycerine. i-j iiHX OX v'J . . . .:; -. 1 1 ' j i eatiAaa m-jhim ml 2 v-i It Las been warm enough in the weafcre-; centl j to .make caenmbers perspire. - - Mysterious and sadden disappearances of yoang Americans from Paris still continue. General conclusion and yerdict: ""Basted and gone home in the steerage." The Picayune man, who perhaps knows how 'tis himself, says that drinking liqaor to drown sorrow is all nonsense. Water, which . is - mnch less expensive, is good enough for all drowning purposes. Little Johnny ran into the house the other day while the mercury A. was hugging V95," with the perspiration streaming from every pore, and shouted, "Mamma 1 mam ma! fix me ; I'm leaking all dveir I"-r-Cin-cinnati Breakfast Table.' rr A PhUadelphia man has discovered the way to get rid of flies. . He Bays if you will circulate a paper asking them tt ' contribute to the Republican, campaign fund the flies will immediately leave in disgust. James Lally, of New York, was young, a bachelor, rich, had plenty of friends, no enemies to speak of, didn't drink enough to make him see things he drowned himself in the Hudson, proving what a hard man to satisfy he was. Young mother, deeply interested in a novel, but preserving some-idea of her du ties as a mother, to her eldest born : Hen rietta, wh ere is your little sister ? Henri etta : In the next room, ma. Young moth er, turning over page : Go and Bee what she's doing and tell her to stop it this min ute. The Rev Mr Twichell, of Hartford, is lacky enough to have Mark Twain among his parishioners, and to have been invited by that genial gentleman to join him in a summer tramp in Switzerland at Mr Clem ens' expense. Mr Twichell did not wait to be asked twice. A neighbor wants to know, "What could be smaller than the lining of a thistle seed?" Well, we suppose if you really wanted to draw things to a finer fecas yoa might call a convention of the men who have drawn prizes in Kentucky and Louisiana lotteries. Lynchburg News, The Republican Managers Brag High. Richmond Whig. When the Republican managers at Washington send out to their leading journals specials to the effect, that from information received from relia ble sources their prospect of gaining the next House is most encouraging, it is done for several purposes. The first object they have in view is to make the clerks in the departments and other officials ante up liberally, and their ul timate purpose is to inspire confidence m the ranks of the dispirited Republi cans of the country. They now say in these specials that one independent will be elected in each of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, Texas and Mississippi, and that the Republicans will carry one district in Virginia, two in North Carolina and two in Tennes see, and possibly one in Maryland. They brag high on Louisiana, where thej expect to gain three or four. But they admit they will lose heavily in Ohio, and are silent about their antici pated gains in JNew York, now that Lord Roscoe is in arms, breathing deadly hate against the administration. They say nothing, however, about Mis- 1 11 T A 1 - souri, wuere me uemucrais naye a right to expect a solid delegation. When asked about Indiana their con soling : reply is that the ' 'Nationals" will hurt the Democrats about as much as they will the Republicans. Agricultural Campaign in the West. Commissioner Folk is to make an agricultural campaign in the western part of the State, commencing on Au gust 10th and embracing the counties of Cherokee, Jlay, Macon, bwain, Jact- son, Haywood, .turn com do ana Hen derson. The Raleigh News says "Com missioner Folk will talk to the people about internal improvements, of the necessities for lines of quick communis cation and rapid transportation. He will speak to them of the causes which compel their magnificent fruits to go to decay in their orchards while the markets of the world are hungering and thirsting for their products. He will show how and why it is that apples from"Western Carolina cannot be eat en in Raleigh, while our market is flooded with the products of New Eng land orchards. He will show that the system of North Carolina Railroad management places the Blue Ridge further from the capital of the State than the Rocky Mountains, that Ashe- ville is further away from Raleigh than San Francisco, and the Cherokee country than the. Pacific slope. He will show that our State legislation is responsible for these things ; that rail j . - ii i i roau aiscrimina.uuu , tuouusb we iuixm interests of the people of North Caro lina, which amounts to prohibition on business, exists, through the fault of the Legislature, and he will be glad to tatkrto members elect about these things." Japanese Ladies Bathing in Public . vi:Frontthe