"t! i6,fMWW I . W4T? aT a !- --ju; i i-h iiiBdidj ur x m 1 1 a .ilUli;j SVSSOKlTTlOlf MAIMS t, 1 1 Jars 55 if If All V3fl3K3;.JiiT 1'c?3.H3jri 0U VtOUV.O "H JtftiV-4fKrt rff ,l i na ; fJrriH!S. 1 BUXSTjCCZBKJIWi : , , ' ynpH ol :t-Ut.5f toiilJany W ;KSH ! u-:m,q uuftvM mVV : -ywjKiU 0ilTT-J.".J .VO: .KtXuJ , -tift, ,it,, .,,,. ,.-,: VJ.(1, r,,h,, IV -Vu'.'. V a.iIX .?.: bills i -w.--UHU-TlJ . HvMKi-tV uiiAiltl -un ! , ,n.ummirn ureini))j. hili in hhiiii: v & i f yol. xx. sill 4fA 11 1 F Mil? is! i . ji ii it no 7 fl .r . .-- r lsHMTrara AND JJJP ACAf, c Just BeceiTed another lot of Bupertor : ,'M.':i. 7ii.'ij-J vJ'l ..if'' . 4 ) CASHMJHES AP ALPACAS, Banging to Price from 25 (cen$ to One Dollar. ( (4 yew Pieces of .CdlpdBjiai; pAttXttO, all (A Wool, of superior Quality, at atxtz snW,- worth $1.0a : r 1 I ii.; !i ..(i .ii.i. .; So not tall to see our LADIES' CLOAKS toefore i . . ti tt !. Ul. bujlng. It wiii pay you. . f ELLAS & COHEN. ! 'T B UBGESS NICHOLS. WHOLESALE ANT) TfUTTAIl 1 .J !' I "l- -i:'! ' i .,, .(. il :i ii .m; ! BTtlCT - .t f I .'.'I ": r tVO fi I) I IJ'J ri Ajt,i ;tyr - - TURNITUBEt BEDDING. X : ro,'iJ''j-,BEafIS,'Ac. BEDDDfe a - ' ' - ' BEDDING, &C FURNITURE ! KUKNITURII - ! .-.l.lii.l .Ul t..!. . if.'.Mt lil.jii.'; '' A l-Mll Line of LOUNGES 1 LOUNOESI : i .I.. 11! LOUNGES LOUNGES J LOUNGES! LOUNGES 1 PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS 1 . PARLOB AND CHAMBER SUITS t . IV COFFINS of all kinds yn hand. Or COFFINS of all kinds on hand. 4P "i , '...!; . i. i ;.." ' ' l!!':"'. li ;i ; ' '': i .!.!.- : .:). -ul'. ; . ) )iij v:i.r.ii- : tn--; u' .;i,r,n (! 1 . - '; - JiinU.ii . ItailWuiTEiDxAnaR. iM : :'l .J-Mt:'!. "'tt .. ; , ! . ? , ' .- ,; . . . i ..... . j CHARLOTTE, N. a , . i'v;i.i i-nKiiir'. ". -. - Ladles sjkfHenlleTiiey'Btrri One suppljU; , hi w:'- Wtir-- -It u.u? B A&6AIN8 ifrirr::-. .y.. .-. . ,u-.:.;.:ri-.!iH I .i-iijiii'ij iii!.; e!- ! ; . 1 !. K. i-l'.l: i-.'ftr. i?':::,-i . " r '. i 1 j'-r.-i i-.UK'K ' i ii : itia f 1 i L Dt fll'i'f .'i I''.li -i r. KK U U BUR NN II T U CRRBH 'in '.Vii.iHi.- - . . .'.ill" ' At .. , . - f.i.l - . t '!:! E. tt. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, ; ' Ii !j-I!-t.. I.'i -. .'1 J .ii! i NJHtTTTO POSTOmOb Hy Stock ts very Lar, : and embraces a Full Xa&i of A ! ... it'? ..l-.ini ' rw-I---r' fnii-vH'iX u ' .. . !,;; i.j ... .-.-KHiIi tli'jt.-. io hj ,s!!i.jr; ; FARIXRV VHAltEEBj DINING 1260 . n-. .-1 m: !-ri i;w .vjil toot Jaiw n ''I .rl.fis '.tJ.I "'! J4HU .-rilqtit ii" s .i - !'.: R.P i 4f .mn ';. ,,r. ..iijrrrs-i-.oiroi-2niral fesl! ; -tiv-.i-,:in;H Al !'-' -talul lllW 'Ol If ...) -j; i .mvi-.r. .jitii.rj -w ia.1riJft'ittlS5t ; AU Goods Paciea Tree of ciiarge.; ; di.:i;, .1 Tuition 1 CARPETS. Of all grades and qualities. Baagbis bn Net from t&cebU ttpwardsc This lar'MsortarieirlrieraSriuc Beautiful Brua seia, whlcn outstrips toe pretentious stocks of even if , large cities, la not w De met wit in Ketau carpet"t 8ureTnimie or-'new 'xonc er Bos be seen at our store. . . , nit five WE HAVE CgMfXEE ARRANGEMENTS Vtlh mA I'K a Aim aabm. kuu. t Vn VJ. ' AMU VUV VI UV UWM nim iigiBQO fVQ. UFtAJ' su iutu we can snow you, as u were, ai your bwd door, a New York Wholesale stock, which Is done through the medium of a Wonderful Invention. RICHARDSON'S CABPET EXHIBITOR. This wonderful piece of lgeuulty ( i: i-'T J, a SO arranged that we eau pbw irem.iaUT&rd sample, as m wera, xuouBaaa xaras, or in outer words, It multiplies the sample a thousand times, malchlni? It rrfvlv and mnlrtnir It annoar wist an matching tt perfectly and making It appear Just as TZji?iZ Si it nniM mnlA nn anH nalltwt nnnn tha Hivnr oiuff f" wnW-WWlTO BHTJ Will W shows it better than when rolled out the old way, r.n ailiAn llil nn W V This elves all the opportunity of selecting from, a" We shall be conUnualry suppUed from our N. Y$ WhnlAaalA RnnaA nrllh ull tha nA oHiIao ind vn rfej V - ties which no merchant would be able to carry in stock. t - Thus relieved of tlbordefei baking no Interest or money Invested, no remnants to take off profits, no old stock or unsaleable patterns left as perma nent Investments, we can afford to send and get you any style or pattern you may select without ex tra charge, and cheaper than you could buy the same were you In New York yourself. t We have entered on this enterprise not fronki semsn motives aione. we consider wnen we oner In this vicinity a stock of Carpets to make purchase from, such as they could not meet with In any re