)e OIljarUjttecb0tn)tr. ft LOCAL LiTELLHiESCE. SA.TUR )AY, DECEMB2U7. 1878.:? IMILROAI) lIKK:Tt.RT. The following table shows the running f passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the il roads (Washington Urns);, j t y yrj . , RICHMOND A DANVILLE. ,.? Arrives from Richmond arid Goidsboro,; 12.25 aViri. Leavesfor " .:' " ,,?,"-,B- Arrives from Richmond....... 10.50 a. ra. Leavesfor . ,. " '.:Hv:;:J;.'..: 6.55p.'in. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE AIR-LINK. Arrives from Atlanta, ' 3.30 a. m. Leaves for AUanta , , .,. 12.30 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,. k. .... ...... : ; 6 50 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta,. . .... .-k-y. .... . . . . : J0.50 a m. - CHARLOTTE, COLCMBIA 4 AUGUSTA. , ' Arrives from Augusta, j.-. ... ........ 8-35 a. m. Leaves for Augusta,. . , z . . . ; 12.30 a. m. Arrives from Augusta,. !..;.:;.;... : rt.45 p. m. I .tares for Augusta,; s. . . . . ,. . .- 11,00 a. m. ' " Carolina central. Ynlves from' Wilmington,. 8.20 p. m. Leavesfor Wilmington,.., -t 7.25a.m. Arrives from Shelby, 5.00 t. tb. Leaves for Shelby, 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE A OHIO. A it! ves from Statesville , 5.30 p. m. Leaves for Statesvllle, . .. 7.00 a. m -INDICATIONS. . U .::. , i i.j'ii. War Department, )v it r ice Chief Signal Officer, -r Washington, Dec. 6, 7 30 r. m. ) l For the South Atlantic States, jtiirtly cloudy weather, variable winds, mostly from the southwest to north west, stationary or lower temperature iind pressure. ..! lineal Keport for YeMerdnj'. rTrf7X MTr2 PrM. ; 9 P. M Baioineter. Thermometer Relative Humidity,, rt'l'ui-Direction.... ' Velocity Weather 30.174 32 . 79. S. 4 I Smoky: i 30.032 30.039 47 45 ; 48 S. 6 Cloudy. HI N. 2 Cloudy. 1 lighest tempeniture 50 deg. ; lowest 3 1 . Index to Mew AdverliiteiHriitN. J. L. Brown Notice. Tiddy & Bio For Kent. - ' The postofliee is open on Sunday only from ! to 10 a. m., for general delivery. The cadet hop took place last night; it was niiu-h enjoyed, as are all their Imps. An amhitious married man has al ready begun to fatten a Berkshire pig for the next fair. There is nothing high about the sun these afternoons by the time a man gets through' dinner ami settles down to work again. Cotton receipts are small just now, but it is believed that the yearly re ceipts will be fully as large as they were last year, if not larger. The last of the diplomas- Awarded by the Carolina Fair Association has .been delivered. The premiums were given out on theweek after the fair. The skating rink has changed hands, having passed under the proprietorship of Mr. Ed. Henderson. . It will continue to be open on the accustomed nights. The splendid piano used at the con cert last night va$.: pf "Horace Wyters, & Son's make, having ben kindlyj.furn ished by Messrs. Dawson fc Col,-of this city, who are agents for the same. . :' The attention of themembers of the chamber of commerce Is called to the fact that a regular meeting of that or ganization will be held to-night. See advertisment. .; ! ri; ; In the matter of prices, the theatri cal companies have been moderate thus far. Our citizens will not brook any increase certainly, and as a rule it pays even the best .companies never to go above $1 for the choice seats. The candy stew of the young ladies of the Busy Bee Society of the Episco pal church takes places this evening and to-night. They promise a good time to all who go, and they always keep their word. A gentleman just from Wilkes coun ty reports that the Blue Ridge, as seen' from the residence of Mr. N. Ilorton, on the morning of the 4th, was covered with snow. That day is described as squally and disagreeable, and snow was tailing at intervals all along the ridge for ten miles. Marriage in Smiihrtlle. Yesterday Mr. W. H. Peeples, a well known citizen" of the county, was united in inarriage,at the residence of the bride's mother, in the Smithville section of the citv, to Miss Hattie Smith, Rev. A. W, Miller, the pastor of the First Presby terian church officiating. . After the marriage the couple left for their future home in the country. ' flirn Mining ill Lincoln. j Messrs. Long Bro., of this city, 1 have recently leased the Peter Baxter place in Lincoln county, five miles this side of Cherryville, and are now opera ling a mica mine which has been dis covered upon it - ,The mica is of excel lent quality, and is found in great abun dance. The Messrs. .Long -nave just i commenced work, ' but have already j prepared one shipment of mica, which will bo made toj-day to a party in Bos ton. .','" j A ltackct in ibe Country j They do say that day before .yester , day tliev had smart of a-disturbance in Hie Pine.ville neighborhood, close to , ,1 .... .. 