LOCAL INTELLIGENCE TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1878 BULBOAD UIKECTOBT. The following table shows the mnnliiK of fn- tnnri from Charlotte, on all the rail- roads (Washington time): RICHMOND DANVILLE. fW: VntZt fiftyj-sixth verses of thischapter inclu igSftS Richmond,.. If fSP-?- whfcai;: Qhrist 'rktCapefnati; Leaves ror . " ATLANTA CHARLOTTE AIR-LINK. Arrives from Atlanta, ' 1.48 a. m. f wives for Atlanta 2.50 a. m. Artves Atlanta, local frtapass. 6 45 p.m. Leaves for Atlanta, local It's pas. . . 7.30 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA 4 AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta,. Leaves for Augusta,. . . 3.50 p. m. 1.10 p. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington, 8.20 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington 7.25 a. m. Arrives from Shelby, 5.00 p. m. Leaves tor Shelpy,...r......... ........ 7,00 a.m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE A OHIO. Arrives from Statesvllle Leaves for Statesvllle,. v., ,. . 5.30 p. m. 4.30 a. m. INDICATIONS. War Department, Office Chief Signal Officer, Washington, Nov. 4, p. m. For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, clear or partly cloudy weather, cold northerly winds, becoming warm er, and variable, stationary or falling ) liirometer. Local Report for Yesterday. ' 7 A. M. 2 P. M. T9 PT M Temperature,., Wind Velocity, Weather, 49 E. 2 Smoky. Highest temperature 61 deg. ; lowest 42. Index to New Advertisement. Mayer & Ro3s Come Quick. This Office Wanted. HOME PENCIMSi(iS. Spring-like again. The Baptist State convention meets in this city to-morrow evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Very little cotton on the market yes terday. It was Monday, and the price is down, down. The Observer's friends can do it a service by sending in the election news from the various precints at the earli est possible moment. During the month of October there were only five interments in Elmwood cemetery. . One of these was from the country and another from South Caro lina. In Pinewood (colored) cemetery there were ten interments. A bald-headed citizen says that if he and his contemporaries are seen on the front seats at a dizzy blonde show this winter, the public must understand that they are only Talmadgising. The liockingham Spirit of the South says that Mr. Piatt D. Walker, of this city, is to build a residence in that town. We should regret exceedingly to lose Mr. AValker as a citizen. There was some sort of marshaling of the colored voters last night prepara tory to the election to-day. They were probably receiving instructions. The movement was very quiet. The Late Tragedy la I.umberloii. The last news from the Lumberton tragedy is that Miss Linkhaw has im proved and will, in all probability, re cover; and further, that one of her brothers-in-law has been arrested on the charge of complicity in the murder, and is now in the hands : of: the sheriff of Kobeson county. Where to Vote Registrars and Judges The poling places in the several wards of the city will be those heretofore used to-wit: first ward, store nearly op posite the market house ; Second ward, the market house ; third wardtore be low the old red house ; Fourth ward, court house. The judges and registrars are those who served in the last election. They are reminded that un less they are. there to open the polls at the proper time, they are liable to heavy penalty. 1'air Notetu Col. D. G. Maxwell offers a special nremium of five dollars, in cash, for the best pencil drawing made by any girl , or boy under fourteen years ol age, who has never taken lessons in drawing. The fair grounds, we regret to say, are sadly in need of ,.iurther repairs. What is to be done must be done quickly. Mr. Wm. Ritterhoff, the Trade street bakery and candy manufacturer, is pre paring an elaborate exhibition for the lair in candy, woi-k of many beautiful .arid curious designs. Arrangements for lue Prize Drill at (lie Fair. The committee appointed to make ar rangements for the prize drill, which is to take place at the fair grounds, on Thursday of fair week, consisting of Lt. Geo. H. Brockenbrough, of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen, Lt.li. B. Alex ander, of the Grays, and ,W. Mc. Smith, -adjutant of. the second regiment, at a recent meeting, selected the following persons to serve as judges : Adjutant General Johnstone ' Jones, Brigadier General M. P. Taylor, of Wilmington ; Maj. Rob't. Bingham, of the Bingham school, and Captl-Wml Cain, of the Caro lina Military Institute.,, .,.. ..... If any of the judges should be unable, to be present, they are asked to notify' xne committee at once, in order that -others may be appointed in their places. It is expected that the drill will be au very fine one; as the companies are prac ticing regularly. A Curious Homicide A Negro Vies From a Wou nt After Three Weelt. A rather