vl a: h ts hh 'S SVBSCRimONJUTJUj ? " flUV "f,e ' A W f SSli.- m w'A gg r T UrmihM ..1. ..ni. 4 yy Month ' Hf ftl-f ! WEEKLY, XPITIQU i t, s ,jar Weekly, (' m"V vM-.fS, 00 Out of t M cotV, postpaid, ......,... . ? . 2 10 Sit Month w USHMERES AND AXPACAJ& :x;.!:i 1 It- jiut Rttceired another lot of miperior . .i (..."- ..:-.- i null CASHMERE JJ ALPACAS, ;! is; ii: Riinglnc in Price from 25 cento to One Dollar. Pieces of COLORED CASHMERES, all a vw Wool, of superior quality, at sixty cento, woftfe $1.00. Do not tall to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before buying. It wiii pay you. ELIAS & COHEN. B URGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SEALIR IN JILL KINDS OF FURNITURE! 1URNITUBE ! BEDDING, AC. BEDDING, AC. BEDDING, AC BEDDING, AC FURNITURE! FUKNITURE ! A Kurf Lmeof CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES! 1AUNGIS I LOUNGES! or. , LOUNGES I LOUNMB! PARLOR AND C ER SUITS!,, ER SUITS!' PARLOR AND CHA lenr owms of all kinds on band. : .n l.-r.-).'. i-i ' .-..Hi 33-jCOFFINS of all kinds on hand. Na Whtt Tbab Stkutt. . . :- .i : ' iM CHARLOTTE, N. C. .:.!! . "ii ..! .1:' 7 BT- Fine Assortment of Chltdren'4 Cawiages, i ust 8jTivedTCair andWIBenc 1 i i- ;(; ARGAINS 11 5WB KK U URRR WW If n TTTTU SRRR EES R SI UR KM If M H T U KRR N N N II T T T r URRR KB r U RS UU R RJtRK JT U UR RN II 11 uu r RN inr it n i.i ' ! T.VI! AT li-.DIfl E. G. ROGERS' WABEROOMS, ill J .!,,. r Nkxt to PosTomat, A'jltJtlt'k ii'J'jtji'S 1 , fur--, hxu 7 jy' !. rjM Stock Is very Lar , and embacea. a al jine of . .-.,,1 ..1 ..v.yH Hh,nH ."Wftl--. j 'U 'lL!iiiM! ut liiVfVf; -fit f .tl'1i'.:3 Tl'lViJ ' 'iili.rry if' PiBLOtt, CHAkBEfi;,DtN'Nrt ftO0k ' i.f .(iniHrflf Ai)?AH'lXlTA3"U'WaX 'OfO'' officx.furniture ft. i 'jJ.'.'ir.-i,ii ) sTSit.l. .tioyj n ttMu 1 .jjunumuvf .iMinoi .lot iuJ Jii.-ui'l' - 'J iilwn JO-tll1. JrtJ(,,t lillT'51l (Ktirtrft 1 HI t,i-l.t', 1,1-5 ' - r , nil T 1 1 f!0 j(V ift t till . tl? ii'i', Jf 'l t .Vn'-t-5Cti J tii J.ifi rJ(W r !ur't Vt IB tali' .VnOtlot' T :liW-olvrtvfif ( r;h ltl !I-!S1 lit S--l tn i-J -il') ( i 3-rv- !;i at 81 cents. P0S8IBL eMU -now CAN IT BE WONDERFUL BUT EVEN 80. NO USE BUYING CALICOS ANY LONGER. ,".1 i. . il .vi. r.-vi.i . f.-.-'J.i ..V.i ' OUR DBESS GOODS Range In prices from 8 to $3 per yard. There never has been such a display In tnls city and at such low prices. IT IS POSITIVELY TRUE. IF YOU BUY YOUR GOODS BEFORE SEEING OUB STOCK YOU WILL REGRET IT. We nave the prettiest line of Ladles' Neck Wear, ... Viz: . RUFFLING, NECK TIES, ETC., ETC., ever offered by us before. Don't fall to see our ' flhawlsthey are ' H PRETTY and CHEAP. JfJ KID GLOVES at nil prices and shades. ; Ladles', Gents' and 1 Children's UNDERWEAR, .in great ''' ;! dtl '!, in- variety. . ... .r; .-: -. . .- W will be remembered that our Mr. Alexander has Just returned from the North, having bought a magnificent t.i v sen. ? u s SECOND STOCK THI8 SEASON. , Yoii fTiil be astonished when jrou see our. prices. iia elegant i&ne of Black, and Colored Cashmeres, Jua$ received, ALEXANDER A HARRIS, Agents Charlottesville, Va., Woolen JttUls. nov7 ' NDEB THE PRESENT SYSTEM - '"1 '.J.. ..M..i. ' Ji: -:! i- ; V', iii . -.sillli'i-vf ii i r)-1 ,i OF DAILY ORDERS MY BUSINESS ) Has feeen fnereased to such an extent thai I hare been forced to add a new line, pf Goods to my vari ed and extensMVt6ci7 P 1 I have oner of the best stocks of Fancy and Diago nal Casslmere Suits, Chinchilla and Cass toere Overcoats, an4 tFancy Casslmeres In the market Also, a new lot of BronzeU, Brass and Silver Dress Buttons, the' handsomest I have offered this sea son. I A fourth stock of Matlessay and English Diagonal Cloaks, prattler and cheaper .tharvever. Also, a new stock on single and double Cashmere Shawls. A new stock of celebrated' -seamless Kid Giojres, the handsomest and, best goods In the market Third stock of new Dress' Goods In Brocades, Black and 'colored Caihmeres something new in plaid 'Dress feobds. A Catf and see them. Don't forget to look at my Lapnef .Netting nd Nottingham Curtain Lace. sawna stock ef WhBe art Colored i Twietans. AJtaodeovte, stock of Silk and Lace Scarfs. White anoTFarMsr Colors. ATiw stock of Trtmks - . .... i ... i ... - I 1 1 and Valises. I Ask to see Ljen , Collar and Cuffs. Don't for get that I keep a full line of Gents' Famishing' Gooda 4 ;j i ! tt j .! r r ' -! The best Shirt ever offered in the market at one 4frnr, .f i.j.,- s ,i- i :.)