3 l)arlotte b$ttvixf - - - - -. - - , THE OBSERVES JOB DEPAJtTjfEMT MY Hut btm tharwt&tujri want, and Mh the Latel StyUavfTypenad every manner of Job Work cummow jhe done 7a neatnet. dispatch and cheqpnet. Wm AmOiA, at Short notice,. . - ,,r. :,. ' .' ' : BLANKS, BILL-READS, .' ' r " LETTE&HBADS, CASDS, TAGS. RECEIPTS,' POSTEICf,' PROGRAMMES, SAND-BILLS PAMPHLETS, CIRCVLARS, CHECKS, dO. SVBHOftlPTION kATkS : rrty,tt iapo&jMid)iHrtvi....r..$H 00 Sir. Month ....... ....... 4,00 1 77re Month 2 00 ' One Month 75 , ' ; WEJtKLY MIXTION : " K eikty, In tUcouuty)i advance...... $2 00 Out of tJt county, poitpaid.......... 2 10 Hix Month ; 1 00 VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1879. NO. 3,073. IMeral ileductiontjor Ctub. ' .i-i u wit. Drtj (Soods. 0 ASHMERES AND ALPACAS. Just Received another lot of superior CASHMERES AND ALPACAS, Banging in Price from 25 centa to One Dollar. A Few Pieces of COLORED CASHMERES, all Wool, of superior quality, at sixty cents, worth $1.00. Do not tall to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before buying. It will pay you. ELIAS COHEN. 'gnvnittxxt. B URGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IH ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE t FURNITURE ! . BEDDING, Ac. BEADING, &G BEDDING, AC BEDDING, Ac. FURNITURE! FUKNITURE! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS I LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! Iff- COFFINS of all kinds on hand. -il W COFFINS of all kinds on hand. , No. 5 West Tradx Strict. CHARLOTTE, N. C. tfr- Ladies' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a t'.ne supply. Jan3 JARGAINS " ' t IN VVVU U RRR Kit K n TTTTU URKB EEE If V UR RNN Kjlli , T ,JJ S8im?S KK U URRB K KK II ; ,i,,fi,.,URBSf f U UR RK KK If f UlJJR , g UU R BK KK II T UU H fiBHB if 0 'i ; I. J j j'J'ii I I i'.. AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, Nkxt to PosTomc-.. - My St.ock latery Lar. : land efatbraoas a Full i e of PARLOR, daAMBERy DINING BOO AND OFFICE FURNITlTRt If. y au Goods (Packed Free of Charge grg (goods, CIjrxtMtt0, &c. AlosS ! AlosS 1 WI HATK THIS SAT MM MM A RRR K KEEK ODD MMMM AA R RK K B D D U MM M A A RRR KK EE D D M M M AAA R RK K K D D M M MA AR BK K1IBDDD DDD OO W W WNN N D DO OWWWWNN N D DO O WW WW NNN D DO O WW WW N NN DDD OO W W M NN About Forty pieces of DRESS GOODS To 25 cents, worth 50 cents per yard. Also 30 or 40 pieces to 20 cents, worth from 33li to 45 centa. A lot of Dress Goods to 8i and 10 cents, worth from 12 to 15 cents. THESE GOODS J Jf UST BE SOL "TV 1 iVlUBT BE SOL-L f , , r- and If you want cheap goods, this Is the place to get them. Very truly, ALEXANDER & HARRIS. P. S. Our whole stock must be reduced, and In order to do so will sell very cheap. A. &H. LADIES I ADIES I LADIEC I LADLE O Call and get one of those handsome Cloaks that I am now dosing out very cheap; also some of those nice silk, lace and hemstitched Handker chiefs; I am also selling very cheap a beautiful Black Spanish Lace Scarf; be sure to ask to ask for those pretty White and Opera Kid Gloves, both for gents and ladles; a large stock of fancy Hosiery to be closed out very cheap; a new lot of nice black Cashmeres Just received; a large lot of Fancy DRESS GOODS, kets, at prices to milt the times, and the most beau tiful black Silk Fringe Just received; also Worsted Fringe in all colors. " Ton can always be trumSUed with the nicest Dress Buttons that are to be found In the city; a large lot of Shawls and Balmoral Skirts for the cold weather very cheap. Remember I always have a laree assortment of Corsets, all sizes and prices; KnltUnK Cotton and Germantown Wool in all colors. Call and set a suit of clothes oft of our Charlottes ville Oassimere8 that you can't wear out; also Just received a large lot 01 the splendid uegina um brellas. My stock of Boots, Shoes. Clothing, Hats and Caps always complete and at prices to suit the times. Respectfully, 1. . JS, Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. dec22 LADIES' CLOAKS. ADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAKO LADIES' CLOAKO. THE GREATEST BARGAI NO HE GREATEST BARGAINS OT THE BE ABO XT F THE S E A S O IN - fKW HUNDBXD VHOICB LABI' CLOAK Q--Us HUNDKKD CHOICK LADIK8' CLOAlO- JTJ8T RKCKIVKD BT EXPKES CBT RBCK TVED BT XX PRES s, : Whjch will be sold without reserve, at sacri- : : ficing prices. Don't fall to come and look at : TBX THB SWEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PRICE C WEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PRICE O f i OW IS TOUR CHANCi-i i -iO BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFrp . O BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIF A AT HALT- PRIG T7 T HALF PBICX-. H. MORRIS BROS. a iteki v -l tfB MORRIS ft BROS. Kl4 raddy's Version or Excelsior. s. T. e., HAUFix, x. c. dec. 28, 1878. Raleigh News. 