us. THE CHiRLOTTBteERYERf gHtrZori 72: , OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT has been, thortntqhty supplied ninth every need. & . sm WRIPTION BATES: 1 siu-i! Dotty, one yedt postpaid in advance......t$ 00 ,Stt Months. ... 4 00 Three .Jf0HiA...............i..k. On Month... MIMiAf(imHiNM( WEEKI T EDfTIOJtr! VtV''1 B -i.nctt. wwy wtaTtner oo rgr eon now be done mJim -'V J K .?xi in fcinSf di fj f Jiwoq vUih Wecanfvrmsh aithorinotio3 BLANKS, BILL BEADS, ,v . LETTER SEAD3, CARDS ,1 Stii'lvrr.ti' .-;!! a . - JJ.fS J VTCU -irt IO UM'- fU. ' , U !Mvi;t j ;...,? ,ntj Weekly (in the'county) in advance.....f2S0. Out of the cototiy, Jp...U..i.ri v.V'2 10 t il-!.;; ) . into, i is '.' T s j . : NO. 2,965 1 . J PROdRAMMES, BAND BILLS: Six Months. ...... 1 UU as. Jit .r .t'jtjisq s:ni ! f.Pft vV sj o , v.-y. z A l .Ner Adfertis: :iZ ! .n nt tflXi.. Ill y Ill . .-. fl ' 1 fcl ; Ill IffifT' - 'rT-O' XT-Vs? NTil'W. UlTt OtJR i MM EN TIRE STOCK: It is with pleasure we alaneunee the purchase of our FALTi S TO G Opa R VN Q (SO & S . Much of it has alreadyaa-Jfedeaii oiirrrangement for this season's busln08iU t& ffimvlefe by' -zirr r .r? mM WE INVITE INSPECTION XPsiJOtTR IMMENSE PUBHASE. .ang 27 '4 JJURGESSNICHOLS; W HQLEA5LEi& RETAIL J ALL KINDS OF BEDDIMG.&C. A ' : or CHEAP BEDffTEADb, L0UNQE8, PARLOR A CHAMBER SUITS. COFPIN8of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5,' West Trade 8t., illNtE A8SQKSBT.QF Cafc0RENlCUIAfilS;r!JBST'AaRIVED. i . i ':... '' i, A O :&H'r 4 i ' i i'.-ia i4i :'i h ' . 4 1 ' a:'iiAQfsLmll, 001". U Ii Sheeiyea Andlsd't Co Brfp-stO .00 i'i Ic ' il AnVaaTesotDe fofibecaci t. -v "?dod ipTeBin'j'Ricarcl, ep tlgbt iny f oa'y a Phh8to her.10 ViOVSw itrior Attfidsis fairfor the eeaflon, t x i : jt rd II oootl iui ' flt. Q tui ri 1 ov rtMAna Jest wherel gohe foiiera : 4 -tail -tr&ue is : sssareu -ai Bieaaier pncea And tBohtliiItJneiPft let'-heiiffi Erj-ftliart ifoT-BDHie time -pasti "The mer- JBalsiflerf but earlier thia season tban ood I'enhrta front them.1 It mkv be miotidned in ' this connectien : that By tnem two milk wmta stara,)1! ,cnJ Y0aednJteher,hoipet night; i , -1 . . -O . , . I 7n - n 1 n V, 1 1A 1 I J T.twlWrolerta VeslCTdaV'1 shinned nflTW fcdfr1 "hoaSe yesterday dipped nearly t&ree hund redrcaseqXrdqg io "thir teen States'' michfl&tff "K&niaa and Ana 1ttrat tier asiu were. I'll bi-iwTiyi tarhat'a the biatter, Dick?" There, Katei don'tt dro that pan. You'Te took me prfghtl'fy aback. "Stse'syicJur'n, rpy'feoy, bat one word more : Kate's gentle as a dove. . She'll foller yoa, the whole world rcnnd, mMIM lap I'yellOTiMITObriiSt f! SSI ye To jest let dows the bars v OBSERVATIONS. a hero, with a rag filled with. . carbolic acid tied aro and bis neck. . s A woman may not be far-igbtei in busi ness matters, bat the can see a fly Bpeck withont glasses as far again as a man can smelF" fried" onions. Cincinnati Breakfast Tuble. ' ' ; bhniSow tk PaU Trade ppens. r w ; 'Mua.'Jou rt tiniiiii niJ.i-i.