!' ' , , Besure and examlae.mj Stock of Goods before making! purchases. Orders for Goods and samples solicited with the assurance that they will be filled at the lowest cash prices. ' T.:li.-SEfGLE, Opposite Charlotte Hotel, Tryoo street. EW GOODS!, I 'M- 'NEWeoODS! .! if "' GLORIOUS NEW8 ! ' t) J J. I ! i! GLORIOUS NEWS ! GLORIOUS T GLORIOUS NEWS ! 11 ' ii -i. lot ii! ; I,;-, v . . : uii; S ii,-1 '.' GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES I GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES ! M.l. An immense stock of ail the Latest Novelties in PRINTS' '.i' Ji iH 's.. t-'.l.A DRESS GOODS 1 itt I ftf.iont iwl -wiirruX BnJ rxuimn uiU X -""Hixs, FURNISHING GOODS,' & k y 1 7. iu t i r ! .Y'VU4i-A li.lV.-l JA3H ASOUOHA'J 25 per.eent saved .to.buylng7at his popular Jes 1 u; tabHsbment ' ; D. .j-it Msa ak;j. , r ! W teian)eaiiime.witoodfc5riiBt! .jin5 U.Ui.lltltlll .411 UHfK" HmA rJifVSK SVKll IK lni nnu ,r. .R KliOlchrj Jlll7 n Ml IKKIri a Mrtua. 4 & MORRIS ft BROS: 1 t ""- , : BeautiluiSBOYS' SUITS, elegantly trimmed If" . lill JtlJ, I)') U I.. .1.1 , ,. L, -) .. L.. . I jk. Jk. -riii 111. . ' . . AW" E II I iU -XTivWWl V III IXV11 VAV. j?T ( - ---! flirt . k'M'.iW Jl.'l J I mil CffikCiQn s' tBretHarte,inestPol .Notjeoirtend, notyeti; . , , , The patient stars . V. M. Lean from their lattkses, content to wait, !' : v . An u mnstontmjthemorafeiebara lip from the levers of the Eastern gatev 1 '' Xii ; -Night Is too young, O friend, day is too near;' i Walt for the day that maketh all things clear .'7?-?'Not ftfyQhkmdfiMt fete : h-.;-4 !'.'? ' '"-i bn -?K '.( f. :r. iiSiJ.'.:,- . 1 jtjjin ) , , . i il l i Not yet, O friend, not yet , . j,r,.,Alllpw$true;..P,,i ,., ttt- ix-m ,H' i Alllsnoteverasltseemethnow ',1 - isoon snau tne nver. take another Dine; , Soon dies yon light urton the mountain brow,1 What lleth dark, O love, bright day will fill 1 !;Nctyet,:Otoveiinot.yet.rTi?,,n. ;!. !:'",7n' ' ' ' ' '1111 I I illl I II I In j OBMEUVATIONS. Advice to Illicit distillers: Render under selzers the things that are seteera; ' miuti.", :,; ..,.! t TJje may'orMempTiis doesn'i know.w with the yKO,000 relief fund left In klsfhi win . w-uio uf puouo. - . The wise man placeth thet stock of his gun tq.ils shoulder before be flreth. but the fool Jooketh down the barrel to see the "ball start Rtitne Sent- nd. - '' ' " ; ' - New York's death rate fbf the summer Is lower than for twelve years past, Somebody must have cleaned un hack vaxd.JFn Pna.-"...." " " Aily never'appears to such disadvantage as when he Is mounted on his head In the centre of 'your squasn pie, ruDDing nis mnd ieet togetnerm tne air. ' ' It was an Ohio man who painted his matches white, so as to enable him to find the box In a dark night It never occurred to him to paint the box. i: What galls a man who has. neither employment nor fine clothes is to have some . one present him with a smoking gown, worth eight .dollars jTyln Lbn: : . .a r-: '. ... V "No dictionary has been made for man that can describe the anguish of the soul without hope." Or of the boy with gray trousers and a black Drpad cloth patch.T-JkTew Haven Begister. ' '. An artist undertook to caricature some of the new bonnets that ant just making their appearance, but his pictures were such sensible Improvements on the prevailing styles that he has given up In de spalr. A Com. Bid. ; The Saturday JEvemna Gazette BarT"nPumbln pies are liepithy , and good. "s Wefafglad there is no serious illness prevailing amohgthem, and if , wicj tuc uuu uicjr will uo uajijii. .... Hon. Samuel J. Tilden has given $250 tome great Catholic fair now in progress in New York, and Hon. Fernando Wood has given 8100 to the same object- -The receipts of the fair so far aggre gate $50,000. i It has now been nearly three days since anybody announced a new infallible cure, for rheumatism and ail bilious complaints and malarial diseases. Come, rouse up, some ef . you. Dont let this old world tumble into its grave for want of a new medl clne.ii Fly around and paste a new label on the old bottle'rsfiraM'tetfe. , . , ... j. ,, . ., :i ' Triree. Vears ago a youilg m'ah graduated from the West Point Smuary Academy and came West and he sought In the' untrodden fields of activity uy :tu uiiuvy w est nwm. iorais aooraig gBiuus,u; plume itself lor flight ' He braced-hts teet as he prepared to, shake the globe, . To-day ,he is the traveling, agent, for a.Ctocwiatl core-factory. ffalokeye. V",, '-.