1 1 1 . 1 . 1?AA-1 ! i ne Mate line ana prouaoiy a nine way across it. A number of persons were engaged and the engagement was free to the world open to everybody Mho wanted to enter, hocks, fence rails and things were called into active play, and flew around altogether promiscu ously. Several heads' 'w ere beaten up and a good deal of damage done nearly all the participants in one way or another. It has not been learned whetheror not; anybody wasf t dangerously injured, neither'has it been learned what the iov began about. .' r ; i m r m , : . :i i. ,.:). t t ! Carriage Upset by Train. Yesterday afternoon as the Statesville train was in the act of moving off from, the crossing at the Air-Line depot, the horses attacheoVtapnewpf , the.carriages in waiting there for passengers, backed the vehicle against the train and.it was completely upset, breaking the coupling tongue and otherwises datnaging it.- A ladv, who had gotteri;fntJ),?:f;lie carnage: j ust before the. accident, ; was not injured in the slightest degree, but as a matter of course-, was J badly; lfdghtened,i ,The. accident is attributed in some degree to the carelessness of the driver,' -who! shoulrl have beef&the , Dealli from a. Pitel SIi0t. J . lf f .w ... The'mmHf'in. 'iluletlefJwhowM shot during the progress, of a difficulty 1.... i . , - i jj.-.-i u ;.nir:n: j.. :- nftween ioim , fVJCiiarus i;u - iuwui Woods, Gastrin, county, a few, days igo, mme of the particulars of which nave alreadv been published, has since? lied. The difficulty.referred to occurred, "t liih uimy nnne wnKtn ioperaieu oy. Messrs. Richards and lihyne, m relation to the consumption of certain' wood. Our information is that ; AVoods -rwas about to: attack' ltichards,"J when the Litter drew a 'pistol. Huffstetler at tempted to interfere lis a peace-maker and the weapon was discharged acci lentally, the ball entering the Supper part of nis body, " '" 'ii Tt - ' The minktrels .To-Nfcht. " , en. MMl' Ai'!JI'.' Tue week wul go out on a tide Mirfu-To-night we: have the Barlow arid Wil son, Primrose and West Minstrel Com pany. There is none better on the road, it is mnchto 'be' doubted if Barlow and ilson have their superiors on the stage in the delineation of rfgro character; it is worth the price of a ticket to see Primrose and West in their clog dances. These four are? possessed of talent enough, of themselves to afford a fnll fledged ; entertainment, but the press of all sections represent that the company otherwise is exceptionally good this season. The popularity of the four leading names in Charlotte would en sure this troupe a good house . to-night even if it were lei& Sneritbrions ;than it is, ana their popularity, landed 'to ,the popular scale of ibices whicltthey have adopted, renders a large audience an as sured thing, . The minstrels performed in Columbia last night, and will arrive here prpbablyrerk the 11 o'clock freight this morning. ? Cbarloite Tlioniu&on. The manner in which the opera house box-sheet was dotted over yes terday morning, gave abundant evi dence of the fact that our people have not forgotten that this distingushed ar tiste opens her engagemen there Monday night. By 10 o'clock all the front row of balcony seats had been taken. and bv noon a number of the' choicest of the orchestra chairs had been reserved. In evincing thus early their jmrpose to give Miss Thompson1 a Warm re ception our people but manifest that discriminating judgment which usually marks their patronage of the drama - Monday, night she gives us "Jane Eyre," Charlotte Bronte's charm ing creation, and Tuesday night Sheri dan' Knowles' Hunchback.' Much of Miss Thompson's high reputation has ueen maae in tnete roies, ana to see ner in the title role of the former and as "Julia" in the latter is to see an actress who in the emotional drama has few superiors on the American stage, and in these particular characters, none. Reserved seats can be secured to-day and Monday; those who want first-class seats had better engage them early. : Hadaiue Janaustchek. The advance agent of the great Jan auschek, "The Queeen of English Trag edy," as she has been for so long called, reached the jcit.y, yesterday and put up a pari of. his paper., Madame Janau schek need' no . introduction to the in telligent necmleibf any community on the American' continent. Her name is as familiar as a household word, and our good fortune in being afforded an .opportunity to see her will be cordially appreciated by our people. Her date is the 17th (next Tuesday week) and we shall see her celebrated characteriza tion of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. The name of Janauschekj is sufficient to rill the