-I -dj 'if "9tiJ ,t9tBaifffllOTSBhl24th;I -ait f t! . During the tast week there has beeri nitoked 'awakening in Baltimore job in& tPaVidfrciks. and preparations for til e fstlt Irade ihave commeheed irr earn- 'est somewhat earlier than usual. Am- ple8to8'(f' gbods-hate been secured 1 6 meefe tfee demands of customers, and orders also were in some lines freely bllea-sfiartieprgiai the uarohna and (Vimsf-ttierohante 1 he near-by in A 171? A list f Thousand ill Ei. JCi Country Weeklies, in wnicn. we can insert, a one ihch adyertiseK rjoent,ope year for tro dol ws and a 4oarter a paper;, or for the same price wis can insert fifty tteo reading notices (a new one every week); averaging seyenliDeSach; " Forlist1 of - papers . and other particular,1 address UKO. JKOW JLL 10 Spruce Street, New York. . -. v: , Borgia .representing; . Uie, extreme, pbihts "of 'shipment'. ' 1 rrti & 2. a T i 1 1 ue vraiisppriauon uses uaye au ex perientf some ' 6j ', the" Quickening in fluenced inapftrted' bj , the activity in bhsineso circle's, and'the SUtcrji com panies expect full freUyts'hen'ceforthj The rwlcoada hav tbjis sutntaer.peen dbf n , jal ' larger passenger, tf avely tbarr lat seasiihi and much more satisfactory tap.that of 187b"when the whole. tide was;'jn,a sngle. direction. . Baltimore, tooi "which' is doing a greatly increased foreign Export trade, and. receiving daily great quantities Of Western, pro ducts.' is also more lareelv stretchintr out her.traflac tpward'tne States beyond IRGINIA CLUSTER WHEAT. The most prolific variety, of Winter Wheat ever . known, , and .especially, adapted, to Southern Culture. In some instances one knernel has produced 100 full grown heads', and products nave been obtained at the rate of from 50 to' 90 bushels per acre; ' Price felgh dollara per bushef,- freight paidy tend make no charge for sacks!: Send stamp for circular of testimonials. Agents wanted irH every county in jMorm uaxojina. JUberal ( i n i - i u - . l- commiflHiuuB auoweu . Auuress toe uenerai Agents. E O DAKIEL & C0 PO' Box '158, Kng-Sftg, New,Y6rk; A LBEMARLE FEMALE INSTITUTE, XX Charlottesville, Virginia. ' Twenty-sec ond session t9 months), befrns October 1st. Board, including washing, fuel and lights and tuition in English, Latin, Greek and French, two hundred dollars per session. Music, Drawing and Painting equally lqw. The Albemarle is the best furnished Insti tute in the South. New ten-pin Alleys, new Bath Rooms, and the stroneest Chalv- heatelUnetal Water in Virginia' for pcpils iree. run acuity. An escort furnished three a. more pupils from the same point free. For catalogues address K H KAWLlNGc, M A, President. The brave man of ill-fated Grenada: is Bill has post almost day and night working like! f j0 tyvy means yet arrived when cars that come here loaded are all sent back'fiill there bas been a'great'cha'nge in that regard, and A decied- increase in wq'stjbound