TOE 9f A IMt VULS OPtW FOB DEMVMyJ f i era tnrouen mails, daily,- i 80-, N So :n hern maL'g,..m.. ; 4 J; " Wp: tern mail-, A O R Rr" gP Maila from, Western Division ttb , Mails from Eastern Division 0 F R ............ . . .......... 8 00 a m M i s irom a.., i . s u. ana W.N R R - ....... SCO a xn : ' . ' , KUU OUMI , , -. . Northern through mails, daily ex- .' ' lt' " cept Sandny ......4 ; 3 -$q t U Northern through and way mails, .... 9 00 pm 8outhern mails for all points South, daily 12 00 m Western mails, by Air-Line Rail road, daily. ......... , 9 00 pm Mana lor wi puima on western " Division a C, R. R., daily ex- ) . 0 -l m cepiouuun, o go a m Mails for au points on Eastern Division O. C. R., R., daily ex- . cepi oumiBjr...... 6 30 ft qj Mails 101 an rointa on A.,T. fc O. and W. N. C. R. R , daily ex cept 8nnday 7 30 p m man iw oaieign nn points on tne Kal ;oh t Hamlet line, on via WsinSn.n roadsnd should be in the office by 6:30 p. m. - - . i. Office open 8nndays for delivery from 8 to 9 a. m., and from 4 to 5 p. m. MoDey order and registered letter depart rofnt open daily, except Sunday, from 8:30 a. ui. ui u i, ui ' T W JENKINS, P. M Cn lotte, N C, Jane 10, 1878. TUB CHURCHES TO-DAY. i a J M ""r p HrNDAY Paavicra or T Hit Y. M.fOrJLl Devoiional Meeting at the Hall in the after noon at fi o'clock Baptist Church N se vicfS. Pnnday 8cbKl in the d orning at i4 o'clock. - ' " J " UlUil- son. Rector. Services in the mbrnine it 11 o'clock and in the afternoon at 61 o'clock. A Sanction. I tfr-.' - I- v, -r -,; .tr't'tiS ' c 1.- f Railroad irrsettat at IWewerrflle. --rr bv rpe h i ouuer Bome ac niocksviiie on the 30th of July, io nn,i,n. . u ".uv., iui iw oecuriug n cnarter Mr the 54 em our wholesale men; retaliate. bv tuLnH t. e STT V CarItte and in' adjurned l t Mooresville on yie toe merchant, a n i t.-- - !. - . . railrolH. i-a: 'Q 6 0 Jine3 01 or August, 'jne charter haT- Ps ITltti dl!f tur cit Sup- iag been obtained from the Secretarj mSSV600111- of S under the pruyision of t!UieQ 10 discuss the eubiect. eeneral " I w MW M V W VrD V Ml V f1 Re8ruation. meeting will discuss and atrrea noon At has been riArmin 1 iT. . I the linn ri J i . , ; '"'"W' "jr IQU post I " luau, euipiUJ BwrveyOT omce ueDartm - - v --puii me registry I " O,'ojju oiuer lmpoirvaBS dqsi Bystem to third cIrra mtu. j I neaa. Thoam.. wr . r iorniftl drder to thin pfTeof ,:n v. seema now nru' j issued. Thia rh.M .. . . . 1 .M " 7". mtoenect Xiie t, Ofitnrw 1, v.:..,"0 .. " enecl The Tar experimental or confined to ten large W -r- v, , offices as recommended ly the recent 1 Elcbm0Dd PaPe tain convention of railv.L-.!L!f? !?Dfflh counts of the doings of the bat will take effect 'rZT' Worth 0on merchants on the first come a feature of th -ZZZ daar their arrival. The programme yuai I0r tneir entertainment printed wealth and rehnMHAnt.lin miM I -o. i" " : .". . - - . .,, ,, ." " vb u I -uuuaearrfinB: f miaanne. liie: low were visited vesterdittr ;r,rr; i ne:.srosa, s "aie-725: 8tock. 33; daylight by a notorious negro of that " f8 76 county, who entered their sleeping - Bo-7,j?inS middling, 12c; low mid apartments, unquestionably for the dD&:llc; good ordinary, lie: net re- Vllpat nnrnnaoa aa K triA... i Mint, on." ! - . 1 , " . "f. , oiucuoo iue I ., y, Kiusa, oo; s&ies CCQ: BtOCK. 3,333. isnrS&!iL ruMt, Hi- Uw anearneighDor.MrDSHendersonVarT:1 net lawyer of standine in that nntv L P. 125: 0: stock. 359 entered the house OH tfin heaatlv raanol I PHILADET.PfTTl IWi-m . ntSl;.. lou. cam e out, who, upon being questioned, J IOW mad"a, Ulc; 3 good . ordinary, met said that: h a tnn harl Kaar. ...i.j loettefitinfai nnnwwu ma.'! '. -... : by the cnes of the ladies, who h I nera, 709; stock, 807. , i ! - thou eh t wer A hpincr rnhkul TLC XT I - dersoo, doubtine the nestarrTpnT Ua,??f-F, M w mid- ordered him back With him. and th .? iUJCi good n7. tto; receipt. ladies immediately identified him 2U their assailant. He was shortly after! CHAaLmm-8teady; middling. ulc row .u.uCuu,ei w u umcer 01 toe law, 1 uiauung, iu,c; gocxl ordinary. lOic- net re- nuu xwuuu. aw uilui.iiil i.i i nrnrorir n n rflf nrs mmmh v . . fVftrvi tha intanoA4 1 1 J t I ' ' ' ", thig time Collected ill UrcrA nnm Ere this article is rpaH hv nnr DnKonrl - BUUOUil I . . tiers, ne mav do "aancincon nothing i vp, , - . ... . O I w a nrl rirHrtntr arill K r .nm, nUA..4 24 . r 1 I LTIEMniNnAn Yfrt I . i . uv. uwvvi Tim ucouijr nuuuiit u ue i - . "ivijc-ims inquiry, is. A gentleman at nresent in flolnm- ireeiy supplied. Mid un'anda fii m?i; -- s i r - "pi onn nfhn ia -Ka vAiirviAMi A U. i.a I iiilaa vm AS k aaa . FANCY 5 tl . i I M FAMILY w Xojc Steady: 8-.le?. 8G0. middlin upianag, izc; Orleans. 