-r- Stye ljartottc teemr. CHAS. R. J05ES, Alitor and Proprietor . ! "rrw,from the totta $raptetba. fetrei ear free-born reason. SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1879. THE BEMPVAI: Or TAUFES. The Leisiature meets next vreeland it is well enough for the newspapers to discuss just now" j before its f members the matters of legislation with which it will be their duty to deal. There are few questions of more importance to the people at' large, in connection with the administration of justice by our courts, than the matter of removal of causes from one county to another, and this question we find discussed, with so much force by a writer in the last issue of the Salisbury Watchman that we copy his communication al most entire. The question is one emi nently deserving the deliberate consid eration of the General Assembly and they cannot too earnestly address them selves to its consideration. Speaking of this important matter the corres- . ivin I art 4" aavo A defendant will come into court, charged with some violation of the law, it may be with a capital offense, and in order to delay proceedings, or for some trumped up pretext or trivial excuse, tior reaiiy in nine cases out oi ten mere is no good or just reason for such action) lie is allowed to. make affidavit that he cannot get justice done him in his own county, and is thereupon permitted to remove his trial to another county re gardless of the expense to the people among whom the offense was commit ted. cAnd it does "hot end here, for often he is allowed to remove a second time, at greatly increased expense to an al ready overtaxed and innocent people. This thing has been permitted year af ter year, and court after court, until it has become fearfully oppressive, intol erable, and the law-abiding people who have the enormous bills thus created to pay, demand that something be done to relieve them of this unnecessary and ruinous burden imposed by the crimi nal classes. The burden is great enough on the tax-payers and law-abiding citi zens, when the criminal offenses are disposed of by the courts in the county in which they were committed: but when they are allowed to be removed for trial to athother county, it is three fold, and sometimes fire-hold greater. Every one can understand why the ex pense is greater without enumerating all the items that make it so Now, is there no remedy? Has the lawless vag abond, or an individual who wantonly .pr recklessly sets the law at defiance any right to increase the expense of his sand dollars . under the pretext that he can't get a fair trial at the hands of the people among whom he is best known V If justice is the end sought, justice to the innocent or to the offender, we say not. A man who cannot get justice among his own people where he is best known is not generally entitled to have mercy doled out to him by stran gers. But he has sworn and subscribed to an affidavit setting forth the specious plea that he can't get justice done him at home, thereby branding the good people of his county..as vile persecutors, capable of perjury, dishonesty and crim inal prejudice, and the Judge hears and answers his prayer without alllowing the State to offer any rebutting testi mony to show that he is mistaken. This much, at least, ought to be per mitted, and if it can be shown that there is really no good reason for re moval, then the affidavit should be ig nored and the "motion" refused. There is another fact : the men who try grave offences are selected from those who are without prejudice, and those who have not "formed or expressed" an opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the party upon whom they are to pass judgment. The removal of causes is a crying eviL It has heavily taxed llow an.Und we think if the reasons for con tinuing the law is carefully examined, it will be found they do not justify the burdens entailed. Another outrage is the trial of parties for the same offense before two or more courts. We have known parties charged with trivial offences to have to run the gauntlet of three courts with more or less fine or cost attached to each. This is a great oppression, whether it arises from ignorance or the rapacity of offi cials in pursuit of fees, and calls aloud for a plain statute to make courts ob serve the constitutional and legal rights, of the citizen. The correspondent covers the entire ground. He presents the case so clearly that no one can read this without being struck with the force of the observa tions. The. delays and uncertainties at tending the administration of justice in our courts of late years', as above dwelt upon, gives the explanation, as before pointed out by TnE Observer, of the resort to violent measures on the part of a populace in occasional cases of the perpetrators of -crimes of peculiar at trocity. The Stock Law. The closest and most unanswerable argument that we have yet seen in favor of the stock law, is that presented by Messrs. Thigpen and Grant, commissioners from the Tar River Agricultural Society, who visited Mecklenburg county last November to examine into and report upon the prac tical workings of the system in this county. We published this report in yesterday's Observer for general rath er than local benefit. We already have the law unchangeably established here and general legislation on the subject cannot affect us except indirectly, as it affects our neighbors; but ourselves be ing in possession of a good thing we would be glad to have our neighbors participate in the same benefits that we eniov. For this reason we should be glad to see the Legislature adopt a gen- eral law, embracing all of the counties of the State except, perhaps, those west . a ft 1 1 1 . or tne nage, wnere n wouia proDaDiy not be acceptable, from causes which can be readily understood. 