freights ffpin Baltimore. Grpceies, canned' .gop(Js perishable products and heavy .goods generally ,re the principal articles Sent, but there M o lack of theifiner commodities' too. donfidence in business circles has been iThe' ibUowinz' correspondence Explains I of 's'lbw erowtb. butrfor'that very rea- itself: "Dear Mrs Jones. Flease let me i sou, wnenonoe estapiisnea, is have half a dozen tomatoes if yoa. ca;J.PR n?4iotaihed, and the fall trade pf SallieSmith." "Dear Mrs Smith, We W opening with brighter prospects nof going to can iKwe projeo; kjSs; e'F.ienced fte past five years. Hannah Jones." Keokuk Constitution. i 1 U : 'J i 'w i.. -JW V n ':' j - u-. ,,f. ".i -.-) i- n.j.4.r 7Sn i Gov, Brgdea HaltiBg tBteen TwftOpijg..,. t ; "Now, jrillaiflioome jwith ; :roe here' Jkhe , j odgmenkseatofeayeri!,i.3orie8 thefierof : .irfW-MfssengerJ.; . a'play by M Dngue,'ofJPai6fl He. hurls ; ; Gov Brogden was in town on Satur- the heavy yillain into the oai' pJf 'a balloon, day.- . Ha appears to be Still undecided nfa 'i; .L n' hoo-s n H V. 0i .ith Mm what to do iahis coneressionalmatter. uu i v.-h tOn one side he .would .like to receive vt luu uvwiauHipq f uoj 'M.vyv wncuua sa if PIANO ct'i ORGAN Grand' Pianos, cost $1,600, only $45. Su perb tirana Hquare Piaqos, post $LlCe only -j zoo. Elegant upright Pianos, cost $800, only $155., New Style Upright Pianos, $112. 50. Organs $351 Organs 12 stops. $72.50.' Church Organs, 16 stops, cost $390. ' onlv $115. Elegant $375 Mirror Top Organs only iw. x-reoienaous sacnnce to close out preseh't stock. New' Steam Factory toon to D6 erected, : Newspapers with mnch infor mation about cost of - Pianos . and Oreana. sentfree. : Please address DANIEL F: BE ATT Y, Washington, N.J. P0STSMOT,3MlALEIIiHrHAiniiiXHAIlLSMErlllJ . a i 1 I 11 i) i .1 if As QUICK and RELIABLE as any Freight Route between RiitiiGiOTisMiuairjigjiFOLftjjij AND ALL POINTS SOUTH jss Fr'efehf Tr'aini"' CLOSE'COMECTIONS, For full information, Tariff-,' c f apply to Espres OBanrflrif Pfl t.ha t. thet nYirtf.rnt.a mi 11 nrtt. the SkieS. ''.,... frnn a ranH irlo f o arifl--wr tha nfhai- Ka io: :';Jtt"idy erased . a phAlpspphical yictim, J cautiously feelings hia. strength in bis "the person who took my overcoat, was m-p"" :!,; , "fF"""""- a4 4.2 Lh'ktil ' He will decide upon whatever, course but4fihe did so' frdm commercial considera- ?e tendB J0.?61. thp' lat f uu;,.mv vw .mwwiuv tember, and if he decades upon running 'ready to enter mto . financial ftrjin'dependentx5andid ate; will make negotiation for tts return. "--New Haven vigorous campaign. The Governor Register. "" " ' "" o 1 .i ' I . i'.j. 1',,'t ; i -n vuavi iiau w as . .wuv uaviio o cuu- 1 It . hs,.;'AHw&, Atsif,iiAMV - date," and thinks his past faithful ser- Jbut foV achanca to borrow cs'HU next 1$? l8.totefd ?e!Pfe ?LU5!? Tuesday, pernts-bftnself at. the door of a his recQrd in Coxi ought'to BatI8fy rich acquaintance. "My master aoesn tre- twHvifc ara -raanxrijr nMnlnf ffirv A DAY to Agente canvassing for thp t I Fireside Visitor.' .Terms and outfit fre. Address P QTICEERY, Augusta, Maine. 