TI1E Iff AILS . . MAILS OFSH FOB DXrVSEY. - w il era through mails, daily,. 1 SO p m through and way mails,' 8 00 a m Southern mails, ....... ......... ... u 4 CO p m Mia. trn jnaila. A- dt U. R B.,.... 8 00 a m Mail from uasieru uiviaum j. v, - k R 8 00am u a'. from A., r. & O. and W. N. c r.k, trrrr. !&? "jl KIL8 CL08K. Northern through mails, daily afarim fSf f t cept Sunday 3 30 pm Northern through and w,ay mails, daily. ' ", lOj 00j pvw ..wn mails for all points South, aaily 12 00 wfstem mails, by Air-Une Rail- m m ftDt Sunday, ................... o SO a m vfftils for all points on Eastern Division (va..BJBaniflhi Dt Sunday, 6 30 p m mUb foi all joints on A.,T. AO. Mand W.N. C. R. R, daily-4xrU;J U reDt Sunday, 5 SO a m Mail for Raleigh and points on the Ral :Tsl Hpli?i ngton Office open 8undays for delivery from 8 to 9 a m., and from 4 to 5 p. m. Money order and registered letter depart mint open daily, except Sunday: tiorat 8:30 a. in- wo p. i" "V W JENKINS, P. 0., June 10. 1878. M. Cdh lotte, N Fo;' the South Atlantic States, clear or parity ctbudy veather, light variable winds, mostly southwesterly, stationary or liiglier pressure andZlemperalure. index to if eY eTerf Isnii$t Attention, Independents. r M JS Alexander Nettop. y The Temperature. ')) The following Is the theWmbmfcter ro cord at Wilson & Burwell'a drug 9 12 a. m.. . ... 7yw m.. 3 p. ro 6 p. m........ ' K4." 'fi'TfT ... v. local mtiBtrV'oi ) !- M ,.JocI Jessie Nebhut, a Georgia belle. Miaa is spending a few days in 'the city. ' It is stated )tb$ the$ arertfiv nomnnfi now summering at cSeavelana r Springs. 1 "' Ml' The next event among heavenly bodies is a conjunctigorj Mars with the sun on the 18tVotSpJeBlber. -J The hot weatherTas p'ut a fitUe quietus on military ardor, but itwill refiv again In ioje!&ll A t Ml .A The sum of $1 was taken in at the mayor's court yesterday morniDg, the sufferer having been guilty of assault and battery. About a melons were dav. The crop is unusually large this rhe crop is J'JJiU w t t n jeat ! The county commissioners will to day draw the jurors whid amtoietye. at the Septemberlerm of .the Superior Court. TJie Inferior CpujtnieenexJ. Monday Jekj L J O Y ' Capt Davies is now the happy owner of a Brazilian blood hottnd pup, which kickathe bem a J17 pounds; arid has six mOtat s o growing ahead of him yet. . We are requested to, state that uie votes cast for E A krmuejd, of tfeion county, classed is an iridepedetjtxan didate for the Sia1; Seriate, werened tirely complimentaiy. Mr Awas oofc a candidate in any BCnse ofe tb5e. ; word4 It, ought to be gratifying to the friends of Col 3onn LBr6wn oj knojw that he lead the ticket id Mebklenburg near four, hundred votes in the re cent election Mneperl'ihe &&t Legislature?' Tins higlr comfpliaaeAt is evidence of Eis!iteraagwortri'iri V community which appreciates merit. Some of the tri'tiabitants of east Sixth ...... Ma4t4itTlie-SMUli-lAnd-.? street coujpiaia ui uamuE uotu 6xvj i annoyed sihSay riignt by singing ftl ft WJi MiW H$ ATOM" irai.iv;n i.uk.vmt ,in till ftlpublishedTin this city by Messrs Dawr late hour. This species of annoyance is bad enough atany time, perfectly inexcusable on ;tnt,is Sunday nighu;fe-: Summer AtMeatees MrE Y McAden and famUy; left this morning by the Air-Line . train. ,or a stay of several weeks at Flat Bockv- ! ' Col and Mrs A B Springs hine also gone to the same locality? : aa v. vj Miss Marv Windle leaves this moti I n- ing to spend la 'nibnltif w'ith' frienia: s in. Dallas. Mil u!-?;f! io.) "The Land f the lt Wiatwlfia-irtii UdWay be as to. the source of the letter jchich w prinledl QaioVt&Gm th4 mornine underiheabove caption there i certainly no denying tbaLtjt is I vigorous yet graceful in itatviey and as freah apacioIirig author. " ' ?ij,u Appointed TTnited States CommtaiUa- Capt B P Warfnl 1 A J.J ringrwutf-oay, received the appp4ntment of United States cofnmfisiMiel, anl WmJ efcte very shortlv unonThe discharge of tne m 4 r functions of this position. Tbfi ap Gointment is an excellent anT'prope1 one in very respect and will meet the UDqualifiedlletidori&nient -ifirOtltiJ 5PM :generailrjrifiOT mod oval lerchaata pn a Frlic. 