1 Bogus Interviews. Oux contempo raries had best Jra.verycareful how they ptove 'lies' on the Washington Post in connection with its interviews of promi nenfc mem We proved that a couple of these had been manufactured out, of. the -whole cloth nd in-order to prevent xmr catcWngitftiJVmorepf its little ir regularitieslt stopped exchanging with The Observes: Wereautioa. the breth ren against tMow'wgqux ai-advised ex ample lest they be jjoaUarly severely panwhedti risk of being invited to make a corre&- tioaii THE: observer maae- xwo ana thenretired from the business. The Salisbury ' Watchman rremarks with considerable htoxce,, that Judge : ' ThurmanjB1 reply to ytteinvitatUof ' the Telier committe to5 furnish it with .. facta concerning election:-putres're- fleets the dignity and grandeur fot the. - man of a North Carolina mother EMIGRATION TO TEXAS. The popular notion among the colored beoDle that in "Libelia? flap-jacks grow on trees, and that molasses may be had for the dipping of it out of gnttere; finds s its counterpart in the notion among a great many white people that Texas is a ! land of perpetual sunshine and rest, i where cattle run unbidden into men's ! j X, tWsiu wimarn iinfil OTPfllt.hv Wn wrni( from afar and buy themat4 exorbitant prices from those with whom they had just made their Tiomes. The Galveston News has lately published some articles giving . out the general idea that work is necessary to existence in Texas as elsewhere. For this it has been attacked with the charge that it is trying to keep immigration from the State, and after referring rather severe ly to the stupidity of the charge brought against it, it says : While the News, in its labors for dif fusing intelligence, has desired to pro mote the real welfare of the State and of its present and future inhabitants, it has also desired to protect the credulous and uninformed against the serious mistakes people sometimes make in sacrificing old and comfortable homes to begin life anew in a country of which they literally know nothing, and where they may be subjected to the greatest misfortunes from the want of proper information. This course of sincerity and good faith on the part of the News is much to its credit, and if those who think of going to Texas to settle would examine its columns closely and learn the truth as to the situation of affairs there, more good citizens would be left in this part of the country and there would be fewer paupers and criminals in Texas. UNI0X PACIFIC RAILROAD. What the Government Directors Hare to'Say as to the Policy or the Road, Us Prospects, Ac. - Washington, Jan. 4. The Secretary of the Interior has received the annual report of the Government directors of the Union Pacific Railroad, Charles Francis Adams, Jr.,-UanielChadwick, George B. Smytlie, Ralph P. lialkland and Chas. Hansel. They are of the opinion that the Union Pacific, in view of the extremely liberal aid it received from the Government, and the brillian cy of its success as a commercial enter prise, should be judged by the most severe standard known among the railroads of the country, and measured by this standard, they reiort that its deficiencies are many and apparent. At the same time fhey state that the property, instead of 'deteriorating, is being "brought up with steadiness, though slowly, to a fair degree of aver age excellence. They sharply criticise the failure of the management to re place iron rails, when worn out, with steel rails, and say that although the policy now pursued by the company in regard to the material condition of the property is careful and sufficiently sale, it is by no means liberal, nor such a the country has a right to expect, or the Government to insist upon. The course of the company iu its business policy towards the public is in some re spects considered open to too much ad verse criticism on the general ground of illiberality, &c, but nevertheless, ; they report that its present tariffs .-do j not appear to be extortionate. They think the enactments of the re- cent funding act has a direct tendency i to retard or prevent the adoption ot a more liberal, but less immediately prof itable policy by the company, the Gov ernment having thus become one of the principal beneficiaries in the present system of management, by exacting a large proportion or the proceeds. 