SUA I 3TTrt gttotf thb&SfiV g 'luting. . THE OBSERVER JOB DEPABTMEMT SUBSCRIPTION RATES : f Daily, oj year, (post-paid) fa advance. $8 00 Six Months..... v..... 4 00 Three i0tffi...,.YV.ri''.'-i"sUl.-.. 2 00 One Month - 75 weekly edition': Weekly, (in thecounly) in advance'.'...'.'. ."....$2 00 Out Qftheeoimly,-poitpaU&iiii U V.;;..'. . . . 2 10 Six Months r . . . r ; 1 00 liberal Reduction for Clubs. .'i'Ai dispatch and cheapness. We emjwvish, at Short i ft lit u'i j-.-' '.:. W -J Kt! -1 J t ! F notice, 'J ' I ; LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, C. ' btiili -iiJ tu VOL. XX. -vj '"f i CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1878. ' . Sill;- :-! t 1 NO. 3,010 A I 1 II I Til M1liiHll Mr Ml rci i toanL and with, the Latest Stylet of Type,,? every it v. v . i i i w i v ii i ft m i h w i ft lar- ift ii w Diw Bnu hdnatoun nearness. LIAS 4 COHEN Desire to inform their friends and Customers, both Wholesale and Retail, that their FFF A I. L F AA L L KK A A L L F AAA L L F A A LLIX LLLL AND W W W II NN N TTTT EES. RRR W W W W II . NN N . T E - R R WW WW II N N N T EE RRR WW WW ill N NN T E R R w" w lT N NN T EES R B aSSoTTTT OQ 0OC K K 1 T O HO C CK K BSSa T O OO KK I T O OO OK K SS88 T OO OOOK K Is now complete, and to which the; are daily add ing by their Northern Resident Buyer all that la, required ior a first-class General Establishment Our Goods are bought of manufacturers and commission agents, and we will guarantee our friends to sell them as low as they ean be bought In any market; and we will agree to duplicate any bill purchased In any of the Northern markets. . . : We invite the ladles to Inspect the LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CLOAKS LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CLOAKS LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CLOAKS LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CLOAKS Ever Brought to this Market Also, our Black and Colored Cashmeres, Black Alpacas, Mohairs and Dress Goods, Embroideries, Ac., all of which can be bought cheap at ELIAS & COHEN'S. "guvnitixtt; B URGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! BEDDING, &C. BEDDING, &C BEDDING, AC. BEDDING, &C .,, FURNITURE I FURNITURE! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES f LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! iW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. t-r Fine , Assorte of Children's Carriages, tjust arrived. Call and see them. an3 ARGAINS IN KKHU U RRR NN N II TTTTU URRR EEK K U UR RNN N II T U UR RE )'V U U RRR N N N II T U U RRR EE .V U UR RN NN Hi T U UR RE ' UV R RN NN II J T UU R REEK AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, Next to Postoffick. Sty Stock la very Large and embraces a Full Ltfie of PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOMJ 'and Alii T. 'IOTvi OFFICE FURNITURE AU Goods Packed Free of Oumbb. ... E CENTS. We have DRESS GOODS 30 Inches wide, at 10 cts . . PliB YARD. ' THAT IS THE CHEAPEST THING EYES SOLD JN CHARLOTTE. .... We have the best line of 1 FANCY DRESS GOODS You'ever saw here, and at prices that sell the goods. We keep the best assortment of KID GLOVES and CORSETS in the city. Ask to see. our Kid Gloves at 50cts. It would be well for you to examine our Stock of CARPETS. Almost a new stock, and cheap. Our Stock o WATER PROOFS and Repellant Cloths is large, and risked at prices to sell. Don't fall to call on usSfor'your Sheetings and Shirtings. ; We lead the market In ttds line. See our FLANNELS, White and Colored, ' " : They are cheaper ,than ever. Ladles and Gents win find a splendid fine of MERINO AND FLANNEL VESTS. Call on. us' for six of the cheapest SHIRTS ever sold in this place. ALEXANDER 4 HARRIS. oct 6. ' OECOND sSSg TTTT OO CCO K K O O O O K K O O O KK O O , O O K K OO CCO K K S, T, SggS T T Of GGG OO OO DDD sss9 88S8 G G O O O O D D G O O OrO D I GGG O 'O 0J'0 D D GGG OO OO DDD JN TEN DAYg Don't fait to call and, see the handsome OIL CLOTH GRETQN8. . GERMANTOWN WOOL in all shades. . Also, SECOND STOCK of Black Cashmeres, and Ladies' Cloaks. Call and get 1 dozen L. C. Handkerchiefs for 75 cents. Ask to see our 50 cent Corset Heeond Stock of White Shaker Flannels, and Shetland Shawls, in blue, pink, cardinal, chinchilla -and white. Don't fail to get my $1.00 Umbrella: ' " Ask to see the best Shirt In the market for $1.00 Do not fall to examine my Stock of Boots and Shoes, fresh from the factories. Second arrival of Children's Merino Under Shirts. Ask for invisible Hair Pins. A wen Selected Stock of Crepe Lace. Ruffling at prices to suit the times. Be sure to look at my Kid Gloves, in all colors. Don't fail to see the cheapest Stock of Hats in town. , Also, take a look at my Blankets. ? A New line of Shirtings and Pillow Casing.' Be sure to call and set some of those cheap Ham burg Edgings. - . A Stock of Cotton Batting, for quilts, on hand. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE, Tryon street, opposite Charlotte Hotel oct 14 N EW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! GLORIOUS NEWS ! GLORIOUS NEWS ! GLORIOUS NEWS ! GLORIOUS NEWS ! GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES ! GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES ! til..' An IMMENSE STOCK of all the Latest Novelties in 'I 1: PRINTS,. DRESS GOODS I READY-MADE CLOTHING;! ' BOOTS AND SHOES! HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, &c! 25 per cent saved in buylnglat thjs popular, es- ... ' Mt'lttYli't tabllshment Eyery man, woman'and cMd. to cpiialljr Invited .. i. , . ' .1,1 ' :",:"' to call and ciamlne our goods. , k .i.i.).;.,. ,o ii 0 J tl n J i 'HJXSb BROSj IL m3bR WbBCjS.; s !: iAA i .1 ..TJ. MORRIS &BROa H. MORRIS & BROS. 1 t i&r Beautiful BOYS' SUITS, elegantly trimmed 10 .... ,t,i;r- Y i.o y.' tBdooedBateX ' f ; Pept25 The King's Kl s. DORA PKBBY. "How long," he asked, "will you remember this How long?" Then downward bent His kingly head, and on her lips a kiss ' Fell like a flame a flame that sent Through every vein , . t Love's joy and pain; "How long," he asked, "will you remember tms?w "How long?" She lifted from his breast her cheek Red with sacred love, . Yet when her redder lips essayed to speak, And when her heart did move .' 'L':: To answer grave and sweet, : : s i . Somehow a smile unmeet, Broke waywardly across' red lips and cheek. "How long, how long will I remember this? ! - Say you." she murmured low "Say you," and while she trembled with her bliss, That smile went to and fro Across her flushing face, And. hid a graver grace "Say you, how long win you remember this?" He bent above her in that moment's bliss, He held her close and fast; 'Hotf long, how long will I remember this ? Until I cross at last With failing, dying breath, That, river men call Death So long. SO long, will I remember this." But when apart they stood, did he remember His words that wnamer day? Did he remember 'througn trie" long December The warmth and love of May, The warmth and love, and bliss, The meaning of that kiss, When kingdoms stood between-did he remember? Ah, who can say for him ? For her we know The king's kiss was her crown: For her we know no agony of woe, , w . NO other smile or frown, Could make her heart forswear That summer morning there, Beneath the forest trees of FantlnUltfau. j'i OBSERVATJONS. Pierre Lorillard intends to send Parole, to Eng land. ' The Rothschilds, It is said, have agreed to loan Egypt $30,000,000 to clear off her floating debt, Mrs. Kate Southwlck, a few years ago the honor ed wife of a Louisville millionaire, is now a misera ble Inmate of a Chicago jail. Among the most remarkable Inventions repre sented at the recent paper exhibition at Berlin were paper teeth. They are said to be singularly durable. ' James Parton says that If there was ever aa honest man Ben Butler Is one. Don't believe, then, there was ever an honest roan; Detroit Free Press. The Dalton (Ga.) Citizen is responsible for the statement ; that .the qnnymajiy heavy persimmon crop this fall Is a sure sign of "a long, stormy and snowy winter." "What shall be done with our children when they 'leave school?" asks a cotemporary. Why, give them their dinners and send them back, Nornstovm Herald. A candidate for office In Southwestern Virginia was telling the people the other day that he was raised between the rows of corn, when a fellow yell ed out, "A pumbkin, by G d!" It Is reported that the Times and Tribune are to be consolidated. They might as well be. It is un necessary to run two sheets which are so near alike that one has examine the head to know which ass is braying. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Two physicians in Ohio are quarrelling In print as to their skill. They accuse each other of killing patients, and give the 'names of the alleged vic tims, with criticisms of the treatment and other in formation of a character highly Interesting to rela tives of the deceased, persons. Suicide is an hereditary disease in many families ' In Germany; its frequency is in part attributed to the vicious system of intermarriage among near relations, many uncles and nieces, aunts and nephews marrying merely to keep property or titles in the family. "Whereas dresses with trains raise in the streets clouds of dust Injurious to the public health, the wearing of such dresses on the streets Is hereby prohibited," says an ordinance just promulgated at Prague. , A WORD FROM TILDEN: WHAT HE HIS TO SAY FOR HIMSELF. He Repudiates the Ctp&er Telegrams and Makes a Few Remarks About Negotiatiug for Electoral Votes. New York, October 17.