1''-f i'iJliii lilt siontO'B remain four ot fiteilftyBU16afa'portl($ri' pf the- crowd Iwiirate lri in; Green brier White Sulphur Springs during urat Caro and 1L I UHO I K Jiumberof GbariotteTmrchantftl ichinofl M6sf of 'tMhh wifll lass coaches will leavpjhexortn MfOIlaEaiks. ''oflFroi 8nip,"TMecklenburg; county, carries off lDe Palm this year for the first cotton bolHrhich has been seen in this sec tion of the State ; in fact so far as the newspapers have reported, it was the MM 9& 31st of July. fuT&Wiinnlaal ponf ention; of-tbe dea cons and elders of Meeklftnhnw 55teryjmet Jatiharori eJxureh.inAthisi t-ouniy yesterday. The attendance at the opening-of the session waa not .faeMeptetEatotlier dele-! gites would Cotneirito-iav. Those arrive in Charlotte to-day will find vehielesrto carrv thm in tha n.Av. ' The oroeramrrie marlA n.it ytkJWA "hi J w wmw wuo VVU V rention Requires At to remain in session mfilftTdav. until a ighi mioYS last tie riantrv of Dr J A. H McAden was entered and robbed of its contents in the 'shape of provisions amounting fh' vahie to about $25. The" tracks indicated that three persons were engaged in the robbery. The entrance wasjeffected through the window. This pshe second tiinwtViiuDrMnAan hQa Deen robbed in this way within the last several months, and he intends to spare no pains in catching the thieves. Already tneatrlc4l' Wm pariies have A tJ 2gutt; tf Ojgarze for graveling jn ihe - Ijoutnldariilg Rooming season.and many naye mapped out their routes. A glance at the bbeka of the manager of the Charlotte--opera house-shows that about fourteen companies have 4tWj3'J1 emelvfipt down to appear during t!he TallijjKi winter. We are not at liberty at present to give the names oiT the troupes, bu't can say that they include isome of the Vefy best actors and actresses' that have ever vis itecDthe South. Altogether the out loofcis eiceHent. ; i i Charlotte generally gets her share of tb best companies that travel in the South, and we can fcorffldently redlt that the present yeaifwill fee no exception to the rule. The first company will probably arrive some time in October, or possibly as late as the 1st of November. hi ntexictur DoDar It makes some of the people down right agryftp be pk All ati:onc that tne Mexican dollar iswoftlfonly 90 cents. Only day before yesterday two men from the, country came, very near having a rough and tumble fight on the streets over this matter. It teems that' as theywjere coming into tWwifhey met orthe-'road, when the pm3 aajced th2.qthe to change a five 5hyqe did, gificg the die first party five Mexican dollars and pck&etirig tbe bill. When the holder of the coin of the Mexican govern- ment cat f11111 iO-tOLtown he was enlight eaee thereto to the extent of ascertalfiingthat ne was fifty cents out of pocket by the little transaction on the road It was when he , went back and asked the party from whom1 the Mexicans h,ad been obtained to rej de them that the trcMWe arok.-' He pleaded ati equal- degree 'oi igUorancd with his injured; friend, and like the banks, refused; to take back at the same rate, -what he , ,bad iyen out. Warfare was preyente'd, but with difli culty.";n ' ' ' 'v' :"' : en(pf iircumsta'tfQes, ejoBly places where a Mexican dollar is worth its Jali value, ate in bar rooms, and ontri: qutoop boxes,; in Jne former, ..payi for ten , drink" a. arid' in the latter no '668iiobs'are',ta8k. ' publisned m tms city by son &.Cp real estate agents, the first issue of which has just made its ap pearance. ' The South-Lan4; is pub lished," say the editors in their introj- dnctorv editorial.' "with the view of giving reliable informaticm in regard to North and South ;CkrpJina to tnose desiring -homes i in; a' milder climate thaifc that found tiypeBtjhe fotoinao riveir, arid t&'tnoie"8eeklrig cheap ihomes in a settled country where ofcocietycnu'resf schools; railroads, mkfettiJJettasrsu admiriistered State government where 'thftlairfriUW'VS elrid'lBttp one man as another, af$i&& ition ia-not burdensomer- wnere- n odXndTproduction aocFgood con tains finable aaeliablfAi .find atatatiecori- ereatlvahtthea4ferftdo w A settled portions of the North where it TsToWdisffilmteaTTri forming a jut timate-of Jbo advantages wnicn mey affofi. ri j AToBara Dawnnn & Co. have estab- UshedaTfiraclasagncy rnrCnarlotte aneUdlvkaireidO&eJu vtawardi inducing a valuable class of people ro Jbcatein the central and western pot tions of North Carolina ana uppe Sonth-CarolkiA. all r& whom seenv to mZmik t thtrn ife f I aO Yv Oil DAHlDUCii TT M 1 ooT iBw nwrrcu B'WgwTsh Messrs Dawson & Co. sue cess in their new,; enterprise. u 9iiii )ipr;sifw i;m rui- r r r t . r . S3 won -KAnbCiaA (tin Vnnnr St isTa'tOOa lex cTOfrwTrrVfited1 nSt to Anntjtui n.hpp 'irmnTn.