' WEIXESDAY, AUGUST .7, 1878. "THE LAND OF THE SKY."- Hendewonville and Its Suburbs "Fivere sat Vincere" Mr Frank Cwte, bf .GreenviQe, nd His Camp Equipage, Etc.. V w Correspondence of the Observer. Thb TiisrEs, Neib Hendessoistille, N G. August 3. I wonder if ; pen and ink breeze, direct from the mountains, would at all mitigate the effect of the mercury near you? At any rate, you haye given such accounts, of its mad career, amdrjg the nineties that I am tenrated to let you know what a charm ine refuse lies within easy ' reach of your sanctum , , .-T Hendersonville wo- thought quite good enough in point of climate until we resorted to this eminence, about a mile and a half distant. Here we are so much elevated that the little village seems to lief far fcelow us, and adds a pleasing feature" to the sweeping land scape view, which is bounded by chain after chain of mountains, until the far thest off miagle with the clouds. In the ante-bellum days this was the prop erty of the British consul at Savannah a gentleman who controlled millions and, with both continents to choose from, selected this locality. So you see it must have peculiar virtues of its own. Here he displayed a taste wor thiv of the old country, and much of his adorning5 and many of his comforts still remain. The house is reached by a drive through an ave nue' of fragrant white pines, and from the stone porticos of the mansion views that would put to blush the Hudson attract the eaze in every di- iection. The place was bought, a few years ago by a lady from Philadelphia, who this summer has consented to ItlKe uuzuueiB. And so it comes that I am inditing you this from one of. the fine old Eng lish chairs, with my feet resting upon a, Brussels carpet and surrounding comforts all in keeping, for we dine from mahogany and eat out of old China that would delight the eyes of all pottery lovers. Here, too, is still pre served the four horse coach of the con sular days, with its crested doors and inscriptions olvivere sat vincere a mot to which must have originated in just such balmy airs and under just such Italian skies as these, for "to live" is verily a pleasure and an easy conquest in these conditions. But should some thing more exhilarating be desired a cup of the good coffee with which Mrs Huey regales her guests will be found a palatable supplement. However, I took up my pen this morning more particularly to give you an account, ere yet the glow diminish es, of a charmingefe champetre which was had in the vieinity yesterday, pre sided over by that prince of hosts, Mr Frank Coxe, of Qreenville. This gentleman is enjoying the mountains this summer with a party of friends and some ten horses to do the pedes- trinating. What an improvement on Weston 8 m ode of locomotion ! View ed from Mr Coze's substantial Eng lish drag, Mount Pisgah looks higher, Bald Mountain appears ,more worthy or its thundenngs, the skies seem near' er, and, in snort, that general "en chantment" which is supposed to be furnished only by "distance" is felt in large measure. Well, the proprietor of this delightful establishment and of these many horses, not content with driving us over Flat Bock at a rate which would have terrified some of the party had the ribbons been in less skillful hands, determined vesterday to show us how well the comforts of life are understood at his encampment, and several hours oi time were im mortalized in a manner we shall not soon forget. About 3 o'clock we made a descent upon their leafy bowers where a large tent was arrayed with such an air of permanency and with all its appointments so complete that we marvel Jed to hear that the whole equipage could be packed and ready for moving in twenty-five minutes. But of far more importance to us was the tablespread outside under an im provised arbor, and awaiting with its snowy cloth the good things soon to be set upon it. I fear I Bhould transcend the limits of a newspaper communication were to say how much we enjoyed the meats and savory vegetables and entrees that came steaming hot to the table from the hands of the French cook a few steps off. Never was menu more thor oughly appreciated, and when we con sidered that it was all evoked