if, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1888. ,81 ATE NEWS. Last week's rain storm was particu larly severe and destructive in Cald well county. i There are more than three hundred pupils in attendance upon the graded school of Fayetteville.' Harris Heilig, sentenced in Cabarrus court to one vear for assault and battery, ; ' jumped ;tiie deputy sheriff and escaped. phe Governor Is being, beselged with invitations to deliver his lecture. .ffThe Scattered Nation," at different prtaces in -the' state.'-: ' :;:;;',;;:;;;;:,;, , The regular summer regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club was to have taken place over the usual course at Wrighte ville Sound Friday. i Capt J. B. Morris, a British sea cap tf Was iarrested to' Wilmington' a day or two ago fcirsnitfggling dry goods. The case has Nnot been tried. , The Piedmont Press puts the numberi W Newberne's inhabitants at s,uuo or 8,000. Must have grown about; three ' - thousand within the last few; years. ' '"The Lenoir Topic nominates Edmund Janes of Caldwell for Speakelr 6J?.the ljaectt House. He will make Ji fine. pre- siding officer, and there will be--bo "tru er Democrat there. The Reg&ife' 'say 'that' the trial of f Nieholson and Etkeridge for the murder of Kate Bayringer, of Concord, will be called at the next term of court in Un-i- ion county, on the 14th of October Col. T. George Walton, financial agent of Wilberforce College, the foundation of which has just been laid at Morgan ton, wants to receive money on : sub scriptions in aid Of the college work throughout the Stated i The Ashe ville Citizen says that on Saturday, the 5th of October, there will be a grand dinner and public address by Governor Vance, and others, on Swannanoa, looking to building a col lege, or ither place of learning in that locality. , , v An affray occurred on last Sunday near Bridge water, Burke county, be tween Jim Rutherford and Andy Shade, both ccgored, in which the latter cut the forjner across the neck with an axe, severing the spinal cord, inflicting injurieswhiCh it is thought will prove fatal. . The -Republican convention of the fifth district, to nominate a candidate for Congress, met at Graham, Ala mance county, on the 18th, according to appointment The meeting was com posed of ten whites and fifteen negroes, who endorsed Touree and adjourned after he had spoken tor two hours. Lenoir Topic: The grading of the Chester ana Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad was finished last week; to Bush's, connecting there with the road bed constructed some time since. We have now about eleven miles of cOia- Eleted road-bed, which embraces the eaviest work in this county. The con victs have built about four miles of the road since the 1st of August. The Witness says that while Mrs Jtancy Kees was sleeping by a camp fire in company with others, on the 1 night of the 17th, near Wilkesboro, her ; .cjothes caught on fire and were Mazing . ! before she round it out. She was badly burned before the fire could be extin ; ;tuished. Mr. G. Clements got his hand badly burned in extinguishing the hre. '-MrajKees is in a critical condition.- She was in attendance on Wilkesboro court The Asheyille C 'itizen says: Qn next Saturday, at 12 o'clock mv a little boy, just six years old, son of Mr. C. H, Hawkins, of Madison county, will address- the pnWfc' in the court house at thist place. He will first descant upon education ; then present his claims for the GovemorshiD of North Carolina in 1892. He is said to be a boy of uncbin- mon precocity, ana we nope a large crowd will go to hear the little declaim ed UtUUgB J.LU illltMlUiny. Moirganton Blade : On Tuesday, the 17th inst, ex-Sheriff Duckworth and his wife celebrated the sixtieth anni versary of their marriage.