- '.: i'.-.W'.;' u-: y f mm i ; '. , ni : ,:lhe thrisliau lturches. Tath&Editor'et.TWObWveni:'' ',.'.'., ' All prepossessions cor th subject aside, no admirer of learning, -logical acuteness and eloquence could hear jthe powerful arraignment of the Boman Catholic Church by the pastor of the First Presbyterian' Church, last Sunday night, without experiencing some pleas ure and proht, and being tuny persuad ed of the speaker's ability, earnestness and courage iii def encte of his conception of the truth. I believe that:e&ch 'one of the innumerable communjona into which the Christian world is dmded claims to be nearer than any other wh. at Cod designed his Church to be.nd inrliornaiina fwiiMitfiftae tiLiima are aues- tioned, mHgled generally with a won- deriag pitaruf or ithei stupadjty of the questioner, under these circumstances I f ndiriori 44( a i xbtin&B&nthCk hlr iinnn' l "ZZX&lz 'Lr3ZSSZZ r"-i'l 1 1 1 1 U11U III tA III'IIIM 14 III 1 Mfl I MXMII I Ml I I I tne sects to remina one anotner; astney are bv no means 'backward in doing, of those periods in their respectivJu&to ries when they appear to have forgotten their heaveniy mission ana equipment, and have fought sin with its own. weap ons;! 1 :v.i. ' ! ' As a variation of the discussion which has engaged the attention of some of ipr fnr thP rtaAt few Wfeelcs. it the Clergy lor the ! past lev? JV&X would no doubt interest and' instruct some In the community to hear from; themJn regard to certain extravagan-r ciei in opinion and conduct, attributed to sueh redoubtable enemies of the Pa pacy as Luther and Calvin. , T eyil disposed say of the latter, fociexample, that heaianotDe8iiate,oppne Qfptsxon, to avail himself of the arm of flesh in opposing error; and that the!.,Ppor her etic Servetus suffered at the stake at theahc,.w.iththsanc,tipnpfthe great reformer., One Of the greatest of modern-historians says in regard to this transaction; Iianimore deeply sfean- aaiizea at uie Bingte eAeuuuuii oi ocjl v v ius. man um jmciuumua wmtu ua i c blazed iii'the .Auto daTesf , Spain and Jfortugai, l,, Tnezeai.oiinvaiym , seems to havebein envenomB.by persoh4 malice, and. perhaps, envy. He accused - his advei-sarrbetore tneir common en- tteiMYW&W for his destniW'll., wetl trust of a private correspondence. 2. me deed or cruelty was nut vaiiusueu by the pretence of danger.to, the Church or !State. In his passage through Gene va!, Servetus was a harmless Stranger, who neithef preached; rierfprinted nor mndn tifaahvtPkr 'flf A Catholic iliduisi- toi yields the' same obedience whwhhe- iwiHirf 4ml, I'Alvm vh)Iw wie eoHien iTiife-fef 'ooinjHe; would t)e'.aorie y. I vff .1 . inn.- t... ?iz ArTTi,u,.i:i " r ,Trt,,Bituievea wm act miuu aucomwiwi iu 5 tnat,, w goyujwsyti,, wmb tlirions nersiiaaiofUL! Whose integrity : 3.w,, ;WtiStJiS2 of purpose no one can doubt, have beett iM commission.oir giievous ";.k T "S??!.? creeuwieiy - -uy aire wmm wa aw tSir bie adherents.HTwe nave no tusposiuvu to extenuate the crimes cnaTgea.pujiij ritoman uatnoiics. iney awmany wiuj crreat r.Itf isdlffioultehowever, for us itb ftvft. as .man v, Christian people seem'i todo, that the whole system of 5atiiol .Sftm is an emanation fiMeitnd1 'Hsiiurkinc enclusivelT ia iDSb interests of the Deviii w natever may e ri ,oat it.u mpthnd weiar& 1 satisfied that its . 1- , r , j. i, I4-U flmary ODject is lueutiuiM; i jw am umk fA' fnriiirrft' Tnpm' to ' lead , 0uJV liVfeS in tlds.worldd VaewifojCj a''Ti ifvorf 'ftk r.rTfl ntti1" Norma DniroBo1 phy teaefit&HBafc ttIightly skeptical: frame OKmma?woiiisfcvico w sww after trutlu affording them; ft jawgrjara, m MmA . p-x-tfint. ao-amst 'thd err 4nto k frttiitfh nrrr-nreindices are OTDlle w carry iUIH V If UiUU . AV UTO uvuf)wpu, -"Ttr-- 1 nOTWviiAiim. nr r.nis sKeuuiMW' ctdb a- ter we aye aritvedrasfwe tlunfc, at a oiiiftnn nf.-thA vftxftd OToblems which I! .TIT." . ;.1M.A4.n'niit m V xi& the mere nossibmtTOaF aicer au .k JiiU-f ha -rinM. ftnrl iri rrone'iThis KTTieed not detract from .the zeal with . : j r . . .