4 ADDRESS To the Jtemocratic-Conservative Pari JTftf tKotth; . Carolinn. ;: ;;;.- .iU-JO- clV-Hi j Thrt State executive committee con gratulates the .eJBqcrattCrqQpserYative. party oi JNorxu ijiu. uuiia uuu mo ic sult of the recent congressional elec tions; at the v North. These elections clearly indicate three things which are of consequence to us3vEirst,:ihat j thei people of this country. aie ,; dissatisfied with the Republican party and axe ,,un-, willing for the Republican leaders to afflict us longer with their ruinous mnaarirftii ana irauauienc practices. Second, that the Nationals do not meet with zonular favor, and. as a separate organization, have utterly failed to im press themselves upon the country , jand astly, that the star of the Democratic narf v is still in the ascendant, and the people are looking to that party as the niv ntifl nanahle of restorinsr "prosper! ity to the Country, and able to adminis ter the government on those constitu tional and just principles, which are essential alike' to 'liappiness of our citizens and td the perpetuity of -our in stitutions. Thus, in the elections held in eight States the Republicans have lost twelve frjembers of Congress; the National have elected 1 fotn? 'and the Democrats -have- elected twenty-three, and havd gairifedvten. ' These facts idemonstratelthat ik'Qi peo pie intend :':tc; invest the( Demoera&d; party with the full control of the na tional government The Senate of the next Congress will oe uemocratic uy a considerable majority, and ik; is only South to remain steadfast in their alle giance to our organization, and our triumph will be completa i : It is for us to determine whether the banner on which are incribed Recon ciliation, Home Rule i and Financial Reform shall trail in the dust, or shall be borne on to victory. Every consideration of interest, of policy and of patriotism then urges us to prepare immediately for the ap proaching political struggle. Be assured, fellow-citizens, that with out preparation it will be impossible to achieve success. Let us not bv our apathy, our luke- warmness and indifference postpone thec accession to power of that party which alone ; has been able to check Republican corruption and to arrest the progress of our government toward a centralized despotism. j . : 14-' Let us be steadfast in our devotion to principle, true to our organization and endeavor by every means to dis countenance those independents and disorganizes who oppose our worthy-standard-bearers, freely and fairly cho sen by the Democratic party in conven tion assembled. In particular we desire to repeat what we have so often urged the ne cessity of thorough local organization. It is the township committees who are charged with the most important of all party duties. To them is committed; the duty of supervising the election, find devising means to bring out every Democratic voter to the polls.. They ought to meet frequently, and advise and take counsel together how best to prompt the, fortunes of that party on whose success depends so largely the prosperity of themselves and of their ppsterity. In every township, in every neighborhood, there ought to be ai- pointed a committee of active, efficient and prudent party men, who will under-' take to see that every Democrat in the Erecint comes to the polls and casts his allot for our nominee. "We therefore urge this upon the township com mittees; and if in any township it is ne glected, we appeal to our Democratic friends there to send their conveyances for all their neighbors who otherwise might not attend the polls. Let it be clearly, understood in every locality that he who fails to vote for our nominee, gives half a vote to the Re publican, party, and that the, Conserva tive who casts his ballot for an inde- gendent is taking the surest means to reak up and destroy : the only party which can give relief to our afflicted country. We warn ourfellow-citizens that great ends cannot be accomplished except at; the eost iOf j some inconve nienceand often through the sacrifice of our personal perferehce, and we ap peal to every man who has the good of the neoDle at heart to srive a portion of one day to his country, and subordinat ing his individual preferences, casthis ballot for the nominee of the Conserva tive party. For the Committee : f; ;-!?' An Ashe, Ch'n.? i t m NOT MUCH OF i 'VICTORY. '"' The Leadni RepuMlcair Journal 'a the Rulk From the New York Times. Such are the principal results of Tues day's work, and with these before the country, it is marVeldus 'tnat Republi can leaders . and . Repntdioan jour n alists, can, 0 Drng, .abt.yicto-, ry and pamtangtp,tlieiTOte;a proof that; tne womof we eyii ishm. Wo State 1 i ir if j VLrfo- j . . . jiWOftiaiHf- AU-KUiK. 