;unl i Hid i tt" f fiT. iffttHvlrttt ilMivrt! 1 110118 woald stay away from the prima- The Hillsboro Recarderia very much SamiSSVPfJBPeVX ry electt&sniHhe ameN)tlhirxarfUi8pbitTetthe result ofUheIec- who with their friendrttn' thereon- lion in Orange. iThe prestige of Or ventions, Wjpbld rush ttjUhVpollseep ange county f itBayi'as the keystone i ndKiti uiu niuver tueiu uuui mot ui kiic iemourauu area is gune, ana it son went down and carry their points J may be forever." Our contemporary the same as they do in the conven- certainly contributed its best efforts in tiona. We : know . of-but one county I behalf of its bartv. and can have no which nominated its candidates this I occasion for regret as to . the manner summer by means of the primary elec-1 in which it discharged its duty. This tiog,and that, was our ajouiiDg ccaui-I it did ably and faithfully; and the.peo- s 3f pie of Orange have light and knowledge.' 'sinned against CHAS. B. JOHES, Editor andiProprietor WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1878. "Free from the doting scruples that tetter oar , free-born reason." OUR CONGRESSIONAL, TICKET. TfiERD DISTRICT : " - -'' ' ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. SIXTH BlSTHICT : WALTER L. STEELE, of Richmond. SEVENTH DISTRICT 5 ROBERT F. ARMFIELD, of Iredell. . Election, Tuesday, November 5th. ,ty. Union. Sehold the result 1 In a strong Democratic county like Union I a Republican was elected sheriff, to the I " ' m . 1 surprise 01 every one wno Knew me The bill renealine the t bankrunt act Democratic tendencies of the people g0esintoieffect'September 11, and, of that county. Regarding the elec- therefore, partiesldifposecl to operate tion, "a correspondent at Monroe, an miderrlhB- old Klaw bvellttle mo intelligent and trustworthy gentleman t!Tan threejweeks' grace. "Qn the last Writes US i :',.". I A rftha month tha filino rF natiKnni - j j nasty's maioritv is zuu. I a votes. This may fee a matter of sur prise and inquiry for our friends in other counties.- This is accounted for in different ways by different people. I think it was caused by three things first: the primary election. But amid all our surprise, confusion, chaN grin and doubts, one thing remains certain: that so far as I nave heard the i people express tnemseives, the "pri BOSTON'S ALLEGED "WORKDTGMEy." The Insane Resolutions Passed by a : Crowd of Kearneyites on Monday Sight. CONTENTIONS AND PRIMA BY ELECTIONS HOW SHALL WE NOMINATE CANDIDATES f 1 - I I The result of the election' of last Thursday is fraught with lessons which may well be taken to heart by the politicians and the people. It is unde- TiiaKla fViofe tha T)fimnf.rat.ift nrmm'711 tion was more seriously ? threatened and whosoever wanted fcoted in the from within than it has ever been since its organiztion in North Caro lina. Many men whose devotion to it had, up fortius time, been unques tioned, boldly declared their indepen dence of its edicts and its usages, and the cry of "packed conventions," "ring caucases," etc., etc., went up from one end of the State to the other. We have already discussed some of the causes which led to the disaffection and apa thy which it were loousn to deny ex isted in many of the counties, and now Boston, August l6. The following resolutions were adopted at the Kear ney meeting last night : Whereas, This Republic, instituted for the avowed purpose of advancing and conserving ..the interests of the masses, has been reduced to ' a pluto- cracy mat employs JttepuDiican ana m . . m . I 1ClllUUl BUU UfA V1CD li-L KiUO UC1 JJU1UUD Bureiy this is not a gratifying result v rtfa.tAfa,-ditn. ft5,rf;inim. from tne first experimentr With this J Hes and class privileges, which sap the plan, and its weakness in this easel blood of national industries so that it lay in this: That negroes. Radicals can bo lapped up by