opera house, and the bills show that the company which is sup poi ing her is one of superior talent. (General Amusement Notes John T. Raymond played "Col. Sel lera"in' Charleston last night; and to day-at a matinee-is to-play ."Risks." We look. for hinibere-on the 13th, The B. & W., P. & W. minstrels had to play against the Great London circus in Charleston Wednesday and Thursday nights, and therefore did not have as large houses as,.they;!w.old otherwise have drawn. it n --i' Wilmington had to raise 'money one time long ago to pay tp, Jefferson's way out of town. Madame Janauschek is the owner of diamonds to the value of $150,000. The Helen D'Este company broke in Wilmington and is to be given a benefit there to-night in order to raise money to get away. Theyi were expected in Salisbury to-night and Statesville next Tuesday night. Januaschek's magnificent face now adorns the show windows. That of it self would draw her a house if she had not already won a reputation as the greatest tragedienne on the American stage. The Tournament at Statesville and the Ball Following, Full details of the tournament at Statesville day before yesterday ''reach ed us by yesterday's train. There were fifteen entries, the knights riding in the following order: - J. 1). Kerr, Knight of the Stare and liars ; A. Moses, Knight of the Iredell Blues ; J. L. Scales, Knight of Snowden ; W. M. Ramsey, Knight of Iredell ; M. L. Mott) A Gentleman ; C. W. Stikeleather, Knight of Olin ; W. G. Boshamer, Knight of the Fire Company; L. Hyman, Knight of Germania; - C S. Tomlin, Knight of Deleaplane ; J. L. Cooper, Knight of Fort Dobbs; W. B. Brandon, Knight of the Lone Star ; L. Wakefield, Knight of Lenoir ; W. M. Walker, Knight of the South Mountains; P. Bailev, Khlght Before Last ; A. M. Vannoy, Knight of the South ern Cross. The charge of Mr. B. F. Long, to the knights, is spoken of as a model of taste, and a creditable and appropriate effort. The riding was strikingly graceful, and the steeds of Messrs Mott and Van noy attracted much attention on ac count of their beauty and shapeliness. The successful riders were Messrs. Mott, 1st; Tomlin, 2d; Bailey, 3d; Bos hamer, 4th. The coronation took place at 8 o'clock in the evening at the opera hall. Mr. Mott crowned as queen of love and beauty, Miss Maggie Chambers; Mr. Tomlin named as first maid of honor Miss Wilfong, of Cataw ba; Mr. Bailey crowned as second maid of honor, Miss Katie' Turrentine; Mr. Boshamer transferred the honor which he had won to Mr. A. Moses, who crowned Miss Jeannette Schloss, of Salisbury, as third maid of honor. Immediately after- this ceremony the dancing began. ,,A large crowd was present; the dressing was noticeably handsome, and the pleasures of the oc casion were unalloyed. At 1 o'clock in the morning- snppervyas served and thereafter the festivities were resumed and continued "until s: ; ' The entire affair, from first to last, was conauctea most nauusouiei v um the day and nig most ' creditable niglit passed ott 111 the ana necoming man- PlVf Burglary. Joe McSmith, a somewhat notorious negro, was jailed yesterday in default of a $500 bond for his appearance at the next term of the - Superior Court to an swer the. charge, .o,(bnrglaryr iHe,en tered the house of Mr. William Shu mate,! who liveis on the - outskirts of the : citv, a few night ago, and stole clothing and a few other articles to the amount of $30 or $40. MecUuff of Wo Mining" 'Hoards ' At the meeting of" the mining board last night a review pf ,thea mining law of the. stale whs niade by Maj. W. W. rimnmiiigiandsits application fully ex-plaitxe-ur-T'he- i'ntrodncttoff of "this sub ject gave risem.aftfcnatea discussion on the different kinds of titles to mines, and titles in general, the;meeting con- eluding with a comparison of the , acts of , jncorporaton ptyyarlous';,Sutes: The boai-d'now rilneetsuiegularly and considerable interest is taken -'13 he; proceedings. ... . ' . .-.. r i., , iV '"TT-T'TC'' ' Why suffer with a had cold if one bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure a cough of the worst kind. