WEDNESDAY. SEPT 11 1878- ' : r . '.. , M'lKt-, ! Radical Campaign literature. ' ' &,' i i : : : i i""' irVi tiio'i i::; a i UDoa our -table, bearing upon its title page, in felain-letters, the following le gend : : : . I ; -.' V Republican Campaign Text-book tor 1878. Table of contents r : " ChaDter I. Greenbacks. , - ; . . .-; 11 .- Chapter II. Labor. Chanter III. Smthern Claims; '' "Chapter ly uempcrauc ttevem- V. Democratic ion Tilnh rice birdsTare now selling ; io Wilmington at 20 cents a dozen. Lwis Bryant, coloredpfell into the riv. r at lmingtoiiH JasV aturday evening idisvas drowned The handsomest individual contribu tion sent by anj One from this State to the yellow fever sufferers was a check for' $600 forwarded by Dr W J Haw kine, of Warren. . !' Goidaboro Messenger.: The extreme length bf Nbrth Carolina from east to west is 485 miles,. the greatest width 188 miles, its- arei 50,700s 'fequare miles, which' ia; a little; r more'' than that ot Eogland.Qr one thousandth part of the land surface of the globe. , Its extreme length from east to ! west is considera bly greater than from its northern boundary to Canada.' . . Mooresville Gazette;"? young la dies in Mocksville committed to mem- . . m ' TT a J ory th? wur gospeis, . -ac s, Bt in Doint o there are no ideas Second Co rintmans w "KJ In the book. It is really a mixture of ' tSE lieB and platitudes. in the proportion of moumuB. j""6 ir: about two of the former to one of the same iuwu oomLuinieu vu mciuuij tu entire New Testament, a large part of the Psalms, Ecclesiastes and a part of Isaiah. All this"'Was done in three months, besides meamorizing a large number of hymns. P CI tin. " : " Chapter M Chapter VI. Jeff Davis." J Here we have an official - inventory of. the stock in trade of the Republican party; the remnants of that once proud fortune of ideas and of victories which it ; has tak en . ja -dynasty . of knaves, thieves, perjurers forgers and sneaks ten years to aandr ;-W have pe rused the Republican campaign text book and find that it is' intended' merely as a supply of cheap ideas for rural BturnpBpeakers-who have no resources of their own. AVe-suppose that cour- SiSrfiaisiirftK Smachine ATOrecWQBKs: Speakr KandaM Says the Democrats are Bound i Hr to Have Thirty Majority ! i vy. f '.-- J - ! ? Speaker Randall made abort visit to (Washington last week', but he kept himself so close that very few knew of his presence. He dropped into the folding department of the House, wLeie 84 reporter of the Post was seated, and a few short opinions . were extracted frdm him. In the first place he re gards the election of a Democratic House as a certainty. - "We will have thirty majority in (be next House," he said, ''at least, and the chances are foi: a larger majority. Why, just take every congressional election and make the calculation and you'll see we can't have less than thirty. The Democrats will gain several members in Peiihayl vakiia."! ' 1 You think so." . Yes; certain." , i !::. v 'Can the .Democrats cairy Permsyl- tania?" reieirnnniiran ivnrKc i m- - it mm v i y m m.kj .. HOTELS AND SALOONS. mi i 11. . I i. 1 : 1 1 tesy requires us to dignify the clap- J? Pfave ?. 7 . c"i aiX ",v trap under consideration by calling It wdrld fop it, and the belief js.that they iM ll to his own election the Speaker CariaJ ' Street, from Sixth to Seventh. 