gtje Charlotte ffibstrpft:. LOCAL I XXELLIGENCE. : S TURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1S78. RAILUUAD DISKCTOltT. i 5 a- : The following table sbpwslhe rjninlntf of tesfean- eer trains to and from. Charlotte,-on flirrail- roads (WasMngtoA WMi,, t tv-.rwx, U . ' -BICHXOOT). WJIllU:'ia4M 1 Arrives from Richmond afidGoldsbbrd, a i .00 &. in. Leaves for m " . - " 8.20 a.m. Arrives from Richmond 10.50 a. m. Leaves for , ' , L , v :t.. ....... v . ,6.65 p. m. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE AXB-LUTR. -M ! ' Arrives from Atlanta,. ,r',.'... . ; ,f' 1, '.20 a. jn. Leaves for Atlanta . 1.Q5 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, 0.50 p. tn. Leaves for Atlanta, 10.50 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA tt AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta... i . .:. .J. . , . : .., 6.45 p. m. Leaves for Augusta,. ....,., ii11,00 a. in. CABOLINA CKNTRAIj. " ' ' i i- Arrives from Wflmlngtorv,, 1 oaves for Wllmlneton.. . . . m. tU Arrives from Shelby,. r.,T.-,,;f,j.'. kqo-p.'.m. . .m. Arrives from Statesvllle,. Leaves for Statesvllle,. . . . 5.80 pi m. 7.00 a. m INDICATIONS,' War p'jfliiMfT, r, ): i sr.). Offick Chief Signal Ofjticekv Washington:. DecL'TSL. Iiso v. xr For the South Atlantic States, partly ,.lmirlv wAathpr. vmrlTOJutfcirAawiri 1,, warmer southeast Winds, lower btess ure. Index to New Advertltteiuentk. II. Morris & Bre Cloaks. J. J. Mott Revenue Seizure. HOME PENCI LINUS. The Methodist ladies cleared nearly SloO by their apron festival. There were a half dozen social gath erings in tli e city day before yesterday evening. ' ; The streets were again alive with peo ple and wagons,- ye&terday,: and .there were indications of: a brisk trade,' Mr. J. C. Kancej the well-known Ken tucky drover, is in the ' eity and has some excellent stock.'; at. Wadsworth's livery stable. : Man-who-leaves-the-door-open-behihd-liim is on hand again, smiling as ver, self-satisfied apdXffejet-ptjXer jMjople's com&rt.-';?ri ijw.f -i; jiTjtW It was uly:i axound: Toitt-ji Black s cockpit yeirtef-day af teinoon1' and last evening.' A i?rowQ 'wtls,I1pr,' ati;,ii6 set of cocks ever showed up moire game. Our sporting men will be interested in reading the article printed in anoth er column relating to a great inter-State cocking main which is to take place in New Orleans before a great whfte: Judge Dick has made the . territorial limit, of the Federal Court in Charlotte and several other orders of importance which will be published in The Obser ver as soon as they can be prepareMby 1 tne cierK. Eev. J. Rumple, secretary of the board of trustees of Davidson College, gives notice that .application w jll , be made to the next session of the General Assem bly to amend the charter of the institu tion named, jj-r,1. '; The creditor Jof W. J, Black, bank rupt, have had several meetings with Register Keogh at the Central Hotel, in this city, Within' the last few days, but have been totally uaiable to. agree on an assignee; Hence all proceedings are stopped. Another Clerk, j.:;. :' .';:,";:.''vv:. In the House last Mowday Col. Steele offered a bill providing lor .th appoint ment of another clerk for the United States district court in the western 1 dis trictof orthtJarolhaa., This ideigned to fill the vacancy in the clerkship of the court in this city which clerkship is now filled by a deputy, acting tender' appoint ment of the'clerk' of the district court at Statesvate.! The trill of Mr. Steele will no doubt pass-.,, ........ . t Another One-' Fell Tterouitlft. A few days ago a countryman fell through the same elevator-way in the store of Williams, $ Finger, which came .soneajrco8tingMrj.S-.rM- iFurrow his 1 i f e about six" weeks 8$of Theire were however, in; this ciseifouryales 01 cot ton piled vip between the hole in the tioor and the bottom of the cellar, and the fall was attended "'bV :fiO' injury to the countryman though- it gave him a surprise fitm -which-h did not soon re- cover. Federal Conrt. The leading case before the court yes terday was th'&t rf 'Y-i R- Tommey vs. t he Spartanburg Ashe ville Railroad, for the appointment, of a receiver. His Honor Judge Dick rtrdered a decree to be tiled appointing Col. Jas. Anderson re ceiver, fixing his bond at, $50,000, and directing that the road be completed tol 1 1 enaersonyilie,- proyuvea,. in tne opin ion of tlve . rceiver, the work can be done at a cost not exceeding 935,000. In the caseiof JaS. F. Jbhnston,assign ee. vs. E. M.Xynch, ..argued on Wed nesday, a decision was rendered in favor ,ofhe;plaiis..