&3 "11 . .--Jft 1 CHAS. R. J05E3, Editor and Proprietor TUESDAY, JULY 80, 1878. "Free from the doting scruples that fetter our free-born reason." THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Justices of the Supreme Court. For Chief Justice: WILLIAfcLl. SMITH. For Associate Justices : Thomas SAshe. John H. Dillard. For Judea of the Superior Court. it t. 8eventh District Jesse F. Graves. Eighth District A. C. Aveky. , Ninth II3rict James Cf. IvGuDGER. For Solicitors. First District James P. Whedbee. "TToird District Swift Galloway, i th13isticAMEsD.tMcIvBE.. S Filth District Feed N. Strudwick. Sjartlffiistrict r"W, J.,MoNgcGOMEEY. Sevet. District--Joseph Dobson. F4thi District J. S. Adams. NinthTOistrict-GAEXAND S Feeguon. For Congress. , f Sixth Congressional District: WALTER L. STEELE. MECKEE1IBURG COUNTY TICKET For the Senate S. B: AxtxANDEE. For House bf Representatives: John L Beown, W. E. Aedrey. For Sheriff M. E. Alexander. Clerk Superior Court J. R. Erwix. For Treasurer 8. E. Belk. For Register Wm. Maxwell. For Surveyor M D L Riggers. For Coroner W U Alexander. . ; "NORTH CAROLINA POLITICS." Gen Clingman has again gratified his inordinate passion for rushing into print. He has succeeded in having himself interviewed by the Washington Post, and as usual the material state ment that he was "for eighteen years a member of Congress, before the war, accompanies the report of the inter view. Out of regardfor a journalistic custom in North Carolina which is hoary with age, we re-produce this in terview in another column of to-day's Pbserveb. 1 Gen Clingman is an alleg ed statesman, and until within the past few months there has been a notion abroad to some extent to the effect that when he spoke upon any question whatsoever it was the duty of the State to listen. This, combined with his own personal study, of the ways and means tiding5 thereto, has enabled him to occupy more than a fair share of space in the newspapers, and at this late day we do not care to perpetrate such an innovation as to cut off the stated sup ply of mental pabuluna which our read ers have learned to f expect from this direction.1" This is one reason why we reproduce this last interview of his; another is that the people may see that he has taken a new political stand. The state ment that there are 120,000 independ ent voeM.in North. Carolina shows hoW'litW he knows of political Brftf tnent among the people. ,The further statement that there are in the State "thousands of white voters, who have, hteretofqrg, bejeri. Democrats," "who hAYimt faith!in ttie apolitical integri ty of both existing parties, and who will gladly join, a riew..and independent organization,"' is not "entitled to a mo ment's consideration. And yet, after alleging that the De mocratic party has lost its hold upon the popular affection ; that it is a party of contention, -Strife and disorder; after speaking encouragingly of "an inde pendent party" which he says is grow ing in this State, Gen Clingman has the effrontery to hope for an election w we umwru otaies oenaie irom a Legislature the large majority of which will be . straight Democratic. From What element of this Legislature does he expect this? Not from a Democratic majority, surely ? No ; but from those whoare "tired of strife and contention' ind who may want "a man of inde pendent vjews" in the Senate. , Well, ff Mffafron I isn't! independent's enohghjtri safisfy Ithe mdet? fasfidious We icarcety know where the man can be found who possesses a sufficient measure of this shining virtue.;4uad while it is none of the-fight of Vance and his friends, we do hope that Mer- rimon and hit friends Will not suffer themselves to be out-generalled by this tasticonvert to hej dogma of independ icy. 4 Itfwp bp hard ;nougbffor them to be beaten by Vance; it will cover them with(disgrace iSy they( are beaten m their 6wn chosen role and that, too; by an eleventh-hour convert