LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEtt 4 18:8. KA1LR0A1) DIKECTOBV. ; The following table shows the running Of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte,, on all the rail roads (Washington time): ' RICHMOND' BAMTILIJt Arrives from Richmond and Goldsborb, 12.25 a, in. Leaves for ij&45am. Arrives from Richmond, . . i.v .10,50 a. m. Leaves for " 6.55 p. m. ATLANTA A CHARLOTTE AIB-LIITE. ( . Arrives from Atlanta, ,? 3.30 i m. Leaves for Atlanta,....'..... 12.30a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,.. A 60 Ik m. Leaves for Atlanta,. . ; ... . ; .... . : . . 1 0.50 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta,...!.:, 3,35 a. m. Leaves for Augusta,.-.. . :12.30 a. m. Arrives from Augusta,. - , 6.45 P. m. 1, wves for Augusta, 11,00a. m. CABOLIKA CENTRAL. A rrives from Wilmington, 8.20 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington,. . .' 7.25 a. m. Arrives from Shelby, 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Shelby,. 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENKESSEB A OHIO. A rrives from Statesville,. I, eaves for Statesvllle, 5.30 p. m. 7.00 a. m .INDICATION!. War Department, ) Office Chief Signal, Officer, Washington, Dec. 3, 7 :30 p. m. ) Yor the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, southerly winds, veer ing to westerly, stationary or higher temperature, falling, followed by rising barometer. Local ICeport (or Yesterday. 7 A. M. 2 P. M. I P. M Barometer, . Thermometer Relative Humidity, Wind Direction, " Velocity, Weather , 2W957 29.771 28.688 33 53 47 K9 42 55 s. s. s. w. 2 12 10 Foggy. Fair. Clear. Highest temperature 54 deg.; lowest 31. Three weeks from to-day till Christ mas. Didn't know it was so near V In another column, Maxwell & Har rison, auctioneers, advertise a quantity of property, including land and city lots, to oe disposed of at auction to-day. The funds raised by the entertain ment to be given on Saturday, the 7th of December, by the young ladies of the Busy liee Society, are to he appropri ated" as a building fund for a rectory. A dealer, says that the market was over-stocked with chickens; the tradi tional ability of the brethren in con cealing the f owls has, in a measure, de parted from them. Still it mustn't be inferred that they live on bread alone. Kev. Geo. Macaulay, of Atlanta, Ga., has been invited by the vestry of St. Peter's Episcopal church to preach on the 22nd, and has consented to do so. An effort will be made to induce him to remain and conduct the Christmas services.; . The ladies and gentlemen who have consented to participate in the musical part of the entertainment to be given oy the ladies of the Second Presbyte rian chiuch, are asked to meet at the residence of CoL It. M. Oatesthis even ing at 7.30 for practice. John Brookfield,the enterprising auc- , tioneer and crockeryware dealer, always has an eye" to the" attractive." ' He is es pecially succei&f nlf in,, the matter of signs. The brilliantly illuminated one which hangs in front of the-crockery-ware department is the handsomest in the city, Highway Itobbery. Saturday night a citizen of Caldwell county (the coroner) was passing through Lincoln county with a wagon load of turkeys and apples. - About I ronton he was overtaken by, four op eratives in Tiddy's paper mills Tom Hope, one Roper, X. ill, Cobb and one Medley. , The two last named held pis tols on the wagoner while the other two robbed the wagdnViof : t'onr turkeys and a bag. of apples. A crowd was af terwards raised -and the men tracked. Hope and .Roper were arrested, carried, before Squire Hanelland Sunday, af ternoon were--4odged in Lincoln jail. The other two have not been arrested. .llurriae Uclls. Wednesday evening, the 27th ult., li.iv. W. J. McKay, pastor of Salem Black Kiver Kiverrresbyterian church in Sumter, S.: Was unitetl in marriage to Miss Sallie Knox AVitherspoon, .daughter of the late H. G. Withei-spopu,'. iif Sumter countV. The ceremony was performed in th& church' of whicrf Mr; McKay is pastor vby: Rev, Dr. W. S. Plurner. There rere no attendants. The bride has often visited Charlptte iind has- many warm frierjds and admirers in the city. The groom is an lionored altimnus of Davidson College uad is one. of... the most promising and successful ministers in , South Carolina. Mr. ami Mrs.' George EJWilson, of this cilv, returned Irom.the scene of the happy nuptials, yesterday afternoon. II liirond IVolex. The