.. ' !:.." .,- : .. .-.. . . : ' : ..r:,';:Z -it - - : : ,. . . . . . i . ' - - ' - . . . , "HE ClIARLOTO OBSERVER,' $VB8CRlPTrON RATES: hJ?L OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMEN . Tr"!!?" implied vith every needed '.'it? frg WEEKLY EtyTION. Weekly fin ?itTteou,lt Postpaid.......;. uuirrvuLB T fUiferai reductions for clubt. " " i Jiif JLEAjjS, CARDS,' : : we receipts, posters, -PROGRAMMES. IT A KTi nrrro. TOBIWLt!! 1878 irJas W Beth troeVforteerlj ;'attorhey keni j eral of Georgia, and 'well known made Clothing arid?; I Bsnerpl Mercliundisp, throughout the Booth forty years aeo r? V, Hiaea in mis county. A number of will find at the old estaMduse oT . fCorreecondence of the Observer .1 ' i fiDgiisnmen since the war have taken j which we pan insert ona hioh JfeHh. Waekentpjt, Va, Augo8tl3,,l878.U apheiri residence here and appear to liaSnU?j,Ki,ro do,,.l4 bfe W1",;, .yv.aaniigwn.: to .warrenton, a! oe maKinggooa jarmerg. , t flftr im T' "5' JBn oncmilesW.onei' 4fie Writing .about Virginia naturally wSfc'SS roughest roads on--the'- continent- is! sussreBts drinks. I.imiwt not. ,.f;i ilr JZT8 hne ea.ch' I"?' t OHINGr 8A:LE The .-'t ' . i' -.?"'vrf-':fy-)f-:--..j : : isESTi Assorted ? andtXJHEApfe LARGEST, tIStock: of GoBds KrmaaH rnirl onx. a: :' "li mklnU . t ' VwVn.l. ' cpiUL bruised and sore, my digestion asiLwsftwdi is supposed to igive an amnroto ic 8trt, m och impaired w''(eHinEmrrwhraA account of all the liounr ctnM a. 4M Jk. 4 r'n - III H III I II JSII IIIX'l - lUMtlJjTt.ll VrlllJ-iwolIf -1IIJS'1UMI "III III HI ill:lll I ' l 1 1 ' 1 1 r. I A II 4IUCV-iAvT )' im A . I ' ' " - ., f , Jtv-.V 7vp, and ve done with ... 1 f y ,.; .., - 1 , , ., ,1 1,4 11 1 j ' 1 , - - , I f I I ... f ll GRANT) T7TN AT .. We are prepared ita nrfVA iiW. I. Sx; no vaikjioast, and-iohcit atwe make OUR G0UD3 AND.BS&:S ft)OK.AT Our stock of p ; T are comDlete W i7! '"f1 andnc Goods are complete anft will be, sold rat ASjTONisHfiNG low pres. uarpets, uu Uloths.aad Mattuies verv low. Fniio-dealing. Polite and attentive derks. Dempa-Unl) Rrjlnl e copy.;. I Call and see aLbnd jiidgeVor - ELIAB A COHKS ! ? march 22 n.ww7IiT-Trsss--. --K-fc -. -L-i rpl" ?.,; j- rl", , it8 I The m08t DrOllfirt vnrioKr ' W) -i- fi Ai tiivu ucun,4ju,ui iiiniKKii luuvn annii iuHrrr XiTK him h- uir nniia nnnyiHJii l.. , " ntofbmoifoTwn .When a drink ia taken : I Bonthera StnS ever known. nl -MVlTTinm wtvviij w anaraun va , In some instances 'on I -OF- i on uie, vpt , .dial has T.T-t-1 unw' ""ni paid-' and SPRI NG AND SUMM ER GOODS. BURGKSlg NICHOLS, WffOtEStffe & DETAIL wr row is lo noof the aamn rannnt hei I the bar-keftnf r turns iVia ranlr t tn.mi k.. j. , .XX f"oncrs one BaidToIlb counJj througRrwhicbiiti rings a bell, and the hand on the . unit and ProdncU: have fawn obtomedktkiSfrS; r . cuiuuutlicu kU WU VI I uiwira iuc OLMUt:. Ul UU nail inch I . , TV . " uusu eig A i n . m i . .. . i iTTi . i . . uitrnr rfr.inw. Aioiauuna: ior (i twenty miles along wnen tne-nana, ' ! ;lw "&B boor a countv made the circuit aa-:ill;fina. te!W&Wti3.: JWrA,SS. drd dial mnva n.M . . Wtinionto. ; Agents wanted Irt on theory groW SrSlSS aitowrf Addretsthe General TWs dft7 yl Can buy 0HF 75C $1 fil 2nn 1 'W Cattels,tO Warrcpon ,o.i pass into the lector is a failure as the bar-keepers of Agents, E O DANIEL & (O po ?w Hats at Onnr.ifXm XL?