'V: . " Richmond, VA- : ,;". ; EN GIKE8, portable and stationary, SAW MILLS, GK1ST-M1LL8 BOILERS, CAST INGS of BRASS "arid IRON, FORCINGS,! Ac. MACHINERY for Gold, and Coal Mines, Blas$ Furnaces, &e. ' ':"'Jj We call ppecial attention to our IMPROVE ED PORT ABLE ENGINES, for agricultural and other purposes. Also, to our new styles SMALL LOCOMOTIVES for hauling lum ber, and other article npen tramways alU narrow sauge railways. The best Planters regard oar GINNING ENGINES surri ii lo a" in use. Send for ilhistiated Catalogue free. Other things being eqnal encourge Southern institutions Repair work solicited and promptly done Shafting, Pulleys, Ac, or Gin Houses. Wm E TANNER & CO. may 15 dw lv foi the nomination, . and he felt fectly easy about his election. per THE H02R0RS OF VICKSBURG. A New Orleans Appeal for a Sister City. Prom the New Orleans Times. The condition of affairs at Vicks burg is truly appalling. There seems to be no immediate prospect of the abatement of a malady which has de veloped the most stubborn and malig nant traits, and which continues to spread with absolutely frightful energy. Some idea of the truth may be formed when we consider that an equal mor- later, where they are separate,' but' as In the maior nortion of the work, the two materials-qi its; coxnpoBiiion are mingled and fused th'al it fs irripossibre to distinguish the one irom tne ptner. ' ChaDter I recites that the Eepubli- can party originated the greenback and that the Democratic party antagonized its introduction as currency. This is true, but it is a platitude, and the only query it could suggest in the mind of the voter woujd , be, Why 'doesitheiRe publican party disown its child in this emergency? This would' be an awk ward question, and the answer would keep any Radieal orator quite busy for at least one evening. Chapter HJrecites that the Republi can party is the friend of the, working man. But .the workingman at large has f ATENT MEDICINES. " VECETINE f nrifies the Blood and Gives Strength. talittr hero ronnlfl rpsnlf. in at least two nartv is owned, by the Seligmahs.Drex hundred and fifty deaths per day and els. and their kind, and is operated for about two thousand new cases fully their behoof and benefit as a tax gath- up to the worst i achievements--of the ering machine, of which his scanty epidemic of 1853. Vicksburg is a city earnings constitute the grist. Asjl of scarcely more than fifteen thousand cqnsequence, the workingman is sub inhabitants, and yet the reports from ject to skepticism touching the quality t.hprA nn Ti.eRdav recorded twentv-lour OI tne proiessea menasuip oi ui87 a i . 1 .1 , , Du Quoih, III , Jan. 21, 1878' Mri H RStevens : Dear Sir Your "yeetyne'Vhss-been do ing wonders for mel? Have beeni having the Chills and Fever, contracted in the swarrps of tbe6uth, nothing giving me relief until I beah lhe-qe of ypur Vegetine jt givieg me immediate relief, toning up my system, puHfying my blood, giving strength ; where as all other raedecines weakened me, and and filled mt svstem With poison : and I am satisfied that if families that liye in the ague districts of the South and - West would take discovered" that the Remiblican Veeetine two or three times a week, they the malignant r eveis inii prevail cenaiu times of -the year, save doctors' bills, and Kespectfully yours, deaths and one hundred and eighteen new cases of yellow fever. (Jit ew Or leans; with a population of two hun dred and twenty thousand, nad only forty-nine deaths and something over two hundred new cases. It is safe to say that a larger- percentage of "people have run away -worn Vicksburg than from New Orleans, so that any change in these estimates on that account would only tend to swell the relative destruction in Vicksburg. If, in addi tion, we take into account the great unacclimated peculation here, the numbers of destitute people herded together in ill-built, ill-ventilated tene ments, the natural prey of disease in one shape or another, and then re member that four-fifths of the deaths in New Orleans have been among these people and among little children, we begin to realize how infinitely greater as a public calamity has been t'ie fayer in Vicksburg. The' case is really one to appeal to the sympathies of the whole country. Of course New Orleans is doing her ut most. It is from here that skilled physicians and experienced nurses go to all communities afflicted with yellow fever. All we desire is to call attention to the great affliction under which Vicksburg, in common with Memphis and Grenada, is laboring, and to adjure our fellow-citizens in ev ery part of the couniry to bear in mind her terrible, heart rending ex tremity. . A Butler Scare ia New England. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore San Washington, Sept 8. A gentleman who holds a high official position in Washington, himself a resident of New England, has returned from a month's visit to New Hampshire. live to a eood old age, J. B. MITCHELL, Agent Henderson's Looms, St. Louis, Mo. A LL DiSKlSES OF TB K 1.VT GB., Y EG El INK will relieve pain, cleanse, purify, ana cure such diseases, restoring the patient to perfect health, after trying different physicians minvMrnnliM ' anfltArinr for vPftTfl. ia no! cohclusfve pToof. if you'are a snjferer. )you can 1e cured? Why is this medecme per forming Buch great cures ?- It works in the blood, in the circulating Art id. It can truly be! called the "Great Blood Purifier." The great source of disease originates in the blood : atd no medicine" that does not act directly upon it, to purify and renovate, has nnmlera. Chapter tflnslsfe ntfsin !y sfifeefel e imitations of the JLwftfl Peril diorials of the Newrk?6twith6aflaa tions from .the thrke ihet t)Osteraof 1876. As a1"whole,Jllie chapter on Southern Claims .seems intended tis a papululn-fOT -fools wid is not euscepti ble of serious treatment. Chapters IV and V relate to the any Jjust claim upon public attention dreadiul frauds by wnicn toe demo cratic party counted the electoral votes of Florida and Louisiana for Hayes. That is to say, we suppose that must be it, because .those chapters treat of Democratic reyolution and Democratic electoral frauds, and there have been no revolutionary electoral frauds in this generation, or, in fact, in the whole history of the government, except those bv which Hayes was counted m. we have no doubt campaign committee is VECETIIME fljas Entirely Cured Me of Vertigo -i ' Cxibo, III , Jan. 23, 1878 Mr. H. R, Stevens : Dearfihr. I have used several bottles of "Vegethre"; it has entirely cured me of Vexti go. I have also used it for Kidney Com plaint. It is th best medecine, for kidney that the Republican psompiaint. i would recommended it as Wa of the amount of lvine that would tain asd uisiabk. can we expect to en be required to make ut that the Dem- j?y good health when bador corrupt humors cratic party subor&ed the puijuries of the returning board and the forgeries that accompanied them. But unfortu nately the public knowledge on that point is beyond even the power of the most astute Radical liar to reverse. iWe now come down to Chapter VI, wlhjch is labeled Jeff Davis. Here the Radical liar seems to have struck his gait, Qive him Jeff Davis for a subject, and the Radical liar luxuriates like a hog in a melon patch. be able to convince the modern green- backer that the Radical party 'is really &, greenback organization 1 in disguise. circulate with lha blood, causing pain and disease ; and these humors, being deposited mrougn me enure o ay, proauce pimpies eruptions, ulcers, indigestion, costiveness headaches, neuralgia, nrheamatism, and numerous other complaint? Eemove the cause by taking, "Veeetine," the most reli able remedy for cleansing and parifiying the blood. illllll rrnirrtm ! T NEWS! The Celebrated Pearl Shirt can now be had Already M ft Charlotte, N.C. RATES $3, $2.50 and $2 ACCORDING TO obiohtal. Location of Rooms H. C. ECGLES, PROPRIETOR. febl yADDILL HOUSE, Gaitonia, N. C, -by- E . W A D D finished and ready i for wear at the same old price, $1.00 wcbi auu uueapest soirx m me country Also, we have just received by etxpress a large lot of Hamburg Edgings, ' Brown Dress Linen and Trimmirjgs, at astonishing low prices. Call at once and secure great bargains. H. IVIORRIS & BROS Silk Parasols at less than cost. A HARVEST FOR THE PEOPLE ! R . feblO tf ILL OR, THE S TOP iT THE SecretMPair Face. An