- . 1 : ,f , - 7 ,1 . miirni.ttriniiiiui irfstiattfv; TVnnnciatSoir'Aiak'A&W Terv jropeny su, ui tne .jiAi n . w j MtrtBDioiis orrenaers Hffuinsn,u risn t i brit!there;aptearg MM' a MWer(f i I I a. T . . ' " I " ' ' ...- - - ' M 1 XlflUfIt. XH .141 lljn ritilOA W.IfcT!. .'UVHUW wt a'" i n zrm i yw nu ;a:mQurui it arnlWlWrepnlrecteaals - vlUNse iu. . Ldition MBdep' 'the cH belief that they Oi.a4ravol1ti9 rMTPSi1iradfl H l- I Btuuw r- :-..7.-' . VJUA - fti;trpapM . m l n,iAttr nttTTrvrm urapni'p jtv iiiniiAi-v. , i v. i f , 1 1 nn .. I ir-i uiTrnnriivri vrri Mfl.K 1 1 1 rf -z winnuu mvw n friiJ Ip f I ,rj 'I tlf) in f a -t I v-r j fi, j rn t 7i 1878; Oti 6rowlf Fat or Lean. Having jaid some attention to the subject of t iacasin anrj diminishing the amount of .adipose tissue in the hu , man' fratnei perhaps i; may be permitted to saya;wqrd;oiKthf mtter.'Hiaqoife it ue LUiii.ceruuu kxuus ox met. are more fat-forming1 than others, but it does not therefore follow .tha;t aierson; living oh this - JrindrbfiVdiefcsayr for instance, buckwheat' cakes and Barbadoas sugar will become f atrin many cases which have" 69me :'under iriy own observation all attempts , ,to increase . the amount fit fat by means of a special diet (carbona ceous) have ended in the person beeom ing bilious and' suffering from a cbh- geaitju- iiver, cuha puusupauon Xfu tne otntcSitoiJ, IjhellniQwD. jesoji fat ten on bread and water. The late Mr Swaim, of Philadelphia, f or many years of his life ate nothing but bread and molasses, and yet he was a short healthy-looking man.- Mr. Mechi,the emi nent English agriculturist, according to HWlJBaawnjUiy PJ inereijf TaKipgart extra lumper two of-sugar in his tea Another gentleman hecame fat and ruddy-cheeked by adding a pint of ale .o nis fliiaaay repast. ' i$uv 'ines are exceptional cases. As a general rulef a person in good health, obtaining seven or eight 'hours' sleep per night, and Jiot overworked,, does not get . fat on a mix ed diet, he won't get fat at all, and nei ther buckwheat cakes and Barbadoes sugar nor cod liver oil;; nor any other fat producer will fatten him. . Sound sleep is, one of the best fat producers I know of, and then it has the advantage of increasing the general health and strength at, the same time. : Beware of altering your diet for, the mere purpose of puttmg on more flesh; liesults may follow that yon dream-not of. i- : It,is easier to reduce . flesh than to in crease it as a general rule. But there may; be danger everi here. , -Msmy of those ' ObesQ ; genUemen, who followed the; Banting system, and tried to live oh lean Itaeat, a very little bread, and a glass or two of sherry per day, found themselves with seriously disordered kidneys, the result of a highly nitrogen ous diet They .might have obtained thirt Jbpes'J!()$: which they sighed, and retained their' healthv had they re duced jthe total quantity of food con sumed, , and eaten, less .bread, uotatoes. and starchy food, and more turnips,' caDDages, Deets, cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, and other watery articles of diet..and taken more exercise and less sleep. As a rule, fatpeople are large eaters. They will tell you they are not Don't believe them.hi Flesh and fat are f liofr' formed out ; of nothing. A stout youtn or my acquafntance tora me that . ne ate "a mere nothing, ana only slept four hours 'pejr diem. I 'found that he really! ate as hiuch;at i one meal as I could eat at three; took little or no ex ercise, and slept nuie or ten hours out of the twenty-sour. "Laugh and-grow fat " is an old ; savine. but I - have not found fat people, as a, rule, iniithful,' but, on 'the ;'itiaTT,'T&ther grave. - I mean.' the ve'ry; EatV'not tliC; merely plump. I have,, too met with fat peo-, ple.,,w,ho ..wejre, exceedingly, ,ynervous, , though it i .generally '. supposed that nervous people must necessasily be, lean. r " :i! 1 1 -: ; Current. PolitlctTbjriTheeijt Sat:sficd inn WMh tee uatiocievenho t'raHb V . ;;;;; L-jJm-X), . . - fSneclal Dtsnatchlo the Baltimore Sun. 1 A5HG6K,-iroyi 4 Several1 pro minent . ;Republiean politioians from both the East and the West, who have been in Washington in the last ' week, J have called at the White House