Atlantic, ' Tennessee and Ohio. Railroad is the Only one leading into the city thatsells round trip tickets at all times. The only freight train on the Rich mond and Danville Railroad which carries passengers is that which leaves here at 4 a. m. and arrives tt 1 :30 p. m. It is said that the recent collision be tween the Carolina Central and Wil mington, Columbia and Augusta trains, on the line of road from Wilmington to Meare's Bluff, which1 both rbads.use, js undergoing . investigation M Wilming ton. ; A dispatch from Atlanta' says : "A railroad war is imminent. This morlti iug it was announced that the Kenne saw had reduced the fare to NewYork to twenty-five dollars. ; The Air-Line immediately resolved to reduce to seyen dollars and fifty cents. This announce nieiut resulted in a conference which 1s to meet this afternoon at 4. If, ,tbe Kennesaw reduces, the Air-Line will reduce still lower." Church Entertainments We are 'promised more entertain ments than a few. between this time and Christmas for the benefit of differ ent churches, church societies and el mrch purposes. The first to occur will will be that of the ladies of the Second Presbyterian church,: who will furnish music and refreshments to the natives next Friday evening, the 6th, in the sec ond-story room Of the Sanders &Black-i wood building, college:' street, men the Busy Bee Society of the Epis copal church comes along with a candy stew, etc., on the afternoon and even- mar of Saturday, tne 7tn. rne ladies or Tryon Street M.'jE. church ..havepre emnted Tuesday; Wednesdaf and Thurs, day evenings, the 10th, 11th and I2tli, ror tn& puriHjse oi. snowing uie people whataaapronfeativaHsiprom'sing at the same time that the supper shall . be n&eepUomOle'aittUthat their display of novelties which' they are gatliering up from all quatrersfSlKillg the largest and handsomest, we all have eyer seen.,f Xet after these ; comes the exposition ' uion which the Baptist ladies have been -at Work for : a month . past and whicki will commence ort the 17th in the un occupied store room in the Central I IMeliperitrijr on: Tryon street. ?f , The, returns from the. other churches are not yet In.4 'They will doubtless be heard from, however,ia due time. Pjlfnnl fiv At a mieeMgfyhevestry of St Peter's Episcopal church,; held, night before last it was imanimously'resolyed to extend a pastoral call to Ret. Henry T. Sharpe, of Frankfort, Kyn and the senior warden of the vestry, Capt. John VV likes, was instructed to write this gentleman forthwith inviting him to take charge of the church There are reasons for 'believing that Mr. Sharpe will accept the, ball thus tendered to him.- vov: :r?i. -i; ; ' ! Juror ef United State Court The following have been' selected ju rors for December term, 1878, of the United States court at Charlotte : Mecklenburg County-F.M. Washam, James T. White, J, S. Mvers, ' liobert R. Ray, Wm. S. ! Stewart, D.'F. Dixon, W. A.Sossaman, M. li. Swan, RenF. Brown, C. W. McCav. li. 1). Whitlev. TI. T. Rhyne, W. R. Massey, Wm. H. Heal, Thomas P. Grier, Robert W. McDowell, John W. Morrow, H. P. Helper, John A. Young, Jno. M. Bovce. Lincoln County James Mullen, J. B. Sheldon J.vM. Kidd. B. V. BeaL, J. A. Barkley. - - : ; J . . . r ;. ; . " Gaston Co untv James B. Oaf es, Jno. Farrar, Marion D. Friday, Geo. M. Arm strong, James W. McKee. Those who have an opportunity of knowing say this is the best jury that ever sat in this county, comprising many of the best known and most intelligent men in the counties mentioned. Bishop Pierce. '.".: The resolution of sympathy with Bishop Pierce in his affliction, passed.: during the closing hours of the conl'er rence, had more significance than many supposed. The distinguished prelate is in very bad health, and was not really in condition to preside over the body at any time during its session, though he was present at each meeting except on the last day, when his place was filled by Dr. Closs. He is now at the resi dence of Mr. John W. Wadsworth, and will probably remain in the city for some time, being unable to travel. For several years he has been afflicted jwith an affection of the throat, which'' ren ders breathing very difficult, and at times painful, and this, added to gene ral debility, superinduced by a life of arduous and incessant mental labor, causes an unusual degree of solicitude among many warm Iriends in the con ference. Bishop Pierce is now in his G8th year, and has long been