curious homicide came to light yesteiday morning. On the night of the l7th of October Jim Ross 'and Isaac Jenkins, both colored, got into a" difficulty near the opera house, concern ing Jenkins' wife. There were very few witnesses of the fight and as yet ihe particulars of it have not been hrnnrh. out, buttt is known that Ross inflicted two cuts on the person of Jenkins one on the headland taeothet in the stomach and that Jenkins struck, Ross in the head 'with a rock, knocking-" Mm dbwji. ..Thejaffair was kept very quet by-gpme means, the impression having gotten ribrekuf among the few who knew1 a9y-tltiug-ofjit that neither of, fteHpaes was much injured. Jenkins was' son awe to wore again, Dut Kos&WitiHti to m connned to his bed. , , - T? q ; Dr. Gregory was called in some time agoYand'Tdiscovered that thofekiflViiad been cracked, but thougbt ihat .there was a chance of his recovery. ''" t A few days, goV! h&rew worse and finally died , Sunday evening, -.The.same night Jenkrhs Was arrested at his1 "house and taken to jailiandryesterday-morn-ing, Coroner; (Alexanderbegan. an ih vestigatiorf WtheasefWW' dark eomparativdylittlB-pr.ogresBi iiadbeen maue, and the jury were dismissed till this njfiTiitt'heilJ'theT'investi'gation win o& a-eBumedi . :m Uie tmeanxime Jenkins' wife and another colored wn-M man: f.hoTriTi.lWuf,Wii-nntui)J omifiii. ed in jail in order to insure their ap- Iearance this morning. 43 60 N. E. N. 6 4 C lear. Clear. rRANSUBSTANTlATIOIf. , Dlncasklm of the Doctrine by Rev. A. J!J aiw HilleryD.li. 4 r At the conclusion of Sunday morn ing's service at the First Presbyterian church, the pastor announced 1 that the evening discourse wonMhe devoted to the consideration ol the dogmsi ot'tran substantiaiion. At the evening service. therefore, latter rei6ii-ng the sixth chap- L usr oi ooun, ue seiecxea ior ms text the says 10 me people wno nave ioiiowed. Him thither: "Except ye eat the flesh of the son of man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." . . Afterthis,anu the quotation of n urn er ous other passages of Scripture, of like character, the speaker said that upon these Papists' have built up the abominable doctrine of transubstantia tion. The lancruasre could not have been used in any other than a spiritual sense.' It is just as rational to argue that Christ meant that He was the sun, or that He was a vine, because He had said, "I am the light ?ftjie world," )md "Jam the viae; ye are the branches," as to argue that His body and His blood must be literally eaten and drunk. He could not have meant any such thing as Papists undertake to teacji, for the reason that the sacrament "had not been insti tuted at the time at which He spoke. If transubstantiation is true all things else are false ; if our senses which tell us that ,the elements of the sacrament are bread and wine, deceive us as to this, they deceive us as to all other things; if they are not to be trusted in one thing they are not to be trusted in another. Thus this doctrine consumes itself and everything else along with it. Transubstantiation as a miracle is a failure, if this Declaimed for i, for the outward manifestation of its truthful ness is lacking. To believe in it is to believe thaton the night of the Last Supper, Christ, while at the table ate of His own body. "To such disgusting ab surdities," remarked the speaker, "does this abominable doctrine lead." Again, the Catholic Church, notwith standing the Divine -command, "Drink ye all ol it," allows only . its ( clergy to partake of the sacrament. Thus the priests, by withholding the cup, consign their own flocks to damnation, since these are not allowed to touch it. Some of the reasons which the Papists assign for this were here touched upon.. One of the Church councils had declared among other things, that it was because to many persons the taste of wine was extremely disagreeable. "This reason, however, it was here observed, "does not seem to apply to the priests them selves." The doerma. Dr. Miller asserted, never received the stamp of authority until the thirteenth century. It overthrows all sense and reason, and they who be lieve it acknowledge themselves either idolators or cannibals. ' ',; After discussing the particular doc trine alluded to, Dr. Miller treated brief ly of the Catholic Church in , general terms. He warned those who might be seduced by its arguments that they were rushing into "the arms of the mother of harlots, who is even, now reeling under the judgments of God and yet they who hold that faith cannot consistently argue it with unbelievers, because that Church throttles reason and its- teach ings do not admit of an appeal to indi vidual judgment. Dr. Miller combatted the statement that the Catholic Church had not been guilty of persecution, and that it had not striven to keep the -Bible Irona the people. The first assertion, he said, was made in defiance of all