.( ;. t.A ,i 'y..- viu;( ) ft vi.ui'-j i.iw i)un FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1878. BAlLBUAD ' DIRECTOBT. ) j'i : r - " The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (wwfiiMMP;jieMt it i M fnon nJ (Hiiq Arrives from Richmond and Go'ldsborb, J 'i.k'a. ml Leaves for ,, -i ;,,..ir,,j , i 2.50., ., Arrives from Richmond, 12.48 p. m. Leaves for a wy, 440,Bi;PVj ATLANTA ft CHARLOTTE ATB-IJSK." Arrives from Atlanta, 1.48 a. m. 1 .w for Atlanta. 2.50 a. m. Arrives fronvAllaiita. lool mtiaa. i tt4a ivittJUStoiner. at thRnlnr, whMi ho hpnivi Leaves ioAuuiua, ui"- aju uw f ML' .nil 1)1111 lroii-A'uti'a.??y:';i'n A. mwi-Wiaaea ana he could not leave the for -AnfcuBttu w l:l(yrj;ffl'bai-' ;but he asked Mr. Charles Moss, Arrives Leaves CAROLINA CKNTKAL.- iTf(4( Dmf A rri ves irom n uuiiugwii, . . . . . . ... Leaves for WHmlngtofl,1.,rvrt.r , 7 1K a. m. Irrives from Shelby.... ... . 5.00 pim. Leaves lor pavm,.-A-. i.) Atlantic, teknessek & 9H10., l Leaves tor StatesvUhv. i-ii i U4d a The f ollowmgr fcre'tife time's; ana places' at fih". Hon. Walter L, Steele,' .Democfatlc candidate'. Jor (Jougress in this; district, wfll meet his fellow-cttf-zens and discuss with them the Issues of the day: iihemarle. October 18. Troy. October 21. Centre, October 1& Sulphur Springs, Oct 22 ii I'Jie Weallter To-Ba) . For theJIffldfaiQnd Sputh Atlaqtif; Zinnsmithmij,4mg tomuch coZHion ofthe totrbance iprsterly wv(!4Jwwuw, rmng da la Vitexv AuvfrU'iii'lil. M A i if S M Howell Family Groceries. B. N. SnUtlv-Oabbage. ' t. -i.w lnj .. I !u li vUi jA'i.l.V. J lltii )," i.t -.....-rl i i:,-i; ii!if. i sue Tim fiiin whieh tel'hl t night1' was most acceptable :'t;4V W ililtVivnt in a4eighi..v ( i v . u Theiv was no session of uie mayor's court vuuauyranu tiw tmtess Dtitore the magistrates tUd ,JttOt . junjntnt to niucii. March-like winds diWe'-gireftt-i-clotttlBj of dust through the streets, yesterday, making pedestuaiysin. iiirreealtle. ovough,dis- I The mayor acknowledges the receipt of !?'), contributed by the Matthews station churou. ' for - the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers.- -- beginning with Sunday morning The Ohsekvkk will 'publil'dailyi'weather ivoorts as fxutu'stfedOhV.' the 'TTttited Mates signal :auoMjiMitiMS ily-i!i,ji l Cotton yesJei'dY v. jeaclwd , aj.lower lMiint than for a very long while -past" our (piotations this momin&Tshqw ,t,hat best grades closed yesterday evening at .i.i.:i'.-: .:U'i; i 7'! : "' An excellent farmer; : and a pTritosoplH 'ical one. as' WiM'.lftM'tjf; yesterday, said that he Uaa pdaatttd lus cotton for 7 cents, and until it sinks be low that price before he cannot be made' to lose any money on it. By a dispensation. issued i.by ..JL H Munson, of Wilmington, grand master of the Masonic brder"in ' this' State,' a new lodge has" bieen estayislie4 at Jjtin-' tereville, in this .county, . to :be called' Craighead Lod, ;;; -'v ;i. : Another crfnge" will go into effect-to-inorrov" on' the .Cl.iarlQiteanil.Sta.iesr. ville Railroad,; flight idjovreytsywithiB time. The train will leave Charlotte a half hour, hfteif and aMV,e'.tfTrJaer -leave here at 4j3Q a. in, anil amy ASQ, I), in. " '' '' : ): lil-n1- ! y.'T, '.1 - .; rw-l-i i r.i liail Ana two or the OBSEK.vi:itgang're likewise taking in the fine points ojfhe; large squashes aii,variegate4ft0d"41t which are Bpvead- out to-'the admiring gaze of th.esoVefiejgh:s whdeonregate at the State fair.. . ' )i i The case of the State vs. Nicholson and Ethridge for the killing of the eol- i 1 . . . T " J. - "fl ! 1 I I uieu woniaii, jvate riuruiger, m con cord, about six months agty yhlch'was' removed to Union, was, w'ennpitf'tlie:, Siq)erior Court of that county,. Wednes day, and continued until the next term. Receiver of tnfiUjttto& tmlikiUa.ll- road - Uxa; un-. The Star of yesterday, says that CapL I). II. Murchison, of WilmingtQn, has received the iapporfltnieht':fromi,:Jndge McKoy, of receiyer; of t.l)BiC3fPlina,Cen-. tral Railway, to fill the vacancy occa sioned by the death of Capt. Isaac B1. Grainger. Capt Grainger administered his office very wisely, and 'thief' liew'iieM cc-iver can hardly do better than follow in his footsteps.-'"""' ! End of the Feast of Tabernacles. Yesterday was, the eighth and last (lav of the J ewish Feast of Tabern'ardes. or Branches.,. and is called. AShemenv Aiizeras. or a raav or solemn assem- hly." It is also called the "Rejoicing of the Law," because it is a solemnity in memory qf t,hejermmatiqn,pt,the read-, nig of the law. Oh this day the last sec tion of the Pentateuch'4'"ead, and the first section, Jmmediately commenced. The folloVingabbathis termed "Shab bath Beresnrtti:'1 TKls rjmg'tjrife lastf tested in "jpfflflflgfr tliOtf 'I'lte Wf-vtprn VTviiralAn. T.0TTf3TnZ17.'li A .oil .U (I. 1 he long-expected excursion from the esterday,aftecnoonr, mhargeii aifi Mj two liundr'i til to 1 the ciass, but amiaa .was, Jah Qilpinjilfda pleasure bent. i iH,iu-oiuvi .11. tl'l, !. ICscape and He-Capture, li -M luUi tsK'jIlipS'tiTl fc fell lt liUrl .Ultltm iay before vetpda' 1. A BAuursion xramijrpm.,lienrv's vnanotte stopped at'BrMtfewktifi1 hon, .la,..takman idkcnrwiwed ail station; aad tucnedoror to the i lard-tn rbe County School Fai HTluW3i The register of deeds yesterday nost ra at tne court irsdobta'fciHKl sho inw. of six istributiorrf'ibl",it! ana ,twenrar-H)ne..veara-anil the wwaigafcoti each sflirtrtT tc 'UorJketm seof carrvinfrnnfrPft fllgiiged vesterdav in spnriino- ftnffW pach School fnmtnitfaa V,Q ononmt , uu miormingtne committee that ie money awaitec jitter December 1st. . Jhe total Sfthnnl J niUKU lU.VlWl UU U1U Mqkjen s to $10 township. -IOlir liat J iV'r-tt, - Z f Whites, $188.19; v"iuiu,uyi.70. people on board from as fau wfefcl1 Asheville. ''TnVrniWTri?rH ftirftttWtirti'tt'l eu. and will 4 o ciock tnis afTArwrtriftiUfmra wrAi .... A. 