'Tras growing dark so terrible fasht. When through a town of the mountain pashed ' A broth of a boy. to his neck in the shnow, As he walked, his shlllelah he swune to and fro. Saying, it's up to the top but I'm bound for to go, ite jaoers! He looked mortal sad, and his eyes were as bright As a bit of turf on a cowld winter night, And divil a word that he aaid could ye tell. As he opened his mouth and let out a yell. It's ud mi the ton of the mountain I'll go. Onless covered up with this bothersome shnow. ae jaoerai Through the windows he saw, as he travelled along The light of the candles and fires so warm; But a big chunck of ice hung over his head. Wld a shiver and groan, by St Patrick, he said. It's up to the very tip top I'll rush, And then if it falls it's not meself It'll crush, Be jaoers! Whist a bit! said an owld man, whose head was as white As the shnow that fell down on that miserable nleht: Shure ye'll fall In the wather, me bit of a lad, r the night is so dark and the walkln' is bad. Bed ad r he'd not lisbt to a word that was said. But he'd go till the top, If he went on his head. Bejabers! A bright, buxom young girl, such as like to be kiss ed, Axed him wadnt he shtop, how could he resist? Ho, snapping his fingers and winking his eye, While shmlUng upon her, he made this reply Faith, I meant to kape on till I got to the top. But as yer shwate self has axed me, I may as well stnop. Be Jabers! He 8btopped all night, and he sthopped all day, . And ye musnt be axing when he did go away; But wouldn't he be a bastely gossoon To be lavtn' his darlint in the swate honeymoon? Whin the owld man has praties enough and to spare, Shure he molght as well shtay If he's comfortable there. Be Jabers! OBSERVATIONS. Henry Stillson, a water boy on the Houstonic Railroad a few rears aero, is now superintendent. He minded his business and never went on strikes. "Buy where you can buy cheapest," is good enough advice; but we notice nowadays most every body buys where they can get trusted, Ehrtira weetu "Good day, Mose ! How you vas shanged. Vouldn't never hale know'd you!" "But my name is not Moses, sir." "Great hefens! your name shanged, too!" It is said that Pope Leo XDJ has determined to create twelve new Cardinals. In that event anoth er red bat will probably be sent to the United States. The world Is made no of two classes thdse who chew their oysters and those who swallow them whole, except a few scattering folks who don't like them at aU Berkshire Courier. A Chicago girl lost her overshoe while traveling through Virginia last year, and now some newspa pers are writing ud Ions articles about the discov ery of a subterranean cave in that State. New York Meal. Bishop Haven shocked a Texas audience last week by saying that "Christ was lynched." The Austin statesman, wnicn heard tne ngure witn its own ears, moves that Bishop Haven be lynched for what it calls his "elaborate blasphemy." There are men who, with Increasing years, have not yet learned to view with equanimity the inevita ble overflow that loliows the attempt, no matter how carefully and scientifically regulated, to pour one's coffee Into a saucer. Puck. The great need of the Eastern section of the country In winter is to have a higher backyard fence and to Keep tne oacK auey-gate ciosea. we get en tirely too much draft from the boundless and Illim itable west rnuaaeiphM Tunes. AX INHUMW GUARDIAN. A Little Girl Hair Roasted with Red-Hot Irons. Washington Republican. A case which stands unrivalled in the annals of barbarity and inhumani ty came to the attention ot the police of the eighth precinct (navy yard) yes terday. Mary Jane Braxton, a little col ored girl, eleven years of age, is the vic tim. Her parents are dead, and she has been living with her aunt a colored woman named Ella Bowser at No. 10, Fourth street, northeast. On Thursday night the little girl dragged herself in a pitiable condition to the house of a col ored man named Robertson, on Third street. On examination it was found that her limbs, abdomen and back were badly burned. The girl's story was to the following effect : On new year's day her aunt, be coming angry with her, dragged her in to a back room and threw her down. Then taking some red-hot irons from the stove she applied them to her lower limbs, abdomen and back, until the flesh was literally roasted. On Thursday, af ter suffering the greatest torture, she escaped from the nouse and managed to reach Robertson's house. Robertson reported the matter to Lieutenant Noo nan yesterday, and that officer placed Ella Bowser under arrest. The girl, who was in a critical condi tion last evening, was removed to the Providence Hospital. The woman Bow ser, who is a short, thick-set mulatto, and rather prepossessing in appearance, stoutly asserted her innocence. She pretended first that she knew nothing about the matter at all. Afterward she said that the girl came to the house and in the condition described, and stated that the woman with whom she had