- b'afiVrn t was' anmed. The arcumenT; will be; concluded -anti -a deersfcm given this morning. The court appointed a comm'issioji to select a jury list for the next term of the court, to be composed of 100 men from Mecklenburg, and 25 men from each of the counties of Gaston, Lincoln, Cabarrus and Union. 7. '' ; ' Xbe Wont a.t L,a.t. Yesterday morning the police took Clark Hall and Wm. Henry out of the station house, and in accordance with the direction of "the 1 mayor, and had balls and chains affixed to their ankles, respectively. Claf-k 'swore awhile and laushed awhile, but they took him and his companion out all; the same and at tached them to the street force. Clark will be the,re,a rnxinth., and, Henry ten days. It's a pity for Such a man as Hall to be brousht so low, but the ingenuity of the city authorities has failed for years to devise any means by which he could be made to cease hisalmost month ly violations' of the city ordinances. ;(. .f'l'1 '' . ' A Letter on n Sheet of mica. ,ir ul .s.iim?int'!i'y"" .'!.' i"T We have received from Mr. W. J. 8etihrtott'of PrairikUff'Ma'cburity a sheet of corundum, pjut,iith1si?eip,f; a postal card, enclosed in an envelope and on it written legibly, with sonf&ffiintjed instrument, the tbrfow&glelMjfjj i "If any of your lady fnehds should fancy fire screens, &c lean furnish any uuantitT.'i- iYoufsVtfiJlt w We give Mr,,echrist this free adver tisement for the 'sake of his ingenuity, and remarkina atr sinffular'videne of 1 duratolityt fefii this mineral, that . the., 'sheet' upon which the ahoyd-'wlw written, notwithstanding it - 4 not much thiolicg than sheet of legal 'a paper, came to as ttmnarrea arm un broken, tkmigh it has knocked about in ' u m - .8' Infa aurtery wherein all Is life and laugh Instead nJS nuignd fretting, there is sure to be found Dr, "u" aoy Byrup. iJrice 25 cents a botue. I Tiiiny-Flrsi Annual meeting t ifc !!oclt!i0id in. inind, ."Wed- netdajr j lhe stockholders of the Richmond & 1 4y Railroad, met, at, 12 m. in the I v"o ui tue company, on uan Sank sfjreetj xviuimonu. iv auoruin beincr Dresent. Col. A.S. Buford, the president, called the meeting to ordf.' " "w' Judge P. N.Watkins, of Prince Ed rd' cotiaty? was cailed toother ehair, and Mr. Richard Brooke, secretary of the company, acted as secretary. The president read the annual report which was referred, to a committee of "seven. figures -i01 1 tfsn - Ml?wing Receipts of the Richmond, Danville and Piedmont Railroad fori- the year ending September 30th, 1878, $942,385.98; expenses, $831,438.90 ; surplus earnings, $310,947.08 to which add interest on investments, $47,992.33 making the to tal net revenue of the Richmond, Dan ville;, and Jfedmont eompan-y for the YeaUv58W;'.i Total n'etf re venues frOnl all the lines of the comiiaiyi 38. 599.23; interest and rental paid "and due by the company, $591,435.60 or an ex cess of egsea and , liabilities over earnings, bn all lines 6t the compa ny of $72,836.37. The freitrht traffic of all the, li tips has btfcn1 inasedl7ifi)7 gross tohs euita- icub.Mj ajszutoiH mile-tons, ana, as aDove showivwith increased earning there- 1fum 01 TS,OM5.SJ. T n teVettueS Il'Om froPenger traffic hay adecreised $24799, while those? from.teeAlctraTel 11M.VA Iwcn olirrhtlir innwioal ,.,tl.l, I nassenffeumviftSMea onrtihnftHo-h tinri in. cal combinedihaving been retluced $20, 808.65. -T.atfo:fc'-fepees to earn ings on thaggrgate loperAtions of all the lines is 66.8 per cent. A few days, before the last annual meeting, a tj.rpitel'to: the! stock holders, the . .company, , suffered very heavy losses in the: destruction Ijy high waters of its bridges over the Staunton river, and injuries to its road-bed and other structures