WSJ3?? .1, n mi ! LOCAL iiiTELUUitfcia SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8i-l87P. " : : BAtlBOAD DiKECTGBI. r ; .' .. . The fol'owlng table shows the running of passen ger trains' to and from Charlotte, on ail the rail roads (Washington time): ' ? BICH5IOND DANVILLE. Anlves from Richmond and Goldsboro, 12.25 a. m. Leaves for " .,;-, " " &45.a. m. Arrives from Richmond,. 10.50 a. m. Leaves for " v: ...... 6.55 p. m. ATLANTA A CHARLOTTE ATB-LCTR. Arrives from Atlanta,. . . . 3.30 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta 12.80 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, .i . , 6.50 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta, . . -: ,10.50 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta,.'. : . . ..... .... 8.35 a. m. Leaves for Augusta 12.80 a. m. Arrives from Augusta,.......;,. .45p. m. Leaves for Augusta, , ........... 11,00 a. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. " Arrives from Wilmington 8.20 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington, 7.25 a.m. Arrives from Shelby.A. .J.;..l;. ....... 5.00p.m. Leaves for Shelby, : 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO. 4 rrives from Statesvffle, 5.30 p. m. Leaves for Statesville,. . ; . v 7.00 a. m TIIK VUCKCBKH TO-DAI. Young Men's Christian association Hall. Devotional exercises this afternoon at 445 o'clock. Baptist Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'c lock and In the evening at 7 :30 o'clock by Rev. V. R. Atkinson. Sunday school In the morning at in o'clock. ... First Presbyterian Church. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 7 HO by Rev. A. W. Miller, D. D. Sunday school tn the afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church. Services In the.; morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 7 AO o'clock by the pastor. Rev. E. EL Harding Sunday school In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 7 :30 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. E. A. Wingard. Sunday school In the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Associate Reformed Presbyterian Chapel. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7:30 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. W. T. Waller. Sunday school In the morning at 10 o'clock. i , Calvary Mission Church. Services in the morn ing at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at 7 u30 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Butt. Sunday school In the morning at 9 o'clock , and Class-meeting In the afternoon at 2Va o'clock. St. Peter's (Catholic) Church. -feervices in the morning at lOtfc o'clock and catechism taught In the afternoon at 4Va o'clock by Very Rev. L. P. O'Connell. Vespers in the afternoon at 5 o'clock. Sunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock. Trton Street Methodist (E.) Church. Ser vices hi the morning at 11 o'clock and in the even ing at 7:30 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. A. A. Bosh amer. Sunday school in the evening at 31'2 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 110 o'clock. Strangers cordially invited. ;raham Street (Colored) Methodist (E.) Church. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 -30 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. L. B. Gibson. Sunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Index to IVeiy Advertisements. Alexander & Harris Dress Goods. Burwell A Springs Tobacco. J. T. Butler Auction sale. Barrtnger & Trotter Bargain Counter. JS. J. Allen Xmas Goods. INDICATIONS. War Department, ) Office Chief Signal Officer, Washington, Dec. 7, 7 :30 p. m. ) For the South Atlantic States, increasing. cloudiness, possibly followed by rain areas, variable winds, mostly south-easterly, stationery or higher tem perature, followed by falling barometer. Local Iteporl for Yesterday. tH'7A.M7T2 P."M7f9 pTm Barometer,.... ...... Thermometer Relative Humidity,. Wind Direction,. . . Velocity, Weather f 30.181 30.165 30.231 315 47 39 61 34 55 