without . the aid of kitchen or ranee or the usu al paraphernalia of the cuisine, we were impressed with the ftdminintrAtivfi abilities of our host. The pleasure as wen as ine comiort oi the occasion was much enhanced by the presence oi mr nayden, also ot Wreenville. He had displayed his skill in constructing the arbor and other adornments. This 13 the gentleman of whom some of your readers may have heard as "per- lorming a remarkable feat in charming a snake at Caesar's Head, the other day. Were he to turn his attention to the ladies he would doubtless be equal ly successful. These tourists take, up the line of 'travel .for Asheville in a day or two, Tind their plan is from thence to Warm Springs, Lexington. Kv. and via the Georgia mountains, home. - The chief oi : the party, however, remarked to m - J.. . .. : your correspondent tnat a certain pair of hazel eyes, which had been5 sadly , misseur r might. lure mm to abandon the trip and make his next encamp ment onTiyon street, in Charlotte. If this be so I am sure that the ladies so journing at The Pines are glad that liatRock came so early in their pro gramme, for they have caused roses of pleasure to spring up in their pathway knights-errant adieu, we feel more like saying 1 atj-Kevoib. f tQlasgwXKy3mes' ISXgT. . lhe approaching presidential term is too fraught with peril and the election . wm uncertainly lor one-horse news- papert to begin to swear who they will not - support,; ' .When the1 convention ; flings its standard to the beeze with its vnomineesljiames emhhuonedlhereon, we are going to jstand by thena though toe BKy -eaves in, ' . a .11 Mi.t; , f T.ir ' l'll Glasgow (Ky.) Times, ? x " Thbbest'rough and tumble fighter in . Cairo is namedf' HelL There' are two' x three other fellowsj h9weyer, there who -ngni nice neu.1:-: im-: . Vor upwards rof thirty years Mrs" Win ' eloVs Boothlnsr 8yrnp has been 'used for " children."" It corrects acidity of the stomach, tl relieves wind colic; reealates the bowels, - rnrea avoenierr ana ' aiarracea. . iubuim i. . a-i a. a , 1 1 - i: 'uV aLI. 1 arislne from teetnme or other causes.' ad "r old and well-tried remedy. 25 cents a bot- r STATE HEWS. i I T 7jr , The vote in Wayne last week Was the largest ever cast in the county. .5-.; j ..? ... is ' - ii i 1 w-ji,t'"r iA Asheville JPiotieer ; s At least 5,000 of Peter Cooper's Greenback Advocate are circulated '-weekly in the " mountain counties of this State.'?-' -J - " AstYille OrteM' Kev CHall, DlDrrectQjr ofTrinity church; and RevdDr Washbujn-both Zpf- Brooklyn, 1 are summering it ir this sectionr-1 The first named is an accomplished botan ist and entomologist. They accompa nied Prof Kerr on "his French Broad expedition, and we learn, discovered a half-dozen new plants -and a number of new insects, not heretofore known to botanists and entomologists. Wilmington .Review : .Sunday, night, about half past ten 6'clock,an old col ored man, who was fishing from the cap of the wharf opposite the saloon of MrR FEyden, fell overboard and was very nearly drowned before he could be got oh of the waters A gen tleman, who happened toJ ba near at hand, pulled the old man out, who, it is said,, grumbled fearfully because his rescuer did tot get his hat. All is not lovely in the Radical-Independent Brindletail camp in Orange. Henry N Brown, Radical, who ran for the Senate, publishes the following card in the Hillsboro Recorder ; Fel low Citizens : You have been misled. I am defeated; Mebane, Williamson and Turner elected. Tell it to your children, we prefer Graham, Guthrie and Angier to the men elected. It is my duty to, give full particulars and I will do it. My name is - before this district as a candidate for Congress on the people's ticket. If I receive the votes only of Guthrie and Lewis Jen kins I will live and die contented. The Presidential Yiew of the Political Future- Are Parties Breaking Up In the South ? The Octhodox Radical Idea. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Snn.l Washington, August 4. The Presi dent, in conversation yesterday, reiter ated in decided terms the opinion he has heretofore expressed, that there will be a speedy breaking Up of the 61 d party lines in the boutn. Me instanced as a confirmation ol this view the re sult of the recent election in Memphis, Tennessee. This he complacently re gards as a vindication of his Southern t- t r poucyi rnvaie inTormauon irom Memphis received to-day does not ap pear to sustain the position of the President. The success of the inde pendent ticket, it is asserted, was due to the dissatisfaction on local issues of a number of the Democratic leaders, who in consequence united thei r for ces with the whole body of the colored .vote, and thus brought about the de- eat ot the regular ticket. Charles .boater, the bosom friend of the President, also takes a very differ ent view of the political situation, The text of his speech to lis constitu ents in accepting a re-nomination for Congress reached here to-day. Mr Foster unhesitatingly declares that he is disappointed with the result of the Southern policy : that the solid South is to-day a standing menace to the best interests of the country. He advocates solid .North as the only chance to save the country. Mr Foster disclaim ed any purpose to wave the bloody shirt, yet his speech can mean nothing else than that he intends to separate from the President and conduct his canvass on the orthodox Radical line, As the time when the congressional campaign throughout the country will be in active prosecution approaches. prominent Republicans are more and more bitter in affirming that their par ty must conduct a canyass apart from the administration, and it is reported that some large subscriptions to the Republican campaign fund haye been made on this condition. Three months back the President, in a semi-official interview, gave the statement to the country that he intended to make a handsome contribution to the Repub lican campaign fund. From inquiry made oi tne proper source it is ascer tained that up to this time he has not given a cent. J!'ew will question that it is highly proper for the President of the United States to abstain from mak ing political contributions, and if the idea had not been suggested by the President himself it would not have occurred to any of the members of the committee. Patterson Interviews Hayes. (Washington Special to New York World. Senator Patterson, of South Carolina.! will leaye Washington to-morrow for anomer jaunt into ,tne country. A few days since he called upon the President. Mr Hayes received him. as he does all callers, very cordially. The conversation turned naturally on South Carolina politics. Patterson remarked that he was surprised to earn that the President had pardoned so many ku klux prisoners, moonshin ers, &c, and sarcastically sueeested that it would be a eood thine to nardon everybody in the State who had com mitted outrages on the Republican party. The President mildly observed that he thought his use of the pardon ing power nao produced good feeling throughout South Carolina. "Yes.3 said Patterson, "I understand that the next Republican State convention will indorse Governor: Hampton;'? f? So ?M interrupted Mr-Hayes.-" YeV'' toni tinueu jfatterson, "there is no deubt of it. Rainey and Smalls have been roped into the affair, and they think they will be re-elected to Congress Why, they will be beaten by ten thou sand majority each. If I should ( cro down to South Carolina -Hi betf the niggers wouldn't indorse 'Hampton! ly replied. U Then after. alight: pause : W by don't yon zo IV .? Mr .Patterson immediately began to talk about the case of Amos Ladd, the man killed by wie revenue. omciais.".;" i .-J' : - . i . - - -.-i'.-VT ' ACiard. To all who are suffering from the: errors and indiscretions of youth,' jiervons Weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood,- Ac., I wiu send a reoeint that will cure von. FKKK OF CHARGE. This great remedy wai dis- coverea by a missionary ;i Boutn junertca. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV jus-uru Tin MADi . tauon if. JiiDiftMome. mim-'l Ok I ifJ Pay w ijAWj p No one cafes to liave the'aoe diafigured with ugly Pimples or. annoying EruptiOBar ; yes (noBsanas suner wun jusi tnese vexa tious troubles. For such- Dr, Bull's, Blood Mliture will giye the relief so much de sirea. tTNTVERSirx; OF VlRGINIA.