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is sold for 25 cents a bottle, or five bottles for $1, in every respectable drug store in the United States. Death of a ffUnisteiv . ;News has just been received in this city of the death, on ' Sunday lasti f Bev. JKCadaHilLf ie Baptist Church, who breathed his last at his home in Kutherf ordton:"J His disease 'was 1 ty phoid fever. Mr. Hill was-bornin 1813 and was, therefore, 65 years old. He was one of the leading Baptist minis ters in Western- Nrth-' Carolina and one who had done much to shape the workings of the denomination. His death is a great loss and ; one that will Ihj difficult to fill. . . . Need of rlankingr Facilities. . The peopleof the western part of this State suffer much inconvenience from a lack of banking - - accommodations. There is an institution ' in -Ashetille which does somewhat of a banking business, and with this exception there is nothing like a bank west Of Char lotte. Statesville and all the vast terri tory for which it is the outlet, do is all its banking business through the Charlotte banks. This involves heavy express charges and is otherwise ex pensive, inconvenient and annoying. Post Office Affairs. The following changes have been made in this portion of the fourth di vision of the united States mail service since last reported up to the 3d inst : Offices Established Tyra, in Moore county; Kitty Hawk, Currituck' coun ty ; Sfill .Bluff,: Pender county ; Meek ville, Wilson county. Offices Re-established Six Rini3mp son county ; Valley Springs, Rutherford county. Offices Discontinued El Paso,firu?4 wiek county; Aubray, Craven county. - A Reorganization, ,. The members of! the Horriet'fire com pany held a meeting at their hall last night and effected a thorough Te-organ-ization. They expelled several mem bers who had not paid up. their dues, and took other steps looking to the put ting of the company on ' a firmer, more permanent and 'more effective footing than ever. We are glad to note these facts and trust that the Hornets in their commendable efforts in the direc--tiorr indicated mav receive all the j eh-J couragement that the community can give them. Kailroad Notes. : . -'. Another car load of convicts passed up the Western Xorth Carolina Rail road W ednesday to work on that famous tunnel. The Richmond &. DanS ilJe, Railroad has within the past year constructed four iron bridges over streams be tween Charlotte and Greensloro, and a force is now employed in building the fifth, which is to span Swearing creek, near Lexington. The finest musician and the finest shot among the railroad men, who stop over in Charlotte, are both connected with the Air-Line. In the case of Adrian & Vollers, of Wilmington, against the Richmond & Danville Railroad for the recovery of the value of four hogsheads of "mo lasses destroyed in the famous depot fire in this city in 1875, which was on tried in the Superior Court of New Hanover, resulted in a verdict of 262. 2 for the plaintiffs. . A Night with the Kazor-Pushers. Yank Xorwood gave a party, and the colored belles and beaux of the city gathered there. The fact that the parri ty was suddenly broken up by a lot of menriatea barbers, whose bacchanalian conduct produced the wildest confusion and dismay among the assembled com pany, has already been slightly touched upon. Yesterday morning the details of the story were laid bare before an eager crowd by sundry red-eyed wit nesses, and a few others who had.been, merely lookers on upon the exciting, scenes, it will naraiy be interesting to repeat the story in full. Sufficient to say that upon an invitation to one of the party they all yisited Yank's house and joined in the hilarities. The conduct of one them provoked the anger of Y'ank and these two had some sort of? difficulty. Then all the rest thought that their friend was being imposed upon and came to Ids rescue. This provoked the invited guests to anger, and they waded in to help their gal lant host. Chairs and sundry other handy articles of household use were converted into implements of war, and used with energy. A pistol shot .added tolhe contusion "which by this time existed, and so the thing went on. When the policemen finally arrived and restored order, it was found that the only injury inflicted was done to-i lanKs party coat which apparently had been slit open by a knife in the hands of some one of the belligerents unknown The several cases were fully investi gated by the mayor, the trial concum ing about four hours. Finally 14s hon or ordered fines to be imposed" as fol lows: Sandy Pagan, Dick Reid and Ed Sparkling, each, $5 and cost; Lewis Graves and Jno. Pratt, each, $5 and cost ; Yank Xorwood, $3 and cost; Reid and Graves appealed. Gray Toole, Jno. Schenck and others, charged with complicity in the same affray, were dis missed. And thus ended the spree of the bar bers. Last Nig: lit' Entertainment Quite- a large and appreciative -audi- -j ence assembled in ,the. room next door to the Central ; Hotel office, last even ing, to hear the execution of the splen did programme published in yestef-f day's Observer of the musical en-' tertainment under the auspices of the ladies of the Second Presbyterian chinch. The. programma contained a fine collection of popular songs, and the compositions of some of the masters in the musical art, as well as the names