12ic: conaolidtl 50 bbls FANCY FAMILY FLOUR, Just Iceived, Every Barrel Wrrar.brf iY. 1 A i-OP- BONNY -tiff "tir. -,f a Clothe f Vf? Kate Paper, TIDDY & BRO. ojomuj. I . -vu. tiiuroum jes- is. a. genueman at present in Uolum- suppnea. jaw UD'ands 64. midli5n teraay morning's Obsekvee was carried bia, and who is the recipient of the let- Orleans 6, sales 6,000. speculation and ei out with ereat HiiricpflB ftnH 00,T,u I ter alluded to above, savs he ia rmo nf I oort coo rntniw. i.Q ' a vwiatjui wita cameu wi nuu ia uo rcvipieut ui me let- WIKa out with great success, and everybody alluded to above, says he is one of port J seems to be having a fine time Tt i the most hideous and repulsive look vaila FINE FLOUB A SPECIALTY. Merchant' Prill ii.ffe Xa. it is a fact that to. seems to h ViAvinflp a Ana 4 : ti . I fne most moeous and repulsive look I vailed. TTninnHH in miv:, -- '. J many raer-K " -w "luc- Afc 18 in? creatures hia pvas hovo AM .i .... r V K wx.Jl3 m tne city have r.rvf ; h "nPOS8iDieto CODVafull accountof fho - " w,w vuoer ueuvery o 0 16. gcoiember and nnift. privilege tax for this vear. Thfi Tnfa. reastlDg and toastines: so we must TO tober and Novembr 6 15-32. rior Court Content oursnlvpa unfH tKi fii-,: Clear the War I a j ... v : i "CCK is , V- . . ""VWMJ8 iri. r 4u 4 ' . KirriK. uia.ia me auty of the aherifr Bnerai remarks taken from th wnnn ' v T.T "y"..""'?"" i" waste tl4 i;t r j """"" rtr u- uri. rv" bii aeons, wmcn, n retained would vitiate me list of de hnmifinra 4U. lot the Whva: th kit .vr .y":?.w who are bound to present all BrK The 'treets were unusually animated That. important channel of exit, the bowels, . - "x.. vv a4j mu na lent lurmiiuni ir fn. .1. me court.where thev will h n ":ua-y ",0.rnin?- 4e visitors were A UrZ ;CT fM u L t - - - rtsaauy aistinguished bv th a hi n rV??. gen wy nct- iicgttuw .'WpayuiB the tax this bada hari .u i - J J." "u ?rwoie . catnariic, UosteUer's l . I . " ' "'S wuo- iCECiiu juer- HEOmmh Kllcm ah oh t4 1 i:i i... wfeK mercnants can aav th00i- chants' Exonrainn i7 a-j .u. inr";7 u"7. '""" . ...vuiotiico i auu tu ""puiiuni iw lufiKOfuwi me unineroiLbe t ho finof n C i . . I mom hora tn. -it . . I S t . . . o ...v, quu unes, wnicn otherwiae will I 1 " me vuuuuuwe on oenail luu umi wuen weaxenea by const! most surely be imposed. St. vices. 4 o'clock. Diphtheria. inSaJjfcbury. It is lparnoY? hau 4-ur- . . u win,. 1.WI4 bi. ui u viuck, "4o luai, ima lerrioie Sunday School io the afternoon at 5 o'clock, disease is prevailing to a very consider- Secokd Prxsbttksiah Chtjbch Rev fi H extent in Salisbury and the vicini- Harding, Pastor ery ices in the morning at ty, in a form which has nrnvon fafol 11 o'clock and in the evening at 8. o'clock. BlL i w Proven fataI Bunday School in the, afternoon at 4 o'clock. r cases. Mr AS Lewter, the Maex's Luthebak CnuacB-No ser- rfTu , " , T , arlina inroad Sunday Sohool in the afternoon at tna' P,ace n lost two of his chil k. . ; : - I dren. the deiitha nomi-r;n - i ( . ' vuniut w uutr tt- i . j i .. .. . . St Pktkr'8 Catholic Cbuech Very Rev &einer ll)at bth the corpses were car L P O'connell. V G-Seryices in the morn- ned to Durham, Mr Lewter'fl old hom ing at 101 o'clock. Catechism taught at on the same tr in 4i p. m. V?ers at 5 p. ra. fcnnday School : at a. ui. i . I Case in Bankruptcy IEST rEKSBYTKEIAlf UHUKCH JSf O Services. Rooixtoi U Sunday School in the afternoon at 4 o'clock . -egwter Keogh announces that An- " drew B. Henderson, of Mecklenhoro- JALV ART MISSIOH JHUECH K6T John P nnnnf,. U 1 4 , 0 Butt, Pastor-Services. in the morning at f?UDty P uPoa the petition of 11 o'clockrand in the evening at 8 o'c.ock. nis creditors, has applied to the coart the 16th day of Jnly.1878. A meeting A8SOCIATK RKrO&MED CHAPKL Comer Of Of his rrorlitrtra Ir. onnit College and Fifth Streets-Rey J Q Mc- 1 ? CredltorB 'r' appoint an assignee LauRhlin. Sryicts in the morning at li bis estate will be held afe Charlotte o'clock, and in the evening at 8 o'clock, on the 19th day of August 1S7S at 4 Sunday School in the morning at 10 o'clock. m hof, ,k 1 1 t 8traDgers welcome. Seats free. . , p m, before the