history, and .the proofs of the falsehood of the latter are extant to-day in the writings of the fathers of the Church. . In treating of the persecutions of the Church more particular reference was had to the case of Galileo and to the events of , St. Bar tholomew's Day. . . . Dr. Miller spoke at length an with great earnestness. To those who know him it is not necessary to say . that he handled his subject with .the utmost ability ; that the discourse gave evidence of profound thought and deep research and that his illustrations were striking ana his deductions logical. , Death of Mrs. Gov. Vance. At the close of the services at theFirst Presbyterian church, .Sunday, evening, Rev. Dr. Miller announced that' since coming into the pulpit he had received a telegram which brought the sad intel ligence of the death of Mrs. Gov. Vance, in Raleigh, at 5 o'clock. The announce ment caused a pang of sorrow to many hearts gathered there, and , will, be re ceived with universal regret throughout the State'; a noble, Christian woman has died and ber place cannot be easily filled. ! Mrs. Harriet Newell Vanee was the daughter of Rev. Thomas Espy, a Pres byterian minister, who was a native of Ohio, but married in this State, and preached for several years in Salisbury, where he died and was buried. Her mother was a deSc&arit 6'f the Tate family, one of . the oldest in Burke county. Both of her parents died with in a short time of each other,.. leaving her a very young child. She was adopt ed and raised by Mr. Charles McDow ell, a distant" relative of her mother's family, who lived in Burke county, about five miles from Morganton. She received the most of her education from Rev. John Wilson, a Presbyterian mm-' ister, and from Miss Gould.1 a northern lady, both of whom conducted schools at, different times in Morganton. Very early in life she professed religion and connected herself with the Presbyterian church, in which faith-she died. In the year 1853 or 1854 she was married to Gov-iVnce, in. the Presbyterian church at Morganton. She is "the mother of five sons afl of whom are still living except the eldest wbo.died very young and was buried in Asheville. liev. Mr. Espy was a bold, fearless ex pounder of The Truth, and his daughter inherited from him a strength of char acter and an earnest devotion to the cause of religion wMeh rendered her a most valuable worker in the church. -Firm in her convictions xjf truth T3he never allowed an opportunity to ptes of impressing it,. upon, ..those ,a,rounaarer ; .alwavs foremost in eood words, she was equally devoted to her family a loving and selt-sacnhcing wire ana mower For the last several years, as is known throughout the StateV-'Mrs. ; Varied has neen: an invalid ana a great sunerer, uu- rwinehgre---Bhe has Dome herself with rremarkahle fftsrtitude. It has fteeri Enowfo W fhanf Months that she could not recover and-, hen ifriends have -watched with painful solicitude -maJdei nbtii inotbiagi .coumj- May5;the hand, 01.. the, greai; t destroyer; sne sankquietlytd rest in the" fullest Hope of a blessed nnmortalityi) pj a-i.i . The remains we.re expected, to . reach Raiiahnrv on the reirular train last irieht. at 12, whence they will be conveyed by Asheville. for interment bythe-sid of her eldest son. At her special requfet. Rev. Dr. Miller, of this city, will preach thd , funeral -:iemn;Q,HerJeffoB the; 4 p. m. train yesterday tor oansDury, to meet the f emams and accompany them to Asheville. County Commissioners r :Tha i! board (of i eountv eomnussioners met in regular session at tna ,. court I house, vesterdav morning, ThCfintire session was consumed an ivvumgf rout. troversies between the different acnoo commissions in reference to the school fund, and iti'TOutine business of an un- imnortant character. The hours of the 1 noaainna werfl-fihftBmd SO as to begin 1 at 10 a. m. and end at 3 p. m, during the 1 short daysM'd'U - )Sik,tjr Walking Race Charlotte 'the Deslfe , nation.ll &i 3 3ttiitn'X . The Raleigh Neios. qi ,J3up.dayt con tains the following : ' j ; "Tflhmorrov morning, t two,-, amateur pedestrians of this city begin a walk to nUUA 4? .f dkfiAi ml, Hn vutuiutMfJ.ur puijse ol xira par ties contesting' are1 E. A." King;., and Fritz Kooner. The former is backed by Dr. (?. Wi'lilaeknallr while the' iat ter's upholder is P.1 IV Walker. "There are quite a number of side- bets on.. the is$ue:f-rhe bedestrians leave the Yar- expects to reach Cliarlotte on Saturday next, ; : ' syAta ihh-j : ; The distance from this point tfrBaleigh is 160 miles by rail and by the old stage route about the same. If King's jax pectations are realized, he will have to step alonier atthe rate :of 27 ' miles 'r 4ay.jln. ;ny event, there;, Js .walking ahead ot youjiwy&i i v- .a- .....:; s no A New ITI odel of a Car Coupler. ' O.ur, invented a car. coupler .which seems to supply a want hieh ' has long existed ana i wnicn must