tall, store short of the , largest cities, .andproi selling them at very low figures,' that we aave'done them such a kindness we are fain to telieve it wtU note unapptciateL , ak.eitiv$aeaevre ment of your room, and we will pledge ourselves to suit you in pattern, quality and price, and furnish you the carpet In the shortest possible notice. Carpets cut to tit the room, and made up If de sired. Very Respectfully Yours, ALEXANDER A HARRIS, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Carpets, nov23 CHARLOTTE, N. C. VyONDERFUL, .Mil"- jJ.l' - Li )!. ''' BUT NEVERTHELESS TRUE. j A Fourth Stock of DRESS GOOpS Jn six ( weeks. Black : and! Colored1 Cashirieres, Black and Colored Alpacas, Bunting and Brocades In all colors. . 6-4 an Wool Plaid Dress Flannels': " V : , for walkiuff suits to plain luadesvi i v Please remember to look at my new Stock of Oil Cretons. that have been so nomilar this sea son. I have JMiMoelveii. beautiful Stock of Dress Buttons, In brass, silver and smoked pearl, the handsomest I have offered this season. i Silver and Gilt Edge Crepe Llsse, Gold dot 4 Brussels Netting, tne newest thing m . . t rrk"ii;'- T 0 ,O,,WWWW N If If T OO W, W , UN , Don't fall to look at mj Cloaks. Shawls and Balmorals. The handsomest stock of Ladles' and Children's Fancy Hosiery I ever offered; be sure arid esaislTM them before rhastrig s; 1 ill ;!riilui!"'.'" l3.'ll . UIHi 'jiri '. l )'.; '' ' (y Be sure and take a look at- thTBeV8tock of White Lace Scarfs and Handkerchiefs. Another lot of those Blankets, cheaper than ever. In fact you can always find something new every day add ed U-my stock, as I am reoeivlng goods dairy frqm NOTthem mailLets. -'- &T.Ti may be truly said that I) keef tte Em porium of Fashlo in Fancy Dry Goods, -bun-' Prompt and- careful attention glren to all orders. Respectfully. T,&i Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. noi LI1IEW GODDH-fiii l- fltfi mov n -wlT I TIW GOODS tint U t -NEW GOODS Ki-ihw si Hi!.- ,.1.- .m... uu.iwi bs: miuqoa r-v ! rr.f C 1-fii: inn AitM ,!:! .Jjrl t.-li. '"'' OMI0TJMrvS1 .lolitwnl .-.'t !.'!! Tlil:iI U hii.l.t liU'iJirl Muvi.i.'lM- -i.t (ftbimot -j-lif f, Bif 0ftiJ.!-: ;. Wi 1 '-lllil Hll'l 5..; i ) i t3LOMOUS NEHW! ' i, . 4iJl Oil! (IMO Kll I(Ii t:it .'.'I I:-J;':: ' i , .i,-.:i w-'iiix .trtlliM;!' n-in!'5j ."lu "J t--h t. i;Txl ir s ?o i'.i- liU voi; b-.vuntf GLOMOUBTCEVil'! f-.Y hi .!- -rnrfjOf .! t i GLbRlbesiwsV,,'' i () ; ! 'i' .... l . . GllT DEGLIC4E IN PBJUKS J.: I:,, A t mi HI von ; An RIMEHSE S0CKof ftfJp J-, I! .. veil livdh 1! !A tilhX!-I .Oblnw" IflOll I .ittilfiS, lo.s vi riiid w..Uid"J HilviiiuodT w ; -7 ()Wrf3 J1!1! lullilAScOuK itJni!7iil; jf 1 ik? .a ti ,fOl alee "vo i DRESS GOODS 1 RRifiY-MADicTHli?G.'f J i I BOOTS AND SHOES t !ln ; ii-fs fifiii 15'Mi .-JcttolmoD jifTtdr-i.noe HATS rURNISHINi GOODS, Ac Hil!l . !! JlI 8 jeoani save IrftwfrW athfi PO0uW eJ Ushment. !a. Every man,' womankind citfd; is eordlally invttedj to call and examine .our good8;; ,.?,h'i minA ja .TCTTMHT A Hi3HflAU : ffL'VOfT 1 .ex00 11 kWu. . B.-J JSTOH KIATtJOK eKI H. MORRIS & J3T0H ZUTZ-JOK $ i'I3l i iu -Wdif'dtfi Janwaaufiflx iti-iituiudl tos $ mitilentilBliBOWuri fttlte!fcedltate j aim- ; It left urion her tender flesh no trace. The murderer is ssferjAViapilft as light The weaDon fell. aiuL. In the summer nltrhL 4,JWd scarce the silent dewy atr displace- ... , 1'Twas but a-word. A bloVhSiflbeeiileki Daev. ; With heat she turned la blmd and helple Bfelit T: Butthen remembered, and with piteous face ;f , I J A: "Came ha-k '.V , r i.v. mtsnoi i djt-'- .' BlnA lliin, Mia nil4 liai nnMMAli in voice or smile. But she each day,'., j nnrs MnHI how rtvlm visa iwrmnlaro ... .lUiX. .iJr, in! ItBOWWYYVrAmrianfehamQlraa mul Ada, ilnlh Mno,-11'1 1 '"Oh lips which I had Wed and kissed andkfssecC Did T Hahaiva tn HI o-thla hIttAKtst. H7ur9" ' 1 UiJ4ii O USE It VATIONS. T.am.AmA IKw. AIm l-Knl-. m a-m on AonlrAAni - a puuib uu a peilim, H .puiuteu juaVO, iuu oil ap- pointmeniwitu-the deBttsi. There are three things1 which all meitf Itorrow postage-stamps, cigarettes and car tickets. There are three tilings no woman do onwa befar a Borsev hurry lor a horse-car, noti HBdaratnd,UAdWfeinn!fl hatwaen ten minutes 4 t updewtiind, ib diffepenee btwen ten minutes - There is on exhibition in a ; New 'York -Fifth" 1 awoue window: an elaborate pyruBld. crowned by. Goddess of Liberty, and with numerous ooniD&rt-! -ments, in which, are piaped cvlorel leaady jKreB, orrangea to. mustiwe