-6essIbn tinues nine, monthsiJUiMtion ganized on the elective- system, giving the student free choice of studies,- with full courses in the 8chools of the JLcademio De partment and in the Schools bf Law, Med icine, Engineering and -Agriculture.) ITox catalogue apply to the Becretary orth i ac-. ulty,' P.' ii University of Virginia. t .DiuO JAMES Fj HARRISON. M. D. I Chairman of the Faculty. Aug 2 2 mo .PATEOT MKDICCJES, j ti -VEGETINE; - I WILL TBHEGETINE.' b HE DID, RND WAS CURED. I)KiiwAiuOVFetl6877;J MrH EStevens:- sit psnz Dear Sir I. wish' to give yon this testimo ny, that you may know, and aet others know, what Vegetine has done for mei Ahont two years ago a small sore came on my leg ; it soon' became a large Ulcer, -so troublesome that I consulted the doctor, bat I got no relief, growing worse from- day . to day. ,1 suffered terribly i i could not rest day or night; Twas so reduced ntf friends' thought I would never recover ; I consulted a doctor at uoiombns.; x. followed .uBraa vice.it didnoeood ,, lean truly say I was discouraged: , At this .time I was looking overmy newspaper, I W your 1 advertise- ment of vegetinetne riireat iJiooa ..ruri fier" for cleansing Abe jhlood-. from .,all im parities, caring Humors, Ulcers, Ac Tsaid to my family, I will try sdme of the Vege tine. Before I bad used the-fir? ottle I began to feel better. . I made up a- mind I bad got the right, medicine at last 1 could now sleep well nights. I continued tak ing the vegetine I took thirteen bottles. My health is good. The Ulcer is gone, aud lam able to attend to business. I paid about four hundred dollars for med'c e and doctors before I bought the Vegctioe. I have recommended Vegetine to others with good success. I always keep a bottle of it in the house now. It is a most excel lent medicine. Very respectfully yours, F ANTHONI. Mr Anthoni is one of the pioneers of Dela ware, U. tie setuea nere in laa. ne is a wealthy gentleman, of the firm of F An thoni & Sons. Mr Anthoni is extensively known, especially among the Germans. He is well known in Cincinnati. He is respect ed by all. Ihpvbx Blood rln morbid conditions of the blood are many diseases, such as salt rheum, ring-worm, boils, carbuncles, sores, ulcers and pimples. In this condition : of the blood try the Vigktijii, ana cure mese affections. As a blood purifier it has no equal. Its effects are wonderful. VEGETINE CCHJSH II Bit. , Dobchistkb, Mass., June 11th. Dr teyen8: , , x Dear Sir I feel it my doty .o say one word in regard to the great bene it 1 have received from the use of one of the greatest wonders of the world. It is your vegetine. I have been one of the greatest sufferers for the last eight years that eyer could be liv ing. I do sincerely thank my God and your Vegetine lor the relief I have got. The Rheumatism has pained me to such an ex tent, that my feet broke out. in sores. For the last three years I have not been able to walk, now I can walk and sleep, and do my work as well as ever I did, ana I mast say I owe it all to your blocd burmerVegetine. MAKUJCttX WJ1j1jS. ViGrriNK The great success of the Vxgs ttnk as a cleanser and purifier of the blood is shown beyond a doubt by the great num bers who have taken it, and received im mediate relief, with such remarkable cures VEGETINE IS BETTER THAN ANY MEDICINE. Hkbdkbsoh, Ky:, Dec, 1877. 1 have used H E Stevens' Vegetine, and like it better than any medicine I have used for purifying the blood. One bottle vege tine accomplished more good than all other medicines I have taken. THOMAS LYNE, Henderson, Ky. Vxqetinx is composed of Boots, Barks and Herbs. It is very pleasant to take, eyery child likes it VEGETINE. RECOMMENDED BY M. D.'s. H R Stevens : Dear Sir I have sold Vegetine for a long time, and find it gives most excellent satis faction. A B DE FIEST, M D, Bazleton, Ind. VEGETIIIE Prepared by H. R. STEVENS. BOSTON, MASS. Vegetiae is Sold by All Druggists Best Bargains io U World ! PIANOS, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC. Waters' Celebrated Square Up right and Grand Pianos. PRICES RANGING FROM LISZT PIANOS, WAGNER PIANOS, " $175 150 140 136 to to to to $600 600 600 600 CRAMER PIANOS, And Pianos of different Manufacturers SOLD