register, when and m ' . where all; pereoDs interested are rod TrYou Stkket M E Church Sodth Rev c.j W D Iee.eivici in th n.nmin uc" lo appear. at li ociocK, ana in tne evenmsr at of the businepR man nf Rifhmmi pation or the unwise nae nf vinfont nnK. hal i,.. i u.j rn. lives. The stntnonh li trap mnA n; strangers strolled about thA itv ooJ ?",8 .llke.wwe.remfo!ed and aroused U ing what could h n 7h . "ltnim tbia beneficjent tonic the morning Latfr in "the day" the cTaTvir - w.wwiw cauu. icLaii HiiirKN wvrn rtrnTrir i v iKiimLiinr mnnpnps nAhioAitA- 2 generally filled with merchants inspec- Por, a most genial and wholesome med tmg and purchasing goods jcmal stimulant, and owing its efficacy to The hotels hav not. hi, botanic sources exclusively, it is the reme- since the last State Fir Th ef.f?3'.. to household on ac- yesterday The Exchange, AurtoTnT SSS. ' Jeopfi aad 8 ord s, St James, St Claire, St Charles T,T andCapttol were all full. The offices Good Digestif Naw Yoax Futures c'osa ! 33.000 bales. August, llMa95c September, 11 6oo. October, 11404 It. November, 11 21a2 2c. December, ll 18al9: Janaary 11 i0a2lc. Febiuary, u 25nLQe. March. 11 3la33.; April, 11 38a40c. May, 11 46a47c. Jane, II 51a66. steady. Pa'ee, BURWELL & SPRINGS. augll ATTENTION, LADIES ! " Miss LOU Stuart fnrrMorlu nffv,., li. i j.,. j w - " rc.a lain oe louna at tbeCharlntte Hntr .k. t I tnnne BRA ins rnitia xnvoa tV. n-.r j nuA ctiVIK UOOD8 OalUjid, 8ee samples Old Hair reworked in Theaassingof llair ia free oC tharge when - . vivid mil uruimpnu ia. . 'V., 14JC poi iw a specialty, augi i I Clifton Picture, By the Author of Cloth, - . . $i 25, Paper, ... 75. ' ' TIPPY & BRO. I "DUTTERICK'S PATTERNS FOR AUGUST, HAVE BEEN RECEIVED TIODY & BRO'd. DRUGS AND if EDICINES. FINANCIAL. Naw U-t 1. . V441V,CO l ifNH r iipoa rvAaAv-i r i i r ' 4-fcOU oigus i uubi- "Uiveus this dav our dailv hH'' r..i good medicine to digest it, is both reverent ness. All sections of North Carolina were York M n y change 4 83j; Oo'd 1. bond) quiet. " easy at li. New 5's 6i. Ex- 8taie and human. Th hnmin abimaaii aA i: represented in the crowd, but the ma- erare fruitful sources of life's comforts: or - ,i - i . .3 a . ' jorny o tne excursionists are from the uaoruereu ana ais-asea, they tingle misery na4 1 1 r . i . . uODe everr nini inrt thmn.h ni xuauy or tnem are nana- pk on.cijr Cotton Market. western part. some men, and looked 8 o'clock. Sunday School in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock Strangers cor dially invited. Lews f ITfsney . Mrs Linwood, p Massachusetts lady, got on tne Charlotte and Statesville train at Charlotte Friday evening, to go to Statesville. When the conduc- Grahav Stbkit Colorkd M. E. Church. morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening I tor came around for tickets she reach at 8 o'clock. Snndav school in th ing at 9 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every neunesuay evening at a o CiccK. Strangers Dusiness men of the r section. The .wi "TC' "T Y "'ir.JC j """5 men iu tu iium Der, ua uyspepuc sees only gloom and stumbles ..4.vr ic ciuier uierKS in mercami a Krowis at even imae world still needs two or taken altogether, iho o All roirr ' medicine before death can be perfect! v u.; ; : ;' : . r "UJU abolished : hnt that m.n i,4 k'-k uubuicbs otaiiuDOint. is a siio.npcia , . ' uan u The Mozart A&HnTS . h"1."-" fm Lier excursion ita rn fltfor,H fK. " I'J DaT8DMn ,-- -" "" cRuiar uiitu ujr ineireu s xaepanne, is no longer a mustcale last evening at Mmart. TToii doubt. ltr.nrMn)ii,4;n . ana many availed themselves of the Rr3- and there is no question but what it is opporiumty thus offered to hear fine I1""1 wonaerrui nscovery jet made in mnom tki. .ii ii mi , ... medical science. Thns ffl r5tK ksi . w.uv, a.uc unit wm w j 1 1 n 'on nirn i - . . Bvu the straneers and others. VSf "5 ComPt "Loold use rp , w , XT ucucii o xacpBiine. lo day the INorth Carolinians will It can be had at Dr J H Mc Aden's. Wilson 1 fl 17 A a win 4 . .1 f. II 1., ... 1 aiunin i 11 1111 r LU II I L V III VISIT 1 ul HufWPII H firlrl IP "I Km th'a L J . . u . w w V. T " " " A V WIU1W4 O whoJesaJe hnnspa horo onH low in ihi.;. 44 fall stock. Where to Spend the Summer. To-niffht thrA will ho on cm.ivoin down the J&ines. . What man with a family having once uccu uruwueu into some small 8Ky parlor in that hot.tpnf. nf all tnnnn nl.ux. kl- ... iiuKuHi. go or uas Deen continually lost ed and Jupiter still remains lord of the as- r the .MetroP"ai throng that O08KRVER OFFICE. 