on the Staunton and Jam8 rivers. These losses amount in yn?itts for the restoring-Of :fr4&es, h road wav. &c.. and for miurtearl-'e')ods in transiwrtation at the time, to at least the sum of $65)00,: mndent of the large additional loisfefe3Ustained in the business of the ' company's main line by the repeated interruptions of transpor tation,, whiqh oecnyreljaStaunton riv er at intervals faring a yeriod of near ly two months afterthe first great over flow of November 25th. 1877. The heavy expenditures thus incurred in replacing and repairingibei uropertyyand paying for goods lost of injured, have been all included and charged in the cost of maintenance and operation of the Richmond and Danville road' for thc past fiscal year. It may as well be stated here that the crossing at Staunton drives' has been ?permanntly restored by the -elevation of thfc Stone piers and abutments four feet .above the former level, and the erection of a .ycrought-iron bridge pf the most im proved ana durable pattern. .Having reference to the prevailing price of ma terial, the iron, in preference to a wood en structure, was adopted on the score of economy as well as safety and dura bility. ; f - i Ttoe "audii&r's' ifeiibr isndw9;. that the ofctstanduigt bop4s y'jenincreased $2537100. Col. Ruford says: "This was deemed necessary, and directed by the board, to reprice He Mating indebted ness on bills payableiltt otherwise, to which their proceeds have been applied. Npne. have been sold at less than 80 per cent, of their par. ..Bills' payable emstafcding at thedate of .the ?ei)0Tt, fieptemBer 30th, ag78, had beenjeduced $153,414.61, and at this time are still further, reduced in amount. During the fiscal yea thfr: company had not found it practicable to make any pay- I ment on the State annuity, Since its cio&e, nowever, and.witnnLtne,iast lew weeks,- the sum of $30,462.85 has been paid on that account," . The report of th examining commit tee was read and referred to the same committee as the president's report. The meeting then adjourned "tirl 4 o'clock p. m. ' 1 ' ) AFTERNOON SESSION. i Mr; Fred. R,i,Scott chainnaaajf the committee on the president's report, submitted the following: RKPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. "The committee on the president's report have made as full an examina tion of, the affairs of the company as time would permit, and have had the. advantage of the presence of Gol'Tal eott superintendent nd mxirt as rol- lows: .JfH . . . . . r : . 1 11 is 4. $i,4r&4&-' 940,289.87 1878. Gross receipts all divisions. . . $l,474,4t.fl2 985W24.79 $489,474.83 29.12440 Gross expenses.. Net earnings. . . . . ' $4? 0,993.47 Interest on lnvest-njtents.,- , S8,9680; $499,958.77 $518,599.23 Interest on bond--ed and floating debt and rentals 583,052.48 591r435.fl0 ' i!VA At $83,093 66 $72 37 "In the face ot this contmued deh- ciency, we . have .thought -at important ascertain what comrjensatimr im provement has 'beerf niaae in the value' ... - . nr 1 rt thP nvnnprrv. we nave inereiore I done,xn the road' during- they ipast ,yar to ascertain what amomiFB expenses represented piaiieht'ftetftnirl;1 a"nd finrl a follows: TA table" srtb'Wintr that improvements in exeess of work - usualls3hfe;tclfielfJiipl track, roll-; mg stocK, xc, amounts , in vaiue- 10 A70.000.1 . t.ii 1 ' ; ' T i 1 "No allowance is made for the loss of nrnnertv and business by the destruc tion M -the Stiitirtton' iriVeT ridge, which .cauaed witrEUfiioria to, t Raf fle tor a monrn. "It will thus be seen that,;fvnH-without any general improvement in the bftsiriess of the eompfly fro "teturn ing prosperity, or from the advantage ous connection' tecetitly tffade the Char lotte. Columbia & Augusta Railroad, the earnings of this company are suf ficient to Dav all its obligations. The- interest tat all 7fW IfeWlhcluding that due the State, has been paid. The pres- ent oryfaniiatiott -is nenevea to oe - most emcieiiL auu cwuuuijuu. lKX.. twv4Aineyi ftY(6r1iai.:ijO-g4P5 ftr4iwta w.nei. nvh nnmm ttfift arff enCOUraeea TO Udieve that the current year will show 44ej cided imprbvemeiitf in business and hfet revenue." .:i ' The