of many ladies and gentlemen who have often furnished pleasure and amuse ment to the1' music-loving public of Charlotte. It is no exaggeration to say ; that expectations were fully met in every particular. The entertainment was "marked by the first appearance before the Charlotte public of Prof. Bidez of the Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies, whose reputation as an artist of high talent and culture had E receded him. The execution of "Schu ert's - Sbna " !and arr overture, La Dame Blanche," the former by himself, Mrs. ''Dewey and Prof. Cain, and the latter bv the'trmwf th Mrs. Atkinson.vio- lin&ariaao ed,the response being m,aae by Mrs. Dew ey and Profi CainJ 'An instrumental solo, "Nocturnal." bv Prof. Bidez also charm ed his audience, who could "riot "but adH mire the delicacy and sweetness of his touch. ' - - - '' ' ; " , Another "event of interest wa the appearance of Mrs. Atkinson, who is so nleasantlv remembered for her" musical talents and culture when a pupil. 'then'. Miss Hannal of the Charlotte female A Instituteiseveral years ago. Prof. Cain's skill in the use of the1 lin, the absolute correctness of his play- j ing, pleasantly surprised the portun of the audience, who had been accustomed to admire him as the' gifted mathema tician, not knowing that he . was also a cultivated musician, ; and devoted stu dent of the "art of arts.' ' .V"""7:U The other performances received the applause 't which . is - always accorded them, Miss Tate and Mrs. Morgan re. ' sponding to : encores with, happy selec- The musical portion of the entertain- ment. so successruiiv execuveu, w as 101-, lowed by , exquisitely prepared ? refresh v ments of which -the audience . partook liberally; lingeringi over them till quite"! a late hour; ,a 1 "r aWvuj! Men have almost a monopoly" of sumption is also most fatal to women, and in the decad? of Jifa between twen ty and thirty years. This is the gener al drift of the statistics, and is probably near the facts, though our statistics Are not infaRiblp, .We nave, pnt; jret reach ed the terriwetabulatidtrbf the French statists,by whichy fif one mam in thirty thousand eats- alioes- -and marries bis grandmother, then otieHaari' IttiW6rr thousand must eat shoes and marry his grandmother." . i i ,vm:, A ProsuPrchased fey Banishment. Norfolk, December! 'fl-Tmej:bilte were found to-day by the grand jury or Princess, Anne- county, against, the ne groes who were engaged in the riot at Kempsville,,on election night. The counsel for te?defeneaskedthat nolle prdsmitsbe "enieredin aTTthe cases" on comlitVmctliab ftiUt?leaa2fsj (Kbkh Lamb and Willis -Hodges, leave the State never to return, which was agreed to by the court. Laifib and Hodges will leave, the Stftte to-day The , latter was a member of the constitutional convention in . 1869. , He will go to Brookljh.' " , A.,,lKl 'i, !-'- fl , i '!;:. ; II. ..rr.-Trr.Tr.'M No Opium! No Morphia or other dangerous drug is contained In Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, for the relief of eollc, teething, Ac. Price 25 cento J 7 ' CrasBmpttwt fHrftf. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed In his hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, eatarrh, sthma, -and all throat and lung .affections, also .a Bosltlve and radical cure for nervous debility and an nervous complaints, after having tested; its wonderful -curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt It his duty' to make it known to his, suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, l wni send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using in German, French or English. Senpy maiLh addressing wlih stamp, naming this paper. wTw. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Bochester, New York. oct9 4w , ., TElMAPHffilAEKtffiBMTS. i DECEMBER 6, 1878. PRODUCE. f . CWrtsyiTl Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat nominally unchanged; red and white 88a95. Corn dull at 32a3. Oats in good demand at 22Vfea25. Ryequief and firm atf50a2.! Pork 'steady and In fair demand at 8.00. Lard in good demand; steam 5.57V5-tfO. Bulk meats dull; partly cured shoul ders 2.70, clear rib 8.70, dear sides 4; bacon quiet and steady; shoulders 3, clear rib 4a, clear sides 4Va. Whiskey easier 1.03. Butter and sugar quiet and unchanged: Hogs Inactive. Baltimore Oats active and firm; Southern 27a30, Western white 29a30 do mixed 27a8. Rye quiet; Southern 54a7, Hay dull and heavy; prime Pennsylvania; and: Maryland lOall. Pro visions dufi and, heavy; 'jobbing only; mess pork K.25a50; bulk meats-loose shoulders, new 3, clear rib sides, new 4aiA per car load, packed, new 3a4; bacon shoulders, old 3V&ti 'dear jib sides, new 54a, sugar cured hams 9al0. Lard refined tierces 7i rf Butter eteady for choice; pack ed lHalS, rolls'l5al6. 