Item of Interest to JO very Lady who Ieslreg to le More Beautiful than nlxo now i . rnfnrnniitelrnotoneonnmiii :i ! mvlivd, pub- lected to the whfms of an American clit.iato jvwscss L, ut lmsria and at sir tine -point l.o:tuly a Dure mid clear complexion. Wlmt nature Las tlitia desiea, a. t 1 o ci!le.l upon to furnish. It can b done; it U done daUy. Prof. "W. E. TT.cmn nlmvWl hpantv -within the reach t cTery un- Haiio-htpr of Eve when lie disasovered that Burprising'. article known ia fiishiouttblc eireltss as th true secrefcot Jtxauty, uu wnof : MAGNOLIA BOYDEN HOUSE, SALISBURY, N, C. C S BROWN Proprietor Late of theNationa' Hotel, Raleigh. C 8 Brown, Jr, Chief Clerk: L W Masten and W O Shelbnrrt, Assistant. dec30 3m IMPERIAL WM, The Magnoma TiAJM is a sure device for creating a pure una blooming complexion. It concenls nil natural blemishes in the most sur- nrisimr and effective manner. Tt removes all rouRunesR. eruptions, redness, blotches, freckles, and tan with magical power. 11 i viilencoa of futipue and ex- Xtf M (''' " " " V eitement. It makes the rlainest face boautiful. I. gives the complexion a daazlin purity and makes the neck, face, end arms appear gnioefnL rotund, and plump. Tf iymIm ii nuitrnn of 35 or 40 look not more than 20 years old, mid changes the rustic muiduu into a cultivated city bene. Th, UmjnoliA Balm, remove! all blemUkrs and con- CtaU toeril drawback to beauty; and, uhile it harmtltu at wain; it it to lift-Hkt t il il rfectt that th eloUtt obtervtr cannot detect itt use. Ladies who want to make themselves uttractore ..v. .n h-nlnfi certainty of it by using Hasan's Magnolia Balm, and we know of no other way It is the cheapest preparation m the world, all things considered, aud may be had at any drug store. T TAKE pleasure in info; ming my friei ds A that I will leave Cl.arlotte on the 23rd June, foi the Paris Exposition, and expect to be absent three months. During my absence my business will be under the management of my brother, Ambrose Fischesser. I trust that my friends will give the 'Im perial" 8aloon, during my temporary ab sence, the patronage that they have so gen erously en me in the past. Joseph Fischesser, A GREAT SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING AT W. KAUFMAN & CO'S. We will f ell for the next 30 days the Greatest Bargains ever known to the people. We are determined to make room for FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and have no other chance to accomplish this only by selling- our entire stocK ot Merchandise, on hand, regardless oi cost. We want everybody to note this and call in duo time so as to be able to obtain some of our Clothing at such, prices as will never be imitated; also, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Furnish ing Goods cheaper than ever before. W. K A U F M A N & 0 0 . , Springs. Corner, Charlotte, N. C; Our Mr. S. S. Pegram is now visiting the manufacturers buying our jnn20 PROPRIETOR. EDGEWORTH SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 9 Franklin Street, Baltimore, Md. MR8. H. P. LEFEBVRE, Pbihcipal. THE Seventeenth Annual Session begins September 19th. For circu'ars apply to the Principal. aug 13 tf. 1VEW LIVERY STABLE. fall and. Winter Stock Of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Trunks, which will be selec ted with great care. We want every one needing anything: in our line to call and examine our stock bufore buying elsewhere. lours truly. PEGRAM & CO. LADIES, IF YOU BUY VECETIIME He may not I Believe it tebe a Good Medicine. and the workingman may be skeptical about the professed friendship which has been displayed in' a steady policy of robbing him to enrich somebody else. It is tiphiil work to establish the conviction that the Democratic party id rpsnnnnihlA fnr .T Minjflisrvn "WftflarfcrtW Maine and Massachusetts, and says countable for John Sherman, to blame . . i i . l r ti -r.' i t - iti - tnat tne greenDacK