- ' ?l,Jpl.nd 1.50 btraw iamoua blue grass region, 'riSiBia.i Virginia, since ats" introduction, are 8tnR.8lng,.New York. x 158 A -I?elorm cl6arlng pnce, 50e. Alt along the line of railraaanLpai urdved to ha.vfl n0f Awiii:.'3' ' "' Our $1.7i- i5f Oft 0 Ttn o nn . . he steady match of recuperation from! arid nearly alwaVri A EltfAELE . FEMALE INSWTDT I if nn TJ"" vei7 nnest traw Hats the rataee8 Mf . war. 8nm Picrht! crankr Tt W nnt 'n.iAW " irr , ""fiouesvuie, Virginia. Twen v-ra f : v vIUjtpncet Sl.UU.. yYj mou mmj pt .MnTSStL Ime of all-wbol CassimeA Suits wortK 10 11 tryand now,jfter bo Ibhg an absence,' cent drfnk, the bdr-keepeii gfveff himTa and tnitfon in ing??.h"gtJSj Ql1! 14u50 ' BJld Jn i - A ' I can see-Baett-'-imnrnvATnAnta m UH onft nnrit vShrMnV'itM?X.--iw..r Prennh . k,,.J A 5frAn ' od I . . . ana ;10,: reaacea UHlformlv. fn fVia mo uujiuuu iiiurtjaHing as, ine price of fTh ik - see -sueft improvements as lAnr!- A. il. .1 V K . j - -w . bu me Deiiei that ere lone Virginia. ' fSKALXB IH ALL KINDS OF BEDDIMG,i&C. W : i x -R "ft . TKrr - . "T "".V P f '5'? rstae isoutn-wMl re-f me annxs advance. It : id estimated TSSW heril thata -man, by steady attentio t6 bus- j uuijr puuyuragiug: "wat vau ouwaui enougn coupons in : "-skuj ..aiuug to, me piQaaing; gait wnoie year. of attJoldtime ox cart U-.lai traveling; I thougbtl had done with tbe rail- in compariBoh:. to the speed of our road but I mustTefer to it again. On tram, .Howeier, if has Us advantages j iny wiynp to Warrenton. after whiat- KW It fiTtVee. One time th rpfH anmo F Imcr fnr .Bti minndd , i.i the hri8tlinsr incidents hT ''Wltr. I Aha iraidr tKA tVi-n ow j i. - i i - r v"' . i.' , ."v..j..liioBvpireu, auu me rv ! , . kwivu, wiDg ana raiating tqually low Ibemarle is Lh heat -.,.:7irri.10W- v": oumn. new tpn.n in new uain Uflnm n . ruo on oiitrSL ,ni ir. . . " - r J vugmia Tor pupils beate Mineral Water in ar.Lu" n .eort fnrniabed ; " pij irom ine same Pbii free. For catalogue add r R H BAWLIAGS. M A, President. whTJK thiajecUon ia iulL. It A 3L. fB ' - - r r j oraKeman got oil and drove tbe cattle away, thus saving ; tbe engine from waai wonia nave been a Berious en coanter;, ' - - - - ' Jt was between the conductor of this FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHIEDREITS CARRTAQES ' OALTAD SEE THEM. an3 . ! . - . CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LdTJNGE8, PARLOR &CIJAMBER8UIT8. COFFINS of all KIN 1)8 on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. G JUST ARRIVED. H7QQ 1 n- Aieranari4EftWhereihBfirrtblood in! the ptfsz (thfrtonfedirfclrwas shedj A U.eb&yik8on,i wiSa?when Prdered bvirawnrfh Ai haul down;?e Confederate flag, refus ! Wain and a passenger that the follow ed, andas the cost-of his refusal re-sUng conversation occurred:, ' . . it r rT;,MID' wb,c he - inductor i "I say, John,;, going h?J &l ball to! along to thejunction witb s this et- his enemy's heart ..The old cat rrnJ Anin ' ,; .. , , -Lii8y.c'ed' " al.1l::; :P8ji.enfi;er:.i "No, Jim, I'm in a bur j " w uc puiuiea out to the I ryt inis even towxfi,?! Csntennlia Exporitlon . fc, 33 txctumuit ana uvnna amr. - .r pt"iinff o.iJ worfe tin bs$t taWca i m, to 0. A. JAratso:f A Co., Mfrt, ltstertbuVi! PIANOS. ORGANS New, 7 Oct. $135 I Newl 9 Stops. $67 New, 7i Oct. $145 New, .12 Stops, $78 "Magnificent." -bran new.Moweet prices ever given Oh ho w this "cruel war" rages but LTJDDEN ft BATES stilt hold the field and rain hot shot into the Boeus manufac turexawho