t I J Stye arlbttt M b&ixvitx. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1878. ; LOCAL INTELLIGENCE i k.i :. ''' '' 1 1 ' f BAlLBOiD DIRECTORY. The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all th9 rail roads (Washington time): ' - - l '"i RICHMOND BUTVUiE. ",:v Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 1.48 a. m. Leave? for I I " " 2.50 a. m. Arrives from Richmond, ,12.48 p. m. Leaves for j j" 4.10p.m. f' AtLaNTA & CHARLOTTE AIR-LINB. Arrives Leaves Arrives Leaves from Atlanta,. ............. . 1.48 a. m. for 'Atlanta, ......... 2.50 a. m. from Atlanta, local fr't & pass, rt 45 p. m. for Atlanta, local fr't pass, j.' 7.30 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA" AUGUSTA. A fives :x,Hves froni Augusta,., for Augusta,.... 3.50 p. m. 1.10 p. m. . 3 CAROLINA CENTRAL. 'Arrives ; .Leaves ' Arrives from Wilmington,, fori Wilmington,-.. 8.20 p. m. 7-25 a. m. 5.00 p. m. 7.00 a. m. frota Sheioy, 'Leaves tors Shelby,. - - . , ITLASTIC, TEN NESSEB & OHIO. I Arrives from Statesville,. Leaves for;StatesvlUe, fl.00 p. m. 2.45 a. m. -i U'ol. Steele's Appointments. .? . ,-. . ' ft The following are the times and places at which Hon Walter L. Steele, Democratic candidate for i'ouCTess in this district will meet his fellow-clti-'itus and discuss with them the Issues of the day: Dallas, October 5. Monroe, October 15. 'New Hope.October 7. Wadesboro, October 16. t'oncord, October 9. Ansonville, October 17.-itix-ky River, October 10. Albemarle, October 18. j Jit Pleasant, October 1 1. Centre, October 19. Charlotte, October 12. Troy, October 21. -Matthews. 6ctober-14. Sulphur Springs, Oct 22. : Itiik churches to-day. Yoi N't MWs Christian Association Hall. Devotional exercises this afternoon at 5Mi o'clock. i Baptist Church. Services In the morning at 11 o V lock andln the evening at 7 -.30 o'clock by the pas fcor. Rev. Dr. Theo. Whitfield. Sunday' school in : the morning at Wfa o'clock. ... , ,! , ' , st. Peter's (E.) Church. Services In tne morn ; in at 1 1 o'clock and In the afternoon at 8 o'clock :; t"the rector, Rev. B. S. Branson. Sunday school Mil the afternoon at 4 o'clock. skoond Eresbyterian Church. Services in the ; morning atll o'clock and In the evening at 7:30 : o'clock by Hie piistor, Rev. E. H. Harding. Sunday . .school In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. First iT.rwiftlJTKr t Presbyterian Church. -"Services In the :ig atfll o'clock and In the evening at 7 0 . .... "t... iv. i Tn, T 1 117 Ulllo. Or,., "day school In the afternoon at 4 o'clocic St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Services In the i morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at. 7 :80 f o'clock by flie pastor, Bev. E. A. ; Wingard.' Sun day school In the afternoon at 5 o'clock. E ? Associate Reformed Presbyterian Chapel. l: Services lnithemornlnlocUxk wA, h16 Tier. Sunday school in the morning at 10 o'clock. i ' Calvary: Mission Church. Sendees in the morn- ing at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at 7 :30 o'clock ' . by the pastor, Rev. John F. Butt Sunday school In ; the morning at 9 o'clock and class-meeting In the Ji: afternoon it 3 o'clock. St. Peter's (Catholic) Church. Services In the - morning at IOV2 o'clock and catechism taught in f the afternoon at 4 o'clock by Very Rev. L. P. J. O'Connell. 1 Vespers In the afternoon at 5 o'clock. 'M Sunday school In the morning at 9 o'clock. Graham! Street (Colored) Methodist (E.) , church. services in me morning at 11 otiock j ? and in the evening at 7 -.30 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. i L. B. Gibson. Sunday school in the morning at 9 liior jit. ft rvrinnlr 'I-.1 I 1.1 ? A , 4 . . -. J ( V.A .. ning at 7 30 O'clock by the pastor, Rev.A.A.Boshamer. i vif.u in 1 iih miirnniv x I. 1 ii-i-ii m'.k hi if i ill 1.1 ik kvhii- : AiniIUni GUfUUUiT lUVltcU- v Index to lYew AdverUcmenl r Alexander & Harris l u cents. 1 1 Williams & Finger Removal, t Blair & Shannonhouse Skating Rink. Jt tiaies s, amor waicnmaKers. '( Dnnnll & U,,o, ha Ulrf f . Kepon oi ine uonainon oi me jaercnanis' ana . Farmers National Bank. im nc w earner xo-way. k j , i For we South Atlantic and Qulf 1- II J- - IT J. poinds, falling barometer, warmer and ? dear, followed by cloudy and possibly fi rainy Weather will prevail. nuuiJQ mr MAWmjBAwcv Th flprmaTi plnh will tnvfi annthpr Ht'TlnilTl T. IP PHTIV TiH.TT OT TlfiTTT, WPPK. Sportsjiien will begin hunting this jweek. irds are said to be more plen- tifiil than for several years. ! Charhitte needs a public library to be -ikept open at all hours of the day and at v niglit "'iyho will make the first move in ' ; this direction? .5 1 1 Thus