THE CHARW3TTE OBSERVER. THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT has been thoroHqhlv supplied with every needed want, and with the Latest Styles qf Type, and every manner of Job Work cm now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: " Daily, one year (postpaid) in advance..... $8 00 Six Months Three Months...... One Month.. 4 00 .200 . 75 We can furnish at short notice -; BLANKS, BILL BEADS. " ft" ' "t WEEKLY EDITION. Weekly in the county) in advance.. Out o f the county, postpaid Six Monlhs.t ., Liberal reductions for clubs. LETTER BEADS, (USDS, r- . - mffiSi RECEIPTS, POSTERS, :'J . " PROGRAMMES, HAND BILLS. PAMPHLETS? CHECKS. V .$2 00 . 2 10 . 1 00 VOL. XIX. CHABLOTTB fi. C:, TUESDAY, JULY 30. 1878. NO. 2,941 ' -', " " ' .... i . I . . -if. i-i-'f Kcady-made Clothing and General Merchandise, will find at the old established house of C ELIA8 & COHEN The Largest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stock of Goods ever hrought to this market. We are prepared to prove upon examination of our stock that we mike no vain boast, and solicit buyers, both wholesale and retail, to LOOK AT OUIl GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing, 1 Our stock of Dress Goods, White Goods, Alpaceas, Embroid eries, Kid Gloves, Sun Umbrellas, Fans, Ties and Fancy Goods are complete and will be sold at astonishing low prices. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Mattings very low. Fajr dealing. Polite and attentive cierks. Call and see us and judge for your.-clves. ELIAS & COHEN. Democrat and Home copy. march 22 ,J BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL OZALXB IH ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A FTJIJL. LINE OBSERVATIONS. i;l 11 flu I Mill CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. 0 FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, JUST ARRIVED. CALL AND SEE THEM. . jan3 ,S PIANOS. ORGANS New, 7 -Qot. $135 I New, 9 Stops, $67 New, 7J jOct. $145 New, 12 Stops, $78 "Magnificent," "bran new," "lowest prices ever given." Oh how this "cruel war" rages bat LUDDEN & BATES still hold the field and rain hot shot into the Bogus manufac turers who deceive the-public with Hum bug Grand Offers on Shoddy Instruments. Send for Special Offers, and circular expos ing frauds of Piano and Organ Trade. Lud dsn & Batxs, Wholesale Piano and Organ Dealers, Savannah, Ga. They have established a branch house at Greenville, S. C. "THE McSMITH MUSIC HOUSE." Their instruments can be bought on the same terms as at 8a van rah, and cheaper than sending North, for cash or by monthly installments. Don't fail to buy, right at home, Greenville, 8. C. jul5 lm 31TAPSCO BAKING POWDER8. The best in nse. For gale at manufacturer's prices. JOHN W HALL fe 00, Trade Street: Real Estate, Mining AND "Perfectly Mag," is the Boston girl's syno nym for awful sweet. Samson was an eminent tragedian in his day, and in his last act brought down the house. . , ' '-.,:;. Josie Mansfield is wasting.' away with grief for her departed Prince of Erie. She weighs 238. Some of the paragraphists have begua to attack those linen dusters that are shorter than the coat beneath. ' - ' I prefer the heated term to the cold waye," as the young Oil citizen said when his girl dismissed him with a wave of her hand. Derrick. . , ;i " If Mr Potter will summon us to Atlantic City for a three-weeks' vacation, at. the ex pense of our beloved country, he; will learn something to our advantage. Graphic. Can you lay your hand on the man who did not let a day of last winter go by with out predicting a cool summer ? If yon can, mash him I After it shall be definitely- settled to whom Miss Jeannette Bennett is to be mar ried and whom Mr James Gordon Bennett is to marry, the world will moye on again. Just as soon as a farmer begins to argue that he can clear a crossing before a loco motive can, he is prepared for the trip to the next world. A society belle of the West End, on being I asked to fayor some of her callers with a song, sweetly murmured that she never sang "except to warble a few wild notes for me pa at eventide." Washington Post. During the recent hot weather the ther mometer at a hotel at Niagara Falls neyer reached higher than 74 degrees except once, when the proprietor carried it up stairs to prove the fact