American w&vmo&vama. i iv "was made entlrelThT hand and la valued at&l.SOfc' We mav now exnect to hear a St Louis hiHnorist piece ol confection, to put lntcv ChlcagaJaellefs j i -mm.n nm,n, nirTi.. TT WOmaB USUSliy CaiTieS e- iAWwiBne lievtit nmembersC )ntil after she e- DoMflefDK Ivokmr 1 or ttte nurse! and' Ad al- ipvrtlseaiehtfe4lwMa a reward gS2 ftS "8 0W11 OHOOTaKer m- asked, that sheuald dnHtoods store whBeshe stepped to the shal dcpartisetit' to see if another womanfs new daess was -fHiiHj aew or an old one flxedver? Kifo$ mkkon. ' . r . THE I'KDLLEtt'S 8fORY'-' - i .ti..nAi.i '-. axHT r y ; " A cold winter's night,, seyecal wars gatRei-fcKether around a' warBi firej 4i - tarern bar-room laWNexr' EAgland j dler drove up and ordered that his horse ' should be stabled for the night ir ! " After we had eaten supper, we repair ed to the bar-room, where the conver sation flowed freely. Several anecdotes had been related, and finally the ped-' dler was asked to give us a story, as' men of his profession Were generally full of avntTlres1iafta, 'aheodotes. He' was a short, thick-set man, somewhere, about 40 years of age, and gave evidence1 of great physical strength. He gave hisiVanltsfieThueT VmceV; and said his home was in Dover, New Hamp shire. -!-o"; 'iitii'i;iii ,-.4t fi-vo "Well, gentlemen," he commenced, knocking .the. ashes, from ftis pipe, and putting it in his pocket, "suppose I tejl you about the last thing of any cqnse-j qtfW hap-peneu tO'-nie'rTbu iop 1 am now right from the West, and on- V lAlttgVi KJUVl 1aJ Ca. lVl V V CS. A 4 my way homfr for tinier quarters. It was during tl one pleasant at the door of a small village tavern in Hancock county, Ihftiaiia. I said it was pleasant I meant warm. I wenti . "1 11 . f , Art J t horse taken care of. After I had eaten in anaraiieaiov "supper na"naa my I sat dowp. iu the: bar-rooiQ. It began to rain about 8 o clock, and it was very dark out doors. Now I Wanted to be in Jackson the next morning, for .1 ex pected a load- of good there for me which I intended to dispose of ; ow Jihy way home. "The mooMii woud irise about midi nisrht, and I knew if it did not rain I J qould get alqng through the .mud- very f$l :S Ii kM. tl,.Iar4id- l torn ii Betwouia see xni oiy norser was I fed abort miitafarlW? ttf 'I 'wfehedtb' be i.oiff atbottt, , fie, t$ss&$, Mwitir prise 141. nils, ciiiu iVHK.eu me wuvkoiiiwu iiotstOrf fdECWeAWast'Id htf that I haaM.iriy-Wad'abbtit- oin. itttd that a new iot- of goods was waiting) for me at Jackson, and I wanted te Kethere before the morning. 'inhere little ftotifee. jof.ttreijusoaly one arrested rav attentin 1 had seen ttiat week mjtJfdrtWwreefctlorrof a notorious rbbtJtMbillaigaVe a description of bi&'peraoivathe man before me au swere1TferJ1Il;t)v'4t.' He was a tall, Wlhidrined fnanrfather sliehtiacframa I b? ihe-appearane of a gentJenmn, ptWitfrtij fiusaJ&ce , ixeL.tiioaa ltumx, icruutmarksfwhkJh an -observing mkn cannot mistake for anything Mt:1the,'rh Ldex-of a villainous disposition " "Wnen I went to myiiafllDri asked the landlord who that man was, des cribing the individual. He had come kitotBiMTHOoiuairaiiaenw the next day. The host asked me why I wished to know, and I simply told him that the mun'a i-rtntitAnaTii'ft wju faini- liar, and I merely J,wisJiM t9 know if I ever was acquainted with him. j "Ij was iQ3olf7J:;not toiilet .-.tha -i land lord in the secret, but to give lniorma- tion to the .slii...anL,iieriMW mMteacK tKetnh befdre e viDam kiti fox I had. no tdoubt -Atith regand to his identity. . , ,,. , . . , wt liarl itf 'alarm Vatcn, and having set itttrive,the alajant 1 o'eiock, I went to sleep., I was aroused at the f proper timerahd immediately arose and dressed myself. When 1 reacnea tne yamAJotitxf and travel very fast Howwa0BaiWnii and in the course of half an hour I wAs clear thfefrfillageJot) ftThirt dis-- ythrpughihfe wopd,an(LMneai: imemtra&i the uistahce was fes, -14he-moon-a94n; enOUgOi a 0t:. ! in ij oil .0 . .mooewtw -vma. : eBered-ttn .woodif;gndt. gpne tittdiwii-wna-j bffim a andiierk Mon.otasthni'tm gome source. What oouia ie per 1 looked quietly ?atouid;'fent could see Upottiing.