movement in new England surprues him in its extent. In Massachusetts, he says, the excite ment raised by Gen Butler ia very great, and that it has had the effect to frighten the aristocratic and money portion of the people, who, for the first time in many years, will take a'n active interest in the campaign. They XraiA, O , March 1, 1877. Mr. Stevens : pear Sir. I wish to inform yon what your Vfgetine has done for me. I haye b.en af flicted with Neuralgia, and after using three bdttles of the Veeetine was entirely relieved. I; " f orv; K I flao found my general heaVtlv much im him to enrich omehorJy- pei; lbeiieTe t4o be a good mediefne. for Eliza Pinkston, or answerable for the Jenksi woman. But when it comes tt) Jeff Davis, the Radical liar has plain sailing. Anything he may say about Jeff will be believed on the western re serve of Ohio, in .the prairie Bloughs of Iowa and among, the , , grasshopper wastes of Kansas, where the Jeff Davis chapter finds its chief market. . On the nrours truly, FRED HARVERSTICK j j Veoktxbe thoroughly eradicates every kind of homor, and restores the entire sys tem to a healthy condition. ; VEGETINE I Druggisl's Report. R Stevens : iDeai Sir. We have been your I'Vegetine" for the past eighteen months, atd we take pleaanre in stating that in every case, to our knowledge, it has given great ata determined that never l-whole. the Jeff Davis chanter ia the become Governor of Massachusetts, and no legitimate means will be left untried to accomplish this resolution. They will raise large sums of money for printing, for speakers, for proces sions, musio and .other purposes, and it is said that they are so much fright ened at Butler's progress .that they are satisfied that he cannot be defeated by irowna ana protests, uen Butler, on his part, is making a desperate fight, he very well knowing that at the age of GO years he can : ' never recover. 1 if he loses this battle. These being the facts a very heated campaign - is looked for. The Republican convention will as semble at Worcester next week, and the platform is anxiously looked for. Gov Talbot will no doubt be nominated. Text-booVAhii ..does not' refute itself. It would therefore' seem advisable for I Mr. Gorham, in case he has to print a I new edition, to strike out his first five chapters, and go it alone on Jeff. And while we are abottt it. we may as well remark -that according to nresent flD- pearances tb e . platform of the) Bepubf j lican party In 1880 will be reduced to the melancholy couplet . relating to Jeff I Davis and the aDtle tree. If Jeff should I Happen to go to JBurope or Qie. the Kel publican party would have to disband. "That Little Dog of Mine." VGILL. Drnggists Hickman. Ky. VECETIIME IS THE BEST 8rtngs MediciHe. VEGETINE Prepared by H. R. STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS. Vegetiae is Sold by AU Druggists. . VP f have in store, 65 half-barrels and kits of J FRESH MACKEREL. Which will be sold at Packers' Wholesale prices. -fen-ii , TH03 H QA1THER, College Street; Prajer for the Fever. Smitten. The following is the form of nraver adopted by -the Episcopal Houb of Bishops, in session at New York last week, and, recommended far, use , dur ing the prevalence of the yellow fever scourge : " " mm Almighty 3od, our refuge and strength in time of trouble, give ear to our prayers? m behaif of Thy people Charleston News and Courier. The city h'aa;.i.dpg4V.h9r';.l)ftii4. Not because this ia an uncommon xr eurrence, is the fact stated, but be cause that dog is an uncommon &&g, Of the fern ale gender, and by t,hap jjs J ..Call early, m, iHia. j.uuip uug its a puiuier, uuu waa cap t ured by th e poljce som e time, a go ir company with a . thif. where, np honest dog should be. found. It was kept in theyardlof the Main Station on til a board bill 'of $17 was ran up against iti ?n Then it wa aaertise(l't6ii'saTe'aij THRESH MACKEREL, i nf : "lilffiii il ''ill