- 1 p.m.r The following card from Mr. Tilden has been given to the press: "l have read' the publications in the Tribune of the 8th instant, purporting to be transla tions or cipher telegrams relating to the canvass of votes in Florida at the Presi dential election of and have look ed over those printed in the Tribune of this morning, relating Jto the canvass in South CMMa. I have no knowledge of the existence of these teelgrams, nor any information about them, except What lias been derived from or since the publications of the Tribune. So much for these telegrams generally. 1 shall speak yet more' specifically as to some of them. First, those which relate to an offer purporting to have been made in "behalf of some members of the State board of canvassers of Florida, to give for a pecuniary com pensation certificates to the Demo cratic electors who had been actually chosen, ...... - . "ifbne of these telegrams, nor any tele gram communicating such an offer, or answerinsr rnich ah offe' or relating to such an offer, were seen by me, translat ed to me, or the contents ot it in any manner made known to me. I had no knowledge of the existence or mirnort of anv telesrram relating to that subject, nor did I believe the fact that such an offer ot the lonaa certin cates had been, made until after the 6th of December, at which time the certifi cates were , divided and the electoral vote cast.4' 11 ' The information casually reached me as of a past event; It was accompanied by the statement that the offer had been rejected. 'i'ttllVJas to'the publication in thle Tribune of this morninz,. Jurprtmg tp be a translation of cipher telegrams relating to the canvass of votes in South Carolina in 1876, which I have seen since I wrote the foregoing, I can speak of them noies definitely of posi tively. JSo one ot such telegrams, either in cipher or translated, was ever shown to or its contents made known to me. No offer or negotiation in behalf of the State canvassers of SouthiCarolina, or any of them, or any dealing witn any ot them, in respect to the certificates to the electors was ever authorized or sanctioned in any manner by me; direct ly or through any other person. I will add that no offer to give the cer tificates of any returning board or State canvassers of , any Sjfce;tQ.:ithe Demo cratic electors" in consideration of promises of office, or money, or proper ty ; no negbtiatioft of any such member, or ta influence the action .of any elector of President and Vice-President by such motiVes was ever entertained; fconsider edori tolerated by me or, by anybody wtthiri'mv influence, by my consent or wlthmfr knowledge or acquiescence. iQi wiCjh contempiacea iruicnuii could at any time nave come tyvMiiu raiig6 oi my power without tnat pdwer being instantly exerted to crush at out. A. Deliei was aouDiiess current, hum. ue tifiridtes from Florida conforming to thp. actual vote of the peoDlaweieitttbe market ri'ave not the slightest rimihtin thBWollddiMrfMfDsfelL TOcenTrntWwIhat the Floridavotecouldharebeeif ;,E6tiht if Mr. Tilden had . heeru.4onprable enough to desire it done for a great deal less than $50,000.: r$20jfJ007 ltwas Vnnwti that, either one of the two, mem bers who composed a majority of the Florida State canvassers could coatrol ita atinn and eive certificates to t the Democrats; either one of them could, settle the Presidential controversy in. favor of the Democratic candidate who lacked but one vote.", o How accessible to venal inducements they were is shown by the testimony of MqLin, the chairman of . the board of State canvassers, in his examination before the Potter committee in June last.. .He admitted that the true vote of the' people i of Florida was; in favor of the Democratic electors, and, that fact even, appeared on the face of ; the county re turns, including : the true return i from Baker county, notwithstanding the great frauds . against the . Democrats in some of the county returns. He confessed that in yoting to give certificates to the Republican electors, he ., acted under the influence of promises that he should be rewarded in case Mr. Hayes became President. Adding 'certainly