THE CHATltOTTEOBSERYEft HV4 T ft '.V 4 it", tl v , SUBSCRIPTION RATES; rVT Daily, one year lpostpald)inpvdnce....t& 00 Bit Months.... 400 75 $i WEEXLY EDITION Weekly (in the county in adwnggt. 0t of the county, pottpaid... But Months ,.f. La III ... 1 00 Si Tm?-?rxTKrn Frsntrrr $fc&g$iTfri -i :. ! V'? WnBeDutierWaDts.'-' ;! I ' nA ' - I ' Ceadf c:e ClothiQiEMnerat Metfefi&dti! wua una at tue oa We are DrCDared-taft)rote mon-elimination: of our Btock that we makISi no vain BOASTnaUclt'litarerSisboth 1 Our stobd Algaccas, ExttbijoidU eries, Kid (lQveSuilJmJ)il Ties and FancgGptijds are compleiemiUbe soldvat astonishu low pbicesJ Carpet, iOiitomd?attings very low. ' t - '"'"', ' ----- .- r'a''. I ;", j;-. ' y8k-dfialiog. FoUtLABLattiitive- clarta Call and'aaajus and vLge for yourselyes. . ,,. s , ' kELIA8 & COHEN, Democrat and "Home copy. " 1 march 22 , HIT RaTftSU WHQf iiLE PINE-ASORMEJT'OFnOfltL'DREK'S CARRIAGES, JUfitT ARRIVED. . ii; ;mt AIiL AND SEE THEM. : V,,: . jan3 ' ' ,x ; - - ; : PRIME N. O. JAMrLY ROE AND Clipped Herrings, on oonsignffleot and for aale low br . c . JNQ W.HALL ft CO., ; - Tr tet. CharloHf N IpL.tilOTT'a FAMILY LOUK, Yoonts' Family Floor, Jaraapnr'g Famtty .Flonc- n. c. Hama, Bacon, Meal, i Har, Shacka. c., a specialty. r' - - WILLIAMS FINGER. mch28 ON CONSIGNMENT. I have in store, 65 half-barrels and kits of FRESHMACKERKLniiJl ; Which will be sold at Packers' Wholesale S.i THO H GAITHER, ..o.,- College Street. PVTAP8CO BAKING POWDERS, j ;' f.H i ')': : '1 -.y f. .a '.. l.r , beain rose, i : : . ,. For sale ai IjajicfnT'er'f prices. , " C 3" -IN jB TOT IKi G r i I-.' . .it. - ..:.: h'Al i. y.-A-MKV MiCT.V 1 I NEXT T0P WOH8 OlO 3 HI MY STOCK IS VE RV LAI LARGE AND Parlor, Chamber, Dining ed junll H jr."' H ! A zona iiaia xixn.i tl D R U G C I S T A 1 1 l;f in AftvnV 1 N&tr'offers to the trra.afiultoebtif . yFrtnch arti ianeri(T5JdrmdIbt3iTj?fAi5S. QfaAW hoursv both .mghl??? day at -in -dJ -ytoJ K&i Lenaca97d I '',til; 'miIX'Z'I v i- -5UTX ai 'Atd-aiiitow nmi evd I A . :1,uAii'iaiH'l edl'lla !d 1 i t 'a star, U 'yrKi TTi7T'tiTrt! Hi ,feaAaaaiAi,.MOTi 04. jseotao .oi.JJ!AH;W1HOl' n. o "' . AJ ST; ... ; . - :. , ... ... a !.... ..,.., ' ' . : . j. . . . : : : : - VOJi. XIX. vestaounea nQuse oi iwlrbleswe anrretail to ATl NTflTTOT.S ! & RETAIL Is ALL KINDS OF V f :cr H. Jtf I T tJ R bV jBEDDG,&( -A CHEAP BEDSTEAD", LOUNGES, PAELOR A CHAMBER SUITS. OQJTFIN8 of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5. West Trade St., ; LfcL X-0n. 0 HA Bl OTTE, N . , O. Ileal Estiite, Mining Immigration AlgencyJ i EI aelKne.t boyine and renting Mines, Land and Hoases. and providing homes In the Piedmont regions of North Carolina andoutb, Carolina, aad being cojanected wimfie t$otHiaH RjKD,"cioiilMdir IblsiStmnibylum Erardpl "twice a monti, I will advertise, free of cost, all farms and mines, placed in my hands, for sale. iUUO r ucla. x i urn , aug9 Charlotte, N. CL T T pbInte: as. HaVieg fiad many calls lately for Prin ters'; Ink and Stationery, I have deter mined r to J keep, a v supply fit -both1 al ways ; on7,: hand;1, which ;,X , pmpoa to slf' ' at ' - wantaetnreiS prices, less f freight, trusfintr to a sraaH1 commission for I prfiU;Give'me'. your nrders ana you Bnaii i eepieasea. s on s.a a. j woo, Observer. 31 TO TO" Ii exo IT. V.' TdFFlCE. (EMBRACES A FULL LINE OF j .! ; v . Kica;;a(t)GrcInrliture. i a.' Free of Chai-gei. SO as i!' r vad M D , C H E M 1S T, t- 'jri- vet iwi :cfeTahd Iycenne - ,iiS Jo dis-'u 9tt Ik H.'C ' fi Ma.f . rn-tl r.