'e.but few. mfirfhanfT4tiHrtfr:,flS w '.Tivmw 3.1 llgM I W .iay before vEdatito'iefitrreif of theterrjtorth CaroliMiaSffilR r ;uLneawf ri frniw tin T irr t ..., i.- I via v&xy nuiA. ait i.i ir 1 1 t-.su i i ajle, and thouglchi,v49CTp: t?6YcrattntfrMntr . - M. C to . TI,, mem uuu; up oninwiraauoiiTOeibafti- (Hit TTA1 'it-oil' AArtAX' 'W ' SiAWXl Qes8'DyitowWshfp- i "n 7 coupty tln year amount: "I12 JiP.ftfPUS sum .Charlotte JWtoo Got In His Fatal Work and Left JLjke a Flasb-Further Particular ant No Clue. '' M:.. Time, yesterday rrfornincr. onlv allow ed us to tell that a short time before, we weiit to press aHtoysteridtts'homicide was committed in the restaurant of the Mdzart Saloon, and that Tom Harley, hi uuiurtju cook 01 mat establishment w.:tettMifltm. Brielas thatrstate-r rmeut iwau Itwnst-beonfessed'thatp up 10 mis time, mere is nothmer of im- .'.;: A. 1 j . i 0 pui taiice to aau to it. I wuib aiier miamirnr, Mr. Ak Wimrate. who is in fhartrA ,,f r.lm t,a Ti ju-i. .w leilus, the promietor, was waitins on a wrm ! talkilijr and oaths Proceeding from null " ,r : WWWit-4FHRiresiJUUaJli; unuerneatn. The noise ow see w liat was tlie matter and quell ti4w UlSLUl UclIlCe. JVX1. Moss went out me uacK aoor'anaffcwn. tfr'rfear'mte u me restaurant, entering the room, louuu tuere tnree young men, well- biM. uiuieu cook, ana a colored bov. rriAppy Kellv who waits at the bar of tUfr. Central Saloon. One or more of the' strange young men were in a heat ed1 Colloquy with TomvconceTtiing pay lor oysters fried of which the party of strangers had just partaken. All were in hostile attitude. The cook had a lung ibutcher-knife in one hand and a hatchet in the other. Mr. Moss laid his hand on the lappel of the coat of one of the strangers and demanded to know the Vhil! the11-'I'liViM!'vrt' tKrtf rfiH witiLit?" was asked hinv.;1(. "I am, one of the men "of the house," Mr. Mos1TmWte,,!iser j ;That is all right then," t&e yqujig jnjanl ljuiiicu, auu moss turnea irom nun to tlie cook and asked him what he was ttaiTelingboufc. Jflhe uegsaAoWMps, to, let him alone, and at this time one of thft strangers asked the price of the oyster-fries and waTtbldi.' He then hiiided a $5 bill to Mr. Moss, who started up stairs to eet It shsntedj h.Af tlie UUOK iUULxiUie ... VJSHLOlfl Harley had pitched the ibiiteker-fcnifo aside and held the hatCn6t:IttiAhI:,tMitJ hand. WitU-:tiiiweapoi..,HplrK 'imcea upon one wti appeared-tD-b 'the spokesman for the party'"' n ) "Uon'tyou comeTanyjurlW. shoot you," the young man- eaniftiflndj- ed. i But'tli 'negro!:c6nttiiu'ea to: ad'vahfc'e" and m-a eooiid the.liarvel- ot& pistol! uusneu in me ngnt ana two pistol shots rang out.- one present knew how it was-tltfrieT1 so rapid were their movements, but as quick as thought the three Bts&ngera; .uarxeu uu tlie rear stens una iiHitnijar- red;through the rear door and .the-baok yard, lorn Ilarlev. his liatehetitill ini "Itfaijd, dashed after them, but -half waw-H uutpe steps reit-rproneupoii Jus rac and rose no more. Mr. Moss, who in the meant.ime .hadi gone up stairs to get the money , changed 'arid did not see the shooting, . jean JbacJs down the steps and took the situation. in. Returning again, he reported -tp.J mi: vvmgatetnat Tom jiaa;;jeenSihqt,. ."Wjngate ran down the stairs caUetljU nelri-o by name, when ; he turned liias neaa, gasiea once and died. l n- - ,-; ,. auis is me story as siraignt,ii3, cap.,p& gotten. ,.,;;,. : : The first thing done was to smjnon, ,Tr. McCombs, who., proceeded to Jnakel an examination o;f(tjlie bodv. .,,0nly onq j, i nits siiols was louiiu to nave, .uuteii. effect, but.thtfL.was; so sure that it might liaye been hred by a practiced hand. It entered" the left side, between - thfr seventh and eighth ribs. 2lanicSBd.''nfer-;i eq,.tlielower part or the heart, passed through and came out at the upper part, striking both, lungs in , man. could not have lived exceedingten seconds. "!'-"' 11 ' u -:-t :-ti;Hutt iGorwer.,:i4J,eaadex reached )4thecitywJ Kill iv in Lilt; iiiuriiintr unu suiiiiiioiid a. jury ivliich; r aftef viewintr the - sremains. -went rnr.a. secret, session at, the jeourt house, sitting for ' several ' 'ho!ttrs'"Vllh; dosed boots' ana imeanume examming a dumber of witnesses. The testimony 11 1. -.