'J'liey report that the consolidation of the Union Pacific with its connecting branch lines is not now desirable in public interests, but recommend that companies be compelled to submit their differences on the subject of prorating to a decision of some impartial board of arbitrators. - ! In conclusion hey endorse the re- ; commendations of Secretary Schurz for legislation which shall enable the Gov- j eminent to cede to the railroad com pa- ; ny all sections of the grazing or desert ' lands on one side of the road and re-i ceive for it all similar sections on the i other in order that each partv inav dis- pose of these lands in large tracts, in , which alone thev are desirable or sus ceptible of profitable use by purchasers. Briefs From the Wires. Six inches of snow in Vicksburg and Shreveport, and three inches in Magno lia, Miss. The Paris Dex Neuvem Steele savs the minister of foreign affairs will projwse to the cabinet to denounce treaties of commerce with England and Belgium. gffhe funeral services of Judge Sher man took place at Cleveland, U.. yester day morning. A large number relatives and friends were present, including Secretary and General Sherman, Sena tor and Mrs. lion Cameron, Uenerai Wade and Mrs. Miles. The Governor of Virginia vesterdav issued a writ for an election to be held on the 23rd inst.,in the 1st Congressional District to elect a suocessor to Hon. B. B. Douglas, deceased. Tne Jtankin House, the imncinal liotel in Columbus, Ga., with several large stores underneath, were on fire last night and it was feared would prove a total loss. The loss would prob ably be S70.0000. The insurance on the building was not more than $20,000. The weather was intensely cold and a high wind prevailed, Timber Seizures In Florida. Pensacola, Jan. 4. The timber sei zures which commenced at Milton, in Santa Rosa county, have extended to this city. Garney, the special agent of the interior department, seized 1,000 stocks in possession of Keyeer & Ju dah to-day, at their place in Pensacola. The Dealers at Milton most largely in terested, are Milligan & Chaffin, J. 11. Mills, J. Gudershumer, M. C. Stokes and W. D. Collins. While ranch annoyance and some loss must result from these seizures to a few persons, no serious in ter raption of business is anticipated. Execution of Hon cash , Madrid, Jan. 4. Juan Moncasi, who attempted to assasinate the JKing of Spain, was executed at 8.55 o'clock this morning. At midnight the prisoner made a will ..leaving his property to his wife. . At 5 he., attended mass. At 8 was led . from prison and conducted to carriage in which he was conveyed to the scaffold, which he mounted without support, listening," meanwhile, to ad monitions of priests. Two batallions troops were drawn .up around the scaf-l ioia. An immense number or spectators were present. - J r Fire iu tireeuviile. . GngENyiiyL, S, C, Jan. 3. A fire broke out in this city this morning about 3 o'clock, on-Pendhitonj Street, destroy ing: buildings and goods estimated m vaiue as roiiows: U a. tsime, store, $1,800 ; J, A, David, , warehouse, $ 1,200 ; J. II McCullough, goods, $9,000? Garri son & Co. goods, 01,000. Mr, McCuh lough was insured for $6,000, The oth ers were uninsured. The fire originated in McCullough's store jand i$ supposed to be accidental, THE COLD. kNbtesron th WeatherSnow HStorins., i V . - i- - .-5 -! ' 2Tew York,-January 4. The -North river is full of ice this morning, but all the ferry boats are running, thoughthe trips are irregular and delays frequent The Eastern inails are in on time. The Southern mails, due at 6 and 7.30, reach ed here at 9.15, and the Southwest maiLi due at 8, at 10. . Oswego, January VA consideible tierboisteroulir from the citv are buried, in snow, and no efiorts will be made to open them until the storm subsides. Business is nearly at a standstill. Auburn, N. Y Jan. 4. All trains on the Soutnern & Auburn branch of New York Central Railroad are aban doned. Richmond, Va., Jan. 4. The ther mometer this morning down to 5 above zero. The weather has moderated dur ing the day, but this evening the tem perature is again falling. Reports from along the Chesapeake and Ohio R. R. west of Charlottesville, indicate a change from 2 to 12 degrees below zero. The express train due here this morn ing was behind time five hours. The Northern mail due here at 11.35 a. m., was delayed nearly three hours. Re ports from other parts in the western portion of the State show a similar ef fect of the cold snap. The river from this city to its mouth is blocked with ice, and navigation is completely sus pended. The canal is also blocked with ice along its whole length. The Trede gar iron works, planing mills and other industries dependent upon water sup ply have been forced to suspend opera tions. THE VANQUISHED AMEER. He Seeks the Protection of Russia Look Out for Another Peace Congress. London, Jan. 4. The viceroy of In dia telegraphs, under date of December 31st, the details of the Ameer's with drawal from Cabul. The Ameer held a council, December 10th, when it was resolved that after the fall of Ali Mus jid and Pie war no further reliance could be placed on his troops or resistance of fered. The Ameer, therefore, conclud