-:li JI!I i- """H - 1 to -cef oust; ro h tt.lJ; . oM3 JtraiawW" riTTTi a -) . tj sn-'J'fa 09 Fionev and;(i IK '! .i Ifa map a;s "I haven't saw,." iie ss from Pkiladelpbla--C!BTirier Jo&raal ; A ca&didate for the legislature in Arkan-, sati clired' Lead-Ioremost )StQ ' shatlqw; aUr andljrdiebisBcickv -'-' ; v ": " i . ,i . i . . : l t' j - '. We! aotnetinies' coogratnlate Qarselves at the moment i 'at waking from a trdobled aream, . it may, oe bo aiiereain. ,-r- y.jij- '9tQCiuPj baHPOtppud," aaid th bst terfly, as he wa vinPed 1 16 tae Bide of the ' . fpiQf tniunori-urKey la on Obliged to. hate fteyer iweare the same garments twice.' Ne'yada: papers instead of speaking of a dead cittieti awidely and faydrablyinown, jmarfel few wasnt"a salcon-leeper in the State who didn 't ache to trust him." . ', The -qrld, , nomioates Bonner, of the New York Ledger, for mayor of New York ; hot the people would not elect him. He would want "to be continued.""; That unscrupulous and toothless preyari cator, the oldest inhabitant has been driven in(o a comerv and made to own up that he Mover saw feather lik? this.' y U fdn(atood! thati Kenneth Bayner, imoi8)r4f the Treasarywiftbe retired at once and; Assieftaht Solicitor Robinson ap pointed in hie place There isn't as much fuss made oyer the inauguration of. a boy's first pants pocket as therris over the laying of a corner-stone, but there are more thin. s to put in it "Ah," said the fly, as it crawled around the bottle. "I have parsed through the hatching age, the .creeping age,, the flying age, and now I am . in the mucilage, and" there itstuefc. ; Hundreds of billieos Republican editors throughout this country are satisfied that their remarks on the recent revenue difficul ty In SouHH Carolina averted a bloody reW lu tion Atlanta Constitution. iTefiterda flour advapced from .five to ten centa a barrel. N ,Y; Mail. . You, might have known that it would. Flour at five cents a barrel is so extravagantly low that no really fashionable person would ever eat it at that price. Courier-Journal. There promises soon to be another heresy case in the Presbyterian church as famous as that of Professor Swing. The suspected one is one of the most prominent ministers of the church, and hia hertsy is rejection of the doctrine of eternal punishment and be lief in a sort of modified Uniyersalism. He is a member of one of the synods of New York. A Religioiw MonomaDiac A Wild Woman of the Woods. Lumberton T.mes. The train for Clark son and .Tenafr stamping ground arrived here on time with some 200 on board.- Beyeral, got on here, and by the time we reached Clarkton there was about 300 on. . The main object of the excuraioniata was to get a view of Tena, who is a curios ity, pot in gpneral appearance, bu in actions and management pf her bacrd. Her stamping ground is situated about half a mile west of Clarkotn and with in 300 yards of the railroad on the south side. The only thing visible of her premises from the road is a email white flag, which we learn is always spreadito the breeze. When we had advanced: to. within 50 yards of the house, sounds could be heard which reminded us of a regular dance. Eve ry one eager to see her and learn what was going on, made haste to get to the honse. Arriving there we found it im possible to get a good view of her, and made ourselves content by looking through a window, where we could see a half dozen or more women, clapping their hands, singing and cutting up ail kinds of antics, ridiculous to behold, but amusing to strangers. Now and then we could get a glimpse of Tena, who was seated near the fire-place and .j :i i wore a rea cap eimuar m ouaw w Jhose worn by privates in; the army. Bh0"rfH8ed to come outside, ana ine anxiety to shafts bands witn ner lea several of the excursionists nsjde. which made her mad, and she made no hesitation in abusing them with the vilest oatha for intruding upon her. It is said that she killed her son to save the colored race from sin, because Christ died for the whites. How true this is we are not able to say, but it ib evident that she uses her followers roughly and seems to have full control of. the color- ea race in mac immeuiaiH ywiuiy. On the south.