Philadelphia Press. JlM we were about to Vleavea lady of egani attire anu axtenueu uy a lewaie "M' liitz.' J .ii J-J i l servant bearing her r toilet apparatus, and another, with other luxuries of the bath, entered. ;Our new; arrival, after giying: som e directions, with the assist ance of ,hef:. maid ; began ; to M arrange herself for, the, bath. . Wjth ;her maod she neatlv folded and laid away on a cloth in a clean place each particle of herapparelas it was removed, ii irst the silken robe then the flowing gown-lika robe of purple, then the nether garments at white. until we reached, nature's own.' ;As gently as a zephyr ' playing upon, the foliage pi tne trees ane siep': ped 1 along h toward . the wateri Her beantifully-rounded 1 form- and poetry of motion would have been worthy of the" sculptor's chiset , A .. beautifully rounded ankle ' J and " ft- pretty foot, vaguely visible beneath Jfce laminated folds of a dogen ekixta, would . set the whole community agog at home while J a iwhole form, nude i as. nature s and more beautiful than an J angel, would not so muoh as attract a passing glance in Japan. ' ' There . are eight candidates for the ' The Democrats of Gates hate John J Gatling up for the House. Transylvania county has a Merri mon and - . : Vance candidate in the field. ' The Greenback Labor party has been organized in Pasquotank, and a full ticket placed in: the field. , An attempt td Organize a National Workingmen's party in Newbern, last Wednesday night, was a failure. Too strongly tinctured with Radicalism. The Henderson ville Courier, inde pendent, says that if General Cling man writes a few more letters, Vance will become President of the United States. f Two other citizens of Buncombe have come out as independent candi datesCaptain Marcellus Fagg for the Senate, and Mr Thomas J Candler for the House leaving three citizens of the county yet to be heard from. Dr Montgomery, of Alamance, is an independent candidate for the Senate in Guilford and Alamance. He and Frank Caldwell are running together against Messrs Thos M Holt and J I Scales. The Concord Sun suggests that the members of the "National Party" in Cabarrus hold their conyentions in a hollow tree near Mill Hill. It will hold only two men, but is large enough to accommodate the "Nationals." The Raleigh Observer says Hugh B Guthrie, white, . one of the most ob noxious men in Orange county during the war and since, and Louis Jenkins, negro, have declared themselves Rad ical candidates for the House of Rep resentatives in that county. Col John D Taylor, the present clerk of New Han oyer Superior Court, has announced himself a candidate for re election. The Wilmington Review says he makes the third Republican Rich mond in the field for this office to the Democrats' none. Wilmington Review: We are happy to announce that our friends in Sampson are healing the differences that at one time threatened to split the Democrat ic vote of that noble old county, and that now all opposition to the regular nominee for the Senate, Captain N H Fennell, has been withdrawn. The candidates -in Cabarrus are speaking at a vigorous rate. Dr Rich ard Anderson, of Stanley, and Mr J M Redwine are the candidates for the Senate, the latter being independent. Mr Odell, the Democratic nominee for the House, has an opponent in the person of Captain W H Orchard, who is the nominee of the National party. The following notice appears in the Concord Sun : Judge Fowle, Hon W M Robbins, Col Bennett and other prominent gentlemen, will address our people in Concord on Tuesday, the 30th inst, upon the current politics of the day. Preparations will be made for a large crowd, and everybody, irre spective of party, is (cordially invited to attend. A grand treat is in store. Come everyone and hear. Delicious Cookery. Light, white, wholesome biscuits, rolls, bread, and elegant cake, crullers, waffles, doughnuts,, muffins, and griddle cakes of every find, are always possible to every ta ble py using Pooley 'a Yeast Powder. Good Digestion. "Give us this day our daily bread" and good medicine to digest it, is both reverent and human. The human stomach and liv er are fruitful sources of life's comforts; or disordered and diseased, they tingle misery along every nerve and through every artery. The man or woman with good digestion see beauty as they walk, and overcome obsta cles they meet in the routine of life, where the dyspeptic sees only gloom and stumbles and erowls at even imaginary objects. The world still needs two or three new kinds of medicine before death can be perfectly abolished ; hut that many lives have been prolonged, and many sufferers from Liver disease, Dyspepsia and Headache, have been cured by Merrell's Hepatine, is no longer a doubt. It curea Headache in twenty min utes, and there is no question but what it is the most wonderful oiscoyery yet made in medical science. Those afflicted with bil iousness and Liver Complaint should use MerreU B Hepatine. . . It can be had at Dr J H Mc Aden's, Wilson & Burwell's and Dr T G Smith's. NEW MUSIC ! "yE beg leave to inform the public that we have just received a large and choice selection of ' NEW AND POPULAR MUSIC, which we will keep for sale at our Piano and Organ Wareroom, No. 10, Tryon street Orders for music from a distance will re ceive prompt attention. Pieces not com prised in our stock will be procured with out delay. ',s;.;;-5 :i.:..Le.