tar, owing to warm weather, a 't small Qtiantity of oysters have been -V brought jto this market. This week they J 'will be more plentiful. y i -I...' ' - The street sprinkler hasn't been seen I nor heanl of in three or four days, ahd I there is great complaint on account of I t he dust, Tliere.was only one'pddce arrest last week. A darkey was jugged yesterday ufternodn for stealihg a watch from ; Chai-ldy Fox yestewlay killed a coast i fowl, a bittern, on Briar creek, not far :; from th city: It had probably been ."lilown up here by a gale. The October number of the Popular f. Science fyfonthly, one 6f the very best I magazines ; published ih the "Lnited states, is to hand ; as good as ever. ? The county commissioners meet Mon- day. They will elect a constable for Charlotte township to succeed S. D. ? AVIiitley. There are . only eight appli I. cants for this position. The new brass band meets again Mon I day night. The instruments are to be ? ordered immediately. Some of the mem , l'i'rs have borrowed instruments and begun t4 practice. Pergonal. The Memphis Atialanehei oi -a recent date, has the following-! ncernmg a young gentleman ..10 .; left this, city some weeks ago So' nurse the yellow lever patients : 'tAmong the many vol unteers; who1 came to our assistance, none haYe rendered more valuable ser vice than Mr. R. P. Waring, Jr., of Charlotte, NGi , He fills a responsible position in the nurse department of the Howards rie flanet in October, Saturn is still very favorable for ob servation. He rises at 5 p. m and reached the meridian at 11. - Jupiter re mains during the month an evening star, anji the most brilliant object among the myriad stars that stud the sky. Ve nus still leads the morning stars, and i fast approaching the sun. She rises now about half -past four. The October moon was in conjaaotionvrwith ;? Jupiter last night, and willifull ,9t,tho 11th. Srcitf of Cnffe-Gold a Snb Htitute for Shinplasters. As business'5 rows i;active change seems to go out of the channels f trade. There was the greatest demand for it yesterday and the - utmost'1 difficulty in obtainiifig it. Clerks and trades-people M ould kt times take the town, street Dy street, in tlie vain-effort to get change for a $5 bilLufhe First National Bank "lifted ,he pressure" to a great extent 1,v lyg out, 'dxrring the day, a great many gold dollars In the way oiichange. Many of the sovereigns were surprised and delighted, upon presenting bills for hangej at its counter, to receive dollar for dollar in yellow, shining gold, and ly night there were many of these in the drirwera1 of -our'' merchants and in I'orkets of the people ,, But ike . ques tiou of jchange has come to a serious one, as; trade opens but briskly, and yes terday jit would have been much .more so but for the action of the bank as stated above. BELIjQIOUS NOTES. Some .bing- About the Cborcbes and (be rreacber It is learned that arrangements are baingmade for building a furnace to Tryon Street Methodist Church, which will add greatly to the comfort of the church in the winter. The Synod of North Carolina will meet in the Presbyteiim church, Goldsboro, on Wednesday, Octo ber 23rd, 1878, at 8 p. m. The. Texas Presbyterian says that Mr. R. S. iBurwell, of i the last graduating class of Union Theological Seminary, Virginia, and son of the Rev. R. Bur well, Raleigh, formerly of Charlotte, is visiting West Fork church Presbytery of Central Texas, and will probably supply this church in connection with others. lit. Rev. J.J. Keane, Bishop of Rich mond and vicar apostlic of North Caro lina, will administer confirmation at the Catholic church in Gaston county, at 11 o'clock, a. m., Wednesday the 23d inst ; at the Catholic church near Concord. Cabarrus county, on Friday 25th inst, at io o'clock, a. m.; and in this city at tire Catholic church' on Sun day 27th instant. Rev. S. Taylor Martin was in the city yesterday. The climate of Henderson coiroty has proved very beneficial and he much pleased with his new charge tlw Presbyterian congregation at Ilen dejwonville. Rev. John F. Butt, who has been ab sent from his pulpit at Calvary for three Sabbaths has returned, and for several nights past has preached to his people, which has resulted in the conversion of four persons. He will fill the pulpit to day and night, and a gracious revival is expected. Rev. E. A. Wingard will fill the pulpit for him on Monday. Rev Sam'l S Burton, a native of Leaks ville, Rockingham county, and for the past two years a resident of Fayette ville,Tenn., died on his way from lieids ville to his old home, last Monday after noon, under circumstances of 'peculiar sadness. He was a consumptive