commend . ltsen. to every one who examines its workings. rHe proposes to apply . for a, patent for ii, mm in auvance or tuis n is uut prjjj er to enter into a niinute explanation of its principles ; "-'but is not amiss , to re mark that it can be operated , I ranihe top or side of a car, and will .entirely obviate the necessity which now "exists for a person to go "between cars to couple them up, which, necessity bas. re sulted in the loss of so. many lives and limbs. Railroad men- who have exam ined the model declare' that it is found ed upon eorrect principles and is destin ed to overthrow the present :J system. We WusTtnatTfK'TJrem jvUliye success ful in bis applicatiottXo"r letters patent and that his ingenuity will bring to him a fortune. : ; Railroad Notes. It was reported last night that a watchman at one of the bridges on the Air-Line was killed by one of Jhe trains which passed over the road yesterday. It is stated that he attempted to cross the track as the train was approaching and fell. - There are no particulars. The board of directors of the North Carolina Hailroad met in- Greensboro Friday. Hon. John"W; Graham resigned as a State director and was elected trus tee of the road, a position lately filled by the Rev, N H. D. Wilson, D.. D. ; The Carolina.Central Railroad has cut off from the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line, or the Raleigh and Augusta from the Carolina Central, in consequence of which the Seaboard Air-Line route via Norfolk is no more. What the trouble is the public has not been permitted to know. The agent of the Carolina Cen tral road has had published the fact, and invites all shippers to try the Wil mington route. The Rockingham Spirit, speaking of the same thing, says that a line of wagons' to haul-freight is soon to be established between Rockingham and Hamlet, and adds that efforts will be made to induce the Raleigh and Au gusta Air-Line company to extend their road to Rocking,ham. . . , , . ' Though Shaking Like an Aspen. Leaf With the chills and fever, the Victim ol malaria may still recover by using the celebrated specific, Hosteler's Stomach Bitters, which not only breaks up the most aggravated attacks, but prevents their recurrence. It Is Infinitely preferable to quinine, not only because It does the business far more thoroughly, but also on account of Its perfect whole someuess and Invigorating action upon the entire system. Testimony Is concurrent, positive and ample showing the decisive nature of Its effects, and that it is no mere palliative. Physicians con cede Its excellence, and there is a constant Influx of communications from persons In every class of society avouching Its merits, and bearing witness to its superiority over other remedies for malarial disease. It Is especially popular throughout the west, wherever fever and ague prevails, as It does In many of the fairest and most fertile portions of hat vast region. A Tale or two Cities. ' New Orleans; September 21, 1878. The undersigned certify that they held for collec tion for account of H. C. Williams St Co.. brokers, 49 WaU street. New York, half ticket No. 52,313, Pltaa T Inrkalmtoluna Cfota'tirtoM tsrttlsih Immb the capital prise of twenty-flve hundred dollars, ion xuesaay, septamoer io, lsis, saia ticket navmg cost the sum of $1 at the office of H. L. Plum, 31W Broadway, jsew York, and that the amount was nromDtly bald on DresentaUon of the ticket at the office of the company, M. A. Dauphin, P. O. Box eya. Hew oneans. ir a lex uo., BroKers,- 165 Common st, .New Orleans, 14. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS. NOVEMBER 4, 1878. PRODUCE. white 2U&3Q, ditto mixed 26a28, Pennsylvania 27 a dO. Provisions quiet; jobbing traae only; mess pork 8.50a8.75; bulk meats loose shoulders 314a 33, clear rib aides 4; packed 4fea51fe; bacon shoulders 4a5, clear rib sides 5a6, hams new llal2. Lard refined tierces 714. Coffee Bio cargoes 13Mial(H4- Sugar A soft Ua9 Whiskey steady ati.iia. Cincinnati Hour quiet and unchanged. Wheat oulet and steady. Corn and oats quiet Pork- Jobbing 7.50. Lard steam 5.80a85, kettle nomi naL , , Bulk meats Irregular; shoulders 3, .clear rib 4&Ms, dear sides 44a; bacon lrregularjjshould- ers ys&a4, clear riD 4a, ciear smes o. n nisney steady and In good demand at 1.07. Butter steady and unchanged. Sugar quiet and unchanged. Hogs Inactive; packing 2.75a3.O0. COTTON. NoRPOLK-Oulet: middling -84C y ' net receipts 8,120; gross ; stock 18,402; exports coastwise 3,513; sales 400; exports to Great Britain . Baltimore Dull; middling tftfec; low middling 82ke. ; good ordinary 8Va j net receipts 10U; gross 1,135; sales 215; stock 3,902; exporta coastwise 400; spinners 150; exports to Great Britain 1,104; to continent . Boston Dull: middling 9Vac.; low middling III . y . ,aH Awllnnin QKlf -nkt 'PAAirktO VRW- OTOafl 2,195; sales'; stock 1,850) exports to Great" Brit ain WnMTNGTOK-Nommal; TOiddllnir 