1 Ohbwt.r N. 0.. Au. 11, 1878. market was firm, resferdav with J(J0TICE TO DELINQUENT" TAX-PAYERS. SHimrr's OrwcE. Mecklenburg co., N. C: All taxes dn il.o , nii.l k.. .w. 7.4 -4 uuty, 11 not C 7 4 . 1 ay 01 September, 1878. will oe collected bv dn onn mo rim j I notice tl ereof and eovern vourselv . wiuiniriv. ai 1C ALEXANDER ngiQ3toaw ,, . sherjff. SSIINEE'8 SALE OF BANKRUPT PROPERTY. BRUSHES ! White Wash, Paint and Shoe Brushes. Our Prescription Department ia complete with the purest chemicals, and prescriptions mied with accuracy and dispatch, at nil bonrs of the day or night. rr j i i w second nnnn tnn.. ai i . i - -UKKJ.:3 Will I f Ml 11 Dr . . ' . . , urnnrtBn... I.l. . ' -J " "' I U lXu.l. u O 1 ui, .uc maa or woman witn good d gestion see lue marKet was nrm, resterdav with Mi , m me cuy oi Char-1 !. II. VVI llSltlll At I . fl like leading beantvfts.thv iir anAJ:J)rJtrehttf? iTe - ,n ' ", " 1 VX tion. There cles thev met in 7hnfKc Cash. " , . . Qnid Middling. Middling. 101 10i 101 A., T. & O. R. R. cordially invited. Weather Probabilities. d in hr r,A0f A:a a .r. Cendant tho hnVht aA Aa d! u u I? . n ODSt ana 8url at Mng 4it uiLiuwicu in at 1 ' ""bu" W4JV4 uEoiicra ctcu- uiantu, uut lusi nas vowea never acmm rn her money was gone. It could not be j star, rising now before sunset and rePair to summer resort. And yet with hA nr,.it;ft being the most Rniunirann. - nhit c?mes tne lay i ow vu aaaw ooaouu am un w xV.tart1 in fKtAAnw Mn-l aV.. ? i v. 1U v4iU, uu ,llB supposition - s uo" ""ipituous ouject where shall we go? Since last season a new is that the roll, amounting to $110, fell I among the starry throng throughout commodious and e!egant Hotel has been out of her shallow noc.k.-fc at. tho Horw the month. No obsA.rvAr who Paaa h io and furnished by Dr R V Pierce, For Me SuA Atlantic States, partly mostly southwesterly, stationary or Imcer I property has not been found tfm.npmt'H.r stlntivnjimi rvreta-n-rti I - 1 . , y,, , as she remembers having it in the om nibus. LDto thia time the miaRino- Index to New Advertisements. Perry Cigars and Tobacco. f Miss Lou Stuart Attention, Ladies. Burwell & Springs Family Flour. t The Temperature. Trii fM.l :,4U4l 1 ' "' inc luiiuniiig in uic wieruioiiitier re- I . , cord at Wilson & Burwell' drul hot u tne hela is lelt open to Demo-1 star-eazer. Mars is I nr. t.a ' Via nri 11 wnAhA riltf A Z I tYia oviinir tu montn. o ooserver who casts bis m Buffalo. N. Y at a cost of near V half Tna . . n .. .) ... . 1 i 1 . I J 1 1 . . . " . . 6j upwmu tu tue soutoeasiern Say U1U1IUU uuliBr9- piace on imis continent in the early evening can fail to recoff- PS3e8e8 mre advantages for the tourist, ... . . 4 i- retog pleasure seeker, or those in search of rest nize tnis regal planet, for he reigns and relaxation from the cars of hnainiws alone, no bright star coming near his tna? this- l8t Ita accessibility. 2nd, Its .i rr, , ... , .. cool, bracing and salubrious climate: the Dath. T(l nicrht. will wit.naa u hrlKant .1 4? , . - c 4 o . ... .vjvj M 4S44U44.44V tucruiuiiiKLKr nn7nir m btt mm or rrrvm ki ti he is 7t degrees Fahrenheit. 3d, The attractions or tne Hotel and its environs All these CHABL0TTE RETAIL MARKET Butter, scarce. Eggs, n.arki t overbtocked I'uiru uoi in ueuiana. BCTTXR Fresh Country per lb. rn jjB Poultry Spring Chick jis, Fowls, Ducks, YkQ STABLE 3 I'ish Potatoe-, (new) per bush Cabbage, per hea 1, Or ions, per bunch, Snap Beans, per peck, Sweet Potatoes, per pe;k, Beet, per bunch, Tomatoes, per peck, Fruits Green Apples, per bush. Peaches, per crate, . $1.00a$175 GROCERIE-J WHOLESALE' 10 - 16o20 6al0 10al5 18a20 20a25 0n30 5al5 5 12U15 20a25 5 35a40 Oa.50 per lb 0 store yesterday 0 a. m.. m.. m... m.. ra.. 9 a. 12 3 p. G p. IiOCAI. BRIEFS. 84 86 88 95 94 sort for those in search of relaxation and rest. Located on a bluff overlooking the vuy oi xaiiaio, lakb u;rie, tsugaio .Bay, and Niagara river as it rapidly winds its way between island and villa to the great Catar act just beyond, it affords one of the finest or American scenes. Address all letters of inquiry to "Manager of Invalids' and Tour iaw xxotei, jounaio, n. x, Capu Crawfardtt Candidate) A a r r ' . . .'I ? i . m dilute irom oaiisDury says that (Japi 1 Plctlire on nis monthly record: he is W H Crawford has not announert en io conjunction with the moon the 1 TVS flAlf A AAH3.J.a X .IWrtH&. A 1 L . 