regarded as one of the leadiiag spirits in his de nomination, as well as one of the most eloquent and impressive speakers in the Southern Church. The sermon de livered by him on the occasion of the withdrawal of the Southern branch of the Church from the Northern Metho dists, gave him a national reputation one which he has not failed to main tain in after years when the occasion demanded the full exercise of his pow ers. . . Tournament, matt!) Ball Shooting: and Coronation Ball. The town of Statesville is going to spread her-wings over a gr ami toiuna ment, to-morrow, and invites the people of aU'tne' surrounding to w'hs And coun try to come up and consider themselves her brood, so to speak. Some of the particulars as to the management and manner of the modem version of an antique institution has just reached us, and is willingly laid before the public. The preparations have been quite ex tensive and the number of knights who will enter, the list is large. The follow ing persons are officially connected with the affair : Marshals A. C. Gunter, chief; Col. W. A. Eliason, Capt. H. C. Cowles, J. F. Van Pelt. . . . Judges-Col. W. S. Miller, Capt. T. A. Price, Capt. W. J. Coite, Cnpt. W. H. II. Gregory. The orator of the occasion is Mr. B. F. Long, a promising young lawyer of Statesville, who addresses' tne assem bled knights at 12:30. The programme further announces that the riding will begin at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and that at 8 p. m: the coronation ball will open at the opera hall, during the pro gress of which refreshments will be served by the proprietor of the Carolina HoteL: ; y Immediately preceding the tourna ment, that is to say, at 11 a. mi., there will be a glassrball shootings the first prize to be a breech-Joading bird gun ; other prizes ; to . be decided upon here after. Entries may be made up to the hour, the shooting commences. Arrangements have been made with the railroads by which persons who wish to go from Charlotte and other points along the road can do so at the rate of one fare for the round trip, or about $2:30. We understand that seve ral of our sportsmen, and perhaps'many oiners, wm uitena, , , The Closing Hour of the Conference, It was 10 o'clock night before last when Rev. Dr. Closs, the father of the conference, invoked the divine blessing upon the ministers before parting, and there had been a rush of business dur ing the last day of the session, as there always is. In consequence of these facts the report of the peculiarly solemn and interesting services just before ad journment was necessarily abridged. The church wras crowded, ancLthe anxi ety which the ministers felt - to know where ana with whom ' tneir. tots were to be castf was imparted in a" measure to the vast assemblage, for it was known that in a few minutes the presiding el ders would announce the .appointments tor the next conierence year, ; it is a singular . ireaK . oi numan nature mat when we are most anxious we are ften-i gayest, but the gayety is usually of sucha nervous anounnaturaiiy exuDerant cnar acter that it is as easily detected as the inexpressive laugh of embarrassment. So the proceedings or tne evening ses sion: immediately before-the announce ments,, were marked by an apparent- playfulness, which the portion, or the congregation lesS sensible to the influen ces, of the , surrounding circumstancs, were somewhat at a loss to understand. Resolutions of. thanks,' one after anoth er, and in some instances several sets of resolutions to each elass, were passed to the citizens, the ladies, the reporters, the ushers, and finally the cooks, until at last a rather - impudent newspaper man had the temerity ;to suggest to a few surrounding delegates the proprie ty of a resolution " declaring that all chickens whieh,,1had suffered death dur ing the week be pronounced martyrs to a good cause; but for some reason the resolution was. not put to the body. There was no lack Of solemnity, how ever, when Rev.' Dr. Closs entered the pulpitandasked Dr. Burkhead to make the closing prayer, and as the minister craved for peace and harmony in the A . " - . A i . - J.1 C htirch. and: that crace mhrht be given the preacher to UYe.aabecarne theser- vants or unnsiwuerever muse 111 au thnritr had said they should-cro, and to die as. became the faithful and the just, ifihis should be the lot Of any there P hnwedwdown. and when Dr. ; Closs, in rs Tfnrn iiioTia-'WitftaeersTxike of