N. E. N. E. E. 2 4 4 Smoky Clear. Clear. Highest temperature 48 deg. ; lowest 36. sao.TiK PENcinxis. Full moon to-morrow at 2 o'clock and 28 minutes in the afternoon. To-day's length is 9 hours and 38 min utes. Iine hours and 34 minutes is as short as they get. December wouldn't be such gloomy weather if we'd nothing else but De cember weather like this. This is the second Sunday in Decern ber, the second Sunday in Advent, and the anniversary of the conception of tlie Virgin Mary. ( iox. Vance arrived in the city yes terday morning and will remain for a tlav or two. He is registered at the Central Hotel. The streets were crowded yesterday, and if the stores and shop-keepers didn't work off a good quantity of their wares and merchandise, things deceived their looks. We ask of the police and city authori ties if there are no means of abating this infernal nuisance of chasing rab bits with dogs through the crowded t reels. . A school is needed at Matthews' Sta tiiui in this county. The neighborhood is thickly populated, the people are wHl-to-do, and . a school house and a good living are waiting for any compe tent teacher who is willing to take hold iind hold on. The Busy Bees. The Busy Bees had a very delightful entertainment last night, and it is a pleasure to state that they were quite liberally patronized.,, A number of ar ticles of fancy work, &c, were disposed ( if. T tr w. t fr ter is indebted to them tor an excellent oyster stew' and other j eatables which were keenly reiisneo. Church Destroyed by Fire. The colored'Methodist church, of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Con vention, situated about 9 miles from tlie city, on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad and known. asuhina Grove, was totally destroyed by fire on Friday night. Rev. L. S. Hurdle was in charge of this-ehurcli4ast year, and had leen re-assigned to it for the confer ence year commencing December 8th. Etevenue Kaid at matthewt'-The Set 's! it res Spirited A-tixy. , , V A few days ago a party of three reve nue officers appeared at the village of .'Matthews' .Station1 in this county, ten l miles below Charlotte on the Carolina 1 Central Railroad', and (hitching their ; horses in the woods entered the village i on foot, all 'from different directions. One of them dropped , into the store of f E. J. Funderburk, another into that of r- M. Lv McLendon,?and the third into that of D. L,Fesperma; ; -They, hnjnediate f ly began'their seajectt'for crppked;tobac- co. and as a result of their investigations seized ' fi ve ' boxes ' fotfi'Mtt McLendon, one froirirFuhderburk, and a quan tity of loose tobacco, less than. box full, from MrVFesierman.H'5 -f'f' f The seized goods were . takeli'. to the depot to be shipped to Charlotte hy the next train, fend the agent gave "his re ' tseipt for .them:.;! "5Cftat; fiight,'!Thqwever, the depot, was entered and? the slobaeco spirited away, beyond 're-discdvery up to the present time.. . One. .of ; the floors ( ' (of. the sort that move on ' rollers) had ' t. ' been gotten open; and after the tobacco had heen taken cafef ully puljed to again .from the outside.;fM,;rt1T 4 ' One of the merchants whose tobacco ' , hat! been seized, folldwed after the offi- - . cer who had ?it we are. told, protesting, ' mat tne ,dcx was -properly stamped. ' " True enough,"; said the- grasshopper, v"but ten-inch t tobacco vdonf -'fit 1n an .1 eieven-mch box " : r-n ,7 -n..;e-r amcsem en rs: - iiarl6Cie Thompson Jane Eyre, v Y7e take itrto be almost liiraecessary to ajrtin remind our people that to-morrow n light Charlotte Thompson will appear at the Charlotte opera house. No more c .1 arming book was ever , written, and iew more beautiful plays ever put upon the stage than Jane 'Eyre. The press in all parts of the country concede that MissThompson is the true embodiment of the character, and we hope the opera house' will 'beu filled to-morrow night. The MlnstrelM Last Night. The Barlow, Wilson, Primrose and West company .surpassed itself last