1.. 11 1.1 B I A. 11 m unuocu a vauuiuaie ior jongress, DutlUij ueiure me iuu, ana tne nearly it is understood here that he will be a J rounded orb and beaming star will form candidate if the Republicans do not I a scene which, though oft-repeated on put out a man. It is asserted that he j tn celestial background, never ceases will do nothing to jeopardize the party, 1 to delight the eye of the appreciative but if the field is left nnen t.n Dmn. I star-cazer. Mara ia still r.lnssnd with crats, he will probably wade in as an J evening stard, but it is too near the M A4.rJ x B Tt.4. 4. A A t. A- I Olln IA rA Via. ltl 411wn . iL J luuepcuucuw jeuiuurai. ah tue ujft J o,ai noiuiouunu uicuiuiuu.itiiu nf lii'a nrnKoKU nnnanir J Will be of lif.f.lp mnRpmi finrA in fha traded considerable newspaper com-1 planetary world for some months to mciit, lt is uuu men to say in is mucn. j -"'"6 '' wnjuuvuuu It is claimed that he has manv influ- tun on the 18th of September cntial friends in the district, who are turo though cofunted as a morningstar until his opposition on the 22d Sep tember. is fast becomiDt? an obiect of r , I a mf Religions NotesPersonal and other- evening interest. Saturn rises now Wise. labrmt. half.noak Q nnr) at f ho or1 rf ho Rev John G Henderson, who was to (month will rise about half-past 7. Ve- There will be a big grange meeting at Mooresville Wednesday. The Supreme Court has ordered a 4a! JAtOAa. continuance m tne case oi ine oiaie ysi, , . . . . . , . .,, . . ' Jno T Schenck. under a former order. ha ve Preached at ! th.e . Firs 1 esby te- nus still remains the radiant star of the j ..' Irian church to-day, did not arrive, con- morning, and comes gently tripping tiu su.oi-..i wu sequently there will be no services at above the eastern hills before the morn wave which was reported to have tbat church. Eev j G McLaughlin ing light is breaking. She is traveling struck Chicago several weeks ago. wU1 preach in the A880Ciate Re- far away from us, and approaching her This is the most critical period as re- formed Presbyterian church and Rev superior conjunction with the sun on gards the health of Charlotte. Let w D Lee at Tryon Street Methodist the 5th of December; after which we everybody assist the sanitary commit- church. may hope for her peerless light to illu- tee in th3 work of keeping the city in Bishop Wightman, of the Methodist mine the long winter evenings, a healthy condition. Episcopal Church South, and Rev W The moon plays a prominent part on The clothing store room . Of L Ber- W Dancan are in the mountains, and the August records. Crowned at the wanger & Bro, has. recently, been,,, en- both preached last Sunday in Ashyille. commencement of her course with the 1avvl m4 .aho Z M 4ri 4m1 M.if Zw ' AAtmrnirfaA rf aMafa Anfl rlafla V. n rT rT rrixtner a rr.vf i"vr rf fVi r tnAwl1 good trim lor the fall stock - of go ods cons of Mecklenburg Presbytery dis- a sight of that grand phenomenon, a which is soon to ba on their shelves. countenance the running of trains on total solar eclipse, she modestly goes It is Mr Jos D Cowles who has been Sunday. ,It is very !ikely othat the on her way, waxing from the tiny silver 'appointed deputy clerk of the U. 8. Legislature of North Carolina will be crescent gracing the first evenings of . ' ' t 'in', i 'ii. '. hit., aelrot In naog a lw finrhiddinf it. thA month tr hor nnninnrilinn roifh wurts to De neia in unariotte, not jaai v r,, o --- i ,.u JD" a tho 4,:f, mn a . on v voa. Considerable interest is manifested Jupiter to-night. To-morrow evening. at her full, she treats the world to day schools of Mecklenburg county, another scene, for she rises partially It will doubtless be a great success. eclipsed, and remains shorn of a por- JiRey;tar,WiiUfield conducts service tion of her full-orbed beauty till nearly nf "t?i;nf TTJU ih t-i roll ln.rl rtnnA. 