thes i tfkllm&lPi itliin year; arid of the outies ana priviiegca ui iue iriwaif remarks ho ntuM :thsir..thA ,rrftS(nt eonffirfiTif.fi sets o if rri tu.K iHeigenviije reeim of the bmlv were every whefe'maiiit&j Tn th!course of Dr. Closs' had been as harmonious and; pleasaTit;rs'u'KT: an anv ne naa yer js.ho wu. ah uhs.i bu the rninistei.agree.;,,.With3 a sinA ex ception tnere was no mmi3cer cnargeq. wi t h induct unbecomincr a preacherjot the Gospel; there iwere no, differences i among the members except a diffejretice1 of opinion; as to certain jfractiQal meaB-.. nres. j;. -T'i -'"i5;: i 1 ' The ministers parted in the churelu and by 8" o'clock yesterday morning nearly all had left the city.- IiiSerallif of GNi Hotel. The delegated tbJthcf conference, who bad their homes with Mr. II. a Eccles, proprietd of ! the' Central HoteL had a consultation before leaving, and? ask that the following be published: "We do hereby extend to' Mm-' ur hearty-thanks for his liberality, and do assure the public that the Central Hotel is in every way worthy of their patron age.' (Signed.! R. Crayan, R. G. Barrett J. T. Harris, bey and J, B. Bobbitt. ; ;. j.iwf.;. County Coumlwlenen, The board continued Rs monthly ses sion yesterday, and the following is a synopsis of the business of public inter est transacted; .The parties to the uiiblic school - con troversy in Pa wi Creek township Were J $ oraerea xo appear Detore the board on the 1st Monday in January tomae, their complaints. A committee consisting of W.S. Stew art, Wm. Todd andW. J. Hayes fas appointed to divide the Rozzell's ferry road from the city limits to the six mile post into three sections, also to ap portion hands(' &c. u i .o P. P. MaxweUX resignation as constat ble of Deweese township was accepted. The following overseers were appoint ed; ; Tuekaseege ( rpad , from. Asbury's creek to the loup-mlle post, ,' Jno. Mc Quay ; Statesville road W-illiamPuckett in place of G. W: tfittleiorkville road, Alpheus Porter In place of J. L. Alex ander. The largest accounts audited were tbat of J. A. Young, fees for November term of the Inferior Courtl849: and jail and poor house expenses, 108.54. Adjourn to meet again txMiay. For upwartoof thirty years Mre-Winslow'sSootl lng Syrup has been used log -children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dyssentery and diarrhoea, wheth er arising from teething or other causes. An old and well, known remedy.. 25 cents per bottle Ease Attainable by the Bhenmstlc. Yes, although they may despair of relief, It la attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there Is a remedy which carries off, by means of Increased activity of the kidneys important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent is Hostetters, a preparation likewise- celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it. . TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS. DECEMBER 3, 1KT8. PRODUCE. Baltimokk Oats lalrly active aud firm; South ern 20a, Western white 2Xa9. Provisions dull and unsetfled; mess portc 8.25; bulk meat-loose shoulders, new 3, clear rib skies, new 4atys; bacon - sboulders, old 31, clear rib sides, new 5ii. hams '.la 10. Lard refliied tierces 7. Butter quiet ; f cnoice western packed ltiais, roll l&aiT, oonee quiet and nominally stead; Rio cargoes llialri. Whiskey dull at 1.09. Sugar steady- and quiet. Cincinnati Flour dull and unchanged; Wheat demand lair and market firm; red and white 87a U7. Com steady at 32, cash 83. Oats steady and In fair demand at 22a3. Pork steady and In good demand. Lard In lair demand but lower; steam 5a5.H5. Bulk meats quiet; 2, 3.80 and 4 for shoulders, clear ribs and clear sides; bacon quiet; 3, 4a3g and 4te lor shoulders, clear ribs and clear sides. WlUsKey quiet at 1.04, Sugar quiet;' hards HgalO, A white 8?ga9, New Orleans 5a 5g. Hogs Inactive and lower; packing 2.rj0a75. New York Flour slightly In buyers' favor, bus iness a little better for export and home use; No. 2 2.40a3.00, superfine Western and State 3.40a3.80, j common to good extra Western and State 3.85a I 4.10, good to choice ditto 4.16&50, winter wheat extra -i.ooai). 