night. They had a good house and they fairly outshone, their former selves. The singing was delightful; if possible Primrose and West ;havtf improved in their clog dancing -si nee they -were with us last; it is perfect. Wilson and Bar low are still the inimitable end men. Wilson is the heavy man of the compa ny; his characterizations afforded in finite' amusement. The company is first-class in every particular. It has more than met Charlotte's expecta tions. The Facts About the Killing' of Huff steller. ' . ' 1 Mr. William Richards, of Richards & Rhyne, thy parties who operate the Duf fy mine in Gaston county, where Wil liam Huffstetler Was killed a few days ago, called at The Observer office yes terday to give all the facts in the case. He'says that When he went ' liOme from the liudisill mine, near this city, where he is at present engaged, he found the hands at the mine nearly all intoxi cated, and ishortly afterwards a young man named Woods came there and tijed to provQke a difficulty with the engineer. He (Richards) went down to interfere, and finally induced Woods to go off. but not until he had attempted to use a knife on tl e tnginetr. A short time after this, Woods. .returned to the mine witd a gun in his hand, which he drew on hlra (Wmf Richards) and Mr. Rhyne, saying that he intended to kill every man on the place. These two tried to persuade him, to, go , away, but failing to do this, made some of the young men go around behind Woods to take the gun from him. During the struggle, John Richards, a son of Wil liam Richards, handed William Huff stetler a pistol which he had drawn, j when, Woods was in the act of shooting, ;and when. Huflstetler attempted to put jit incite pocket, the weapon was dis charged, the bajl entering his abdomen, from the effects of which he died, a few days afterwards. In the scuffle Woods had some of his teeth knocked out. Mr. Richards asserts that he did every thing in his power to prevent a difficul ty. He attributes Woods' belligerent conduct to the fact that he hadieen dis charged from the mine sonie weeks be fore the occurence, j ., 1 I m I Society Notes and Personals. There is some little talk of an at tempt to re-organize the reading club. It ought certainly to be done. Let the married people take the matter in charge. - Among the young lady Visitors in the city at present are Miss Nora Thomp son, of Wilmington, with Miss Clara Yates ; Miss Addie Avery, of Morgan ton, with Miss Annie Jones, and Miss Coffin, of Salisbury, with Miss Louise Young. ' " '' An interesting marriage will take place in Grace church, .Morgan ton this week. The bride and groom expectant having many friends in different parts of the State. Miss Minnie Phifer, of this city, vis iting Miss Fuller, of Danville, Va., was one of the attendants at a recent fash ionable marriage in that place. Riding on the race track at the fair grounds is growing very popular. A half dozen teams were whirling around there a few evenings ago. The only unpleasant feature connected with the amusement is the bad road between the city and the grounds. Something altogether novel in : Char lotte in the line of vehicles, is one which appeared on the streets a few evenings since. The seats are arranged so that the occupants sit with their backs towards each other. It is said that some of the knights who distinguished themselves on the field' of the "recent tournament in States ville, when about to confer the crowns they had won, could exclaim with Hen ry V, "I have no strength in measure, yet a reasonable measure in strength,- but before God I cannot look greedy, nor gasp out any eloquence, nor have 1 do cunning in protestations." Pulpit Personals and Church Notes. Rev. W. R. Atkinson will preach at the Baptist church to-day, Rev. Dr. Whitfield having accepted an invitation to address the Bible Society of Wades boro. ' The honorary degree of D. D. has been conferred on Rev. J. B. Mack, formerly of Mecklenburg Presbytery, now pastor of the church at Columbia, S. C, and one of the