'n j iu i rtfiiff I rrfi fiiii'i ?ii mini 111 --rtV.j- t 1 9 I I t-"l I I nr'kint. 4.U 'T. 11 J 1 . ji Yjfiiiuxi 11113 jepuuiicans nave AM , lillS House, from the "three States 1ttf ifuesp iion, mey wjii nave next. is past? ,0xt4king, :tf leillausenas f ar. as. boast ihm!a3 though(ivgreafe trfrof ClOOm Vj.r :ft: ii Whf: IW.- tWH.h Aha. eiecTteaiiixnipanyaxiniijontym DresentlT6yfe,7r1Tfvirtfdiv"ti' membexsu .Iftit safe fationseFarKlW itvintheneYtHnnaA W. oo,.4,;i3iauiet section, oj miiuiM,iiiMuiiacuy,)powerTuaitOi;iioia J the combinsedi DiatSj'laMreri?. 11111 yirujj I A I um An T. . L.' . n . 1 "i in r yum imiwiiit'itt nrin ,1 .0 :'VlftX.1?W.U'. fi.71 f.sj'ri .511 vino .sots ..i..;. .....v48fi tn- iNzX lmtn-1" .fl(.5T(d V Rome, Oeti report inom--araw! McCloskey the Vatican;is fekin2.meu4;esT)r7.a .very consider, gvmwmwiJ&iUtil ism in Amenca.i(jfi .BMiaijA jm A ir .0 . "This dispatch," the RevTW Glynn, pastor of . St. Stephen's Roman Catholic church said, M&lf&&&tijip "is essentially improbable, if not absurd. ' e PF6 of tli KbirfanCatholic ChMchinWea.c4nolxbegr It cajinot be forced by any sudden meas- ures. prd the hlirchi. tnat art &mcniaew-mfiteii'rH'fi i, London, Octo1 fi"?Jt -nepoew 01 tne atyenicy.TestpMn'W'wisAA-"e self. uarenraiJtniv;-ttnTWtfifinrVrt Jirtfii r?,-ij Koman- dUatboiiCa-.iJiTheii G meri(wnaceaiedeav6i-f - ment of eWibishopTic9;hbuiin'ot'tfor - Cardinal MedoBket-.ha haj hwvt ... . wwmiwiuvA I IVUOMMI iL urn 11 n 11.11 wi 1 r v - of the-CWui-ch! 1.idiMrntit.?Wa' ; iy this.tdegrawufjar wubA .worrA-iiu-rj a4 Ihe act;; w i"JJRSy vw suffering Hie -Productions and Operations of the OceJinpi j Tte piinesj pfuce7abiit.4000 tons of copper ore monthly, olAsrhich amount about 2,000 tons of the richest ore is smelted ,and,Tetoe.d;int copper, making about 200,066' pounds of ingot copper, which is sold in "New York command frig the bigliestf marked Tates? The deep est part or the mines is 800 feet. The r vein is unusually' largenand productive; being from 12 to 16 teet wide, of goad ore; and appears to be inexhaustible. t The smelting works 1 consist of ten blast furnaces and one refining" fur--h&ce, which ettires20,ooo Itydsheia o'C eoaf and '800 -cordsf Jw6od!i to- supply them. ' The 'company have built quite a town around their works, consisting of heat dwelling houses, store, warehouses, church, school house, shops, &c and mploy . from'1 325 to S50men immedi- atelv on the works, and from 200 to 400 in cutting wood and burning coal and 'btfier outside' workAbOut $800,00aha9 been expended upon the permanent im provements at the mines, and about $300,000 is kept engaged in carrying on the " business.' ; "What profits are made, we were not . able to learn, as this is kept secret, but it is supposed that $150,000 would be a fair, estimate. Messrs. S. S. & Jas. E. Clayton, of Balti more, are supposed to be the 4 Jargest owners, ijheirinteret being; esftmated at one-third of the property. " Col. Armueld in Surry. HU' S ji.'- ;' ,Tlie''Surryidelegates 'thought they were, iibtifr&teaif dteMlke'sWI convention. Great dissatisfaction was expressed by them, and up to the time Afr his speaches-t MtJ Airy; and ob- son, there had been little abatement in the feeling agamst the convention. After his speech at Mt Airy and Dob son, several -leading Democrats, and among them some who were delegates to the Wilkesboro convention, approach ed liim and promised; their cordial sup-' port. Mr. Brower, who lives in Surry county, we are well assured, will receive none of the Democratic support that elected him to thW Seriate; - He will not receive the full party vote of his own party in the county. He was elec ted to the Senate, his friends claim, as, a Republican; arid tney1 refuse to sus tain him in his desertion of the post to which he has been assigned. They say, too, that if elected to Congress he might desert that post and aspire to the presidency of the United States. He is not to be trusted ..with higher honors. J i i i m . Thiriy-One Young La4iB&ateaJaeltftVhtte Veil. Baltimore, October 15 Thirty-one