committee reported ana recom mrttHe adoption of a resolution lnstrtiCtfng th prs4deht and directors tn gar rnw i,Hnp.rai rtnnmniiY 1111 mime Anor lmciQtin'n tor .ajLadiusjaBeht of II IIIII.l lUaiUAMWAVV. vw hairinttCf anB 4bri4oking to the curtailment of the working epc- nenses proportionate to tne "reaucea r. . t f , , 1 SKi standard or goia vaiue now juBvamug, , 1 ti.r i.uA UOtn resolutions, wiuu tue icpun, we! uminimdTracrpteu ' .rif -The following officers were then re- President--iA-'Sw Buford; J.N. Du Barry, first Vice-President; A. Y. states, sfieond Vice-President: W. E. Turner, Treasurer; Richard Brooke, n Tiirecrbors-H. J. !'M PStlicklandi utheflin, John BardslyJ Isaac Davenport, Jr, and A. J. Cassatk After which the meeting adjourned sine die. ova i1 ?leck.lcnburv Turnips Mr. J. M. McEwan of Morninff Star with two of the largest turnips ever Tirodueedin this section of the Stated They are of theGlobe" variety, and th; larcer one weiahs eient ana a na roimd. CoL Polk, how high is Aht for Mecklenburg ? Blalu and Xtnymoiid. There was a fine crowd larce in noint of numbers and embracing the bestele- pewrtal&Sj?!1 nouse last night to see John T. Raymond in his already celebrated characterization or Femberton Pembroke, the life insu rance agent. Raymond is the standard 01 American, comedy, and for one to ever be dis'aptWntMinMiim is one of the impossible things In Pembroke one easily recognizes Sellers transform ed into an insurance agent, and that the character is somewhat exaggerated can not be urged as?an&bjection to it In deed, m looking and listening at Ray- f mona one lorgerAtnatansaui exagger ation; and while, ,to lntl;ifiircn ever anticipate what hewiUi8aY'i'next, what he does say seems S6 exactly1 "the thing," that one wonders at not having anticipated jtfr .The character is just this naiurat&tWkifc as we have suggest ed, thete.isotn difference between Pembroke and tlie real agent, there is no difference between him and the agent as the public pictures him. ': ' While Raymond's acting was without a flaw, that of the remainder of the company was unexpectedly good. The leading parts-wer remarkably well sus tained, and the ulav througrhout crave the greatest satisfaction and afforded the liveliest entertainment. lUadahie Jantuwchek Recan. a f our-niehts encasement at the RidhMo'rid" theatre ' Wedne&laV nl&ht. She will go thence to Danville, Monday night, and thence to Charlotte. She Ope opened in Richmond in Mary Stuart, fdww appenrttft Ijart-iot the h Wmff s review : :. H er pexsjonation of ,Mary . SUiarty, was indeed grand, The meeting between Mary Stuart and Queen Elizabeth was a most touching scene. In this did Janauschek display her histrionic pow ers to great advantage. ; Her forced hu miliation and dignified rebuke, was a magnificant contrast She was called several times before the curtain. Miss Waldron, as Elizabeth, did well,' and was deservedly applauded' '. ., General Notes. ' Edwin Booth is said to be making more money this year than ever. The box sheet for Janauschek will be opened at the Central Hotel cigar stand at 8 .p'clpck ttys. morning. itls said tbatjftignold is playing out and thatithei KeW' York belles are look ing around ttt anew heart crusher. Katie Putnam will surely be here on the 20th, which is one week from yester day. She will be billed to-day. The festive Lotta will carry her kit tenish pranks into AVilmingtoh next week. , , u Who is the Pembertoh Pembroke of Charlotte? : ; ; 1 J t The numerous' cbnipMpiiS o ohft kind and another which have visited us re cently have decreased the demand for hops and germans. However, a large german is on tapis and there is some talk among the young men of a calico I hop for; the holidays. , . . ; f . Some! day's ago Mayor ; Smith, and; ihe officei-sirt! thecity banks; addressedjet ters to Madame Janauschek asking her to place her jewels on exhibition with Mr. J. T. Butler, during her stay in the city, vouching for Mr Butler as a jeweler of reputation and" an "honorable, trust worthy man;' YBSterHkythe following telegram Wiia. .deceived ?m response : RoiTMONT),' V A'., Dec. 13, 1878. "J. T. Sutler : "With pleasure