most successful preachers in the church. The Atlantic Presbyterian Synod, col ored, is in session in Columbia Dr. Mattoon, of Biddle University, the re tiring moderator, preached Friday morn ing. The synod will be in session seve ral days. The Lenoir Topic announces thatRe v. Paul P. AVinn, pastor of the Presbyte rian church in that place, late professor of Greek in Davidson College, has ac cepted a call from Concord church, near Statesville, and will remove to-his new field of labor about the 1st. of January. It would be interesting to know even approximately What' proportion ' of the people of Charlotte attend church. Won t some enterprising cnurch mem ber undertake to make the' average for a half dozen or more Sundays? If it is determined to sell the pres ent Associate Reformed Presbyterian church," and erect another oh Try on street, which will in all probability be done, all the churches will be within a few blocks of the public square except one, and . .all on the same street except wo; - Rev. Dr.-Ji Ej 'Presslyf preached his twenty-eighth " anniversary sermon to his congregation at 4Coddle Creek A. R. P .church last Sabbath. A contributor sends the following: It is ; said, that very few persons ever profess religion after they are: 50 years of age. And one of the ditiiie Writers asta .'Tan thft..Ethioiah vchanae his skin op the' leopard his "spots, then may ye do good - who are accustomed to ao evil." But under the extraordinary work of the grace of God at Calvary, under the ministry of Rev. J.F; Butt, recently, or during the last two or tnree weeus, one man was converted and joined the church at 65 years ; one lady joined at 62, and another at 70 ; one penitent seek ing the grace of God is 70, and another who came to the altar and sought and found his is 85; also another joined by certificate who is 72, besides other mid dle aged persons. , , Broke an Arm. Dav before yesterday while Mr. Jonas Jenkins, of Gaston county, was driving along the public road, four 'miles from Brevard Station,? on top of 'a load of Cotton which ! he; f was brirfging to this market, a rut or stump in the road gave thfl waeron a sudden jar and a part of the load of cotton toppled and fell over- -w ! 1-1- 1 i. board, Mr. jenKins gomg .wim 11,711 the fall breaking !;bis . right arm just above the wrist He was in the city yesterday, a nnW. unit niflasant home Is Insured to all mothers that use Dr. ' Bull's Baby Syrup for their little ones. It oontalna nothing injurious. . , VaitednStatetTiCoart. This cbtlrlfmpfifa 'tto'VliarlnrtA -Mon day, Judge Dick presiding;- It is ex4 iwccea mai i uage jsona, 01 the united States Circuit Court, will also be prea ent during a portion of . the session,-probably" arriving'' about the last of the first week.- Although this will be the first term of the court ever held in this city.the dockets will be full --sufficient to occupy the entire session. The civil docket is at present larger than at any- other point where the court is held in this State. . One of the most important cases to come up at this term is that of the Spartanburg & Asheville Railroad, in reference to the appointment of a receiver. The Cbriktmaa Exposition For the new Baptist church, of wjiich we have already had something to say, will be opened on the 17th. The mana gers have met with prompt" and gener ous responses from firms in New York and elsewhere. Among others B. Alt man & Co., of Sixth Avenue, have sent beautiful donations: Ehrich fe f,o of Eighth Avenue, Smith, Sheldon & Cq J the New York publishers, and Peter--n son. or I'Diiadeiphia. Calvo & Patton,of Columbia, S. C, will send a fine collec tion of plants. The articles from all establishments are such as to enhance the enviable reputation -which they al ready enjoy among us. From Richmond, too, handsome boxe have been received and the same is promised from Dr. Brantley's church in Baltimore. ' ' ' A member of Dr. Tyng's congrega tion, in New York, has kindly sent $50 for which the ladies take this opportu nity of