8Sh low mid dling 8 5- 16c; good ord'y IVz; net receipts 1,529; gross ; sales ; stock 15,136; spinners ; ex ports coastwise 5 to GreafcBfltain 1 Philadelphia Firm; middling 9c; low middling 9iAc; good ordinary 8c.; net receipts 383; gross 383; sales 285; spinners 275; stock 4,018; exports to Great Britain . ATOtwri TrreKular fmlddling 8c; low mid dling 8c.: good ordinary 7&; receipts 1,916; shipments ; sales 1,055; stock . , CiTATiTERTOw Lower- middllnff iBeV 'low', mid dling 8jc.; good ordinary 8c; net receipts- 4,- 77o;gross ; saies l.oou; stock yu,io ; exports coastwise 3,026; Great Britain -r; Eranee. to continent ; to channel . New Yobx Steady: sales 666: middling up- lands 93fcc: mid. Orleans fiSfac.: consolidated net receipts 80,964; gross ; exports to Great Brltalre 3,969; to Continent 1,391; to Fiance 250. V cnannei . i 1 LrvEHPOOfcooNA''e','eBey.&!Middllg nnlanis R8b. .Orleans- -filfe.' low mwdllae-uplands -i good'oralflBinplaMr 'oro sales lO.UOU, specuianon ana eipun i,uuu. receipts 1,500, no American Futures 1-32 and l lower. Uplands low middling clause: Novem ber delivery 5i&al5-82, November and December 5 716al5-82U-:i i 7rt 1 5 d. m. Futures firmer. Uplands low middling clause: November 5 7-16, February and March ,M?.r.iMKl.iJ .FUTURES. ' 'new' YoM-Sitoes closed steady. 1 Sqlea lltqkflkXw.ilS j 000 bales. November December y.aoaa ...... 9v48 9 .59a.60 January... February March; fctJ .mw.w. itcfw '2ft'lg April O-SJ?- J. June tA io j.MH.-.uv.i i-.i-v J.Hj;H.v. FINANCIAL. . .?.'. W A WS,;,Xit i; New Yobi Money active at 1.04. Exchange at 4.8H4-. Gold, steady at 44- Governments strong. Few 5's lMbJ ; CITY COTTON MARKET. ' . '.; 'MoAi m?i "4 Mi " ; Ofrick of the Observer. " I a sfitfrrmri to Charlotte NovemberoV l7v f fw,ttsiai4eryBtet WW WUVT1 Ifcy uvBWHVuva . - Good middling tntX- w-io eita-Mwtr-ri; m ' WMiiniwr : , ............ 814 8 Strict low middling... w.ir.')-f''M.'S -;-I4S"x Low mlddllms.. 7 13-16 .T.?r.r.;v.v.;r 7 " CBAKiOTTo PRODUCE MARKET; ODEKECTXD. DAILT. i New, per bdle... ...... S2.50 ,: 1.75 ...7.:JA- 50a55r 50a557 45a50 33a35; SDllced. Bagoing; fajtm t - Corn, per dumi'I Meal," " Peas, " Oats, shelled, Bacon N.4Xhog round. .. . Hams,N. C. :.. Hams, canvassed. . . BUH.jtEATB-rr (.r,u Clear Bib Sides..... Prime Rio.... Good. Stbdp ,n 8a 'lllaia 14aldtf i7ai 16al7 i-i'!'i-'?,--' ' 26 38a45 y,.. ...,.. ..100.00! 10al2 8aSta ...1 35a40 40a50 Sugar-house. MOLASSES Cuba i Salt Liverpool toe ...... .,. . . j Sua as ' ' " " White. TeUow Potatoes .',., Sweet Irish Butter . . t -,! North Carolina. 20a25 Xoea, per dozen.. . -tr- TTALES & FARRIOR, WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS. We re8Dectfully announce to our friends and the public generally, that our stock of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry Is complete, which we expect to sell low ior cash, - uive us .a. eau beron nrchalns elsewhere, as we will make it to your advantage to do so. ' is . : .f-,---!-4 ' All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatJv repaired and warranted for twelve months;- u-': OCt 0 IlALii ft FABRIOR. T. BUTLER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. ' ''ESTABLISHED, 1858. J- ; -V. - ' f, - I would respeetfully announce to my friends and the public generally that my STOCK is the Largsst in the State, and consists of i FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Both of Gents' and Ladles' Sizes, in Key and Stem wmaing. Ladles' Opera, Leviathian and Guard Chains, Necklaces, '- Lockets, Charmr, Bracelets, Setts, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Collar Buttons. Gents' Gold and Plated Vest Chains. Large Stone and Plain 18 karet Gold Rings, in vanery. Silver and Plated Ware, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, - Eye Glasses, &e., 4c, && - ' All Goods sold by me are fully warranted as rep resented. ENGRAVING, in all its branches, ne&ttz. and promptly executed. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted for 12 months. Watch Glasses fitted for ten cents each, best quality. The highest price paid for Old Gold and Silver. Be sure to call on J. T. BUTLER, as there are some unprincipled "Dead Ducks" that play off as Butler when any one happens to be unfortunate enough to call on them. jJNO. T. BUTLER, One Door from Ellas ft Cohen's. SPECIAL NOTICE. All Jobs left with me before January 1st. 1878. will be sold for "Repairs" January 1st, 1879, if not called for. . ... sept21 1 1 - JKO. T. BUTLER. J3 LASNE, From Paris, France, - It. ; .' ,- . . WATCH and CLOCK MAITER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, . , Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half price, and warranted one year. Everv kind of Jewelry or Bronze Glldlne' Colorine. Silver-Platmir and Gal-1 vanlzlng made at short notice and equally as good tut new. n urn uuue lur uie iroue iu uiw unmu t2& Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. - a- - septlS "gov toxt F OR RENT! The two stores in the Grierft Alexander bulldinc. on Trade street? steer, of store rooms 19x90 feet each, with fine offices, drawers, stoves, ftc. The UDoer Btore has.elavator and floor scales, with room above 38x90 feet,' and basement Both stores can- be thrown into one store room. Kent low. oct24 DAWSON ft CO. -pOR RENT. - - The store now occupied by L. W. Perdue and OatesBros, comer of Trade and College streets, and rooms on the second floor. . This is , the, very best and most desirable stand for business lb the city. Possession given 1st January, 187& nov2 3t C. a HOLTON. , Having purchased the Patent Right ol E 1 WALKER'S Improved Cotton Gin, Leather Brush and Wiper, for the States of North Carolina and Tennessee, I am now prepared to sell County and Gin Rights for its ifeev Its advantages over the Bristle Brush are : 1st It win gin wetor daniD cotten -aa readily and as eflec.ually as If It was dry. 2d. It runs one-fourth lighter, 3d. It costo one-third lea - 4th. The lint Is equal if not superior to that f-glnned by-fee-Brteae 8wi TesttmpBiawUlj be rturnlitd;anfl terms given Charlotte, N. C. This patent, both for Its cheapness and Its effi ciency Is decidedly the best thing out Agents wanted, to whom I will pay liberally, if the right men. septl4 dim w6m L. J. WALKER. gdttcatixrttal. ,;TTNIVEBSirs:OF VDMHNIA..1 ) v kjUfeutiJ n't Jtftllil iii ...iil--- 'i.t. -'i . , n : Kession Dennis un vie urn vl vA;wjLier, anu. cun- tlnues nine months. : The Institution ls organized on the Elective System, giving the student free choice of studies, with full courses in the Schools of Law, Medicine, Engineering and Agriculture. For catalogue apply to the Secretary of the Faculty, P. O. University of Virginia. , TDQEWOBTH jSCHOOln FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 59 Franklin Street, Baltimore, Md. Mrs. H. P. LEFEBVRE, PrincipaL e Seventeenth, Annual Session begtoaSeptem- fltn." Fordrcular; aDDlrtd the OT Ruction g&lts. D. G. MAXWELL. C. F. HARRISON, Auctioneer. OT A il Vi.f'. AUCTION and COMMISSION MERCHANTS.. Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of Mer biandafoantxjiPuce gltrjft per- iss lo rttw is WRW TA t)HO't j gonai attention to all business entrusted to our care Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. oct25 PHOTOGRAPHS. ij, :' miMaci Ini'TeulettW tthe price of j tbe original cost of materials, and tn order to grye,. j my patrons the benenror tbe reducuon xrom ano. after this date Photographs wm be taken at mj Galleryiit,r:0i"'-'1:iI1s. ' .;' . TinmTTfntn ratrr. j.H.ANEsgaT7.hi w i lam T M lUIIIVIt AT HIIJCEB ft DULS. ' J AfuH supply ot Family Groceries, such as No :A. au a ffuuKerex, pew isucxwAeai jnour, lionaero IdsbltotBtooi mm !SHliBixakf8j( B -mocBnea. ana wuieu. uksd as..ww.a. aayoogy. Give us a call HTT.XER ft DPL8.J ' nov3 lrr-iiviv , i TTEAVY AND FANCTfBOCEEDSS M t - l , CaU aivi see t7-port ; HEAVY ANUjEAN.GROCERIES ! ! ! .oi,;'i'aa ':; IJ-o cl : '"ill; ORADSfl j Sugars, Bio. Java anfr Laeuaynt Coffee, , , - Canned Fruits and Meats, Ginger, Preserfis WOrsWtershlre and Pepper Sauces,, Tomato. Catsup, fresh. Currants, Citrons Raisins, Cafidy- and Nutsi ' oSMeal, Pearl BarWy Tapioca and MacaroalDried Sugar Corn and Navy Beans, Pine Apple and Cream Cheese, fresh Gosh-, en BstoryiLaKl to 6V10 iMllnlrocsaiiAfc mantlne, Paranne. and Sperm Candles, all kinds ground Spices, Green ' and Black Tea, Buckwheat Flour and (PestJSrlte, a lot L ox -fen floe. Peeled Peaches, barrel Plcklel, also mixed Tickles, and Chow Chow by the quart, gallon or bucket, White Wine and Apple Vinegar. , Next door to Dr. Mcidetfs drag store.!'"':i!,v oct31 J. M. SLMS. F LOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR Hi iC Jin's '.i'fi Ramsour ft Bonnlwel! Vii.: W. P: Reinhardt's, A. L. Shuford's! CHOICE" FAMILY FLOUR. -ALSO- -VIRGDrtA!AN WESTERN FLOURS.- CORN, MEAL, BRAN. Are Dally Receiving CHOICE MOUNTAIN BUT TER, APPLES, CHEESE, CABBAGE, CHICKENS, EGGS, LARD, AC., &C &C. Merchants and coNsttiritRS are ' ikViteb to Call. Respectfully, 1 ALEXANDER, ft pO. jSOTHEB.i'RESH ARRIVAL AN3P1' THE INB-TS 'OT YETI f '.. ! ;. t . , -jia idJ rar .- FRESH BUCKWHEAT, Cracked Wheat, Rye Flour, Oat MaaJj jrjslv ajid J)Jb)Creain Cheese, Edam Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese, Fresh Citron, Currants, Raisins; Freiifti Candles In endless vl e- ly, also SUck, Drop and KI9S CandiAnd Nuts, fine Appte'bratigesand Lemohs. ". . - ; w.i: AND I N G R O C XB I E S- My stock has no equal to, this plty Powdered, Cap,.69Bnlated, . Ezt "C," Standard ;"A," Yeftbw1 "Cr'aiid New Orleans Sugars, Majile'syriip Tf tuie Drip Syrup and Molasses; Frwsli Eggs; Gosh en ButtefV 54 bushels fine Sweet 4"otetoes, FOR SALE LOW I'i. . .. -Ivl' : ReTnember you tern ' ffrid ariyttiing'TOti may want in the GROCERY LINE, at LeROY DAVIDSONS. nov3 "HE WORLD'S STANDARD. 