the vampires of Whereas, All laws enacted that are not in the direct and open interest of the producing and labor classes, are mary" or "the Dnmcrs" election as it is now dubbed is the "vmrst cuss dr ,thing in Union countv in which - afore said "cussin"' the men who originated it come in lor a "'slight sprinknnY' nomination of candidates." the judges not feeling at liberty to deny them this privilege in the face of their represent tations (since proven false) that they intended ;ia. future elections to vote with the Democratic party. Our summing up then, after a pre sentation of the objections to both J- Hie General Assembly.." . I Wilkes : Dr Tyre York and : T ?- --- , ?. . S I vail Tlafna k ! " 1 i 1 i . rK As far as ascertained itheL.m embers h r Warren X T Chrfctmas, elect are it Ml 'SENAtSl ii crimes against the spirit and prosper ity of this Republic, for which legisla tors should be branded with the infa my of criminal imprisonment ; and Whereas, An infamous, if not crim inal. class of legislation has been heap- j ii : i i: iu. i: 1 I nnlit.inal rQ rti ao until the hiirrlon noa the systems discussed, is that the con-1 become a torture of the masses from vention is" the', better plan. We have j which there is no escape except by never seen -an argument against it I uniting the mutual interests of the which did not admit of an answer. The producing and laboring people of all classes m suuu uuutiwu vuuu hs win convention was primarily designed as We come to consider the tendency of a gathering of the pecple, when and conventions in this wnere tney mignt iniercnange views as to the means and men best calculated the nominating conventions in direction. They had largely to do with whatever measure of disintegration the party has experienced. In a majority of cases we have no doubt they per formed their work honestly and re flected the sentiments of the people. In counties where this was the case, in dependentism gotno foothold and made no headway for the reason that it had no food upon which to live. But other .counties they were a nfanner simply digraceful, and in a number of these instances the man agers have been stingingly rebuked at the pblls. Men animated by ambitious motives, and reckless of the conse quences of their action upon the par ty and the public weal, have worked upon plastic delegates and caused them to misrepresent the people whose cho sen representatives they were : aspir ing candidates have traded one .with another to defeat the public will and further their own ends; by unfair chairmen, false rulings have been made, and by "carrying things with a to advance the public good. "In a multitude of Counselors there is safety," and in the assembled people of a coun ty there is .ordinarily a good deal of solid wisdom. The convention gives these people an opportunity for the expression of their opinions, for the compromise of differences and tor the adoption of platforms and principles give them their rightful control 01 State and national legislation, privileg es of which they have been plundered, and thereby restore this government to the just and lofty purposes for which it was initiated by our patriotic fathers ; therefore, be it Resohed, By the citizens of Boston, in Fanneil Mall assembled, that it is in the highest and truest interests of all the industrial classes of New England that they should extend hearty, cordial and united support to Dennis Kearney, the great and efficient apostle of the laboring classes of California, who Currituck, Camdt n. - Pasquotank, Hertford, Gates, Chowan and Perqui mans Kep, Rep. Tyrrell, WashinsrtonT Mftrtin,Dare, jaeauiort andjjyde Doubtful, Northampton and Bertie tloueman, Kep. Halifax Henry EJ)p8?Repv "? Edgecombe .-. , Rep Pitt E A Move, Democrat. , . Wilson, Nash and Franklin-rW S Harris, Franklin j K W King, Wilson, Dems. . 