- aiarDai&. ;xru;wi or Laudanum, the taie of iUtb..JWl. soothing remedies t"iU ana toe Dea reaiueuh imiuuu vr nhia. and conducted as a mfitdelfiis hotel the Colonade has achieved a deserv uuvrago JK" i as The board of county commissioners met again yesterday morning at the court house. The following is a synop sis of the business "bf public interest: An order ;wai passed allowing the clerk of the board to receive tax returns on ly during the present session, of , the board. A complaint having been made that the Carolina Central Kailroad authori ties were; obstructing . the public road known as the. Salisbury road, a com mittee consisting of W A Washam, J E Caldwell arid Tom Shaw were appoint ed to examine tHe same' and report to the board. M Wrahjipr ordSsfwe) passed jcx p&imi falfloilectprl ffor: vtork dJnl V The other business of the board con sisted in passing orders? for the usual county expenses. ' The board adjourned to meet again to-day at the usual time anJ place. t e -. )"'.' mmm . . , Illecklenbiirf; Bible Society Annual y f y Meetinar. '' J "S- jThe annual meeting of the Mecklen burg County Bible Society will be held at Mallard Creek, church on1 Wednes day, the ' 14th rof August. The no tice which was published in last week's papers for the meeting to be held on the 7th inst, jsvas a mistake. Tne Some arid Democrat will please copy this notice- and be kind enough to call attention to it. . ' By order of the executive committee, i f Juo, A TpuNO, Charlrnlpro temp - " .- . ' 41 . IREDELL TOPICS. An Inferior Court Established New Board of CommiicioDers The Coun ty Vote Last Thursday. Correspondence of the Observer. State8Vtxle, Nrc, Aug. 5th, 1878. Among the many laws passed by our UftsiJLegjslature, perhapsjjone was bet ter receivea dv ine people at large than that allowing each county to de cide by its magistrates as to the estab lishment of an Inferior Court in its borders. This return, as it virtually would be, to the old 'County Court" system which flourished and wrought good under the old regime of "our fathers" met the popular approval, and was very generally adopted by the va rious counties of the State. The measure, although popular in Iredell, was voted down by our magistrates last year, they regarding it as possessing no special advantages over that in ex istence. To-day, however that deci sion was reversed. Our magistrates having assembled here it was decided by a vote of; 83 to -11 to establish an Inferior Court in this county, and the following persons were chosen, after considerable balloting, to conduct such court, namely: For judges A P Sharpe, Dr Robt T Campbell and Jas M Patterson. For solicitor W H Reid. For clerk M C Williams. The same body also elected the fol lowing persons to constitute the new board of county commissioners, viz : A W Jamison, H A Nail, A C Tomlin, J M Alexander and Jas F Dotson. The voice of the politician is low in the land ; it is no longer heard in the streets entreating men to guard well their country's honor by electing its possessor to some position of emolu ment and trust. Iredell county only had at the last one independent to deal with, and she, to use a phrase which independentism is alone an swerable for, "sat down oh' him," though not quite as heavily as the "faithful'' could have wished, yet suf ficiently: to preclude; the' possibility of rbis'ever passing a doer law or damaging Vance's chances, for the Senate. More than 2,000 voters failed to exercise the right of freemen by remaining away from the polls on election day, some thing over 1,400 being the highest yote received against 3,600 in the Vance election. T. CONGRESSIONAL LABOR COMMITTEE. The Testimony Before It Yesterday and the Questions It Desires Answered. New Yoek, August 6. This being the last day of the session of the con gressional labor investigation commit tee. the attendance was unusually arge. ueo J McNeill, president ot the international working men's union, of West