-. Vwi . rt-P nriflinnnAn Tlift fru.timAnn taken is! foi' sbme1 reason which doubt- ' .mv)OCU utsaiuiesa anu strangers to mm : tee were also pttftf Tom' Sarley, JeSS appears satisfactory to Ihe.ooironerLpujLed and uisjectLpeq I withheld from the press. All that is 1 their face value. Tlie vouchsafed is that the verdict reached wa that deceased cam- to'hiBdeath from a pistol shot fired, by. sorn,e person to the jury unknown. ' " ui ' As a result of the coroner's inquest Mr. Moss and the colored 1)6 1lTInTiy" Kelly were held as witnesses in $100 each, and in consequence,-Qf the allega tioniof Burwell Johnston, colored, that Kelly had told him, vesterdav, that he Itne who had done the! shootings the boy , was re-arrested, yesterday after noon and by Justice McNinch commit ted to jail, under the belief toatheJ knew inpre. than he had divulged. TherMse iTiivelopM'ih a thick veil of mystery so far as .the identity of the three strangers is1' concert eft.'' Of'otirie there are theories and speculations but in the absence of testimony against any partieaiaf person, theses "amount tec nothing. .ThecasQ):!qreated. genwnp, sensation in the city yesterday Dy rea son of its unusual1 character; ai&d) was a leaiding topic of cpnyersation during the day on the streets s and elsewhere. Furnas! uVt,1liV"J'"'''- bian) snhlrtM?- ,i- The work of puttiniaJMineiW.tfuirtta dnidainpipes in Try on Street Methodist J church -was completed -yesterday-ana the furnace was tested yesteWaJAfte' noon and found to 'work eharmincrlv. iis large and elegant diurch has here i)rore been heated ?i(aL.dgetha inade fiaately) by means of stoves, and the wtofort of the congregation will be rMtly enhanced 'by tile! itteTy!rtttit m$ furnace and the pipes,,ndthe work. f putting them in. werei all paid for dv tyw ladies7 aaa)'is4S0ry.i'f.i mer-CWMrCh, which has, in addition to this, added to tpe parsonage, withm the pastrrew days, 'Quantity ofattdwdifuiMfiittiMiKand new ProieitioiUta:Hol-l.tlxe state Fair at Charlotte. w'tliKe iSArfcaiiS2fhe Raleigh papers XMh at a -fokJg of the State Agricul- tal.McoBfmheld Tuesday night in the commons nail, Kaleigh, captains. it fJR.dgeobe lowing resolution : -Jtesoivea, That the next state Agri- eudturai X air be held a eTVMMVMiA 3V Mfedklenburg county, WV.mB A 1,1 'J resolution acted- epfofgft but .to-JstMd,:,6eri unlSJniMw night: 'hfc'fetated thattiadbeen informed 'jthiitl when the city of Raleigh was can- vassetiiinK siibscnptuons io.purehae straw and w'ood roBWMragV'tttid fuel jfwlthe mUitary, only about 660 was Tasted, and one ofothBieadiagionercan- fife (li unaa-ioCTe'wtfuicr feaunvi'pay M 1 1 $5,000,. and furnish barracks for the military." ioj-1 "zoTiuhi aaW" yst Mr. li. H. Battle. Jr.. Dr. Mcuaiium ti. Battle. Jr.. Dr. McCall andCoLThos.31. Holt. opi)OsedJieTresc. VBTt vigorous defence oriiaieigh agamst After these si)eeches the furmerconsid ratiion of the resolutM'WalMp'oWd taltil Thursday night. lott and for the fair asweip fOWin supin'wtaVtliesei'of jSaieiaJ fair, would collect here annually twice as Jargea crowd as" tas eyer atfendeipv tne it at the capital, l iiwie iij WeejeBstonieheAathPfideayoreof parHestq introduce new remedies for Couirhs s ana Kiuurea complaints when ther should know that the people will hare Dr. Bull's cough ttyrup ana nothing else. Mft DaBace. at dAl Some Of OUf Charlotte' and ftaharriia stock : narti ni ivitArf , , i n , ; flu mfau'a race at the State fair, which was asin- gle dash of a half raner'Thfe'Italeigh "iwrat'cuBwiwayi gtatunifr! jjiamft- tTlL , narioxte -gegm;sy8tem mere. Emmjrmfflm&ima SecodaeeRTinntnrtiflcMtmteTO Hh: II. J. Pone enters Swannanoft!'1 degree JtM?fF Mt ins seuoiiu money. mmvb&&i-.'.r ti The Fourth War PbnOOOKItMu Dr. Battle still has in his possession tne curiou-aBUBairnieir. is mtut have fMfeli'oht the'tfbsW Iy.MM ourtn wardMiat!jliasi(iCsaiajiea il was put in aiconoi so that it is now scarceiy over hajxiiuuxiti-ujkimgta, be- ing aoout an eigntn or an mclj in thick- salted xaAS Sf: cros&peY hSMiMe phyl siciahs here, to teFTKlScaS Dr.Batt.iA is mairitt iSVT send it toanSurrArW Erectly with, the ;pehsi6h bureau Phiiinht2smT1 torv dfWA Vti&AMJ,, UKVffligstrate to assist them. mquipyritoitaeicasfeiaiidi saystbat as.Lii far as'fcuntttfi tfeAitrifftif mtto-to ly caine frAm.e..omap ri6's. UjSlie says so heirseMwanifcfhere were several other yeisuim in tlm ruum who saw it when it fell on her-rftu f..f It has been oveffeMirn&tfhA nv fcfirrence, and weMwililthft wnapw wholiad suffered so much and so con- mi -. I' arc have of Oold BulliotniUiCHa-!! locte. ' Tlie Washingt6riJ iPosf, 14' Wednesday, states the case more f ullv than was done in yesterriajiViQBSEiwsrEifc .-Jto tne arrangement the orovernment has m the United States assay office m this lty.; 'fme tF08t bays5!1' W Mm Hi: mu: m 'Piirchase- the- gold btilliorif deposited at the mint at Denver. Col., at its mmm? T -Traiue, less the usual mint charges for parting and refining and the expense transportation to the mint at Fhilaffe phia, for conversion into coin. Pay ment for the bullion purchased at tnse places will be made in Wal-tan- 4m notes or silver dollars asithe depos- may prerer. MetetaM:e trttjlion de ited at these irttirinfe ffias ben returned to the depositors in imparted pars, staniped with the weight and fine- iess, wnicn were disposed of to local tollion dealera. This arrangement will Protect the mitifet ndefi&Wfe::Wrnr to cnase the s-old dpnosifprl at iho !ee Offices at Helena, Montana, and Boise $tyt Idaho. The Spartanburg and AOttivine XtaXl-i ''Toad Failure to I044Trl VfiiintH witlitbe Creditor,' lif i t, vi a i' " , "vif, ui lauuuig, o. V-., Tnesdav. in rpfprpnon tr lm Wnnrtn j i -.