1 Craven Ed ward Bull, Rep. , . . . ; ' , Jones, Onslow and Carteretr Jnb W Shackelford, Dem. f V ',' Wayne and Duplin W x Dortcn, Wayne ; J A Bryant, Duplin, Dema. Lenoir and Greene W P Urmond, Rep. JNew Hanover andTender t K .Bry an, vem. Bladen and Brunswick Asa Ross, Republican. Sampson Wood, Kep. Columbus and Robeson D P Mc Eachern, Dem. Cumberland and Harnett Neill S Stewart, Dem. Johnston L R Waddell, Dem. Wakecteo H Snow, Dem. Warren Isaac Alston (col), Rep. Person, Orange and Caswell Giles Mebane, Ind, Geo Williamson, Dem. Granville B E Lyon, Dem. Chatham A H ilerritt, Dem. Rockingham J P Dillard, Dem. Alamance and Guilford J I Scales, Guilford; Demj D F Caldwell, Guilford, Ind Dem. Randolph and Moore Doubtful. Montgomery and Richmond : Graham, Rep. Anson and Union Culpepper Aus tin, Dem. Cabarrus and Stanley J M Redwine, Ind Dem. Mecklenburg S B Alexander, Dem. Rowan and Davie John a Hender son, Dem. Davidson : J M ljeacn, Dem. Stokes and Forsythe W S Everett, Rep. Yadkin and Hurry : J Jo. Grower, Rep. Iredell, Alexander and Wilkes : T A Nicholson, J P Math eson, Dems. Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga Jesse Bledsoe, Dem. Caldwell. Burke, McDowell, Mitchell and Yancey: A M Erwin, Dem, and S M Silvers, Ind. Catawba and .Lincoln W A Lrrabam, Dem. Gaston and Cleaveland : L M Hoyle, Dem. Rutherford and Polk : Eaves, Rep. Buncombe and Madison i x Da vidson, Dem. Henderson, Haywood and xransyi- m wr m l T vania : r w xayior, uem. Carter (colli Repsj - .Washinetob v . RVp. Watanga:- Dem. Wayne G C Bachan, Dem, Deans, Rep. JCadkinaT xJRep. -Yancey D G Carter, Dem. Har Hawkins MISCEli ANE6tJS ' AiltiSEMENti. 3; n-flM -6 'SPARKS FBOM THE WIRES. before the board of s am zivmemi&bJKysi An application pardons, of Pennsylvania,' for the com mutation of the death sentence of Bla Teus Pistorius, the exCatholic -priest, to imprisonment for life, has been con tinued until Sept 3rd. ' Secretary 8herman has accepted an invitation from the business men of Providence, R I, to attend their week ly meeting at Sqaantum, Providence river, to-day. 1:, -. ' ;, Jno Schevermann, president of the Teutonia Savings Bank of New York, yesterday gave bond to answer the charge of swearing falsely regarding the affairs of the, bank. ; . There were 35 new cases of yellow fever and 5 deaths at New Orleans yes terday. Cove Bennet was arraigned in the Jersey City police court to-day charged with complicity in tne murder of Of ficer Smith.' He pleaded not guilty and was remanded to await the action of the coroner's jury. The entire White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, property, 8,000 acres in extent, was offered for sale, yesterday. No higher bid than $300,000 being re ceived, the sale was adjourned until to day. Willie Warren, aged 17, admitted to the quarantine hospital at Memphis, Aug 3rd, died yesterday. The deceas ed came from New Orleans and is the only case of yellow fever that has reached Memphis. The international pigeon shooting match between Bogardus and Aubrey Coventry for 1,000 pounds each, to shoot at 50 birds, came off yesterday in London . Kogardus was tne winner, Score: Bogareus, 79 : Coventry, 78. The committee to examine the af fairs of the New York Belting and Packing Company recommend that the extension of time proposed by the company should be allowed, as the as sets are sufficient to meet the habili ties. Serious Situation on the der. Mexican Bor- Wasiiington, Aug. 5. In the Cabi net to-day the Secretary of War said news has been received by the War Department from the Rio Grande to the effect that several Mexican com panies were being organized for the purpose of repelling raids across the river by United States forces. It is regarded that matters are approaching condition m that a serious condition m that section Jackson, Swain, Clay, Macon, Chero- The orders to General