Somerville, Mass., was the nrst witness. The whole difficulty, in nis Opinion, is toe wage system oi lapor, Or in other words, tnat tne wage sys tem and steam engine are contempo raneous, and that the productive pow er has exceeded the power of consump tion. ' Mr Peck; of Dauling, Conn., thought that instead of lending hundreds of millions of dollars to the banks the eovernment should lend a few hun dred millions, free of interest, to the workingmen. Another gentleman was ior aooi- iahincr the United States Senate, re stricting the power of Congress, and that the President issue sos per capita, ourtailing the hours of labor to six and allow no one. outside oi tne laoor bureau to employ laborers. Mr Hewitt read tne following ques tions which tbecommittee submit to the public : VSXhe- congressjionai jOpmmuiee earn IeSttj uCtnCOperlttipnt ofve public in all sections oi tne country in obtaining infbrmation to aid in a prac tical solution of tne important ques tions0 submitted to- it. It especially invites J suggestions from representa tive men , in all ihe. departments oi business. It proposes the following nuestiens to employers. of labor thfoiiffbouk'the country : ! r;."lstiWhat; ;werjB the selling prices of your products, in ,1860 and in each aubseauent year aown .-wi vo mew sive ?r .-s,-.,, ,-.,.,..., ... ., . i . ''2d. What were the wages paid by von in eacn oi tnese years ior iaDox amn AVM f . . ,, "Sd. ! Where the persons furnishin information arO Wining to do 'so,: the eommiuee iutxwduou.;. p pipyed in thg it, bnsmess. .eith:. What'is the difference, if any. between rents'" of tenements occupled by operatives,, in the, years 1866 ana lSTSinyourvicuiityT1 I 6tri. -What f was the'.) comparative amount of products of your business - 7Utatecoafatete S Af mnlovment at .operatives be- tVreen the yeamr.?60'And',-78 ; inclusive. The committee! lnvwes suKrauons tmXii JLinVdri &mf emoldved' as to the- eiMir wues-'of the .preseit ;Ui8iiW la.were j u(b uujwu uu retfH prjpe8,pf leading articles of fam ly'nbipMOBduring each of these vfifl. in tout vicinity ? "! 4 ' I denression in business, and as to any pecIar ederaTnegislitrTwhlcbV' in their-opinionj-- would tend - ta-relieve tbeafneW MiplitlP , - The committee? holds its next meet ings in the New York postoffice Au gustSOlh.'"" T. -m , " o. Appointments of Bisnop Atkinson for September. t: - ;' . Morganton, twelfth Sunday afte Trinity, 8- is.' "aa- Hiekory, Monday 9th: , Newton, Toesday evening 10th. Lenoir, Thursday 12th. Patterson, Friday 13th. Valley Crucis. thirteenth Sunday after TrmityrMth. :-..t-. ? -- (amrch of St John Baptist, Monday 16th. Boone, Monday evening, 16th. liWUkeaboro, Wednesday 18th. Qevinns' Chapel, Friday 20th - J! ,t - VStatesville, fourteenth Sonday after Trln- Itj422nd:v y ' '':' !!.. A'i M?i ti'A St James, Iredell connty, Tuesday 24th:.-. -i Shelby,! Thursday 26th. ' -lh i Lincolnton. Friday 27th. Charlotte, fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, 29th ' i ii - Beattie's Ford, Monday 30th. Pleasant Time at an Ohio Barbecue Four Shot, One Fatally. Cincinnati, August 6. At a barbe cue at Sandy Bif&ky, Saturday even ing; Jno Thompson and Wm Gordon began quarreling and firing upon each other. Their respective friends and followers immediately drew pistols and 80 shots were fired. Gordon was wound ed in the face ; Thompson's horse was killed under him ; Leonardas Howard was shot in the hip; Donan Eoach in the lung and will probably, die. Wal ter Eoach had his horse killed. The deputy sheriff is raising a force and will endeavor to arrest all the partici pants. Three Women Killed by a Falling Limb. Cincinnati, August 6. A special from Anna, Illinois, states that three women Mrs Smith, Miss Miller and Miss Matthias, while seeking shelter from a storm. Sunday evening, were killed by the top of a large Oak tree which was broken off and hurled upon them. Clear the Way For the escape from the system of its waste and debris, which, if retained would vitiate the bodily ntuds and overthrow health. That important channel of exit, the bowels, may be kept permanently free from obstruc tions by using the non-griping, gently act ios and agreeable cathartic. Hostetter's 8tomach Bitten, which not only liberates imparities, bat invigorates the lining of the intestinal