- side of etfhple is-a clav hole, which is surrounded oy small mounds or pones made of dirt,' covered with naner. situated some two feet apart, which she calls holy. pones," and we learn that m this clay hole she lays her followers occasional ly, and walks upon them for the pur poaejOf pressing their sins out, ; Too Thin. rColumbia Register, 29th When the up passenger train, com manded by Captain DeSausure. was coming in from Camden last evening,; just as it approached Hampton, the ensnneer discovered a cow lying across the iraeK. Jt;ne signal was given, ana the engineer tnihaeed to ston his en gine just befofe the cow-catcher would have scooned tne - supposed sleeping animal uo and killed it thereby caus ing the road to nay Its owner lor us full value, in vain did ne sound me whistle and whoop and: helloa at; the a.nimaL- It was no use. - Finally I he trot down and picked tip a bush -and eommencea De&ung toe ocaa, nu uii there was ti6 movement. . 1 ApbroaiDb fltngilhe. animal he' discovered that -i he j 'was :14liid s tig io;death Thee ow Tt&a BTHifinuy) osou piweu ouue uovi. . 5. f mI.i. .i.. ntfrm th railroad company, wqen should tear it to pieces. m - i cJ A-4uiJ bs4ftow'aSobthir,8Trutrhas been j used for cmiareu. it curxww nuiuikjr uiiuvbhiuiouu, Teliarem.twind. i colic ' reeulstes the bowels, paxes dyss eatery aud .diarrhoea, whether ljurisinfTom i teetinc ot other cauaee.; ' An eU-toedo medyt ,25 ceotJ bete HO'dUTOJ U every kind, are always possible to everyita- ble by using Dooley's Yeast Powder. A'tfgSi?wMtti Svh6JebiWaite,roIl8; bread, and'elegfthi cake, 'crullers, waffles, Btef-mulflt. and eriddle cakes; of Pllft C., THURSDAI, Butlers Speech! at Biddford, Me Kow I will tell you what I want. always had a faculty for doing that. (Great laughter. I I want, in the first placer a dollar faxed by law. not made dependent upon anything redeemable, but a legal tender for debts, public and private, with the stamp on it pf the most powerful and wealthy nation on earth; the United States of America. applause, as a currency for the teo- ple of the United States of America. FOreat applause. I don't want this dollar made to suit anybody in anoth er nation, and especially the Chinese. laughter and applause J a piepe of gold stamoed with a dollar; because that eold is a commodity; for when it gets td be be more valuable as a commodity, then some one comes and takes it on as a commodity. I stand here for an in convertible paper currency, the ereen backs which carried on the war and saved the country.5 A. pplause.l I want to get rid of the bonds, not nut 01 any special enmity to tne bond holder, but for the good of the coun- try. The Wretch. A facetious brakeman on the Cen tral Pacific Railroad cried out as the the train was about entering a tunnel, "This is a mile long and the train will be fourteen minutes passing through it. ' The train dashed through into daylight again in four seconds, and the scene within the car was a study for a painter. Seven young ladies were closely pressed by seven pairs of mas culine