ed to seek Russian protection, and place his case before a European congress, leaving Yakoob Khan, his son, in charge. Yakoob was released and the oath was administered, that he should do as the Ameer directed. The Ameer left Cabul December 13th. His author ity had almost disappeared. A dispatch from the viceroy, dated Jannarv 3d, says a Cabul chief has written to Gen. Roberts, offering his services. He says the Ameer has gone to St. Petersburg. WASHINGTON ITEMS. Washington, January 4. The secre tary of the treasury to-day issued a call for the redemption of ten million 5-20 bonds, consols of 1867; six million cou pon and four million registered bonds. The war department is informed of the death of Lieut. Thomas S. Wallace of the third infantry. He perished with cold whilst out hunting. The Trial of Mrs. Cobb. .Norwich, Conn., Jan. 4. The crowd in and about the court room this morn ing, at the resumption of the trial of Mrs. Cobb, was greater than at any other time. The attendance of women was especially large. Bishop resumed the witness stand and was examined bv State Attornev Wallace more in detail regarding the facts testified to vester dav. Witness crive the particulars as to I numerous visits which passed between rnem; presents were mutnally given, i one being a gold tooth-pick, engraved ; "Pet. which she gave him. He also de- ' scribed, with considerable detail, the ' times and places at which they had : criminal meetings, previous to the death , of her husband. About a dozen more i poems, which Mrs. Cobb had sent him, j were put in evidence. They were clip i ped from different papers and were gen ! erally in the jeratic vein. The cross- examination was l)egun, but at 1 o'clock was suspended, and the court adjourn ed till Tuesday next at 9 o'clock a. m. Reported K eduction of Wages in Scot lam!. London. Jan. 4 There are indica tions of an intention on the part of the employers in the west of Scotland to enforce t lie return to the aggregate of fifty-four hours as the weekly quota of labor. One or two large establish ments have already posted notice to that effect. The men have as yet taken no action on the subject, but will hold a meeting for that purpose next week. No, Sir, Not the Freedom of Cork. of the City London, January 4. At a meeting of the town council of Cork, yesterday, after several bitter speeches by Catholic members, a motion that the letter of the United States consul at Queenstown, announcing Gen. Grant's coming be simply marked "Read," was carried without a dissenting vote. A previous motion to give Gen. Grant a proper re ception was ignored. Other Moonshiners Brought to Grief. Cincinnati, January 4. A squad of fifty revenue men, under (.'apt. Burn side, have returned from a raid upon the moonshiners in the border counties of Kentucky and Tennessee. They re port the destruction of over fifty distil leries and the capture of a large number of distillers. It is thought that, the bus iness has been pretty well broken up in that region. Trouble In the Angiista Cotton Market All Sales Stopped. August a, Ga., Jannary 4 The con troversy between the : cotton sellers and buyers as to the possession of sale sam ples has resulted in stopping the sales. The sellers have resolved not to give up the samples, and the buyers not to pur chase without them. The Augusta ex change has endeavored to settle the dif ficulty without success. Thurmnn. Washington, Jan. 3. Judge Thur man will leave here for Ohio Monday night next to attend a gathering of Ohio Democrats at Columbus on the. 8th of January, when he will make a speech. He will take advantage of the opportu nity to publicly state the reasons why he does not desire his name to be used as the Democratic candidate for. the ex ecutive chair of Ohio. - Another English Bank Closed. ; London, January 4. A', correspon dent telegraphs from Truro, Cornwall, as follows: "Great consternation is manifested here this mornih'g inconse quence of a notice posted on the dorrrof the Cornish 53arilr, announcing that it was closed." . A Public Library flestroyeay Boston, Jan. 4, A fire at Ilingham last night destroyed the public library, COUSJSttngAf 5.000 volumes. ThA -n t.., Office occupied a part of the first flo ' r ' " mo iciiBir, Butuips ana oiner coil tents were ahp burned. :i" ; " LOBsTEKS jillLLlOXS IN THEM. i jf'. Canadians WantlHgthevAmerlcart Duly on Them Removed, i ; Halifax, N..S., Jan: 4. The cham ber of cdmmerce held another meeting, and again discussed the questions to be brought before the Dominion board of trade at Ottowa. Mr. Staynor, in reference to the lobster question, said hB did not f eelr satisfied with the , pres eht asoect ofi affaSre He believed if can government by the Canadian gov ernment, the duty might be removed. He had paid the duty on alot of goods in question with the object of having the Canadian government! sue for the amount. Mr. Jones said the government had inquired and found it could not sue the Am erican govera ment. - In regard to the winter port qu .stion, the following resolution was passed : "That the chamber appeal to the gov ernment to take