- "They were marriecT IOB18 at the old Yan Horn place near t South; Fork tof the Ca- tawba. James Monroe was then Presi dent of the United States. They have lived under fourteen different Presi dents and have passed through three wttrs.'the Seminole, the Mexican and the latf civil war. Nineteen out of the thirty-eight States have come into the Union since they were made one. Ridsville Times: It is the season now1? c colored revivals. We see that at Mtfliry an old woman shouted till she fainted and remained unconscious four or five days till she died. At Mil ton there is a colored revival in full blast They have what they call hold ers. A burlv young man stands with arms open2 to hold the women when they get to shouting. One woman there the other night nearly knocked her hus band down, remarking as she planted a square blow with her fist between his eyes, "Go to God!" The man recovered himself and asked her, "Go where ?" but she was too excited to answer, and went shouting on. Such is life. Wilmington Star : By a special tele gram Va the Star; received last evening, we learn tft at the Republican executive committee, which met at Fayetteville on Wednesday for the purpose of nomi nating a candidate for Congress to f e- E resent this district for reasons best nown to themselves- decided to make no nomination. The names of ex-Judge Russell, Judge Buxton and W. A. Guth rie, Republicans, and E. W. Kerr, and Dr CUT. Murphy, Democrats, were mentioned. The, telegram continues: -Col; ?m'.IUcej Capt. ; Geo. W. Price; .Major M.Snutli and? GeiL FredVMil- ler eemed to; f avor the' nomination of Russell, i The bthef rbuhttes in the dis- 'After - all th- 'elaborate .apologetic expraatofeapjlerpjt Jthe organs on the Mainlections, the plain Eng lish of it is that for twenty-four years the Republicans have uniformly elected their Hte tlckets and all the members of, Congress, and that this year they lose all the State candidates and two of the five Congressmen. Last; year in a total vote of 101,821, Governor Conner Mad, 11,000 clear majority, and this year, in a total, vote 01,126,000, Governor Conner Is defeated by 12,857. The average Re- publican majority: in . Maine on a full vote has been about twelve per cent,' Which in Pennsylvania would give .a Republican 'majority of ana & revolution in Pennsylvania , equal ,to that of Maine would leave nnlv ITffifl Maine nngeto6ard, is in favor ot Hoyt; -Thamrhat the:fiWea aav; iU -i7i-7 "i-",iiu u, you leuasrmserabie ifltor, e-ln tlu beauaM worldTlTisen .Urely rour own fault nnl th i ?- . U ni TUr uHMUMUKw, rersonai know LivBnvm5Sgua ower will cure- you of tt,l hTraW wk hdache, palpitation of ite8trW'habltual cosUveness, dh ..i),e.head' nervous prostration, tow VnirttT etc It i. i. nrT "trauon, low spirits, iMltttrlll tail wmi nll wonderful cnre& ntmnAc v. . j vu vi ilb fhd' IL!.?1 botaefor fihreds, of JtapubUcanism here and there. : iT i rifi' i" " mui vmj, way tuat &ne Can t: Wa,nhlA. 1 flfrrrKn n 4-t,A A Prophetic PohUcian-Basf .WcwVlps of Re publican Campaign Blaine in Demand Scnnrx and the Missouri Senatorship -Butler and Bis Doings Hale and His Defeat The Memphis Fever, &c. j Washington Special to the Baltimore Son. , , . Uf PRQPnriq aiAJcpiJ. , j, . . Washington, Sept 18. Mr. Win. E Chandler's last Jetter,s .of date the 14th instant, has caused fresh consternation among tne taitntui. Mr. unanaier is very candid in confessing his belief that the Maine experience will be. repeated irf'New Hampshire;Tthat' therfe"' be no choice of Governor by the people, and no Republican1 majority in the Leg islature. It is said by the friends of the administration that Mr. Chandler is do ing what hei'eari to defeat tfee' Reptibi can party in liTew Hampshire, on ac count of his hoiSti!ity''itol the President Whether this may be so or not, it is geh- ratty believed' that Mr. Chandler's fore- boaings win oe vennea. THE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN. . I Both the jy'eMSiU&Miihma pafgn committees win, in a snort e,Tmish up the distribution of cam paign documents. Tne wnole country has been pretty well provided with this staff by ; the twrj mMtteeam the most of it probably will serve no bet ter purpose than the kindling of nres. Ttuougri AJctooer tne mucn more talec tive aid of stump-speaking will be ac tively availed of by both parties. There are many more applications for speak ers at the Republican committee's room than.afc fclie Democratic.:: Mr. Blaine is t by odds the man most in demand at the Republiean headquarters, and Jiis en era erements to soeak m differehts .narts of the country will occupy most of his time until the election. The chairman of the North Carolina1 Republican committee was very anxi ous to.have Mjj. Blaine make a series of speecnes in inai oiaxe, dui ivir. uornam informed him that the most he could promise for Mr. Blaine would be one J speech. ; - SECRETARY