arms, fourteen pairs of lips were glued together, and two dozen inverted whiskey flasks flashed in the air. Quarantising a Wedding. tSbreyeport Times. A quarantine office on the sixth, on the international road, overlooked Mr J D Carpenter, who left New Orleans on Saturday tor Houston, Texas, where an expected bride resides, but his Ar rival become known and the health officers forced him to' leave before the ceremony could be performed. Thus his hopes were blasted, at least tempo rarily. Murderer Caught. Columbus Register, 0th. Hansel Godwin, charged with killing Mary Howard, alias Blackman, of Cum berland county, N C, in 1875, ;was caught in Marlboro county, near Brownsville -ehurch, on Tuesday last. and lodged in jail. He will be taken to ayettevule, M C, for trial. Mr, Bntler's Rivals. Cincinnati Enquirer. Senator Davis, of Illinois, ex-Gover nor Curtain, of Pennsylvania, and Gen? eral Tom E wing are among the num ber mentioned as possible candidates of the Nationals for the : Presidency. Davis would carry the biggest part of minoisY if he should itote for himself, and the other two gentlemen are popu ar m meir respective estates. PIANOS PD ORGANS ON EASY TERMS. XVE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE that " Mrs. Bessie L. Dewey has consented to represent our house for the city of Charlotte, and Is now prepared to furnish our Instru ments at our lowest rates, and upon very easy terms. Any style of Chlckerlng, Knabe, Ballet A Davis, Mathushek, Haines or Southern Gem pianos, or the Mason et Ham lin, or reiouDet Jf eiton organs win De placed on trial, if desired, in purchasers' parlors. Twenty-five dollars cash, and $10 monthly secures an elegant piano, or $10 cash and $3 monthly a fine Parlor Organ. Sample instruments can be seen at Mrs, Dewey's residence. Her selection will en sure a fine instrument. wjmw BATHS, set leutbern Music House, Savannah, Ua. J ul 2Sdtaw lm.wlm. UNDERTAKING ! The undersigned is now prepared to all orders for every class of Undertaking Having on hand a full assortment of Coins, Catt, aM Burial Cases, BOTH WCOD AND METALIC. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY. Hearses furnished if desired, Ji' Furniture of every description repaired at short notice. ' ' - i: Wi M. WILHELM, Tryon St.r Opposite M. E. Church, jnne 20. a . ... GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE. .,, Buyers-.will, find it to their interest to examine our stock before purchasing. nwu rv J.W HALL & CO, .,. . - i .. r , Trade Street,) ' CHOICE ; FRESH ; BUTTER . . ' ' Irish Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Ac. Good" supply.' bi Coffee 6 pofand for ONE DOL- i,at jne ttBn; Btoreof 7 ? j 1 5 'Jim t B.BMITH. We a.tadV housekeeper for the Q!en Alpine Spri(rs. - 8alarT Hberal. Best ret- -ql eraneeS rwdiuired.: iMostnot have ch'Jdien. GLEN ALPINS 8PRING5 CO ; -! jul31tf Moiganton, N. C. JAMES MUBPHY.-L T :i ; y Li . 'c HPSACTIGAL 'TAILOR, j Holton'e. Bunding, Trade etreet, Up Stairs.: 1 .Owi;Uren oi' tim I fine snita;for,$10 passimere suits fox $8. Parits of suits, same rales. " X guarantee all tojWOrkT'Wfit nb chaige;.; iv;m.Bb can uu ihs cunvmcou. : t jn!17 ... AUGUST 22 1878 WE HAVE A list of a Thousand Conntrv Week lip in which we can insert a one inch advertise ment one year Cor two dollars and a quarter a paper, or for tbe same prif e we can insert fifty-two reading,notices (a new one . every week), averaging seyen lines eech For list or papers and other particular,, address oiu. tr. KUWJSLL (El o New Yo k. 10 Spruce Street VIRGINIA CLUSTER WHEAT. The most prolific variety of Winter Wheat ever known, and esnficiallv ntAH n Southern Culture. In some instances one nernei nas producea 100 full grown heads, and products haye bean obtained at the rate of from 50-to 90 bushels per acre. Prise eight dollars per bushel, freight paid, and make no charge for sacks. Send stamp for circular of testimonials. -Agents wanted in every county in North Carolina. Liberal commissions allowed Address tbe General Agents. E O DANIEL A CO, P O Box 168. 