51 FAIRBANKS'' SCALES. A: For Sale Also, iiM 111 ." '11" - !" r : PATENT ALARMMCkNSY DRAWERS,. Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Futures rally. Tlie InrpircWed Type Wrtterf -' ' ' Oscillating Pump Cos Pumps. j i Send for Circulars. FAIRBANKS ft CO.. 311 Broadway, New York ; ... i'. in'4j;ty:.-.' ri.' i.i-f ' 1 tFbi'iali biT'iidHardwAre De&teb. septlMltaww r-.- -r.-.. , , . ... . Hating. LICHTENSTELN, MERCHANT TAILOR. . . . . . flnA ble colon, in addition lo the handsome line of samples on band. His friends and patrons are in vited to call an4,)eavftj&fcr "laK Dress Bolts a specialty and satisfaction guaranteed, . .... iv-i mm. PRACTICAL TAILORy'' TtE i f OwlncMfcaMscrmeBerpi.uMBiA.wuxmin. tare work very cheap., win, jnake one suia ior. SlO.'Casslmere suits for $8? Tants of ult same rates. I guarantee all my work; no nt, nocuarge. uwe me a caMwui.pcpvTuija. . Has Inst received a nne ios 01 Meuon, tbt, vtt.inrvrz zziZZZTT .rrrr.' 1 ; CAROLINA CENTRAL liw i ' it! -v-iO-XI- i- ill TU WILMINGTON, ! iir, "J.- Jij'j'fij . iJK,VK ol J nH,hin.tt iHtftrm vmvtv t ...rrr"- rrzrrs 4 v .... -. i r. n ..- ,t l JTaia bei Lily eoj business, j bntnetan and all Northern and, Eastern does to Geenne,'Speitanhar;-8Jl Stations : :i!" ; Vsi! f' .... ., . t.,! , '.iU- As well Ks botnts la Georgia, ImoranW! and Rates guaranteed as Low as : X,, Informnen furnished .7't 1 F.W.CLARK, , (; ,i Gesv! Freight Agent Wumtngton, N. C: ' - in 'i-, V ' ' ,r ,- ..... ' Bepi30 ' ' : ' ' - BBB B B BBB B B BBB OO ' A RRR Q Q MSB DDD s g B KB BSK U U A. A KBK U V AMA. a OO A AH 1 Bdi? i, , tIAQRT;SMpT4p, VA, RALEIGH, Aa Quick and Reliable as RALEIGH, PORTSMOUTH, NORFOLK, ALL EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS. Prompt and Careful Deliveries Guaranteed. fcicn2tJ QkLL AT H. T. BUTLER'S Stove and Hardware House for CHEAP HARDWARE OV ALL KINDS. Buy your COOK STOVES 'Jrdta me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do your work Quick and Easy. Cheap and Clean : i BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE " -' They bake evenly and quickly. I BECAUSE - - j ' Their operation IB perfect i BECAUSE They always have a good diaft BECAUSE . ' .j V.'" .,' ." They are made. of the best.mabsrlaL . BECAUSE . - They roast perfectly. BECAUSE ' , ' ' '''r' They require but little fueL ' ..' - -.'i .: -.rti .' I-,.. !-nr,-. ' : ,: ; BECAUSE W They are very low priced. BECAUSE They are easily jnanaged. BECAUSE They am suited to all localities. RCAUSF k" ' ' . Every Stove 1b guaranteed to give satisfaction' omsuNA stateTIottSyT" ' ' A Splendid Opportunity to Win a Fortune. 1 . n'';. . . - -. Eleventh Grand Distribution, 1878, at New Orleans, Tuesday, November 12th ' !,T ."' . ; ':;. . ' r i i- : ' : ', " ' ; . . ' LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. .This tnstltation was regularly Incorporated' by the Legislature of the' State for Educational and Charitable purposes to 1808, with a capital; of OUv.OOli, w wnien 11 oas since annea Reserve rul of &3fin.nOO. ' Its GRAND SINGLE NUM- Tft T5I3TRTBITTION Will take oiflce montMT on the Second TtMday. It never scales or postpones, took at tiie following dlstrlbuUonf , ' ' 1 CAPITAL PRIZE, 830,000. 1 00 000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Half-Ucketa . .i.i One Dollar. :i LIST OF PRIZES : 1 rl tapltai Prize.. : il Capital Prize., i Capital Prize. . ,2 Prizes of...... !,.lli8!PiteM of. .'.'.: 20 Prizes uf..i..; lOOPrlaesof...... ,,2O0 Prizes of..,..: 82300., . 1,000., X i'!'f00i trrwii tWMa vt UW VI - - 1000 Prizes of I., in--: 1 f ' APPROXIMATION FRIZES t 1 i .- :4 , , 0 Approximation Prizes of $300. , . . . l! 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. .. ' ' Approximation Prizes of 100- 4i 185T, PzesranounUng.tov -t , , . r ... fiiqoci ifi't tiiii) Hi.-! MTJ an I 'I .T-V Responsible corresponding agents wanted. Dromlhent Dolnta. to whom a liberal compem t iAppbeatlan for rates to clubs shodd only be made r Write dearly, stating full address, for fortlier, tn- lormation, or-send orders to -1 ' : ' hi vPostooiceBoiWAewvrieejijBuisiana -. T, 3i,iit vmii A nil ''.twA lili'H 1 AU ait BmmI XxtanordlnMT Drawl nes are under BnnaMcInn anf M'nnaMniArtt.nf nonAnila (i T. f vMnMMM M-jnnu :mf.,. ' ' it. hi d jiwriti 1 vr-oj ,tun win Hit' viii-ti Uiv tOrtJf91 ovisLRWRisTO'ft till H ?atI?faetton3l9W A rr cXmJtz $30,000 10,600 ........i. . 5,000 ; 5,000 6,000 .. .i. 10,000 Q0.....U...... 50-,. ,10,000 20....... 10,000 10i'..'".. 10,000 Jl!f fiOl&Vt Ottt JitttO2 I DJIN i? f8T ' j ."Hi -rcfflKr-SliKig? PKPATjcpjwjrp smmmj) snip 9 NORTH CAROUNi-T7,J A ( A J U T Tn k 1.1. pnrKTR soiTTn. . , offers unequalled faculties for the TransporOon tt Chartotte, StatesvttK , Asheville, , Rutherfordton, on the Atlanta ft Rtehtaondr Alr-Llna, and Western N. C. Railroads, . Alabama and Mississippi . ' j ; 1 1 t-i'i'-: via any Competing Line, and Tlmeas Quick.. A, i - 1 .:; upon application to j A. .