young ladies were received as. novices of the order of School Sisters of Notre Dame at St. James church, on the corn er of Aisquith and Eager .streets, this morning. The ceremonies "were con ducted by Rev. Henry Danenhauser, rector of St.. James church, assisted by several other priests. After the litany ended the white veils, habits, were blessed,, and the postulants advanced in couples, to the- altar rail, where each re ceived a crucifix from the hands of the venerable Mother Theophiler. Next folio wed the cutting of , the hair, em blematic of a renunciation of the world, after which the postulants advanced to the foot of the altar and received the habit and the articles of religious wear ing apparel from the hands of the cele brant. Among -the novices were six young ladies from the city of New York; nine from Rochester, N. Y.; one from B.iviui.i, X. Y.; and one from Philadelphia, the remaining. leing from Baltimore and foreign countries. Oliio Still a Stalwart Democratic State. Vrom the Cincinnati Enquirer. 1 ' Tlie Democraey of Ohio send greeting to their brethren thoughout the Union that on Tuesday last they elected a ma jority of the next congressional delega tion from Ohio,and that to-day Ohio is the peer in Democracy of ' any State north of Mason and- Dixon's line. We have a Democratic Governor, two United oiares senators one ior tour years, another for six years, from, : the 4tli o March next. We have eleven member of Congress, both branches of the Xegn islature, all which has been secured, by our financial policy in the past and present. This not all. We have, by our1 financial policy placed the Republican, party in a minority in the 1;tha State of at least fifty thousand, which the official vote will show. What Bor could a State have ? This ' is " the v j'etory the bank organs are boasting ofr Canvass for the DanBiverCod Fields Railroad Danville (Va.) News. A postal card from . a. . correspondent Qf the News, who is accompanying Maj. Shtherlin and Col. Morehead in their canvass along the route' of the proposed' Dan River Coal Fields Railroad, has just yeached tis . pP"ne:' gratifying gentlemen named jja f &ti tit eeS terprise .continue to be successful.- At Madison a large croWdmettbJed' fayitear q tnespeaking and a brass band enliven- 'hj i n - cu,uie uucusiuii wiiuniusic. From Mad : . i, ..uJw.i.v ul j.. 1 r,i.-..; Itf I. Ill-" VHSHni I Vl f-V TT'JTliriMT " w v 1 I.WJUVAU 11UU AJ - 11 -w -v t . . gg oceed to Danbury and to speak there. .The 'people are becoming more and 1 more intereedican'vaa roeeeds aniptne importance or tne enterpfwe is brought to their attention and explain ed. fti'Mt. .V:."!iivYJi'j'r;o.i .rms...tA-A ).t. Aiiotner Murder in Eas4ern North Carolina. T1'T ' ' SJjeielaltothe'fiichmond Dteatoli4iJ'!il i-rbhTtifler ass if co.untrv, nfa oximost wiia e-jrcirmpnt. while ro tfrtiing from fedenton Sunday night Mi-uCaddy was,waylaidHthebighYfay 'and torn from Ins horse and killed. e, ;body was found early yesterdav JbLWiHilim - jyner uo 1 1 p,q-f norriDiy mutilated. The murder tooki placeabput; (m np&tek from jEiucutuu. xiiere is no ciue to tne Tr- iPetratOiramps are suspectedf MS:. KW$m motiye, ; ; ; ; ;.; ;;;;;;;; . ' I WW .lO B'Mkfl' iV10 1 (N IK VTF O(Ki,0 i ; .rrrrr (KI lo isssJrt AI TtHMtx-fr. liiVtMrfl.Y E nvu t r,, , r ' ".w'i'.A-j. itio graira nas reportea indictmeiits acraihat n0- tweeh 90 and lOQsigneeiBdjanJ m cy, wpio have failed for the years 1874. tcuKMA TV7C1T .1 flaimiallerxirt reminWr fiv sf TdvSII JNO.TBTTTT.inR 4h'abj(ktarY act relatrvw toniw. vainonojrfftWii ir, Ka" ":r r4 i.r -. m. t" "i"ui,k.jf, appiuveu u une, 4. tfcfH 'ii'tff fvitm.' fnTrnrfaifywiTinfi IdianfAftn Tln.iiT E lMllillJffrfA-4i'.tiiii i; J.ltfit JJ Hi f.Iti tf T f KnV,, 1 Commenced. rr.h23S2?Z2a r- repairs" January 1st, 1879, if not m 'Hil ' 9t8ll Wiffitp bU?lUi&SdU& 01 ftaim lOI flOUItOlfilHgWnloi ukiliin i r ibhevlTlft C WK&MMtnVXXMv i T. , '. ihon I JtoUsZiUf mK ioff ewmolRdl ibmona ; . . - .i.v.,.r.. . . . . irtl f?, iMTO AweaisBinsj.rarA,.)? iHlfft3 mt 4 ordered liver. he result of the-fiiffll il.nn. iifa. rU D1flaM .T IntalU,,., 1 1. . 