'Coffee dull iand heavy; Rio cargoes llaltt. Whiskey steady and firm atl.09ai& Sugar steady. New York Flour strongly In buyers' favor; su perfine Western and State 3.40a85, common to eeod extra Western an Statei 3.75a4,10r good to choice do 4 1550; Souther flourquiet and heavy : commeti to-fair extra 4.0a5.O0; good to choice1 ditto 5 10a6.25V WAeat No; 2 red a shade firmer and fairly active; ungraded spring 95, Na do, to arrive, No. 2 Milwaukee 1.00, ungraded : Ved - 96ay 1.0X. : Corn-Nei 2 a shade) firmer; - other grades unchanged; Gate better; No. , 2la Coffee? quiet and heavy; Sugar unchanged. Molasses dull, and unchanged. Rice unchanged. Pork mess on spot 7.35a70. Lard prime steam spot H.02 Whiskey firmer at 1.09. Freights dull. TCOTTON. ' NoRFOLK-Julet; middling 8Vsc.; net receipts 3,276; gross -r-; stock 23,737; exports coastwise sales ; exports to Great Britain .-r. ..' Weekly net receipts 16,683; gross ; sales 4,392; exports coastwise, 7,98Qj to Great Britain 7,61 It to France . Balttmorb Dull; middling 8c.; low middling 83fec; good ordinary 8c;net receipts 159; gross 1,076; sales 280; stock' 3,266Y exports coastwise ; spinners ; exports to , Great Britain , r-: to Continent - . -...''' Weekly net receipts 503 ; gross 3,869;stJe 1 ,082 ; spinners 346; exports to Gr"t Britain 1,800; coast wise 220; to Continent 100; to France . , iJrjsnnTjmrr tswq 8c; good ordinary fec; nettecelpts 578; gross 2,103; sales ; stock i,S4ffr exports to Great Brit ain Weekly net receipts 8,790; gross 9,290; salesAi exports to Great Britain 7,951. 1 Wilmington Quiet; middling 8&; low mid dling 81c.; good rd'y 7; net receipts 4,094; gross ; sales ; stock 15,352; spinners ; ex ports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to Con nent . Weekly net receipts 4,094; gross ;saleB 495; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain 1,240; to Continent 2.59S; to France ; spinners 82; to channel . Philadelphia Quiet ; middling 9c; low middling iRC.;good ordinary 8c.; net receipts 86; gross 533; sales ; spinners ; stock ; exports to Great Britain . Weekly net receipts 2,968; gross 6,110; sales 2,252; spinners 2,052; exports to Grt Britain 431; StOCK 7,253. - ; Augusta Easy; middling 8!.; low mid- dling7tec.; good ordinary 714c.; receipts 1,870; ! shipments ; sales 1,221; stocks. ' I Weekly net receipts 8,026; shipments 4,054; ' sale 6,563; spinners ; stock 19,852. Charleston Easy; middling 8c; low mid dling 82C.;good ordinary 7c.; net receipts 2,- I 501; gross; sales 1,000; stock 83,151; exports : coastwise ; Great Britain ; France ; to Continent ; to channel - .i :I Weekly net receipts 18,772; gross ; sales 15, 400; exports coastwise 2,663; to Continent 1,750; to Great Britain 2,637; to France 4.057; to chan nel . Nbw Tom Weak; sales 807; middling up- ; ; lands Vtic; mid. Orleans 9&&C.; consolidated net : : receipts ; gross ; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent ; to Fiance . I i Weekly net receipts 9,274 gross 24.186; exports ! to Great Britain 6,698; to Continent 1,655; to 1 France 400; sales 5,200; Stock 68,185. -COMPARATrVB COTTON STATEMENT. Net receipts at all United States -ports during the week 1tC;:i -20.84rt' Same week last year 178,187 Total receipts to this date 1442,761 " to same date lastrear. . . 64H.682 Exports for the week. 186,685 Same week last year . ,273 Total exports to this date 1,038,588 4 .4, - si cnmA lafe T ETC to same date last year,. 709.575 Stock, at aH United States ports.., .. ti22,443 time last year 712,849 Stock at all interior towns 148,431 sometime last year ... 100.652 Stock at Liverpool. ... i v -. .... .t-ja...i4 829,000 " , same time last year, 312,000 Stock of American afloat for G. Britain, 248,000 Same time last Jeat.. 224,000 Liverpool Noon Dull. Middling . uplands 516, Orleans 5 9-1 6, low middling uplands good ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands . sales 8,000, speculation fetid export ; 1,500, receipts 16, 100, American 15, WOO. Futures opened 1-32 cheaper. Uplands tow middling clause: December delivery 5 3-32, December and January , Jan uary and February, February;, and March 5Vfe, March and April 5 5-32, April and May 5 7-32a 3-16, May and June 5 9-32, June and July. 5 5-16. New crop snipped Febroary 'and March per sail 514 Sales for th week. American Speculation a . .-i .... 49,000 38,000 2.000 ExpQrJL -JUOOaU Actual exports. . . . . . . ... . ... . . . , . Imports .J.JJ.IJ.W J. American. Stock: .-vV; rTf! American .'