-... w i-i i v ujai tail" bprg and Asheville Railroad, was a meeting of the creditors of that road wjth t&ftJajM'atectors, to make an arrangemfini i6iatJe settlement of the chuiinS; against the corporation which now so seriously embarrass it. The claims which are now being pressed CTV v""".toio ""VI VUKIBU YV have furnish sttTit)liM.;arlntiWrfto tiHtound nunj,;o;oi(5o; jTBtrTik a iirei inoi Lgage ityh&m .t OIQnjoo, and Hon. R. 1 . Mc Aden, authorized so to do, went into the meeting of creditors and submitted to it this proposition:' JThat the bondholdeiBiwauld agree with ui&creanors, tne latter OTjfnom had no seciirity, to cance jtx, t Mirtgage auu put upon tne road a second mort gage of say $175,000 to $200,000, for the j purpose of completing the road to Ashe- ,yiUe, it being the understanding with all concerned, that Uhestf seoon'a to- L 'gage bonds cfuld'bfi .taken,1 byJtBe sfe- ufed WeOitols kim St s proposition cer tainly looked fair enough, amounting to just; this, that it is security for their claims to those who now have no secu rity ; ahunsecilr4tt JKreitors repre seiiting.tMjaMuntkff 5O:a0O declared their wiMonmt'Wfiflniih with the proposit ion i the holders of $30i000 worth -of claims, these holders being the As'h'e ville contractors, refused, however, to accede, choosing rather to try other mejis of making their, money out of the road, and1 trfuS tftgwnble sdngitte of settlement went bv the board and none ;vyjas substituted for it, so that the situa-. tion, remains just What it was before this: meeting was held. In consequence of this failure to ef fect! '-''ftrrkrrgeme'nt' 1 wnebV''" work could be carried on, Mr. Mc Adetn, who. tela t'w-soniej tiHtfl past-bcerir fulrtishing out of his individual funds the jmoney usdinjtgrk.ojt!(ctflrf tion yesterday ordered operations to be stopped and the building ,pf the Spar tanburg & AshevifieaaM&f there fore now at a complete standstill. Mr. McAdelwrtbrwierer,'iiStU'a9 hiaiftraW tohning regularly over the completed (PAriion of the jmfo 3d sleciares his Purpose to so continue them. rtoting of the Slocirder ot the H. w it ID. Itailroad-The C, C. & A. Pur- ensue. , fca ma o ir hAy Vasih haue. Aj sjJecial meeting of thestockhorders-r .1 of the Kichmond & Danville Railroad ionipany was held Tuesday at the com- JkiViUWvJHi JWWlUUBlhi l.AA ifilKHY il kmorid Disvatvh furnishes an outline of the proceedings : Avery large quorumT or tne company, it says, Demg round to be Dresent in person and nroxv: the pres;iaen sWrntttet! 'BeHMffjfwtWf board ot directors, a report setting forth the i oLtjeob f tliJ3oardijiii7thef:callif' the meeting at this time to be the con- ranfement lecently entered into, which the president and directors had deemed highly important and advantageous to tiiifcH uumpany, in connection witn me Ch;iiloet)'klilmkrW'Auffusta Bail- roa4 Company. The connection traflfic eascwaroot the latteFoempany nav4ngor J,thi ne last tour yews BeweairwtaiveweF 4"JA' rom the roads of the Kichmond $ ian- ville Company by combination with. the roaq running east from Columbia, iS.Mtji to the .cpjhaduQf, course injuriously affectetf ttie" Trlfefests of the Bichmond & Efanville Bailroad in this traffic. The objdet and effect of the arrangement templated wastojttpre,this trade , to ite ramiraaws Chapoctasi tivi mm -wie-iuaeai v&vw Bicnmond & Danville Bailroad Cqmp" This, the president reports, has em esected in connecuon witn par ties largelyj ideJftfJtolivaaitsc4affilders and th owners and operators of the chief connections of the company's creaseu jainHTaevroiJiiiixuuHiauiHruwa Darivmei RMltoMmpftny. The ar- esLvuiisiiiueiit ui reiieweu uuaiiiwss-rciao iiQnjs "betweenlhis companysi that of the Charlotte. Columbia & Au- st?a itaiiroad uompany, that were oe- ri ri-rA- rto-n V a Trl 1 T7 foil aMiTi ftn t ifehly "advantageous to eacn and to the rt.... ... . . ; .. irieeting and an undivided feeling felt jind- exBoessed 4)V(the dnielligent body of business men present that an' imi I ,a. mnmar. v,ori portant and wise movement had been made by the company. Fcriy-four persons- ere- cauyicted of ?uefy ty to animals in Xew York Mon- ir: i bimw i mmuiMn aait r4 raieflow m luchtaomiv va4.1ooKin0.UHA1 R. II. H. Hayden has beeVUitteiffT. ? muraer, m l r J? " j j.i 1 -WashmBtOftF liit .xgiol ita tntaiUiui) ; .i-ftca-i mi ja on ,-jtHvi viii iU: sHJjncKa I Red Cloud and hisJGMefg'hatf a ien- fereiicpi Sunday at, Fort Sherid wjttl the oiffio iifmow purauiMtfie:iiffirTen t3Mtid promised to arrest -and deUver eil$e resdfiSL-iille -expressed aesire ior peace, ana promised to pro- mote it by all the means in his power. The conrerence closed with a banquet. commissioner of pensions states, them L V r W agents to