who has exhausted all other expedients for beaV ing the field. Seriously,, though; Gen Clingman e peaks only for himself. ' He professes to do bo but he dpesjjjDt represent the sentiment of the Democratic party of C.Arrdina-i-'i'i VUlf. i i if Orandma'Kerr and her unknown col league will have'nd powers id the' Gen eral Assembly to abrogate the stock Uw; of Mecklenburg muxn : oplp who suppwietneV blrrind ivilf do this - re credulous indeed. They, will vote gainst Vance for the Senate ;that is all they mil o. " Wot families Vlsitmg, Philadelphia. tno mora coxy, upne-un cuariere, oomfcineu Vlth ezce Jent service, nnexoentioaal . cut vine, and taoder&te prices can be found than t the Colonnade Hotel on Chestnut street! 5 Teue and False ExiEETS.-iThis is the title of a paper read before the As sociation of Superintendents in. Wash- ington in my4aibyfr Eugene'Oiis- som. superinienuent oiiine inaaoj-i snots tnus "at random sent seem rci have struck Dr Wm M Hammond,; of Nfiw Ynrk. and he reDlied in an orjen letter ; to DrGrissom, making use of , ' . , , I very tr i . . si ra a onri nnnrArDDQlftnal I H.T1-1 guage. ut urissom nas nw wiuwu i And nublished a reioinder to this letter. 1 Wfl ora inoht tnhim rvW a narnrdilet " III -a . . . . . i j j f., . vuuwwuius uio Uii6iUiHauu..uu fejomder. The rejoinder is exceed- ingly sharp. Couched in the most gen teel language, it is none the less a sting ing, incisive arraignment of this ''false exDert." as Dr Hammond is now Bhown to berThese writings are cal culated to elevate Dr Grissom in the estimation of the people. ;They show him to be the master f a pure and vieorous English:; with the tact, taste I and judgment to enable him to put it . .1 'i. i I iugeuiw iuv cuvMb : I A Northern newspaper correspoh- dent savs the Knights of Labor is a natiofaaf ofgknilatin whick has mem- bers in hvi State f thetTnion, and that it has 62,000 members m North Carolina, not a word of which istrlje. No order could exist in this Stiteririfch such a memberhrD as that 'riven-willi- out it being known; and frxf the first ever heara oi it fcere. c,; i " '' I Suppose the fence law were repealed. The county fence would? hwre to be pulled down. The private fences have all gone to wreck. These would haye to be re-built and it would bankrupt the county. If Grandma Kerr and her unknown ally could d& what some of you want them to do,, C411 taey can not), you would never cease cursing them and yourselves. The last nevre cojicerning the South Carolina revetrde cases is that contain ed in a Washington special to the Bal timore Sun, which we reproduce in an other part f to-day's Observer. It appears that, owing to the influence of 1 Evarts. the national government will insist upon taking the -prisoners into its custody. Are the people of Mecklenburg will ing to run any risk of two of Mecklen burg's votes in the next Legislature being cast against Governor Vance for United States Senator? If not, regis- ter and vote the straight ticket. There are yet left two : days during which you can register. Do not long er neglect this important duty. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS; FOSEIGX MISCELLAM. The Austrian Troops Crossed the Bos nian Frontier Debate on Hartlng- ton's Resolution Lord HartlDgton's Speech and Press Comments Thereon, j London, July 29 A VTenna dispatch tates that the advance .into Bosnia has not yet been ordered. Caratheodori Pasha told Andrassy that the paragraph oi tne proclamation to ine lnnaDuanis that the Sultan commits them to the protection of the Austrian Emperor wouia pronaoiy oe a supiect oi process. Beod, July 29. The Austrian troops crossed the frontier into Bosnia this morning in perfect order without , en countering any difficulties, and with Arch Duke John Salvator, of Tuscany. at the head of the brigade, entered Der- UCUUi i London, July 29. The debate on Lord Hartington's resolution against the government's eastern policy, which