thanking him. But . while re cording the liberality of friends atiroad the managers cannot omit to mention the kindness of those at home. Among: the recent contributions is one from F. J. Allem' of a handsome piece of glass and silver, and they1: are also indebted to Wittkowsky & Co Liddell & Co, and others for many favors. We give below a specimen of the let ters which are daily received: Mrs. W. C. MoBoiir,' Xesldent L. B. A. : Your favor to hand. Iwo. have this day sent you two handsome bonnets aad some circulars. Yours, &&, Tailor's Bazaart 345 Eighth Avenue. STATE NEWS. Tlie State Treasurer issued 37 drum mers' licenses during November. Mr. B. C. Cobb has been elected at torney forthe "board of commissioners of Lincoln county. ' The Statesville American says Col. R. L. Patterson, of Salem, has not pur chased the Wilkesboro Witness. The News says Lincoln is very much opposed to the formation of a new county out of parts of itself, Catawba, Burke and Cleaveland. The mountains, as seen from Morgan ton by the Blade, are white with snow. The Black mountain looks like a solid snow bank. The Blade says some sneak thief en tered the bedroom of Mr. W. C. Sheetz, depot agent at Morgan ton, last Saturday night, and robbed his pants pockets of $12 or $15 in silver. The Lincoln Progress complains that all the jurors selected from that county and Gaston for the approaching term of the Federal court in Charlotte are Re publicans, and inquires if this court in tends to disfranchise Democrats as jurors. The western editors are exchanging the compliments of the season. The Asheville Pioneer calls the editor of the Hendersonville Courier a fool and the Courier alludes to the editor of the Pioneer in a passing way as "that jack ass." Raleigh News, of Friday : A gentle man from Montgomery county called at the State geological museum and exhib ited the most uniquely beautiful speci mens of gold quartz ever seen there. The quartz, in the form of crystals, was held together by a network of pure gold, so that it seemed an artificial, not a natural production. The Lincoln Progress savs that David Medley, one of the parties arrested as an accomplice m the highway robbery of Burwell Martin, of Caldwell, as he passed through Lincoln, county last Sat urday night, was taken before Judge Schenck on a bench warrant Friday, and discharged, the evidence not beina sufficient to inculpate him. The board of directors of the insane asylum met at that - institution last Thursday, all the members being pres ent. The Raleigh Netos says the reports of the superintendent and other Officers were submitted. The board re-elected the same executive committee, consist ing of Julius Lewis, A. M. McPheeters, ana Ke v. Dr. a. uraven. A. W. Haj' wood was elected secretary and trea surer; Jas. H. Moore, steward; Jas. S. West, engineer: Mrs. M. A. Lawrence. matron. The remaining employees of the institution will be appointed by the superintendent and the executive com mittee. T DIED. At the residence of her husband, in Providence township, on the night of the 6th inst.Mrs. Jas. R. Dunn, aged about 82 years. At her residence In this city Tuesday molnlne at 5 o'clock, Mrs. D. E. Thornburg, wife of J. L. xnomourg. The funeral will take nlace at the BaDtlst church this morning at half past nine o'clock, Rev. J. F. Butt officlatiug. " Mr. James Corrle, Dentist, fh "Baltimore, writes I have used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup personally and In my family for two or three rears, - and am prepared 10 say that mere is notning 10 compare 10 It as a remedy for coughs, colds, Ac. QALHOUN -SPENCER'S CELEBRATED- CHEWING TTTT OO BBB A OCO OOO OO T OOBBAA OOOOOO ; T O O BBB A A O ;Oj O T O OB B AAA O O O C O O T OO BBB A A CCO OOO OO -ASD7.. JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY always on hand, -AT BURWELL dc SPRINGS'; 'dec8 MAS. i f i 5 JUSTRECEIVED at ALLEN'S JEWELRY STORE the handsomest stock of - : (t , - ,1 Il t t 1? 