Ord as frequent- live. But in J . onWviews.nd desires re- TOmMm?ngf Aem r 'be.noble ?ur: kee and Graham : James L Robinson, ly stated remain in force and the raid conductedfc PJ Dem. ers upon this side of the river willbe garding public measures. For whatever their brethren in his own State, in that of evil has crept into it the people them- political action which is necessary to ehe ore resixmsihle: it is their conven- restore this government to the just and tion, designed to nominate the men of mitiated80 tht the prosperity of this tneir cnoice ana to give expressions w people may be re-called and firmly es their opinions and preferences. Its tablished. difmitv and imnortance. when nroner- Kearney, in his harangue last even- i vji u : ing, used much of his vocabulary to I wuiuwicu, wiu iiu., uc u,w-cs- Tiflif the aggociated preg8 reading mated, and the shame is upon the peo- e gan Franc3gco Chronicle a dis- ple if they allow it to be diverted from I patch which he attributed to the asso- rtish' as they are pleased to term it, the politicians have drowned out the voices of more modest men and then promulgated their own action as the ex pression of the will of the people. This mode of proceeding has disgusted the quiet, sober-minded masses, and they have protested at the polls, in more casea than one, and to good purpose, against having foisted upon them men who, with the assistance of a few loud mouthedstrikers,have nominated them selves for the offices of their choosing'. We admit the liability of the conven tion system to the evils with which it is charged of being susceptible. We ad mit a wide-spread disgust with and in dignation against it, and in the face of these objections it behooves us to in quire, What is the remedy ? It will .not do to say, Leave every field open to as many candidates as . will enter. This course would, in one election, prove destructive of the strongest party that ever lived. The minority party would unite, and in a majority of cases, would be able to run its candidates in between the contend ing factions of the opposition. Thus an organization, contemptible in num bers, but able to make its forces effec tive, would be found shortly in posses sion of the reins of the government, dictating laws and the manner of their enforcement to a great majority which finds itself helpless through in ternal fends. ' To abandon tlio organi sation ia to give up the fight; 'to'fignt among ourselves Is'' to give the victory to the enemy. An open field is safe in Cleaveland, where in the last cam - paign our party made no nominations ; it might be safe in Catawba, for in these two counties the Republican par ty is a well-nigh impalpable substance; but we would not advise top many can- ididates for any one office . in either of the counties, and in any county other than ihese (an; abandonment of tb or ganization could not be regarded other- v wise than with thp .grayest rppThen- fiiOft. The necessity for organization being, then, manifest, we again inquire by what f means I is it to . had 1. and what method should i we adopt for putting out - our candidates ? The primary .o election' systeiriT&as ibeenteuggested, P. Andurged .with warmth and abilijyLby, aAveral of our contemporaries. This, howefeii itotbur bind 3air5 fedm W In a solution of the problem. This system is! 0U1 Sm tmns as the4 btheVAf ineoasef last week, where there f was to Decno- its original design. It is just as logical to pronounce the Christian religion a delusion because errors have crept in to the Church as to denounce conven tions in general because they do not always reflect public sentiment. The power and authority is with the peo ple to prevent the wrongs which it may be sought to perpetrate in their name. As long as conventions are held some body will run them and if the people, whose prime right and duty