be&ns to-nignt in the House of Com mons, is regarded as the most import ant which has taken place in Parlia ment in many years. The Times, dis cussing that part of Hartington's reso lution relating to the .British euarantee respecting Asiatic Turkey, says : "There is room for contention that I Hartington's censure of the treaty is I either too little or too much. If the I ministry have involved the country I unnecessarily in liabilities of so grave a character, the opposition ought to be prepared to express something more than regret ; tbay ought to be ready to turn aut their opponent, to take omce themselves, and to reverse toe polity to which the country . stands committed. If they are not prepared for such a de cided course, they ought to leave the government unweakened to carry into effect;the settilemeatAf which it has laid the basis. j.n certain cases lp is desirable that the government should act on its own responsibility. At all events the main issue of debate will not turn on his point, and the real question on which the House will have to decide is whether in the permanent interests of the British Empire it was desirable to baj distinctly to Russia, 'Thus far shalt Uveu go but no farther' " f tr ' JLondcM. July 29. Lord Hartineton: speakine on his jesciution which !waa quate idea of the treaty : of Berlin was to be derivea trom tn mere contrast of 'its pro visions1 with those of the treaty of San Stefano j Russia, previous to the war, made demands wnicn did not go any thing like so far as the treaty of Berlin, yet England never approved them nor urged them upon Turkey. TTo noid Vio fA Tint m aim . a ,. oorirtiia charge against the government, regarrl - ing Greecet as " the other governments shared the responsibility, but the Brit ish government bad incurred special responsibility in tne promises given to ureece which had not been fulhlled. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. Coney & Stewart, hatters of Newark, N J, have failed ; iiabilities, $30,000 ; assets, $15,000. - " The socialists of Baltimore held a picnic yesterday afternoon and were addressed by Geo Winter; 6t tbe ! New York jraUaZielwtg. About . one! hun-: dred men were present. flf Fred Wolfe, finapcial manager of the Alabama & "Great Southern Railroad, settled yesterdayn fall the amountdue by Jno Swami, purchaserJef 1 the Ala bama -and Chattanooga Railroad in ac cordance with tine decrees of court. 1 The Attglo- American Cable company announces that the attempt (to recover the isw eaoie nas fajiec. v - (V Beports coining in 1 from . Northern Iowa and Southern! Minnesota state that the crops have been badly .damag- it Ctrl iti ithose sections; Wheat income 4 .....ifni. nriVI nri. vialri nvar aeatem KliflVi. els t.O.the acre. THE INVESTIGATION. Testimony of Chairman Jno D Palmer Jficholls More Popular than' Packard " hmv yiji,v bhiui ... . and Hiscock, of the Potter committee, examined John D Palmer to day, who testified regarding his work as chair "UU1 fcUB ylMU ,UH,UM, had conversations with many colored . -a 1 . i mw people, ana iouna irom some oi tnem . i , . . tnat many Darisnes naa Deen ereauv. disturbed r their schbol 'moneyf had disturbed : - tneir scnoot money. neen usea up ana tne democratic poi J J it T . 1 Iiticians made many piornises to get them to vote the. JJemocratie ticket Witness said Nicholls had obtained the respect of the colored peopte of Louisiana more than any Governor he knew of : more so than Packard. Wit n ess was present at the sessions of the returning board all of them that were open. ' The plan of the board was to lay aside all disputed parishes and take up the undisputed ones. On the 28th of November witness asked the board when the returns from any parish were polled that he might be given the result, but tney would not do so until they were all completed. TV a rtoofa fhof WOr0 onf0rA off at I t.ViA rofnrna worn filArl tV DAmop.rn.ts clftimed