canal when weakened by consti pation or the unwise use of violent purga tives. The stomach, liver and urinary or gans are likewise reinforced and aroused to healthful action by this benehcient tonic and corrective, and every organ, fiber, mus cle and nerve experiences a share of its in vigorating influence. Unobjectionable in flavor, a most genial and wholesome med icinal stimulant, and owing its efficacy to botanic sources exclusively, it is the reme dy best adapted to household nse on ac count of its safety, wide scope and speedy action. Where to Spend the Summer What man with a family having once been crowded into some ami ill ' sxy parlor" in that hottest of all known places Sarato gaor has been continually jostled and elbowed bv the Metropolitan throng that rolic alternately in dust and surf at Long Branch, but that has vowed never again to repair to summer resorts. And yet with each returning season, comes the query where shall we go? Since last season anew, commodious and elejrant Hotel has been completed and furnished by Dr R V Pierce, in liottalo, N. Y., at a cost of nearly hair a million dollars. No place on this continent possesses more advantages for the tourist, pleasure seeker, or those in search of rest and relaxation from the cares of business, than this. 1st, Its accessibility. 2nd, Its cool, bracing and salubrious climate; the thermometer ranging in summer from 65 to 7b degrees Fahrenheit. 3d, The attractions of the Hotel and Its environs. Ail these combine to render it the most desirable re sort for those in search of relaxation and rest. Located on a bluff overlooking the city of Buffalo, Lake Erie, Bugalo Bay, and Niagara river as it rapidly winds its way between island and villa to the great Catar act iust beyond, it affords one of the finest of American scenes. Address all letters of inquiry to "Manager of Invalids' and Tour iste' Hotel." Bufialo, N. Y. SPECIAL NOTICES. An Undeniable froth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beauti ful world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for von. your un reasonable prejudice and sketicism. which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and common sense reasoning will soon show vou that Greens August Flower will enre von of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache. nalDitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual costiveness, dizziness of th head, nervous prostration, low spirits. etc. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell von of its wonderful cures. You can buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve you. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. AUGUST 6, 1818. PRODUCE. Baltimore Oats auiet and easier, South em 32a35. Proyisions firm and unchanged. Coffee firm, Rio cargoes 18al7. Whiskey dull at 1 03. Butter scarce but firm, choice Western 13al5. . iti,u-r ?. New iyrk-Flour a little more active, Ann thorn- nnchansred. Wheat auiet and steady, winter i better, fairly actiye 1 , 09 J, unzraded winter red. Corn a shade lower, fairly activ 4.4AimiBleMeU and firnU-- Suga qniet and about steady, fidr to good jned 71, prime H, grai-ulated 9i, crushed gi'powdered 9J. Mousses Un chaneedT Jacelaid''ieaays-Pori firmer -and njbre acttfe;mess 1075all 25. tarn" firmer nd active, primis atera 7 85a CtBeJunsll-rrProvisto a4d blgh- SPolk b0d41rmly at 11 00 La- uci rentmakeJi. prune steam nomiaaUy , Jl Bnlkmeats. shtU4ers; 5 Wshort iahIdes 30 todlleilflP C3NcA l5rmKah9ji f -iii iSn kmb tWs utiU i Ml PSS0??- rjHoja? delightful their fragrance to me, dmetaod a she ea pacMhtf:f25 a56. ri,Vr ' W COTTOM. NoBroix-Firm;: middling, 112c; net capts, 23; eiporls coastwise, 73, ;stock, 608 .BaieMPiBnt1 middlihe. 1'llc: 1 middling, 11 Icr good Ordinary, lOiw. ineti eeipts, none; gross, 5; sales, ; 47; ; Stock, 938, exports coastwise, 10. ' '- j Bostov Firm; middling. 12c: low mid' talg? IliftU lfotonAry Uq fa 79- fcjne stdptr, V3i WnJParoa-Finn middling, allct mid(flihgiiCl!c good ordinary, 10c; net re beipter 3; sales, none; stock, 90. 