these promises must have had a strong control over my judgment and action.' After the certificates of the Louisiana returning board had been repeatedly offered to Mr. Hewett and others for monev, they were given in favor of Jhe Republican electors, who had been re jected by. a large majority of the voters, and members of this board now possess the most important Federal offices in that State. ,' The pregnant fact always remains that none of these corrupt boards gave their certificates to the Democratic elec tors, but they all did give them to Re publican electors, r had a perfectly fixed Purpose from which I never de viated in word or act, a purpose which was known to or assumed by all with whom I was in habitual communica tion. If the Presidency of the United States was to be disposed of by certificates to be won from corrupt;returning boards by any form of venal inducements, whether of offices or money, I was re solved to take no part in the shameful competition, and I took none. The main interest of the victory which resulted in my election was the expectation that through the Chief Magistracy a system of reforms similar to that which has been accomplished in our metropolis and State administra tion could be achieved in the Federal government. For this object it was necessary I should be untrammelled by any commitment in the choice of men to execute the official trust of the gov ernment and untrammelled by any ob ligations i; to : special interests. I had been nominated and was elected with out one limitation of my;perfect inde pendence. To have surrendered or compromised the advantages of this position by a degrading competition for returning bond certificates would have been to abandon all that made victory desirable everything which could have sustained me in the larger struggles that victory would have impos ed upon me. I was resolved to go into the presidential chair in full command of all myresources for usefulness, or not at all, , While thus abstaining from an ignominious competition for such 5ertific?ites, I saw , tbesq certificates as' Obtained for the. Republican electors who had been chosen by the people. These false and fraudulent certificates now confessed and proven to have been obtained by corrupt inducements, were afterwards made the pretexts for taking from the fteonle their rightful choice f PX-the Presincyoiid-yace-Presidency These certificates were declared oy the tribunal to which Congress had abdicat ed the functions of deciding the count of disputed electoral votes to beapso lute and indisputable consequence of the title to the Chief Magistracy of the nation. Florida, which had united all her executive, legislative and judicial powers to testify to Congress long be fore the count, who were then genuine agents, which had, by statute, caused a recanvass, the issue of new certificates, and a formal sovereign authentication of the right of true electors to deposit votes entitled to be counted, was neld to he incapable of communicating to Congress, a fact which cannot now be disputed. Congress, though vested by the constitution with authority to count the electoral votes, though unrestricted either as. to the time when it should re ceive evidence or as to the nature of the evidence, and though subjected, to no appeal from its decision, was declar ed to have no power to guide its own count by any information it could ob tain, or by any authority which it might accept irom the wronged ana betrayed State. - S.J. Tilden. 'The Oldest Inhabitant." Fayetteville Gazette. A correspondent writes to us, giv ing some remarkable information re garding Mr. Henry sessoms, or mock- ersville, in this county. He will Tiave attained the extraordinary age, ot I0o years some time during tnis montn. He is the grandfather of Mr. Kelly Ses soius, a well-known and esteemed citi zen of the county. The old gentleman was never beyond the borders of the State of North Carolina ; he retains his mental faculties to a wonderful degree, but his sight is very dim, and he is al most entirely deal. Since writing the above we have gathered some additional facts regard ing Mr. Sessoms, from his grandson. He has not only never been out of the State, but, although living almost on the banks of the Cape Fear, he has never been to Wilmington, and he could count on his fingers the number of itijnesfhe hasbeen to Fayetteville. Every day for twenty-five years a loco motive has been steaming out from the depot here, but Mr. Sessoms has never looked upon the railroad track or beheld a train of cars. Imbued with all the Anglo Saxon love of home, he has been best content to pass his days about the old homestead, and to enjoy the hours of his leisure under his own roof-tree. Some years ago, for some ail ment, Dr. "W. C. McDume was called in to see him and if on that occasion he did not take some medicine it is believ ed in his family that he never swallow ed a dose of "doctor's stuff" in his lif a (Amazing commentary on the efheacy of the disciples of Galen!) In the words of on of his descendants, "Were he not blind he could do some right good work now,4 f of he is hale and vigorous, but if he got started on a job he , would never hear the dinner-horn, for he is as deaf as a black-gum post ! Pressing Close to .