FROM TO $1,000. Pianos sold cheap for cash Will .sell on time from one month to two years. Bell on monthly instalments, or vlll trade, taking old instruments as part payment, ORGANS OF THE BEST MAKERS 1 ! Waters' Concerto, Or chestral, and Orches tral with Bells. Orchestrion Chime.Ceil tennial Chime Vesper .Cottagey Chapel, Clari- . uua, avume, bouvb- hir, Boudoir, Dulcet. a- ShonlDger Organs, $65 10 $39U. Prices ranging from $50to $400. Palace Orsan. best In tba world-, bv T.orin A Blake .Organ' Co., price from $75 to $901 Smitn American Organ- Co.,' first-class in struments ; price from $75 to $1,000. Organs iurcuBiDUBi, icawu ana loaees speeiaicy. N. B. Sheet muslo at reduced prices. Go to the Charlotte Music Store, which is a branch of the New York houses be yoar own agent; save commissions, and yon will get yuur liie Lr uuxeiiwa tor egB inao nan tne cata logue prices. - Bend for circulars and terms. St C0.:, sriuiagrs,' Tryon St., Jul 26 - Charlottej; N. O. siiSfl is ;1 f- MACHINE AOT IBOHrWOEKS. Metropolitan Mzti0 3 Canal Street. 43eyeBt& RICHMOND, VA. ENGINES, portable and stationary; SAW MILLS, GRIST-MILLS.- BOILEKS. CAST INGS of BRA6S and IRON, FOEGING8, Ac. MACHINERY for Cold and Coal Mines, Blast 'Furnaces) &iuq ;ad 'J -'vritiva we eaii Bpecial attpntion to our IMFRO V ED PORTABLE ENGINES, for agricultural and' other burposeetTiAlso; r4o oarnew. styles 8MALL LOTOMOTIVES.HlbTi WnHria lum ber, and other article? uponi tramways and narrowlgaage railways; j6nl ,ei ..h.l ' Tne best f lanters regard our GINNING ENGINES surwiot tin aM in use. Send for illustrated Catalognawr Other things being equal encourge 8oathem -isstitutions Kepair worr solicited and trotoptly done Kharong, rulleys, fto. or Gin Houses. Wm K TANNER & CO. may 15dw lv ERIE' CITY IRON WORKS, 1 Charlotte, N. C, April 7th. '77. J WE hereby notify our many friends and the nnbhc eenerallv that the manage ment of the Charlotte Branch of the Erie City Iron: Works is now in the hands of Capt John Wilkes, of this city, who is pre pared to fill orders for or well known En gines ana aaw Alius on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. JOHN H BLI8B, Secretary- Erie City: Ironworks. Referring td the above notice of ehanee. 1 feel confident that it will be advantageous to purchasers of Machinery of all kinds, as it places me in position to meet any and all competition. With my facilities on the spot, I can manufacture all parts of the Erie Engines which will not bear freight cnargee sucn as urate Ran, Stacks, Spark Arresters, 4c, and handle the Erie City icneuies and iSoilers with little extra ex pens, thus enabling me to offer Machinery at better figures to the purchaser than eyer oerore. Be sure to eive me a call, or writ for cir culars, before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN wILKEo, Mecklenburg Iron Works, Charlotte, N. O. Groceries Cheaper fa Ever. NEW GOODS. NEW FEATUKES. PIOME to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar. Coffee J Molasses, and other Family Groceries. Just Received, a few barrels of Berry Fos ter's (Davie county,) best RYE WHISKY. Also a Fine lot of COUNTRY HAM8. I sell for cash. Ail Roods delivered in the eitv free of charge. W H CRIMMINGER, Trade 8treet. Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand aprl8 NEW LIVERY STABLE. TF you want first-class Carriages, Phsetons. JL Buggies or Saddle Horses, go to the New La very stable. U yon want a Carriage and Baggage Wa gon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the Hew lovery stable. If yen want your horses well fed and well groomed, go to the New Livery Stable. Careful drivers, promptness and reason able prices are our motto. may28 R CHAMBERS & CO. THE "RISING SUN,"; According to the command of Joshua ol Old, although repudiated by the "Jasper Philosophy' of the New, is now standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Street, op posite the Market House, plus' Hornet Fire Engine Hall, where the light of reason illuminates the surrounding atmosphere which invests all things with the glow of inspiration, and the world no longer seems "A fleeting show, ' For man's illusion given." . For right here y on J will find 9 Who has in Store