SCHURfc' ' " 1 Secretaiy Schui;z .stated to-day that he had not the slightest idea of being a can didate for United States Senator from Missouri. He thought it queer that any one could imagine him to be so verdant as to have such aspirations Ivhen' those who were opposed to his political' and financial views had a majority of sixty to seventy thousand in Missouri. ' BUTLER'S- REfrtfMONk' 1 ; It isrsftid here that the .resolutions passed by the lfcoaUe4 Democratic convention-of Massachusetts "which nomi nated Gen. Butler were inspired direct ly by that gentleman .himself; and that the resolution attacking the title of the President was word for word from his dictation. THE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGNERS. Washington, Sept 19. There were lively tijnesat the rooms' of the Repub lican campaign committee to-day. Mr. Eugene Hale, the chairman of the com mittee, made Ms first appearance since the Maine election. ' lie looked rather dejected, but did not want to talk very mftjeh dVeT his defeat He and Secretary Got ham had some talk over the green back question and the national banks. In the dourse of the conversation a con siderable' difference of Opinion was de veloped between the two gentlemen. It is one thing in Mr. Hale's favor that he advocates a sound, honest currency, and his dffpat has nit had the effect to change his pomt. Mr. Gorham is and down with the national banks, which he says were never of 'any "berten't to the Rpppb lican party. Mr Hale will resume at once his duties as chairman of the com mittee, andj he and Mr. Gorham will not allow their differerices of opinion on the currency to interfere with the harmoni ous workings of the committee. An examination of the exchequer dis closed the unpleasant fact that the f unds are running rather low, and as the expenses of, the campaign speakers during the next month will be quite heavy, it was determined that a vigor ous effort must bs,made-to raise more money. !;, BUTLER S CHANCES. Judge Blair to-dav expressed his con fident belief m thw election of -Ben. But ler as Governor of Massachusetts, who, he says, will receive the bulk of the vote or both parties, irrespective of what the leaders may say or do. Mr Blair can- siders that Butlers course in opposition to the validity of the President's title has helped him, and will help him more man anytning else. THE FEVER IN MEMPHIS. A private letter received tn-dav at t.hA Sun bureau from J. M. Keatinc. the editor of the Memphis" Anneal, savs: Our fair citv is literallv ' a eharnel- irouse. The-sighTS are awfuTahd the nHg. x can aua noxning to wnat has been riven vou bv telecranh rlailv. a 1 would have to go into details that woW mi vonaneg." :i!:vetv dav we nut awav hundreds, and wonder, wliere - they ; all come.irom. me cinc Mmfl rteserhMl i'Mr Keating has passed thrbu'th' 5 Vel low fevef visitations in MempTSWfi; Of me large Stan oi nis paper he is the on ly one left on duty. ' ' ' " - j .- , .v x no iiiuai exceireni fuinmiwn in ina nmwaa rvr a fltslrclass hotel are' courteous treatment, a well ap pointed cuisine, and well furnished ronm Ynn can find all these at the Polonade Hotel in Phila delphia.' ' " , , ' Q.OLDES MEDICAL DISCOVERY. By its great and thorough blond nnrifvinir nmiwi. blood ni teda 1 t weilf9ai discovery cures all humors, frtnl thferworstScrOfola to a common Blotch, Pimple or Eruption. Mercurial disease, Mineral Poisons, and other effectR. nitrsiifiAri and vigorous health and a sound consdtunones- uuuiHiieu. erysipelas, sait-Kneum, Fever Sores; Scaly or Rough Skin, in short mi diwimw m,1uJ i v, v.i j- i . . . . ' r; . . jj vau uiuuu, ore unHjuerea oy ims powernii, puri fying, and lnvlgoradng medicine. especially nas it manuested its potency In curing Scrofulous Sores and .Swellings, White Swellings! Goitre or Thick Neck, arid Enlurmd ninnda AVbvcx. imaki J.UUU. xKiiiM. tiniiif ifiJt Mnna AVM If yOU feel dUlL drOWSV. dehllttaiAd . hnva onllntB color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or uuuy, irenueiu ueauuoe or aizziness, oad taste In mouth. Internal heat or chills niternnimi with hnt flushes, low 8pirlte,aHd gloorrry forebodings, irreg ular appetite; and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torpid Liver, or billiousness. In many cases of Liver Complaint only part of these symptoms are