it is, do not, why then, the politicians will. The same thing may be said of primary elec tions. The remedy is all with the peo- ciation. No such dispatch was sent from this office. The only dispatch we have sent beside the simple an nouncement of his arrival and the pro gramme for the meeting: last evening, was a report of an interview between Butler and Kearney furnished by K's private secretary, and afterwards ped dled out to the Boston morning papers for $5 each by said secretary. fobeigmiscellaxy. Papal Matters The German Election An Appropriation Needed The Eng lish Plenipotentiaries Receiving Dele- gates. London, August 6. A Hamburg dis- ple ; if they do not look after their own patch says the Papal Nuncio will start interests they have no right to com plain when these interests suffer. KINDLY SENTIMENTS FOR OUR PEOPLE ; OUR, GOVERNOR. AND In all that pertains to the well-being of North Carolina the Virginia press, we have long observed, always takes a lively interest. Toward our distin- for Rome in a few days. The negotia tions so tar are favorable. Rome, August 6. Marquis Pallavi- cinio Trivulzie, the celebrated Italian politician, is dead. Berlin, August 6. Official accounts estimate that after the second ballots there will be 112 Conservatives and 106 Liberals in the German Parliament. This conflicts with all other estimates. Vienna, August 6. The Emperor Jbrancis Joseph, and, Archduke Ku- dolphe, the Emperro, son of will arrive at Telptitz to-day on a visit to Emperor Frederick William. The Austrian troops have entered Mostar, Herzegoyinia, without opposi- whichepend- ed the election of a United States Sen satnr. a half (and in many" counties wtere;there; werewo, Ucketsj two- Shirds) of, tne peopie suhm rom the pons, now wuuiu v nothing depended upon the election .-i. ; rtiinfttion ? The same guished executive, too, the press of our sister State has always expressed itself most warmly. In the coarse of a lencrthv editorial article upon tne result I tion ;n fVi?a fifafa I Madkid. August 6. It is announced t,dw jArvn.nl of M .-n . that a Cuban will be issued durmg 6 'vr the present month. day, says: ' London, August 6. In the Com "We make no apology for indepen- j mons to-day, Sir Stafford North cote, dents, for whom we have as little use mJS supplementary estimaws, ; . .m said that the House must provide for anu m wnom w putoe umw iui, the deficit 0f 4,300.000 pounds.. He pro- as anybody else m the country, but it I posed to issue exchequer bonds extend is proper to state, as the North Caro, ing through three years, of which 200,- lina papers do, that many of the In- w pounds would be needed this year. dependents' are not Radicals, al- though not elected on the, regular par- various Conservative associations ty ticket Parties andparty ties have throughout the country. Beacons field gbeeh considerably confused and, min-Upoke of the necessity; of Conservative lfid'dnr?nir the wliola fiht: anA the organization at home which is by some ' ' I people construed as a hint at an early ivcoiwi swiueu w -..v. i dissolution. all, whether Vance or Merrimon was preferred for the Senate. We conclude Heavy and Destructive Storm In Fenn from the, number of regular nominees sylvania. tm '" T i a -wt 11 tnai nave oeen eiectea inai vane win have a majority in the Assembly, j and I Phniville, Pa., August 6. A ter HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Alamance Dr B F Mebane, Dem. Alexander Dr Carson, Ind Dem. Alleghany O L Vaughao, Dem. Anson J A Lockhart, Dem. Ashe Ed Foster, Dem. Beaufort Rep. Bertie Rep. Bladen John Newell (col), Rep. Brunswick Rep. Buncombe Nat Atkinson, M E Car son, uem8. Bnrke U A Berry, ueva. Cabarrus W H Orchard, National. Caldwell Edmund Jones, Dem. Camden Ind. Carteret A H Chadwick, Dem. Caswell Rep, Rep. Pat a who. R R Davis. Dem. Chatham J M Moring, J J