Bhould not be considered. Packard filed a nrotest which em brae - ed sixteen parishes. Witness asked permission of GovernorWells to enter gome ofhe Republicans had access to that room. He thought he saw Mr Hale comine out of it. There were severe but ineffectual complaints made lhi(jh tfce proceediD were carried nn. The Renublioan visitine statesmen were seen by witness often. They were eenerallv at the returning board room when witness was. He had heard Mr Aschersay that Judge Levisee had stat ed that the election was a fraud, and if he could have a hundred thousand dollars he would vote Tilden in. Marine Accidents. New York, July 29. A dispatch from Sag Harbor, N Y, says the steam er spartan, from .New York for Lon don, arrived off Montank Saturday, with her main shaft broken. Aesis tance was sent her yesterday. The City of Chester, of the Inman line, while on her way to New York, Thursday, broke her shaft. The State of Louisiana, of the State line, towed the disabled steamer into port. The officers state that there was no excite ment on board, and the passengers united in a testimonial to the captain for his coolness and self-possession. Washington, July 29. The signal service station at Smithville, N C, re ports, at 3 p m : "The Spanish brig Doscurados, from Wilmington for Ant- werp, cargo rosin, is ashore in a critical position near Fort Caswell beach. She is full of water now and is engaged in discharging her cargo. The steam tugs here are unable to get her on. The Baker wrecking company, at Norfolk, were notified and promise to send im mediate relief. The American vessels are exchanging international signs with the brig whenever necessary. No lives are in danger." Philadelphia, July 29. The steam er Pennsylvania, on the night of the 23rd inst, during a dense fog, collided with the schooner S B Hume, from Richmond to Gloucester, Eng. with lumber. Captain Diggins, with his wife and crew, were transferred from the Wreck to the steamer. Observations of the Eclipse -A Dead Melter The Award Mail Lettings An Indian Murder. Washinton, July 29. Gen Myer telegraphs from Pike's Peak that the observations of tne eclipse were suc cessful. The corona was traced several diameters from the sun five minutes after totality. A telegram received at the Treasury department to-day announces the death of Sam Weeks, melter in the re finery of the New Orleans mint, Satur day last of yellow fever. upon inquiry at the state depart ment it is ascertained that the pay ment of the Mexican awards com mences on the 1st of August. The miscellaneous mail lettings, numbering 620 routes, extending over every State and territory excepting New Jersey, closed to-day. The nam ber of proposals was 7,833, showing an amount of competition largely in ad vance of previous lettings at this sea- son. The contracts will be executed and filed in the department pn pr bje lore esepcemoer mm. The Indian agent at Lemhi, Idaho, reports that an Indian, Bannock, John, recently murdered a white man, Joe Dempsey, on Camas Prairie. On the 18th jnst, news reached the agency of tne Killing oy WD.iea 01 ben reservation Indians aa a retaliation of the Demp sey' murder. THE TURF. BesiiM of the Races festertlav, 1 Th at Saratoga SARATOai, July 29. First extra day of tne Saratoga meeting. Firitice-f Maidens, two year olds, three iuarter of a mile Firida won, Boardman aecond, Lula f third ; time, 1.13.' Second race Mile heat r won in two straight heats by Lanlonier, Mechanic second and Miss Malloy third ; time, 1.47 and 1.4G. Third and laat selling race Mile and a quarter ; won by Hattie i?, iterer second and Princeton third ; time, 2.21. 