IONMENT. T70R RENT. Three Neat, New Cottages: Also a Large Airr Room, suitable' for ' a business office whoatthisftimfraef uff Call on grievous sickness and mortality, and ugentiWH9aB r6nuA;p&Til4ji;' : ; ; hM ri'Ti,- f.. IP... nil.; I f.nn.t After hut rtenfinert navihcr uiuD.uw aujt woo iryw luem-in niB thsm r - VIla ' j I tnn.1 vrast nrtt naiStrircrl with t ha Fhiaf I '. lZZTMZSZZ uWIJ hnt SSVrfi.; nJmWliaAV WATCHMAKER, tHOa.EUGAITHER. stetcorthTbyMightyoJtaateTiP?1' winr attracted by shots fared at thisTHMtitence Heal Wiffilck MilS- ,07 joined the partyfatiA foi- liver them notpver unto, deah.. Cov- iwe" p.w, see u er with the Shield; bftThv nf otection He, therefore; 6lannM thatog all those; who are exposed, .to danger. gein properly 'IrecoYered, p: i)I, and mptitijteid hbujI fpr, thet, i recAy btrengtnen ihe weak beartedi comfort the bereaved and desolate,' and give to mem mat are as a store on Trade street, onnosite ornet fire company No 1, for to repair give me ' ' xt 1 1 F atchjep Cloaks and JetoeUf.'- a - o Uyu iconrteouswinvitB tnenuajidtc l nil i iv-i iwi ii n ii i ,t r 9ir. ft i i ropeny. lacan:"""-- v iem that are sorrowful beauty fdrM W o!rftne-.atore,8aitti ogt-aiXhi;niovfi,l ihesi W6 of i6y:for mouTttfnVjrrrl wasm et br suit againsti.him for thm ER9JTyaOJi iYIROINU-flewion etfin qijthe?ft:ojf pefofer,nd in- the garie'ntr:prairi theWrft' if Wrwaid -board !, bim R Sb fartwb suit Uanized on he elective system, giving the heav:ne8s.:;Best6wrrbyrnle6sine 1 Pe ehnte'rHdAnd any5 rihfpAberf J student frefrichoice of stadres.with fall v: " .".ws minis- ri-r."' r"v iu j din:fervrr": irtfnent indlnlthB Sfchodkrbf La s 3ngraeeriBKr,afiai agncuitui MM Tpt atalogue apply to the Secretary of 4he Fac llty P. J. Uruvityi Df -Virainia. n i p. I i ter tdlhe reliefs! the. Afflicted. TfHar. that dog, and the matter .. ia yet-unset tiff thlsiBltationo-hrvb Med. Nobody caU ,how ithejnatf err v uuib tuaHuUfituqiina Owl peartS I r uu uu uuw n, luuao an 11 tnai uuy binding us in, sy mpathyHono withan reT6 J deBtindl to. 2 - ilitlgaled over other, and by Thy , grace making na a n"" nowiSuitsbothWaidtiflEsahdde people serving God and working rights fendatite" by dying of old'ige., 1 f . 0 SSy So. ? may we )live to honor , , , ,M ,,, EWfti through Jesus Chrnieh: OuP&m of the tirSer l 1ST low. :86othih. fin Koi. r: iiw??mxT. hiMrefl.;mcoraddS lelievea wind colic. ' tPm.t th- .-. ;-fi 1 . corrects ftcidibflhMtomach; id : Colic ' '-'rptmlatorf "i'oeawhelher XZrr"1", or ower canses. An twMn . ,!. i .' , . . . . . T will send A reeeirit that Wil Hra vAn 1 tP RU! v. i OF CHARGED 'Thia ereat mmkanM covered by k missionary isi 8onth Amerioc1 set i-aa a ressea envelope totha RBYl me suits for $10, ranis or suits sain fSSEfl ire suits for $8, guarantee al TRY IT! - tc. The Old and Reliable ANCHOR Mdita BRAND IP you want first-class Carriages, Pbtetcns, Bugg'es or Paddle Horses, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wa gon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want your horses well fed and well groomed, go to tbe IVew Livery stable. Carefnl drivers, promptness and reasona ble priefs a e our m tto. may28 R CHAMB EES & CO. UNDERTAKING ! MM MM MMMM 1C MM M 1C it H M M n 11 11 11 11 ii h L L T.T.T.T. Tj L L L TJ.T.T. II II II II II NN N NSK N NN N NN KKK K KB B EBB RRR E R RRR R R R R T Y T Y YY Y Y GGG G G G G GO GGG OO O O O O O O OO OO O O O O O O OO DDD D D D D DDD 3SS 8S Wheat Fertilizer. 