-yT; neasa was eside JierkjriJie.n.kj, ne nt ril i was 'siBmlv m&rbilvmV eSTtf some L WUVvU HUM Miuwijw ww'vw ifwtt wa,.'was -tnat aa soeniaa svosune, mw. no man would harrvttttflftdrf iriy''eatt To that puriws&a.,?!!!!? uemen, onenea m? Byertu rov,ex it, was the susnicioua iiBdiv4d- U naa seen fttnattayew;" wnBaru 4 taw towwim: and 01 course ne suppose) with m& . .Ja Udsiheinaa'irirht, had, .ver iHjr WQnfana 'thaiiht: M ..frw.aiitivto.,levci,.thaY eazt orrJnhesttpposedtl ad f eatAett' Aaffe r ttw time IM&t&t "ewomentjwytwrsekwas nurse to her hand febfttft AaaVsoto haa'tli tie early part of last spring, f yw?,vv w, vHia.,BWo. evening that I pulled ur ;lthr.oagh me,u I,ppe4 .flftiJUF hm express agent left in. the w"P ce iwYrvr ' !"."Ci' T were ntirabrof persons! sit I-ti" ii K14, JTtIT: 1 k .tllk T WIJ..Ai:-.-U.J. T WUl. t IIKI IltlFn. X JUlUllli LHll Ul: LI ULIi; iUUli I Lim 1 1 1 1 ft f 1 1 won - 1111111 ac iLa, i-kjlmi. t ratr i.xAW,i 1 m . lii u'tr - . rrr.it 1 Hi 1 1 houtlci uajtasil. uiuujtd,aud by K3rF t'mS ? 2 o'clock I R9W. xne mua Hift was deep, and" my norse, couid noc v ?,r,rrr -- flirecta; 1 - r a faln-oi fTdWfMf fori loiee-idffipan thei mud and i knew l LtfBBSWW ?0- WOT- my pistol and hitkg i'Wined the reinsJi" ' -Bbhoi ArkibMa in Eritiiiw,I idtfwnltf the rntmflasthert.sedH i6n.lftr tfejajd" and," ariitoM'fhe- haspi Hit?' dbor olbeliaitldiKCuiaiA yesterdaytiddraingiini Stooloid7.q.:9-i.-; iua--ui i h mm:- .AA'it..i.Ji A1ui-7i nw ..Ti . i ,- .i..Tn.Tr ; I the1 &m wafe ured lif'ltt ' hwff'nllrfv f ttsittrMndtiliibreife! it Mfyftfeelr .wrircH stood W Jherpdckef bit the? 'OetS.nd' slit)fedl ' KXki tfttf 'stable Fhef l ' "'ijO'Tt I nad him - "My" eart Tvaa 'aj-i l-Wlrti -note Mitw irif : btnHf 4Wt white oak, J arid ade,:on ptiropse for- 'ham aster' I diawoi hetiet' ahV' ortlin OOiThlW M R Tfl1S 'Art rt1 ' About- ten minut'es ait'ihi'a il! hearoV i 'grhldrng'noisfe',, aa vhojsfeti H&oth6H heavy f0Fce washing applief rLt jtne doiil;.; I '4ai mothfn7buti 'tlWMudkVie 'that the1 viHairl' ngMHSvrdg6;iwlrteieI sat, and shoot up throueh the.tdo bf the 'cart 1 at me ; "so I'sat rgfWiiJ oil ' the ' f oot 'W cbuMe'l-'kiiew' irtiV tiAexDediflrli passenger "was a ffliatt; for lie innst-1 nave been a Wake WerTince I started; and nollilhmlWdildlmt absolutje villainy would have caused him to re-' plain quiet so lonfe, .and then-start up; . in: fchi partieular placewi n The thumping' and pushing grenvi loader- and'ipretty soon I heard a human voice.1 'Let me out of this,' he yelled pretty : 'I lifted itay head: t make him1 tMnk I was in my usual place, and then asked; .himiwfcheiwas aoingitjhereJ - - y . iLet taeoutanctl wiHteB yow,' he !tepliedir.'--in u ft-.u-ry-i 'm,! " '! j : " 4Teil ie : what vor are in ikher ; ; ii.'! - 'x got m nere t sleep- on tne raj he answered. .i!,;! ..'; li-n Ji!,.HowdidvoreetI?', las&edJ nj iLet rle out w;Ill shoot-yottthtfoUgivH .thlieekifiiii'i: -iii; i.. ;..'j,..vtl m.!; l ! -4 V. " Jufct at that moment myS bor6e's fet4 struefc tne Hard roap, and 'I knewinati the rest, of- ithe; route to I" Jackson-wodld- be good going, the dretance of twelve Rfi p iTihiFVrf iM gftww i5rutes we cleared the wood, and away we went a a ken,jujanp,,rhe cljaP'isidpkept jieJLUng,to get.pfe, uin, Hiinoih :. i M .Finally he tupped, and in. a fewnao- .ment came Jae; ejor, i0fjj,pistoiTrone n 77-twor-inree-T-iQinT, one rigob ai$egritne other I. heard the ,balia .wtTi OYr mV "( lod save meUrl'm. a.deiui want' ,..' tThen I made.a iSbuffluigi as though I was falling off, and finally settled down W 8''iV?t0,4 ,:i vUOW ured up uje.gm mare uy giving an -occasional poko .with myt ; .whiprstoek, and sejoeeleid faster twai eyex,,. , . i . 1, , i "('Baan ealledi-quti to me twice nlore pretty soon, saft$iv this; and as ; he got noj reply, he rnade some tremendous effqrts, ;t9v .preak; yie door open. and; as tempts ,,en jtBo top ; But ,I;had no fear 1 o his doiws anything tnere. for the: top of Iheicarti .is; framed with ,-dovetails, 1 and. 1 (Wwrn sleeper . boaw.-tOi ; the with iron bolts. I had made it scr I could . , carry. , loads . , there ;,IJy,! and by. after, al; else failed,, the scamp. .-ionV menced to holler " whoa , $0 ifce jaoi-se, and kept it up until he became hoarse. All thwfcffienjbtf) fiprfeetly quiet; noiamg me reins, nrmiy, ana Kept poivr iWjBi' I bad none, for 1 had a good- pistoL an niore than that, piyipasaenger.was.aafet et was glad; , when, AnWrne to the. oiq lour-barrel fietara thats,staada at .the en of, , Jackson, and in .ije.ni Miinute imoije ftauiecnp n tront pt miq; tavern wnexp ;i round , couwyevo. men in tne .IVVelV ol4feilQw ;, as,il goi jdpwnand weqt to thftfUaote ot the.wagf on, Jypu y;e Jiada good ride hftverxt VWlul tn-.l Was tha reply,, r" w??J?!t Tf , J-iOOK nere, ,weV6 come u to a safe 8,toppiiplaoe, and,,nwnt yj9,imyipis Ui, , ready, i?pr iyou $e , npiuent you showrvpaarseli.f,JNOw lwowieWt 1 t ',y tthis ,tire the tw. hostlers. had fKu?X3 ase.JLfter this I got one p thenvtp run aid rputrthAfi tell him what I believed rpVgpt for him. The nrst streaks tor dajignt were just first streaks of dajflight were just jwPMiTOwwid fpi4 oayiight.1 X toMt hun the whole COJ fleffair i nn a f e w wordsmrttl then" KinAe MpdMiiasw andf ttima4e,the -least then After breakfast, tne sheriff came down to the tayrn, apd told me that . I had caught the very. turd, and if I would remain, until the next morninir I should ,whM3jaaireeajofferd.n.i:iui.'