Janauschek would comply with your and mayor's request. However, the casket lias been sent to New Orleans. Pillot." The ladies of the city will be sorry to read this. Hoaoring the RiybteontH. ' A recent number of the Philadelphia Presbyterian contains the following mention of an ancestor of Rev. Dr. Chapman, late of this city, and Avell known throughout the ' State : "A memorial tablet has just been erected in the First Presbyterian church at Orange, N. J., and was unveiled rm Thursday, the 20th inst. It bears tlie name of Jedediah Chapman, who more than one hundred and twenty years ago was installed pastor of that church. He was the minister of the flock during the revolutionary war, and was so intensely Eatriotic that his life was often in peril, rate in life he moved into Western New York, where he died. The people of Orange have done well in doing.hpn 6r to the memory of their early pastor and leader. His son, Dr. Robert Hett Chapman, was president for a time of the University of North Carolina, and hiagrandson, of the same name, is now a.nrember of thejyod of North faro lina an honored minister of the Gospel flf Christ, and a worthy descendant of a noble ancestrv. i-. m , '. KHcaped, but Narrowly. The Richmond & Danville passenger train; doe here at' t n. i., did not ar rive yesterday .morning, till nearly 0 o'clock. Engineer Kirkham was on the engine as usual, but it was only by the timely interposition 01 the liana ot Providenee that he was there He, left Greensboro behind and when between Thdmasvttfe and High' Poihthe was running along at a vers lively rate. For some reason he left his seat when going up one of the grades, and was' standing dowrt in the cab with his hand on the throttle. He had only been there a few moments when the connecting !od on the right ski of the engine" snap-. pea in two, ana ,vuie. .piepe .iattacjiiea to the wheel nearest the cab struck it one blow after another untih,5tftelright"side was torn completely FwTa ?evv moments the engineer could not get his hand to the air-brakes, but finally, suc ceeded in doing s6, and Stopped the train irL&few jjioiBentsi,v.He,tlidn,t re ceive a scratch, but had he been in his usual seat, there vroHfd'"haVe' been no possibility of escape from instant and terrioie aeatu. This is not the first time that a similaryT aceMeAt4rasapV)etied and a simllaT es-' cape been made,.Iut jUfr peverPieless remarkable for all that. Of all accidents the1 -Brea1 aiang or xne connecting rous. ia in hia aoof -. ftft ttwM'mougHf:,to' Cnarf6tte by another. engine., sent- fronGrewiSf-d boro. Ml 1 -.S .arhej.OreBJt a Cracdian Dined by Mayor. Mr. John T. EaymdiiWyiiulfis jbm pany arrived here yesterday at 11 o'clock a. m. on the vfreighs train from Colum dia, and in the evening Mr. Raymond djned,with HsHonorT Mayort Br R. SmKthaiAvhoiias snowniithe great actor long and well. The company consisted of fourteen gen.tjjejp.en,,, some of whom were former acquaintances of Mr. Ray-. mond. and apleasanterdinnerparty hagu rfcftr feefen! had ih -trre1 citV. acan be imagined by those who ktawhovr;tr m eficitoM ToatffjeWlititfii nrominent ,scenea imawe me of jwhifth ftriilpd nrt.ilittlt6theifu rP v$imiPf-tWim first nhaftith4-;c7aajEe(lywter," then the stove which wasnliuimhated, howur ffiied v thftHgifi , W .Jmaiiyj v copi trhl ps. AS crnfe' atteiajttier Ravmond was mtaw effeoiw repeatuig,rpnofitjph Sofc&dnrMfcltiiy tfcmieftloyr WfeitiRabAteAu-hBiidistingm in social life than he is great 'mm pro fession which he adorns. The Charlotte medical academy will hold its regular monthly meeting at th office of pr. Millert nexf Tuesday night, beginning at The. subject for dis cussion at this meeting is chronic ca tarrh. '-Dryos"iviUaso make his re port of the joceedings of Ithe tiatlonal hoarrl fef -health; at Richmond, to which he was a delegate; Other matters of mterest j will -: aitKr j$ome up and.a full attendance is desired; Gvothevn and (Stassxuavc T AW'S CROCKERY' AND SILVER STORK, IN NBWiORK. CBARiATTE, RALEIGH. The highest awards at all State - . AMD . County Fairs for the bestdteplay of CHINA, GLASS, CUTLERY and S1LVERW ARE, THB LARGEST STOCK OP CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Ever brought to Charlotte, comprising Vases, Toilet Sets, Japanese Goods, Decorated China, Etc. ALL AT NEW YORX. PRICES. . j u . J. H. LAW. Agent, New Insurance Building, Charlotte, N. C i ): ... i. nov29 TMPOETAnt. BOTH TO Tflg WHOl$AXE AKi RETAIL TRADE. Having anri vailed facilities I have just opened the ' largest ahdj)est selected stock of CHINA, ,1X1: CROCKERY. GLASSWARE ' AND LAMP GOODS. TB OFFERED IN NORTH CAROLINA. We keep a full line of all goods usually kept In a FIRST-CLASS COO o o 0 o a 000 H H H H HHH H H H H II li II II NW N NN N N N N N NN N NN A A TTTT T ?. T OO O O O O O O 00 EKK E KB K KEE RRR R R R R YIZ: Toilet Set. Tea SeU, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Ewers and Basins, Goblets, Glass Sets, Lamp Goods, and In fact everything In that line. We buy for cash and do a strict y cash business through out, therefore we are enabled to fill orders at a very small pronV Merchants and the Retail Trade generally will "Jfhd It greatly to their advantage to call and ex amine our HUGE STOCK ! All orders from Merchants, whether small or large, will be carefully and promptly attended to. JOHN BROOKFIELI), Trade st, under Democrat Office, Charlotte, N. C, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In CHINA, W. G. arid C. C. WARE. ROCKINGHAM and YELLOW WARE, GLASSWARE and LAMP GOODS. nov!9 Btftets. F IELD BROS.. WHOLESAXK AND RETAIL GROCERS and DEALERS In COUNTRY PRODUCE ALSO. PROPRIKTOKS OF THK CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, X. C. TNhouse has been newly furnished and Is kept In first-class style. Terras, Per Day $ 2 00 Table Board, Per Month mm- fc"Omnlbus and Carriage at ever)- traln.AJ FIELD BROTHERS, PntfpriefOTS :s 0 fegWilMSALL, Clerk deel TOP AT THE . n i ,' BOYpEJjl HOUSE, Salisbury, N. C. C. a Brown, Proprietor, ' fLate of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. S. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelburn As sistant. deo-jio 1 , H-NiT1"'"! I jt THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON ' . . Cfiahe ' keeps the best BYE WHISKEC, Stand- ard Pure, Two Years Old. li- ! " ' '' , M O TO !eifNtRAL HOTEL SALOON 'or Standard Pure Liquors, M L S N TT Is nowsu; ' supplied with' ne very best una finest l T Vfi nA I lAIinOQ . - .... n jj ? . . i WINES,. .,-.;j.tJ IT H JUST rN, French Brandy, In., q.uart bottles, Ave N'fef6irrl'ft5ft M bottte by the dozen at L50 Best BEER, PORTER, ALE and LIQUORS al ways on hand. . ' decl2 , !. 1 4 .era.;'? oi' 1 - Ju SA"rffHiao .feiB watchmakers AND jewelers. n We resDectfuTly announce to onr filerids Sand the I tmblJe generally, that out stock-of Watches, Clocks anu jeweuy coraptere,' wmcn- we expect to sen Aim for eaahj'- Give US a'Call b(forn nnnniftAslitff lswhere,8 we win niake-tt to yoor advantage to All kinds of watches, docks and -leeW neafly repaired and warranted for twelve months. "- Oct 6 HALES A F ARRIOR. . tipililEftgBWf ftfato for fzrf fir wlnter onnKS. perfectly clear "DLOCSAJUE TOBACCO, FOB B : Bamc poKhaaed a nJettne of tab en, at tt Qovenunent sate, I am prepared to offer extra toducenrtrltotojyw en. Can early. THOS. H. eAJTHKR. nov7 ' w JELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person deshing to purchase a well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modem oon veolezMea, fine weU ot water, btlek ktteben. wtttaln Ave minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at , deelg THIS OFFICE. R SALE. The Bomgeolse and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and was not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because It became necessary to use a different style of type. It will do good serrtoe for several years to come. It will be sold In lots to sol pur chasers, and In fonts of 50 to l.OQQlba, wftn or without cases. Address OBSERVER, octo Charlotte. N. C 1 000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM. Pust Printed and For Sale at the . if OBSERVER OFFICE. goltdatj (goods. O u R TTOLIDAY AND CHRISTMAS GOODO J.AOLIDAY AND CHRISTMAS GOODI HAVE OQ0Q AKX OPEN FOB INSPECTION AND SALS. A lasge and varied stock. THE BEST