Oranges, Lemons, Candies, Cakes, Pies, v IThe Great Washington Pie included, - --lit' : ' . , i ;-... . Corn Starch, Sardines, Pickles, Fresh Bread, Canned Frtiit and Vegetables; Sugars and Coffees, Tobacco, Cigars! ' Snuff. Toys, In fact, everything found in confectionery, including Ice Cream and Lemonade. ' E KILLS aJi the, P LIBS: in ra room In TWO HOURS. xoc. worth WU1 more flies than $io worth "oi riyPr, Ko dirt, aoirottU. Soldky" t Doooitn Jtrawf.1 Botsalc T HE EDISON PHONOGRAPH -or TALKING MACHINE, Will be exhibited in the oMce ball of the Metropolitan'Hotel, in ChUrlotte, on Men day and Tuesday, AugnsfrSthi end 6th; for SatSSte ' f the lime8toae Springs Fetnal U - GROCERIES ftTTVlHOtESfttt: t ?s ; C-i ?- s- ;, , J W HAT.T. A f!0 ' rxwr mm iJedicine Co., Buaaio.w. if Trade . Street1, t HOTELS AND SALOON& u TjfT ADDILL HOUSE, ii ; : it ta Gaatonia,NC., W A D D ILL. feblO tf -. i v s TOP AT' THE S A L I S B TJ R Y , ;N J 0 X-EXV TV , ..... ...... .... Proprietor Late of tbe National Hotel, Raleigh. ' G S Browner., Chief Clerk ; L W Masten ' and W OBhelburn, Assistants. decSOSm ' 1 WBDHTOB Charlotte, N.C -RATES $3, $2.50 and $2 ACCORDING TO Location of Rooms H. C. ECCLES, PROPRIETOR. febl SUMMER EESORTS. rvOWN BY THE SEA" Siasoh of 1878. OCEAN VIEW HOTEL, BEAUFORT, N. C, Geokgk W, Chablotte Proprietor, (Late Proprietor of Atlantic House,) Was opened for the reception of Ernests on the first day of May, 1878. The above hotel is situated immediately on the water front, in the business centre of the town and offers special inducements to commercial travelers, and has a view from its promenade on the roof unsurpass ed by any other building in the town: BALL KUOM This hotel has a snlendid Ball Room attached, and a band of music has been engaged for the entire season. BATHING HOUSES Commodious Bath ing Houses haye been erected on shore and beach, for the benefit of the patrons of this hotel. CROCHET GROUND For those who de light in this innocent amusement, provision has been made. BOATS Fast sailing and well managed Boats will be in readiness at all hours to convey passengers about the harbor, and will connect with all trains. The United 8tates mail boat lands and sails from the hotel wharf. FISHING Beaufort offers superior ad vantages to those who delight in catching the finny tribe. THE TABLE will always be furnished with the best that this and the adjoining markets afford. THE SERVANTS will be required to be polite and attentive. THIS HOTEL will be second to none. REDUCTION IN BOARD Per day $1.50; per month $30 CO. Beaufort, May 17, 1878. may 23 2m The Atlantic Hotel, BEAUFORT, N. C. A FIRST-CLASS SEA-8IDE RESORT ! 1 OPEN FROM JUNE 1ST to OCT. 1ST. WILL be managed by the undersigned for 'the seasons of 1878 and 1879. This building lies directly oyer the water, the tide ebbing and - flowing daily beneath it. It has been greatly improved, and is now the only FIRST-CLASS sea-side resort in North Carolina. THE TABLE will be supplied with everv luxury and substantial that can be procured from land and water. Terms ef Board r $2 50 per day. Children and .servants half price. Special contracts will be made with ex cursion parties and with those wishing to remain longer man one week. A BAR is attached to the hotel, and will be supplied with first-class liquors. ' A good band of music has been secured for the season. Dr G K BAGBY, may8 ' PHILADELPHIA always had a good name purchase as a place to DRY GOODS and CLOTHING at LOWEST PRICES, and now that , has added to his STUPENDOUS CLOTHING AND ; FUR NISHING GfoDSBUSINESS, ": ON AN EQUALLY STUPENDOUS SCALE, ;iuliN0 WONDEfttat the yesof itj: I . . ; , . and country, jure on nun.. , ? , ; h THE pEAUTYof hifl NEW ENTERPBI8E ;w i the ' UNPARALLELED LOW PRICES 0 1 for SobstanMal and very Elegant Goods, , ; iiiclndng poeiflYely "r v J EVERYTHING XN PERSONAL DRESS j r for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children ;j Wdesall HOp'SE FURNffiHrNG;Ibrics. , I would inform the citisens of Charlotte 4nd iaarroon ding conn try . that I Jiae ac cepted the Agencyl0f this celebrated estab lishment, AndhaYO a full line of SAMPLES and am prepared-to takerorders for any class of Goods' wanted.. ",T. I.K ' ' 1 ' Call and be convinced that yon can be supplied at this Agency at lower prices than by any other estawisnment in this city. : ' j-tsiifHiups. MARY'S1 BOARDING' SCHOOL - ';-foBoys;;;;.v;-;: :.;;;.! f io ;i5rje)T -.U) U-r : The, fifth Bession of thb. already well known institution will commence -September 2d, 1878, Terms $65 for session of five months,' invariably In advance.' There will also be reoeiTed a limited nnmber Of-day Scholars on private terms. ;? f o n r j , o For particulars apply to - 's o ? 