1 PHnsiiiWmfmlddlmg, 12Jc; tow midduig7j:Ucjjood net raseigtsj ' groE Wkw,719; spinners, 343; stock, 11,908. ATOjffrfimiaaiirig Uciow rilid dlirig, 'iotc; good ordinary, 10jc; receipt 8;sales,449. Qjfl JJJJ CHASLBTog-yirm roiddlipg, f 1jm low middlin&lOJcj good ordlnaxyiiolci net re ceipts, 38; gross, none; sales, 15; stock, 280; exports coastwise, 91. .: ,v Nw YoBXSteady; sales, 1.030; middling uplands; 12c; Orleans 12Jq consolidated net receipts, 609. ' LryxBPOOL NoonHardening; middling uplands 6, middling Orleans 61, sales 12, 000, speculation and export 3,000, receipts 6,600, no American. Futures opened with buyers offering 1-32 more, which has since been partially lost. - Uplands, low middling clause, September delivery (1 11-16, August and September 6 21-22, September and Oclor ber 6 i3-32all-16, new crop shipped October and November per sail 6 15-32, October and November per sail oinittedl. ' ' 5 p m Futures closed dull. FUTURES. New York Futures closed weak. Sales, 49,000 bales. August, 1201c. September, 11 7c. October, 11 51c. November, 11 S0a31c. December, 11 25all 26c. January 11 25all 27c. February, 11 30a32o. March, 1138aS9c. April, 11 45a47c. May, 11 54a56c. June, 11 61a64. FINANCIAL. Naw Yoek Money easy at 102.. Ex change strong 4 83. Gold i. New 5's 6i. Governments strong. States bonds quiet and s'.eidy. r"?j;- Cotton Mart et. OB8KRVER OFFIOK. 1 Obabxuitb. N. O., Aug. 7, 1878 J The market was firm, yesterday, with light offerings at the following quotations : Good Middling 10i 10 IO! 10J Middling Strict low Middling.. Low Middling Good Oi linary Tinges.... .. 10 9 Rim 8tain8(brigni cean) 8tains (deep clean) Lower grades, CHARLOTTE RETAIL MARKET Butter, scarce. Eggs, market overstocked Fowls not in demand. : 4 BUTTKB Fresh Country, per lb. 16a20 OalO 10al5 18a20 20a25 20a30 5al5 5 12ial5 1.0a25 5 35a40 50a75 Egos Poultry , Spring Chicken?, Fowls, Ducks. Vegetable Irish Potatoes, (new) per bush,; Cabbage, per head, l Onions, per bunch," Bnap Beans, per peck, Sweet Potatoes, peispeck, Beets, per bunch, Tomatoes, per peck, Fruits Green Apples, per bush. Peaches, per crate, $1.00a$1.50 GROCERIES W H O LES ALE. Bulk Meats per lb Clear Rib Bides, ta81 Long Clear, Shoulders, . Hams, 8. C. Canvassed, Uncanvassed, 61 llial2J 9ial0 Labd Best Refined, tierce, FaSI to 8ia8l half barrels, 81a9i to 8la9 bnckets and tins, UialUi Sdqabs Cut Loaf, lljallj Granulated and Crushed, llallj A, . 1 lOalOO Extra 0, white, OiolO Yellows, 81o9 Molasses per gal. New Orleans, fair to choice, 37a52 BlackStrap, 2Ga27 Coffee Java, 26a28c : Rio, 16al8c per 11 . Tea Black, 50o$l; Green, G0a$l.l0 Salt Liverpool, fine table, $l.75a2.00 Ground Alum, f l.OOal.10 PRODUCE WHOLESALE. Conn Pr bumel. Bv car load, in sacks, BOafos in bulk. 5So58 From wagons, in bulk, 52a55 Flotjk per sack Family, 52.75o3.oo Extra. $250o2.75 Super, . $2.00a235 Rice Choice, 8c per lb; good to prime, 7a7i, Meal . per bushel, sacked, bo Grits, per barrel, $5.50 Peas Pure Clay, per bushel, Goa0 Mixed, per bushel. 65a70 IT AT Unchopped Timothy, per cwt, f l.2o North Carolina, per cwt. SO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TTENTION, INDEPENDENTS ! Ton arfi herebv ordered to attend the reg ular meeting of your company, at your halli this Wednesday 1 even ins. uusinees oi un porta nee will be transacted. By order of the President. Ri F U Ufil K x U UTT, aug7 :;i!Kecoec. TO Miss W. E. G. Vi"rtvftr dear' will the me'mdHes be. Of ihat jsweiOiUliB cottag wbere first,, w Twas there I lost my heart with thee. And, hiye neyern ever, fbuijd it yet. : Twas there 'mid the flowers so fragrant and And bv: the moonbeams silvery ravs-r ' ,Twas.lhee. ijwnaia ee sppurje ana bo 1 shall remember it all my" days. How lovely Woomed the flowers that pigbt ! Oh -happy I'll be when there at night ,m il- . A IV. An But you said you were going am?. t! 9. Though you hay not mentioned (he day You hate caused me too sotm to grieve 1 May the richest blessings attend thee'rs When-e'er thou" shaUdapart ; fm g i5 May God and thS angels .watch o'er thee, Ipayyithalimy lieari.H J And when youlbe ftijipw f 4 From tbe scenes if your childhood, glee There is something I'd like you to say "Tia that Vou win remember mc i f "rVFeeSimple Deeds, most I iVlUv'profedform, just printed It ana for sale at the r.