1 Goods ever offered In Charlotte. -Elegant Cameo . c Sets, FlorenUnOi Masates,' Diamond, Peart and ! r Onyx RingsSteWhig Sliver and Plated Ware In great variety., w The Ladles an Invited to call eariy ana mate ineir i,2 .' . lis selecttoofti : 'flees lifl 'f it. 'I JJL :;-$1 t,l rrS-ittP s TTHRISTH13" B1BGAIW UUUNTK1L V .!: J.ti'.'U liil T l We have arranged In anotrfr -j r ii r) BARGAIN COUNTER, .H-iil.i nurt wt&tnr&vti - :itiYJ.M: n-.ia On which y ou win and a great 'f.'il.-i ii'l-'ii Jk&lS. ) it ... Variety of Nice Cheap Goods, such as Shawls. Nu bias Hoods,. Gloves, Hosiery, and 1 .1 -'a ( " Dress Goods, i ., !. So cheap that you can but buy If you will give a look r;feei4tiii?;4yoTf5v 'j k. ........ dec8 j ' gOMETHJNG NEW EOR THE HOLIDAYS. 825,000 WORTH OF JEWItRY ,; , -7-tF ,0 R S A h E . A ,T AU C T fft N .- -! . . ; , I will sell at Public Auction my Stock of Ladles' and Gentlemen.',.. ..,,. ,., ,.,,. ,..,.( flNyotD ANb SILVEB WATCHES, :' . ' - Clocks of all styles and sizes; Ladles' Sets, Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, all sizes and Und6;TSilveT Ware, Plated Ware, Touet Sets, Spectacles, &c, and a thousand and one articles, such as are usual ly kept In a first-class Jewelry store. .fii v-'- SALE POSITIVE, fil'i H Every evening between the hours of 7 and 10 p. m. ft;'; ' ;: ' i : , . . i , LADIES' 8ALESDAYS, Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week, between the hours of 2V and 5 p. m. Saturday's sales commence at 11 a. m. All Goods sold tow through the day. Call at . BUTLER'S JEWELRY STORE. " ' Charlotte, N. C. Commencing Monday, 9th of December. dec8 'gov MvlU. T) LOCKADE TOBACCO, FOB SALE , Having purchased a nice line of Tobacco, at the Government -sale, , I am prepared to offer extra Inducements to buy ers. Call early. THOS. H. GAITHER. nov7 w ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person desiring to purchase a well improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, wtthta five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at declS , THIS OFFICE. JpOR SALE. ,; . , The Bourgeolse and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. ,It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, 6T Philadelphia, and was not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because It became necessary to use a different style of type. - it wilt do good- service for several years to come. It will be sold In lots to sul pur chasers, and. fa fonts Of 60 to l.OOOlbs, with or without cases. Address OBSERVER, octo Charlotte. N. C. JQQQ FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM. Just Prmted and For Sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. rpENANTS, Do you want to Rent a House ? Landlords, bo you want your House Rented? Farmers, Do you want to Sell your Lands? Settlers, Do you want to Buy a Farm? If you do, go to . DAWSON & CO'S " : j CAROLINA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, In the old Bank of Mecklenburg Building. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Property holders, remember, we only charge 7 per cent for renting and collecting. Rents guaran teed while parties are living . In bouse?. We have calls for houses to rent. nov28 R EAL ESTATE, MINING AND ,:,! X f 1 1 : IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For Selling and Buying JflNES, LANDS AND HOUSES. '.1- ' . ' . . . . ,' . and providing homes in the Piedmont region of North Carolina and South Carolina, and being eon- ! uectedsrithe. BoirrHiatN Recsjkc. circulated in this country and. jsurope twice a monin, 1 wiu aa vertlse, freeof costalf teriii and mines placed in my hands for sale. : ., , . . THOS. F. DRAYTON, au 9. ' rcaiariotte, jK. a Gr ENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, " JjlVERPOOL AND JONDON AND h itn Q.LOBE (FIRE) INS. CO., 'Ml i .'f ;. AA'tf if A.' AMD OTHERS. THE OLD NEW YORK MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. assets, 885,000,000. . : Life policies 30 per cent below usual rate. J: FEED. NASH, AGIST, Office Next to Court .House, Charlotte, N. C. GAPE COD CBAMkEBfilES. "! -; , n WOICE CALIliXJBiaA, PSABAr, p. . . . . . . .,. , . -ii t ".' 