2 vKUMuiess as n oiQgntwjw. There. is aBdlBkeDtlcism. tako thn nltHno of rwuujr oniy-mrow1 asrae - . , , v. and wf;eiMis. ana ryme.Bo(a bfr-tJrsen'I Ai P-reuex to certain.. Millions of fry its WrtueZ WvtJZ??J you cart bur ii :feirtWiKffiM71v,-3. .'j.'i f m . yp'; oM-tHj i aa LUDLOW, WRITES; 1 178 BAino Stbeet, Bbooklth, N. Y., November 14th, 1874. it fi. STTBua3aftj,jr.ij'i imi. ..f uil iiw ot n, Dear Sir From personal benefit received by its tose, aa well as from personal knowledge of those whose cores thereby have seemed almmi miitwn. plotts, Iic&n most heartily and sincerely recommend ui'i musriax wr uio wmuiamia wmcn TV 18 Claim ed to cure. JAMES P. LUDLOW, , . -T- Late Pastor Calvary Baptist Church, . Sacramento, Cat . ' . .,. . . ' : ; -ytoou mtvxtt nA st: j VEGETINE. SHE BESTS WELL. South PorAND.UJtiOot. 11, 1878. Mb. HI B. Stevens: Dear Sir I have been sick two years with the liver complaint, and during that time have taken a great many different medicines, bat none of them atTsffilatuWte and relish my food. Can recommend the Tegetdik for what It has done for me. Tours respectfully, s MBS. ALBERT BICKER. WItMoET,VASffif m ,faB I GOOD FOB THE CHILDREN. j ' ' 'bohtoihoms, 14 TnjaSTKKBT, 1 Boston, April, 187a STvpB ,i n i.t.it lUH knu-.ihiM- Dear Sir We feel that the children In our home have-been greatly benefited by the VxajmsK you haverso kindly given us froaa time to time ; espedal- ir mose trouDiea mm tne SKrosujaL " With respect l - MBS. .Pf fi friiiT I REV. 0. T. WALKER, SAYS': Proyidknck, R. L, 164 Transit Stbeet. h. b. frmi'ZT. ,,A,.t.:;li,!1Jii..... I feel bound to express with my signature the, high value I place upon your Vkgktini. My fam ily have used it for the last two years. In nervous debility it Is lnvalutole, and (reeommepd f,U all who may need an invigorating, renovating tonic. i .. . .0,;T. WALKEBi Formerly Pastor of Bowdoln-square churchvBoston. i .VJ( li'W VEGETINE,, .; ;, NOTHING EQUAJ A , SocTH.SAifBM, Mass, November 14, 1876. Mr. H. R. Stevkns: Dear Sir I have been troubled wIth'' Scrofula.1 Canker, and Liver Complaint for three years. Noth- BOthtng equal to It for such complaints. Can heart ily reeommend it to everybody. 1 Yours tauly, Mbs. Lizzie M. Paciard, Na 16 Legrange Street, South Salem, Mass." : A WIWj. A A A RECOMMEND IT HEARTILY. 8otrS BoOTQsc Mr STKVKNR: Dear Sir T have taken several 1 Dottles ' of 5 Voor Yeoktime, and am convinced It Is a valuable ui dy for Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, and Qeamt Debility of the system. I can heartily recommend it to all sufferers from the above complaints. . Yours respectfully, ... ,. ,. Mrs. MTJNBOE PaBXEB. .!;! 'on: i-.l.r.r; VEGETINE Prepared by a B. STEVENS. BOSToITkaSSI. :?- ';': f ,ii..L I Vegetlne is Bold by all Uroes. S TOP AND. BEAD ! All forms of Kidney aralUMnacy diseases, Pains in the Back, Sides and iiytm am positively cured by Its effects aj. tody marvelous in Dropsy, Gravel, Bright's disease, Seminal losses, Leucorrhcea and lost vigor, my natter of how long standing tike ease may be. foettive relief is had na from one to three days.. o not. despair, hesitate of doubt, for K la a sDeejtoc and never falls. It is purely a vegetable nresation;;by its timely use thousands of cases tb$f have been considered incurable by the most eminent nhvslclans. have been nermanentlv cured. B is also indorsed bv the reenlar nhrslcians and 'medical societies throughout the country, sold in (Hwies at wo oouar eacn; or uiree Domes, wnicn Ft enough to cure the most aggravated case, sent to any address, on receipt of Five Dollars. Small trial bottles one dollar each. All ontera to be aa dressedto ., tl f. t t 1 frr GBANT'S RESreBTJ M ANP OOMPATW; 5. 664 Main Street, Worcester, Mass, luly 25-4m-d4w. v.'. ian Mji ! l" a j ! TTALE3,'1KBI0B,', 10 I'W!'-' WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELEKS. We respectfully annonnce to oar friends anff tte tmbiic generally, that our stock of Watches. Clocks and JeweLiy la complete, which we expect 1 wtii low for cash. Give ua a call before purchasing Isewhere,s vie will make it to your advantage to ao so. . All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly repaired and warranted for twelve moRtha ; oct 6 HALES & FAJtRIOB. NO T. BUTLEB, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. :-fTn :'. r- 1- v. .fit j, : . 1 I v 1 I would respttutrjr annoarVce to my friends' and the public genendly that my STOCK is the Largest la the State, and consists o . ,riaw.-3i.'4V".t 1 or A lit til W.l FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES Beth of Gents' and Ladles' Sizes, in Key and Stem i .3u il.i ;w4n0Wl ( ah .r:iT.. 