and for the last several months had been sinking rapidly under the power of this dreadful disease. Having been told that he had not long to live, he deter mined if possible to reach his old home and spend the last hours of his life "among the hills of Dan." He arrived at Reids ville in safety, and accompa nied by his parents, his young wife and a child eighteen months old, started across the country. Let the Reidsville Times tell the rest of the story : . "Sad, sad, it was, as they crossed the bridge, in a half mile of Xeaforville, in Jsight of his old home, he drew his last breath, and his spirit 'crossed over the river,' as his body had just crossed the bridge. The scene at the end of the bridge was truly affecting. Amid the sobs of the parents and the young wife, the old toll keeper at the bridge, so infirm as to be almost helpless, fell on his knees and from his heart prayed eloquently and earnestly. The good citizens of Leaks ville came out in warmest sympathy for the afflicted ones and escorted the corpse into town." Mr Burton was a graduate of Davidson College in the class of '73, standing far alove any of the members of his class, and was the recipient of the highest honors his literary so ciety could bestow. Of all the young men who ever left the walls of that in stitution, none ever had fairer prospects. Gifted with talents of the highest or der, and with energy and determina tion which brooked no barriers, gener erous, open-hearted and brave, he could not have failed to become a shining light in the Church and a most useful member of society. He was a true, un selfish and devoted friend, and won the esteem of all who knew him. A friend, and a class-mate may be pardoned for bearing this testimony to his worth. Seeking a, Home of Refuge Help the Fallen Women. Yesterday morning a well-educated woman, a native of this State and of respectable parentage, arrived in this city from Raleigh, and sent for Rev Father O'Connell, of the Catholic church. She informed the priest that she had come here for information con cerning a house of refuge for fallen wo men. She informed him that she had read an article in the Charlotte Obser ver some time ago, and from her recol lection of it, that there was such a place here,and she had come all the way hither under the impression that the priest of Charlotte alone could provide her a place. Father O'Connell explained to her that there were such houses in sev eral of the Northern cities, and yester day afternoon she left for Baltimore to enter the Magdalen's home there. In speaking of the matter yesterday, Father O'Connell said: " Since the pub lication of the article in the Observer, giving information in regard to asylums ; lor iaiien women, nave1 Bent nve io different institutions of this character, and had I sufficient means, I could send others. God bless the Observer for having been the means of saving so many. He also says that there is a woman in town now who is anxious to enter one of these asylums but has not the means of saving herself and could not procure theni. I am sorry 'continued he, "that my poverty prohibits me from re lieving all. would it not De possiDte to form a society of real genuine: chris tians who would be willing to aid these penitents? I make this suggestion to you and have given you this informa tion to use as you think best I may be allowed to add that neither of the two women .mentioned are Catholics." We think the facts related above ought to speak for themselves. We commend them to the christian people f Charlotte. , . ... ; i i i i ,... . Tom Klppur.": ' -'- ' The Jewish Day of Atonement begins this evening at sunset. "And the even ing and the morning were the first day." This solemn fast is held by the Israel ites as the very holiest among holy days. For twenty-four hours no food nor drink is partaken of, and the con gregation meet at the synagogues four hours in the night and the whole of the next day, and pray that the sins com mitted in the past year may be forgiv en. In every quarter of the habitable globe every man or woman in whose veins runs Jewish blood observes -Kip-pur, and whoever does "hot fast bn! this day thereby jprpclajms that he is ,outside the pale of Judaism. ' Before the eve of KiDDur. at least among the pious, all animosities ar forgotten and forgiven as no man dare implore iorgiveness oi the Great Creator who cannot forgive those by whom he may "have-' beeH in jured.