to an old lady who was fan ning herself with a soup plate. Edison was interviewed by a reporter of the Chicago Times on his way to Wyoming Territory, whither he has gone to measure the heat of the sun. With characteristic accuracy the reporter says : "Upon being addressed Mr Edison paused an instant and invented something, then answered," Ac There is a loud call on Eli Perkins to imitate that Illinois lecturer who blew his brains out as a part of his entertainment. Of course, Eli can't contract to blow out any more brains than he has got. It is the pan tomime the people want to see. Washing ton Post. STATE POLITICAL ITEMS. Col Roger Moore, of Wilmington, declines to be a candidate for sheriff of New Hanover. Wilmington filar .; The Democratic executive committee ot the county of New TTannvfir. at a meeting held ves- terday, prior to the joint meeting spo ken of elsewhere, finally decided- to make no nominations for county offi cers for the county of New Hanover. The National Greenback party of Columbus have nominated a full ticket, Dr A H Bobbins for the Senate and J W. McCoy for the House. Cant Swift Galloway. Democratic candidate for solicitor of the third district, made a fine speech at Wil mington, Friday night, to an enthusi astic audience. . a Frank H Darby, of Pender county, declines to accept the nomination for Senator from New Hanover and Pen der, and R K Bryan has been nominat ed in his stead. ' J R Winchester has withdrawn from the canvass as a candidate for sheriff of Union. He was an independent candidate. KEEPING COOL. ' .Anything for Office, ., , , . Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, 27th. Gen Clineman. of North Carolina. has written a letter in which he makes the ; following: 'startliner statement : "There are more than 120,000 Demo crats in the State who, like myself, have not, since the war, been candidates for , any high office, but have steadily la bored for the promotion of , others." Now, these 120,060 are 'so hungry for nign omce that they will strike an in dependent attitude and go hungrily for long-delayed loaves ana fishes. Ik IL A FOR MONDAY, A Future of the Phonograph. The day is not far distant, murmurs the Elko Post, when the house-wife Will glance into the -woodshed, and finding that the husband has gone off witnout splitting the daily allowance of fuel, will take down the phonograph, howl into it a volley of epithets . that will register one hundred .and sixty! pounds pressure to the square men on the safety gauge,and then call out to her boy, "Here, John, go down town and grind that out to your lazy old father. and see that you turn the crank lively; too !" JUNE 8th. "We will make a IT A CLEARING SALE W Immigration Agency. FOB selling, buying and renting Mines, Land and Houses, and providing homes in the Piedmont regions of North Carolina and South Carolina, and being connected with the "SoxTTHERir Ricobp," circulated in this country and Europe twice a month, I will advertise, free of cost, all farms and mines, placed in my hands, for sale. -TH08 P DRAYTON, aug9 Charlotte, N- C. tJIO EDITORS AND PRINTERS. Having had many calls lately for Prin ters' Ink and Stationery, I haye deter mined to keep a supply of both al ways on hand, which I propose to sell at manufacturer's prices, less freight, trusting to a small commission for Erofit. Give me your orders and you Bhall e pleased, CHAS R JONES, mar!7 Observer. -IN W TLT 33 53" E "ST1 HJ TO 3E3 AT ES. G. ItOG-ElItS' WAB E-R O O M S NEXT TO P03TOFFICE,; H. MY STOCK IS VERY LARGE AND EMBRACES A FULL LINE OF Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and Office toiinrc. THIS ENTIRE STOCK FOR SALE AT i , ' ACTUAL COST, AND STORE FOR RENT. junii - ; THE CABARRUS NATIONAL CANDIDATE. Re-Considers His Withdrawal and is Again a Candidate for the Home. Editor Charlotte Observer Be kind enough to publish the fol lowing: Capt Wm H Orchard was nominated by the National party in this (Cabarrus) county, some two weeks ago. He withdrew after a week or so from the canvass. Butyesterdy he published a card, in which he Btates that his withdrawal was caused by mis information ; and he is again in the field, and pledges himself to the sup port of the principles and platform of the National party. X. Coxcobd, N. C, July 27, 1878. A MISSOURI SCANDAL. The State