'i'lLadles' Opera, Levlathlan and Guont Chains, 'Nedklaces. wu'JiocKewi,.. I "f V V- li'JA v- n f.j .1 Uit'A 21 A i it H it I.I -I Chaiinr, m..1 X, Setts, f. 31 H 'A A '4 itieast nns, i Ear Rlngsj. feanTSteeve BdOoBsuvrr Studs, CtoCar Buttons, Gents'jGoPatCas,i,,i3,,(r , riviJ iiarge jstone and Plain 18 kant,joId Bings, In Gold. Silver and Steel ,;:imiai!f "sTtra lloaoAa I All Goods sold by me are fully warranted aa rep rtesented. GVINGriw,aa.iitibranohe, neatlr.taad ptOmptly executed. lir-iatliWlUtJiQllIi till .ffl ! a1'"A1 f'ili; j " watcues, viocks ana oeweiry repairea ana war- T XZ. "D-ra w eacn,-oesr The highest price paid for Old Gold and saw '- 26 sure to call on J. T. BUTLER, as there are c"" uuuiuiHiPwu ueuu vuGU ' uBtpiaj on as Hiirlai. mndn DUD aha l.nnu..a A w Tc-'; r ' Oaalxtmtnm Brias4iOibea,i ;! I - . SPECIAlr wmcie - . - Ail Jobs left with me befahls,!r7lf, A lav u j Ti ""t . JNO. T. BUTLEB. . A K K h-J i. I l il 'A "J H 1 From Pails, France. ..... 1 WATfrrr an rrwwivm. .tt. L r wiivn ami cur Jf VEB P9LATERA rii I ha inn iit f 0 T. A roUO OUccL uIlUUnlLH VI PRC ' VKBrwtikllan . " Kaln"aZ: ' 4 J!?Dy7,lT?Wnd.fAlwte J asew. Work done for the trade iu . I . i l wU-n ,mooi H r"rr L. a . riV Nl : 1 nm T -Ar I I BliV. 3. Hflwires, vimauj ana jewelry. .a ml Hjii:aiHA jyj LITCHTEN8TEIN, Vj,.' To my friends and patrons I would say, please call as early as possible and make selections in or der to enable me to secure' your choice before, the goodsaraaokla&doatof.tM markelf.'bijt m m sept 16. JWWSryal efidVroxtH ,11 .H i lU- Ttto.ur-Mi .eo5 i-tittiriO ,txmibt: PBAcncix tailob; ;ftb 'Stofrs.1 ill fcijlTd 'Ji :ul ZLtiUH (t'itiil '?Vi OwlngtotoeBthoroftbeWtwBlta tore work very cheaps 'willViiato fine rtntt.fer S10, Casslmere suits for S8. Pants of suits same races. i guarantee au my worK; no m, no cnaige. uive me a cau ana ne coavlnoed. i ri uijil i,u:!i ) I l ( hit rfilr T t;; YTi L.B. -Oil ... 7 Tt .l .'107, A'-Vf.n-Hl f( it)JHf!! T :n-iUBijWBISTONI;CCw.rr-r n 'L. B. wBlSTOIf isrOOJ xii. 1 .j'SV 'Jul; 1i'Vi R .'I '!Tl'JTJf WHOLESA' iJlii'iiiJlTMu llj-RSAT-li; WHOLESALE WHOLESALE b.'.y-i'i-' l 1:iyxi ii -i'Jiiii! !.BETAJL,:.',' t It r...-u , ''i'iaBBETAni! 'u.ii I'i'i .-j.: ,.i 'AND RET Ail Jjillk-"-:- .1 BBTAIL7:':;- .!:) 1. ;:.j:f!l!0!i 'fi'Hi! iii i J)'- 1)1. DBTJGGISTS, DBUGGISTS, DBTJGGISTS, DBUGGISTS, An- CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, C. jy B. J. HI MOADEN, Dsoooiar Aifo caxMiar, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubli is Extracts and Colognes, English Select Spices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap, English, jTrench and American Tooth Brushes. H i j Hit- I PRESCRIPTIONS Cbrefuflf fwpan "d at all hours, both night and dayjtt If. J. H. McADEN'S ,,. . y PreferlpOon 8tore. rpHOSE ENYEIiOPESJ ,.)rfii Are selling off at &.flents a packvaU colors and sizes; also, Foolscap and .Letter Paper; very cheap, at TC. Smithes Drug Store. :onv AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIL; "at.; . O EVEN SPRINGS. ol ! '. ttioii iron and Alum Masav ana awiora prmg Alu and Iroa Mass. M T-CMIIfl'SXirae Prt 60 cenUaodj L ex lotUft Jlataraawnedtea--,, :try aieratjooi! j ,enoli9ilJ ,itew nl II .9Kjw?,ii eiis in illvili iill il-jiiiiilli .'iil'Ul i n nun iiiiiii T ALEY'S COLD CBEAMl SI .motnavo K-iaJJia (i AT ' yiU visuoWdo s-l Ji janiitu.;. ?..") 1o For chapped handanaupti M SoyV Germaii Cologne for the Toilet, atiuu..iiii't. fci ...a . .-j..;-: v ' Mi ..I'.IJiJl -ift v! &'KiK! Twenty cent A grots, ; m Dfs r one;fli5 and ArnoWsBlck Writing ilnEtaii sIzm at i; OUNTBY MEBCTANTST.il-1... . , win find such goods as they need in the Drug Dt X, G BMlTffS, Opposite Centtal HoteBi And aCWiewtoiineet theft lw7 alWfetwwJ ,s any. oaer vruc mouse in -cnanoae-. , i. ' t) aril Nol eyi;lwi tt'we at A cbdtet) 3 eeflt-Clgar.JJrtee redticed 'pW1 hundred ld ) HSd'M iWViTXi iiUIi'I Mi 11 IV sal :slf -.bflOjKiolu'uJ f.t ortl U him Miouiiliionma ortl SECURITY i '.L't.bns ,)?i3ii aiiolut ti-!- nli tti tiiinfii Mini KiOe,ft li-.i--itr?ii) imtt j 'iJniuMv. IUl0UUtll0ri tit,l;;'JiliJ40tl V.fli' KljlT nj.-a . -200 Barrels of ! ImhiIhi laiw.ii'il'l biiii :rtt;M i4"JjJii')U ijsbloW . .s.ie I -iJulJii-j hujsii2ilKUJt!j:jif otU fnti rfall-fr -jit! lHIJiffUf!tRV 1; .') , t to n'hii -110 i:d l.'jJ'li'H 'ifsPJh eiitt mull 9fl xWw West's Til 1" u. wests Sons, Baltimore, .ujiii .iul'r.i .u -til j A..lh. t ' ' ' ' ' AugnesT Meaai awaraea at uentennuu Exposiaoa. . ftyelal Oil Works; Canton, i' Warranted to stand a' ui lesioi liu uegrees ranrennerc nerore if.wni. ho a:.u;ia: oj i tfjoi! jiwus! ,v-ri&'4 jliuoaj lyifl ' J-kAfiEN, Sole AgenWl METROPOLITAN WORKS,, , , Canai8treet,lnmirSixthtoiSevenauii n; iwit . r . v. RICH Hf IN II. VI, , s ,.!