-mi vviL i.'iioobY,, ,i Southwestern Freight Agent, Cnarlptte, K.' d' '..--I i, ..... . ... 1., SMITH, Agent C, C. Railway, Charlotte.; A AA A A II RRR 11 Ikb? l n h IT t T.T.T.t. R R HAMLET, AND CHARLOTTE, N. C. any Freight Route between EASTERN CITIES, ft ALL POINTS SOUTH. CLOSE CONNECTIONS. 3?"For full information, Tariff, Ac., apply to K. a FINCH, Southwestern Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Everybody to know that the McSmlth Music House, OF GREENVILLE, 8. C, Sells the best Pianos made. Don't forget the best made, and the Organ they sell 1b the boss of all or gans, the old reliable MASON 4 HAMLIN, Also Pelbnbet ft Pelton's, ftc, ftc. Address Lock Bex 15, Greenville, a C. Illustrated CatalccuM and Fries List can I e had to Charlotte hy calling on CoL A U. MaxweU. All orders left with him will receive prompt atten tron. angl8-tf. JEFORE YOU START, INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS Get sn Accident Ticket o Yearly Policy In the - TRAVELKRS At Local Agency of Railway Station. '' PIANOS and ORGANS ! .. At factory Prices great reduction to dose out present stock of 200 new and; second-hand liatru mente of flrstclaas makere, fully warranted, and at prices that DEFY COMPETITION, f ot cash or In stallments. . AGENTS WANTED for .WATERS' SUPERIOR BELL ORGANS and PIANOS, flfus trtted Catalogues Malted.' HORACE WATERS ft SONS, Manu&stoets .and Deelew, 40 East 14th st, N. Yi Also General Agents for 8H0N1NGEBS' Celebrated ORG AN& ' ' 1 J ACKSON'S BEST ; Jll'ji! . 1 n-i'.-i SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO. . I Awarded highest nrizfr at OentennlalExposttioh for fine chewing qualities: tand exoeUenoe and lasting character - of . tweetening : and flavoring, r The best Tobacco made. v As our nlue strip trade-mark is closely imitated bn Inferior goods, see thai " Jack son's Best" 1 is on every- plug. - Sold by an dealers. .Send (or sample free, to tk.A JAiMBQ ft Co., n incture,r8 Peteranutg. Va... ; A BEAUTIFUL PORTRAIT '"' fciiur yakt f.'Hl r.fO'il j.-ifn-jiv.- fiH) .hi! 1 01 any size made from any kind of smalt picture. General Agents wanted In every unoccuDted eoun- ty. Address1 THE AUBURN COPYING CO., Au burn, Jt-Y. ... A DAY to Agents canvassing for the " Ftri sidi Tkitor." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. VICKEBfr, Augusta; Maine. 1 . i I it ,r 1 1 1 11 1, 1 j 1 1 1 1 i,' 1 1 1 1 ADVERTISERS I end for our Select List' of. Lo cal Newspapers. ,.$eo. .P. ;RoweO., Co., 01 Spruce st.N. Y. ' ' : . novl il ii iii-j ri;,). ton i'ru OYSTER SUPPER The ladles of Baptist . churen wtUgtve laa Oyster Feast during fair week in behalf of the building fund of that church. Place and dates announced hereafter. ' , ' ''nov2 2t"-"ilJa ' ' '1.... 1 i.i' gALT-FISH HOUSEr ClBCCERJtES, ftft,. r I have just received 'Corned Trout, Corned Sep tember Mullets, very fine- .Also, 1 Herring and Mackerel Orders solicited.; ;B. N SMITH. ' ' :- CURE REMEDY FOR BALDNESS. ! I w yaw firinucu a uew uxmui ui uui, n uuuii vi MouBt&ches Is' Sctuallr produced. SANDERSON ft CO., B CUatott PUnet iNew York.) ,i 1 . ,t . - OCHMtiOOW (.,-f-jM.r, ,.,.!! -, ,!;-,. TMPEKISH ABLE FRAGRANCE 'JL.' a. ! " !'.. . . . . 1 rtflx '. ! n-j-pi n iji , ' CSLXBXATXb ' isr it' L 0 ' R i ! V i:' 1. 1.11c - i The richest, most lasting, yet most delicate of all perfumes for nee on the handkerchief, at the toilet and tn the bath, denhtfnl and, nfwlthfn tn the sick room, relieves weaknesAi ; fatigue, rostra- tlon, nervousness and headache.. Loo)(row. for ctmnterfeits always ask rotW Florida Water pre- ; .;: ii : !' V'.KJj'H tail?,! 'iU pared by the sole proprietors Messrs, 1 Lanman ft Kenipi NeVYork;rV 'liif : For sale by petlnmerf, drpggtsts aft fancy foods Us ft -v ''' .iofd siUan 1" CITY- ORDDf AKCTJ i XnUmMU , H'lu At .mi'iiji-u ;ub9iI ilhi rfM'dyio u ):T .. Charlotte N. CUct2S,1878,i1 miLLiMM of - Aldermen, of said rirr.m meetinc had on Xotem- bef 13th, 1809 :k twWSaJ fM'H im Witl aS'ji v rx-iX s " L'c-rU; note vdt 'Th Board ef Aldermen of tte cllyf Chartotle, " doidalns thseny person dsWi to exerelB the . office or calling fdrummei or soliciting agent for any person or partners nip, tcsuuhz or ooiug xnau ness within the Mmtta - Of - the- dtyy for the sale of merchandise, goods. area oz -articles of traffic, hall first apply to the. City Clerk for a license, for which license he shatt pay two-hundred and fifty dnibira. (S2B0. Anr nerson vtolatinc the nrovf-' onsmuorduiancesnaUbe subject to a penal j ANTED, : (..- !.'" ' 7''. - ty 01 nity aoiiars, ior eacn ana every ocense, 10 do , eollected as other fines and penalUea,. j-i :! . i The above la a ttne qooy( ( (if - F. NASH, - :.-;so Srtoivt -AUwF&!&PfV!&e' " t ';Pfc-OB Febroary ISV 1870,-; an attempt was made to hare ' the: above t ordinance: repealed; but Sio board refjwctfto d0 ao,,; 'OT'F,1C, C.&T.

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