-?3i ; ! The public are cordially inyited to call and examine onr-music, music books and musical instruments. :iK- " ;u . .i DAWSON & CO., No 10, Tryoa Street, Charlott e, N. C. 1 1J i We take pleasure also in announcing to pi6 uc;,tiat:LProf R. S: Phifert whese " t ..tT s-i.i,.. Lit !(i siiir;H shzmmS b vf n. thorough competency ag muaieiaB, is so uniyersaHy recognised by the cStisattSA0 Charlotte, feat the iieadlof.our music de-3 partment and would be pleased U serye his friends and former customers. ' JolH , DAWSON & CO. . The GREAT REMEDY for OORPULENOE. ALLAN'S ANTI-FAT -. Is purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. It acts upon the food In the stomach, preventing lt being converted into fat. Taken in accordance with di-; rectlona. It wiU reduce a fat person from tw to Ore pounds per week. "Corpulence is not only a disease itself, but the harbinger of others." So wrote Hippocrates two thousand years ago, and what was true then Is none the less so to-day. Sold by druggists, or sent, by express, upon re ceipt of 1 0. Quarter-dozen $400. Address, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., Irorirletora, Buffalo, X. Y- I NVAL I DS' HCT?t, The very large nuuihtr .f invall.i w r j l,- -.. visit BulliUo, from every quarter fl'tiie t'niled States ana uanana, mat tncy may consult Dr. R.v. Piekcx. Faculty of Specialists in It necessary that the (bunder of this hi'tilut Ion should Medicine and gui iriren. assoclati'il with liim. witwIaivwI provide a place on a grand and commodious scale lor ineir entertainment and coinrort. ADVANTAGES OFFERED.-The Invalids1 Hotel Is more complete in its appointments than any simi lar Institution in the world. The hiiilding is located in one of the most healthful and desirable portions of the City of Buffalo, and commands a fine view of Lake Erie, Niagara Kivr, and the surrounding country, being situated in the midst of an extensive system of beautiful parks. The Hotel is furnished with a patent safety passenger elevator, to convey patients to and from the different floors; is provided with all kinds of approved baths, and lias also connected with It a well-appointed gymnasium and bowling alley to afford proper means of exercise. CIIBONIO DISEASES of alt forms, whether requir ing medical, surgical, or mechanical, treatment, come within the province of our several specialties. PI8EA8EOF WOMEN. Especially arc tho Oiclli tles of this Infirmary of a superior order as regards the remedial means and appliances for the cure of all those chronic diseases peculiar to females. The employment, in moderation, of tonic, chemical, electro-thermal, and otlier approved baths, is in many cases an invaluable auxiliary to the remedial means to which wo resort In such -cases. Dry friction to the surface, general shampooing, Swedish move ments, and light calisthenlc exercises, to enliven and equalize the circulation of the blood In the system, relieve congested parts, improve digestion, and strengthen the niuscfes, produce Important beneficial results In all cases to -which these means are applies ble. No experimenting is resorted to in the treat ment. The most approved medicines are carefully employed, and the Judicious regulation of the diet, to suit the condition of the patieift, the thorough ven tilation of the Bleeping apartment, the cheering in fluence of music, social Intercourse, Innocent games for amusement, and all those agencies which tend to arouse the mind of the patient from despondency, and Urns promote recovery, are not neglected. NERVOUS PISEASES-Paralysis, Epilepsy (Fits), Chorea (St. Vltus's Dance), and other nervous affec. tlons, receive the attention of an txperi In tills spe cialty, by which the greatest sklH Is attained and the most flippy results seewea. EUJiiipiBEASES-TlUs division of tire practice in the Invalids' Hotel is very ably managed by a gen tleman of mature Judgment and skin. ii BronchlaL l cen- Throat, and Lung Diseases are very lar; y treated In this denartment. and with results which have been highly gratifying to both physician and patients. KYE AND EAR. Snecial attention