. . Afloat American 5 p. m. Futures closed weak. 7.000 i.H. 82,000 68,000 ,329,000 201,000 810,000 248,000 I Weekly Circular. This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers? Association says: Cotton was depressed. Moderate business wast done and quotations were reduced. In American the demand was reduced 1 There was an abundant supply and Quotations are reduced 3-1 ttd ta a farthing. In Sea sland there was fair business and holders obtain ed full rates. Futures were dull and depressed, and closed at a decline of 5-32L Near 3-82 to id for more distant positions.. j. - A FUTURES. ' ' "AM Sales 70, 9.018.02 9 .10 9.22 9 .34 9.46 td.B8Mif .77a.78 9.83a.85 New Yohk 000 bales. . -Futures closed weak. December January... February ' March . . . April...... May .... . June...i July . .1. August... v FTNANCtAL. Nkw York Money actlve'at 1.03a- -Exchange at 4.811. Gold steady at Government strong. New 5's 1.06. Stat bonds dulL - COBSXCTETi JAH.Y. ' COTTOBfTrlfc-- ' "' Ne, tier bfl.i. Spliced, 44 BAGorKG, per lb. Con, per bashl ........ : Mbav " 50B65 60S56 S3a35 'J N. CL bor roand. .... ....... 8a9 Hams, canvassed...... Clear Bib Sides. 5K5tt Coma .1 Ofi' ' y " ' Prime Rio. 117 Good..w.4.;vV;.... ......... ...... 1416 Stbof Sugar-house. , 25 Cuba -Si-i... aunt . . 3845 Salt Liverpool fine 1.002.00 SOSAB r . !..', i' . i-'r- . ... -u. ft .White. , ... r ...... . , , lOalS Teuow. ?..............:..,.:::.,.,.. s&svt Potatoes .?!- Sweet 85a40 Irish. 4Ua50 Butter -Norta Carolina.... ............... 20a26 EoGs, per dozen..,..,,.,.. 15a20 FlXIH : " Family: r. : '. .".W.". . : . 3.00a3.50 .'..fictBL.wi; u .tstm 2-75a8.00 I Super .y . , . j,,, . . v , . .-...,.,.,.L..-.1;.. .....f,.fJ....,,. ........ OTICK, - -. TO MEMBERS OF THE ,'' ,! ' ill ) i I :r iH.t (i CHARLOTTE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. . ' ,. . . , - . ' ; . . . r ' l,V. I.- ; -Ti". Remember that a meeting of the Chamber will be held tbfs evening; at 8 o'clock, at your room la tneOBSEBVEB bmldtng. Dont ftiU to be present J.L BROWN, ' dec7 It PreskteBt 0R RENT. ) ONE PIANO.- de7 TrDDY BRO. "PHOTOGRAPHS. In consequence of the reduction In .the pdee si the original cost of materials, and ia order to give my patrons ttie benefit of the redueeob tram'lpal after this date Photographs X Ven at'm Gallery at Z i REDUCED RATES. sept22 j."h. ' Van, ness gznttettt. A. W. ALEXANDER DENTIST- OFFICE OVER L. B. WRISTON COS -: Dbto Stobb. With 25 years; experience I gnarantee entire satisfaction. ' . r Janll' ' l&vottvits. JpAMTLY GROCERIES, I have now In store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies. t It- - -.i ,, - .1.. . ;. Also, Turkeys, weighing from 12 lbs! to 25 lbs. each. , Just Received a lot of Cranberries. Fresh Goshen Butter. New Buckwheat Flour. S. M. HOWELL dec6 ROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER! NEW GOODS! - s f- NKW FEATURES i Come to me for Bacon, Com, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods delivered in the city free of charge. W. H. CRTMMINGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand. ap5. H OME MADE ! ! ! I ONE THOUSAND BOXES, ONE THOUSAND BOXES, ONE THOUSAND BOXES, ONE THOUSAND BOXES. tlNE THOUSAND BOXES, CELEBRATED CHEWING TOBACCO. CELEBRATED CHEWING TOBACCO. CELEBRATED CHEWING TOBACCO. CELEBRATED CHEW&G TOBACCO. CELEBRATED CHEWING TOBACCO. : GOLD BASIS. ! GOLD BASIS. GOLD BASIS. GOLD BASIS. GOLD BASIS. NONE SUCH NONE SUCH. NONE SUCH. NONE SUCH. NONE SUCH HORNETS' HORNETS' HORNETS' HORNETS' NEST. NEST. NEST. NEST AT POPULAR PRICES TO CLOSE OUT II!- AT POPULAR PRICES TO CLOSE OUT 11!-t-AT POPULAR PRICES TO CLOSE OUT 1 ! ! it 1ST; Givk rr a Trial, .i&i tir" miller i Leak, Mancfactoir8. R. M. MILLER ARSONS. R. M. MILLER SONS. ,i ... ,t ) :-"'' i r: Ml'' - ' R. M. MILLEH4 SONS. R. M, MILLER tk SONS. R.M. MILLER ASONS. - R, M; MILLER & SONS lira': Demi JUST RECEIYED, ATMHI AfaUsuppiyofaUiJo'h'a. No 1 imri 9 VackereL new Buckwheat Flour. Northern Irish Potatoes, Hams and Brealtfast Bacon, new y Raisins, Currants, Nutmeg, Cranberries, Ac We have a full supply of aQ kinds of Family Groceries, and win sea them as Ww as anybody.1 Give us a call. nov3 HTLXERA DULS. "YlLLIAMS A FINGER, T Have lost received a Jot of Turkeys and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to Williams Finser and buy the best Family Flour from the best mUla. Wheat, Bran,' Oats, - Com and Meal, Honey, Country Lard, Butter sMEggs. The best Timothy and 'North Carolina i. ty, cow and horse feed of the best quality. Sugar). Coffee. Ac Con signments solicited for-elt kino Of eountrpproduce. Will make prompt retains 01 saies. decs - B-.J - - t, . f r v VIA WIIJUlluTOxi, 1 f r -J-fP f:r Sii twul-, -. .'Mill ,,tj, THBOUGfl FREIGHT ROmi i -i:-4l V- iVUHi -, , ' : i This Line being fully equipped for bostnesf. Wnmltigton aad nKorav)rno4 KajtemQUe to Gfefvme, BpartanhfTg. all Stattow AttBJUteTiM