.i inu; i-ai- lreeiiftori Paging .them from xnaianapons, anu men went ie wotk 10 stow tJm away, n niy,ct.i The bullet Jholesi'were .foundr.in.he fayp'pf th"Ve- n wberet.L-Wly tw; must hav nit masGraetyfiere a ni 'tri6 liack! arid noaaad l unwaiul. ey dAiswiwEtm havr?haMW8 pf ponder, aph;,- sene hftavy filies, iiij (t UstK-iui ttMuUf .M'nwi! jrtvt -.Qni '-newt; -mlfi;:tftets3 UttlUJU UPUH.1UU iUlM UiUUiJUHiiliWU l. oreii. aaiiara in: goKU. aor.n&; nan maoe posi-otnceac rvjrisn5outirTorLme.' from ing me tnat tne ienow wnonafl trww kill and rob me ws poja for lite," 'tHSnf . The retiun of Oeneral Beauregard, of Louisiana, .to rafagme lft HewOtcimm, J tdiaifdr4l90 4ai lMtrwinaiuT WsbKrierarmsvtfee redoubtable JxihsiABalyvli the two ld soldiers m eea luirda4 worl&ilsom jaxejwace oh Tueadat De-; irinth. LASI June a menAvant.iKaiaOi 4eans got the 5100,000, which is the capital prize.! &hereade who eeods tsu doOan tMI ADkln,! 0.B-x 9iti Ne Ojleiie(ittm4niw- Ib mtonmtt-i<J.. :- ;&tisz puoltht.yean.Mrswliislew lias beea ussd et.xkUdreiwi rxr aaatdte therstossacto reltsMs wludesilcegaiasis a, cures drsseiiten and diantaceai whstb- er arlstpgfrom teethlag or other cjuaafe lABc'eu ary mortal coma' 1 Drear, oar. I got on1' tdy cait noiselessly' i r ; got ;16irv4 iandttie!Hj:iiiry:iibrse tthLWtflrifftivl toy fiors4oJpie Wslio'wn7wa9 trirbtighJ 1 4r AOA Vkfilla 1 -r -v- fn-n i-k-tv ta rwar lr . I again, ana gave a yen, anatuea a, saia; a 1 V.A KnQf mill, V. Al-nli. Wo ,n.A .1 x i 4 m uuur uiiwMtiUiUerluuM3- j 1 yiii5'.'i'!'i,i!,i. 'L! ' 1 1 (. r.vvnpjouir v.hftul-iea.ana 4.0 swore, as he aseAthgjietapni. ?. j ,: i M'I am the- man . von. tried toishoot UU II 11 Ull. 1XIU -LULiU, uua.iuc UIOTlCIll 4. SIS 2tem bOhtthe thftbowei Clu'lK ii-itt.iii& feyuai 3iM)is ,v..T ti i ol iii(8idtiinoreSuTi'0t MQodar.fri'i mi msititm. AWAsim AfiTril froHift.Ji 7r4gatitii"iTh blsncp' H welP Known i' hi t4tihatiftgbeeii'jttir .t Bt- iexerthen,on!saar' street, sm mme veare. tod rector -off wacocMirch.- Tlre bisltoadis somfrg 'poSntan- riclanavtorSTiesriHe' saMthe1 ideas of oriitounlts and socialists were- ekaapryt aerxand'God-WWlld: not TforJ brdiid SoripturS'wnaitb bad iordaiiied in hia PrvwifithAJ5 tttrfno ahrtdld re-- main 'rioti'and bthetoK;lfMyet - ousness, noTverer,' twas oesectiirg siir H- bttttAtm.niriXAa 1IPlitJI AAl -ltffcir.1 iv mvuii-ira wuuiioim.' xuviirh . i f a J 1 T V . rf . . aH' I ior-a man via wiviiuw iiiifiSBfL. ixiiwj men ghouklivT:driTifei tfhitei othfers oOuld' take tiqotr Bfelt fttUiSOniemes, with! 1 benefit, wwd tvHm&to iirilcfit) -W said'Of certahliboy todamusemfeflt'l rne Disnop or 'Mamofieste1 aa rcotu mnded 'cTttrilanoe tnt1;lieatr68''fQhder crtaihleetw'Th ikttMtthH F feWVerithat! thteatfes.ieardft' an JWoeH- powered ' enaraeter. Christ's arrttijg -against 'tiches 'was Hecessary m 'this 'oriintry," whew -money ''was the1' 'only1 crass 'UisTiiTMMifow fttirt ir-rvwn nran- '4itiAsrpM(yii5ly:. Ootmstre9sl wasf the National Sin: and . dirfhoTMwtv wMlit be the national ruin. 'FradttenHrbank- ersi trrj3tsrbfnce-hOMer ad cvjiOra-" tiohswereigH"'of M ni4t'reoay;;f ; V ' hey tMt tltotwIigfeniimd'f"2 i-;vii;irii.viPA' i -; ; ' ; ' 4 Postal ;fJard; iro 'the Wort, '!. -.- I, 1 rtTaHnnnl 't T! ' f'Ti: t.r !v-mi. - iwn I ' . i it A. pm&ing xusffation 01 ine eend ;and ecejleape ofangemeai40T m trnatipnal .mailj seryioft. wb,ic haye re-, suited pm.ihe postal unipps riyffLin. anpmcjal pubipn.aoxwytiRur, 3UDeiininaenc -oi; roreiari. jtiiuis irumt 1 "rri Ti j . t ' ' , ,r- t vi. .pt , ftpenwniSaxQBft majidijjthatff. TkI.JA O T . j""a aT I y-v h mr n vn 4-1- A-4-Vx . W-f? 1 yin?iIVi.TOfrWl Aimseif. (rvmg.ruUAsL to. . alio mi wastoitouatch, At.aucceBsiiiand WltllGut , rloas , of tanfie . , kn , , A texanrtri a. ' , 1 -.' - tj i a 7 n 1 -r.