and conversed with, the Pi-esident on cur rent political topics. The information which thev have brought to him. , and a i -i aa. : v i. 1 J welters wiucn nenas receijwoxiaie ;rs -to -the condition of public sehtimnty Tii rasi ilt in nntrinhim iri A ffArnft of mind more enjoyable than j any. to whieh he has been accustomed since tekihg possession of the White House. Tins comes not so much from any idea that the fortunes of the Republican party look prospectively very brilliant, although it is thought that the party's chances have picked up considerably of late, fcuf more on account of the er- ona earxQg or xim preseiib iai,Ku. The friends of the President say now that he and they are well satisfied that no further efforts' W attack the validity of his title will be made from any quar tef 'pf'iidiijfflli$bt irebectability. It is alsasaid.in circles . close .to the .Presi dent that after, the electioBaof (i to-morrow the tendency will be;,toaunite the STTt ,L J ' - A. A. " 1 Al "T"k . tfv - vu,l twa Tt fw,t: ITi iXnded" "renew the fiht wit eadmiru8tratip:aS:;Sopn as the N"ew" York custom house nominations were sent in atttte coming session of the Senate. In adhTinfstration circles it is now thought that senator conKiing will not undertake'1 tb '' carry out this threat and if he does the ODinion is freely expressed that he will be defeat led. Senator Cameron has been the recipient of substantial tavors at tne. J hands of the administration since' the 'adjournment of Congress, and it-;is;be- AUis thus happy in. administration IT -1 1 lj.-k.i A. 4- liiiiii.., -.,.4-l.r. ' r,V although not even , the 'most 01 Kepubucana. have! anv hopes of to-morrow's elections beybnd leaving in the aggregate that which they have, because even it;the gains Which are pOT1T,alvaT1;a HhiiM h made it i py. tAthatthpv witl bfl offset bv losses fv,or staW r . - : j ,rfM. rLOUISIANA REVENUE FRAUDS From accounts, oificial and otherwise. which reach here from Ix)uis4ana the revenue is oeinc neirauuea. nt xnat ate fully as much, is not mdmjthan. the moonshinei's of ; gia and the caroimas. jsu .An&fmnier mi atl - hai revenue collector long ago made- ap- otftthe Umtted appropriationtf "road it imoofsiibleTu iilv& the'! iiMJi'Bftse. It is in Louisiana escapes payment of tax. ;; I 1 . pi(s. y Expresing Hie Message. A. writer latneoston traveller tellH how the President's message was one beforettbe Says of railroads, expressp wl "-frnm Prnvidence tTTlnstnn a diU tane of fOrfy-fewo miles intone homri and forty murateSH it was done in this' way; rostboys were , smioned along Wely nitt& fjpmessage'Watied arounua wnip suck ; ine neeiest norses weTCselected mv1 est ttders. As the TX)stbOT.aaw.messenger coining he started, got his own horse well go fes tM.he M T iA. X AZ. . A. A JT A. . J : - II i.aanaiiTwi ..r.niLiHfinm ,hiw.v.t.ica .mum m - JL MlTI WMWVM? V u kiob mewaur 'la wiexase waswuuwi aw UJ . :-.'.'.;:r:, :ul... "l r lui 1. to go :jwrjfche-rauu between thejTtWo: ."ioities!tJI'r"l V-iwiHlrfO Ta : --i. tic.il I ill I I w 11 r 'A. ' - J "k a. A a A. a. - a. -A. lw J V II J UJi v -,1 f I lit II Ii L- 1 , . l . j.r: v m 1 a v m -i 1 - flB v " r w-r in m . nam 1 m v "W' - :UL ' .:, X. I I m : I I L I i. M- f - II I H; V" r Ii I . I I I ft 4 II W 'SI JA'l lt. f - I .'VI i tf 'H':n-"vVitwa. the Sdentlfie American. 1 There is no greater1' fallacy5 than the opinion of many, particularly the young and strong and vigorous, that whiter especially a sharp, frosty oncviith plen- I'ty of snow-is the most healthy season or the year. V ery few seem to realize the fact that cow is. the condition of death, and 4 that in warm and cold cli mates , it is our. unconscious efEort to maintain our ? bodily heat at a tempera ture of ninety-eight degrees that;wea?s. us out To this , temperature; called f blood-heat," every cubic . iuchVQf oxy gen that, serves, to vitalize our blood, must be raised by our own; bodily beat, or life ceases; Since in cold weather the maintenance of a stfticiently eleva ted bodily -temperature bect)mes' ' yery often a difficulty too great for our strength, the advent of a severe winter is really more to be "dreaded than a visi tation of a pestilence The saying, "heat is life rcold is death," has a strik ing illustration and confirmation iii the reports