(be Wall. Probably no men ever stood closer to a wall than did the four' miners who working in the shaft of & Nevada mine, heard the hoisting car break from i its fastenings far above their heads. They knew that there would be just1 a foot of space between the falling car and the wall, but. they were not so sure about their own thickness, and there was f no time for calculation. They made them selves as flat as possible, and escaped ihiuryj although the shirt of one was 171. XI VXJL - ----- The certainty and reliability of the monthly drawings of the Louisiana State " Lottery Comnany have received durlngrthe raging of the epidemic a pretty severe test . Many persons were afraid that the drawings would be postponed, and others fttmrehensive that they .could not set anv resDonse to their letters; but the management of this sterl ing institution nas never scaled or postponed a drawing since Its Incorporation in ' 1868. and has established a reputation for Integrity and regularity of, management topreoedented in the blitprj of similar euverpiutes. CoBsnaption Cured An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands bj an East India mission ary the formula of a stogie vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for. nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after i having: tested Ita wonderful curative - powers In thousands of cases, has. felt tt his duty : to. make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire -to relieve) ' human siifTerlns. I will send, free of charge, ta all' 'who desire it, this I recipe, wim imi curocuuna wr pastfaraiKauu usuig In German, French or ISiglish.1 Sen y "man by addressing wiih stamp-naming this' paper. W7 W. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block; Bochester, New York. odd 4w . . " ' ; : Travellers often wonder why their fellow-travellers are so loud in their praise of the Colonade Ho tel, Philadelphia, but after a visit themselves they are satisfied of Its famous excellence. OBieiKAB. B EAUTY: OR, THE SECRET OF A FATS FACE. An Item of Interest to -Every-Lady who Desires to be More Beaatifulittian she now is. Unfortunately not one woman in a hundred, sub jected to the whims of an American climate pos sesses that basis and starting point of real beauty a pure and clear complexion, What nature has thus denied, art must be called upon to furnish. It can be done; it is done dally. ProtW. E. Hagan placed beauty within the reach of every un blessed daughter of Eve when he discovered that surprising article known hi fashionable circles as the true secret of beauty, and called MAGNOLIA BALM. The Magnolia Balm is a sure device for creating a pure and blooming complexion. It conceals all natural blemishes In the most surprising and effective manner. It removes all roughness, eruptions, redness, blotches, freckles, .and tan with magical power. It drives away all evidences of fatigue and ex citement. ,. It makes the plainest face beautiful. It elves the conmlerlon a dazzlkiz maltv and makes the neck, face and arms appear graceful, tatntHL and nliimn. . I -"'"i! Irotund, and plump. It makes ' a rruttron of ftK or 41 Inhk not. mora than 20 years old and changes the rustic maiden into a cumvateu city oeiie. The Magnolia Balm removes all blemishes and con ceals every drawback to beauty ; and, while xt is as harmless as wafer, -tt so-lifelike in its effects that the closest obttTH&pttrinot detect its use. Ladles who want to make themselves attractive can make an absolute certainty of it by using Ha- gan a magnolia JtiALM, and we Know or no otner way. It Is the cheapest preparation In, the world, all things considered, and may be had at any drug store. jySL PIERCE'S PLEASANT -pUBGATIVE PELLETS. TTTE LITTLE GIANT CATHARTICS. No use of taking the large, repulsive, nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude and bulky ingredi ents. These Pellets are scarcely