-j -rrt 1 -v j ij - ja rr ' 1 SmimaiMirfl..yikoharna. -Kan Franeiin ppT Sftm Yoxt and. tiieBjCft hemniti,i itl.jaie,xistwig -palj.arrMgeinVejBts- uuo i4fuihy..iMiB -W Wwtw;jttt-oe- died, and ilwentv ,avs. . Tha rea ueat. wsas ' DOmnliedj with., and the caixbarri vnd at AJbemmt w.tuiidrjl an4isy-J nteepitn day,.afteE;je date of pjpgmal lcanseillthia. .oard, ttie rJoCTajhe , an4jilnsmitte4i i a ppy txivthe Iiern TntArnatinrval ilAU.reiau.wilh the: remark; that iaa 4 pf en, ioatf one hqun earlier it would jiavpjMiepmhlisoed AtS journey in nmetyisix da-yft ins.te4 pf qne nunarea and eyenpeea.' . II''1 '!!' tO-davdTlncftwn theteffeet of"vsnensfc 'W'riis- ordered liver, itrieresultwf'tkeseirllseases 'upon J tne masses 01 mteinaent apd- aiuauie people! is most alarming, making life actually a burden In stead of a pleasant - existence ofenjoyritetif and usefulness as lttogbt Ui bemThjJrfcli aosod iea sonfof this, If you wfll oal throw. artd prejudice and skeptlclsin. take the advice of nnieeists juui your friends, and try one bottle of GreerTi Angbst iRowetiiyorir sSeed'relW lfreertarii.'' Millions of DOtttes or tnjs meaicm hat ,rsen gtren away to saaactory results in every case. tle botQBrfbii 10 center to tey. ive tne worst ease. ' Positively Md by aU druMdstOQjtl Wsten Ccattneot i - " :. i "TnV & rib rrface41Ke'Twmr bat eBrv home aftould M supplied with a bottle of DrBuVsCoueh I!.' It i'l .il'.-l- ;;;--'gimy4iife rr'HB scrENTUfio American. Taa most Popular Scieatifle Paper m the World. OiilysaAa year.lnchialngriostage.: Weekly,; 52 'nl ' ' "Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. ' :n;.i; !. ; : . -. .-.j.' : j " au-avv auwiauuua.i M u UUV lUDITVlUOf Weekly Newspaper sixtee pages, printed in the twiwtw.i&rmwywiua with iia engravuigs, mpresenung jne newest m- .nsr aha the most tfecent ad viuieeji tn thn x n tad-SciBBces; ladadlng New and interesting facts to Agriculture, Hortlcultuw. the Ho,i6eaJtli, Medical Progress, Social ;Sclenoev Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most variable practical papers, by eminent writers' In' all derjertment$-of feieajca, will be found la-the. Sdentinc American. l s, s k olbya Ul; erfler to IMUmiikiOiXii Bubllsherst 87 American, ; Messrs.' Mdrm'' Co., ' Solicitors of Aiherlcam and Torelgn Pateits. have had 84 Man pertencey ap4 aw tjpmi W iMgest ' WtabUah-. men in tne wona patents are oDtaiaea on toe best terms. A special notice Is made' in the ftclen- f- tn American o an iirreritrshs patented through this Agency with, the-; stame and, resident ol tte atenUe By thO-tameRsej ottcjSattoH thus given, abhc affinfldn isdlrepettDlh&eilts bf the bw pateM, ted ASfer oT mtredoctfeh often easily ew naterit. and saier or mtredoctroh often easilv enecflea.i.iri: ; .ii. .- i 1.1 j mi nin ii-tu; mu, er a e undetslgited. t We akw send .tree -out haiSt book about the Patent Laws. Patents, Caveata,, Trade- thepftper, f eaMentmepafctotaufTi r, fii:M . . ! JHUiSJH XXL, iii tflrtL how. New York. A.V. A. V . . :' 1 ?'! !' ! i: kimnt!' . JV-pw toyvuv... i i Iuiii i,i..!.. ,mII i JZ .tj iii'iuii.ll Ji; J;i . . .... 'ii ni i ?t ii, pi n i i in Philip BTpoKspmion; (?lotti? -i .u. -.U7B ,4 Vl$l(ofEbitrl,(cKrta,) bn;; -i 155 ' f Old Slip 'Warehouse, (papee,)) u-n i- iliROe ; lRxmda1xwtFraaci(Ql,i''' '';' 8.r4 ' ::! i n: -r- -1,7 ihii) t.)iul mii viin-il ' .hWeSvliviiii..-. i , . m& ana; vsuage, A4ie, eiou), V 1 . j j 1 ., , 171 .ill .-,;iluiw ai-iiil 7-'.i i..i".o nTraleteJiiJ;;;,; i ,l,MaM-onric!iai,),''I',-,Ja,,,:' J W '.liLl.f -,. ,i.T i I'lili 1- ,! ill i Gisiftlno and lddlBAr. latatti.4 vim! iTciiata ! in 'fi- ai'iii; J-rf a-ilJ in.ii ,ii;q'I !itl ?1. .il !;! utiii t- 01 li-A.i;,Ll-,;i ., , .1 ,l Ji!" -i. 4i-i,4ll.fj4:!l.M r. .n!i,ff!'il ; !i(T ?. ul -.lit uH!t 1'VS ol ll'lV i HT.iM ,1 !in:tl-i iit nsii w linuiii ( -iNw; tntf eoiiplete MtJitiiei ilast edinb(hf bmnbt rfa'sMieniVAnBltb mm WB8 A hybiiu nil lioyitibiuiJoJiLulflif S i if.io uiijjifo i.J 'i i 7'iJMMrftrni ; n iiuii nruri bj.h. t baH nl .!iro-j 'al -k v man i: -ii lull noiiiion -Mi "HTTirisslHuiin bi-wj toil bibji jAjb0ti(-va:ii:i-Hfir.'i .7iiKiJwr.il oi jniz-imj tjo i-aji i-iol J im iifrifJiaO ,ftahrn".l fulT . a r.Tir . g . . v.. ; a , -a ua..a . x a, u o o Hi a d 1 la r a. , 1 iril iff"1 frWi fWf iW'ffW W PVfrMWyW !iijilj yoi bnti iPiiac&'.-iiiiif.l i) ;hti f .iiiM'jii'iwiiii fJiv' i-iiiu . jHitt imrjt - . . r.- . . ;.i i..,. With extm points fme . , , , patn- noiifujij 'ib-'h'i oi snw mrus AvdJ nwja ixiabinxi ,9l!li.J ,jV?ToT;ii )bi1T iiy- in nij 10 "ii'.'n-. i'ir.iT'-j v. v- !.i.i i Al'oL ' iU: ,- f.V- l-l H'Oiil oL tti v-? lH-"jfl T. . jiii-.l'll; I.J rlOII'l JO ll-IOT Mllj :rifi n. t ifi!'iin) il'-jn . .ui-u'.i o i-.il IK';1., n i-j; ;TTr TiiTis hn i::i: yj..,i;i -.U 1 - j ..;.! c J:i . 