- ....... . : . : ' f ,. i . - Tne Signal Station. I !' Sergeant O'Donoghue, in charge of the newly-estahlisheo; United States signal office in this city, lias so far per fected the arrangement of his apparatus that he will be ablestq .sendout .ob servations this morning." A good eal of work remains yet tobe done before his office will be, in perfect , working or fter bnf V is irA nfnnoses to complete in few . davs. and DartiarToTiNG work, aft stated, wilfbe commenced to- Who's Coming- Next? It is a pleasure to .state that the ; next time the doors of the opera house tare thrown open, it will be to receive on, nhoT-irtH'fite' rTfiiTiist."favorites. Katie Putnam. She is. to- appear.,, on,, the 1st, and 2nd of November. on tne? auu or fho oama month TTuntleVfl i COBlTanV: will ,be here,, .and on. the f ,11th Miss , J-jOUlSe X OlllcIOJr v ill luttivo iivvi owvxiu. appearance J in ' CMrlotte. But ; what shall we do from this time totMlst of ; November ? , i " " ' . - -. .. - - t .'' TTbal IV All r Amount v To JHeettiigr Tbat wan Called an Falled-And? ' . Judgment NUi Entered. , '-' On the 13th of September the'follow ing notice was published in the adver tising columns of the Observer: "There will be a convention j or con ference of the National Party at Char lotte on Saturday; October 5th, 1878, to select a candidate for Congress. All opposed to i the , Hon. W, L. f- Steele, - w ueiner i auonais or omerwise, are in vited to attend. By order of the Nation al Executive Committee, of Cabarrus county." "" . The source from which the card ema nated was not generally known at the time, but the insertion of the clause in viting all opposition to Steele to assem ble itself and take counsel against him, left no room to doubt that it came from Republicans and that the whole thing was a very thinly disguised plot against the Democratic nominee of the sixth district. Subsequent developments con finned the suspicion of the public, as all the readers of The . Observer know. The genuine Greenbackers held aloof from it because they disliked the source. Republicans would not take hold be cause there was not enough of solid foundation in the plan proposed to insure the defeat of the Democratic aspirant. Still, Mr. W. W. Robinson, chairman of the National executive committee of Cabarrus county, ' persisted in calling, the meeting. The hour was fixed it 1 :30 o'clock yesterday, and the place' the court house in this city. An Observer drifted around there- quarter of an hour before the time and found the door locked. Shortly afterwards two horny-handed sons of toil walked up turned-tliei knob, walked down and looked bike they didn't know where to o One of -the court house boys said they did not .rbelong "to -Mecklenburg. Then came Cbl.W. M.Coleman, Holders attorney-general, and the originator of this scheme of opposition to Steele. He walked briskly up the court house steps, and, finding the door locked, stepped, back down and went in the lower part of the building to see the boys. The next person who came was Dr. R. M. Norment, of Robeson, a Republican member of the Legislature, who asked with some show ot indifference what had become of the Greenback meeting to be held to-day. He then walked in and joined Col. Coleman in the sheriff's office where the two remained for about a half hour, and then strolled back to the hotel ; and this was all of the meeting. The chairman of the national execu tive committee was in the city, but so far as we saw, took no part in the "con vention or conference." Later in the day Dr. Dick Norment gravely told an anxious Republican that there would not be a candidate in the field as the result of yesterday's meeting. Cotton lCeceipfs Last Week. Last week was a big week for cotton in Charlotte, the- season considered. The total receipts reached about 3,340 bales,;, as follow?: ' Monday and Tuesday 450 each; Wednesday, 525; Thursday, 70G; Friday, 682; Saturday, 527. The streets every day have been blocked with cotton "wagons, up to 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and our mer chants have driven a large trade both in the wholesale and retail departments. It has been the best week for business ever known in Charlotte for the first week of October. Additional Fund Sent. Mr. J. R. Holland,-cashier of the Mer chants' & Farmers National Bank, yes terday sent to New Orleans and Holjy Springs the sum of $100 to be used for the relief of the suffering which pre vails in and around those places. This money was contributed by Sunday schools and private individuals, and is independent of and in addition to the $120 raised by the raffle of the two sew ing 'niachines last week. This, there fore, mtlkes $220 sent by Charlotte to the fever districts during last week. Kidinsr br Relays A Rapid Escape. Day before yesterday morning Dr. J. M. Strong, of Steel Creek, awoke and found an unknown horse in the