now regularly submitted by, Dr. Husiell to the Glasgow sanitary com mittee. The death, rate rises, and falls with the thermometer. So many de grees, less heat, so; many more deaths, aid piQ$ perm. In one j5t his fortnight ly reports Dr. Russell says:; "Tfiie death rate in the first week of the fortnight was i twenty-one,. and in the second week twenty-five, . The mean tempera ture in the former week .was .de grees Fahrenheit, in the latter 39.5 , de grees." He attributes the low rate of the first week to theUgh niean tem perature of the preceding fortnight, which was 47.03 degrees, and adds: "This is a good illustration of a law Which we frequently observe in ; these reports of temperature and death rates that , a week of low temperature pro duces a rise in mortality the week, fol lowing." In our climate it would prob ably be difficult to find a more frequent cause of. serious ailments than , taking cold. . Whatever weak place, we have, whatever constitutional oisorder we may be subjected to,, cold will surely discover. We take cokl; because, our vitality is too low to ward off the ef- f ects ot the reduced temperature around j us. As a matter of -first importance, i then, to resist cold and , the various de-j rangements.of the system . consequent, ! it is necessary by proper nutrition to 1 maintain our natural animal heat ; j second, to retain this! heat try a-suf- ! ncient quantity of clothmg; third; 'to regulate with care 'the temperature ! of the air We breathe; Contrary to the opinion current among lovers ' of cold weather, a Are in a bed-room in Oie winter is cheaper ad better than a doctor's bill ; forj lowing to our. inactive condition during slee& the ; circulation of the vitalizing blood is both Slow and imperfect, and hence the .danger of taking cold by breatlihig dbld1 alt, is greatly, increaseSC! A. cold is the be ginning 'of everything "that1 'k bad. If any one, conscious of having caught' one vfeelscold chills creeping; up the. back, let aim applyi t a nsuBtard . piaster to tlie i bottohi ot .theffnspine and lower part of the back at once; ;and by so do ing he may' avert' a dangerous illness before it is too late and medical advice can .be procured.1 - I&should never be 'forgotten rrthat sheat' isi life cold is death." : . ;!: ' t . Face isFace 'with Dead . ,v ,r. '- i 'tF'.rrtfTjnes.'i None of us can know how we might, act in a supreme -moment of revealed fate. .JolrbillOttf i Norwich, a pistol-maker, was walking on the railway track at Ndrwich Fails; Friday night, hi ia-nfofnti wTierfc' there is a double switch, and' 'accidentally had one foot i aUght in a 1 u frog "in sueh a way - that he was; unable to extricate it. A north- errr" bound 'train was coming at full speed, and Conlan, finding himself una ble to escape his doomjwlf turned, in hi chained position, and faced the en gine in a defiant way, and almost smiled asit struck him. His Iwdy was fright fully mangled. i. ... f A Rich 4ocky. Wm. Barrett, one of Mr, Pierre Lor iliard's jockeys, is said to be , the richest jockey in America, being worth over 820J&00. and there is but one richer jock ey in the world, of England, Barrett, , 1 J 1:1 .p.' 3 1 V wno weignu uut douuus wueu iie rode in Baltimore week before las, has increased rapidly in flesh, now, weighs , 115 pounds, and 19 too heavy to rid6. It has been ascertaihed that Barrett has been, starving himself the season to keen down to the reduired weurht'sUch being the , custom of all jockeys. Wheii . 1 l 1j j: ; a. V, T. .', . mey quit niuug viiey uewjuus., tieavy very rapidly. A -GENTS WANTEr-For the best , and 'fastest JA. selling Pictorial Books and BIblesi Prices re duoed 33 per cent. National PcBLisHlNe Co., . 4w. , . rnuaaeipma, jfa. HOUSEKEEPERS. ' if ; A Postal Card sent us with your address will in-, i.h. fM. In whim raiv TUiiafratAI fHnmilnra nf ntAff I House-furnishing Specialties.' PalmhrJcSiijuton Manutacturers, 281 rean street, xnew iotk. 4w. GENTS, READ THIS. W4 van nav Asents a baiary oi iuu pee month and expenses, or allow a large commission to seH our new and wonderful Inventions. We rnrnxn what toe soy. Address, witnouiaeiay, oACitUAi Jtarsnaii, momgan. w. - The vm- best goods direct from the wnjwwers at AaiCthe usual cost Best olan ever offered to Club Agents and large buyers. All Express charges paid, i New terms free; Tax Great Amdekicak Tka Co., , P. o. box, 235. 