1 ..: ilii ni Tn!iiiT.Tsin -irpa "'." ; ,u1'1 J,! j. ; i- i'ixil; ju:'( Jji.H'i lib o- lij-.r n.-iji-.i; j; 111 i..i.)L;:i u-iJ- n Ji lu -111 -i'k! iiiJi'Lu; iu Jln i i - ' , . i i . ft 11 1 11 .MAdA. a tfc.1. .r lit. ti. a .Ja a.bmUu. I r "h i-a u- uww whhwi li;q ! ii-..- 1 ... u hi :. 1-.1 .'lii.qr'jil IK'Jl'l VJ'liAi I'l iiM ill -ill! iXiili'.'JM'l 1.1 MtH(! H'f !' 'i!iM .'; 'ii(JiJi! i ;;."! et , the goo iudgmntpf tiw people ,oa, th one naaxiilperaajBfampiw., fl iti is .hi ...y 'i.ii vni;: :i;i! i:j; ill: 1; K1 i. - .';!.' J ; ; . i - J. 1 i '!; .-i ehaeshtke othet hand; i.t -f;if) -td f I ','T ! i!! !-i(;1l- I:, i-i i .71 ',i i : ' .iini ;i;v i?j u ' ? : 4 HJA T '' T :!) R. C M; B 1 A L L , 1 . AN rJNPBtEDENTED GOOD TttADK, AU i -' f 1 . 'ir-.'i r-sd 'niticri 'sb !ihat enabled toe. to buy a'r t!;i"li, ho''. '.r! '''ij i ; Hit n; XKE JOOTJ OO lflf iW T)DDi V juii yitj Ti . ' : ' n-- r u JiJ.i ,: 3 . ? . fag:-"i"f A iiii.-'ii ij.'-Mi i; - oji j i ;lhH .- i i X '! .: l-il.. il'-i '. whleh Is Justin and to which tne ( . . i., . - ': . : .-; Jit.if . : -; i-- i j; '' ':. i'j;; Ij. ,! Ol- i;i kH ! " ' -' .?..li I il! I'M.!.-' WHOLESALE TRADE AND RETAIL BITERS- Ii ! I," 1 ' 1 !'-- v ! ' bill. ''itl:;i: A ! , .. !-a t i i 1 "! 1 - ': ' - : t ' are i respejctfulr asked to give their attention. To all wllof went 'ortti for their Stocks 1 1 would respectfully address myself and beg to sug gest an asy aoif eheaft raetbodi f-repleuiehlug i : their Stoel by (aUlmgoa tag.;! '' -J-' -il ' J i'!- i 1 ! . .!, . j ' i !i .,-! ! tarr 'Bo.all old a&aegulax Customers wkU have boaght iroin m. ihU; season, . I would say Dome again. My STOCK t Is -eoniplete ta.an ,t various departmepts. :ll I . I . I : 1 t-i. - i:;;i;: .."'ii ii.llM'i i Ui i . : S. WITTKOWSKY. , ' . . I ; I i'i . ',. . j il - i, ' ' I f I . j ' i j: . , : ! ' I' 1 1 EMABEABLEJ TT7 .'..lb . ii J-.i il ii u' '!! .i ;ri;!ii. Mi l . OCBSTOCKISCOMPLETK. ' -i f. OUR STOCE IS COMPLETE. ! ;. II '! ' IiMfi " i ill. i .' . I .'f !' ui. ' ' !.'-:.;) i ,,, OUR ASSOBTMENT IfABOEft HANjEJER. , ,.OUK ABSORTiiENTJUARGER THAJEYER,; .i : .'!! ; s '':!;::! t 'ft;-f . .in;. . . i - ii,: ' -'iiu; it--mI ii. ;i .'-to-jvu. u ' Our Prices Less than any pthe Qoae:r Our Prices Less than any other House i. . A Fine and well Assorted Stock of Ready-made Fall . .4. , tamd Wlhtert,, i " . !.:! i: -! i ! -i,, 1 : :.. . i-Oj Oi Jf : HHBinNSH JO; I ooS WW ? I"fc8 5'm$ ti. 4; ' ' ',r; '.-.iMiii... ' 1 . - i A COKSIHTING I OF MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYB AJP CHPRZJi'S, l: : . " i : ' . ) j-.'V. l V!;U-..! M htw. lb.i:o- i'"i -'u; 1 vi ". :i i' i" .'.'.'.'.'iV.l-....' '.' ill; " -. i!!f.T:i!' j. Viwjoois. V i AnX. Jii. . iH'ru.J,'.'i.tU ..vi. 'i - S !-i ,H ru i!i ii J Liu...! A- ;.j;.1hi.; i:-;mn, t . ' Ii 1 1 i j ;;) i I'i il-i'lliii 'Hi i . ii j!j ;;-it In 1 I li .i .)i! I t:ii;:-i-i; a. .l invi'' 1'iit'il - ni - t- : r .oii ilivi !! lit ; : A well Assorted Stock of .Villi! lll'itj.li 1 tPpQTS, SHOES, F0?E GAITERS, HATS A CAPS, -il t -".inliii 'llll i'l ; t -1 1 1 1 ' 1 ' i -. ' i ,. VI 'iai ki,u.7A kU4 Aih.AA UiAk. -1 - ! P"ih iKifi-'i.i -.ii ui. r ..... 1,, v,l,,.,l r, It -ii ..in ,.i..t f'''witw",7Sl7rT!Tr -aimib r. jy"1 mi it urn briiv ' J .J l.il.i '- - i . . . . . Ul: .,1 lll nil ir.iiJ iuUVX$W 1' in . kl-l -Jli - i. a!iJ. . il'J.'l.u.,.rif tf.,.,. Ji.ulr. ffSXR3-IYEBjrHtESS, bin! ;!! j i 1 1-)! ii .ii.-ivijij i 1 !l!'Yi. I '!.. I.lii.H' I ; u it: , :.-miaBf ppnp 1 -., -. i ioj , : , Anottoe? ilajge sjot i , . . ho i i-i i-n ,lnio- M;V sill v f i :.fi..-i 'n;'.l i;t !i';;!l' ' bur. ii!iM r.!i! il .:.i;-a .iiflTV '431 T KOiH rt-THfiia OOO t, OO - A K K WW Ll A A. JV aOBs o"-',lT , -1 "O 0 AA.i ;fiC n Wrl liflftj rHM JC ,:-.."SS8 huf br.uifif?f Iintifi ) naic b f KIT i .ir.ilui-il 01 -.iiii v.ri ! .- tT'tio ii;. i'i )i! P . i!i:bl':.!if:.l .vi.!anK liaoa'i yn -""i h?w-1'.h ii.-;;hoj'. . p' '!'"''f ''''VlVMUwvmi'i t;n ii -j.i-.ii bi-viiiioj; . j:iiJ.fi:.,i ''lif; i' ,.i'. avo'iM niliiL !ii)a'Xjfti 'jiai .-vi-f'Mtp to t-fviiiJ ' bdonif. vfi;i-uih ivv-I .HviJi!itfi;iJl .fei'l!i-x- 1 .; if .oiu n 1 1 no j.7'e j JiPiilMii f. no 1 Hll.MIIHlf.M hinixpin w; 7 in:uw okp.: mujjarn. ni ! k-iiHcif 9di ,7i:f-i 9i-ii 99iiynifiioo oi f- j I . .. . . ' If.. 1 a 1 1 uAirgoi A 1470 ?.o Ja-Mt-ntf ni-jii Jtn j biij 'biO'JK it tent J Hiv jl .ami ' LAad SOB an.uiY.