neighbor hood of his house, and subsequently dis covered that a mule had been taken from his stable. He started in pursuit of the thief, and found that he had' exchanged the-mule for another belonging to Mr. McGuire, who lives about three miles belowfWright's ferry. It was now Mr. McGuire's turn to enter the chase, which he did with energy. He tracked the thief about five miles in the direction of Nation ford, when he suddenly came upon the animal in the. road without saddle or bridle. At last accounts the mystery had not been solved. The horse which was first seen in the neighbor- nood of lrr. -Strongs was not caught, and when last seen was coming back towards the city. DIED. October 4th, In HopeweU, of diphtheria iohn Lindsay, aged 6 years, son of R. M. & M. A. Allison, a lovely little boy. ' - JEPORT OF THE CONDITION -OS'- The Merchants and Farmers' National Bank at Charlotte, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, October 1st, 1878: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, $301,019.83 Overdrafts, 4,131.27 TJ. S. Bonds to secure circulation, . . . 200,000.00 Due from approved reserve agents, . 22,484.52 Due from other National Banks,.... 6,742.32 Due from State Banks and bankers, 261.80 Real estate, furniture and fixtures, . 20,500.00 Current expenses and taxes paid,. . . 3,330.92 Premiums paid, 11,250.00 Checks and other cash items, . .... 168.30 Bills of other Banks, . . . . , 4,800.00 Fractional currency (ine'd'g nickels,) 69.23 Specie (including gold Treasury cer tificates) 7,401.30 Legal tender notes, 5,000.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas ure rer (5 per cent of circulation), . 9,000.00 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent redemption fund 500.00 Total, 8596,659.49 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In, $200,000.00 Surplus fund, 38,000.00 Undivided profits, ' 1 0,47 6.49 National Bank notes outstanding,. . - 1 80,000.00 Dividends unpaid, B4-00, Individual deposits subject to check, 38,787.14 Demand certificates of deposit, 27 ,897. 17 Time certificates of deposit, 75,878.38 Due to State Banks and bankers, . . . 76.31 Notes and bills r-aiscounted 25,000.00 Total, $596,659.49 State of North Carolina, ( County of Mecklenburg, ss: ) I, J. R. Holland, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. R. Holland, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of October, 1878. , ., , . F. S. DkWqlfk, Notary Public, Correct Attest : .., JT.H.MCADEK, I W. M. Smith. Directors. D. P. Hutchison, i OCt6 ; gagftLgg Rink on Tuesday evening, 8th inst It will be open In future on Tuesday;-Wednesday and Fridays-evenings . of eacn, week. ,. Prices.-Gentlemen 25c: LSlies free. J 1 : " BLAlR & SHANNANHOUSE. oct0-lt , TTALES FARRIOIWsw hi; ki : ryi -! -,,t".-i si 4 Hif'C- ,J.-9 1'; ' We respectfully announoe to our friends and the public generally that our stock of - Watches, Clocks and JeweUy lai complete, whlch we expect to seU low lot cash.' Give - u a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we will make Jt to your advantage to ,daso-'''.r -.ui.lt- .,f s'' t All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly ST BE 60ER At - . 1 50 Boxes Bulk Meat ;.t,. .S, SOBagBCoffeft1 ' - 50 BanelsBugar, assorted, s .j,, .r, T 50 Half BajTelajSugar.:twwI.,, r 50 Baneto Molasses. swv s'-kSwri " -53 Whole MM! hall fwxes Proctor ' ISambk's Soap. 300 Rolls of Bagging. 600 Bundles Ties. 100 Barrels Flour. 25 Kegs Soda, 50 Boxes Soda.1' u 25 Cases Concentrated Lye.- : h 10 Barrels Grits. ' 50 Boxes Tobacco. , w ' ; 50 Boxes Starch. ';' ,-;!" ','... 100 Boxes Cheese. , . .J'.V 25 Boxes Crackers. . 25 Boxes Candt ''...'. 2Q Bushels Choice Seed Wheat , Ikittt fan to see us before-ycm twyf- Ji '- Send your orders. BUR WELL 4 SPRINGS. oote 10 CENTS. We have DRESS GOODS SO inches, vpide, at 10 cts PER, YARD.. THAT IS THE CHEAPEST THING EVER SOLD IN CHARLOTTE. We have the best line of FANCY DRESS GOODS You'ever saw here, and at prices that sell the goods. We keep the best assortment of KID GLOVES and CORSETS in the city. Ask to see our Kid Gloves at 50cts. It would be well for you to examine our Stock of CARPETS." 'Almost a new stock, and cheap. Our Stock of WATER PROOFS and Repellant Cloths Is large, and marked at prices to sell. Don't fall to call on us for your Sheetings and Shirtings. We lead the market in this line. See our FLANNELS, White and Colored, They are cheaper than ever. Ladies and Gents will find a splendid line of J MERINO AND FLANNEL VESTS. Call on us for six of the cheapest SHIRTS ever sold In this place. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. oct 6. gTILL AHEAD! BOUNDARY AVENUE BEER GARDEN, The Most Popular RRR REE R R E RRR EE R R E ssss 8sss ssss oo o o o o o o oo TTTT T T T T R R RRR R R R R FOR THE CITIZENS OF CHARLOTTE, No quantity sold less than a quart Bottled Beer delivered free of charge to any part of the city, every Saturday, at $1 der dozen bottles. FRED. C. MUNZLER. oct 6 JERRY'S 5c PANETELAS. TRAVELERS, COMMERCIAL MEN, AND ALL JUDGES OF THE WEED, Pronounce them the Best They have seen for the price. oct 6 JERRY'S 5c PANETELAS THE MOST POPULAR M1 ssss 888g ; SOLD, Combining Luxury and Economy. oct 6 pERRY'S 5c PANETELAS. RECOMMENDED BY ALL, Abused by None. If you haven't tried them invest a nickel and en oy yourself. ; ; , oct 6 R EMOVAL. -'in i- .j .: The well established house of WILLI A M S & FINGER, lately located tr; the Grier & Alexander building, on Trade Street, has been removed to the new k and eommodlous ' Holt building " on College street And In additOou to the business of handling GRAIN AND FEED, will keep on hand a full Stock of j HEAVY GROCERIES, Which will be offered to the trade at prices to suit the times. In our new house,we vyill be pleased to see all our old customers, and we hope to make it to the ad vantage of many new ones to come and buy, from us. T':t:.': !!..- WILLIAMS 4 FINGEjRu oct 6 A)yMt.i .'k "fOTICE ! n,A-a""l,ia 'y1. !". -'' .-nifti On Saturday, the 26th day of October fnst. I will sell at public auction, at the court house In Char lotte, a large lot of Sewing Machines of various styles and make, - Including Domestic, Singes, Home, Home Shuttle and others with parts. Needles and Attachments for sama s . . . - e. K. p. oanoRVE. Receiver of Maxwell & Symons, r' CCO II GGO A RRR CCIIGG AA RR O HQ A A RRR O C n G GG AAA R R CCC n GGG A A R R URE WHISKIES, ' I offer for sale . 5,000 GALLONS PURE NORTH CAROLINA ' '" : CORN WHISKEY, , . Two. Years old, at BetafL Having accepted the agency ol John H. Davidson's celebrated CORN WHISKEY, manufactured In Caldwell county. I will keep constantly on band a sufficient quantity to supply all demands and I respectfully request all parties who desire good Whiskey tony mine. ,- 'i t, ,.' W. R. COCHRANE. ang 17. TMPERIAL SALOON. Determined to keep the Best Saloon in the City, It gives me pleasure to announce that I keep on draught (on Ice,) . . Mjbar Is always supplied with the very best WINES, (including Champagnes;) FINE LIQUORS, FRENCH BRANDIES, &C. A. FISCHESSER, Agent for JOSEPH FISCHESSER. sept26 rpHE LONG ISLAND BOX COMPANY, ,28 and 80 west bboadwat, hew tobx. PATENT WOODEN BOXES For Butter, Lard, Berries, Fish, Sausages, Ac., made of Beech Wood. These boxes are superior to all others as to material used. They are TASTELESS AND ODORLESS. They do not peel as paper trash now sold. ..PRICE LIST; 1 lb. $10 per 1,000. 2 lb. $12 " " 31b. $15 per 1,000. 51b. $18 " " Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal Discount Send for circular. LONG ISLAND BOX CO., 28 & 30 West Broadway, New York. JMPERISHABLE FRAGRANCE. MURRAY & LANMAN'S celebrated FLORIDA WATER. . . . , . . . . , The richest, most lasting, yet most delicate of all i perfumes for use on the handkerehlet at the toilet and In the bath, delightful and healthful In the sick room, relieves weakness, fatigue, prostra tion, nervousness and headache. Look out for counterfeits; always ask for the Florida Water pre pared by the sole proprietors, Messrs. Lanman & Kemp, New York. i For sale by perfumers, druggists and fancy goods ' dealers. ! may7 eod 6m QHARLOTTE HOTEL. CHARLOTTE. N. C. Terms, Per Day S200 Table Board, Per Month 16 001 FIELD BROTHERS. Proprietors. j Being determined to keep a First-Class House, ! we respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. J. T. JULIAN, Superintendent. BEN KIMBALL, Clerk. augl gTOP AT THE BO YDEN HOUSE , I Salisbury, N. C. ! ! C. S. Brown, Proprietor, i ' . Lute'of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. S. Brown. Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelburn As ( sistiiut. I dec 30 J yADDILL HOUSE. GASTONIA, N C, R. E, WADDILL. feb 10 tf. j EW LIVERY STABLE. X- 1 yu wnt first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug I gles or Saddle Horses, go to the New Livery If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want your horses well fed and well groomed go to the Sew Livery Stable. " Careful drivers, promptness and reasonable prices are our motto. may28 R. CHAMBERS & CO. ' PHOTOGRAPHS. :i " ' J mija t S:":Jv.;j'i t.'