riiwrauwu. as a remeay ior ail such cases. Dr. neroe's i - i.i i" GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY has no eoual as it effects nerf In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, and the early stages of Consumption, it has astonished the" uieuiuu inuemrty, ana eminent physicians pro nounce it the greatest medical discovery of the age; Wnne it cures the severest coughs, it strengthens the system and purines the hinnd sm hv itmo. . - o K Y. FIERCE, M. D., Proprietor; World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, ""v Buffalo, New York. 0 ATARRH SYMPTOMS. Frequent headache, discharge falling fritb throat,' sometimes profuse "watery thick muououk puru lent, offensive, etc. In others, a drynesst dry. wa tery, weak or Inflamed eyes, stopplrrFor 'Ob struction of the nasal passages, rmigTn earsj .vwu.oa, uanuu ouu "wlg!lllg bU Clear J Ulcerations. SCaleii fmm nlAnn vnlna aMa twang, offensive breathy Impaired or total depriva-i non of sense of smell, and taste, dizain mortal va. wuivu) wuu mow. uiuuioQB. U1VM1UU depiession,loss of appetite, Indigestion, enlarged tonsils, tickliiw cWet&u onePtoms are likely to be present In DB. SAOE'S CITARKtf EMEl produces the most radical cures of the wont oases of Catarrh, 50 matter of .now long atanajni. VThe uuiuu wmwiMj do snunea, or better applied bri ,ofDSf- tree's Douche. . ThlaU thTonl? mL11161-!61. Invents with which fluid medicine can be carried high up andrfeWart the chambers or cavities eommiinbitikl h Bores and ulcers freTueTtiy'e anl from which the catarrhal discharge generally, ro4 irom directions acconiDanvlnff tawi? in.tn,ri,on' mMffhi Bemecy cures recentattoki of cow to the head by. a few applications. ' ItUtmilrf Catarrii Bemedr and Poucbe sold by Drugeists. wnriir.k,'141' oprletor, " , . World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, ..-'aii';-, i.rrBwao, New York. ....... li r r--v -rr-t" -1 ' ' .; AND- ) Bea 'Bfr-Tomf ' " Vecetme has been 'dolne wonders tot me. Have been ' having China and Fever, contracted in the svfampSJ or the South, thtM-emner m reUef until I began the use of yw Vegetfne, It giving me Immediate relief, toning, up mj bjb&bw, grnig aueugm; wnereaa an outer meauanes iled my system with1 t If- families that live' poison; aaa-i in i the ague district of. the South and West would: take Vegetlne two or three times a week, they would not be troubled with "Chills" or thtf malignant' Fevers that prevail at certain times of the year, save doctors' bills, and live to a good old age. Kespectruuy yours, J, E. Mitchell, Agent' Henderson's Uooms, St Louis, Mo. Ill diseases of the Lungs. If Vegetlne will re lieve pain, cleanse, purify and cure such diseases, tne patient to penect neaitn, arter trying DhvsldanSi manr remedies, suffering Cor years, is not conclusive ptnof. if you are a sufferer. you can be cured: Wky is this medicine perform ing such great cures 1 It works In the blood, the circulating nuia d esi vury ue cauea me - ureaK Blood Purifier. " The great source of disease ortg inotes in the blood; arc no medicine that does not set dlrectlv unon it to nuitfv and renovate, has anv Just claim upon public attention. ; VEGETINE TTta KNTIEELT CUBEF ICE OF TEETIGO. . . i Caibo, Ox., Jan. 23, 1878. Me. H. R. Stevens: ;! awu- Sir I have used several bottles Of'Tege- ettne " ; -lUtts etireijr cusad mp -at Vertigo. I have also uafca-flMp ladyTttoW&lfits--It is the best medicine for kidney complaint. I would recom mend it as a gooa niooa pursier ; ; r j k'YOOtJM. Paitfand Disease. ' Can we fernect to enloy good healUt when bad .or oorrurH humors circulate , with the Dioott, causing pam ana disease 7 anu saese humors, being deposited through, the entire body,; rodttbe'plmpleserupttorts; tdcers, Indigestion, cos- Hvenesa, neaoacne, neumgw, neamaBSB, ana nu merous other complaints. Remove, the cause by takine " Veeetlne." the most reliable remedy for ieteansrag'and purifying the Wood. ' ' VEGETINE. jjaBUEOLrxao bk a johgd immir.nfg. r"j f March 1, 1878. Mb. Stkvsns. Dear Sir I wish to- Inform you . what your Vege tlne has done for me. I have been afflicted "with Neuralgia, .and after, using three bottles of the Veg- e was entirely relieved. 