0, nV.1np.1r. Thna wo h a vo a anlop an1 o C U 4 1 44 V A4L444 VUI44VU WW , w v . v w w.wvw " " " w . v. VVI44V4 MUU OT qqently there will be no preaching at lunar eclipse within a fortnight of each itva TJafiof oh'iiiih '- - I nt.hpr. Th wanincr moon ia olan in VU9 4Vil49 yi4144V44t w w-. ' " m w wawvr 444 The pastorieing absent there will be conjunction with the three planets m aViria it AtntfiAran chnrch. Mars, Uranus and Mercury a day or I. 4 two oeiore ner course is enaea Yesterday's Fierce Heat. 1'he August meteors must not be for- Yeseerdav's heat exceeded tbat of gotten among events of celestial jnte any day of the season by 3 degrees, as rest- The earth ploughs her way 4 ii. ii I thwnii Vi A A vt nrl ior TY a4am S?AnA An tk may be seen by reierence to me wer- uiuuBu au5u v,i nWuo nun monietel recotf published at the head 10th, and on that night, and those be of'the local columns this morning; the fore and after, myriads of meteors will hiehest noint reachea up to yesteraay wwuu v4W1iCio m . t , I fierv tears. The constellation Perseus. at iVllaUa UUUincus umg DiAiio. w -. , . 1 i 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 J r i . At many other places in the m ine nortueaai., w,ruui point SPECIAI. NOTICED. An Undeniable Frnili. You deserve to suffer, and ifyouleada miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beauti- fnl nroplt if ia antifllw f.H n A " vi i. iwfcuwici? juui unu ia nil nuu 41 , - . mere is oniy one excuse ior you, your un reasonable prejudice and skaticism. whinh has killed thousands Personal knowledge anu common sense reasoning will soon Bhow you that Green's August Fiower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, na.lnita.tinn nf tha ha A 1 1 . . ... tne neaa, nervous prostration, low spirits, etc. its saies now reacn every-town on tne Western Continent and not a Drnvoiat hnt will tell you of its wonderfal cures. You can buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve you. FINJII.CUIL AIVO COMMERCIAL TGIiEGRAPHIC MARKETS. AUGUST 10, Ml 8. Hiai2i 91al0 f a8i to 8JaS, Bulk Mkats Clear Bib Side. Long Clear. Shou ldes, Hams, 8. C. Canvassed, Uncanvassed. Labd Best Refined, tierce. half barres, 8ia9 to ia9 Dncfcets and tins, OJalOJ OUUAB3 Cut Loaf, Granulated and Crushed, A, Extra C, whi e. Yellows, Molabsxs New Orleans, fair to choice. Black fit ran r r uorrxx Java. 26a2Rp Ri C Illlift Tr It TA Black. 50 1$ I Crwn .!V!.i in Salt Liverpool, fine table, $l.75a2.00 Ground Alum, jl.00al.10 PRODUCE-W HOLE3ALE. llialli llalli JlOalOO OJalO Had per gal 20t27 COBH- By car load, in sacks, in bulk. From was- tnn in hnlt Floub Family, Extw, Suner. Kics Choice. Scrjerlh- mrui tn iirimn 71i71 Mkal per bushel, sacked. Grits, ner harret Pkas Pure Clay, per bushel, Mixed, ner hnshnl Hat- 1 r Unchopped Timothy, per cwt, North Carolina, per cwt, peV bu hel. .60a63 53a58 5255 tper sack .75a3.O0 50a2.75 2.0332. 5 65 5.50 ouritituxxJCJNDBNT'S OFFICE I Charlotte, N. C. Aug: 8, 1878. J 01 and after TOririav A tlnnnl fill. 4l following flnhoHnla r;U K ' ii . j , .. " wiim uver tnis uauuaiiy, except eaturdays): GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, " D. College. " Mooresville, Arrive Btatesville. GOING SOUTH Leave Statesville. " Mooresville. " D. CoIWb Arrive Charlotte, TURNIP SEED, TURNIP SEED. I audrrtli's iVew (rop TURNIP SEED. 6 30 p. m. 10.40 " 11.20 " 12.30 a. m. 2.00 a. m. 3.13 " 3.55 " 6.00 41 1. . I'Unnecnon mant at Kr.t4an:ii :il t xr , t r, i T -o,iiiC wim ry j ix rw JDiXcnrsiCll l irtota crnnA turn until November let, J78; on sale to Warm Bonnes ln k i.i,.:nA . . . ,-w..w, 1UUCT IUU PL&.iO, Marion Si. 85. Mnnrntnn HA ns.i ! $5.25. Baggage checked thrnnh ' 7 All chanres mnst. ha A.i tk - . Offered Tut tninmant tn fi:. ti tt" dwsoc Alexandriana and Caldwell's tumr i1 s , riag Btations," the Company 13 not liable for lorn nr dum. iVi.i after it is unloaded at either of the above uauieu nag otaiions." No freight will be. shipment unless the name of consignee and ic ujouiivujr uisrxea tnereon J J GORMLEY, 8 ae K' 8n peri n ter den t. 65a70 65a70 1.255 902 'D" as the compositor mAde us say yes terday mprning.f iioVv Mr W H Bailey httA gone to Warm Springs to join his family whej are sum menng there. i ' ti ' ;; Rev E A Wingar&&ft last week' for the Old Sweet Springs in; - Virginia. - The Lenoir Topic states ? that Mr D M Vance has located in Lenoir for the purpose of studying law under Col Q a IJOlk. 4 Camp Kieotingv. Th.e annujlftmp fneetinjg at Roct ring,1 Lincoln county ,robiably the oldest camp ground in this section of North Carolina, began last week 'and ia now in full blast- The crowd that assembled at -Rock .Sprinniiuall numbers thoasands, aod; the meetings, generally last for a eakphietlm'es much longer. Several persons left the uy yesterday meeting; fri night. '' 'Li J The'colored peop'le y bfegan a'to'eetUig at the grounds f :noar Lincolnton rjast night. An excursion train will leave r;hcUythfa;mtfn'iB'grifcr11Xi this pWctfftrefre4 or three weeks. morning to. attend the :iilriC .u.a..ur-f nnt thrao nr fmVr for these meteors, and this is the most .wjii oarrvia larca crown. .una win ad thlay!ere.Ti at I I I J - 4f . i 9" -i uehtljr kept tip1 two ing 90. iinereuij'Bwuu mico iwu - .