such means as are nec essary to carry into effect the cherished hope of making Halifax a shipping winter port of the Dominion; that the delegates from this chamber be also re quested to bring the subject before the Dominion board of trade, and use all their energies when the question is dis cussed." Hosts of People are Martyrs To sick headache, that Infallible symptom of a disordered stomach, liver and bowels. Many suffer from It as many as three or four times a week. They do so needlessly, lor Hosteler's Stoma'cH Bitters, by toning the digestive organs and regula ting the bowels and liver, removes the cause, and dispels theralnful "symptom. The intimate sym pathy between the brain and the abdominal region causes the slightest disorder affecting the latter to be reflected, as it were, In the organ of thought The reform instituted by the Bitters when the di gestive, secretive and evacuaOve functions are In a state of chaos, has other and more beneficial re sults, viz., the complete nutrition of the whole physical economy, the restoration of appetite anJ repose, and an Increase m the power of the system to resist diseases of a malarial type. Ease Attainable by the Rheumatic. Yes, although they may despair of relief. It is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries off, by means'' of Increased activity of the kidneys important channels for blood purification the acrKI element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the paluf ul symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the tinett tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it. An Astonishing Fact. A laige proportion of the American peoiile are to-day dying from the effects of DysueDsia or dis ordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the masses of intelligent and valuable people is most alarming, making life actually a burden in stead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. There is no good rea son for this, if vou will only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take the advice of Druggists and your friends, and try one bottle of Green's August Flower, jour speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicine have been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results in every case. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents to try. Three doses will relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all druggists on the Western Continent. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a posiUve and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, aftt r having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send, free of charge, to all who desire 1t. this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using in German, French or English, bent by mail by addressing wiih stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sherar, Powers' Block, Rochester, New York. octit 4w A Kemarkablf Result. It makes no difference how many physicians, or how much medicine you have tried, it Is now an es tabllshed fact that German Syrup is the only reme dy which has given complete satisfaction In severe cases of Lung Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections. Consumption, Hem orrhages. Asthma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast. Pneumonia. Whooping (!ough. &c. who have no personal knowledge of Boschee's German Syrup. To such we would say that 50.000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint Con sumptives try just one bottle. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by all druggists in America. A Good Resolution fjr cw Tear. Many, on the entrance of new year, form new resolutions of good conduct to be observed during the coming year. One of the best determinations is to try f 11 fair means of securing a competency at little cost, and the easiest, best and most attractive method is to send at once to M. A. Iauphin. P. O. Box HH'2. New Orleans, La., two dollar and secure a chance hi the 104th grand monthly drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, w hich takes place at New Orleans, La., on Tuesday, January 14th, 1879. Here all is honestly conducted, and there is no such thiug known as the postponement of the drawing or scaling of the liberal list of prizes offered. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS. JANUARY 4, 1877 PRODUCE. Cincinnati Flour steady and firm; family 4.15a5.25. Wheat scarce: red and white H'ial.OO. Corn dull and a shade lower at 3isa32, cash 8215. Oats in fair demand at 24iaat5. Pork quiet at 8.00. Lard quiet; steaui 15.50. Bulk meats shoul ders 2.50, clear ribs 3.55at0. clear sides 3.65a70; bacon quiet; shoulders 23, clear ribs 44a3b. clear sides 4 Whiskey higher at 1.03. Butter quiet and unchanged; prime to choice Western re serve 14al5, do Central Ohio 12al4. Sugar steady and unchanged. Hogs active and firm; packing i oanu. Baltimohe Oats easier; Southern 28a32, Wes tern white 82, do mixed 28a2, Pennsylvania 28a a32. Rye steady and quiet; Southern 55a58. Hay quiet and in fair demand; prime Pennsylvania and Maryland lOall. Provisions dull and nom inally