'If. TULABX OBAPXS. a................... ..... . . , . i . .4 ! '."'): -. ; ; 1 n ' 1 1 uV.-" " -nl' 1 - -: ' . . . . 1. , . -., 1 j . mm. M II B H SO v HLTli. M faux j an un MIIR KH OOOKBJI' !. I -ill KM MUKKI A' tTTt HHM1IB 1 A4 T u m fir "AU M M JiKISAi A T S Something new and nice m the way of (t, JI B L L 118 , , In 5 lb. Buckets., FINE CIGARS, FULL HA VAN A FILLER, for 5e. ' - --i'... 'My Stock"). Is the BEST In the Cfty In EVERY' PARTICULAR. In purchasing Christmas Goods be sure to call :.; "-ll ' i" ' OH, . ; - . . -J!f I ..'I . ,li I , .il'i ,, -,. ; . . '. -i-f' -.-. a- i 'LeROY DAVIDSOK. n 'i.fiH 'l if,:,-. . ;-iA: !. .:-i - . . ) Tlk Out for TtlT rhriatmiui InnmiwiMnt j ftm f i r ef i 1 -' : it J 3 w X i .JUST RECEIVED .Mi I , CHOICE KEW CROP CHOICE NEW CROP ..CHOICE KEW CROP CHOICE NEW CROP CHOICE NEW CROP NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLE ANS NEW ORLEANS MM MM OO L MMMMO OL UMKUO OL A 88 8SSS EE SSSS tjjO OL AA aSSgB88gEB S8SS M M OO LLTJaWRRES8?. M SOMETHING NICE SOMETHING NICE SOMETHING NICE SOMETHING NICE SOMETHING NICE; All AT ATI AT AT MAYER & ROSS'. MAYER 4 ROSS'. G OODS THAT MUST BE SOLD. We have Just received on consignment, One hundred sacks North Carolina Favorite FAMILY FLOUR. Fifty sacks of the Celebrated Ramsour & Bonnlwell NO. 1. FFK I, OO U U RRB F L OQUUBR W L O O TJ U RRB F L OOUURB T LIXL OO XW BR 'which took the" First Premium at the Fair of the CaroHnas; never falls to give satisfaction, and is acknowl edged equal to any Flour made In the State. tW A lot of Mountain Irish Potatoes, Beats Peas, Peanuts, Chickens, Bran, Eggs, Apples, But ter, Cabbage, 4c. 1" Our attention is directed almost exclusively to Produce Business and we are dally receiving all such articles as are usually kept In a first-class PRODUCE STORE. IW As our goods are consigned they must be sold or the consignors will be BANKRUPT- - f E"Call early and secure a bargain. - -i- .; ' ' ' ' Respectfully, I ' 110V22 F. B: ALEXANDER CO. SUHE REMEDY FOR BALDNESS. Prescription Fkeb to any persons wno wui agree to pay $1, when a new growth of Hair, Whiskers or Moustaches Is actually produced. SANDERSON ?-o.-, 2 uinton nace, Neir iorK., PERRY'S: The poor man's luxury, the rich man's : solace: 20 for 50c; common If judged OPERAS : by the price; first-class if judged by : the quality. nov26 1. K. ' NEW CORSET 1 something comfortable; heat and cheap; call ai d see tt Also, a new lot of 1 nx " 1 ' BOULEVARD o- '!.,... jjury) null Wit til , "T . . K K II f j , ' RBR TTTT B B T RRB T B B T B , S i; T " and (-a rUHt DRESS 'GOODS,- 'Sit -j X AtWUtagpricft,,t ,., . - ...... t w' J - r BARRINGER 4 TROTTER'S.' j nor2Q t; Ml ' n JABOLINA ClWTBUpilSiicEl jifgp Unhl l& '$ (i 3 t Y . This Line being, fully equipped for business. Freight from . i t i; , i4. . J :, - "'' ':.;. .: -i:, , . Wilmington and all Northern aad Eastern CUtes to ijii ..'. riIU,Spiurtanbmf; n statloni 'Atlantic, TennesaM it Ohio, ,:,.,,.!;. A wa as potato la Georgia, ' . 1 : ': Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARK, Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C septSO N MORE ACCIDENTS 1 ! 1 THE ONLY PERFECTLY SAFE - KEROSENE LAMP IN THE WORLD ! - THZ RHTND PATENT SAFETY LAMP Has been placed upon the market and the public - - ' is invited to test this simple but i, - . WONDERFUL LAMP. - ' 'Vat ffl flFl. flrf .SFt ffl gff tfl 85W 1 . Its qualities are: j It Extinguishes Itself when Overturned! It Extinguishes Itself wlien Dropped from the Hand! It Extinguishes Itself when Broken! It cannot be filled while Lighted ! It can be carried at pleasure. Blowing down the chimney, or turning down the wick, to extin guish the light entirely unnecessary. t3ff" This Lamp gives more light with the same wick than any Lamp In the world. Light and safety secured for common lamps by uslug our safety 'Extinguisher Burner. L. R. WRISTON 4 CO., Sole Agents for Mecklenburg county. oct26 D ,R. J. H. McADEN, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day'at J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store. 