70, Minnesota extra 3.85a4.25, clos- lng heavy; Southern unchanged and quiet; Wheat i ial better, moderate export demand mainly for ! spring and white wheat, ungraded spring 93a4. do i red 1.011&, do white 1.06al2. Com opened dull ; and heavy but closed steady; uneraded 41 li. No. H i 451&M. Oates unchanged. Coffee do. Sugar quiet f ' Lard prime steam tf.HSatVJte- Whiskey 1.00 COTTON. Norfolk Quiet ; middling 8c; net receipts 4,22tf; gross ; stock 27,87ft; exports coastwise su; saies tair, exports w ureal nnuni y r,n 1 B AixiMORE Quiet ; middling 9c.; low mlddll:ig Sljc. ; good ordinary 8Lgc. ; net receipts ; gross 11,123; sales 125; stocK 2,100; exports coastwise 25; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent - . Boston Dull; middling Ofae.: low middling 9c; good ordinary 8ic; net receipts 1,074; gross ! 3,222; sales; stock 2,348; exports to Great Brit- j ain 3,773 . .... ! Wilmington Quiet; middling 8c; low mid dling 814c; good ord'y life; net receipts 1,144; gross ; sales 120; stock 13,828; spinners ; ex ports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to Con nent 1,398. , Philadelphia Quiet; middling 9a; low middling 9ic.;good ordinary 8c; net receipts 875; gross 2,042; sales 81; spinners 581; atoete' H.502; exports to Great Britain . Adousta Quiet; middling 844c; low mid dling 7c; good ordinary 7c; receipts 1,338; shipments ; sales 1,180; stock . Charleston Easy; middling 9c.; low mid dling 8c;good ordinary Sgc.; net receipts-8,-165; gross ; sales 1.500; stock 78,807; exports coastwise j Great Britain ; France 930; to Continent ; to channel . New York Quiet; sales 350; middling up lands 9 3-1 He; Orleans 9 7-1 tic.! consolidated net receipts 40,894; gross ; exports to Grdat Britain 19,93; to Continent 12,912; to Fiance Q.271. Liverpool Noon Flat and Irregular. Middling i uplands 64, Orleans 5 11-lrj, low puddling up lands , good Ordinary upiauus , oruiuarj up lands ., sales 9,000, apeculatlos rand export 1 .000. receiDts 1 7.800. American 12,500. Imtmm easier. Uplands low middling, clause: December delivery 5fe, Decemberr and January do, January ana i?eoruary ao; marun iiu jiprn 00-10, Apru , and jnay May ana June o 0-10. 5 d. m. Futures closed weak. Uplands low mid- ! dimgclausei December and January 5 3-32. April ! aud May 5 7-32, May and June 5 9-32. ; FUTURES. New York- -Futures ,losed. duQ- ."Sales 43, 9.15a.l6 , ....... 9.34a.35 9 .48 ;iX'tiW.iiiciHi. & .u5 i 9.58a.59 ,,..rr,a...Jy,Jj)-,i 9 .70a.71 . ... . . : ... .8ia82 :.:..:.:: I '.;:J .-fW1-1 9 .90a.91 ....n...ut;.J:;xiuiL:tf 9.95a.96 : ,,,i,,,,. H yy 000 bales. December .... January... f'.-, February. ..... March..'.":::. April. June..... July August.;. FINANCIALS New YorkI Exchange t '4.10ol Governments Brm. ' New Wi s 1.06 State" bonds strong. CITY COTTON MARKET ' . -Otficx of m Obskkter, i Charlotte, December 4. 1878. f The market yesterday elosed weak, with no quo table change, tendency downward: ' ' Gomlddllng . .H .,;.(. r 8i Strict low mlanl'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. TOT Low middling.. 7 Tinges 7a Stains 6S4a7i4 CHARlilTTE PRODUCE MARKET. DECEMBER j2, 1878. T')i. CORRECTED DAILY. -t. Cotton Ties New, perbdle.... SpUced, . -.- Bagging, per lb. Cork, pec bush'l . $2.40 1.75 12al3 50a55 50a55 50a55 33a36 8a9 llal2 5l4a5 lfial7 15alfi MEAL, Oats,: shelled , Bacon . N. i hog rounds.- Hams, N. C. Hams, canvassed. -BnLx Meats :.!- ,. Clear Rib Sides. !.! KAMI ' ii'i 1 . ATimeBio.-.vt- Sugar-house,..,..- : 25 1.00a2.00 10al2 SaSVa 35a40 , 40a50 UOUASSEB-t-1 J ..s ?l -..xr, f. ifl , t , 1 ,,i-7 !( It -(".,. i ivLivef pool fine ..vs... -i lrlsh...il,..i'i..;vj...v Jk.. ' North CaroUna.iX.-.r... ....4,1 . EGG81perdoaen..1.. x- 15a20 T&...!;.!i:r ......lit.; 3.00a350 :;:F.vtra.jr.i J. .... ...... 2.75a3.00 2.75a3.O0q Super -.-r, 2.25a2.50 1 . V 7 1 T it steady? m m. II I lit IMli. . By Maxwell k. Harrison, Hi-1 r.fi iHH1 fwrinr Tryon street, Charlotte, N. O, to-day, December ... , , 4th at 11 O'clock, a. m., ! ! '. a litor Z!tr s,i ha j aAwi i I 1 Lot to Chicago, HL, 1 lot In Horehead City. N. C , Slea&iTla5ii'3Ht , -. 160 Acres Land In Walker ox, Ga UK, 9J3Tl -iU jatAJU ifCl,j D5 'fill 160 Acres Land in Union co., Ga., 160 Acres Land In Early co., Ga., Kldjilovesj ll(Ojpters, ! . Oranges and 3 boxes Tobacco. trs a dec4 It LE POSITIV E.d E P O 8 I it., 43it!!:., - ji jyW --j r-y wff "rHj- o PEKA HOUSE. T H ff E S D if SS655 i.-fS.M E C -1 JO.-!!;,-.' B E K 55 D M JICK ROBERTS' :ii' ; i. . r'. . r.s "ft? 1RUMPTY' D0MPTT. HUMPTY DUMPTY. HUMPTiWrMPTT. HUMPTY DUMPTY. : lEtmMMLBt PANTOMIME TftTJW&. . 2 CLOWNS 9 - .1 . TMJ .- .t,. AT EACH PERPORMANCE. ! Ai BXTRlORDINABY OLIO, Niff f ',- re introducing THE WOBLD RENOWNED SIEGBIST C H I L D R E tj ENGAGED AT $400 PER WEEK. Prices $1,00, 7fc and 60c Ke extra charge for reserved seats at Central Hotel decl 4t QPERA HOUSE, ;I ' SATURDAY-.