8ing Sing, New York. ALBEMARLi FEMALE INSTITUTE, Charlottesville, Virginia. : Twenty-seo-ond session (0 months), begins October 1st. Board, including washing, fuel and lights and tuition in English, Latin, Greek and French, two hundred dollars per session. Music, Drawing and Painting equally low. The Albemarle is the best furnished Insti tute in the South. New ten-pin Alleys, new Bath Rooms, and tbe strongest Chaly beate Mineral Water in Virginia for prpils free. Full Faculty. An escort furnished three o. more pupils from the same point free. For catalogues address R H RAWLINGS, M A, President. Awarded kiyhest prtie it !eotesnlAl EnpoWea for fine Arwing qmlUUa Jtnd. txeeBnce and lotting char acter of niettming 04 Awri.ig. -The bast tobacco Tr tnade, At cor bl'.a strip trsde-raark is cloeelr mitto4 or( Jnferior pooUs. rea (hat Jnrkton'i Bt H en every plug. Boia ly t:i dcalom, $tm$ foy sunp ?5 vee, io v. Jk jackson uo., Aim., i-eterfbqrg, PIANO oB.V, ORGAN Grand Pianos, cost $1,600, only $426. Su perb Grand Square Pianos, cost $1,1C0 only $255. Elegant Upright Pianos, cost &800. pnly $155. New 8tyle Upright Pianos. $112. 60. Organs $35. Organs 12 stop3, $72.50. Church Organs, 16 stops, cost $390, only $115. Elegant $375 Mirror Top Organs only $105. Tremendous sacrifice to close out present stock. . New Steam Factory soon to D6 erected. Newspapers with much infor mation about cost of Pianos and Oreana. sent free. Please address DANIEL F. BE ATT Y, Washington, N. J. (ftrv A DAY to Agents Canvassing for the V Fireside Visitor. Terms and outfit free. Address P O VICKERY, Augusta, Maine, TELEPHONES For Business Purposes, ours excel a!l others in clearness and volume of tone. Illustrated cir cular and testimonials for 3 cts. Address J R HOLCOMB, Mallet Creek, Ohio. AB RI EF TREATIES ON PULMONARY Diseases will be sent free to all appli-1 cants. Address OSCAR G M08E9. 18 Cort- landt street, New York. J TAKE pleasure in informing my friends that I will leaye Charlotte on tbe 23rd June, fol the Paris Exposition, and expect to be absent three months During my absence my business will beun.ier the management of my brother, Ambrose Fifcbesser. I trust that my friends will give the 'Im perial" Saloon, during my temporary ab sence, the patronage that they have so gen erously given me in the past. Joseph Fischesser, PROPRIETOR. jun20 ORMJUfAl-I OR, THE SecretHFair Pace. An Item of Itert. to Every Idr vrlM Desires to le More Beautiful than tine now 1. Unfortunately not 6he woman in n liunured, snb tected to-th whlmaof an Ameviaan climate potseis e that fcasU ad Starting point of rent beauty a pure and cle miplexioa. ' ' , What natttrahaattn fleniocL irt rabsit to dalled , It eon M doaoi, wis done tlJiy-, J.'iof- w. -Hagan placed .beauty itlun the reucn or every un- biesaea uanirncr oi jsyw wuea i umuuioi uwt urpriaing nrtioie known in f aaruabtoaiEqlea as the (rue secret OX BeaBW, ana w -in: tMGtJOLI " The IcioirOLIA Haim U a sure fierfce for creataps apurejiBd blooming eomphation. u . - " ; ; It oonceala nil natural blemishes "i tbe oost sur-rninB-seiEectiT9inBner I It jomoTe all too(?hnes8, eruptioiis, redneaa, tlotebe, freckles, and f utmagical power. - It drives away "aif evidences of fatigue and ex citement. ' :-i 1 ' '" j It makes tbe plainest faee-Uautif oL r'.