-orjA 1 ..41,. .j, m.Aui.,,, , 4 ;(, .f .a ... . l I .s.r.J iuaiivijj it s:a, iiai h j', ,.;.ltujr - k.l tMUonaros dd Muoifa K-aaiiiiiifrt stiunuftul LugimatlawiJ a'liuU .Tifjo mo,'kioii di vl : nefl!? 8 s" iiailamt -al itb n lo i mi - 4 ..'vi, ,-.:i .1! bl! i; s ;.i: ; Y lit F jji !i f ti.i.fu"! S.i viiimj b."i; i - .:iin-i i!r:r'ii' r :!.aiif,Mii'b liiilnf'tiu i'fii; V"''f if siiw i!-1',iaa,'t "ii'1 lb'niv i'-Hiw. ,K 1 HA nut LUAMXI.t. i.li ."I ii iii -'i . Iu: . i . .1 J -in !- i .ii ui ; i.j in!...- iia ';!;; .ii i ' '. 1 iii "J .i' I u.. liifi'.-'i. V. OUR STOCK OF ' ' i-'lU"-. i. U . 77; .fi.V :'i - hi . a "Ui: 1 ! .:. '; .' ' ' 'i, ' I-., 1 1: .'Hi; b : .u:'.'. i. v 1 iih - ,i I ) l!l'J' unI i-'iiiC'L' O-T A '! K G --..? : l 'liJ .l..lvj...Al.l.5. J i: --' iH Has won the irfmlratlon of the public of Charlotte arid vicinity. We are now1 reclnb eur letorNfin- b. I ,; .:'r -I" '" ; i:- ; Stalmentof : . i -. I I ! Ill'" IKl .iiij!!j . t r u i .. .'FALL ft WINTER (JLOTHIItGI , li'i ',:iv-.,.!"?M1TtM.-.r"',!lMV'M!'jt' ... i . !.iii. i ' i i . . - - ' i ' : i ; i .A-.-i ' lu ,-:i"i'.' .! ; . i : .-; i i' : 'J. 1 1 1 c'e offer how 'at ttanany loods ever offered in the ipaiketa1 of , Chariotte. "I 1'!. UuJts for ( Men, otrtljA and .Boys, pfldftp's alU frtmv2V4 yean oldupwards, at very low Pcutjes. have"falled,1o eotdpeM with oWlowWcesi weJ shall kneavo'io'toaro'fhe .r!-.";.i:-)iii bni;.U'i-.i J tUi-t; ini same. aslowpriand falr deaUn Is our principal -rule,, .We lrfltlte.eyeiTbdy to.fiye us . call. ,:-1 ! ) PolMe attention hown to eVsry oustorattvwtieiber ybvMnttopurelraseorfiot'ResfWuu Ml.iK ' 1 1 : 1 ' " L.' BErWaKGER i'BBO.',' ' t l novI7 ' ' ' Fine Clothiers and Tailors. II i , . Im I i Ii II i I i II.ii i in ) f. ' OW ISTHE.TIMIllU,,,.,,;,.; , .. , iu ( !..; .-!';.! it." :. 'Uo'h; i.. . , !.'.! i. . i ( " i 1 1 .!..iT . .- v . -i : ''" v HaVVING TOkTEWlTNlCV TO " ' IL '" '( " 'i i . .'. I . ::;..: '' " t . ' A ; '! h - . I .'. ; -: -:; U -ni : ! li' - -'-.r " !i-t:i'. ::!; ; , , CHANGE MX BUSINESS,, ., - J. .'r . . ,4y4 i t . m . . ..! f', , .,. ' - ' ' M - ' ..... 1 ' I ! - ;l ;-lf ., !;'. : '. i :?J'ti' ul. - i'i ' . : bin; VI' r ' ' ' :') .-' I ,1 OFFER MY ENTIRE STOCK Of . -1 -;'.., ,lt ''I, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and Si : "-11 ibii ' ! :-;:i. . . -' !. HI li..J,r NOTIONS AND i 1 t-- 111: ceo r. " "oo rrrT h 'h' iVk sr ggo oo8 ttii Ooo t . H f H f -iiij i'h 1 .ii) fiiri. ;. P!:b-' - f ii." 1 ' : i . i 1 , ' . . .;.i:.'i .- II'.' .'Ill - 1 ... r .ANp.BELppOgT.;. . 1 1- -.l.-.i i .' .. bl.i.l -if? "to 'V-i: :n':i ' ''a :-' :'" ; '- ; - :. ;.. - ; ;;i! ;'..i t ill i-i .-.iil.'rl.. -"r i : I HAVE ON, HAND. A LARGE STOCK 01 1 ; ,'j'i!;'.'-. ,'i :.,; Ml(.i !. . ,'ii ' i .1 i ' ii r". kit ; bni.J-. :o .v.'iiiili io .O: i'!iii.i-i.- bi-: lii !b. .:Ti',' - 1 f" j it v ,." : ' i-oi b- COMMON D SKf tTM'1 PRtCED i ; .. rii'.J iiwra 'mm i i'iuji:i- ib.i.i" MaiMlli ! ;(oi',. ! ' i' i' '!.'' .... f . .. 1 ' . I . . I - Hi' . j. iii ;:;; aa': . .; i -i . i.a -ni 1 Uli I, niT nil., if i:M 1o -r-k u.it-: -uli Mioir Ti-ij;'-; i-iii.. l a:-,'-.!:; . WlPf8'fri;ii;.;i7 .(I !u !.ai-i.t''-'iV:,!T''"-yr'r;r.:nrxjv.i, ) fmi.i'i.'i : n 'iu; ji'i.'it am-.).!. I'M Uiii; ! n: 01 bin; 'iii?i an i ii bin; i:o a -il . ,i'H'i-.iii' i ibuhiL! i'Hi; -riiijii'l ') 't -TO-'feutT TrTE! LABORING CLAigSESViL- i v if -lib' to ii!:i.j -atJ li:;i; htu, 1;'i; ii-iili biiiibji! iaii-iit yJ b'i .''.!--..'1 n.i'ii'l La.lHT j !( a- .a;t .l in Iiaiw ui-.ua' i'!T- -.i .';in. ai. ! jWITITEIT BB.C101 OTjTjAll .. - ill 1!; "mb;J.pfe'nin yvii-vjiiiij ;i!'J' - WHATETEi IT telNGSBETlPEIN NOW AtD i Hju-viJii Iiaio.it irjd.Uiiotf a!; i i; J;T'aLTl'7u3 Hlt to IriXIlai 1 'ill -iinHt .)i:ll odfjlt ihl-)ijri'biti iiiilno ) iU hvFAimhMxiijti ik ff 'nil 11 . 11 .. 1 r .. . . . . ... . - j'.'liii'Hl 'llii o liillllj'jl. J Ytll :Ji; awn Ii v v lumm uijiliiapJi .-run x.iM L nT? ul ItWHiVMo ai isj Xo .wiuin- jc io w.mi;a t. J-l if wo Ayiitf JL 3 ! . IA tml riilT I'y ot o. ,1i ibii ;nibj.l 4i arfJritT,TMtW tKnil t CaIX AND SE MX . . ' -.- . . .... .b il; JUf o3i-,yH fn.tf X MOYER, Titej' BtUIltt nov8 lW,Ul''.JtPA -si 'I -ii;j -nil n i-il-.'iir.ui ; -tT .'i-'vi'i rjiMaiua. aj.ai uuvk )iA&r.iki tiff io ii'i.iiyHI iii in fci'nJaTm oJJ, - ftT rtwnvptv xrss to any rerar who aitt lto pay St, Vwien a newgrvAi 01T L.u'r, V- - e-4if . ,Mo)bMt-iNprf4..ri iz;- . . oictil i UoI3 .f i -2 a To'hTm? lit TH