1 also found my gen eral health much improved. I believe it to be a good, medicine. i ours iruiy, , , t. Fbbd. Haxvsbstick. Yeeettee thorousrh enullaites every kind of hu mor, and restores the entire system to a healthy VEGETINE. DBUGGISTTS REPORT. H. B. STKVSH8S . Deal Sir We have been sellfna vonr " Veeetine " for the past eighteen months, and take pleasure in stating that in every ease, to our knowledge, it has given great satisfaction. uespectruiiT, . ' Bcch A COWGill, Druggists, Hickman, Ky. VEGETLNE IS TH K BEST SPRING MEDICINE. VEGETINE Prepared by H. R. STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS. Vegetlne Is sold by all Druggists. gTOP AND READ! All forms of Kidney and Urinary diseases. Pains in the Back, Sides and Loins are positively cured by GRANT'S REMEDY. Its effects are truly marvelous In Dropsfr,' GrareL Bright's disease. Seminal losses. Leucorrhcea and lost vigor,' no matter-of how longstanding th case may be. positive relief is had In from one to three days. , Do not despair, hesitate or doubt, for tt is a specific and never fails. It Is purely a vegetable preparation; by Its timely use thousands Of cases that have boon considered incurable by the most eminent nhvsiclana. have been nemiMientlv cured. IT is ahftuloBM Eretegnlar physicians and meoicai soaeues tnrougnout tne country, sold ta bottles at two dollars eaclu or three bottles, which is enough to cure the most aggravated ease, seat to any address, on receipt of Five Dollars. Small Mai bottles one dollar each. All orders to be ad dressed to . GRANTS REMEDY MANF'G COMPANY, 554 Main Street, Worcester, Mass. July 25-4m-dAw. W. L. JOHNSON, LATE OF DANVILTR, VA., Offers his services as teacher of Piano, Organ and Vocalization. Will give lessons at the residences of pupils when desired, and Is open to an engage ment as organist. Terms made known at the music Store of Daw son 4 Co. Refers (by permission) to Dr. T. C. Smith, Messrs. Dawson A Co., and others, sept 8 M USICAL. We take pleasure in announcing that we have sc cured the services of PROF. L. W. JOHNSON, Who for the last seven years has had charge of the jmiislcal department of tho Roanoke Female Col lege of'panvule, Va. The Professor will have charge of our Music House; where he will keep a large stock of 1 i u PI AOS, ORGANS; SHEET MUSIC, AND- Musical Merchandise Generally U ! i t i First Class Instruments sold for cash or on time, - u01d Instruments taken in exchange. We stin',dey competition in prices and quality of our Pianos and Organs. , .v :!.' TUNING AND REPAIRING1 i taj,'rf.,m dSHi fi Jo 1 done In the most sal ry maimer and on short notice: ; vST" Ail New Music received as soon as pob- DAWSON ik CO.' .epltf :ikw; J w ANTED, 1 Everybody to know that the McBmlth Music House, . OF GREENVILLE, S. C, Sells the best Pianos made. - Don't forget the best made, and the Organ they sell Is the boss of all or- muiR. the AM wlla.W J ' 1 . f SEASON A HAMLIN, , Address Lock Box 15, GreenTUleTs.' a K- ' ' fTniated Catalogues and Price List can be uan hi vuunowe Dy cauing on Col. u. . MaxwelL au vnwrs msu wim mm will receive prompt atten Uon. .t augl8-tf. VEGE TIN E PURIFIES THE GrTES STRENGTH.' Beautiful Concert Pianos, RGAN a i , . i price X1.KOO. onlr s25. so- . J rb Grand ' Square Pianos, price SI,100,; only aoo.' xdegani'upngnt nanos, race suu, omy 156. New Shlirle tfnrie-ht Pianos. SI VA.ftCL Or- enm 19!-Htniw fr7 (3 nhrnnti HnranQ lAatnm Price $390, only $115. Elegant 8375Mirror Top Organs, only 9105. Buyers, come and see me at nome; n l am not as represented, railroad rare paid both ways, and Piano or Organ given free. Large Illustrated newspaper with much informa tion about cost of Pianos or Organs sent free. Please address DANEELF. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. OA Chromo Cards (perfect' beauties) with name, 5firv." 10a Outfit 10c; Turner Card Company, Ash land, Mass. . ' E AR DISEASE. Dr. C E. Shoemaker's book on Deafness and Dis eases of the Ear and their nroDer treatment esie- cially Running Ear. How to get immediate relief rrom an unpleasantness ox this disease, ana a per fectly harmless and permanent cure. A book ev ery family should have. Sent free to all. Address Dr. C, E. SHOEMAKER, Aural Surgeon, Reading, Pa. 