iwterthWr:iclamis, 14. as weU f or theDi to communi- or employ a neighboring attorney or r TtmmilAfnlU IilllJi.LT nttiii,. - ailfcJitJ OCTOBER 17, 1878. f .i At-Jl :T.I ArjH PRODUCE. :i.iiH:ili Baltimore Oats dull: Southern 27a30. Provi sions dull and unchanged. Butter In light demand Rndvunchanged. Coffee dull; Rio cargoes 13al6& WhJsKey firm at 1,12. Sugar unchanged. Southern flour in buyers' faro frith Jbetter export TrWUlry; sales 4,900 bbfe,clucung 4,000 or expprt; common to fair extta 8j80a&90, good to eholce ditto 6.00a6.00. Wheat lc. higher, closing rather quiet; ungraded wlrAet ted' BOal.Ol. Corn Vs better; ungraded 40a47. Oats a shade firmer. Coffee dull and nominal. Sugar quiet and un changed; refined in moderate demand and steady. Molasses dull; New Orleans quoted at 26a45 for old and 60a60 for new. Rice firm, fair business; Carolina and Louisiana quoted at 6a. Pork flrm pand verrtiiUettMss spot 8.60a75. Lard prime ffW nominal; offered at i- v-CBJCrinirTl fcioW- quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull; red. SOaSR white 83a88. Corn inactive at 87 ;a3W Oats quiet' Pork in fair demand but lower ai .uu. iara in iair aemand and firm. Whiskey a.oa. clear rib Balk meats Inactive; shoulders 5. clear sides KlA : bacon In fair dn- ;jand; shoulders 4, clear rib 6.70a75, clear sides -ooaoo. sugar sieaay; naras yaioh. wmte hi Hogs firmer; packing i it-.-i.im a3.20. .. n NoB)LK-SteadyTdmi'!c:;1nei receipts 8,584; gross ; stock 15,536; exports coastwise 2,050s sales ; exports to Great Britain . BAifrmoBE Dull; middling 9cK3MnmldQng c.:' good ordinary Hltc: net 529; sales 100; stock 3,013; exports coastwise 75; spinners 80; exports to Great Britain ; Boston Dull; middling 1014c.; low middling 10c; good ordinary 9" toet receipt "8901 gross 595;isales ; stock 1,220; exports to Great Brit ain 92tt. WifiMiHGTON Dull; middling 9 low mid 862; dling !ic. ; good ordinary Slfee. ; net receipts gross: ; sales j stock 1 2i 140: spinners : ex ports coastwise ; to Great Britain . tfJJi&iBLrti? mrddirng'ibac:;' low muuiig mc; goua oraiDary W4&; net receipts i& BT08S 537: sales 33K: snlnnprs H18- stv-lr ,030; exports to Great Britain 318. AuarjBTA Weak: mlddllno- Qt lnw mirU dUng8c.;good ordinary 814c.; receipts 1,779; ents ; sales 1.187 :-stoefc ' - Charleston Lower; middling filc.; low mid dling: 94C; good ordinary 8c.; net receipts 3, 772; gross; sales 2.500; stock 76,120; exports coastwise 2.604; Great Britain!, 905; to irauoe New York Quiet; sales 893; middling up lands 10; mid. Orleans 1014; consolidated net receipts 20,549; gross ; exports to Great Britain 4,209; tyCpntlnentrn-j to,Fraijee, r-0ji,i(, Liverpool Noon Dull. Middling uplands 614, Orleans 6 9-16; sales 8,000, speculation and ex port 1,000, receipts 1,050 all American. Fu tures 1-32 and 1-16 cheaper. Uplands low mid dling clause: October delivery 6 5-32alfe, October and November 5 13-16, November and December 511-16, December and January ditto, January and February ditto, March and April ditto, shipped September per sail omitted 614, new crop shipped Novembei&od Doeonbar flee sail 5 1 1-16. 5 pi m, Futures depressed. Uplands low mid' dllng tlause: February and March 5 11-16, new crop snipped November and December per sail 5 21-32. FUTURES. New York Futures closed steady. Sales 85, 000 bales. October November . December . January February . 9.77 9.71 9.72 9.77 9.84 9.92 10 10.08 10,41 1020 Marca April. May i Jufy6..' )frM) '. .d?i FINANCIAL. New York Money active at 1.06. Exchange Governments bonds dull. at 4. v t4. Gold w firmer. Newg- tJlWWON MARKET. H f, ii ; i J1 V'FFICS Of TUB UBoERYaa. I Charlottk, October 18, 1878. f Good middmli. L. 8Ja, juiaonng. Strict low middling. .ji li'i "in auuuiiiuc. ...ii.i..i,,,jj..u,i.i,.ii ,, TingeS rfJ. ' .laAiuvn g, Stain t. : From Acute to Chroale ,Ki .iiSn . 1 Is an easy stage in cases of dyspepsia, A slight attack MfadtMsttDSi8eeia':w)thereliis Dredl(DiltIbnHflie9MffWaWei6MAiBt(mibltf' mustbrjeiita(a2lmliiateufe tHeMfaom dlettiito form of the disease. It Is well, therefore, to adopt1 revenwvo meaouroo oariy. - Aimougn Mosteners iouu j-AbiK7Ao vTCiwuiooi u yvwBwi M-M.' oi ayspepsia oi long standing, it is ODViousry tne nart of wiaioratojuaeiltMe tbialaiterasimBaiSi uhrorflc phase. This Is paxaculajiy .)T bfl3aMSb as ayspepj8jB0genajers otnerDoauy evJls.tsuch as disorder of the liver, constipation or undue looseness or The bowels; nervous, dlsosaers, , nypocnonana, sleeplessness, xnese maiaares are both prevented and remedied by the Bitters, but how miafe6ttritoi&eftkClfcrt1iithetr outsiftwltH Hh'great alters vejai;lh wait- untM 4MyiesWtN lisnea a nrme loousia s system, surety tne bdtflgHliintT rf this iwnt hn unrwrftnt. Tke Katieail 8eonrgi esSmaJed (hat Se annual A a. Ixt3 So CeMlSeU:.! ,vages of Insects and worms exceed SI 50, lSaJUa IMlted) 8tafiwiAlotl ' 'Truly ' ah" loss! Yet it sinks into lnsignncanee th Uift WHe4)I that onKW-Qv ty. The nausea of eomiiinpuon are. y. udmg in every instance f,i, thartASH5t,?Ti; upon the scrofulous diathesis, or tem- n one nersan as aaaeKiQi.