Treasurer Charged With a $500,000 Swindle, St Loyis, July 24. Quite a sensation is created by the publication of a long article reflecting seriously upon the management of the State Treasury. It is charged that tne treasurer, junan Gates, never complied with the laws relating to the filing of his bond, and that the bond has never been approv ed, as required by law, and upon leeal test would be declared invalid. One of the most significant faots pub lished is the statement that five days before the National Bank of Missouri suspended,' about a year ago, it re- Rtatft Treasurer. The president of the bank, J H Bntton, is one of the treasurer's bondsmen. The money was forwarded on June 15th to the State National Bank for the ostensible purpose of being sent to the 5anK ot Commerce of New York, to meet the July interest on the Missouri bonds; payable in New York J,uly 14,th. The money, instead of being promptly forwarded, remained in tne panic nve days, at the end of which time the bank suspenaea paymem, ve ssuve being in this manner victimised to the extent of $500,000. How They Older These Things in France Paris in Midsummer, From the London Standard. If we wish to escape sunstroke, even in its mitigated form of languor, lassi tude and drowsiness, we must keep our selves co si; and to do this as it ought to be done we must take precautions against the heat before it bursts upon us. Those who wish to know how this can best be effected have only to pay a short visit to Paris during the sultriest weeks of August.1 As soon as the weath er demands a change a Frenchman ap parels himself in low shoes and trous ers of duck or nankeen; his shirt col lar expands ; his neck tie dwindles -to an apology; waistcoat he altogether discards : his coat is of thin alpaca or the lightest Tussore silk; his hat of white felt or of straw; nor is he ashamed to boldly carry an umbrella. His house, especially if it be on the sunny side of the street, is regulated with equal care and forethought. The carpets are taken up ; the heavy ja lousies are shut before sunrise and kept closed throughout the day ; the court yard is hourly watered, and in house holds where small expenses are of little moment a large bowl of ice and water or a pyramid of solid ice surrounded by flowers forms the centre ornament of the table. What the indiyidual cit izen does for himself that the munici pality of Paris does for the entire city. Lione before tne irarisians are astir the streets have been well watered with a hose and the trottoir thoroughly wash ed down. Along the boulevards and in most of the principal avenues large trees gratefully cool the atmosphere and suggest a pleasant sort of lotus eating dream of wood and field. Each thoroughfare has its shady side, and instead of the repulsive London "pub lie," one comes at every few hundred yards across some little cafe, with its awniner drawn over the pavement and with chairs and marble tables, where the thirsty soul .who demands of the earcon even a cup of cold water and tenders for it his three half-pence will receive a courteous welcome. The Spurs of the Liberaton Gov Hampton, of South Carolina, has been sent by a Newport admirer, Mr W W Woolsey, a splendid pair of silver spurs, with the lollowmg note : "These spurs were made by the Boga- tano silversmiths after Bolivar struck the shackles from their limbs and made them free. They may well be worn by one who has made equal rights before the law a blessing and a reality to so many thousand freedmen." A Narrow Escape. Spartanburg Speights, 28th 1 We are pleased to state that Mr Chase's little girl, who fell out of the window of the Piedmont House last week, has improved so much that she is able to ride out. This is one of the most miraculous escapes that can be found upon record. I OF ALL SMALL LOTS I IT) At; prices irrespective of real value, . and our Children's Department will be closed at actual cost We will ( Tf present m jJP in several lines, and we p m mi invite your early attention to se- cure yur TE1 jQJ choice. JJg FOR 30 DATS MORE ONLY. OR, THE SscretHPair Pace. A. ItTO of InUret to Every Lady who Iealra to to More Beautirui than sKe aow 1. rTp i tl ma wnmnn in u limulrpfl. Rllb- U I11U1 LUHrtlClJ wi.w n ..... . ... - . - tooted to the -whims of aa American climate possess es that