steady, mess pork 8.25; bulk meats -loose shoulders, new 23, clear rib skies, new 8&t, per cur load, packed, new Bii; bacon shoulders, old 3. clear rib Sides, new 5, hams, sugarjeured. itai,2. Lard refined tierces 6. Butter steady; choice Western packed 18al8, rolls 15altS. Coflee active, strong: Rio eargoes llVaalOVsj. Whiskey a snade hrmtr at l.OOVfcalO. Sugar In better de mand; a sort iial.f. New York Flour no decided change; No. 2, 2.30:i7, suuerfine Western and State H.OOaS.RK common to good extra Western and State 3.50a 4.00, gooJ to choice do 4.05a50; Southern flour dull and heavy; common to fair extra 8.75a4.50; good to choice do 4.0a6.2o. Wheat a shade stronger and quiet; No. 3 spring 89, ungraded red i.uojao. .vru uneiiangea; ungraded 4a47!4, No. 3, 44. Ovtts a shade firmer and more active. yonee quiet ana nrm; in cargoes HMal6i&. in jod iots ni&aiiVS- Sugar an tg higher and In guuuaemana. moiasses unchanged and dulL Rice qiuec ana steady. Pork; mess on spot 7.25. Lard -prime sieam on spot 5.87J&a90. Whiskey nom inal. Freights dull. COTTON. uklk Meaayr middling 9c.; net receipts 110; gross ; stock 30.743; exports coastwise saies l.iuu; exports to Great Britain Baltimore t inn; middling -;.; low middling 9c.; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 145; gross a ' iw, Nwii 0,010; eviwrcs coastwise j; spinners to; exports to Great Britain M) Continent . boston yuiet; middling 9Vs.; low middling t,v, uiuiii.iiY ro$v; uei receiprs ooo; cross ; saies ; stock 2-700; exports to Great Brit aln Wilmington Bull; middling": 9c: low mid- dung 8c; good ordln'y 8 1 -1 ; net receipts 207; sim ; saios ; Mbociv niu; spinners ; ex ports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to Con neut ; to channel . Philadelphia Steady; middling JU,-jc. ; low oiiUUiing OVhc.; good ordinaiy 80. ; net receipts 5; gross .23B; sales ; spinners titiO; stock 8,680; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Qa!et; middling 8loc.; low mid dling 8c; good ordinary 714.; receipts 472 shipments ; sales 1 55 ; stock . CHABLEsnroif Steady; middling 9130.-, low mid dlliig : 9c.; good ordinary 8Vc; net receipts 1. 820; gross do; sales 1,000; stock 71,315; exports co,, : to Gwt Britain ; France ; Continent ; to channel . J!" tOEK-Qulet; sales 508: middling uplands 9 7-16c. niiddhng O.iaans SM6c; consolidated oo-HDteM1M4vx.port8 to Great Britain nefilOO D F5a11ce ; 10 cnRn- 51 LlTKHPOOL NOON Kasiftp- tin pplands 5 7-10, OieaJis 511-1B. low mWV nrZ - i vuipci. upiuuus sow miaaiinar clause 1 Jannarv delivery al Jr32t January and ebm lands good ordinary uplands , ordinary ud d8 -- - sales 8.000(-speculation , and Export k J.ioo''1: and April i 7-16al3-32, ArM aiki May ISaaJ-ta, ay and June 5 June and July 5 tt-16aJ-32, "July and August -r-. Tewcroe shiDped December and January iter hhu o. v. ... JUTURE3. - ' f New YohX Futures closed firm. Sales 5f8,- January:. . . -ixr-- February - v. " March April May June..... July..,..,.,., v.:. Aiioniat. S : L . i. i . P. .d . . i 9 .40&.5O 0.66a.70 - lOf 10 .12a-13 10.20a.22 10 .29a.81 10.86a.37 i. .Hi. i FINANCIAL. New York Money active at 1.03. Exchange at 4.81. Governments firm. New 5's 1.07. State bonds steady. CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of the Obsebver, i Charlottb, January 5, 1879. 1 The market yesterday closed easier and lower. Good middling : Middling Strict low middling. Low middling Tinges Bright Stains .. .. 812 888 8 8-lrt 8 7?g CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. DECEMBER 31, 1S78. CORRECTED DAILY. Cotton Ties New, per bale $2.25 Spliced, " 1.75 Baggikg, iter Jb. Ilal2i4 Cork, per bush'l 40a45 Mem., " ....p 40a45 Peas, " 50a65- OiTS. sheUed, 33a35 Bacon N. C. hog round 8a9 Hams.N.C... llallta Hams, canvassed 12al3 T3oi.K Meats Clear Rib Sides 4a5 Coffee Prime Rio 16al6t4 Good. . 13al5 Syrup Sugar-house .. 25 Molasses Cuba '. . 38a40 New Orleans 45a50 Salt Liverpool fine 1.00a2.00 Sugar White 9tallVi Yellow 7a8 Potatoes Sweet - 8540 Irish 40a50 Butter North Carolina 12tfca20 Eggs, per dozen 12al5 Flour Family 3.00a3.50 Extra. : 2.75a3.00 Super 2.25a2.50 3Xtxu xlxitrtiscmcitts. "JEETTNG OF STOCKHOLDERS. Traders' National Bank. ) Charlotte, N C, January 4th, 1879. The next annual meeting of the stockholders of this bank will be held at its banking house, on Trade street, Tuesday, January 14th. 1879, at 12 o'c.ock, m. C. N. G. BUTT, jau5 It Cashier. T HE LADIES And everybody else, are resnectf ully reauested to give our notion stock an inspection on Monday and every day thereafter until our entire stock (consist ing 01 nve thousand dollars worth of Notions, Hosiery. Gioves. Perfumery. Ribbons. Buttons. Corsets. Stc, &c.) Is closed out, as we are deter mined to close it out at some price. Call and see us. BROWN A CO. jano it J"OTICE. SALE OF FORFEITED PROPERTY. United Suites Internal Revenue Collector's Office, filh Collective District Statesville, N. C, January 4th, 18 r 79.) The property described In this advertisement. having become forfeited to the United States, will be sold at public auction by Maxwell & Harrison, auctioneers, in Charlotte, on