'r" ' &Kfk For a CASE OF CATARRH that Sanford's ffltJv Radical Cure for Catarrh will; not instantly relieve and aneedllv cure. References: Hen ry Wells, Esq., Wells, Fargo Co., Aurora, N. Y.; Wm Bowen, Esq., MaHatton, Grant & Bowen. ' SL. Louis. Testimonials and , , treatise by maiL Price, with Improved In db fcti aler, 81. Sold everywhere, WEEKS & Sij TOTTER, Propr's, Boston, Mass. ; N EW.KICH BLOOD ! PAbsoh's Pukgativk Pkllets make New Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will take one pill each night from one to twelve weexs may pe restored to , , !; SOUND HEALTH, if such a thine be possible. : Sent by mail for 8 let ter stamps. X S. JOHNSON & CO., Bangor, Me. O FECIAL OTTERS FOB " . 1 : i: ff KBWSPAPKB ADVEBTI8IKG. We finhllsh a honk nf 119 8 Vo "fno ad- verdsmg) giving special offers' for Advertising all over the country. Prices lower than ever oflered before. The last edition sent post-paid on the re ceipt of 25 cents, by DAUCHY CO., Printers' .TT 1 X . .(..! . . A , TTUTCUOIUK3 ttHU AUTCIHOIllg AgBMW, f.Vl f UIWU oireev iMew iuh, j-OW READY. The Grand Achievements of MATHEWS AND OTHERS, Only $2.75. By Hon. J. T. Headly, the Prince of descriptive authors. A full history of bis explora tions In Africa and marvelous Journey down the Conga A new, exciting book, bristling with wild adventures ana tnrunng scenes oi danger, is pro fusely illustrated. The public eagerly await it It is selling wonderfully. caution Beware of misstatements oi interest ed parties, but send for proof of genuineness and full description of this work, also terms. HUB BARD BROTHERS, Pubs., 733 Sansom Street, rnuadelphia. Agents wanted. BANKS PAY NO INTEREST IN CHARLOTTE, but DAWSON & CO., OF THE CAROLINA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Have property to sell in Charlotte which will pay 18 to 20 per cent, interest on investment FOR SALE. 10 Houses, occupying half square, rents now paying 20 percent on amount asked for property. Cash $4,000. ITHoases and Lots, on which parties can erect two new houses additional, now paying 10 to 20 per cent on amount asked for property, viz : $2,000. Good Dwellings for sale cheap In desirable por tions of the city. Good Dwellings for rent Small Dwellings, and numbers of them, for sale. Prices ranging from $150 to $1 ,000. Sold on time. Small Buildings to rent Vacant Lots in all parts of the city, prices ranging from $40 to $500, can be bought on easy terms. Parties having property, either Houses, Lots, Farms or Gold Mines, would do weU to call on us and give us their property for sale. We will send 5,000 copies of our paper out among our own and among Northern and Western people. CAROLINA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, DAWSON CO., Managkbs. - Old Bank of Mecklenburg Building. R EAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For Selling, Buying and Renting MUTES, LANDS AND HOUSES, and providing homes In the Piedmont region ot North Carolina and South Carolina, and being con nected with the SouTHXBN Record, circulated In this country and Europe twice a month, I will ad vertise, free of cost all farms and mines placed In my nanas ior saie. THOS. F. DRAYTON, aug9. ;Ch&rlotte, N. C. N EW AND FASHIONABLE STYLES OF VISITING CARDS, Round Comer, gilt edge. Beveled, gilt edge. GUtT bevel edge. Long Narrow, gilt edge, CHRISTIAN RETIVS NEW BOOK, A SUMMER IDYL, paper, 30c. How to Take Care of Our Eyes, 50c. Dale's Impressions of America, paper, 25c. As full and complete a Stock of MUSIC, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Wholesale and Retail, as Charlotte ever had. 22 by 28 White and Colored CARD BOARDS. ALSO, FLAT CAPS, LETTERS AND NOTES, At Manufacturers' Prices, in Stock and Made to Order. Samples Furnished on Application. Thin Folios for Labels and Circulars. Papers of all kinds, on Hand or Made to Order at Shor. Notice. 1 These Goods are offered to Printers and others at tow Prices. TIPPY A BBO. jyETROPOLlTAN WORKS. Canal Street from Sixth to Seventh, RICHMOND, VA. ENGINES, portable and stationary, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, BOILERS, CASTINGS of BRASS and IRON, , FORGDJGS, ic. Machinery for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, &c We call spe cial attention to our ' IMPROVED PORTABLE ENGINES for agricultural and other purposes. Also to our new styles . ' SHAli; LOOOMOTTVIS i'f 'inui r. '' is" 1'" w rt.ii .(;;-; () !.;. . for hauling lumber and other articles upon tram ways and narrow gauge railways. . .Tto best pl&iitecsjegaid our. w ..r?r? 'iftrw ''!.!