.; '" '.Tfrriy t i jf , . In consequence of the reducan la the Drlce of thenriginal cost of materials, and in order to give after this date Photography will be taken at my Gallery at , J 1 -U J 1 . . ' REDUCED RATES. sept22 QORN AND WHEAT .EXCHANGE, , Postoffice Address, Charlotte aty Mills. j. Parties having gram to grind or to seU win find ft to their Interest to call on the undersigned. Meat ground either fine or coarse; according to order. - Thankful for former patronage, I will give my prompt personal attention to all orders from one' bosnej 10 a car joaa ROBERT D. GRAHAM, Superintendent : ,.., FOUR DIFFERENT KINDS OF LAGER BEER. gEABOARD ALR-LINE1. - ' .-mr , ! ; ' Sis .. - j, . i . ; r ! . . , i - : 'V 7-' , '. " iu,- PORTSMOUTH, Va., RALEIGH, HAMLET, AND - CHARLOTTE, N. C . 5 . .... v " t , : i'i -: . ' t : ' " -:. '';..;! As Quick and Reliable as any Freight Route be tween RALEIGH, PORTSMOUTH, NORFOLK, ALL EASTERN CITIES, AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS. CLOSE CONNECTIONS. ' Prompt sad Careful Deliveries Guaranteed. Er?For full Information, Tariff, ftc, apply to K S. FLNCH, Southwestern Agent Charlotte, N. C. mch26 DISPATCH LINE, -VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. This Line being fully equipped for business, offers unequalled facilities for the Transportlon of Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to j Charlotte, Statesville, Ashevllle, Rutherford ! ton, Greenville, Spartanburg, all Sta- tlons on the Atlanta & Rich mond Air-Line, j Atlantic Tennessee & Ohio, and Western N. C. ! Railroads, As well as points In Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. i TVkainanvtAA nnl Dnlnn niimmnAnJ nn T Am ln n ""u'auw """" e"Q1"urau ; Competing Line, and Time as Quick. Information furnished upon application to WM. A. MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent Charlotte, N. C. F. W. CLARK, Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C. T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. sept30 Scales, Sec. rEWORLDSANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. For Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS. Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rally. The Improved Type Writer. Oscillating Pump Co's Pumps. Send for Circulars. FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, New York. For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers, septl-dtaw w QALL AT H. T. BUTLER'S Stove and Hardware House for CHEAP HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. Buy your COOK STOVES from me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do your work Quick and Easy, Cheap and Clean V " BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE They bake evenly and quickly. BECAUSE 7 ' ' Their operation Is perfect. BECAUSE They always have a good draft BECAUSE '. ' - They are made of tb best material. BECAUSE ! - , They roast perfectly. because".. '''.;,' ''. . . - They require but little fueL , v.. ii'.-w-:- at :; . -': ; BECAUSE' f( .Ai-oiys i-:v.-.j. They are very tow priced . . wik lizuw-t Huf 'X'di-. .t'1 BECAUSE w ,nw - ' i-hI i t They are easily managed. .-? . ';i. BECAUSE . .! -k !; r - . i sn Theyae suited to all localities. BECAUSE Every Stov6 is guaranteed to give satisfaction tT'OB'fiENT.J111"5 , xyr..- kami h -Three neat; new onttagea. - AJs a t J I: -mom.'uitani let a nusmes omce. street OaU on -' -J1; THOS. H. OUTHER. . Stent 91 i-' " V JiiiS .-' -; ... :i A five room CtoUage, eerner of Nlnti and Churclt Streets.' Apply 10. eepi21-tf ' D. P. HUTCHISON. T OU1SIAN A STATE LOTTERY. - A Splendid Opportunity to Win a Fortnue. Tenth Grand Distribution, 1878, at New Orleans, Tuesday, October 8th. . - - : ..' i $-,!. i: ' . J'i Jit! W'tii'tf LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was the Legislature of the ; lncorDorated1 b: lor iurocauonai an Charitable purposes lrt 1868, with a capital of $1,000,000, to which it has since added a tteserve Fund of $350,00a Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the Second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: .,.;,;,:.., CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. , V. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Half-tickets One Dollar. ; LIST OF PRIZES i .ti , j 1 Capital Prize...... :.::w.t:i'tMl,M0 1 Capital Prize 46,909 1 Capital Prize.., ii -ftOOO 2 Prizes of $2,500 i 5,000 5 Prizes of. ...... .HUOOO.'. :5.O0O 29 Prizes of 500 " 16,000 10O Prizes of 100. 10,000 200 Prizes of... 50...... 10,000 500 Prizes of 20. .... . ... . . 10,000 1000 iTbes of '10. . . . . . . . 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES ! 9 Approximation Prizes of $300.-.. $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. . : . . - 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes ef . 100- .' 