larger than mus tard seeds. Being entirely vegetable, no particular care is re quired while using them. They operate without disturbance to the constitution, diet, or occupation. For Jaundice, Headache, Constipation, Impure Blood, Pain in the Shoulders, Tightness of the ucest, Dizziness, bour Kructaaons from the Stom ach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Billions attacks. Pain In region of Kidneys, Internal Fever, Bloated feel ing about the Stomach, Rash of blood to Head, take Dr. Pierce's PLEASANT PURGATIVE PELLETS. In explanation of the remedial power of these Pur gative Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it may be said that their action upon the animal economy is universal, not a gland or tissue escap ing their sanltlve Impress. Age does not Impair the properties of these Pellets. They are sugar coated and Inclosed in glass bottles, their virtues being thereby preserved unimpaired for any length of time, in any climate, so that they are always rresn and reliable. This is not the case with pills put up In cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. For all diseases where a Laxative, alterative or Purga tive is indicated, these little Pellets will give the most perfect satisfaction, sola by Druggists. it. v. plkkue, M. v., xToprietor, World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, New York. Gr OLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. By its great and thorough blood purifying proper ties, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures' an numors, rrom tne worst scroruia to a common Blotch, Pimple or Eruption. Mercurial disease, Mineral Poisons, and other effects, are eradicated, and vigorous health and a sound constitution es tablished. Erysipelas, Salt-Rheum, Fever Sores, Scaly or Rough Skin, In short, all diseases caused by bad blood, (conquered1 ter this powerful, puri fying, and lnvigoiadng medloine.i especially nas it manifested its potency in curing Tetter. Rose Rash. Bolls. . Carbuncles. Sore eves. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, White Swellings, Goitre or thick rtecK, and Juuaiged ttianos. ' T-F rnn foal 1iill dmilKlT slVtll lt"Q tAf " V Q UO. DqIIaID color of skin, or yellowish-brown sbbti dn face or Doay, irequeni neaaace or aizzinessj oaa taste in mouth, Internal heat or chills alternated with hot flushes, low spirits, and gloomy forebodings, Irreg ular appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torpid Liver, or billiousness. In many cases of Liver Complaint only part .of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. nerce's GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY has ho equal as it effects perfect and radical cured. In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, and the early stages of Consumption it has astonished the medical fraternity, ana eminent pnysicians pro nounce it the greatest medical discovery of the age. While it cures the severest coughs, It strengthens the system and purSfiea the blood.. Sold by drug gists. j - . ... K. V. rlEMVxj, SL V., xTOpneiCT, World's Dispensary And Invalids' Hotel, -:t Buffalo, New York QATARRH SYMPTOMS. Freauent headache, discharge falling into throat. sometimes profuse, watery, thick mucuous, puru lent, offensive, etc. In others, a dryness, dry, wa tery, weak or inflamed eyes, stopping up, or ob struction oi tne nasai passages, ringing in ears, deafness, hawking and coughing to clear the throat. ulcerations, scales irom uiceraL voice aiierea, nasai twang, offensive breath, impaired or total depriva tion of sense of smell, and taste, dizziness, mental depression, loss of appetite, Indigestion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, etc. Only a few of these symptoms are luceiy to ne present in any case iat onetime. ' ' , 1 ' ". . ' - I)R. SAS CATABBH REMEDY,, produces the most radical ones of the worst eases of Catarrh, no matter of how long standing. The liquid remedy may be snuffed, or better applied by the use of Dr. Pierce's" Douche. This is the only form of instilment yet- invented with which fluid medicine can be carried htgh up land perfectly ap plied to all parte of the affected nasal passages, and the chambers er cavities cmmiunlcatmg therewith, in which: sores and ulcers4 frequently exist, and from which the catarrhal .discharge generally pro ceeds. Its nae 1s pleasant and easily tmderstood, front directions accompanyteg teach 'instrument. n, aim1! nrrti IlAmMlTflinU iwcntit fMsu4rm ht ! cold ta the head br lew applications: It Is nifld and uieasant totise.flontalnineno stronff or caustic drugs f polBonuU Catarrh; Remedy and. Douche 5? -i.?S7.Y. PTBCE,: ..'iWrfetof,'; World's DlSDensan and Invalids' Hotel.