1:1 nch 2G .. I i'A. . iil.1. Vil. . H.irHi h. (i.OTI i:jl?i 36 .- ;i .411. OAlTJ'tiAiX) i"rIA AiV O.i HA (lHTiA5JAl) SSME TEJ IRi IES -AT or 1i!'!7lj!. , 'Kerry t:ilIHl.:j; ; I UITAE iiU?t -t E. ,G. BL O G 3EL 3BLS soh. a li4 .0 - Ii O O f MOBl jo .aan:T.v . fi9li' Illlfi 0M mWsQM "vQllftASiy Ad! BEACES A-.UUf, tINE ,(JF.S Parler, Cliar4ber,sJ)ining IbM cf ife- ffody atScel dsj'aS the seryan ghat's all. both parties. Of. coarse' Gov Brogden right. .;4,dott't want ftun to receive, i wanj; wants the Democrattcflupport. himl'to give. Tell him the Shah of Persia wants to see him." Paris paper. The Way ef tbs WorlcJ. 8t Louis Journal,: We ikaye a printer lq the Journal office- fceal, liye printer who Indianapolis Herald. T X- TT : ' I ii . i keeps a supply oI Cnewing.wpacco con8HUt- hn aflTSensefl linn5(1 damnation at rmp. aslheyeribeeri known to hf - UaA-' n'dMnha. ia : Rt.nrtpnf. e" W Charles Brrnth, a rtf rniman hatiirft. and h'fl. irnt a ftrtain ly on ha: borrowf plain, unassamLag.riame. b?t one which newspaper man down to a fine point should shine upon the pages' of "history, I Mr 1 Harris says' that he' can "call the ftrarvntr the 'loftier tales of heroes who haTB i turn" . on .him every'time. When he wocftnd' Won fame by '(e'retentiUb .co1taeti:itft' a 'lordly air, poundia: the means. counter, add roars but "Gim'me a'glasi o' Bass' ale, .and don t De all day about it, you d d black . rascal' Mr Harris THE TRiPIE EXECUTION. ' j) J jt'i 14- f 5ii J ' jidicQmejiari cafcfeet, sAf'.r.iibbinj; Nae Hanging of , the, Jfegro Murderers pf the .jiis bands)n'd 'i&j8,;,tQ'fkQmng i:rl..i,.ifleb if ytrr.-. Viii:, 01CW i -?tt : . ' - ' BiaEttttAiJiS' C August 23, 1878. 4-Yekrr friiMtoi haVe nad the facts Of the, mardet,Q FwfeBrKfrh d I 2 a a i - I'.'i 5 inijers. tnaj ie nas yweaitn; out wnen ;J The'-fotor Question. am aMMiere re I Charleston News and Courier. Tbe agricultural society ef dew berry, at theiir 'meeting last week, met P thlbfceliallfplttif .cilrw jof murfJer . "Air tH'e "evidenCeTDbtaltfaDie e7 . ''eu mcu vp junll ilj .lit l! fi p-i !niu!d3 JisnH ,19V Ton o(I .7b o4 t aort fli fcadacl - hu. )imh tiinatii bl3 1U11 NowiOnlers to the trade si Coloanea Ensrlishr Seleet -Smces aig Fjnc and J)neU&P PWTvfe I Al a o i t OTA Carefully apreparefU a.tall 9tM)nrs,f boa:juggj .WMMidaft.fWj f&ftw v.v9 m i v1 7 ol sahjiwtetf .opiate xod eoO Ewrf -.ii i ., ,11)1 , .ml. itn'l nfi I'iu 1 i - ...i. ; ,uii.i;;.j ..... . . J . . . V . Ir-i ..! .I . 'A 1 : fctitmB VLlUOft StlSii4 siWJwAfcU iti dfed snijhoW certd vci I A . ho4;iita 1J naansoi A hii 4i'3a? 8 I u 'i-.rto id elilLili bw Aaia tn:r?lv lso Hraux ana nai1 HKJi4 fit .Kflllifi"! 1 Hk!i.iiii 'I'wr sRiTsn WTva ,?9d lllV SUIfi?. 