- it- 4-. a mitMm- m,.daazlinf DUritY and makes the neek, tace, and arms appear 8, rotund, ana piump. s . , .Tt.v. n.frvYn nf &s or 40 look nat iscre than 4b Tears bid. and changes the rustic maiden it k cnlUvatedcity bePe. '.--" tj Ml i)Uii :ioo t i : iTte Msffnoii 3oJ rtMMtes ea Hew!; ! , ctalr evtrw drawback to beanif; and, wktle 4 U e x .: v- .t ta aulu themaslvM attraeti' eaa make an absolnte eertaiatyf it ijry ststar HAdAX'S SCaosoUA Butt, and we know of no otaet war. It tetotr cheapest iscysLiaHoa t the "world, &maK&ttBT Uhsdatasry fniff oxe' y """'i'"' at IflllLllfN BALM SO. 2,900 OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP hkWm MNDDMICMEIFS, Worth 50, 60, 75 and 90 cents, Closing This Day at 25 cents ea ch. E. D. A. LARGE LINE OF MAi MMM G0IMBS, Worth 20 cents each, Closing This Day at three for 25 cents. E. D. LATTA & BRO. By the 1st of September wewill tages Superior to any in theSouttu The iora pnrcna8ing our of Clothing, which will be of the very latest styles on the Market. Ho will also bring out a very superior line of Samples for our ooou on UgSSsTTTT OO MM MM u o o o OMMMM OMMMM U TJSS, ou U a ooo uu nss U M M M OO M M M which we will make up to order at extremely low prices, and guarantee a par fectfit or no Sale. Our Mr. L. Berwanger being a practical Tailor of many years experience, af fords thejjeople of Charlotte and surrounding country advantages equalled only by New York or Baltimore. We can save customers ordering from us from $10 to $15 on a suit. Our Piece Goods Department consists of the best Imported Cassimeres, Doe Skins and Imperial Cloth from the best manufacturers in the World. Call and be convinced, by examining our goods and prices. L. BERWANGER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS, NATIONAL CLOTHING HALL. CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE. NT, C, Terms, per Day, - Table Board, per Month, FIELD BROTHERS, Proprietors. jP5r Being determined o keen a' Fmt-CIafs House, we rcsnectfullv solicit a share of public patroraee. augl FRIENDS AND nt a cvi.n As there is an unprecedented prospect for good wops, and as we have reason to expect a good and prosperous business season ; I am buying ? A: VERY AndiElegant Stock for this Fall , ' BBS gSSg WVTWWH HO OL L WWWHHHO OL 8 ill, 111 . IV - TI X VI T T TT DdoS . .TTTT r . .The: ftyoda are ino w, arriving Charlotte, August 19, the Wholesale Stock will be complete ; and: ? the 'Betail Stock by;September lOthi ' !, ' ; il - ,x -jvu 0.1J -z"- .-- THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT hat been thoroughly supplied with every needed "oat. and with the Latest Stylet of Type, and every manner of Job Workeannew be done with neatnets, dupateh and cheapness. We canfurnish of$horfato$?$ BIANZ3,'BXLL SEATS, . LETTER BEADS, CARDS J TAQ3, RECELPTStPOStERS, : PROGRAMMESEAND BILLS. PAMPHLETS' CBECXsTde L. & B.- beDreDared to offer to the nnblio. ad van- senior partner of our Brm is in New DDD KEBPPP A RRR TTTT MM MM KEB N If NTTTT D D B PP AAR R T , MMMM K NNN T D DEB PPP A A RRR T MMMMEB NWN T DDE T AAA RRT MMME NNNT DDD EES P A AR R T M M M BEEN NN T $ 2.00 16.00 J T JULIAN, Superintendent. BEN KIMBALL, Clerk. ESS B KBK KKKTTTT A II L K BR T Ai L a . 'if: EBB BI A A 44 T.nn K KB B BBBB T T II I. A AU LIXL eisKeas gj daily . and ibyj September , 1st V if V s V 1! Ill 1 1- I i!" en i 'n ' 4

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