-:"-'! u, .;. ti t-,t(it ; ; :h -i,i','t . - ! fJ j4 . i,.x, t. GINNING. ENGINES Ui'l kl M Hil .HVlSiH.iifH t-J -a .. superior to any to use, Send for illustrated Cata logue free. Other things being equal, encourage Southern institutions. ; .i Repair work solicited am promptly done.' -w- -.!-' in -' '- .- " 'Ai . - . For Gin Howes.- ' ' s '-- ,'ij';k'' W. E. TANNER 4 CO. may 15dAw ly. pANO CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C Terms, Per Day $ 2 00 Table Board, Per Month 16 00 FIELD BROTHERS, Proprietors. Being determined to keep a First-Class House, we respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. J. T. JULIAN, Superintendent BEN KIMBALL, Clerk. augl ENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. THE BEST HOTEL IN THE SOUTH, RATES: $3,00, mTQ, Wd $2.00, ACCORDING TO LOCATION OF ROOMS. H. C. ECCLES, Proprietor. w ADDILL HOUSE, GASTONIA, N C, BY R. E. W ADDILL. feb 10 tf. gTOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE, Salisbury, N. C. C. S. Bbows, Proprietor, Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. & Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelburn As sistant dec 30 gjentisttftj. D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, OFFICE OVER L. R. WRISTON & GO'S Deug Stork. I am working at prices to suit the times, for cash. Will give you a No. 1 Set of Teeth for $10. Gold and Tin Filling Inserted for $1 and upwards. With 25 years' experience I guarantee entire sansiacoon. janu JMEBICAN METALURGICAL WORKS. VAN WYCK SMELTING COMPANY, Perth Amboy, N. J. Gold, Sliver, Lead and Copper Ores reduced, and eiehtr per cent of metal recovered. Gold Sulphuret Ores a specialty; a guarantee of eignty per cent, rrom wmcn expenses are to oe deducted. Ores shipped from Charlotte via Carolina Central Railroad to Wilmington, thence to Amboy by sail Ores should be assayed and inspected by Prof. Hanna. of the United States Mint For further information refer to members of the Charlotte Mining Board, or to Perth Amboy. Dr. JULIO H. RAE, aprill4tf General Superintendent gatjetxt (Cotton JEVOLUTION IN GINNING COTTON. Havlns nnrchssfid the Patent TOcht of TT. a. WALKER'S Improved Cotton 6m, Leather Brush and Wiper, for the States of North Carolina and Tennessee, i am now prepared to sell County and uui Jtugnis ior us use. Its adrantares over the Bristle Brush are: 1st It will gin wet or damp cotton as readily and as eneauauy as u it was dry. 2d. It runs One-fourth lighter. 3d. It costs one-third toss. 4th. The lint Is equal If not superior to that guinea oj tne jtsnsue arusn. Tesamonlals will be furnished and terms given upon application to L. J. WALKER, . Charlotte, N. a This patent both for Its cheapness and Its effi ciency is decidedly the best thing out Agents wanted, to whom I will pat liberally, If ine ngni men. ji: septl4dlmw6m L. J. WALKER. Mxottidts. THRESH mackerel; ON CONSIGNMENT. I have In store 63 half-barrels and kits of FRESH MACKEREL, which will be sold at packers' wholesale prices. Call eariy THOS. H. GAITHER, College Street JLLIOTT'S FAMILY FLOUR, Yount's Family Flour: ' Ramseur's Family Flour. N. C. HAMS, BACON, MEAT, HAY, SHUCKS, AC., . , , A Spectaltr ... WILLIAMS A FINGER. -TBCh28. is r,' yX lull stock of Prime Teas, for sale low. , ' " JOHN W. HALL 4 Coi DENTIST WE ; lALL ' ' A TTENTION OULD : y AREFTJL i 'Al ONCE TO OCB SPLENDID STOCK OF Taoon, Soda, ptoffee, Vfolasses, oap, handles, iVlackerel rooms, CHEESE, HAMS, LARD, RICE, Sugar, pandy, "Dagglng, alt Vrackers; J3lueing, Ties, nrvibaoco, ea, JL wine, c., &c., 4c. If you 4cslre to buy low and get fppsft goods, call early. MAYEII A ROSS. JOHN W- HALL A CO., College Street Between Trade and fourth, HAVE IN STORE Green and Black Teas, Grain and Ground Black Pepper, Alspioe and Ginger, Mason's A Mason's Blacking, Colburn's Pure Mustard, White Wine and AppleTlnegar, Canned Oysters Mackerel In Kits, Quarter and Half BWs. , Two and Three Siring Brooms, Candy hi 25 lb. boxes. Satehel and Square Bottom Bags, Paper Twine in 5 lb. Packages, Cuba and Porto Rico Molasses, in Barrels. In order to close these lots promptly for cash, we will sell them at a small advance oil cost to the trade, MACKEREL, aaa W oo00! 22 oo oo oo uo 0,22 00 00 (M 00 & 0V0 ""oo00 PACKAGES AT BURWELL A SPRINGS'. sept 15. 'HAT WHITE SOAP . - in.