Ohio, "It- ' . --. - Inamaoa and RatMguaraate4 as Low w Information furnished F.W.CLARK, Gen. Freight Agent, wnmlrigton, N. C, septSO grtigg and SXttttciuts. JSO MORE ACCIDENTS ! ! " THE ONLY PERFECTLY SAFE f. KEROSENE LAMP IN THE WORLD ! ! THE RHTND PATENT SAFETY LAMP Has been placed upoa the market and the publk ','," Is mvlted to test this simple but 'A WONDERFUL LAMP. Itsiiuaaties are: H Extmgutahes Reelf when Overturned' It kxtfognlshei Itself when .Dropped from the Hand?; It Extinguishes Itself whenBrokenl ' It cannot be filled whue Lighted! It can be earned at pleasure. Blowing down the ehlmney, or turning down the wick, to , extin guish the light entirely unnecessary. CP" This Lajnp gives more light with the suae wick than any Lamp in the world. Light and safety secured for common lamps by wring our safety Extinguisher Burner. ' L JL WRI8TON A CO., ' ' ' o1e Agents for Mecklenbunr county. .."nit. oot26 D r. i h. xcadek; DRtroawr akb cmofirr, Now offers to the trade full stock of Lubin'i Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English. French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at alt hours, both night and day. at ' J. H. McADEJTS Prescription Store. 'ECUBITYt SECURITY f SECURITY! 200 Barrels of C. WEST SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE in. ALADDIN SECURITY OIL, West's Extra Na 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & Sons, Baltimore. i Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition, Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C West A Sons, Baltimore. For Soie by , Da J. H McADKN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. a TOZ WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS SCALES. Mi For Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, 8pice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rally. The Improved Type Writer. Osdllattng Pomp Cos Pumps, end for Circulars. FAIRBANKS CO.; ' ' v - ,1 T 811BroadwayNtwXork fgw- Far sale by Leading Hardware Dealers .." y . septl-tawwl . t. a 1 i. - .: :t:. i 'En. . ... . '. ' -rr NORTH CAROLINA. j,j jmJ TO ALL POINTS 80vfa " offers unequalled facfimes for the Tnuwportion of n the Atlanta A Richmond A' . j . ' : : '' -if,l t ).;;: , . . . tla any Oompotinc LIM, and Time as Quick. , i; ' upon appUcaUon to !, I WM. A. M00DT, i Southwestern Freight Agent, Cliariotte, K. X ' Ageid C C BartwAy, Cbarloite. , O PERA HOUSE, SATURDAY ONLY, DECEMBER 7TB. Hailed by the Community the Beett , The best show in the Wortd AT CEAP PRICES. WILSON, ; .8BSg PRIMROSE WESrS MI K 9 T R EL 8 I GREAT LAST SEASON. j GREATER THIS SEASON The crowning ellmax of minstrelsy. New Novel oes. Musical Gems and LsnrtaNe Aets.onthll our 2d regular tcjir.. AN ENTIRE NEWCOMP A NY Ir. the most legant, - chaste and refined pro gramme ever presented by a minstrel organization. For list of oomoanr and snectalties dven. set ds i ecripuve bills. . , ; -r? ! I Prices 75c; seats secured at Central Hotel; no extracnarge. Gauery 60 cents. J. H. LAINE. , Business Manager, deel 6t Soto Proprietor. 0 PERA HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY! -COMMECTNG MONDAY, DECEMBER 9L Engagement of THE GREAT EMOTIONAL ACTRESS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, supported by a Carefully selected and efficient DRAMATIC COMPANY Monday Evening, December 9th, the great play A WW NKKB A HIT 51 ill WEE A W WW B AN HW BEE Dramatised from Charlotts Bronte' Celebrated Story of that name, Tuesday Evening, December 10, Sheridan Xnowles'i 5 act play HUNCHBACK. Admisalon75candSl.no. No extm. ehaisn for reserved seats,- which can' be secured at the usual place, on and after-Wednesday, December 4th. LORAINE ROGERS, S. F. STrnraH, . i - - Director. .-Manager. t , novSOtd , . pEGRAM CO., DKALSJIS AIL. ...... ..w.... BOOTS, : ii. : AND H g A : . AA A A" AAA A. A TTTT i T ' . H 1st National Bank Building. Charlotte. N. C - . .!;:,. ::.!!. u. ' i ' i Oat stock of Boots, Shoes, Ac Is acknoWledged ,; to be the beet m the State, and we weald be pleas ed to have yon call and examine for yourself beta. : buying. , , 1 PEGRAM A C0.. i , deel hi N EW LTVEHY STABLE. If yon want first-class Carriages," Pmwfobs, Bug gies or Saddle Horses, s to.tlw tJvet Stable.. , 'Z . tk?!g&H! meet sjTtvlng or deparUng tralns'gp to the'New Livery Stable. : i " .' '. .. ,'4v':' ' .'"'T ,,' T BK L.Viildl tfvj itt 1 go to the J Uneba;'1' . Careful drivers, promptness SAdTeasocuUile trices are oar mottOL ' '-"" -r . may28 -,. - "K CHAMBERS A CO" : -"-. -j . v.,vw-vtr-.t,r.:f.-j' v,-'iT. . 5 barrels 100 Florida Oranges, -Just received fflr For sale tow, by TI9TIL BEGISTE23f oil . Of various kind and prices. nov!9 '''" -v'-" TIDDYA ERO. IBB AR LOW, 4 ! - it i J J JLA. j JJJ A EEK T B Bin