1 FOIt SALE BY BURWELL & SPRINGS sept 1 THE WORLD'S STANDARQ. SCALES. FOB SALZ ALSO, PAT1T ALARM MONET DEAWER3, COPFBB MILLSv SPICE MI ISLX, AND STORK FIXTURES GENERALLY. THE IMPROVED TYPE WRITER 0S( KiLATINC PUVP CO'8 PUMPS. SEND FOR CIRCULAR i. FAIR B A N KS & CO. 311 Broadway, ew York. Fox sale by Leading Sard ware . De ilej s, , Beptl4taw w S.P- tea SB Stilt B o u 3 a 6 ,U0 - 09 O - rr xa. h Sir- m$ If; IXIS PUMP mXTYSJ&Sj Hi i tl am ndw DreD&red to fnrniaH ahv of the HI In Tuture wdrkvery chMp.rWillirialtel fijAores belonikl4-b Dixie-) Purapwit -Ah soiheiUixte uf nmp eofopietei 1 Tally season edand. warxaatectfnot ti tnakei the .watef taste. .if:.i cj.'w n ,i.i' Embroideries, "White Goods, Luces, orsets, Lisle Kid and Silk Gloves, veils, Crapes, LadiesUnderwear, Lace and Linnen Collars and CufFs. "Worsted and Silk Fringes, Umbrellas and Parasols, Pans, Buttons, Hosiery, Zepher "Worsted, Material for fancy work, all kinds of Neck wear, go to M R S. Q U E R Y The- undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for tvery class of Undertaking Having on hand a fuli assortment of Coffins, 'Gaskets, ant Burial Cases, LOTH WCOD AND METALI0. PRICES AS LOW AS ANY. Hearses furnished if desired, Furniture of every description repaired at short notice. W. M. WILIIELf. Tryoa St , Opposite M. E. Church, june 20. "Where you find the largest and most ' complete Establish ment of the kind in the State. A full stock, good business, small expenses, and selling for cash, enables me to sell goods in my line at very low prices. apr 7 MKo. f. QuuiiY. f 0 NEW GOODS. NEW FEATURES. HOME to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee J Molasses, and other Family Groceries, Just Received, a few barrels of Berry Fos ter's (Davie county,) best RYE WHISK. Y. Also a Fine I-ot of COUNTRY HAMS. I sell for cash '"r All goods delivered in the city free of W H CRIMMINGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wi son & Black's old stand, " ... 1 , Ural late, Mining Immigration Agency. 1 OR selling, buying and renting Mines, 1 Land and Houses, and providing homes m tne Piedmont regions of North Carolina and South Carolina, and being connected with'the Southkbh Recoup," circulated in this' iorth try and Europe twice a month, I will advertise, free of cost, all farms and mines, placed in mv hands, for sale. THOS F DRAYTON. aug9 Charlotte, N. 0. NEW GOODS F FAL1L MAP IE Old Customers and Friends in General. After returning you my many thanks, for your patronage, I will say to you : I leave for the Northern cities to-day for the purpose of selecting a first class Stock of DRY GOODS FOR THE RETAIL TRADE III CHARLOTTE. I wotfjd remind you of the factj that ttis stock ia'tb be en tirely new ; not a, dollar worth of old goods. Also, that this Stock will be bought with all the advantages that cash buyers can get,. and. that you -will be able,, to . buy, good?, Sor cash that will be greatly to-your interest. .;, My stock will be open for your inspection by the 15th or 20th inst, in the Brpwn building, opposite harIotteh Hotel, Tryon Street. T- L SBIGLB harlotte, N C., Sept, 3rd, 1878. Democrat and Home please copy. s T MARVM BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS, GAMBALDI, N. -1) . : 'The fifth session of this already well known institoticKi will commence Septem ber 2dv 1878. Terms $65 for session of five months, invariably in advance. There will also be received a limited number of day scholars on private terms. For particulars apply to , V R HERMANN WOLFE, O. 8. B. j Garibaldi.'P. O.. Gaston co.. N. C. -jun9 3m :..'! , .: .. ' " - 5 ' Ctjba, and Porto 'Rico Molass , in - barrel lor eaie low to close tne lok . , ; -Ui. : voiiege Btreet. petween iraae ana ronrin, 1 H A ATW SiBQBle 'Deeds. moatr ap- i. JJJlhTcerid formitjast printed .'and 0 GONE NORTH ! a.&h. ; UR MR. ALEXANDER HA GOKE NORTH FOR the purpose of . purchasing our FALL STOCK He will visit all -the principal cities viz: PHILADELPHIA HEW YORLj BOSTON, &C, where' tie vnll, witti 'great care, select a : Stock of Goods, whichjwhencomplete, willi equal'tany j ever iTjefore ojBTered by us. Our present stock is very low and we will ? have to buy almost a pew stock enfire. ; 4 ALEXANDER & HABMI8, 'Hi i'.j - ' Pv S. Our Canon v Mosanito Net have come-very cheap l tV .Anv.n nnt1 tor sale at,h j, ,jOB8ERVKR QFFI0Skfc aug 80 fur. :

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