deceive Ahe. pahli- with-JIuia-bng Grand OflFers on SHODDrInatrnments. Bend for Special Offers, and circular expos- iug muuB ji jriauo ana urgan Trade. Ltjd din fc Bates, Wholesale Piano nd nr. "3 on the same terms, as at . Sav&nr ah, and cheaper than sending North,' for cash' or by monmiy insuuments. .Don't fail to buy right at heiae; GreedvUIej CJ ii f - i'l p 1TAP8C0 BAKING POWDERS. Tbe best in use. For sale at manufacturer's prices ' ' 4 JOHN WPAU&CO-, a raae treet; Keal Estnte, Mining: Immigration , Agency. bteatb; f ecouct ther neidenls ol that latal day, never failing, tro embellish their story with some kind allusion to' Jackson, whose memory they hold in high eateem From here all aloncr was thA thoatro of war thickest and hottest. Manassas, famous for its battles, at which Bull nun, ran red with the blood of the Fed erals, still is pointed out to the strang er. The forts, parapets, rifle pits, all, are now levelled to the earth. Over the soldier's sepulchre, "where heaved the turf, in many a mouldering heap," the ripe grain now waves a fitting sen tinel of the soldier's slumber. How changed the scene of to-day ! Seventeen years ago all was bustle and animation and enthusiasm. Now the e.vening, so I'll just walk." a . Clio. . ," "T-"M?1 Fattening Poultry by Machinery. PIANO Grand Pianos. only f 166. New fitvle trnrlih tPi. 'iT? cBflSDRPTAM rX tTTo T' UU8t only $425. 8u- Sap.ntlin nnna nn v r1,VjC ux pu.vi. standard Indigo Blue Flannel Snits reduced to $6.50. IntwifW elegant Yacht Cloth Suits, the finest mb ' ed m this 'clearin saIe froJn w.6o to Heavy Reductions in our Superior White Vests. Great Reductions Alpaca Coats. Enormous Reductions in our Cassimere Pants. Shirts hn Reductions " 4 Merino and Gauze Under pushing Reductions in our Mohair and Linen Dusters, win renav thp. rnBfAmoi f . . anofhpr cQOA rmwuiwaflu reserye ior unoiner season, tor we mpnrv a n0rmn j . , . eifectually close the balance of our SnmLr Stnt Parii Letter. vyhile in the French department of agriculture x was much interested in an exhibit for fattening poultry by ma chinery. The hens and cocks were ar ranged in little stalls about teu inches square, with their heads towards the open iront ana tneir leet haltered to the floor in a way to prevent their turning round. The attendant passed in front of the stalls, seized the unhan- py bird by. the nape of the neck, in serted a tube to which was attached a long hose into its mouth, pressed upon apeaai wnn ner loot, and a graduated quantity or iooa was torced , " " " '-'jgaua iz stops. $72 .V) Church Organs 1ft-stops, cost $390, onU llM ranoiiHp Mirror Top Oxana only $105. Treaaendous sacrifice to close out b erected, Newspapers with mnch infor mation abont co t of Pianos nH n " 1 - -a , regard to real value T ; , ... ,,-, 71 wvov. , " v--1 vics rt CiCttl 1U C10S1D rr and absolute Slaughter sent free. Please address DANIEL F. BE ATT Y, Washington. N, J. $7 v- Agents canvassing for the ri P,re?lde Visitor. Terms and outfit free Address P O VICKERY, Angaria. Mata' TELEPHONES L E. D. L ATT A Tgrr Merchant Tailoring Department of If Or Business Pamnun excel all others in clearness and Volume of tnnp. Tllno S?!' andte8timonia!s for 3 cts. Address J " wiAuau, Mauet freek, Ohio. Dealers, SavannahTGa. ;They-have eetaWfefaed a bone a wtll idvtiae foiWQl farni HOUSE." Their instruments can hhontrht . . . o-r and Sonth Camlin- nH hnr tD1 the 8pear into the pruning hook, nonr ahmAnt vmm...h k.,i t.