Gold- ston, Dems. Cherokee John itoian, Lem. Chowan Rep. Clay Dem. Cleaveland L E Powers, Dem . Columbus V V Richardson, Dem. Craven W E Clarke, W D Petti- pher, Reps. Cumberiana xnos a lAuienou, juu C Blocker, Reps. Currituck J M woodhouse, uem. Dare Doubtful, Davidson Frank Smith, Dem, Jones Miller, Rep. Davie t M, Johnson, uem. Duplin G W Lamb, AS Colwell, Dems. Edgecombe Rep, Kep. Forsythe Rep. Franklin C M Cooke, Dem. Gaston Hardy Huffstetler, Dem. Gates J J Gatling, Dem. Graham votes with Cherokee. Granville J E Burroughs, Rufus Amis, Dems. Greene JUixon, nep followed into Mexico beyond doubt, though the wish of this government is that there will be no occasion for any future crossing by our soldiers. The discussion of the matter was interest ing but it was not considered that any necessity exists at present for any ad ditional orders to the American forces. Occasions of a startling character would be attended to as tbey arose. i Meeting of the Creditors of R. M. Eish op & Co. New York, August 6. At a meet ing of the creditors of R M Bishop & Co, grocers, in Cincinnati; their assets were stated at $256,828. A committee of six was appointed to inyestigate the anairs of the firm. The failure is at tributed to heayy depreciation of rea! estate. Referring to the rumor that Governor Bishop's electioneering ex penses in the last campaign had some thing to do with the failure, his son, it is said, stated to the creditors yesterday that uovernor Bishop s campaign ex- Senses did not exceed $6,500 and that e had not drawn over $150 from the firm since he has occupied the guber natorial chair. Political. Cincinnati, August 6. Isaac Mor ton was nominated for Congress to-day by the Republicans of the fourteenth district. T J Maeinnis by the Nationals The Democrats of the 3rd district nomi nated J A McMahon. New Orleans, August 6. A dispatch from Baton Rouge to the limes says R L Gibson has been re-nominated for Congress in the first district and E W Robertson m the sixth Belfabt. Auffust 6. The Republican VjTA OvUO iAVu a.v i i r a ; anilfnrdCJ Wheeler. J A McLean, convention ofthe fifth Maine, district Click, Holt, Dems. Halifax Rep, - Rep. Harnett C H Coffield, Dem. Hay wood F M Davis, Dem . Henderson : -Bird, Rep. Hertford Doubtful. Hyde Thos Gibbs, Dem. iredellJ B McCorkle, J D Dems. Jackson Leatherwood, Dem. Johnston E A Bizzell, E J Dems. ' Jones Doubtful. Lenoir W W Dunn, Rep. Lincoln BC Cobb, Dem. Macon ' Dem. Madison-Davis, Rep. . Martin N B Fagan, Dem. UnnTOAll J T Seid. Dem. Mecklenbnre-Hfohn jL Brown, WE 5 Ardrey, DemB, Mitchell: o ,W BiaiocK, jjem, , Montgomery : Dojobiful. . Moore Neill Leach, Ind Dem. Nash G N Lewis, Dem. Nflw Hanover H E Scott, W yesterday, re-nominated Eugene Hale by acclamation for Congress. Dover, Del, August 6. The Demo cratic State convention organized to day with Dr E W Cooper jus president There is no opposition to Jno W Hal for Governor. Easiness Failures and Suspensions. Topeka.Kan., August 6. The To peka National Bank has closed its doors. The president says this was caused bv the larere amount of ex change held by the Mastin bank when it failed. It fs thought the bank wil pay its deposits in full.' Chicago, August 6. James Clements a tormer partner oi tne nrm qr'Olem- ents, Morten & Co:, nas filed - a petition in nankruptcy. Liabilities $117,000; assets, $75,000, mostly encumbered lands. . Railroad Accidents in New Jersey. H willproblytfrJte4le4aeM accompanied by thunder WaddeH (col), Reps.