- ONLY, . DECEMBER 7TH. Hailed by the Conjmuay the Best! The best show in the World AT CHEAP PRICES. BBB ABLOW, B B BBB B B BBB WILSON, 88S8 PRIMROSE & WESTSggS MINSTRELS! GREAT LAST SEASON. GREATER THIS SEASON The crowning climax of Tnmstreisf. ' New Novel ties. Musical Gems and Laughable Acts, on this our 2d regular tour. AN ENTIRE NEW COMPA NY lr. the most elegant, chaste and refined pro gramme ever presented by a minstrel organization. For list of oompeity and specialties given, see de scriptive bills. Prices 75e; aests -secured at Central Hotel; no )f extra cnarge. uanery fty cents. B. W. P. Sc W., Sole Proprtetorf. J- II. LAINE decl ot ' Business Manager. , I I PERA HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY! -COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER TH. Engagement11 J y4 THE GREAT EMOTIONAL ACTRESS .CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, -.- t, ir.i'fl I, u ! A supported a ! :., OaielttllfLlecte aid efficient DRAMATIC COMPANY. :: i Monday Evening, December 9th, the great plar j aI-hMej- ' ki rr sxR Xi ; J AAA K HUE E T R BK ' - R R JJJ A AN HNKBB KKK REBBS Dram; from Charlotte Bronte's .'i! Celebrated Story Of that na.me,.,.. ' ' iWi ! ! Tuesday Evening, December W, BneHdah Xnuwl,' HUNCHBACK. Admission 7 5c and 1.00. S. F. STKVKN3. Director. Manager. i'il.i HE WORLD'S STANDARD. -JA'r: f FAIRBANKS' SCALES. For Sale inj.r , PATENlYA'LtARM MONEY aCTK8S, Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store JtiBeJaga ran, I The Improved, Type Writer. Oscillating Pukv Co's Pumpsi. ' t ; end for Circulars i .-. -!!t m .!! uui KllM i- PAUIBANKS . CO, , j ' " 311 Broadway, New Yorlfc 'Fox sale bLeadM 5ardware DealerJtt- septl-dtaw ..,frf..i.ici.;iXuit.l.ci.. rores and wheat kxchakgr. Postofoce Address. Charlotte aty MBlit f!r'ii'l " ljwtIeahavMraWtrt irrtndor to mil wi ll find tt td'thelr Interest to call on the nnderslgDed. Meal ground eitnex Uie or coarse, according to orner Thankful irompt Mhel 1 3 &iiSi i larmw numnitw. persaanJ attention to all orden toero ene !Uyt'-Zl'- 'I- m-Vi c, a a mb inni . cj" -.-awirijl Htm. J7..',Chkif derltt W. 10. Selborn.As aauics J ri ? JifffiERTro. CRinAM: t 1 tiU'u tajlslatant. ygrJ; , , J 'i if Baring purchased a nice line of TobaceoJaOlML Government sale.u''' ' .iTe. I am prepared to. offer extra maoeeraems n Duy J' rl.ri-'' f w THOU! H.-rfiAiTHXR. . J, mVsOOFEBTT1X)B8ALX.x cb i?f3Fg ZrrriToom. and modem eon? iZjrTJi brick kttchen, trtthht nve mimnwi 7f-TT r , : coy mnwmni ttj WmM y -h Mia ATFITK. . . . . w . t r T i iij j l j. ; jpOBSALS. TKa Ttniiim-inl no anil WnWl tm On arhlcit i paper was later pttateii UM made by toe i itJtnann tml, fminrlrr of Philadalnhla. and ' riot discarded because fto looser At wt use, but on ly because It became neoessary to use dlflerer style o tyi 1 It wWdo good aei. tev sfperal temioeMtttwlHsoldtai jot-ioii;iiv ' fTrears'to ehaxen. and in fonts of 60 tOl.OOOn, WUAJ withmrt mom iiwn i OBSKRVKB. i t oct5, ' Charlotte. N. a 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPHOVED FORM. r fust Printed and Tor Sale at tb x OBSEKVEB CtflCE. TENANTS - - t Dorou waat to Bent a House?. Landlords, Do yon want your House Rented?, Farmers! Do'yita want tpiSettyouLawisr Settlers, Do you want to Buy a; If you do, goto DAWSON ft CO'fl i. CAROLINA BEAL ESTATE 'IgeSCY, ; IB the oW Banketf Mecklenburg guiding. CHARLOTTE, N,,C. . lp5r Ifccldei; rerhetjiber,' enly chhrga 7V Sxwieerft. I Xiating andcpUectlng. RenUguaran- Heed while parOeBare lLYlng in houses. We bare EAL ESTATE, UVSUM AND ;J iMldiXllON JfiENCY, For Selling, "(Boying and Rentiog V. I. . KDtES. AND HOUSES Drovidlne homes In the Piedmont region of anth Carolina and South Carolina, and belugeen nwled with tax eonnBWrRBOQBXt, circulated In ifflata country and Europe twice a month, I wiil ad wantise, free of cost, all farms and mines placed 1)1 nor hands for sale. , f , THOfi. E. DRAYTON, ziug9. ' "Charlotte; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, , , ' ' ' : i'RutTir-fracBXB.yBA&ii' j ,-.;: tJ toofft Popular MAt4:Vli World. Only $3.20 a year, including postage. Weekly, 52 Numbers a rear, 4,000 book pages, Tte ScntNTiyic .IxsmcAN is a large flrst-class Weekir liew8pcper of sisteea pates, printed In the most teautlful style, protusely Illustrated with spleaAM engravings, representing the newest tn venUMt and the most receut advances In Hie Arts and Sciences; Including New And Interesting Fact In Agriculture, Horticulture. Uie Home, Health, JfodlcaLProgress. Social Sclent, Xatuial History, Qelora, Astronomy. . The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers In ait departments of fiefenae. will be found m the Scientific American. Terms, $3.20 per year; $1.60 hatf year, which to-' dunes postage. Discount to agents. ringie copies, tea cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit bypos al tder to MTJNN ft Co., Publishers. 