- f. Mir T-rrri .ts-! r jivy uui (GRIST MILLS, BOILERS, CASTINGS of BRASS and tIRON, FOBGINGS kc -; Machlnerr lor Gold Coal Mines, Blast. Fumaoes, Ac. , We can spe- . tdalJ oJT - j iMPBbW6BTlBGINEiJ;;?l yo.iWrWit:!ii4iBr imrposes,-ijsQ to!oot: i"L: ihiuilAttJitdmwtutiiwwk h'.-utt- Ml- I LL-if. i.;Jno..i(J:4.Jui .1 .1" w i 1 tor baunhiji ; lumber' and knerJ artcles upon tram ways arHlnairow gauge railways; :;:The best planters regard our GINNING ENGINES a suDerlor to any in use, i Send for Olustrated Cata logue nee. uiner utmgs . neing , equal, encourage Southern institutions. Hepatr went sewawc and prompuy done. V-:: iu BltllTlkd, Wixbts; A0.i : i ' iii i:i ii-HH i.t Jo jihiv.:- ffL ' -il:ii For Gin l&faWl li .rV.it J -,-' - .!; QOBN AND WB3SAT EXCHANGE, ' Postotfice '!idiiress, Iciiu&b'dtyMula. r - J Parties having grain to grind or to sell . will find it to their Interest to call on the undersigned. ' Meal ground either fine r coarse, accordlne to order. - , Thankful for: former patronage, f will give my prompi pereouai awBuupa w jui OTQerg irom one utBiiniwiraiiinu,, A -BOBEBTD. GRAHAM, ' : 1 r. -ji " . .i. Superintendent pHOICE NEW YORK CABBAGE. Large solid heads. Another supply of those fine oorvnern Appies, seia uow oj ine barret,, Dy B. N. SMITH. F. B. ALEXANDEB A CO., (Near Magill A Scott's,) CQZXB6B STBXET, CHAHLOTTK, N. C, Deals in Com, Floor, Meal, Bran, Butter, Eggs, Chickens and all kinds of Country Produce. Be- epectfuUy Invite merchants, farmers, mechanics, grangers, ladies, gentlemen and everybody else to call before making their purchases. oet9 O NE CAB LOAD. ONE CAB LOAD. ONE CAB LOAD. ONE CAB LOAD. ONE CAB LOAD. THREE HUNDRED BOXES, THREE HUNDRED BOXES, THREE HUNDRED BOXES, THREE HUNDRED BOXES, SCHULTZ fc COMPANY'S SCHULTZ ft COMPANY'S SCHULTZ COMPANY'S SCHULTZ ft COMPANY'S CELEBRATED 80 APS. CELEBRATED SOAPS. CELEBRATED SOAPS. CELEBRATED SOAPS. THE BEST LAUNDRY SOAPS THE BEST LAUNDRY SOAPS THE BEST LAUNDRY SOAPS THE BEST LAUNDRY SOAPS IN THE WORLD. IN THE WORLD. IN THE WORLD. IN THE WORLD. J U 8 T A B B I V E D, AT JUST ABBIYED, AT JUST ABBIYED, AT JUST ABBIYED, AT B M. MILLER ft SONS'. IB. M. MILLER ft SONS': IB. M. MILLER ft SONS'; t R. M. MILLER ft SONS'. JEMOVAL. The well established house of WILLIAMS ft F I N G E B , lately located in the Grier ft Alexander buOding, on Trade Street, has been removed to the commodious "K. MlHottbufldlng . on College street . And la addttupn to the business of handlind .Li i GRAIN AND FEED, ffnoT Mil keep on haad a Stopk of v , v-j- ii) HEAVY GBOCEBIES, uImu m'- v. , ii ... ,-a ...i . WUchivfll be offered to tfce trade al prices to suit ,A 70'ri"!;i: ui: v-'-'i-'.ifJit A" '' WPmes,),!,,, .,;11 :i.,, . ;,... ; . : I 'i ;;!'! ! ,;-.' Krt ii . .' i ' ii i 'i j -;ir .vyn'iH f;i!i; si-i-f.-.i ir: ;.. jib our new house we. will be pleased to see all our ki. ki i i j-r't 'A'v.'i'Yf. rcKi'rt k .Kiormiii i. d cnstoinerB, andlvebto makiei to) the ad- ; (rentage of many new ones to coine and buy tront JBVW i ,: ; '. , . , . '. .. . .-,;, ; Vi!J 11 a' ' .!'!.;;- ii! , iJJ.'j.'ii- ' ct; nilsr it is ji' J K Amttvlnii . T 1M a lkVAk mil A .T Ttirxm iI j -uiXl-j'j OtietiiihiH :i? alV.o-i k.II ; nwJ at&MY" norh$Hidi.:K..'.f ViHiqiiro' .ffiff"' TTftii hi ( ii a .uo-ij ii;- ;iuif!;i;j-f . Hi 1 t! il -v . X ti v)X i l t i -iii . ' : i i -j - - i -' . j . i. 'ii a ill UVJAVy2UiiTil, 'Hit '!') Mfi'i if! -4'iCtane'tA'me for' Ban.1tiAnI Baaat. Cffeei'H. Iaimm. and other VsanllvGroeeriea.- iJj ' 4 ust reoaiveo, aiew oarreis oc aerry osiers vaw. ::W.eouwr::iu'i Iyf)-ihl;5 i .1,1!' i xiifl .ataoifi'i in ri!iirrn;(.i y, imouu ... . -w f iisrtr no.'j-j'jifuo') ill 0'i ?: 9.i iIiBEST RYE WHISIEXl ! . r ' y I $y .iti'lil ml 5o rttii"('' iuuitsvr iii ! s-.itoiJoorrto-) :t 'i-'WkVaia sell tor cash. " All good delivered in the flty free of charge, j i-r- 1 Vest door belovf W)ls6n ft Black's old stand.-? , ' ap l&'i'-i'f !i' ' !) iiiH) TTJST'BECETfEBv ."tJ ' Uaul -0t 'yiovr.juiil .vuiytfiio.7 Jjoihiwi j- A' LOT or' i ' i ihui. 'ff -l! "A !'