1 PSarflus Wins Another Match. Shooting LoNDOir, July 29. Bogardus shot a ugeon match to-day with Cant Shel ey, of the Nottinghill Club, 200 pounds each, to shoot 100 birds at thirty yards rise. Shelley retired at the 89th bird, having killed only .64, while Bogardus killed 77. The latter continued and Killed 84 of the 100 birds. Bogardus' score is the hiehest ever maae in juigiand. &endeY09 of the Red Men-Moses Can't Keep His f onng Men Straight. San Fj&ancisco. July 29. A dia X' A.WVOTV DWJ B AUg A C1X dacyous for all the unfriendly Indians oi poin uregon and Washington Terri tory is at the Foot Prjest Bapids,wher they .are collecting in great, nonjbfirs. Chief Moses says he cannot control his young men and warns settlers to look -r-UiVfi? f JUyi-fi Proved 4orm, r just printed ana i Jnw tf 'ji; , - V, . - Its Elements of Strength. i'r lewYorkTribuneJj ,,, ., The political managers who have be come bankrupt everywhere else will surely .go tot the Grtenbaok-Labor camp for. subsistence. Tho new aspif rants, who want immediate prominence and care not what they favor, will go tnitner it thev think there is a chance of success. Then the move ment has the sincere support of some enthusiasts, ' and of a great f number of well-meaning but ill-informed vol- erSr4.-:-.-...-!MSp - :..jr -A-: .-"r- - - 'Milestones on the Way to Health. The recovery of digestion and the resump tion of activity by the liver, bowels and kid neys are milestones which mark our pro gress on the road to health. They speedily become perceptible when Hostetters Stom ach Bitters is used bv the invalid. Nothing so surely and expeditiously consumes the distance to the desired goal. As no bodily functions can suffer interruption without impairing the general health of the system, so the system can never acquire perfect vigor, health's synonym, until that func tion be actively resumed. Take, for in stance, digestion, a suspension of which is invariably rectified by the Bitters. If the organs upon which it devolves grow weak, biliousness, constination. headache, poverty of the blood, and a hundred other symp toms supervene, which indicate unmistaka bly the baneful general influence of dyspep sia, une disappearance of all these symp toms through the use of the Bitters snows with what thoroughness it removes their cause. Where to Spend the Suninier. What man with a family having once been crowded into some small "sky parlor" in that hottest of all known place3 Sarato ga or has been continually jostled and elbowed by the Metropolitan throng that rolic alternately in dust and surf at Long Bianch, but that has vowed never again to repair to summer resorts. And yet with each returning season, comes the query where shall we go ? Since last season a new commodious and elegant Hotel has been completed and furnished by Dr R V Pierce, in Buffalo, N. Y ., at a cost or nearly hair a million dollars. Do place on this continent possesses more advantages for the tourist, pleasure seeker, of tho3e in search of rest and relaxation from the cares of business, than this. 1st, Its accessibility. 2nd, Its cool, bracing and salubrious climate : the thermometer ranging in summer from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, as, The attractions of the Hotel and its environs. All these combine to render it the most desirable re sort for those in search of relaxation and rest. Located on a blnff overlooking the city of Buffalo, Lake, Er.e, Buffalo Bay, and Niagara JKiver as it rapidly winds its way between island and villa to the great Catar act just beyond, it affords one ot the dnest . . j j i . .1 . OI American scenes, -o-uuresa mi lenera oi inquiry to "Manager of Invalids' and Tour ists' Hotel," Buffalo. N. Y. SPCCIAJL NOTICES. An 1'nUeniable Trutli. Yon deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beauti ful world, it is entirely your own fanlt and there is only one excuse for you, your un reasonable prejudice and sketicisrn, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and common sense reasoning will soon show vou that Green's August Fiower will cure von of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of tne heart, sour stomach, habitual costiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, etc. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell vou of its wonderful cures. You can bny a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will reueve you. Best 'Bargains ia tie Worll ! PIANOS, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC. Waters' Celebrated Square Up right and Grand Pianos. PRICES RANGING FROM LISZT PIANOS, WAQEB PLAJfOS, " CRAMER PIAlfOg, And Piaaoa of different $175 150 140 135 to to to to $600 500 500 600 Manufacturers SOLD FROM $125 TO $1,000. Pianos sold cheap for cash, will sell on time from one month to two years, Sell on monthly Instalments, or will trade, taking old Instruments as part payment, ORGANS OF THE BEST MAKERS ! ! Waters' Concerto, Or chestral, and 0;che tral with Bells. Orchestrion Cbime.Cen tenliial Chime Vesper Cottage, Chapel, Clari- ona. Favorite, Souve nir, boudoir, Dulcet, hpningei Organs, to Prices ranging from $50 to $400. Palace Organ, best In the world, by Lor ing & uiaKe urgan uo., price irom 57ttoiwu, Smith American Organ Co.. nrst-class in struraents: price from $75 to $1,000. Organs tos churches, schools and lodges a specialty. to the Charlotte Music Store, which is a branch of tbe NewTfork house: be yonr own agent; save commissions, ana -you win gt your instruments ior less man nan tne cata logne prices, nena ior circulars ana i DAWSON St CO., Managers, Tryon St., ' jul29 Charlotte, N. C if taw M hmk r 9 aSa Sn - a- S? Urn. . REGISTER ! REGISTER It All the voters in Ward No 2 and Town ship Na 2, mnst call on H B Williams and register, as the Rpgislr's Pooks have been lost. ' U JJ WJLLf AM8. Jnl20 eod 2w jrOWER THAN THE LOWEST; Eggs8 .cents per dozen. Bacon 6 to 61 cents per lb, Coffee 1$ to 20 cents per lb. Su gar 9 to 10 cents per lb, Floor 2 to 3i cents per lb, Beef Steak 6 to 8 cents per lb."i Boast and stew beef very lowv-1-am-determined not to be undersold by an; one at RETAIL. ! jul6 B N SMITH. QHopE fresh nyxER, : ' : ; - ; ' Fine lot Country Chickens, Eggsr Onions. IrisH Potatoes, Sweet 'Potatoes',. &c. Good supply pt ; Coffee 6 pounds for ONE DOL LAR, at th Cash Store of ,, - - , . ; S4tNd fill ! l lilt m is I V- fits 5 is tS8 New Advertisements. 10 iDTEBTISING ; AGiNT can insert an advertisement in our list of! twenty-six Standard weeklies at ten dollars a une witnont losing money, l nose adver tisers who vrant to obtain the best and larg est circulation possible without expending more than from $30 to $100 should address GEO. P. EOWELL & CO.. 10 Spruce Street, New York. l l.M t ru-tmnfal Exnosltion Tar fin charing qualiiia and excellence and lasting char- . Oder of eveetening and tutoring. Thft best tobacco tnt mad& As oar blue strip trad&tmirk Is closely imitated on inferior goods, see that Jackwon'e Bat is on erery ping. Sold by all dealers. Bend for sample, fcae, to C. A. Jacksok A Co., illrs., Petersburg, Va. PIANO o?SfJfi ORGAN Grand Pianos, cost $1,600, only $125. Su perb Grand Square Pianos, cost $1,100 only $256. Elegant Upright Pianos, cost $800. only $155. 1 New Btyle Upright Pianos. $112.- 50. Organs $35. Organs 12 stops, $72.50. Church Organs, 16 stops, cost $390, only $115. Elegant $375 Mirror Top Organs only $105. Tremendous sacrifice to close out present stock. Xew Steam Factory soon to D6 erected, .Newspapers witn mncn infor mation about cot t of Pianos and Organs, Bent free. Please address DANIEL P. BEA.TTY, Washington, N. J. TO HAVE GOOD HEALTH THE LIVER COKSSBOU an FOR DSEADF;SSJ"U"?.' , I IVERSnMACH XiSW For Pamphlets address Ok. Sanford, New York. j A DAY to Agents canvassing for the UI Pireside Visitor. Terms and outfit free. Address P O VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. JSRHAJafS1 Dr.MarcMsi'il Uterine CATHOLICOR WU positively cure Female Weakness, such as Falllni Won of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flood ag falnlul, gnppressea ana irregular Menstruation (o. An old and reliable -emedy. Send postal ird f a amphlet, with treatment, cures, ana certificates iron ysicians and I patients, to HOWARTH 4 BALLARD ITICA, N. Y. sola Dy till imiBgisis fiou per Dome Condensed Time. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. No 8 Date, Jaly 2, No 2 Daily. No 4 Daily. Daily 1878. ex Snn. Ly Charlotte, 2 50 a m 4 15 p m Ar Greensboro, 440am 7 35pm Lv " 9 20am 740pm Ar Raleigh, 1 25 p m 3 30 a m Ar Qoldsboro, 3 55 p m 11 55 a m No 2 Connects at Salisbury with WNC R R for all points in Western North Caro lina. At Greensboro with R fc D R R for all points North, East and West. No 4 Connects at Greensboro with R&D RRfor all points North, East ..nd West. At Goldsboro with W & W R S for Wil mington. TRAINS GOING WEST. No 7 Date, Jnly 2, No 1 No 3 Daily 1878. Daily. Daily. ex San. Lv Goldsboro, 12 15pm 400pm Ar Raleigh, 2 5bpm 755pm Ar Greensboro, 7 35 p m 4 00 p m Ar Charlotte, l 48 a m 12 40 p m No 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Charlotte with A & C A L Railroad for all points Booth, Sonth-east and South-west. No 3 Connects at Salisbury with WNC R R for all points in Western North Caro lina At Charlotte with C, C& A RRfor all points South and South-west. SALEM BRANCH. Lv Gresnsboro daily, ex Sunday, 10 33 P m ArGreensboio " " " ,6 05 pm Connecting at Greensboro with trains on i K & D and N C Railroads. SLEEPING CARS WITHOUT CHANGE Run both ways on Trains Nos 1 and 2, be tween Richmond and Atlanta via Greens boro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos 3 and 4 between Washington and Au gusta via Danyille, Greensboro and Char lotte. Jgf Ihrongh Tickets on sale at Greens boro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, Soqtb-wee t, West, North and East. For Emigrant rates to points in Arkansas and lexaa, aacress j it xyiAwuiui-vm Gen '1 Passenger A gent. jal2t Richmond, Va. A W AlR N I N G We are informed by reliable citizens of I this city that a party claiming to be agent of tbe Singer Manufacturing Company in Atlanta, Georgia, is peddling sewing ma chine attachments here. All such state ments ere false and we warn all our custom ers and friends against buying any goods of I him on the representation that they are our manufacture, or allowing him to tinker with their sewing machines. SISGER MANUFACTURING CO. julo gTUDEBAKER WAG0N8. I am prepared to offer extra inducements to parties desiring the CELEBRATED BTUDEBAKER WAGON. Call and examine tbe Wagonr lear prices and term. THQS. H. GAITHER, College Street JPRESH MACKEREL, ON CONSIGNMENT. I have in store, 35 half-barrels and kits of FKKStl MACKEREL, Which will be sold at Packers' Wholesale prices. Call early. T1I03 H GAITHER, College Street. A. & C. AIR-LINE RAILWAY. CHANGE OP SCHED.ULE. Passenger trains will run as follows an'd after Sunday, Jnne 0th, 1878$ COMING EA3 on Arrive at Charlotte. 20 " Charlotte Junction....... 2 30 a m a m GOING, WEST. Leave Charlotte Junction,., f !!! l io a m Charlotte, 118am Local Freight and Accommodation Train. r COMING EAST. Arrive at Charlotte,....,.. 6 03 p m LeavgCJiarIotte....... j i GOING WES$. j Leave Charlotte. p. 7 00 am Arrive at Charlotte, i Close connections at Atlanta for all points West, and at Charlotte for all points East. - i.-.f.-f . ,.: : u Q J FOREAORE, j--..-. jWJ Houstoh, v i Gen'ISupt. . a i. -v.aP &T. A. r i jun8 MISCELLANEOUS J I'm Wip i TBE SCITHEBN CIGAR MANDFACT0KY, H ffl H 0 W CHARLOTTE C- Is the place to buy good home manufactured Cigars for the least money. The following brands are specialties : THE GOLDEN. EAGLE Warranted to be made of as good Tobacco as can be i ur chased anywher. and equal to any 10 THE R1ENA VICTORIA Havana hlled Beyen ior 2o cents. THE REFRESHER Havana filled eight for 25 cents.. THE INDIAN PRINCESS Large Cigar, Havana, three for 25 cents. We will also sell twelve Cigars for 25 cents, as good as any 5 cent cigar. All the finest brands of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO kept on hand. Oar motto is, ''Quick Sales and Small Profits." Cash for al) Goods on delivery. Orders promptly filled. F. A. McNINCH, Proprietor. FREIGHT LINES. G. C. EHISFiTCH lalDJE, VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaied facilities for the Transportation WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES 10 CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE RUTHERFORDTOI , GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & 'RICHMONP AIR-LINK ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN i. p. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. IHSTSTTIR A TTOB A TSTZD BATES GUARANTEIP AS LQW AS INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO WM A MOODY, South Western Freight Agt., Charlotte, N. C. septSO top and Mead ! All forms of Kidney and Urinary diseases, Pains in the Back, Sides, and Loins are pos itively cured ty GRAIIT'S REMEDY. Its effects are truly marvelous in Dropsy, Gravel, Bright's disease, Seminal losses, Leucorrhoaa and lost vigor, no matter of how long standing the case may be, positive re lief is had inTrotn oh to three dasa. Do nqt despair, hesitate or doubt, for it' is really 'a specific and never fails. It is purely a veg etable preparation vby its timely use thous ands of cases that have bees considered in curable by the most eminent physicians, have been permanently cured. It is also indorsed by the regular Physi cians and Medical . Societies throughout the country, sold in bottles at two dollars each or three bottles, which is enough to cure the most aggravated case, sent to any ad dress on receipt of Fits dollars. Small trial bottles Oki dollar each. AH orders to be addressed to , GRANT'S REMEDY MAN'FG CO., 554 Main street, Worcester, Mass. juio-4m-aaw: y QOEN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, P O Address, Charlotte City Mills. Parties haviner strain tn or'inA at tn soil will find it to their interest, to call on the undersigned Meal ground either fine or coarse, according to order. Thankful for former patronage, I will give rpy prompt personal attention to all orders from one bushel tp a par load. it '1 v ttuutftti: p oraham, Superintendent. QAROLINA MILITARY IN81TIUE, J CHARLOTTE, N. 0. Col Johk P Thomas,... Superintendent f T.f Aaaisted 4vf By a ebrps Of experienced 1 teachers. : " Ample provision for instruction in Pre paratory and Collegiate Departments. w 1 September 15th. Health of th' place nixstupasWr.', For.elr chlar apply to the Superintendent. Jullloawlm A LOT OF MEDIUM GRADE3 CIGARS for sale low to tbe trade. ' ; U . v Trade Street. ADVERTISEMENTS. hi H 1 H il R l cent cigar South, for 5 cents cash. of h reight, from VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AKD F W. CLARK, General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C, T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway C J? arlotte. WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY. THE Bq SHQW Is now open, at J. T. BU TLER'S. Call and see all tbe NEW WATCHES, JEWELS? B1LYS 1 WARE, KQ LITTLE 8IDE SHOW HERE, Come and get bargains. EverylhlDg ie called by their right name and warranted as represented, at J T BUTLER'S, dec22 Jewelry Store. P . L A S N E, ; From Paris, France. WATCj? MAKER; EWELPB, piLPF.n AND IstofiR PLATE? ' Trade Btfeet, opposite: First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. I have opened, this store for tbe repair of r1 WATCHESf, CLOCKS & JEWELRY in every style. - -I will do Coloring, Guilding, Plating, Galvanising Chains, Watches, Old Jewelry, eto and make thepa eapaily as gppd as new, atBhortnotipe, and athalf pce. 1 As J have beep worklngWore iP Frenpb, Swiss, English and American Mappfaptories. I have all the tools from Manufactories, and I cai fit and make every piece at once and warrant them. marU gATCHEL BOTTOM PAPER BAGS, Straw Wrapping Paper. JOHN Wi HALL & CO. -3 J may 10. n

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