-aauteL. Hlle-ht nervous DrostratJon. will eneen- nsujnpaoij, na,flqrpf iserotniou8 naDits. That cons t will be readily perceived wnen tne exaef-pQi uu uic uiatsiuie is uuueraiwu, Tlx., uro ihxuuiu- d and deposition of swfutematter (tuber- HOOWUniUUSO. VUHVIMHJt. NW iuiuwrai 1WW Ues-required are (1) a powerful alterative, or blood punnet iwinwcar! tne occumuiauuiis ana oisu cleanse the blood of the scrofulous matter, and (2) a mild cathartic to expel the diseased matter from the system. This course of treatment,ln conjunction with strict hygienic regime, has proved the most succe$srui metnoa or curjns .towuPiseaee. uoctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant idijPjugatlve Pellets are the best alterative and cathar- i4Mrmeaies neiore tne puuiro, ana save eeenaione used In thousands of cases ; of consumption with sfa buK USPS equaled advantages so consumsaves, not omy pos sessing the best medical and hygienic means of treatment; but having. esseplUadyantage of being situated in a cUmate1 Wheie theihSBfUuits are notably free from this disease. . . -. JjAMILY GROCERIES, q ? CHEAP FOB CASH. iriwuir Mv family possltl! Just elved Patent Process Floor, BELLE OF KENTUCKY.. A Ch5r5rticle.v. . : ; Fine White Head Cabbagelnstteee Jved. l.f-:f 'ji- CABBAGE 1 1 CABBAGE f t ! 1,000 Pounds Hard Heads New York Cabbage, Just received, by B, N. SMITH. pctl8 rrfr 1 "'XII 19 Dy top if oopTSoo reftormous whetfewmwadfl) nDie scourge, insungwawwwwowwywyw 'hundreds of thousands ot human souls into etemi- h yJsii a sir.' pe thftfmsease illsflnirfAr'Tl ercJ jHIIIII Ira. abides.'" Reo WPt 1BX PLEASED ; if j ;MT1.IW .AN.JvfU m ot vAt ! 'i .i-i-i i-Buirvo. Tir announce to our friends and oustometfe the- &r- tfvimn tmtait& vu( vflm-.ftj ptj .W'MU'JJ .M -r'AllkX. l ' FALL AND WINTER GOODS, JA1 v-T-:-; :-ift. Oi .k-.un 4l f lirt ! ti WHICH 13 -a . . ,-l-fl 1 ! - ii jlf.j -jai;. la-irtl to 'mi v.-. :lLUh L vnit H J .vHiill-w-l.- H -1:11.7 .H'n it ,.ui 1 And at much lower prices than ever before,-'We I -- . ii.- 1 v .1,: :-i.'U iH-' respectfully solicit the-patronage of the public. Very respecfuJy,! ' A ' ! -:j: :mr H-ri ix-;- f PEGBAM & CO. P. S. Merchants will find it to their Interest to examine1 mx'stikfcl .? -i -iil t- - '.'-m f !:;:;;: i own A THE CENTRAL HQXSL-SALOON Mll- Cochrane keeps the best . u ;v . .1 7 ii WHISKEY, Stand- ! ard Pure, Two Years Old.', O TO1' Sillj lit in u i! 11. 1 ' CENTBAIi' HOTEL SALOON Pore Liquors. BENCH BRANDT, Guaranteed : to M TWENTT TEAfifS OLD, : i ' 'AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. JpOB FINE, WINES, And Port) LHquOrs; Tlire Te OQdi go to ' ;; ,:;-'Cochrane's, '' ';', , , '".'','.''7 ' Central Hotel Saloon. JEMEMBEail! '. . , . . THAT FRED MITNZLER'S BOTTLED L AGE BEER .. 11 'A rr,i r -.:.. .! jTIsybe best that ever has been sold in the city of CBafiotte. . If .you doubt $ try a dozen; It wUlonly oost your one dOlla, ana jf ft does not give satls factloo yonr BKniffil refunded. ( Delivered, free. Qf charge! to. any part (si the city every Saturday morning. FRED C. MUNSLER. N.BL All orders left with,. J. A, Vogler wiU be promptly attended to. f WANTED 1,000 Empty Ale Bottles (stone) for which a liberal cash price will be paid. JM P E R I A L.&A..L 0 O N. Determined to keep the Best Saloon1 in the City, it gives me pleasure to announce that I keep on draught, (on Ice,) FOUR DIFFERENT k4nDS Of LAGER BEER .i...! ; ff.,,, 1 -. ji i.i- :' .,! k', ' .; : ;::.. . -;, l(Mf bar telwaysupplied with the very best WINES,.(iudlng Clhaaapagnes;) - - FINE LIQUORS, 111-, . : wir.i FBENCH BRANDIES, &C A. FlSCTTRSSffR, 'Agent for : -,' . ; JOSEPH FKCHESSER. septad" " JOTICE TO FARMERS!!! ; I am prepa$&Lfd WsiRl&trO-K' in my iieiroof building either in basement or on, the. fast or sec ond floors and will give warehouse receipts on which yoii can draw money if desired. Charges mcKleratel; ': ;.,, ' : ' i. THOMAS a GAITHEBl oct 12 ftr- SURRATT'S- GHOST! I ,H FRKSKNTS ITSELF TO PRESIDENT HAYES!!! Unfortunate woman, of suspected crime, j ; IS DOOMED TO DIE, " WhJJst Mas, KNKft,ptcqFEs,uir, JS. REWARDED BY THE GOVERNMENT, Hhnl 1 Which proves that it is J kim . !. iO- k; itrti IHJ5, lit ,i-'i.i tii'i-.i ifi'i .i, FORTUNATE TO BE ON THE POPULAR SIDE. NCI J Til ,i! 4 tnaiii li:;;. iwiiliiiiv PPP RRR K EE E EEK RRR R R RRR R R R R RRR R R RRR R R R R V V " RS8a! T , K 8888 pp : p?5 iT- A line FIVE CENT PANETELAS .flll.3)jli! u.:'" such a posltton4wi4egafd' to-iy Sfflrfig .-?fortcv IO' Oocjlpy if .ni3. B,H i , ilU-J0O 19?Jrt llll! 1Vllrt 8 .vj miib, 01 1WJ . v" WUV nielli, i feiu! KvBry smoker saying they ar3'st'so!tB'i:'' : -.(- j-x lliiniiiy vllul 'lil vil btt -mx TI T J) RemetWKK .PKRWf?BiiTthe''tolace'tei iet: i ... i,titlI..U'.f J i ,lj 1 1 II III- iei r.'feTO! .PS. ?4i bll iOil.li I 1. (1 yxi 8 .fwilH Uiiii JIi iIO -tol Wwj "i i-i JfitviJj ! wik stsill ai: JttrhW .T .. no llis W a-nl. wis tlo Yr.lq Imll ' !-iii lii;Mi- 'itslqianlvuilf ! -t.'Biiurmliiu 1 oj ii-iiiiil wo liii nil! tt Dealers are requested to calL- !Clgar for i i ;;i .i i.'f.i, 81.25 per htndre 1050 par thousand' octlO -T-TTTTTTi-rtJl TMPlTRBLEFGRAIijSl, WI J(!I UJiW J5 l i'ia- vA ti;i JW.1T IH .1 M TTRTTinr i "1 AS M A N ' S i fjitwH .