basis and starting point of roiil beauty a pure ana ciear compicuuu. WTlia nature has thus denied, art 1c called upon to furnish. It can be done; it is done daily. lTot. w. js. Hasan placed beauty within the reach of every un- surnrisine article known in fashionable circles aa the txue secret ui ucauti wuw Dr. J. B. lEoMTSSSi DRUG G 1ST A N D C H EMI ST, Now offers to the trade a foil stock Jyubin's IJxtxacts and Cohgrm, English Sekct Spices, Colgate Honey and wycenne ooap; English, irencn ana American nair auu j-wux . A Good Country augnsta Chronicle, 27th. Mr J H Alexander has returned from his trip to the mountains of North Car olina and gives a glowing account of the salubrious climate ot that country. He says he saw a youth sixteen years of age who had never seen a dead per son nor a funeral and the inference therefore is that no one has died in that section since he was born.' and can be bought cheap and summer cabins put up at a small expense. North Carolina Politics. Washington Post, 6th.l General Thomas L Clingman, of North Carolina, for eighteen years a member of Congress, before the war, and who left, the Senate in 1861 to stake fortunes with the Southern Confederacy, said to-day during an m terview: "1 see that m the worth, a movement somewhat similar to one in the South, is growingrapidly. Working masses are cutting loose by degrees from the Republican and Democratic narties and trying to form an organiza lion separate and independent. Now in my State there are 120,000 indepen dent voters. They don't altogether be lieve in extreme measures. They've had enough of war, and are sick of de magogism. The Republican party as a party is almost dead in North Caro lina, but it is probable that the inde pendent party will take its place. The colored vote will be divided, ut there are thousands of white voters, who have, heretofore, been Democrats, or voted the Democratic ticket, who are tired of the contention and strife which has usually existed between the parties, and who have lost faith in the political integrity of both existing par ties, and who will gladly join a new and independent organization. I should not be at all surprised to see a man of independent views elected as Merrimon's successor in the Senate in the coming fall. Gov Vance's and Senator Merrimon's friends are making a bitter fight against each other. It bodes no good for the Democracy. Southern people are tired of strife and disorder. When they begin to quarrel among themselves they make a! mis take that might prove fatal to their cause afterwards. J; am speaking of the Democratic cause, of course. : There js an independent party growing in my State, and I believe all over the South," MAGNOLIA BALM The Maokolia Bauk ia a sure device for creating A pure and blooming complexion. It conceals nil natural blemishes in the most B- prising and effective manner. It removes nil roughness eruptions, redness, blotches, freckles, and tun -with Magical power. It drives away all evidences of fuiigue ana ex citement. It makes the plainest f sice beautiful. It irives the complexion a dazzling -purity nnd makes the neck, face, and arms appear graceruit rotund, and plump. It makes a matron of 85 or 40 lows sot more than 29 years old, nnd changes th rustic maiden into a cultivated city belle, The MaanoUa A M klmiwt "- ctalt entry o. WSK !?'ai' f " ! farcmkM at voter, it it to h-l effects that the clotest observer cannot aeiea, vie. Ladies who want t ko themselve attractive can malte an aosoiuw ucruuuij . . --"-o Hag an 'a SUghqlia uaxm, ana v "y wsv. It is the oneapew prepnn.iuu all things considered, and may be had at any drug tore. The Just response to our Announcement HAS GIVEN US ENTIRE SATISFACTION, and we are gratified to know tha our numerous patrons pro nounce our CS5 HLo O TO? JHL U SUPERIOR IN MAKE, STYLE and FIT, to any other sold or offered in CHARLOTTE. We have a few more of Boy's and Children's Suited which will be sold at less than Manufacturers' Cost. You can still buy new fresh and stylishly designed goods for the same price as or less than J ob Goods. L. BERWANGER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS, NATIONAL CLOTB1NO HALL. MERICAN MKT ALURGIOA.L WORKS, VAN WYCK 8MELTING COMPANY, Perth Amboy, N. J. Gold, Silver, Lead and Copper Ores reduc ed, and eighty per