- "??,'"' apph- Jsverv Yestige of war is gone, save here and Sonth Carolina, and being connected wnn ine ooutheen kicord," circulated in uia,cnn.try and Eflrope twfaf"a monthr.tl nourishment very much as abovwould . J : : mi r I ' . aj i.- L- i-4 ot--i- "- i wo uicuicme. iue iuuu is compoaea fu ?U eo "aty.cn mney attests I of a ground mixture of corn. rve. bar- 1 -n . . ..'. cants. Address 03CAR G MOSES. J8 Cort. l.n1 on4 4.T . 1 I abiccbf new 1 or mines, placed in my hands, for Bale. TH08 P DRAYTON, ;ang9. A -? Charlotte. N. C. TO EDITORS AND PRINTERS. iC2i t. i iL';:', Having had many calls lately for Prin ters'. Ink and Stationery, I have deter mined to keep a supply of both al ways on hand, which I propose to among the hills, with fertile valleys on freight, trusting t a small .commission for ruufc. j wivb me . your oraers ana yoa snau epieasea, . VHAB R JONES, the fearful ravages of internecine strife.: warrenton at last ! Three hours and a half to go fifty "bix miles' No won der one dreads to travel on Southern railroads. It is much from this cause that the South has been bo backward in developing her immense resources. Here we find as pretty a little town you will see in this State. Nestled ley, milk and water ;- and while it mav not accord with the American idea of chicken rights to make a rooster eat. whether he wants to or not, it cannot j oe denied that this regimen makes him much more desirable to be eaten. I have nowhere else tasted Buch sweet, juicy chickens as they have here, j About tne morality of this system there may also be some question, and J TAKE pleasure in infoiming my friends that I will leaye Charlotte on the 23rd June, eitner side, she looks the nir.tnre rflT u .i : u i.4-- ' " content. Little proeress hashe ma Kt"." tuw1" "" fol th Pis Exposition, and expect to bs - w w i uicbfcu nun ijni yii. 1 1. iTHriM n v f 1 1 mart7 Observer. h ZZTJ' rThr -ta chicken ItfeTf 'm&"3rS? ri" she has been for years, looking down mance. Thv m,,t n,ol, f?32L1 and the va"eyniling up exclusively .r&7lbZ unhero uusiness ox getting iat. ino crowing .IN ' -1AT E.' G-. TEL1 OVE RS' or cackling and nest hiding in out of the way places in barns,' or hatching, or scratching for the early worm in gardens or on ancestral dung-hills for them. Indeed, those people, who, it is Bald baye "Tro irord' for-iionrer have done much to dlveet tbe livea of chick ens of hallowed and home-like associ ations. 'They atefratched In' steam in cubators, and the velvety little birda never know the sheltering arms of the : old hen, but are protected in flannel- tinea arawers. : .;- NEsrr TO B 3 mm t T 4 W mwm Mil. Xrr ippI&ISjlRy LARGBJAND (EMBRACES A FULL LINE OF, rarler, Chamber, Dinins Room and Office Furniture. THIS ENTIRE fifTQQK t FOR -6ALI iT r in return. We find the little town auite alive urith Washingtonians, who, to escape the heat and dust of the city, havetiid themselves away in this cosv little vil lage. The society to be found here is famous all over Virginia, and every summer we have the most rfelifrhffni ocial gathering to be found ' in the btate. Among the" notable men who hav,e their residence here we mention Gerieral" Hunton, the representative from this district, and General WH Payne, a man beloved by all his neigh bors. Here, too, Mosby, the famous I ur-a ? . ' . . I his political opinions he has lost much MM OST H OR R IB L F ' bow na elected a cotmtv vmamatratA Jle is- a, stiibn(r Grant man,- and ? pre- aicta Dij-nomination and election in 1880;;.