- At t o. cun' W irvlav virv, Wfl P& vBBex oyer wm vown r orinampion-j v desire, by the way, to express our ; sin cere svnlPAthyiwith the jGovernorr in the domestic a&iction which he bears, during this period of political agitas tion, in the serious sickness of his wife. That she may be restored to health and atrenerth. to : barticinate in the treat I was""visited last night by a heavy thun triumnha of her ,. husband, is the ear servoir belonging to nest prayer of a great many frien Sle Governor f Vanee 1 1 jik J irguaia ; and 1 eash and blihd factory & Cajn i & Brain throughbut.the BouthV' - , ! was entirely swept away, together with t, Dem. last nierht. doincr considerable damacre. Onslow 8 B Tavlor. Dem. Jtobert Townsend and Jfid Roperhj, of Orange M A Angier, uem, josian f hiladelphia, were overtaken by the Turner, Ind Dem. Pamlico rotes with Beaufort. Pasquotank r' Rep. Pender Thos Armstrong! Dem, Perauimans : Rep. Person M McGehee. Dem. storm and ' took shelter under a tree which was struck bv lierhtninsr. Town- send was Instantly killed, and Roberts is not expected to.recover. CANTON. FAU AnsniHt 6. 'This villfl.ee ntt v J moore, uermam wnnuu, Dems. Polk Demedale, Rep. Ttndnlnh : Doubtful. iD M Henderson. Rep. Robeson R M Norment, RepAAG several Darns ana snops. . Many dwelt-1 Oliver. ej i i . . . i l imi.Uja oi oiT s-. u-.l . . i ---t -Ti-ip -irr- T-vlil' mo nanflAfl mora til arrrht wntn. . w a l Dk;vt.in I. Kanipv. uemi- ,EppBfaCAiH3Wsi,APER xEWB.-f i lBioftips oareiy escapmg witn tneir, I yvm Jjindgay uem, Register, the Republican organ at Kal- uspnne Driages onxowan- K i . . - : i ; I da fcreek were aweot awav. B- No lives Elizabeth, N J, August 6. Lasi night a coal train, westward bound on the Lehigh Valley railway, a mile and a half west of Uoundbrook, ,, ran into i section of a train aheacL amashine sev eral coal cars and strewing thej . wreck across both . tracks. , The eastward bound train . came . along under ; ful headway, ran into tlie wreck and Was thrown from the track. . The fireman was Jtuiea ana, tne engineer , Druiged. Gets Married at ; JfUht and Dies Jfeit Ocean Gvil RjfA AUeustr 6. Thompson At Godfrey,' 4aged; 60v last e venine marriedX ladyf 23 and died petered out John Gorm&n da eltwere swejtf iaway, 9 ,No rPvSkv " XT? werelostja vt, -.t-iki &uiqiA tiUQa Yimeer, who ought to M- - - - -; ' v- :n Ma aora. taftva ' THE .'TTRli'v itf'A ieh. has bHheJiibtni; begood authority in this case, pays Loge Harris smothered it, and say fur her that Col . W R Richardson "will start a - Jiew pfinlicafi')fipr there this month. Eichaidsoa was oie pi . Dem, DaVfd iJar- i mexly a real . estate ageptaf .rottsville, til i - ' J - aratoga Races Yesterday; i Blmi-mmm day racesrifiratjirace-twoxariOldsji five the editors of the Constituiion, the &ai fftrlonp-: won by BelmdaVrfMbmtor . t-iA v.r.i. j I second. Dan Soortioff third: time. 1,04. grant scee wmcu ui ytf , aannA r..htiin iwAATtakes: tone -..tr,s iHrrtii.-i'--,'--r r t--"rri"T vance ui xotv. ipne mile and a Rowan H C BOst Rutherford .Ynnnc. Dehl'. &mpSpnL R Carroll, J 0 Hines, DemSf . . i .-. Stanley: Dem. :":t': '. Stokes :- Ren. .i . i lan7 ? rfoarcf, Dem. , , M '"Swam : Dem, '' 1 -'-,-it - TFWtyVtoiik VJ0hnax8on,Dem,i 1 -; TyrreU-W&ielsoh;-Dein'.Ih;Jh,, pion D ACovineton.Demi ' 1 ... Wake Wo.E , ,Rjchards6n, Dem R half: won'hv -BannielW. Wynne. JJ Ferrell Rtwarr'Rlliann I nHhAf hA i.mnm Sheffield, isaharp." i third; time, 2.40. col), Repe. Wilson-Pr J M Taylor, Dem. first feedJast winter,. i i t - ii XaROA.MDARXl ,Col Jqbk P .Thomas. .r, Sapprtotondent .fjBy corps of experienced teacjsra-l 'Amle "TmIaiIfor'iiilst Pre paratory add Collegiate Departments, ; . Xttesslon.wuij begin tjepienDejr. loin. pamavf JJ or cir- jolll oaw lm THE SOUTHERN CIGAR MANUFACTORY, B B 0 H the CHARLOTTE 2sT, C- Is the place to buy good home manufactured Cigars for least money. The following brands are specialties : THE GOLDEN EAGLE Warranted to be made of as eood Tobacco as cau be i or chased anywher. .and equal to any 10 cent dgar South, for 5 cents cash. THE KIKNA V1CTOK1A Havana niieo Beyen iot cents. , THE REFRE&HER Havana filled eight for 26 cents. THE INDIAN PBINCESS Large Cigar, Havana, three for 25 cents. We will also