-.hj: I isi CELEBRATEB iJi-l F L OBI D WWIJtt Tit. B. ,(.,.,i,i i TheichwflrtteBOrfcJnoa . . .It;, I iMWt SnUfcl'J-l'fV'ltrt .aiTOWW -JllHlJUiJ Derfumes-foi-.iBsaiOb thots handkwridel: at.lhe. 4e0e) andLto1il,haUbdigl tiMfcftlck room, relieves weakness, fatigue, prostn tion, nervousness and headache. r LoofcHHt ifnri counterfeits; alwayafprJlitrWfltetr pared byjhesple. iprielQW MesMfj-LanBUUt KempJ New York. ; ...,. ; rii't tme x-xiij ' - e iri tN otHihT elltui tiiori . For sale by peiiumers, aruggwts and fancy good dealers. " ' ' -may7 eod 6m AROLESA CENTRAL t x 1 1 -1 ' . T' ! ' 1 ' 1 . ... - k .!- ! . i-r)h-,i XHBOUUH FREIUHT ROUTE r .-This Line being four, equipped for business, Freight from 1' .':; . i :: : lift -,iif!i-t-! I' . Wilmington pod all Northern and Eastern Cities to . ., Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations .' Atlantic, Tennessee A Ohio, As well as points in Georgia, nw, -.-.:: !';- , . . (!) Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished .'.,! i i . 1 F. W. CLARK, ' i ; ' Gb. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C. ept30 gSSg' ESB A BBB AA B B A A BBB AAA B B AA BBB OO O O O O O O OO A AA RRR DDD R R D D BBB D D R R D D EH . A A AS R DDD VIA PORTSMOUTH, Va., RALEIGH, As Quick and Reliable as RALEIGH, PORTSMOUTH, NORFOLK, ALL EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS. Prompt and Careful Deliveries Guaranteed. mch20 QALL AT H. T. BUTLER'S Stove and Hardware House for CHEAP HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. Buy your COOK STOVES ,from me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do your work Quick and Easy, Cheap and Clean t BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE . They bake evenly and quickly. BECAUSE Their operation is perfect. BECAUSE They always have a good draft- BECAUSE .- r They are made of the best material, BECAUSE , , They roast perfectly. BECAUSE They require but little f ueL BECAUSE -:- ' xney are very low pneea. BECAUSE They are easily managed. BECAUSE,; They, at) suited to an localities. b: ECAUSF i . Every Stove Is guaranteed to give satisfaction' potteries. JOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. A Splendid Opportunity to Win a Fortune. Eleventh Grand DlstribuUon.1 878, at New Orleans, Auesaay, xnovemner lztn LOUISIANA STATE LOTTEBY COMPANY. This Institution, was regularly mcorDorated br the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes uv 1868, with a eapital of j,OOU, to wnien b nas since aaaea a Keserve ot S8350.000.- Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the Second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: " : 1 ;!:;! (' . . ' ' ' ' ' ? - -' f : CyAWT.AL' PRIZE,' 83b;000. .It tulii ' i -Ii---.V-- ti . J-.. ; -: " i . , Tickets at Twd Dollars Each. Half-tickets : ! 1 f it 'ill I . : : iii''tl UKr1 OF PRIZES : ; -f.ii ( .ill! i , -.:,.,: " i VliJ! 1 Capital Prize. ....,..,.. $80,000 1IA 1 Capital Prize. , 10,000 il Capital Prize .:. .)..V.u! 5,000 2 Prizes of . . . -,t . .83.600. -j r. fi.OOO vVh Prizes of......,., 1,000......-..., 6.000 iui-iflU rnaaui........ ow. iu,uuu iuu tTizes oi iuu ... 200 Pfiae...,M4 . 50............ 10,000: oOU Prizes OI . , 2UL.. . lO.OOO :I8:-::::-:: Liiooo iTizesbf.i.yn;'' jo..... ...... ,io,ooq KJIiiUill " -l!T - APPRdXlMATtON PBiZES : 171 Xi-l.-i Hit i -.TV ,ii;f Approximation Prizes of f300. . .,. ; 82,700 ;;"9 Approximation Prizes of 200. - 1,800 ' V Approximation Prizes of ' loo.;:.. 900 ioo ru&at, wmmntBig wi,,... j.;..-. llu,40U rrjn iT'.-. sin;, l-i'i-nvi : ''),.; lie:.'' i: ! Responsible corresponding, agents wanted at all prominent oolnts. to whom a liberal comDenaatton wmbepaid. .y-j.'n:aif i j. Application for rates to clubsshould only be made io the Home Offlce In New Orleans. , . , write clearly, stating full address,' for further hv forntatloi' or sewtoBdeis tomiuii; . M. A. DAUPHIN, : Postofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana. An our Grand ExtraoMmw DraiwhW ate under the Supervision and Management of Generals G. T. METAtUBGlQiX WaRKA.rU VjL.,'fYCK;'iMETIN6 cani;!!',' ti.. lit MUltUi' t'i:!T? V tWUL SBvy,l and Copper Ores reduced; nd; eientr oer eent of metal recovered.' . : t -: - tHAd Sulphuret Ores; a 'specialty; a 'guarantee of eignty per cem.,jrrom wnicn expei expenses are to be deducted. I '- Ores shipped from Charlotte via Carolina Central lfi.iiu.j . i m . . a - x : . i . I lUllirillUl Ul TY IlllllllfLi!TI. UlKflUH Ul A II I IN IT IIT WUL l-''Ores should be assayed, and Inspected by ProL' ii;mna, er tne vnuea states Aunt . v..-.' , ; ; - For further Information refer to members of the unanoue Jdining Board, or to Jertn Amtxry. Dr. JULIO H. BAE, aptHHtf . . General Superintendent. ...... . .. iaboL ..AIPBIPAN ,!T. T1 -rrrr gfrelgbt iut. , DISPATCH LmjgV" NORTH CAROLINA. y 1 TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled facilities for the TranisporCon of l : .Ml-l!.ill ' 'Ji'i- Tfi .'!! " li," .-: . - -;!' '...'. !