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to... .... ..... r $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. - - Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. Write clearly, stating full address, for further In formation, or send orders to 11 A. DAUPHIN, Postoffice Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana, All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the Supervision and Management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A, Early. septlO dw 4w taw $30,000 FOR $2. THE KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. THE THE SIMMONS & DICKINSON, Managers. To commemorate the 50th year of its existence, durmg wWch time tt has never postponed a draw- t(T tX OMklOyl O TlH7A Brill tt - SEPTEMBER 28, '78, Have a Grand Extraordinary drawing, In which it will distribute $117,400 m prizes. Read the Scheme and grasp this opportunity it may be a wheel of fortune to y .u. Some one will get the prize and you may be the lucky one- SCHEME: 1 Prize of $30,000 is $30,000 1 Prize of 15,0001s 15,000 1 Prize of 5,000 is 5,000 2 Prizes of 2,000 is 4,000 2 Prizes of 1,500 are 3,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 are 5,000 50 Prizes of 200 are 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 are 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 are 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 are.. 10,000 1027 .Other Prizes amounting to 15,000 1,889 ...$117,400 Whole Tickets only $2. Halves $1. All orders are promptly filled by return mall, and the Commissioners' certified printed drawings are sent to all purchasers Immediately after the draw ing. All communications are strictly confidential. Prizes cashed at this office upon presentation, and proceeds remitted In money, or as the owner of the prizes may direct . ""' tJ& Address all orders to our Eastern Agents, WILLIAMSON & CO., - 599 Broadway, New York. The Regular Drawings take place every 1 5 days. ,..!;. .... ,,..,.. septl7,21243t ".: ' ',; u NDERTAKING. The undersigned Is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. . Having on hand a full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BtTRIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metalic. PRICES as low as ant. Hearses furnished If desired. Furniture of every Description Repaired at short ; notice. v.... ' t W, M. WILHELM, Tryon Street, Opposite M. E. Church. June 20. fACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO. Awarded highest prize at Centennial Exposition for fine chewing qualities and excellence and lasting character of sweetening and flavoring. The best Tobacco made, as our btue smp trade-mar is closely Imitated on inferior goods, see that " Jack son's Best" is on every. plug, ooia dj au oeaiers. Send for sample free, to C. A. Jackson A Ca, Man ufacturers, Petersburg, Va. ' ;. . OA Chbomo Cards (perfect beauae? wita name ) 10c Outfit 10c. i TURNER CARD CO. Ash land, MaSS. ; u: ,.;.! : (.-. i -ff 7 .. PIANO Beautiful Square Grand Pianos, price SI .OOO. ontr 8275. - Maenmcent. UDriitht Pi anos, price $1,000, only $27& Elegant Upright Pianos, price $800, only $176. Pianos, J .octave, $125, im, $185, newetytos." Organs $35.-J Organs 9 stops, $72.50. Chusgh Qhoah, 16 ttopt, price $390, only $115 'Elegant $375 -Mirror Toy Or- :-UO. mlT 95; ' Fraud Exposed. $500 reward." Read " Traps for the Unwary,? and Newspaper about cost pf Pianos and Organs, tent free v Address ; . - vjuoju j. cjla a i, WasWngton,N;j. A DAY to Agents canvassing for tne JfJftxX bids Visitor." Terms and outnt free. ; Ad dress P. O. VICKERT, Augusta, Maine. 1 ; , , rpo ADVERTISERS. '- ;t f; ..!!!-.' H i'! I GEO, Pj, ROWELL CVrS, ManV tiendhs suriDdse tills' list to be ebmDOSed of CHEAP, low-priced newspapers. The fact Is ulte BEST; paper In the place.: Wneir printed to CAPI TALS It Is the t only paper.-ln- the paee.t When Printed rn roman letters it is neither, the best, nor the only paper, bot Is usually a very good Oow. 'not- every town and tha tiq-irdation of every paper.. It fa auiuaHu Hat: It la IMlt H. nhAJUt Hat. At the foot of the Catalogue for each state the lm nortnnt towns wMchare net covered by the" list are ! eoumeratea.' rv-19'AA nutous uioi, iue nuea charged for advertising are barely one-fifth thepub nsbers' schedule,'-- The; prtelor one11 mch four weeks fn the entire list Is $635i The-regular rate of the papers for the same space, nd time are $?,18685 TiWllst tacries70' iwwsrwpers, of which 163 are issued DAILY 'and WT WEEKLY. They are located in 825 different cities and towns, of which 22 are State Capitals, 828 places of -over 5,000 population,- and 444 County Seata. Lists A O0S Newspapeb Advebtistni Bureau 10 Spruce st (Prmting Hoose sq.N.Y; ; - -.' .'