- Buffalo, New York. HARLOTTE SUCCESS I ! I iJj: NOTWITHSTANDING MT -EXTRAORDINARILY LiBGE PURCHASES -THIS FALL,- ANTJ REGARDLESS OF THE ATTEMPTS FBOX ALL QUAR TERS TO DIRECT THE TRADE FROM CHARLOTTE . . ; r-JNTO OTHXB CHANNELS, Yet the good judgment of the people on the one ' . . nand, and my superior advantages in pur " chases on the other hand, H AVE OVERCOME ALL,- -AND I BATE HAD AN UNPRECEDENTED GOOD TRADE, So much so that I am now, when most merchants have scarcely received their first stocks, gone North for a 8S 8SS EEB OOO OO NN N DDD B O O O O NN N D SSg EE 0 OONNNDD O OO ONNND D SuoS SS EEB OOO OO N NN DDD PPP U U RRR COO H H A BSSe EEB P PU UR ROOH H AA SS E PPP U U RRR O HHH A A DSSH KK B UU R R OOO H HA ASS BERT AS THE FIRST RUSH NORTH -IS NOW OVER,- I shall be able to obtain many bargains, the advan--" tages of which my customers shall secure. t'J& To all who went North for their Stock I would respectfully address myself and beg to sug gest an easy and eheap method of replenishing their Stock by calling on me. PF" To all old and regular customers who have bought from me this season, I would say come again. Our SECOND STOCK In all departments will be complete In ten days. Respectfully, S. WITTKOWSKY. JEMARKABLE ! OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. OUR ASSORTMENT LARGER THAN EVER. OUR ASSORTMENT LARGER THAN EVER. Our Prices Less than any other House. Our Prices Less than any other House. A Fine and well Assorted Stock of Ready-made Fall and Winter CCO L OO TTTT H H II NN N GGG OOL O O T HHH NN NO G O ti O O T HHHIINNNG OOt OO T HHLTN NN G GG OOO LLIX OO T H H 11 N NN GGG CONSISTING OF MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S, Can be Found at W. KAUFMAN & CO'S. Springs Comer, Charlotte, N. C. A well Assorted Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, FINE GAITERS, HATS 4 CAPS, Always on hand, at Reduced Prices. i ' ' GIVE US A CALL. sept26 ALL OPENING OF FINE MM MM ni. HHHHIIL MMMMHL L UNN N EBB RRR.Y V L IINN NE R R Y Y L IINN NEE RRB TT M M V TT T. I. 8NNNE R R T N NN BEE R B Y M M MHLLLLLIXL -AND FANCY DRY GOODS,! ; nl- . : i .,:. i WEDWlSDAr AND TBTJRSDAT, OCTOBER 2D 3RD ! -GRANDEST DISPLAY OF FINE GOODS! ' .;-!',,: i i ' ': . ' : i " ' i-hf Wi.'i- : -.'' -i'' 1U l . H-i ii: : v U U k.-u .ir f,in :-!--A limit.; vtvil ..' octl QHARLQTT grg oo&&f (ClvtixixiQi Sec, O UR AUTUMN FABRICS REB B ER B REB n n D D D D DDD S "T, A TTTT TTTT A L AA T T AA Ii A A T T A A L AAA T T AAA t.t.T.T.a AT T A A AND IBBB RRR OO B BR RO O BBB RRR O O B BR RO O -BBB R R OO : OUR ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS ARE NOW READY FOR INSPECTION. We have made great efforts to meet the demands of purchasers for their FALL AND WINTER OUTFITS 1 FALL AND WINTER OUTFITS ! FALL AND WINTER OUTFITS! FALL AND WINTER OUTFITS ! The pre-eminence already attained by our pro ductions, and their superiority a regards Shape, Style and General Completeness will be a more distinct Feature than ever. A cordial welcome Is extended generally, with gratitude for past patronage. Very respectfully. E. D. LATTA & BRO. L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors., NOW OFFER TO THE TRADE A FULL STOCK OF Fur Beaver Overcoats, Plain Beaver, Blue and Brown, Light Weight Meltons In all shades, At extremely low prices SACK and FROCK SUITS at extremely low prices. BLACK DRESS 8OB8 U U II TTTT U TJ II T B8e 8ss8 3Q U U 11 1 o 5 U U II T "SS8 UU H T West of England Cloth Coats and Vests. Imperial Doe Pants from the best of Manufac turers. ' u NDERWEAR. The best selected Stock that has ever been brought to this market, , at the lowest prices that s could be expected Call early and see us, so that you might get the choice patterns. Q UR CASHMERES, HAVE SOLD SO WEtl- That we have been compelled to order a sect bd stock, which will be in in a few days. Our entire stock of 3T PRESS GOODS is surpassed for beauty and cheapness bf hone in thedty ' Be sure to see OUR CLOAKS before you pur chase. t ' ''iiMVHiMi'. "J .':. .i ; i You will find aa elegant line of Ladles' Tests' , and Ladles' and Children's Hose, an' at bottom li t ' " ' ..." , .' r " iBABQT&XTB&rxm'S.i EHOTOGRAPHa' ' .... - in consequence of the- reduction In .the price of the original cost of materials, and In order to give inV patrons the benefltof the' reduction from and niter this date Photographs will be taken, at taf Gallery at i- rlfcfc- dvhyn:jmt3:il,. REDUCED RATES. J.a VANNTSSi sept22 an