9i ihtbe.cajieg.rpuxely circumstantial, Wmiwion to mbjraWp aa no oneit the murderera were pre- ciety.' The' abctety' oriiftfptiPn bf Mr v. "t..,v ha Johnstone, one of Its members, lmme- of their;gitlinng around them so teJf Mowera a res9iu.upn prpymmg nacibusy that it could not be shaken that bey..shouId. .be admitted , to, the Off, and a vigorous prosecution secured privileges qi mempersmp upoai oom hearing the evidefcead ell done," siom .Those who are disposed to think when the juryVefldelrerJ'thefr verdict. 18 ."crowded out" m ! AU the facts proyed by the surroun- f9. Carolina, will please ppte this Uing CirvuiuHMWJUca uve ucou venucu t r, by admissirjis on tne. part pjob pris oners srHCte- their MrJtrVicfiPft? ohn and Neill did not jjeny their guilt up -j. I 'fifeieriBg Feigning Iasaniry. iiUl' y. la-..' l.t 3. on the scaffold, buVwould not confess ! 'BtodlUst jSDr it.t?JOlWaWj)ialfe8aitonil wjjp awmnieft ipassassinaie jne God that was enough. Neill said he pero WMl3am,.i8 suspected of feignipg had something tetaerotOr think, aoouti maanew. . xie w uuoruy oc cuuvey and in his talkhe warned all . jte keep to a lunatic asylomi'to be placed under put of bad company, sent messages to Ihe pbseTVatipnipf experts.1 ";w : j:f his father and mother, urging them j'i- , .''i' , fnr hin aalzA-taJAt the laat nartnf their i LiehL airv. and cheerful. centraUy locat- in aalzA-taJAt the la&l nar X)f their lives be bertKanthe TnrsT. "Bis fa- M.acaretuiiy, maoagea, inevpionaae theft he aid; hftdifeeeniery wicketf, and4etei? leatnehtoarry thing g0.'l FWpS Pompey Easterhng said 'her Was not i'-".' "i . ' i- ",T PrewW''fli'uler l;11" ";!! W: " L7: drJwn45i:wie,1 morning 'buf Jiwas jth Pre' ! -, To alt who are. .suf&nfig , fromthe ; enpre LwKiAiwtebTl!k.' 'Vi;yv.t: H oti'! and indiscretions of youth rieryous .weak- scret: '4. Ji.LtJjOu 1rton Afr' ir'o n)i Ani ' Jtrfi' X1 XiJUXU serpt 11 UHAJtlUE, , Thi took part in the burial. Theytoet j P88 Irlelr&ife braly3, Jtndbha tokedtihd Jgffi Into a spirited disptrte1 frpoii 'gdrliture, BeMnaselddressed envelope to Vth Half Wfee'drshow'M ari' eitraojd JOSEPH TINMAirtjaaott Bm nary uegxee' ui lumuigvuuu, uvx uut ui 1 rv'" . r their treachery, gained frpm;thelrI: j M. hesl ' of aoutlawry Scuffletbwn, "thpy .?. nt h -wmjHi the REV Wle Home mav30 dw tf I fdf.lil.IMmi IM . 1 vtiO ilinl-tad') .-fibbA 01 ,i .ni.i! TJdJ 0JtbfI.lWW !luT Ttrq a oil Til. Toy U "n tjP i.T "J'.T. nil ..a. f.Hfiiil kiwi- h-A Mnj .0. kf,iLrw,wirba rMyoiiirMrA, age,uia Banasuw.a- .HWSIl ll. .... UlitMIUWMWl WU' B-..-.". IXJI. i.idi!.r 1 . j . 'a.. . . . v . . 