.". FCLTESEED WH,EA,T 1 i"lr;r?)i Mil) V tiiiij'jr, r.itr: I'l.j-n-a. nIJ-vf ForSato.Cbjeapvii'tfotiJi.sfM'J 1 GALL AKEFUl1 a TTENTION . t . -AT ONCE OULD i Knit rf-tti'J l&lfi'l til it".i il.xi - TO OCH iiYil iSlill wI j ;M ! l , iii 1 ' -I- J jj.'U . .jbi.)iPLINpip STOCIC 9J?, .j ji oriJ io Stn?uui-.n '.nli m wtun ,Hhhll ntiiT inn ! Jnu; ; Tjaoon, Soda, oap,' Coffee, MaSi roonia. andles, CHEESE, HAMS, LARD, BICE, Ongar, Gandy, rackers,' "Ragging, Ma ?alt. Huelng, lles. Tobacco, wine, x ea, If you desire to buy low and get fresh goods, call early. " : " MAYER it BOSS. TOHN W. HALL 4 CO.. College Street, Between Trade and Fourth, BAYS IN STOKE Green and Black Teas, Grain and Ground Black Pepper, AlBplce and Ginger, Mason's A Mason's Blacking, Colbum's Pure Mustard, White Wine and Apple Vinegar. Canned Oysters Mackerel in Kits. Quarter and Half Bbls.. Two and Three Siring Brooms, Candy in 25 lb. boxes. Satchel and Square Bottom Bags, Paper Twine in 5 lb. Packages, Cuba and Porto Rico Molasses, in Barrels. In order to close these lots promptly for cash, we will sell them at a small advance on cost to the trade. M UST BE SOLD. 50 Boxes Bulk Meat 50 Bags Coffee. 50 Barrels Sugar, assorted. 50 Half Barrels Sugar. 50 Barrels Molasses. 50 Whole and half boxes Proctor ft Gamble's Soap. 800 Bolls of Bagging. 600 Bundles Ties, -v 100 Barrels Flour. 25 Kegs Soda. 50 Boxes Soda. 25 Cases Concentrated Lye. 10 Barrels Grits. 50 Boxes Tobacco. 50 Boxes Starch. 100 Boxes Cheese. 25 Boxes Crackers. 25 Boxes Candy. 20 Bushels Choice Seed Wheat Don't fall to see us before you buy. Send your orders. BUB WELL & SPBINGS. octfi JHE "RISING SUN." According to the command of Joshua of old, al though reDudiated bv the " Jasper Philosophy " of the new, Is now standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Street, opposite the Market House, plus Hornet Fire Engine Hall, where the light of reason illuminates the surrounding atmosphere, which in vests all things with the glow of inspiration, and the world no longer seems " A fleeting show, To man's illusion given," for right here you will find C. S. BOLTON, who has in store ORANGES, LEMONS, CANDIES, CAKES, PEES, The Great Washington Pie included, Com Starch, Sardines, Pickles, Fresh creao, Canned Fruit and Vegetables, Sugars and Coffees, Tobaccos, Cigars, . . , Snuff and Toys, In fact everything found in confectionery, includ ing Ice Cream and Lemonade. Jel4.' "" :-y''" ';' C-g-Ho:' JkROY DAVIDSON - ' Has Just Received NORTHERN BUCKWHEAT FLOUB, FBENCH PBUNES, '. , '" CHOW CHOW In Quarts and pints, . ' ;'-.;4BLET.-; BBEPABED COD FISH, ' I PINE APPLE and - ; ' EDAMCHEE8Bv,i';' ,: '-! -.-!;' a, DEVILED HAM, . ;. . '.TONGUE, ;. . , . ' ... : : CHICKEN. , , . : ' .i . .; .1 ,:;! .':'. A ''. -. !' i fi RAGOUT, ITALIAN & AMEBICAN MACCABONL ItuUeoiGbUUSr, j , , '..:'- " (V PlcUefl In Kegs and Jars, , . .. . . Lard to Tta Pau--all sizes, , . .?-,k' VCabtwige,ojthern Apples, : ' ' ' j i ; r v, B8t Gpy Java, Laguyra, and Tff'l : CoiDtees, f,.,;;j ;.io i ;- ''' v;i" Pulverteed,! Cut Loaf, Granulated "A Extra 0 jtod lenowjAocarf..' .. !!';; v. --!, iKi! ij;our. vino . -t..iiuit '.u Mil -;r;-.-.'-i.,jaftajiifittaiinol' '"'J ' lou: TRY "WADE HAMPTON" FLOUB, r nuiiV.'i.'jlv. .-iii ihii .11 .'1 :i AAl 13 Different Ktods lirOoods atBottomtrkes.; L. D, V i Oct 12 9 B ARRETS CHOICE f WviArn i-nttlM.- nest In the cftr. WlDretf'itow hv the barrel or doaen. J;H i- B. N. SMITH. 1I7E r r i fiTiriiiTariirt' iith rmi , " JEW RICH BLOOD! - vuuio nncui ui tares monins. (" r will take one pill each ,bjKV fii weeks may beTOUiedte.Lf,.i i Welv,; . . f OlTND ho i t:: .5, . 1 o. wuuxkfeU-& t O...Ii.i 1. ' J)ON'T SAY HTJMBL'G, Hi - ... . 1 . ,. .. 1 . ., . Sut Judge for yourself. Send for fiMlthcfc)lt,jh ofTon. ;$50 JFrelght P sld on "trial w,.,, ' steel , brass beam. AMtms, Jones of Blhgha Bingamton, New York. AME BACK. Benson's CaDclne Porom PiHrfor is n. , or weakness of the back, rbeumattem and aJ local aches and pains, the best remedy known K Invented to overcome tne slow acHon of the ordtn ary Porous Plasters. It relieves nam at eures wnere other plasters will not even relieve Sold everywhere by druggists, price 25 centsT GENTS WANTED ; For Dr. March's New Book ! ! F B OM D ARK T O D A W N In this new volume Ihe Popular Author of ' K't 1 1 Scenes to the Bible" portrays with vivid and thrilin e tod this book with ito sparkling thought!, g"HT.," W?.MenkWvliiM, and. richbindlngs hi best in the market ' lew