- -j-'-vft.. ,;i fc ,v-. "For a town of 10 inhabitants War renton may be said to be a newspaper centre: I - find three weeklies all in a prosperous condition. The Index and SoHdSdiMJkn strong Hanton papers. The Enterprise, edited'by Alex' 'Hun ter, the briluant correspondent of the t - aoseni iuree months During my absence my business will beumler the management Df my brother, Ambrose Fiscbesser. I trust that my friends will give the 'Im perial" Saloon, daring my temporary ab sence, Ihe patronage that they have so een- erously giyeh 'meih the past. Joseph Fischesser, ' -l PROPftrETORl jun20 UNDERTAKING ! The andenhnied is now nApMrci tn aa.orderei for every class of Undertaking , uu ukuu a mil assortment of Washington Capital, is supposed to be in Neale a. interests Here, as elsewhe junll J'.ir t j WANl. ,r a. h . tii 1 ... DRUG GIST -A N;P S C p;Si3 t; elsewhere. politica are beginning lo grow warmer as the canvass progresses. It is diffi- onUKrnrm .a 4 41 suit in this district. Neale, a member gu5 was the heading to a most Btartllng of the, Jast, Legialature, is working .,.. '".". , . night arid day to beat Hunton for thl Tep0rt In the New York Herald 6eyWfti nomination ; and Obtain it for himsejf. ago, and who did the deed has been and is nas aireaay spent, it is stated, some . GofflB&-:f!asl .spit :Biiriiil Cases, .... BOTH WCOD AND METALIC. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY; Hearses furnished if desired. iin his bad . shoSnoS.ofeTry descripUon repaiwd at A Policeman Murdered Whilst Asleep ) i june 20. Trjo W. M. WILHELM, Tt , Opposite M. E. Chorcb, '.;j'4tKf'1d3-.f06 ia- irjitUjh . .Kl3i:4 n't frm SIMPS' i Now omusiikl$tm DWflmerEns'lisri Select to?.4lff nglisji renH an " l.xo airWdootli' rv7,fM. Tamiza htzaho Oarefully prepatSstf1 all hoars, both night'and day, at Baltimore, z Atlanta" andT':New Or -V. si si-1 J auli ... i-:. 1 T Wl-i- Hv li ii; , (in i.-,iJ,.,;i : f nail - ' '" ' ix thousand dollars: to accomnhsh thftt J-esult, and his friends claim that if not BtfcoessfQl himself he can pre vent the 'nomination of. Hnnton. TJie Alexandria Gazette the leading paper in the district, is dead set against Hun ton. I hear it also stated that Tilden, in pursuance ;of ' a, planj long since formed,') to "defeat the. renomination of thowenty -three' Southern Democrats wbefused io;tistie5, is lending-, his aid in theahapa of .Vbar'ia of moa- eyM to( defeat Hunton. , . ; j ' Six miles from Warrenton are the auquier White Sulphur Springs J Thirty years ago' -these springs Were( Was sent ns Is the best "Hot Box" preventive in the market. . Prion 6 cents iMr nnnM) m.nnfan. an- gatuereu ncro.rvAiTiM i.ue'jaarji.tpgaj torea ny -lajii- jjaukusi: OIL GQ.f ! yitVak. SftUtJUViUrC'oftiis'iSfi'Millsi L-.oc. V Wi -, .Cleayel8d,Qhio. still agitating the minds of detectives, rr i i . ; What has so unexpectedly cat short th career of various brands of Cigars iu this sec. tion'is not so mysterioas, however,, all smokers being living witnesses to the fact that none can stand since Perry's 5 and 10 centers have been introduced. Have you tried his new brands? ' If. not, call at once He also sells the very best smoking and chewing Tobacco. angll "DBIME N. C. FAMILY ROTC AKTi Clipped Herrings, 6n ;eonsignment and iw onie iow oy - - JNO W.HALL AGO., Trat i Street. Charlotte, N JgLLIOTT-S FAMIlFl6uR, Younts Family Flbaf; -Ramsoor's Famiiy-Flonr ' NiC. Hams.: Bacon. Mekf. Hhn-ka Ac., a specialty ,.. WILLIAMS & FINGfiR mch28 , B ACKU8 i .MAGNOLIA ICOACH GREASE, ATictint 1 Soothern Office Atlanta. Ga jaI171mt; ; , Stop. . rfc is to th torch-of' waT.