cent of metal recovered. GOLD SULPHERET ORES a specialty ; a guarantee of eighty per cent, from which expenses are to be deducted. Ores shipped from Charlotte via Carolina Central Railroad to Wilmington, thence to Anakoy by sail. Ores should be assayed and inspected by Prof Hanna, of the United 8tates Mint. For farther information refer to members of the Charlotte Mining Board or to Perth Amboy. Dr JULIO H RAE. pr!4 tf Gen. Supt. 20caNomber-$2aYear ' IDE AWAKE an illustrated Magazine for Young People, is the very best pub lication of the kind in oar country, as well as the cheaper!, jror an agency, stud to D LOTH BOP A CO., febS5 Boston. W UNDERTAKING ! all orders for every class of Undertaking tiaving on band a fall assortment or Coffins, Carets, an! Burial Cases, BOTH WCOD AND METALIC. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY. Hearses furnished if desired. Furniture of every description repaired at short notice. W. M. WILHELM, Tryon St, Opposite M. E, Church, jane 20. I OarefLiliy prepared at all qnrs, both night and dayjat J. H- McADEN'S Prescription Stored Carrying It Around Loose. DanviUe (Va) News, 28th. A man Dassed over the Bichmond & Tianvillo "Railroad eoinz north via the ! Vireinia Midland Railroad last Thurs day, witn a Dag oi money containing $19,000 in gold, which he carelessly tnnk alnner beside mm on me car seats. In transferring he had to $honL der the bundle, Store and Hardware Mouse IV") Can Get a Patent, Washington Post. A Republican organ is the authority for the statement that "Potter has learned that Sherman is an nones man and hates fraud." If Mr rotter bnnwii iiTiv Mich thins? as tnat ne can get a patent on it. ? Vox Howards oX thirty ymM .MraVWin- ! r:i.-tw?nrl' .r15 Twrrilatea the bowela. cures dysentery and diarrhcBa, whether arislnK from teething or other causes; t An nld and weu-snea remwijr. wu tlA. - Big Joke i Richmond Dispatch. A number of gentlemen of jocular inclinations have lately tied their bug gy horses to posts and trees with No. 70 spool-cotton while th.ey were in their p.ace attending to buaiuess. That was to ridicule the ordinanoe which prohibits horses attached to certain vehicles from being left unat tended in the streets. Delicious Coekery Lieht. white, wholesome biscuits, rolls. bread, and elegant cake, crullers, waffles, doughnuts, mufflns, and griddle caxes oi every kind, are always possible to every ta ble by using Dooley's Yeast Pq wder. ' To. tIl who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth,, nervous weak ness, early decay, 'loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a receipt that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This, great remedy was dis covered by a missionary ia South t America: Bend self-addressed envelope to the REV JOSEPH T INMAN, Station D, Bible Home, Hew York City. maygO dw tf T TAKE Dleasure in informing my fxiends 1 - that will kay Charletke on the 2Srd June, &H the Paris Exposition, and expect to be absent three months. During my absence my business will be under the management of my brother, Ambrose Fischesser. I trust that my friends will give the 'Im perial" Saloon, daring my temporary ah sence, the patronage that they have so gen erously gi?en mo in the past. Joseph Fischesser, I am determined to Close Out my entire SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING, AND GENTS' FURNISHING . GOODS IN jTHE NEXT juu2Q PROPRIETOR. JjJLLIOTT'8 FAMILY FLOUR, Younts Family Flour, R&msooz's Family Flour N. C Hams, Bacon, Meal, Hay, ShockSjl dEC., a specialty. WILLIAMS FINGER; mch28 BTB" OO RRR TTTT Y Y If O O K K T YY YV O O RRR T YY V O O R R T Y If OO R It I - Y D D A A YY 'SS- Y 1 I AAA DDD A A DS8 8S pOR THE MOUNTAINS' . via the old reUahla liae of the WEOTRl NORTfi! CaBOLINA, R. B., AND EASY AND COMFORTABLE . j STAGES FROM HENRY'S. L j Tourists to the Mountains of Western North Carolins.are informed that our stages carriages and buggies, oonneot with tiain on the Western North Carolina BsiUoad a r Henrr. and make ue imp vnxee nour sooner than the odt line.. 1 1 jol2A 2w BROWN & YERBLE. Theyjyrul Be sold at prices which will surprise! very one for cheappess. Come early and procure your BARGAINS. I HAYE NOW IN STOCK THE Crescent Unlaundried Shirts AT75e and $1.00. Noneigenuine except those bought otu July2K 3 -v(1 mm