Thursday, January 16th, 1879, at 11 o'clock a. m., to-wit: Ten boxes Tobacco, the property of J. F. Fare. J. J. MOTT, J. G. Young. Collector. Deputy Collector. jano STRAYED A Brood of Muscovy Ducks, accom panied by a bronze Turkey Gobbler. Inform ar tion leading to their recovery will be thankfully re ceived. J, Y. BRYCE. jano It rpAKEN UP On the streets Saturday morning -L about 4 o'clock, a black mule, lame In the left hind foot The owner can get possession by prov ing property and paying charges, jano 2t A. L. WINGATE. PAX RETURN NOTICE. The merchants and others liable to pay a semi annual tax on. their purchases or receipts. In the county of Mecklenburg, are heieby notified that their returns for the six months ending 31st of December, 1 878. are now due. Merchants are re quired to return all purchases made by them in or out of thd State, except from a wholesale merchant in the State. Section 1 0 of the Revenue Law re quires all liquor dealers In spirituous or vinous liquors, porter, lager beer, or other malt liquors, to return all their purchases, from whomsoever bought. There are no exceptions. Returns must be made within the next ten days. WM. MAXWELL, Register. . Jan. 4, 1879-d3t. (CvocUtvvi and (glassware jrAws CROCKERY AND SILVER STORE, IN kw vnnv 1 The highest awards at all State CHARLOTTE, f RALEIGH. J AMD- County Fairs for the best display of CBTNA, GLASS, CUTLERY and SILVERWARE, THE LARGEST STOCK OT CHRISTMAS PRESENTS,' Ever brought to Charlotte, comprising Vases, Toilet Sets, Japanese Goods, Decorated China, Etc , ALL AT NEW YORK. PRICES. " ; ; . J. EL LAW. Agent - New Insurance Building, Charlotte, N. C. nov29 ,. JMPORTANT, ' BOTH TO THE 'WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE Having unrivalled facilities I have just opened the largest and.best selected stock of CHINA, -: CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMP GOODS, ETEB. OFFERED IN NORTH CAROLINA. We keep a full line of all goods usually kept In a FIRST-CLASS COO o o o o o OOO H H H H HHH H H H H IX II n II II WW N NN N N N If N UN KM A AA A A ssss TTTT T T T T OO O O O O O O OO VIZ: RRR R R RRR R R R R EKE B ' EE E BBB 'S3, S1 Toilet Sets Tea Sets, Cups and Saucers, Rates, Ewers and Basins, Goblets, Glass Sets, Lamp Goods, and In fact everyOilng In, that line. We bay for cash and do a strict y cash business through' out therefore we are enabled to fUi orders at a very small profit v Merchants and the Retail' Trade generally win find it greatly to their advantage to call and ex amine our . ' : HUGE STOCK ! ,i ... ....'' All orders from Merchants, whether smiit n, large, will be careruUy and ptbmKtteSded to. JOHN BROOKFIELD, Trade st, under Democrat Office, Charlotte, N. C, Wholesale and Retail Dealer to ' : ; CHINA, W. G. and C. C. WARE. ROCKINGHAM ; ' ; v. and YELLOW WARE, GLASSWARE '. ' 'Wit, mK;;:.:": . 1 fc CALHOUN i -.--SPENCER'S CEXKBKATJElr iri. - V' CHEWINci TTTT OO BBB A QOO f OOO . T O O B B AA -0 0 0 Q .TO O BBB A A O O o o A rrO 0 B " BAAA :.9Q 0&0Or..ar T OO BBB A A OOU OOO OO ...i ll -si AND JACKoON'S BEST SWEET NAVY always on hand. AT- BURWELL & SPRINGS'. dec8 i A Bbls. Sweet Florida Oranges, just In and for IU sale very low. dec 17 LeROY DAVIDSON. iptecjeltmitrrtis. QBANDEST DISPLAY MT 000 o o O O O OOO A AA A A NN N NN N N N N N NN N NN DDD D D D D D DDD Y Y Y Y YY Y Y A A EVER MADE IN CHARLOTTE, AT P P a R Y Y K556 w00w 55 00 OS 55 00 CO 685565 OUpgOO 22 ""fio 232222 65K65 i I CENTS PER POUND. Z?r- PURE. FRESH AND CHOICE. wJ -DON'T FAIL TO CALL.- dec24 NO MORE JHEUMATIS f OR GOUT ' A C U T E O R CHRONIC ALICYLIC SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark bj the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OF PARIS AMD LEIPZIG. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Pads report 05 cures out of 100 cases within three lay& Secret-The only dlssolver of the polsonoua Uric Acid which exists in tne Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. $1,00 a box, 6 boxes- for $5 OOi Sent to any address on receipt of price. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. Ad dress WASHBURN E CO., nov7 Only Importers' Depot 28 Cllff-st, N. Y. T THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON Cochrane keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand ard Pure, Two Years Old. M M R R 8 8 L L N JOSEPH KISCHESSER, Proprietor, .18 now supplied, with the very best and finest WINES, ALES and LIQUORS. ' JUST IN: French Brandy, In quart bottles, five years old, warranted pure and genuine; just suita ble for -a Christmas Gift Exported Bkkr in bottles, by the dozen at $1.50 just half the former price. t have the latest arrangement from Paris for keeping hot water for winter drinks, perfectly clear rid pure. , $ Best BEER, PORTER, ways on hand. dec!2 ALE and LIQUORS al- WANTED A good agent to canvass Charlotte and the adjoining towns for the best selling household articles In the world. Tip top prottts, write at once to World Manufacturing 00., 2 Clinton Place, New York, JJOUSEKEEPERS ! ! ! A postal card sent us with your address will In sure free In return, our Illustrated Circulars of nice Householdlng Specialties. PALMER 4 SKILTON. Marmtotirorgt281P t ' GENTS, READ THIS. vWe will pay Agents a Salary of $100 per month and expenses, or allow a large commission to sell our new and wonderful Inventions. We mean what wetay. Address, without delay, SHERMAN 4 CO.. Marshall, Michigan. 