31 4 H3 vesey t, ew Tone 4W. JW RnBLOW!..,a3n ,a Wihlihi?. A Parson's PcECATlVK-i Pills make New Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the snare system in wiree menus. , Any person wno ce one piu eacn mgnt irom- one; w tweive, maybeiestoxedtw"..! .kiim.i j m.j 11 VfU.iil .fSilOi'LLiiu i-'!r.'f If such a thine ter stanips, l gessiroie f "Seat bj1 mall far leV5 30HNSON A CO., Bangor.; Me. A GENTS WANTEft. .. i i -KrfJwifjptM- m1--LV-'A 'R K ' T r0 ?D--A ' W N . i.iwJIima Tti CaffJ u-tt uvrt ,-i-.i-,ii!i,-) In thw new voluliw the Pcpolar Author ef Nlght Scenes laQje Bmlepcilafaywitti vivid and thrilUng. force and eloquence tneerentsoi sacrea trutn; ana aaas iresn lesuntouy uy iue, oeuiy, , ixmuob; uiv suDiimny or tne stones xne mole." Agcinw wm There in 110 68ihptWi)a Between It and the com mon 8lowglnfl Brgt)ftpUateri. It Is m every way superior to all other external remedies Including iintmmts and h sc-earted'IetrieaKMDliarioea. wnicn oonx it extruordin onrative dto- locautvi will nfirra the "ahovei fltAtement. TPor-Laatt-iBack,' Mbnmatl8aiil!Buae weaKnasStScaoDont snaxneg lected IXMOS-ana ixngssjuseasea Ajuaew " uwim . -mACmu. Hi rt fr.nn" mfl toll it'o trvW PiwnjiN , Plaster and taker BO'Otiwni'Soldi bv all -rugglsts.- Price 25 cts." Sent on receipt ot price, by ftutBCBY ' JOHUstw, ? Piatt SU, Kew York, ima niis rxiOKwnn iw sparag ujouenia, growing tviA. hrtlfut ermavlnm: and rich bindlnKS. the hest' to 1 the1 majfiet' ',1eria9 'llberal. Circulars ti;in-inrr- m.-t rtn'.'.tfntn . .. .1.1 L' till 1 .I li t II.., ' III 1 ' " ' - .J I l( ! ) f ,)jl "i i f i 1kM f'iiJ -rf- G HARLOTTE SUCCESS. I it -.! .1; ' MOTyrniifraKpntQ vr ' r i XTBAOBDINARIL Y L4BGE POBCHASES- -THWFAIV Ji. -.! AND RKGABDLK88 OF TIES ATTKHPW FBOK AIX qu- - '- Tins to Braser th tad ; ' - FROM CHARLOTTE INTO OTHBjKfNHKLS, - i -ii ;. . ..v . . Yet the good Judgment of the people on the one ; '. . , hand, and my superior advantages mjmr- ' chases on theother hand. -HAVE OVERCOME ALL AN UNPRECEDENTED GOOD TBADE, So much so that I am now, when most merchants have scarcely received tnelr mar stocks, gone North for a gggg BBS COO " OO HIT N DDD 8, O O O IJIJ-D' D i; SB - O CO OK RHOkD .,fB8:KHR OOG . OO -,i ! - it: pp: ,U RRR COO H H A O H. fpr R' S 5, !KWfA-79'fT j p oO b h coo H grlW ii ICR' i )V AS THE FIRST BUSH NORTH t IS NOW O t. V E B I shall be able to obtain many bargains, the advan tages of which my customers shall secure. To all who went North lor their Stock II would respectfully address myself and beg to sug- l gest an easy and cheap 1 method" ' of replenishing r , - . .. 1 ' . i-i .-. I , . i To aU, old and regular customers, who. have bought, from me this season, I would say come j! again, oar SKUOUD STOCK in all, departments: ' will be complete In ten days., ; , . ) 7 Respectfully, 1. i' i. i . a WITTKOWSKY. REMARKABLE I OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. 1-1 OUR ASSORTMENT LARGER THAN EVER OUR ASSORTMENT LARGER THAN EVER. Our Prices Less Uuuiany other House. 9ur Prices Less than Any other House A fine and well Assorted Stock of Ready-made Fall ' . : ' i , . . . . -.1(1'! and Winter COO L OO TTTT OOL OO T a L OOT nr H'n Wi n Umo O O L O O T H n u If if n U W3 BUS UJi OOO OOO W OO , T U. rooNsisTimoF MEN'S, YOUTHtSyBOK'S AND CHILDREN'S, ian be Found at ,lil!- W. KAUFMAN CO8; . . , I : I ii. if ii!.r, ;i.;- ?V ; . ! - Springs Comer. Charlotte, N.iC. t ! I i ) A veR Assmted Stock of .! BOOTS, SHOES. FINE G AJTERSi 'HATS & CAPS, i i-Hi-1 lii't'i' i. Illj Jil. I . . :l- i; (': in Aiways QB.aann, a neuuecu nqes. . t - il i GIVE US A CALL BBPQO 1 1 1! it'fi ' . - i! 'ALL 0PENIN.OF.ii! ! I, 14 Jiij;i ; f I'll;!-;;, t i ii,-. ',y, ( i j-. .i .i i i Ml lllft I Jl.'ll . JiiiT ..' 'i-l , 1' ! .! 1 Ii !', !!, ; .ii Ji UfiMiy. i; : i.i. '!FiNE' iS'HI CiM ! iuli; i H ilr.ih ii. i-- sru ; iiiimiisi M NUN M IN KN Ji: v - . 1 i'l' .it . ,llT'.1.!' . s? -(Fj;'ii!. -iAWI)-' ui 'ft ;..! JJ.i M ' ! i l- . -.!t,,-ii ! . .... 'i VAKCY DRY GOOnS.1 i ': .': .'itff.ffl "cl; if ;?-f lif iiiil' Ti1'tl-Frj5 f)'hlrlfi . .frt'lMM'il.) i" Is; i.lfioU . Wkdhesdat amv Thvbsdat, Octobkk 2 8ruJ A:-iiU Of -! t .VV t i. ,i'UL 'tiljtlj frV I jmi; JtM'rtKimjt- fH M(,l -nfi i -h'ftni'l i mhf jiittwri tun ,t 1 iti ou r-:iI Imi; j-tn-iii knit ) in .t .iii : Grandest dispUY or ftnb 'o6iM ! It ITt "tit.tjfifl-rtjt 'llijt.yIJ.