WE EVER HAD. Y0y ARE INVITED TO CALL. TIDDY A BROTHER. decl2 QHRISTMAS BARGAIN COUNTER. We haw arranged in our store another BARGAIN COUNTER, On which you will find a great Variety of Nice Cheap Goods, such as Skawis. Nu bias Hoods, Gloves, Hosiery, and Dress Goods, So cheap thatyou can but buy if you will give a took BARRINGER 4 TROTTER s OMETHING NEW FOR THE HOLIDAYS. $25,001 WORTH OF JEWELRY -FOR SALE AT AUCTION . I will jell jdltubUeJausian my Stock of Ladles' and Gentlemen's FINE OLD ANJJ SILVER WATCHES, j Clocks of aH styles and sizes; Ladles' Sets, Pins, Ear Sings, Finger Rings, all sizes and kinds; Silver i Ware, Plated Ware, Toilet Sets, Spectacles, &&, and a thousand and one articles, such as are usual I ly kept in a first-class )ewelry store. -SALE POSITIVE,- Every evening between the hours of 7 and 10 p. m. LADIES' SALESDAYS, Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week, between the hours of 22 and &V p. m. .Saturday's sales commence at 11 a. m. All Go ids sold low through the day. Call at BUTLER'S JEWELRY STORE. Charlotte, N. C. Commencing Monday, of December. dec8 X MAS. JtTST RI1CEIVED at ALLEN JEWELRY STORE the handsomest stock of Goods ever offered In Charlotte. Elegant Cameo Sets, Fit srenttne, Masalcs, Diamond, Pead and Onyx; Rings, Sterling Sllter and Plated -Ware In great variety. r Thf; Ladi. 98 are invited to call early and make their selections.! weg lna ' ' ' ' w ADD.ILL HOUSE,'. GASTONIA.NC., R. B. WADDILt.' teblOtL- QAROLtS A CENTRAL -"'3ft' A r ' .j..TU.lt4llSOtCBl, tH&OUQB fRElQBl ROUTE This Lhie being fully eaulpped for business, Freight from . . 1 Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern ClUes to Greenvme, Sparterdwrg, U Stations Attandc TehfaeaBee Oalo, As well as points In Georgia, Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. V. CLARK, Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C septSO O PEBA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 17TH. JANAUSCHEK, Supported by a superior company, under the man agement or Jn. W. CANNING. In Schiller's Great Historic Play, - MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Mart Stuart,... Januaschek. ry The sale of seats will commence on Friday, December 13th, at the Central Hotel cigar stand. t& Scale of prices: Reserved seats, two front rows In Balcony, $1.50; Orchestra chairs, $1.25; General admission, $1.00; Gallery, 50c declO lw JR. J. H. McADEN, DRU60IST AND CHEMIST, Nonr oilers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap' English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS) Carefully prepared at alt hours, both night and dayt J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store. ECLIRITY ! SECURITY ! SECURITY 1 200 Barrels of c. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AJvL ALADDIN SECCBITYtOIL. West's Extra No. Sons, Baltimore. 1 Kerosene Oil, from ft Vesi fc Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works. Canton. Warranted to stand a I Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before tt will ; bum. C. West Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Da J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. qpHE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. For Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS , , Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene roily, :"' " it The Improved Type Writer. ' Oscillating Pump Go's Pumps, end for Circulars. FAIRBANKS & CO., . i 311 Broadway, New York t3T For sale bj Leading Hardware Dealers septl-dtaww - ANTED. ..' A good steady compositor, temperate, Industrious and capable of managing the mechanical depart' meat of a weekly newspaper; can find steady em? Pntbyaddressing, Vi I, declltf yodresTlUe;. a- And always go to PERRY for tt. He has the finest assortment ef ! i II .. . ii ! ! n f i t r mo k Mn1 li 'A 1 Mntva til i in the eity, and has beatiHfdl orna- jmented boxes to put up 1, 1, 2ot8lb, nov28 rpBIAT YOUB , t lf therefore yon cant afford a box I of Fetrysanetelas , the .uperb pREACHERS TELL Seelgarof the day,) getifcipacS age of Operas, 20 for 60 cents. Tl7T V.i A DISPATCH LIN 77 t : I'f NORTH CAROLINA, i j r 1 f 1 T TO ALL POINTS SOUTH-. ! offers unequalled faculties tor the Trans portion of -U i ! xririf- .i; . " h.'i ! . ", ' ... : - ! A-miif 'Vji - -1 f-tl; . i 1 in Charlotte, Statesvllle, Asbevllle. Rulhetfordton, -.'I on (he .Atlanta k jtuenmona 11-1411, suid Western N. C Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. upon application to WM. A. MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C. ' T. T. SMJTHS Agetit C. C. Railway, Charlotfe. oots ami fluxes. EGRAM CO., DEALERS IN, BOOTS, SHOES AND I 8 HHH TTTT T ? T 8S88 AAA A A 1st National Bank Building, Charlotte, N. C. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, &c, Is acknowledged to be the best In the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine tor yourseu Detore buying. PEG! PEGRAM St CO. dec! EW LIVEBY STABLE. ' If you want flrst-clasr Carriages,) Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Horses, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stable. , - ,i -M If you want your horses wen fed and wen groomed go to the New Livery Stable. Careful driver, promptnesSTBid reasonable prices are our motto. 1 ' : may28 R CHAMBERS & CO. JT HAVING BEEN WIDELY ADVERTISED ' under the. capttoh bi" '. ' ' "AMERICA AHEAD IN SPOOL COTTON," That the Jury on Cotton textiles, yarns and threads at the Paris Exposition, decreed a Gold Medal and Grand Prize to the WHUmantlc Linen Company for "Spool Cotton especially adapted for use on Sewing Machines," overall the great thread manufacturers of the world, we owe it as a duty to the public and to Messrs. J. ft P. Coats to announce that' NO GRAND PRI7j!sWERE DECREED AT PARIS FOR spool' cott6n. : We are advteed by cable of the following awards: J. P. COATS, GOLD MEDAL; WILLIMANTIC LINEN CO., SILVER MEDAL, ' And we claim for the winners of the First Prize that, as they have established In Rhode Island the largest Spool Cotton Mills In the United States, where their Spool Cotton Is manufactured through every process from ' the raw cotton to the finished spool, AMERICA, as represented by Messrs. J.'ft P. Coats, is stfll ahead In Spool Cotton. . , AUCH3NCLOSS BROTHERS, -Sole Agents in New YorkiorJ. A Pi Coats. T JACKSON'S BEST , iJ!l: SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO, Awarded highest prize at Cerftennlal Exposition for fine chewing quallU and excellence and lasting character of sweetening and flavoring.. The best Tobacco made. ' As our brae strip trade-mark is closely Imitated on Inferior goods, see that "Jack son's Best" Is on every plug. Sold by all dealers. Send for sample free, to C. A. Jackson ft Co., Man ufacturers, Petersburg, Va. 1LS SASSAFRAS AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought in any quanlty, for cash on delivery, free of brokerage, , comnilsslohs. or storage expenses, by. - u ' ;ib'!'i'.,y l c.o if ff i; Importers and Exporters'bf ; ;.'..(,, DRUGS,! ESSENTUf OlLS, &c. ..:i., .,'!-: i !','ifl;U 88,WUUaSt,,,v,rH,fr.r,,.h.,,..,sw A bAY to Agents canvassing for the' Firk v Sinlt VrarroK." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P.' Oi VICKERY, Augusta; Maine. . :..; !. 1 -Ill- MM . 'n 'I" ' GOLD MEDAL. Has been awarded .at the Paris Exhibition of 1878 to ' C L A B K S rr 00 o o 8 8 00. Sn n in N KB K NN TTTT . T I !; -i-itx; Best Slidord Spool Cotton. It li celebrated for being strong; -elastic, and of uniform strength, it ha3 been, awarded MFALS .'at thV' eat xposl tlonsi fremlhe first at Paris, to 1855 to the Cen- CLAHTd O, : N.-T; ! SPOdLiXWrrON li widely M. fi iid w . 'jifTUThub , known In all sections for Ituperoiepepce In Machine and Haa8ewlng. -Their Mills at Newark N. J.7 W 'PatsleM largest and most eompleteitfthe werM.!'iThe entire process of manumcture is conductM.UndeYtne mostcomplete - and cbrefal suirvlglon; aad.ttier clalik fw their that! oroddded Id PaisIerMnbi! Ai v'lLx :li WQito tor theyarfrglaA toanrtouhWto th AnAHcsrt Jbllc : mni)fr hiti'- i in !l()iT; '!J -ij i(t that they have been awarded a, LtXMEDA-L, be- I bgUWhlg 'n Vn' fbt &ut-&rtgp9ol Y i K SUM M ?!R tJ -OVM! W lffi dec! - .-' ' '400 Broadway, New York. :

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