4 : j ' : D IPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure ne cases in ten. information that will save' many Uvea sent free by malL Don't delay a mo ment Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. L S. JOHNSON 4 CO.. Bangor, Maine. A NEW EXCITING BOOK Bristling with the wild adventures of STANLEY IN AFRICA. tJS-F, ""wand copyrighted cheap edition. By the brilliant descriptive author, Hon. J.THead' Gives a FULL hudrmi nf his AGETWaSteI). er .000 sold. 7Morl JJENSON'S CAPCLNE T POROUS PLASTER. CELEBRATED THE WORLD OVEB. nrtif!?18 Awarded the' blgfiest FAR SUPERIOR TO Seal Stt "it1?6?' tte Halled S emuiff WPJtlrnooo , H. T. BIT L E Ii 9 Stove and Hardware liouse for j Cni?rp 'HARDWARE Or ALL KINDS. Buy your COOK STOVES from me, as I have good reasons why they will do your work Quick ai d Easy, Cheap and Clean : BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE They bake evenly and qiilckb. BECAUSE Their operation in perfect. BECAUSE They always have a good draft BECAUSE They are made of the best nuderuii. BECAUSE They roast perfectly. BECAUSE They require but little fuel. BECAUSE They are very low priced. BECAUSE They are easily managed. BECAUSE They a suited to all localities. BECAUSE Every Stove is guaranteed to give satisfaction JgLOCKADE TOBACCO, FOR SALE. Having purchased a nice line of Tobacco, at tlm Government sale, I am prepared to offer extra inducements to buy ers. Call early. THOS. H. GAITHEII." nov7 w ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Any person desiring to purchase a well improved City Lot House with nine rooms, and modem con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at decl8 THIS OFFICE. 1 000 FEE SIMPLE DEED8' MOST APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and For Sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. gTOCK FOR SALE. One pair Mules (matches,) Two Ayreshire Bulls, 8 years old, $50 and $t0. One South Down Buck (sired by Imported Prince Arthur, cost 60 guineas in England,) $20. Berkshire Pigs, $10 per pair. Thorough bred Horses, 4c This stock will be sold on time to responsible parties. This sock can be seen at any time at Jfinderly Stock Farm, two miles west of Charlotte. For particulars, address Dr. W. J. Hayes. Char lotte, N. C. S. B. ALEXANDER. ja.nl d&w 4w Democrat and Home please copy. JfOR RENT, LEASE or SALE, At Davidson College, N. C. Some dwelling houses, large and small. Also, some farming lands. Apply to janl tf H. P. HELPER. jpo: R SALE. The Bourgeolse and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and wa& not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because It became necessary to use a different style of type. It will do good service for several years to came. It will be sold In lots to sui pur chasers, amL In fonts of 50 to l.OOOlbs. with or without cases. Address OBSERVER, octfi Charlotte. N. C. WlntcUts mul gciu civil TUST IN TIME. We have Just received a fine selection of such Goods as you want for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Such as fine Lockets and Chains, Fine Sets, Seal Rings, Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pths and anything In the line you may want f5"" CALL AND SKK THEM. -HALES 4 FARRIOR.- dec20 p LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at hall price J!Pj?d one ear. Every kind of Jewelry or Broruse Gliding, Coloring. Sllver-Plating and Gal vantzlng made at short notice and equally as good as tow. Work done for the trade at low prices tv Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. sept 16 gHERIFF'S LAST NOTICE. The Taxes of Mecklenburg county have been due since the 1st of last September. The law reaulres me to settle State taxes on the first Monday to Jan uary Many other Sheriffs have already settled, but I have been compelled to be among the last on !!inL?,feU.K(lueni.ti2"pa5'er8- 11 taxes are not settled within the next twenty days, all real estate owners must not be suprised to see their Drorjertv advertised In tha mnntv property - rhr- CP Jan. 3, 1879.-d3wi XANDER, Sheriff. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Me?wn& leJ?' National Bank, 1 Charlotte, N. C., December 19, 1878. j birtiiS!0. tockholdersof this cufT,Jv ihelr Banking House, in this Tuesday, the 14th January, 1879. at 12 1 m J. R. HOLLAND, - ' Cashier. J)XSS0LUT10N, Hbl?,rm 5toJ,re exlstlngunder the firm name Sn,0?rt W4ay of January, iSTSfhy mutuaj C0S8e1?t' l- Qj Irceland retiring, -iiHi111 all liabijjttes and win settle All the business of the said late flfm. He will also continue the Grocery business at the old stand, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon the lute arm by their many friends. , FREELAND 4 DURHAM. jan3 4t "TADDILL HOUSE, GASTONIA, N C. BT iR. EL WADDTLL. f 1 febiotj.

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