1 ; s 1 s V,RHERMANN WOLFS; U 8.B, f -?.. Garibaldi, P,0-,-Gaston caN, 0.; ; ixua.9 3m . "' v i Eash' shfe j jjiljji j ' The Celcbratd:PcMSairit PiliiShedand'ready1 for wear 'at1 tjie same; old price, $1.00 the best and cheapest shirt in the country. Also, we have just received by express a large lot of Hamburg Edgings, Brown Dress Linen tnd Trimmings, at astonishing low prices. Call at once and secure , great EE. EfflORELIS cS EJIHUniS Silk Parasols at less A HARVEST FOR THE PEOPLE ! A GEE AT SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING AT W. KAUFMAN & COS. We will sell for the next 30 days the Greatest Bargains ever known to the people- We are determined to make room for FALL AND WINTER GOODS, .- i and have no other chance to our entire Stock of Merchandise on hand Tegardless of cost. vve want everybody to note tins and call m due time so as to be able to obtain some of our Clothiner at mirh thiVph will never be imitated : alsoy iiiBumg utooas cneaper tnan ever Detore. W. K A U F : M BUY THE BEST ! SFEae Best Oootor Wmm tm& MaM IN THE STATE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, JV. C. LADIES, IF YOU BUY MM mm L H WW H KKK RRB T Y MMMM n L L II UN K E BBTT MMMM H L I II N W N KB RRB TT M M M II L L II N NN K R R Y 2 U M n I.LIX LULL II N NN RBB R R Y Embroideries, White, Goods, Laces, Corsets, Lisle Kid and Silk Gloves, Yeils, Crapes, Ladies' Underwear, Lace and Linen Collars and Cuffs, Worsted and Silk Fringes, Umbrellas and Parasols; Fans, Buttons, Hosiery, Zypher Worsted, Material for fancy work, all kinds !Neck wear,!go to MRS. Q U E R Y ' S, Where you find the Largest and mos complete Establish ment of the kind in the State. A full stock, good business, small expenses, and selling for Cash, enables me to sell goods in my line at Yei7 low prices. apr7 M$$. P. QUERY. IMPERISHABLE FRAGRANCE. MURRAY & LANMAN'S CZLXBSATKD FLORIDA WATER, ' The HnhMt tnnat ilastinir. vet most del- kerchief, at the Toilet and intheBath, de lightful and healthful in the sick room, re lieves weakness, fatigue; prostration nr-. vousness and headache. Look out lor coun terfeits ; always ask fbr.theFJbridaWater Prepared by the sole prierMissrs Lanman rfb Kemp, Ne; York:"! ' ie:m m m I For sale by perfumers, druggists, and fan cy goods dealers. - ' may7 eoa em i. i hi 111 ' I ':tj mi u r' r'- ?P?Qit iusoid! i, 4 Ctofigured Linen Lawns worth 25o neyaTd, have been reduced to the '; ai tmrnom price of 15c. Wehavaplenad-line of at sacrificing pnces; h We continue, to lead on Hamburg im-broidery.'-'V ; ;r t Wehave few Gents' Cassimere Hats: which we wiU close oneapiolrBt he sold can nW fee had Alreadj bargains. than cost O- accomplish thia cmW bv .aAllinr Boots, Shoes, Hats and Fur- A N, & 0 0 . , Springs' Corner, Charlotte, N. C. ABE FOB SALE AT c2 GO'S, GOO OO OO DDD CS8,- O O O O O D D S6S0 OGG OOOOD D0 OGO OO OO DDD 8s9 JJR. A. W. ALEXANDER, ' D E NT IS T , Office over Scarr & Co's drug store. I am workine at prices to suit the mgtt times, for cash. s Will give you ai No, 1 set of teeth for $16 00. Gold ana Tin jniiing i-- msenea,ior f .ou and nnwards. ' Whir 25 years' experience I guarantee en tire satisfaction, Janll UOR RENT. :v:n ' . Three NeatA New Cottages. Also a Large Airy Room, suitable tor a business office, on College street. Call on f HOS. H. Ga.ITHER Well I m proved City Property iTor Sale. i A NY person deatrine .Cot . vuicbaM s wen imnmved cUt Int. , honia witn nine rooms; and modern conveniences, fine well df water brick kitchen, within ye minutes walk of the public square, can be acoommo- cuuea oy applying at dec!8 THIS OFFICE.' ii (Jent'Iuiidribd SMs, which

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