(:) -(j'l' Charlotte, Statesvllle, ' Ashevule, Rutherford ton ; on the Atlanta ft Richmond Atr-Une, and Western N.'C Railroads,, " Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Qukk. upon application to WM.A.MOODY7 , Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. d t. T. SMITH, Agent C C. Railway, Charlotte A AA A A AAA A A RRR R R RRR R R R R i. U L II L II L II IXLL n NN N NN N RHH ER ,.s KB i KEB JSft NN HAMLET, and CHARLOTTE, N. ft any Freight Route between EASTERN CITIES, & ALL POINTS SOUTH. CLOSE CONNECTIONS. P?For full Information, Tariff, Ac., apply to K, & FINCH, Southwestern Agent, Charlotte, N. C B ARGAINS NEXT 30 DAYS. Pianos, the best at 9800 -. - i ,:l - a : 225. Pianos, medium Pianos, cheapest 175 Organs, best 200 Organs, medium 100 Organs, cheapest 00 Sheet music 83tyj per cent off. Music books at reduced prices. Pianos and Organs sold cheap for cash, but will sell on time monthly lnstallments-or will trade, taking old instruments as part payment Remember the next 80, days at the CHARLOTTE MUSIC STORE, . .: I!'-!!; : i-i 10 Tryon Street-? -y. i 111! 11 i t ! RANTED, Everybody to know that the McSmlth Music House, of GRFjarraji,yc.,' ( . Sells the best Pianos made. Don't forget the best made, and the Organ they sell is the boss of aU or gans, the old reliable T MASON & HAMLIN, . . ! , . . Also Pelonbet k Pelton's, kc', 4ft. . " ,' Address Lock Box 15, Greenville, S. C. - i . i r-niustrated Catalogues and Price List can t6 " had in Charlotte by calling- on Col. n U. Maxwell' 'u All orders left with him will receive prompt atten-i w tion.: i , " augl tt i ,. jcw frvtzxtisztntixte. ,(.,.! 'fMl(-) ! TACKSON'S BEST -.'h in. f SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOSACCol a ' , . .... '-..j r-ui j '.'"I ; i . Awarded highest prize at Centennial Exposition for ! ( fine chewing auautles and excellence: and lasting n character ol sweetening and flavoring. 'The best,,, Tobacco made. As our blue striD trade-mark is . closely Imitated en Inferior goods, see that w Jack mi; son's Best" is on every Dnie. soia Drauoeaien. ,. Send for sample free, toCA. Jackson Co., Man- , ufacturers, Petersburg, Va. . ; ,rT 7 in iii i 1 1 t .ii i iii t i " - OA Chromo Cards' (perfect beautlesV with name i it x i j Z) 10& . Outfit 10c.ffTURNEBCABD ,CO,;A8h-,,(1( land, Mass. T) UNO Beautiful ' Square Gum PlaflOB, prtod i' jl siowu. onir 3zit. uaemnoeu uDnsas Mr, anos, price Jl.OOO, only 276,,EleganTL nanps, price sbuv, omy jko. nanos.7 octave. 1 7&. Rl AS. new atvlea.! OMm hA ' 9 stops, $72.50. CHimcHdte&AMlttjstoM, price, S890. only 8115. Elegant S375 Mirror Too Or omy 910&. tfeaourui - irior urgan, price i. onlT S95. " Fraud Exposed, S500 reward." ad " Trans for the Unwary.?, and Newsnaner about cost. oi Pianos and Organs, sent free.. "... , Address i; " M ' DANIEL Y: BEATTT, -J -.., .il! i .U-A Hi. Washington, 14. J. ! j n k TklVA iMnhMMMrfM'TjMiVMIm:' jm. HU JCllH HHlTOBDlllX AVI IllO , M 1AT, - ems Visitor. "i Terms and outfit free. Ad1 'lfin' ' P. O. YICKERY, Augusta, Malne.-;-)U it-;, in rpo ADYERTISEBS. ;j ..i, iiX . , . , . i . . - n . .. . . ; I ::,'',(:;; ; i ;:i 111 i'- j'J li !:-. 4 .'ii ' , GEa:P.,BXWjELX,ft CO'S 'Uil j 'tih-.Aii; 'i-i. 'l! .',i:nt!i-:.ju.n rlll:i JjJ--i ;;::). taaifJn 'it, hmm fdT 'li OCA L-', 1TE;WS P'A-P-'rH'Vj ' XMany persons suppose ttda list to be eomposed of. :.,,) , CHEAP, low-priced newspapers. . The fact Is quite. p?, otherwise. The Catalogue states exactly What ther 'j 1 1 papers are. ; When the name of a paper le printed: mmn tn FULL FACE-TYPE it la m every i Instance; thein-niui BEST japer In the place. Wnen printed in CAP1-- t Is the only paper, in the place. When m-u, TALS Printed m roman letters it is neither the est n o? ' ! ' ' i le only paper, trat is usually a yery goodone. !no ifiui withstenalng. The list glve8 the f population of every town and the circulation of every paper. It '' , 'M is- not a eo-operatlv list Itis notaeheapBst1'!'1 At the foot of the Catalogue for each State-the im ?i; ponans towns wnicn are not covered Dy tne list are, t,,, j. enumerated. IT IS AN HONEST LIST. - The rates' V!" charged lor advertising are barely ooe-flfth thepub-1 ''u Ushers' aebedule.N The price -for one . Inch. lour, Zil-n a . weeks In the entire list Is $635. The retrular rates., ...r? of the papers for' the same space and time are . . , 13,18885 The Ust Includes 970 Owsrapers,or'' which 163 are Issued DAILY and 807 WKEKLYj b ni ) They are located in Zi dinerent cities and !owmwi . of which 22 are State Ciapltals, 828 places or over , . W AAA nMml.MMt . AAA. PamA 1 . V TOM I . i . J .. K im rmmlntlnn. mil AAA Conntv HemtM " T,tfn Sent oh Application. Address GEQL P. BO WELL: '. I CCS Newspaper advertising. Bukeatj,: iu pruos St.. vrmiuug uouae mi. a., x. .vrviytfi.I N 0TIOSf!.lA On Saturday, the 26th day ot October Inst, I will aett at public auction, at the court house In Char- '.- r lotto a large lot of Sewin of Sewing Machines of various styles ; and make, Including Domestic, Singes, Home, Home Shuttle and others with parts, i needles and attachments for same, i E. K. P. OSBORNE, Receiver of Maxwell A Symons. oct5-e-13-20-20 hi liPilf .!'! , 1 1 ir;i, j . , !i Jrt liin ' I :n. ) -

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