& Thottth none u ave provea successiuw xne late caeThiiiTfivfi a a ttj ' rw Dr Boyle, of. Washington ba(l it fjpen A SALE 0F ' lor a lew seasons, du 6 was.nnauy com u .ejleo abai'JRlfowJampay; : jrenfeehlihe a laree monev interest has season' with accommodations .; fori five! TO.I1I A ii' BANKRUPT PROPERTY 1;;V T- ibasl fmalhnjY.' "Jo kjioj a v.0 'll!Ii'"invt T lf tf" TtjiSCt lO'i .."reJt,fi ij!I Sit? ii jUIit'iH ? I hundred raestiil JChfere; is irid VieMcd whv it should not aeain become a non-t War ana iMniopxwrt,;;-- Two seeond, hand baggies will be ; sold at the Cpurt House door, in the city of Char lotte on Tuesday 14th Angast.' .1878, aLl2 o'clock M. Cash. 7 "X licADEl,Y t aug9 5t Assignee of Joe Grahan( ' '.. : 1 1 j&i ic si 11 uciDPr -225 si Air panion pointedxfr farrnft Moore, who sorne yettrs ago camanere of thldnYS ZSZSSSZSEi asthecheapert. For an agency, smdtoi from North (Jarolinaji.&e has yKb3pt ly comeio,stay.!Jtus tarnt is a pic4 turef of industry- ana thnit. (ienera fb25 MACKEREL, '-ON CONSIGNMENT. I have in store, 65 half-barrela and kits of ; FRESH MACKEREL, . 1 Which will be sold at Packers' Wholesale prices. .. . , y Call early. , 1 , , TH03 H GAITHER, s wii'--.' Oo)legg Street. ! GB0CER1ES AT WHOLESALE. iBayera Iwill- find U'io thehr intereBtrm examine onr stock before parchasia;, 4 -, i ' J W HALL & CO, " .. Trade Street, Q HOICE FRE8H BUTTER, ' : : Fine lot Country Chickens. Eggs, Onions, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Ac.' Good snppljrdf ' Obflee-6 poands for QBE DOL LAR, at the Cash' Store of 11 '"'-wi'f HtalSoriB srij baaissb v jjf; 8MITB. ' 'gTUDJJBAKER WAGONS. . , , , j 1 am prepared to offer extra Inducements to parties desiring the CELEBRATED 8TTTDEBAKER ,WAG0N Ckll ana examine the Wagonrear prices . ,V'1 " , ' THOS.H. GAITHER, , . , College Street We have just received pur samples of FALL AND WINTER GOODS For Garments to be made to order. We would be pleased to see our friends and patrons, and receive their ordersT Trnh5VAth!fineSi of Fr.e?ch German, English and Scotch Imported Goods, and we will manufacture them at 25 per cen cheaper than any tailor that comes to this part of the country. Respectfully, L BERWANGER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIEBS AND TAILORS, NATIONAL CLOTHING HALL. B'Te are, selling the balance of our Spring and Sum mer (jroods regardless of cost. L. B, & B. CHARLOTTE HOTEL, - : . U . ,r, ' " Terms, per Day, - - - $ 2.00 Table Board, per Month. - - 16.00 FIELD BROTHERS, Proprietors. JRJttSS 10 keep ' Hou,e- "MSM' 0,M' augl J t J0LtAN, Superintendent. BEN KIMBALL, Clerk. I am determined to Close Out my entire and SUMMER CLOTHINQ, ANp GENTS' FUB1STISHIKG v GOODS IN THE NEXT FIT "F OO ' 8 Mo 8 ,,-x. Ark -' R a RRR B . Bt; irrr i;. 'r 3 Y iim : O D D D. D D D0D T T 84 1 Jj; They Ml be'fibld ai;t)riceii which "wiil tiimnne " cm for cheapness. Come early arid $rr ; I HATE KOW INT STOCK THE 3 .'f A . Crescent Unlauiidried Shirts . . AT f 75c, arid $1.00. None genuine except those, bought of july 21, CX3 r ! !& If,;; i! It :f:: .V- . !i: ..! -H i