1 v., 1, u a lumt n ii.iiiwjir Tf Von -Arant v6nrnorftM wn fwf At4T ell 1 WkXVW9WaWjt.lWxsAhf'- . r . UIIJ,! , , .,; , j. S-hl..fiM hfAnmsrrrr; Was done by John Bevels and hiS iSBflB iiafoa in ftrlmfl. I .111 " . ... ... . ... . Hvy. FrotQaretutauen lonivong tnoseJWHn Carefal Whom he dealt in this section, Frank lift ,irt)a4mwMd'nnliA tbirMraarecnrd. I i ma nd our people deeply regret his death, dialt6ot.fct, rxtsriMerWnave suf- 'areA neatn. h6 is not restorea to n rivers. rOttir'ffi V AV rp f . defiamsfe Irams, go U'ieWaafwelJ ry'Mble,:.,,;. sxs: SWEET USMfiAYY k-arnrAfA "kinhntl ryfi of. r.nt.nnlnl EzDOdttlOn for fine chewing qualitim and exeellenee aiad lading char acter of mtetming and favoring. The bast tobacco ver maae. as our uiuo Btnp iraae-tnjric is ciosenr Imitated on Inferior roods, cce that Jjwlson' )al ia on every plug. Sold Vy oil dealers. Bend for cample. wee, to v. A. jacksox Ji UD., Mtrs., reterSDnrg,- va. TEEEPH0NES For Business. Parposes. ours excel ail others in, clearness and ydlutne of tone.' IlluStrattid cir cular and testimonials for Setts'. Address J R HOLCOMB, Mallet Creek. Ohio. A BRIEF TKE ATIE8 ON PULMONARY Diseases will be sent free to all appli cants. Address 03CAR Q MOSES, 18 Uort. landt. street, New York, TELIABLE Fire Insurance is offered to IA, the public by ' JO BURROUGHSv BRHOOM. TAKE pleasure in informing my friends that Lwill leaye Charlotte on the 23rd June, bi tbe-Sstis Exposition, and expect to be absent three months. During my absence my business will be under the management of my brother, Ambrose Fifcbesser. ' I trust that my friends will give the im perial" Saloon, during my temporary abei sence, the patronage that' they have so gen- erously given me m the past Joseph Fischessei PROPRIETOR.; in i iiitrr i UNDERTAKING ! , t The undersigned is now prepared to fil all orders, for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand a full assortment of . t ..Coffins, Carets, MMaljCasesi:; 1 ; . j, : . i V rr'-i, t , E0TH WCOD AND METALIC. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY.: Hearses furnished if desired; ' !Fhf niture of every aesoiiption repaired at snort notice. ui : W. MJ WILHELMi. . , -: ; i Try n St . , Opposite M. E. Churchi .jnne2U -,., -.. itiUl 1 ' l ' .. . -' . . ' ' ' -t" .nfniiio; Worth 50, 60, 75 and 90 cents, Closing This Day af 25 cents io ach; bi,!-. : j;!' E. D. L. & B.- A LARGE LINE OF ' " ' ILL llffl LLAi, Worth 20 cents each, Closing This Day at three for 25 cents. E. D. LATTA & BRO. By the 1st of September wewill beprepared to offer to the public advan tages Superior to any in the South . The senior partner of our firm is in If ew ! x otk purcnasing our , JFA-LL STOCK! pf Clothing, which will be of the very latest styles on the Market. He will also unng oui a very superior une oi samples ior our - , OOOTJ. JT c;SSs TTTT OO MM MM DDD EEKPPP A RRR TTTT MM MM KEBKN NTTTT Ji UK KSo i X J M M M M D DE P P AA R R T M MM M E SB N T a U rjBgs J O OMMMM D D EH PPP A A RRR T M MM M EE NBN T ft flTT VJ U U U O o 1 OOO UU "SS T O OM M M OO M M M DDE P DDD KEEP AAA R A AR T T M M M E N NN T M M M BERN NN T which we will make ud to order at extremely low Drives, and guarantee a per fect fit or no Sale. , , Our Mr. L. Berwanger beine a practical Tailor of manv vears experience, af fords the people of Charlotte and surrounding country advantages equalled oniy