37 Park mow, .New lone PATENTS. In' connection with tte Scientific exnerienoe. and now have the largest? establish-. mert In the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice Is made In the Scien tific American of all Inventions patented ttaough this Agency, with the name and residence eC .the Patentee. By -the- Immense circulation thus given, public attention , isf directed ! to the merits of tne new patent, and sales or introduction often easily Any person who has-made a. stew discovery or Invention; can ascertain, tree of Charge, whether patent can probably be obtained, bjr writing to the undersigned. We also send tree our hand book about the Patent Laws, Patent Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and tow procured, with hints for preearlng advances on uxventleas. 1 iAddress for the paper, or concerning patents. . ; U.JHSi 3 i vaxs. bow, jNew. xorx;v Office, tfA 7th Ste., Washington.p.C:. 1 NEW BOOKS. Philip BrookV senhori, 'Qtoitttf . Library of Brttoh Poetry, (cloth,) 81,75 6.50 1.25 1.50 YlslwoTEcbard;, ielotK,"" ; Kelly's SUser Mine, (rlotia . 1 . . 00?,,, 11.50 2t00 vi.eo Round about France ,(cloQi, , . History of Music, cloth,) ' Thft Wjflhery f Tcbery, (cloth, x 11UgesarKl:VlHae'Llfet(aoth,i, Youman's Lessons la Cookery X.P1-) , Free, Trade aiid Protection, (clpth.Y Mayer on So n (cloth,) Grafting and Budding, (cloth.) Home Lessons, (doth-) :1.5f 1.75 11.50 1.75 WK 1.75 1.25 A BARGAIN!!! ! New and complete set of the last edition 01 APPLETGN'S NEW AMERICAN ENCYCLOPJE A botpd .in sbeep. Apply to qrarnY. a brother. . . i r u Bne .x R S T AMPS, liViiliV. Ki V.t. J And INK for Rubber Stamps, for sale at reduced (rates, by TIDDY 4 BROTHER. .uanct r ?Zt rfniw stai i jfTrt tot mn mutij .ot 2 f WRhtt tolri Yor Wwe 1 . .K'niCl -f-i i !Jf -tVtrl - TlBDY Jt BROTHER, oct8 AMQv-j.n ftwrf -aH-i jsi gi UiiEjj rtHu!irtwto. ; - .n-ffl 'Lr Vi.! iHr of bal-Bt' . . .A . . r . .1. - - .. 1 . tnWfflph 1 . , VIA WILMINGTON, r :il .viTT'A.Y jrvT-jr foayr baa Bklvamiq jiwiiai vsh ' launjopaanA an fioTmonrana v -' rwinnu'Onaitknkn. Station 1 v?rir , l t,AaweTfli ipomta la ewgla. H f in j!suraocaridtatt8)Kuaan. " , ThfoTmation foralshetl ! i'.;- F. W, CLARKi' ..- , ;;;, "Gen. Trelght Agent, WHralngton, N. C." BBPtSQ 1 T THE CENTBAL BOTH ; SALOON XltfX-l mil f-Uiif.-.Sft jifit: .!?( r. .. tt Cochrane keeps the best BITE WHISKEY, Stand ard Puie, Two Years Old. r'r - nil .. .'. 'IS? 6 TO CINJCBAI. HOTEL SALOON !T Fbt standard Pure Lkioora, pHENCH RRAIfim . . 't,-Ctoril'iittl TWENTY TSARS 0Lft. ,' AT 'CENTRAL fiOTEL SALOON. WINES, And Pure Liquors, Thwe Ypara 0d,e to COCBBANE'S, Central Hotel Saloon. REMEMBER! THAT TREDinrNZLER'ft B O T T I. ED "i A 6ER BfEBR- - Kla (he test tftftt ever firt teen sold to the etty t Charlotte. 13 ym dpuM It ta a dozen; It wiU only coU your one dnAf.lf It ow not give aatis- ! faction your monefiilbiivdgd. , . V OeUvered tree of chanp tm MT jPfwt J . tb city every 8itturtyiofHlag. U All drderii Wt a! .?glr itt; pron-pUy attended to, 5 , 'WANTia40IUnptrJW istoiie); for ; CaU wtly andBeireA;oMam whien a liberal em lce wlU be paid. 1 -tv ,,, ,j;- , ' : - : Reapectfullr. TMPERIAL BAmun. : Determine to keep the Bps jSaloon in Thh Cor, Klveie pleasure to mannwfi that I keep on draoght, C ; . i. j FOUR DIFFERENT KINDS OF LAtaSiWBR. . b- - null 1 iiiii-ii'n . ,i - V. VT My bar Is always aupptted wajti tbe vey Je VTXES, (including Cbampagnw;) ' FINE LK2U0RSJ ' ' IFRENCH BRANDIES, &C. JOSEPH FISCOE8SKR. sept2 I .j....;.. l ' . . " r- :: ' wCROCKERY ANtf SltTER STORE, tn T The highest awanls at all State . JIEW, YOKE. ! . i v --AMD ULaDounty Fairs for the best display of : " ' OTfm, Li, iSL'TLERY and SILVERARR irwLAseaap' sfoos o, Xtli !AT jSEW YORK PRICES. : J. H. LAW. Aetat IS'ew In8uranceButldmg,X3hlotte, Xa JM?IiXA5fT, BOTH TO THS WHOLESfEB AND RETAIL TRADE. in : Having unrtMUea facilities I nave Just opened the lam anU heat selected stock Of CHINA, ! : - . CROCKERY. AND LAMP UOODSj I J . ill !.? ! ' eve bmskbtttt mnrrH caboliha, , ,. 