- . degrees higher, -and ,M one time it layoraoie pa ui tu ucaveue ior Keep- reached 100 in the Obsebveb office. pnK watcu, t,uuuBii mD uuus cob- 1 . '. . . .xiiMl afima ora nrnna fn mavlr t Vt About 12 o'cloek the neat was intense- 4--o. oressWe, but during the remain- Bninmg w-x iu c,Cijr 4u.;i ;ui tuc I deKPeVfty atrgtreeie greatly re- sky. M;aodVhk.a, y z'' fT - -----a c ,. - 4tiiWhbk(iWArin0' flrotaV 4he beat; iu.-.... .t. tifca- Which' otherwise'! Would :l hate ineen aK . .,. , . . - . . . . most . un9pdurable.apnly?l tbose. who , Oolnmbia Register.j , 4- - a l - ti -a J , trwT--' --.-.-a-. f ! A JL K.:.a. were compeuea 10 -ruujeuieu , we wwo pcniiriu w oca irute ihemselres to hecejrays .bftlthe' 1rfrPa1"n cQ.lyV which arriy, .?.YT?Jl7 it f.'i fiTt f ' i a" ed last night .by mailiin. which the aim. and verv little business was done. c",7" ?V , 4 ."lui" yesterday will be know; , the cajen- j bari beets attempted in. that county J. ikA hnltaat H 1 1 , flti 1 tlntf A fl VM 1 ' tnlfl hf. J TWO ; Nrtrthfim ladioa experienced. J ' single, and pousms, (the letter says,) of PRODUCE. Baltimore -Oats quiet. Southern 32a36. Western white 33a J, mixed 31a32, prime 33 a35. Rye steady at E0a53. Hay dull and uncharged. Proyisions firm and unchang ed. Coffee strong and unchanged. Whis key quiet at 1 06. Freights unchanged Sugar steady and unchanged. Cincinnati Flour in light demand, hoi ders firm, at 4 25. Wheat easier, choice white 1 00, amber 97, No 2 red winter 94a93 Corn firm and unchanged. Oats quiet, old 29a31. new 0a25. Rye in good demand at 56. Barley strong, No 2 fall held at 1 25, bid 1 10. Whiskey in good demand at fall prices, 1 Oi. Proyisions strong, held higher Pork, jobbing 11 00. Lard quiet i id firm, current make 7 60a62i, prime steam out of market, kettle 8ia. Bulk meats in active demand, held higher, shoulders held at 51. short rib wanted at 6 60, held higher, short clear held at 62. Hogs steady and firm, common 3 SSa4 20, fair to good light at 4 25 a50, heavy packing 4 35a65, Select 4 65a85. receipts aiw, shipments none. New xerk Flour less active, firm at 4 85a5 85, common to ' fair extra Southern 5 90a7 25. Wheat less active. UI lower. closed firm, partly declined, but recovered, 1 08, No 2 Chicago store 1 16, No 1 Minneso ta 1 OOaI 10, ungraded winter red 1 03441 01. No 3 ditto 1 09al 10 Corn a shade firmer and fairly active. ' Oats a shade firmer but rather quiet. Pork firm at 11 05. Lard open ed firm bat closed heavy at 7 80 for r rime steam. Coifed firm and in fair demand. Sugar dull and: heavy. Rice quiet and steady. ' Molasses , dull and unchanged Freights to Liverpool steady. NoaroLX Quiet ; tnd Bteidj:1 middling. 111c; net receipts, 33; exports coastwise, 50; stock, 485. -,i M-f . : ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MOST HORRIBLE. A Policeman Murdered Whilst Asleep in his bed. OUCH was the h ading fc m most startling report in the New York Herald several dajs ago, and who did .he dee 1 has bean; and is still Dgitatirg the minds of detectives. What has so unexpectedly cut short th career cf various brands of Cigars iu this sec tion is not so mysterious, .however, all smokers being living witneat ea to the fact that none can stand since Perry's .6 and 10 cenu-rs bare been introduced. Haye yon t' ied his new brands ? If not. call at - once He also sells the very best smoking and chewing Tobacw"'" ll IDS A WAKE -an illustrated Magadne ft for YraiP Pnnl) ia thmvmrm Wait nnK. lication of the kind in oar wmnb wall ai thecheapert. For an agency,' sndto St iD LOTHBOP A. HO.. labSft Boston. 4 0. AIR-LINE RAILWAY. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Patst nter trains will mn & i . - """una uu buu auer ounaay. jane ntb. 1878 : OMING EAST. w a m cnanotte Junction 2 30 a m " " ' uuu liuvt H.olv44. T...i-' . .. iu ""wiuiiic iiuui uan 1 111 o m unariotre i c - I. n . , : i io a iu ocal Freight and Accommodation Train COMfNO V 4 sjt Arrive at Ohrlntto i v r v uariutlc. GOING WEST. Leave Ch-rlotte 7 00 am Arrive at Charlotte Close connections at Atlan'tiifor all points Weat, and at Charlotte for all points Easfr 6J FORE ACRE, W J Houston, Gcn'l 8opt. G, P. AT. A. ' jan8 While not completed, the investiga tion of the bank examiner Billings of Boston, finds Conants defalcation at Eliot's bank to be $65,000 HAROLINA MILITARY INSTITUE, CHARLOTTE. N. C. Col John P Thomas, Eaperintendent Asiis'ed By a corps of experienced teachers. Ample Provision for inotrnntlon fn tw 1 - . . " -.W4. ... 