-1 OBSERYES OFEICE. i bju26tf'- ' All persons enzated in bnolnpm in ifw.v. lenburg county, s merchants, buying and selling, are obliged by law to obtain a license to trade. I have been at the expense tf privately notifying each individual, now I publicly give notice that; if such license tax is not paid by the 10th lost, that any future costs created by such negligence can not be any reflection on me. r - t :v v M B ALSX ANDER, hvn&U:,z; viiniV u; .: Sheriff. ; intendent 3' ::ti OF The Lunatic Asylum Issues Warrants FOB ALL Jt . . ' . ... Independent Candidates. rjlHIS is a free country and any one who desires to be a candidate has a right to run on an independent ticket. The regular nomii.ee, however, will take the lead, just as Perry's cigars are leading the trade in Charlotte. Don't fail to try his 5 and 10 centers. The Jewel" Chewing Tobacco is new in this market, but for the price is the best known (lOc for i of a plug.) Those wishing to buy at wholesale should call at Peiry's. Cigars from $15 per thous and upwards. ju!3l I J TAKE pleasure in informing my friends that I will leaye Charlotte on the 23rd June, foi the Paris Exposition , and expect to be absent three months. During my absence my business will be under the management of my brother, Ambrose Fiscbesser. I trust that my friends will give the "Ini perial" Saloon, during my temporary ab sence, the patronage that they have so gen erously given me in the past. Joseph Fischesser, PROPRIETOR. jun20 T I C E U.vS.: INTERNAL REVENUE, Collector's Oflice. 6th Dist. ;.. 678. 1 Statesville, July 24th, 1878 Seized for violation of Internal Revenue awe. on Jalv 24tb. 1878 : Two bbls whis ky, owner unknown! One box tobacco. Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the aboye described property, to appear before me, at my office, in etatee ville and make claim thereto, before the ex piration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the use of the United States. J J MOTT, nl27 3t oaw Collector. New Advertisements. TAT!? CT A A List of a Thousand YY Hi XI A V Hi Country Weeklies, in which we can insert a one inch advertise ment one year for two dollars and a quarter a paper, or for the same price we can insert fifty-two reading notices (a new one every week), averaging seven lines each. For list of papers and other particulars, address GEO. P. ROW ELL & CO., 10 Spruce Street, New York. VIRGINIA CLUSTER WHEAT. The most prolific variety of Winter Wheat ever Known, and especially adapted to Southern Culture. In some Instances one knernel has produced 100 full grown heads. and products haye been obtained at the rate of from 50 to 90 bushels per acre. Price eight dollars per bushel, freight paid, and make no charge for sacks, tend stamp for circular of testimonials. Agents wanted in every county in North Carolina. Liberal commissions allowed. Address the General Aeents. E O DANIEL & CO, P O Box 158. 8ing Bing, wew xorr. ALBEMARLE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Charlottesville, Virginia. Twenty-sec ond session ("J months), berins October 1st. Board, including washing, fuel and lights and tuition in English, Latin, Greek and French, two hundred dollars per session. Music, Drawing and Paiating equally low. The Albemarle is the best furnished Insti tute in the South. New ten-pin Alleys. new Bath Rooms, and the strongest Chaly beate Mineral water m Virginia for pcpils free. Full Faculty. An escort furnished three or more pupils from the same point free. For catalogues address R H BWLIhGS, M A, President. Awarded hiahett prize ( Centennial Aacing quafaia and axBmc a ErrosttIon for amd laAinm char- cuter ot ttfetenina and tae&riaa. Xho best tobacco erer made. ' At our time (trip trade-mark u closely Imitated on inferior goods, tee thai Jacl$n' Bat fa oa eyery ping. Bold by all dealer. Bend for (ample, fce, to C. A. Jaokok Co., Itfra., Petersburg, Va, PIANO M ORGAN Grand Pianos, cost $1,600, only $125. Su perb Grand Square Pianos, cost $1,1C0 only $255. Elegant Upright Pianos, cost $800, oniy ioo. newutyie upright nanot, $112. fiO. Organs $35. Organs 12 stops, $72.50. Chmch Organs, 10 stops, cost , $39v only $115. Elegant $375 Mirror Ton Organs obIt tl05. Tremendous sacrifice . to close out present stock. New Steam Factory soon to 06 erected, Newspapers with much infor mation about COit or Pianos : and Organs, sent free Please address : JXANIELF-BEATTY, Washington, N.J. dry A DAY to Agents canvassing for the H jrirestae vuttor. Terms and outfit free Address P O VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. IMIlj I. LI .11 h.il 'V, .