1 . :. Wekoq a full line of all goods usually kept la FIRST-CLASS ceo o o 0 g e 000 H H II NN H H H II SIX MHH II S It V H H n S UK SI H II It HN A A A A ,lr.i ., 00 o o 3 o RRR R R RRR R R R B EEK B KB -B BEK SggS v HI Toilet SetsvTeaetN Gupa,Jnd 8aucera,Platea;i Ewers and Basins, uoeteta, .uiass Goods, and In fact everything to that Hue. , We bw for cash and do a strictly cash ; business ttirough out, therefore we are enabled, to fill ordera aa very small profit. - ri J. Merchants and tne Retail Trade generally will find It greatly to .their advantage ' to call and ec Bln)fs!rj.:'ft" s!iijff ; i-iL; T'M-.ii'fi'; -:!rt) tj v,, :llCV -sil HUGE STOCK ! All erriwrx from Merchants: whether small .or , Will Oe OMV1U11 HH TTTTTnrpHJ BWIHICIf i. 1 - - - . n J fiWHNBB&UTXLD, J-':i' Trade st,.;ianjef m .... j .n ii mid T. , .. HnniflHUHUiuimiuiuauBriii'.'.ti'i t5HntA',r:aiid e iclcWarkv bwicingbM;' and YELLOW WARE, eLASSWARB , bm flwrJraad LAMP GOQDS. , .r bh Of various loads aad pBee& f - - L' f w.oiv ' novl9 -5 j to ALTOiNtssoumvAaiiav Oi&rlotte. StatesVllle!, Asherttle. BatlerforatonT the Atlanta Blchmood Alr-Llne, - ' and western H. u Banroaas,;? m f -tt li - Alabama and MtodsRlppL . ' r ?. i i V tKf.'r ;n'.-r if;-. -'tr:?i7--;jL rta any Compednf Llse, and Time as jutcfc ..; r " v;iH.:-.j.-q a -'t.i: . . i . ; hilt upon application to 1 ' ! ' - t.. : WM, A, MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, pharlotta, N. C t , ; . .- ' - j ' ' ' ,yrlM;Tfrhi'VK r'' ! : . li'i' .-t'Aji. ( " " r. sv ..X..T,eMlTH. Ageid C Ct Hallway, ChijrUtte. i iii i i I w- 4, G 00D8 THAT MUST BE BOLD. We hare lost received on consignment, One hundred sacks. . North Carolina Favorite FAMILY FLOUR. Fifty sacks of ttwOftebrntedBamsour A Bonnlwell , so. i. ' CO o o o o do YV ,9 V Ida took First Prerilum at tr Fair . (tAiiWK mver falls to iWlsfactlon, and ra aeknowl- edged equal to any Flour made, Y ' .y ' '', . ';.,,,t. ,. tn Uie State., ' IT'lMDt Mountain Irish Potutcs, Beans Pea. Peanuts, Chickens, Bron, EggH, Apples, But te, Cabbage, tot. , , Our attention la (Jlre' moet exclusively to Produce Bostnesa and'Wr d&ny reeelvUig all tueb articles ware usually he In a flret-class PRODUCE STORE. " 1-- ' r:i i ifar As our goods are 1 cpnslgnedj pjf must be sold or the consignor wOl be BANKRUPT. t; jtAJfDERftCO. W ORE NKW flOODS - r. ) ATI.' - ..,; r- . -t . -AN-p - ( . ; THE CBx'lS STIL tHfCOMfi. " ' --j.-. tjsneof this week's arrivals vt FRESH goods : - )' I !!!'.' : : jBqtft ei York State Gilt Edge Goshen TTTT BRB- to RRR b a BJUt B R KB R B aORSH JRJWasa, " V ' '' ' ' ; ., 1; .1;; fi;.-!- f tine Mbred and PlaJa nek)e, ndChowChow, in Kegs and Botttel, best Leaf LaW In Kettles, Buckets, Kits andHerees. . The largest Bar of Soap fof 5c' in the State. R. R. Mills and Gail ft Ax's Snuff In Bladders, Boxes andBales, Patapsco Bread Powdets.ln Boxes from 14 of lb to 6 ft fine Teas end Coffeeajresh Cann ed Tomatoes, Peaches, Pine Apples and Deviled Meats, Pepper and Worcester Sauces; More fine French , Candles,, nw, Nats, Figs, Hal ins, Jellies, Prunes, Mince Merystallsed Fruits Banaaasv Oraagea, Apples,. Lemons, Cocoanuts, ! i Brooms, Rackets, Tuba, Churns, , Kegs, Baskets, ett. ; TOBACCO; AND CIGARS. i! f : i-.H'U i-;.; ; ';, . fDXaetbbcst stock tt Oeods ia the city. L'-l- V! '..n-.ii iuj ,lBOY DAVIDSON. TjEGRAM A CO., ! "J! ''" -t.i. ''!! :i :f 1 .; ''il r.'Ki' f a ! n) i..i; i: 'I'. " - it 4u .lit I .Jl . ,, f'fir.i " .... ..y.tff. . ..... ; ' -a -st-w t :r.-' rJL .nit ili''!' : AND h":vh()i -i 1 if I .-. : t. r'f" Hi-:ai 'Vi,f f..'' 'rfwpffri-i.nn- - M 1 J V i ;7 v .taj " I'l-W IVf-, ih:'l !.!, :?!;,-. I " i ; io:i iitK rim, lt! : i ct fco"S-yil .e.,;j;J! ;w oj JviaoriH ,11-. f.x. fr,. sum A A KMlAml Bank tbinVITBs. Cbnrtotte. N. C. 1" nvi'S-reyv himtl jii,:,a"u3 nr jit" uJ flrtf?; 'ifiit .1 nut wit ,. . IU ' . iOur Stock ot Boots, Shoea, c Jb acknowledged to be the best In the State, and -we would be pleas ed to hare yon can ma eurne yoursell before bafj.Ai,iniiiyi.inAU k ca sr'tn ' 5 bamTs'l.f lTorio Oranges, just received from Waldo, FlorMavy Also a doen Oak and Hick pry Thomasvt'le Chairs, v hich are not surpassed forftUsh subsUnwal and cheap. ' --, , For sale low, by , :M. B. N. SMITH, AOTZU if - 'i')fH f-J -.7 .--! i I : v. 1BBB O I- BBB UTJ . ff "

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