Bell twelve Cigars for 25 cents, as good as any 5 cent cigar. All the finest brands of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO kept on hand. Onr motto Is, ''Quick Sales and Small Profits." Cash for aij Goods on delivery. Orders promptly filledi : .' I. A. McNINCH, Proprietor. P R E I G H T LIN E S VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This Une being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the : Transportation of Freight, from WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTEBN CITIES 10 CHARLOTTE, STATESVlLLE, ASHEV1LLE, EUTHERFORDTON, GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALT. STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA A RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE AOHIO, and WESTERN N. C RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and i MISSISSIPPI. ' 1 insrsTJi-AJrsroE -AJstjd rates GUARAlTrEED AS LOW AS VIA, 'ANY COMPETING LINE, AUD INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO WM A MOODY, South- Western Freight Agt., Charlotte, N, C. u septSO P W CLARK, General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C. , i T T SMITH, Agent 0. C. Railway t arlotte. Stop and lead ! All forms of Kidney and Urinary diseases, Pains in the Back, 8ides, and Loins are pos itively cured oy 'i - ' ; GRAIIT'S REUEDY. Its effects are truly marvelous in Dropsy, Gravel, Bright's diwase, Seminal losbes, Leucorrhoaa and lost vigor, no matter of how long standing the case may be, positive re lief is had in from one to three days. Do not despair, hesitate or doubt, fol itjs raally specinc and never failsV It is barely a -vegetable preparation ; by its timely use thous ands of cases. th.at haye been considered in curable by: the-moBtj eminent piitsiclans have been permanently cnted. ' . i It is also indorsed by the regular Physi cians and Medical Societies throughout the oonntry, sold in bottles at two dollars each or three botUea, which , is enough , to cure the most ' aggravated case, sent to any ad dress on receipt of Fit dollan, , Small trial bottles On dollar each. ' All orders to be addressed to GRANT'S, REMEDT MAN'F'G CO., - 1 56't-ilain street Wrcestei,Mass. jul25-4m-dfcw ! Granulatecj, Standard J,A," AKD TJVO GRADES "JF Brovyn Sugars, JUST AJtBJVW AjffD FDR . ALSO, another supply of Ferris & Go's Dried Beef. Breakfast 8 trios and Hams. Also Cream Cheese. A splendid assortment " HELVETIA. j Wilson Packing Go's Corn Beef. I have a nice lot of 8tone Fruit Jars. Also Cedar Churns. 4 -- - "ckSiCXO- I am handling fruits of all kinds, and Grapes. Fresh Lemons jast received, at i LeROY DAVIDSON'S. . My friends tUl Unci it Id their Interest ia give me a call, I am wfth Mr Davidson V julSl Respectfully, Q T COLEMAN, WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY. THE BIG SHOW is now open, at J. T. B U T L ER'S. Call and seenll the NEWWATCHES, JEWELRY A 8ILVEE WARE. NOpCTLE SIDE SHOW HERE. Come and get bargains. Everything is called by their right name and warranted as represented, at ". J T BUTLER'S, lec2 r Jewelry 8tore. - , j -"'it'. . i - i ,--).' L AS N E i r JEWELER, GILDER WATCH MAKER, j r . , . AND, BILKER PLATER, Trade street, opposite Pirsi Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. I niTi opened Ihis Btpre fox 5tbe repair of " WATlcmEi, CLOCKS 'JEWELRY . in every style. I will do Coloring, Guilding, Plti,' JH flabrauiring Chains, Watches, pid Jeweuy. etc., and make tnem efluany as goou at short notice, and at half price. As I haye been worMngbefore in Frencn, J Swiss, English and American Manoiactono. rJl lve all the toe Is frpmf Manufactories, and l ean fitn4 maxe eyery piece at uu warrant them. marl4 gATCHEL BOTTOM PA?EB BAGS, Straw Wrapping Paper. JOHN W: HALL &fP- may 16. -except w people who stay away from the convo

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