Liberal. ' oKa Free. Address J. C MeCDBTiv 7ft. ' ' PhHjlelphla'.Pa. PABIS, - - - - 18781 AT EVERy O B L D SWEDEN , - -"178 ! u.i.fa 10(0 ILAfUSllIOK IAGO, - - 18751 FOB 12 YEARS VIENNA, - - - 1873 1 HIGHEST HONORS PABIS, 1867 Have been MASON 4 NET HAMLIN O B G A C A B I N S otES yea they are awarded toe Gold Medal, Ate highest recompense al the fQP theJury- Thy also received the Gband Gold Medal of Sweden ft Norway '7k No other American Oreans hnvn highest award at ANY World's Exposition. Sold for cash or payments by installments. Latest Catalogues, with newest styles, prices, &c, free J1ASUN & 11 AM LIN ORGAN CO., nta a Boston, New York or Chicago. "gov gnlt 1000 FEK 8IMPLE DDs MOST APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and For Sale at the OBSEBYEB OFFICE. JiELBOAD STOCK FOB SALE. As executor of Henry Goodman, deceased i niu on the 4th day of November, 1878. In the town of StatesviUe, Iredell county, N. C, sell for cash ten shares of Railroad stock hi the-North Carolina Railroad Company. J. L. WAGNER Executor of Henry Goodman, deceased sept25tUlnov4 ' yELL LMPBOYED CITY PBOPEBTY FOR SALE Any person desiring to purchase a well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modem con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at declS THIS OFFICE. JjH)B SALE. The Bourgeofse and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and wa not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because it became- necessary to use a different style of type. It will de good service for several years to come. It will be sold In lots to sui pur chasers, and in fonts of 50 to l.OOOIbs, with or without cases. Address OBSERVER, oct5 Charlotte, N. C. BEAT COTTON FARM FOR SALE. On Saturday. October 19th. I will offer for sale ut the court house door in Charlotte, the Davis farm, lying hi Providence township, and consisting of 1390 acres of excellent cotton lands. Also at the same tune and place eleven mules and one mare, a growing crop of corn, three wagons and farming implements. Terms: One-third cash, one-third on 12 months tune and the remainder in two years. Note and good security required, and title reserved until all the purchase money is paid. Interest from date of sale, payable semi-annually, at 8 per cent per annum. . H. G. SPRINGS. octlltds JPOB SALE. A twenty-two horse power engine, and saw mill and fixtures, Talbott ft Son's make, in first-rate condition, will be sold low for cash. Call at this office Tor particulars. OCtl3 JQNDERT AXING. The undersigned is now prepared to fill al) orders lor every class of Undertaking. Having on band a full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metallc PEICK8 AS IDW AS ANT. Hearses furnished if desired. Furniture of every Description Repaired at short . . notUie. W.M.WILHELM, With E. G Rogers, Trade Street June 20. gaient ottsn jSVOTiuTloirLNGDriflSG tiavine purchased the intent Right of B. A. WALKER'S Improved Cotton Gin, Leather Brush and Wiper, for the-States of North Carolina and Tennessee, I an new prepared to sell (Spungy and Gto Rights for its use, , , Bs advantages oyer &e BristfeBrush arej Jst It wttllhi wet or damp ecitton as readlir and as e:nBlIy as H dry. " -' '; 2d7Urun0rrf0trt&Jl8Wer, , ,r 3d. ttoosto one U . , - 4th. The lint is equal n not fWtm vP31 ginned by the Bristle Brush. . ri-i.AH,-. Testimonials will be furnished and terms given upm application to LJ.wALm -Charlotte, N. C iki. notunt hnih tnr ii cheapness and lis effl- ciency6dadedlil.th Agenw waoBB w wnwp ; w . jw, " ttp4olm6;') .Uft..WAKBB. TTNIVRSI6S'yJJ.' Session begins o ihTIrst of October, id jgon- tin rdneonW i1 Mffi on the Elective Syrtem, gtyliw ShS2 choice ofstadles, vrtth feotiraes m the School of Law, Medldrte, Erimeering and A11, For catalogue apply to the Secretary at the faculty, P. O. Unrterslty "Vu;. . aag2-2mo Chairman of the Faculty. I IpDGEWOBTH SCHOOL,, , loliAt, t FOR YOUNG LADLES, No. 59 Frah;Stret Baltimore, Md. iim The Seventeenth Anni Sessli Beptem bir 190l For circulars,, apply to- the Principal 18-?-.,;:; r. .- - . . h j!ll)il!f I, iiJ 'r FAit: CATAIXGUES BECETVTD. Mi if -: f " PATTERNS FOB OCTOBER, , -.1.1 jj J .-..i Lf". ; ' '' iUl UrteoU8ly Invite th nnhlfA -iJWiIXlAMS ft fingebV V Jt fuB stock oPrtmfrTeartorsee low. , J uidr.:ii ' i 1 J'1 TDOTT ft"BBOTHEB. KHABLOTT1!-W. fl. octia ai .s;ou. ft ah '.to Ui-f" ,it i lico ,u - i; wwiij u - mh bo i T (i:nr