-. HAS COKE. Also, "The Biggest" Cake of Blue soap la the city for 5c. TOWN TALK SOAP, and a good Soap, at 4c. per cake, or 7 for 25c A fine line of Toilet Soaps, CANDLES, CHEESE, LEMONS, AC Another shipment of 25 barrels of Ramseur A Bool well's No. 1 FLOUR, AU just in. LkROY DAVIDSON. New Goods receiving every day. L.R. F AMILY GROCERIES, CHEAP FOR CASH. I have now In store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. CHOICE HONEY strained or to the comb. S. M. HOWELL. rpHE " RISING SUN." According to the command of Joshua of old, al though repudiated by the "Jasper Philosophy" of the new, is now standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Street opposite the Market House, plus Homet Fire Engine Hall, where the light of reason lUumlnates the surrounding atmosphere, which In vests all things with the glow of Inspiration, and the world no longer seems "A fleeting show, To man's Illusion given," For right here you will find C. S. HOLTON, who has In store ORANGES, LEMONS, CANDIES, CAKES, PIES, Tne Great Washington Pie Included, Corn Starch, Sardines, Pickles, Fresh Bread;' Canned Fruit and VttrotahlAa Hiimim and Coffees, Tobaccos, Cigars, 'Snuff and Toys, Id fact, everything found In confectionery, Includ ing Ice Cream and Lemonade. lel4. CaE Q.ROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER NEW GOODS I NEW FEATURES! , Come to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) .-. 'i'-iU . . ; BEST RYE WHISKEY. ' n- f , .: -'. Also a fine tot of Country Hams.-1 sell for cash. All goods delivered In the eltty free of charge. . , W.H.CBJMMINGER7f .". Trade Street, Next door below Wilson A Black's old stand. aplS. riiio0te nv&f Shots. ONE EAST ! ' Our MB. S. S.'PxGBiH Is new visiting the m nn, facturers, buying our OUK FAIL AND WINTER 8TOCX OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND TRUNKS, which will be selected with great care. We want every one needing ajirthlng hi our line to call nu examine OUR STOCK JJefpre Buying Elsewhere, Yours truly, PEGBAM A CO. Swm JM SXedicincs. QR ft McADEN, pRUGGfST AND fOKVIST, How offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes, English Select Spices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap, English, French and American Tooth Brushes. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H McADEN'S Prescription Store. L. R WRISTON. T. J. MOORE, M. D. L. R. WRISTON A CO., L. R. WRISTON A CO., L. R WRISTON A CO., L. R WRISTON A CO., WHOLESALE WHOLESALE WHOLESALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AND RETAIL AND RETAIL AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, DRUGGISTS. DRUGGISTS, DRUGGISTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. gEASON ALMOST OVER, But Arctic Soda Water and Ginger Ale Ice cold and sparkling at Dr. T. C. SmlthTs Drug Store-5 cents a glass. JEBOSENE OIL, AT WHOLESALE ORRETAIL, AT Dr. T. C. SMITH'S Drug Store. gEVEN SPRINGS. Iron and Alum Mass and Bedford Springs Alum and Iron Mass, at T. C. SMITH'S Drug Store. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Nature's remedies try them. pALETS COLD CREAM For chapped hands and lips, and Hoyt's German Cologne for the Toilet, at T. C. SMITH'S Drug Store. QHALK CRAYONS, Twenty cents a gross, six gross for one dollar; and Arnold's Black Writing Ink, all sizes, at T. C. SMITH'S Drug Store. rpHOSE ENVELOPES Are selling off at 5 cents a pack, all colors and Sizes; also, Foolscap and Letter Paper, very cheap, at A. v. umiiu a viu tow JJTTTLE LOVERS. A choice 5 cent Cigar, price reduced to $3 per hundred to close present stock. Call and see them Dr. T. C. SMITH'S Drug Store. QOUNTBY MERCHANTS Win find such goods as they need In the Drug Line, at Dr. T. C. SMITH'S, Opposite Central Hotel, And at prices to meet their views, always as low as any other Drug House ta Charlotte. S ECURITY1 SECURITY ! SECURITY 1 200 Barrels of C. WEST A SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE AND ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No, 1 Kerosene OIL from C. West A Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial PjJ?!??: CrysfaUOll Works, Canton. WwrMted to stand fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it wm bum . C West A Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by 1 ' Da. JL pi McADEN, Sole Agent, - CHARLOTTE, N. C.

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