-..I t ..l.ll .Milll 1.1 , ! 1 ' ' lj . For' Business Parooses. ran excel all others in clearness and volume of tone .. Illustrated cir cular and testimonials for 3 cts. Address J R HOLCOMB, Mallet Creek, Ohio. ABRIBTBEATIEaojf PULMONARY JjL Diseases will be sent, free to . all. appli cants. Address OSCAR G MOSES, 18Cot- lanett street, Mew xork. , ; MAGOLU'cbiCS GREiBX Is the best "Hot Box" preventive in the market; ' Price & cents per pound1, manufac tured by THE BACKUS'- OIL CO, n ' J.i .H .- i a : xi CTeaveland, Ohio. 1 Southern Office, Atlanta, Ga. 1 ' jull71u HUL EM. A NeWlSupbly OF BONNY. KATE fin aotb. ..:3ii" L..1 75. TIDDY & BRO. Clifton Picture, By the Author of s Cloth, - - - $1.25, Paper, - - - J 75. TIDDY&BRO. gUTTERICK'S PATTERNS FOR AUGUST. HAVE BEEN RECEIVED TIDDY & BRO'3. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. BRUSHES ! White Wash, Paint -and- Shoe Brushes. Our Prescription Department is complete with the purest chemicals, and prescriptions filled with accuracy and dispatch, at all hours of the day or night. L. R. Wriston & Co. jun4 TURNIP SEED, TURNIP SEED. Lambeth's New Crop TURNIP SEED. WHAT D L ANDRE IH & EONS SAY OF THEIR SEED : The Stock of Turnip Seed we have to offer this year has been absolutely grown upon our own land not a grain of it has been casual ly picked up as is frequently the case with seed offered throughout the country. Thus wn directly under our practical observa tion, we aie satisfied that the quality1 is un surpassed.' ' For sale by BANKS Pay no INTEREST IN CHARLOTTE, but Dawson. & Co., OF THE Carolina Real Estate Agency, Have Property to sell in Cearlotte which will pay 18 to 20 per cent interest on investment 10 Houses, occupying half square, rents now paying 20 per cent, on amount asked for prop erty, Cash $4,000. 5 Houses and Lots, on which parties can erect two new houses additional, now paying 18 to 20 per cent on amount asked for property, viz: $2,000, Good Dwellings for sale cheap In desirable portions of the city, Good Dwellings for rent, Small Dwellings, and numbers of them, for sale, prices ranging from 8150 to $1,000, sold on time. Small Buildings to rent Vacant lots In all parts of the city, prices rang ing from (40 to 1500. Can be bought on easy terms. Parties having property, either Houses, Lots, Farms or Gold Mines, would do well to call on us and give us their property for sale, as our large monthly paper will be out in a few day and we will send 5,000 copies of this paper oft among our own and among Northern and West ern people, Carolina Real Estate Agency, DAWSON & CO., Managers, Old Bank of Mecklenburg Building. A WARNING We are informed by reliable citizens of this city that a party claiming to be agent of the Singer Manufacturing .Company in Atlanta, Georgia, is peddling sewing ma chine attachments here. All such state ments are false and we warn all our custom ers and friends against baying any goods of him on the representation that they are our manufacture, or allowing him to tinker with their sewing machines. SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. ju!25 JAMES MURPHY, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Helton's Building, Trade street, Up Stairs Owing to the stringency of the times I will in future work yery cheap. Will make fine suits for $10, Cassfmere suits for $8, Pants of suits same rates. I guarantee all my work ; no' fit no charge. Give me a call and be convinced. join A LOT OF MEDIUM GRACES CIGARS for sale low to the trade. . , , J W BALL & CO, s - M tpjaae Street. TEN CENT COLtJIN. Adverliiementt are inserted in this eohmm a the rate of ten cent per line, of seven words counting initials of names and figures as separ ate words. T insure insertion the amoat MVST BE PREPAI1 vJfo adverUsmntH taken for Uns than twenty-five cents. , , . SITUATION' WANTEDA young lady of several vears experience wishes a situa tion as teaeher. References exchanged. Ad- dreBS ' - i V : au&taw Sw M1S8 N. T Box . p.-. . Greensboro, N. C . FOR SALE A covered spring wagon for one or two hones, cheap. - A good f young cow, gives; from . 3 to 4 gallons of .milk per day- Two office desks and other office fur niture. " Dr: E H GREENE augUt to-morrow morning. and enauruig popuianty. i .