-..I tu I I.. ' ".y'.n Kruno - .ilHUtrltX,. ' T k"Iji.i:'5T w-tfr, j C-l V-i' -i f Ui si " HVl1 iff an J t 7s to li'iin ' -jut utft i -i act ,f ,-ii1-wIf flirt tee irWjinito -wpK -m. h done. wilA nminMH, dispatch noocr h and dfafenesfti m$m ft, rf Short BLANK BtLjy&fUm A TT tJiVi HT -mnKM-UMABBrGAltDM, . PAMFHLETS, CIBCtiLABS, CHECKS, da ?oM- ' ' rm y. 'XJm''. Uh'i.' -i!tI 1Mb; Kiu);fiu?tlti'ii 1 1 mi h r IT .br hniil J 0W OFFER (T0 THE, TRAOE- A FULTOC Hi is . juixti-ihsiiirSl r.tnr. -Ant I . .j.j;-..' ri;:j.) Qpii ui Ju t sHA il i' 'i-'i '.;-..-.-.l' i-MitJ iTil l-.-X-ilt " ' t ii :i't'.!-I)ii niaffciisitJOuMr Fur Beaver Overcoats, ,!H(lfJl7, m.nl :& ' .n'-;:);j!ivj f, icjluiil-iHi Plain Beaver, Bluen4 BrownJf UuL lrb- Light Weight Meltons ll 4shadeii. " j-.i.k;i;; m -nrti;Q. !i .i-.y i fjAlextfeavHyklK'Pa; Mini' oyHn VBhJf ' ' ': ' : i;i v fiiUHHl IliO SACK, and JROCK SfJITS at exemetojiS ftrJf5J '.!'" ill .j.i. . , BLACK D! 1 11 r . 1PTT Sea. ill a888!..!!i.) ,j t ( ' ) l ' . fj; it ,r:l'l lil'-i': ':' vail 51 . 1'. . -.Ji .j ?;u,rui7 rii .-,r .d !m; r.iTM-j "vjiitih Jivrj-njijhd sifr. . ..I; !.. r!-.'.;!;-! -ytTtloit yjijnii-. ,Y1nllWF!i,," '"'',ni 111 Ui' "1 f - iiil'ml .1J ru" Th nest selected SMek tnii hat ever been Wought to -this "mnrfcety n lima lowcrt -prires thai I I- '( H' ' , call early. an4 see m, so that xqu, Ighl gel Jhe II'!,.. ',,1 ifi, Ukalik.iriRwl I !'! i-i!l Vf " - UR'tAS! try iITCI; S'l ' ,;-,hay: spLDSO i'trfiWOTi .Hi fi".! ! VHWS -ii.i'tJy.. .yjuieV ..) ,!. iv- iiiiii'i: ili.ii! V i'" .ii iii ivTwlti Hnrf'VMi? rBisjiretp;'' chase. -ii' -i tfjv1' .Ttn:ft7ivi i .V;n; i.U Ir. ii, -tiilj't Hi'. -;".HlIiini ' : You will tfed'an1 feksjant 1 line' ef Laaies' ! Vests and Ladies' ajjd1'ChIla ,n, .aO.at bottom prices, at I4t ' BA1uneBA; TROTTER'S. Tt,'i-i "in i . .ihf n.'i .K'Ai'W. AEEKANDEB, 'l nf .-i'I -iti:i I'ifiin i I i v ,wijf - -'.!' );!" iu.---H;'.y Jrj;! ,.iujj'til;! MC-iltli-, rttAl il.O.t'.Jt !. .ilH li-iU i'in;i-Miii r-wl ' j : j I J ?li; r!H il (7j ,-5n . .II. With 5 JeiaMj eiprien'l'ioaTBJ entire l riii i'.l iliU.-Ml r-MH lUimll'if,):i . satlatactlon, t . .',nifr( fl t?i' H-tiiio-.. vjiKim .wi( -i.ij jJTUi:iiT..i TlXWlLfofclaiRBlSON,; .i'j;d itilI." . iff ,i ' i: i fTf: )rHH;.'t J'.HfmJli. "' AUCTION Wnd' COMMISSION' MERCKAlfT8. :;i!--' ,'! ;?. 1 ia'liS!i i In'l . iii- Buy andteU'on eomalgintent- tmi kinds of, tfef. -a ltw'fi i1l to vod.ryif .ii'tra Bhdl8efCoxutrj.(P per care 'F'doors'cV 'il1 . OT't j-i-vTTip. .imi.iri iiikfllK'J eet?a. jiifelgfyjoi'liTtiti 'la.I u:(:n 111)3 t.i-' ilii'!l uy: hi.. I . .11 f 't1it-in tlltiJ'IH'l PHOTOORAPHS. yrtl'l JHiiUrt: wnlthl j; ;y Ji imfl iw li-thf lojjn ., iconsnWtfthf tlW ftirMiPPf 01 the wrttoJiiwdrtaUv p4 .tojpir, give my patroms tb benefit of jMerand ttlrtithM 4aotpl.j )S mf lleiy rtiis.l kh'nbumi , .liiuissloT! REDUCED RATES. -V.i n 861)122 MTTV J. H. VAN NESS OUBKREMFpftBNESS, sbo 'wm agree to pay tl. when a new growth of BahWhtsters or MoMhea to aetoaUy produeed. SANDERSON if ca.'Sautonflaeti Naw Yorkitffii;iJ il A tk. ' i . At M-m A m nfhsjKamb'eVpyMsaati&? The'fint.itAd oldest ad- ;ost , HUemanure madeJrmi chemicals In th4 .staMjin .others ar meie imitations.' One tbn'W-2200 lbs-eae less la, instructions and thrt7fwn te.your State, to kin utnjuira w., '-'T.:'PT. Pt. Md, . iTriwi-jtt.ojii'i 'tEvX5IAmOWGn iiMtu "n.icifroa.M'11 m ?oi?f'tt ; ; . Havlr parchased . the ont.gnt ot aj. a WALKik'S ImprovM Cotton Oln;v Leather' Brush idtu for - tb 1 States tCcth CaiollnA and JTaimessee, I30wiwiiiBdta f4.Vintt and - Its aavafttag ove"r the Kristie Bru ar r j r . 1st It will gin wnt or damp cotton as readily and an sTiiirr Is IT it w3rry 4tlu Tne mu is eooat u noc superior w wai ffiuMd w the Bristle inj&teo T o . i 1 1 "Ar vlTdsoihjwmit44uyi&hej aiitensjlven il31TOoappcimfjoa m i i 'JWiVU IillWI tifiUiri OJ3Ul)HWJQTl t-hiJ mtfit li a.Tato psteht, both for. Its pne-s ,nd ,L eflV lAncy 1s di3edli the.beft L.... out. . T . , , r. wanted: to whom I niA- -cavHSeraUr. If . nmnio Jn-Vt 3aIJ ill kJKJ HM -ptl4dlrawtoi: htu: nkfcWWpEBv x k A-M

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