Dy mew xojk or .Baltimore. We can save customers ordering from us from $10 to $15 on a suit. Our Piece Goods Department consists of the best Im nor ted C&ssimeres. Doe Skins and Imperial Cloth from the best manufacturers in the World. lall and be convinced, by examining our goods and prices. L. BERWANCER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIEBS AND TAILOBS, AAIIOJTAI, CLOTillNG. JIALL. CHART ,OTTR Terrr-sper Day, - " Board, per Month , - FIELD BROTH E RS, Propri etors. $ 2.00 16.00 i : i i j !jto Being determined to keep a Firft-Claes House, we respectfully' solicit a'share of putuitJ xmtronaer" ., ... ;? JT JULIAN, Superintendent; BEN KIMBALL,. Clerk. angl ' J - ' : FIR Belling, buying :and.;retitiHg Mines, Land and Houses, andirovidinsr home in the Piedmont regpjsof. JNorth Carolina and South Carolina, arid, being connected with the 4'ScTWair RKiD,' circulated in this country and Kurope twice a month, I wiU tadvertise, frie.of cost, ail farms and mines, plaoed in xnyT hands, for sale.. , r, f',r r - TflOS i PRAYT0N," L" -OTirV' 'VTu T-Cfh4rlottej O." TBlME Nv.j C. - FAMILY. i-ROES ; . AND AjsvCHpped Her; Li vCtipped HerriagSi on consignment and 1 1 . i i TraC Street; Cbaxlotte, N jgLLIOTT'S FAMILY FLOHR.! : . . , ; , -s Younts' Famuy FldQ, " RamsotdcBafitlrf'lMl')? ' N. 0. Hams, Bacon Meal, Hay, Shucks, ; f a? ll'JinlLLtAMS FlNQERi friends. JL.Jl J. ..-"-- , I-- wamaaL doughnuts, mrjflsanqvgriaaif pw pi every luna, are aiwayo pusBiuie mhiwimi pie by using Dooley's xeast rowag, tyiDE AW.A5jnittedMgiHf If:, for Youne People, is tbe verr beat nub Ubafaon of thekindhin our eonatriri s-well an, agency,; undtonKj 0. .-sTi.d Iiiitq MaMJXttttUf MJnoio h? m'-OHla -AftoS ?iIO ixBatoxod iihe public by J 0 BURROUGHS: i . i i ii iiukuunviii t. t- llr 1! 3 '. Al ' ' ' B-rarrrfnA onr 'stnT-k hefom Drrrchasia ti- riHOICE xTBESHirBTTBBr?5 i' i rt.ifinejot-Uoiuitry C'niceiui;ii;gga, uo: Irish Potatoes. .Sweeti-Potatoes. ,1 snpply, pt jOaffeei ,6 poandSifor: ONJB DOL- Wf.TAttT.m Tn,rrJL Uri LAR: atitba CashfiterftOCs'T leno'IaBS f ".:i')iHftTMj,11' x ; - - v - - -rVT. iaifTr'TTTn- jul25 illii'i'ii; ltj!l Jli liliis'j ji,U0W Oil ilDlit. ! i. i UU As there is an unprecedented prospect for goodrcrops. and ,ai it 'ooa and prosperous; pasines seasbn; I am buying ; . - . ; : s"" If.! u : I i ' .'. - , . -i:'-..TiUJ ;1'JV9 8.QftUt: i.-r. ini wioj..-- js'ik ,--.iou ti a . " - - And Elegant Stoek fot tnis Fall.0: 1 . - I nQ:l if ,','. i;i Mil 3 ?;?iiq 'io o,n'j!.yr.;I. -u.ij W W WH H OO-Ir KKE RSSa io ,3sai i-iJH io uJ 3 no ..joioi vi ALIJXKEK ,(, AAA S . BEES : T A., AU LUX Goods' hdi arriThb dailr. and by.1 September, l&t. olesalei Siociwilftbecpttiplete: ''lOtW 513" " r iluit --frhiirM w.iio?hn Ki?iVl ,m V '"" .8-&fwi n&xoi iJau&rJi Jf' a.; t ll Vl 'JTVU. ,1111.1 141- 11-4 1. .f-llll'l-MI .l1 I I-'J. IlII''c'II"U.Ui.U'U.HU. ILIUU'U I . '.:t::; :,n:'i tKelVS by September Charlotte, August lffiVi .rsil