'ECURITY ! SECURITY ! SECURITY ! 200 Barrels of C WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ANL ' ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fixe test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before tt will bum. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. BL McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N: C. rpHE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES, For sale Also, .. ; PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWLRS , ... '.i i , . I : , , ; : Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene-. ThelHiproTyperWrlter. , : i( . OaclUattng Pump Cos Pumps. end for Circulars... . . , -ill H.if.- - (- i i! , ! 1 (r. , ij '-.j, u JA FAIBBANX3" CO, nJ ' -Jinro-' t .ft V, Bit Broadway, New Tortt.3 ' tar-'For'sale by Leading Hardware Dealer ' ! st" VTrtrt n 1 tnT rV w offers unequalled faculties for the TmnsporUon of Charlotte, Statesville.' ' Ashetmv BjiUierlordton, on the Aflant 4 Rlchrnortd Ajr-JJirt, ' J 11 ' and Western N. C Raflroadi,' ; ;4 1 'f i '..! -.'Jif .u ..'vv:tl i.H III jl'V?'.t1t : . i- ; ,:'::,H;-i cf " AWinaaiMlislsslppL ,f'-;!'"v'I f'4 ...... ; 1 it via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. :: upon application to WM. A. MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte; N. C. T.T.SMrrH, Agent C. a E&Hw&y, Charlotte. QPERA HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY! . i!- COMMENCING MONDAY? DECEMBER flTH. Engagement of THE GREAT EMOTIONAL ACTRESS . , CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, , 1 ' . i'i supported by a Carefully selected and efficient t DRAMATIC. COMPANY. Monday Evening, December Oth, the great play J A NIf NEKB J AA NN NE . J A A N N N EB J J AAA N HITB JJJ A AN KM BIB Dramatised from Charlotte Bronte's 1 Celebrated Story of that name. Tuesday Evening, December 10, Sheridan Knowles' 5 act play 1 HUNCHBACK. t3&- Admission 1 5c and 81.00. No extra charge for reserved seats, which can be secured at the usual place on and after Wednesday, December 4th. LORAINK ROGERS, S. F. Stevens, - Director. Manager. novSOtd oat8 mid j5ltocs. I EG RAM 4 CO., DEALERS IJf BOOTS, SHOES AND H H i i I8 Bas8 T A A AAA A A 1st National Bank Building, Charlotte, N. C. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, 4c., Is acknowledged to be the best In the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buying. PEGRAM 4 CO. JEW LIVERY STABLE. If you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle "Horses, go to1 the New Livery Stable. ' If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trams; go to the New Livery Stable. , ' 1 . , If you want your horses well fed and well groomed go to the New Livery Stable. , Careful drivers, promptness and reasonable prices are our motto. j .,; ..! may28 B. CHAMBERS 4 CO. F OR RENT. ONE PIANO. dec7 T1DDY 4 BRO. 0N CONSIGNMENT, 6 barrels 100. Florida Oniures. lust received from Waldo, Florida. Also 8 doten Oak and Hick ory Thomasville Chairs, which are not surpassed for finish substantial and cheap 'Mint E&- For sale low, by ; , i rB. N. SMITH. nov20 JJOTEL REGISTERS i Of vsflouskhaud prices. , TIDDY 4 BRO. .'it!. PHOTOGRAPH r -i ; . . -: In consequence of the redaction In the price Of the original cost of materials, and In order to give my patrons the benefit of. the reduction trom and after . this date Photographs' will be lakeri at my Ganarrat "" ' :'" 1 . u ' r yt t,t r; y,j ! - a . . ; f r : , j 1 i REDUCED BATES tfiac m - .;i ' r ; ' ,x (J. i,s-'' tH ! -sept22 ..ij, , .,,.! J.S-TAN NESS D1 . W. ALEXANDER, s 1 ft' i i .. ( I ' DENTIST- ff 1. ' A XL. ' J." "! ' r-' J f . I 1 i 1 1 " OlTICECTEiLlt.wlSTpN'tCO'A 1. '-- j i'. t C DSVO 8TOSX. : Jt?.i.t; -'.Wttli ,25 , reai ; experience' I "guarantee entlre-aaa&lactloiu-it i) h'--'ir lvrn'fuali ' EBB V YRBrVeK K T T B BE-- B TT gBBEB KEK T B BBKBS 1 Pi 1 1; , j r V' ii ii u iiii if! r s, 1 1 I v t i f