Is elven to tha delicate operations on the eye and ear,- a dlatin- guisbed oculist and aurist being under engagement to conduct this branch of the practice. Invalids arriving In the city and desiring to con- alt . gnouia come uirecuy uj we nuieb ii is eaauy lble by carriage, omnibus, or street cars. Mn UtB'S Omnibus Agents, on ail incoming trains, can be relied upon to deliver passengers and baggage With security and dispatch. t r--Address R. V. Pterce, M. D.. "World's Hispeo aaraad lnvaUde' Hoje. Buffalo, k, V. THE "RISING SUN," According to the command of Joshua of Old, although repudiated by the "Jasper Philosophy' of the New, is now standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Street, op-( posite the Market House, plus Hornet Fire Engine Hall, where the light of reason illuminates the surrounding atmosphere, which invests all things with the glow of inspiration, and the world no longer seems "A fleeting show, For man's illusion given." For right here you will find Who has in Store . .. Oranges, Lemons', . , . ' Candies, Cakes, Pies, The Great Washington Pie included, i . Corn Starch, Sardines, Pickles, Fresh Bread, Canned Fruit'afid Yegetablea, Sugars and Coffees, . Tobacco, . Cigars, Snuff, Toys.; In fact, everything found in. confectionery, Including Ice Cream and Lemonade. juneH .kJIs-J; ;;il;;;-:;s!iO.S.H. ;: Greaeilai Cieaper tkan Ever. NEW GdODS.;; tNEW FEATDEES. ' ,;;t. . .,1 ! ".. i '. I , : ' GOME totneTcTBaeoniOdrn, Sugar", ,0ofief Molasseir, and- other Family Groceries.' ; Just Received, a few barrels of Berry Fos ter's (Davie counrjrj best BYE WHISKY ! Also a Fin Lot of COUNTE.Y-HAM8. i ; ; I sell for cash; .ffi r.j,if,i ,ba : . All goods delivered in the, city free of .charge. ' W H CKIMM1NQER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilsop (Black's old stand. ;!apr!8 ," 7- Citizens o Charlotte whodesrrto!brlie passive members of the Chamber IjfCoirii nieicej aeeordmiaih.'pTeaciibedvrulerof the saeociaUpn, are expected, from thisIdateV to tisit the rooms of the chamber only after they have applied for and obtained a ticket of membership: B N TIDDY, jull9 Chairman Committee. IE FOR M01-IDAY, JUNE "We will A CLEARING SALE A OF ALL SMALL LOTS r& 'I JT) j At prices irrespective of real value, and our Children's Jj closed at actual dD present Special in several invite your early ; attention to se IE cure choice. mi. FOR 30 DAYS The just response to our Announcement HAS GIVEN US ENTIRE SATISFACTION, and we are gratified to know tha our numerous patrons prcf nounce our C2 ILb D 2P 3HI IC CCS- SUPERIOE IN MAKE, STYLE and FIT, r to any other sold or offered in CHARLOTTE. We have a few more of Boy's and Children's Suits, which will be sold at less than Manufacturers' Cost. You can still buy new fresh and stylishly designed goods for the same price as or less than Job Goods. L BERWANGER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIEES AND TAILORS, NATIONAL CLOTHING HALL, MERICAN METALTJBGICAL WORKS, VAN WYCK SMELTING COMPANY, Perth Amboy, N. J. - Gold. Silver, Lead and Copper Ores reduc ed, and eighty per cent of metal recovered. GOLD 8TJLPHERET ORES a Specialty ; a guarantee of eighty per cent, from which expenses are to be deducted. Ores' shipped from Charlotte yia Carolina Central Bafiroad to Wilmington, thence to Amboy by sail. . , Ores should be assayed and inspected by Prof Banna, of the United State Mint. For further information refer to members of the Charlotte Mining Board or to Perth Amboy. Dr JULIO H itAE, . prHtf : ; Gen.Sopt. 2tic a flamber-S2 a Year WIDS: AWAKE an illustrated Magazine for Young People, Is the yery best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as the cheaper t. For an agency, raid to D LOTHEOP A COn feb25 - Boston. SLADGHTER I am determindd to CLOTUNG, AND GENTS' FUENISHING ' GOODS IN THE NEXT f : t 00 O T o o o o o oo ftfift B R TTTT ; T T T ;i They .will be sold at prices which will surprise every one for; cheapness. Come early and procure your BABGAINS. I HAYE KOW Crescent Unlaundied Sh Lit 1AT;75cinaf -SU t. Wf 6 iNDne?; genuine except thosebouafht'.of f i July 21. m 8th. make a TP; W Department will be- cost We will Bargains lines, and we HI IE your r MORE ONLY. UNDERTAKING ! The undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking ; Having on hand a full assortment of CSofflns, Caskets, and Bnrfal Cases, BOTH WCOD AND METALIC. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY. Hearees furnished if desired. Furniture of every description repaired at short notice. W. M. WILHELM, Tryon 8t. , Opposite M. E, Chprch, june20. ' - :.".i: r Close Out my entire r'ij m CD and SUMMER u, 5 D A A yy J B88B D1 A, A ? J -888J IN STOCK THE it .00. -:

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