1W- pjTiit,ry ana touegiate Dtpartments. isext tession will begin September 15th U.X4U..44 ui uic putce unsurpassed. For cir cuiar appiy to me Uuperintendent. julll oaw lm WHAT D LANDREfH & SONS SAY OF THEIR fEED : The Stock Of Tnrnin J,.,. rr this year has been absolutely grown upi.nonr own land not a grain of it has been casual ly picked np as is frequently the. case with seed offered throughout the country. Thus grown directly under our practical observa tion, we ate satisfied that the quality is un surpassed. For sale by jn.G L R WRISTON & CO. BANKS Tay uo INTEEt'ST IN CITAELOTTK, but Dawson & Co., OF THE Carolina Real Estate Agency, Have Property to soil in Cearlotta which will pay 18 to 0 per cent. Interest on investment. Family Groceries CHEAP FOR CASH. ; 5 have now in store a full supply of, Groce "wBf fami,y supplies, which will be sold " lu-rcai pussioie prices. 500 Bnshela nf RmA rtafa 250 Bushels of Seed Wheat, for sale. ju!3l QORN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, P O Add rets, Charlotte City Mills. Parties hnvlmr o-rain (aj n !n , ,T r , . . B4.44a WJ sen will find it to their interest to call on the uuueniEneo. Aie&i crnnnrl aitha " -j,, r , w vi44oc, w.Truiiig io oruer. a nan k mi for former patronage, I will give my Dromrjt cerannil afiantUn in -u - , i -vu w au vraoi irom uue uosoei io a car load. ROBERT D GRAHAM, . Superintendent. ju m & iiu Is tj. el J. K ?l mm sat. FOR SALE. 10 Houses, ocenpying half snnare. rents now paying w per cent, on amount asked for prop, erty, Cash $4,000. 5 Houses and Lots, on which parties can erect two new houses additional, now paying 18 to 3u per cent, on amount asked for property, viz $2,000, Good Dwellings for sale cheap iu desirable portions of the city, Good Dwellings for rent, Small Dwellings, and numbers of tlieni, for sale, prices ranging from $l."i0 to SI ,000, sold on time. Small Buildings to rent. Vacant lots in all parts of the city, prices rang ing from ?40 to tcm. Can bo bought on easy terms. Tarties having properly, either Houses, Lots, Farms or Gold Mines, would do well to call on us and give -ns their 'pronertv for sale, as rtin- large monthly paper will be but In a few day auu we win sena o,uw copies 01 thi3 paper off among our own and among Nortfcprn and West ern ieople, Carolina Real Estate Agency. DAWSON & CO., Managers, Old Bank of Mecklenburg Building. WARNING. We are informed by reliable citizens of this city that a party claiming to be sgent of the Singer Manufacturing Company in Atlanta, Georgia, is peddling sewing ma chine attachments here. All such state ments are false and we warn all our custom ers and friends against buying any poods of him on the representation tbat they are our manufacture, or allowing him to tinker with their sewing machines. 8ISGER MANUFACTURING CO. ju!25 LOT OF MEDIUM GRADES CIGARS for sale low to the trade. J W HALL & CO, Trade Street. IOOD Fee Simple Deeds, most ap JJJ nrnVfd fnrnv tnt nrinta ami for sale at the OBSERVES OFFICE. ju26tf TEN CENT COLUMN. Advertisements are inirrtA in thim vJ.n. - fht rate of ten cents per lint, of seven words counting initials of names and noutes as smar ate words. To insure insertion, th ... MUST BE PRKPA ITt Mh A:. , . . mwwiwnHIl taken for less than twenty-five cents. LOSTA IaAv' nnrtmnnala , M - V V41 1 14141441 J( one hundred and ten dollars, In twenty and five dollai bills. The finder will be liberal. Iv rewarded bv leaving at th OmiTn r. flee. ' " " Mrj L LINWOOD. , aogU , Moow.ville N.C. Grarid wntarmalnn tnMkt tn ha arn Wn the ladies at the 0106 of thefr. Yard Party "cm m .uo iqaare aqjoininx ine Blint, on Tnnnday evening. 'Aogmt 15th.- Admit, tance 10 cents " - - augll I FIVE (5) eleeant and waIY NronMi.4wt rooms for renL Term- nmanniiMa . angaiw .. BU&WELL A SPBINGS. . SITUATION WAIvTroA ybrme lady of several yeart experience wishes a sitna Uon as, teacher, '' References exchanged. AoV "t"' Mm N' T- Bol 69, an taw 3w t. - Greensboro, N. Q

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