been working punished her in that way because she refused to comply with her indecent suggestions. The police, who have had previous knowledge of the relations between the woman and the girl, give credit to the girl's story. Twice the girl has run away from her aunt'S house within the last six months, and been found and restor ed by the police. The aunt charged on these occasions that the girl was way ward and addicted to stealing. The girl complained bitterly of the Dad treat ment she received from her aunt. The woman has two little children of her own, who live with her on Fourth street. The case will probably be called in the police court this morning. The woman was locked up during the night at the eighth precinct station. Victims of the G allows. Ninety-six murderers expiated their crimes on the gallows in the United States during the past year, an increaee of thirteen compared with the previous year. Forty-one were white, fifty-two colored, two Indians and one Chinaman. There were seven double executions, four triple and two quadruple. Five were hanged for outrage, four for wife murder and one forinfaticide. Not one woman was hanged. Friday still con tinues the favorite day for hanging, seventy having taken place on that day ; the largest number were hanged in March, that month having twenty-five executions. Texas heads the list of States with 10 executions ; Louisiana. 9 ; Alabama, 8; South Carolina, 8; North Carolina, 6: Pennsylvania, 6; Missouri, 6; Georgia, 5 ; Tennessee, 4: Illinois, 4; Arkansas, 4; California, 4; New York, 3; Kentucky, 2; Virginia, 2; Delaware, 2 ; Ohio, 2 ; Mississippi, 2 ; Maryland, 2 ; Massachusetts, 1. An Astonishing Fact. A large proportion of the American people are to-day dying from the effects of Dyspepsia or dis ordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the masses of Intelligent and valuable people Is most alarming, making life actually a burden in stead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as It ought to be. There Is no good rear son for this. If vou will only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take the advice of Druggists and your friends, and try one bottle of Green's August Flower, your speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicine have been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results in every case. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents to try. Three doses will relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all drogKlsts on the Western Continent. A Modern Retreat-Dumb Ladies Liverpool (Eng.) Albion. A London correspondent writes that the district around Lloyd's Square, is very much mystified. A number of la dies have suddenly appeared in the lodging houses there who assume the womanly virtue of dumbness. They rise early, long before the sun, and go into the dark, cold street, saying no word to any mortal soul. They return immediately after nine o'clock at night; do not even ask for a candle, but expect it to be given to them, and then pass, without so much as a ""thank you, but with a smile and a dignified bow to their rooms. They are devout Protestants "doing a retreat" at the Home of Naza areth, occupied by the Sisters of Betha ny. Most of them, it is given out, are ladies of wealth and position, some of them ladies of title. Early in the morn ing, precisely at the hour of six, they meet to do their devotions under the directions of the holy Ritualist Fath ers who have been appointed for the service. Every moment of the day has its devotional occupation. The food is of the plainest Talking is hardly tol erated. For neatly fifteen hours they are at prayers or at meditations. They should, properly .speaking, not leave the Home. But the Sisters of Bethany can not put them all up. So these ladies in retreat set forth every evening in mys terious silence to the neighboring lodg ing houses, holding no communication with man or woman, neither asking nor answering questions, passing as if ab sorbed, from their devotions to their beds, and from their beds to their devo tions. Such is the modern antique idea of the religious life. I would deprecate it, but I remember those lines in "Mem oriam," which began, "Leave thou thy sister while she prays." The Supreme Court. Raleigh News, of Sunday. To-morrow the new Supreme Court will meet in session for the first time. It will be a memorable day in our his tory as a State. In 1870 the Democrat ic party recovered the legislative branch of the State government. Disap pointed by the defeat of Judge Merri mon, our candidate for Governor, from recovering the executive branch in 1872, the Democracy rallied and under the gallant leadership of Zebulon B. Vance drove the enemy from the executive of fice in 1878. To-morrow the Supreme judiciary will pass into Democratic hands for the first time since the carpet bag invasion. The people have now entrusted every branch of the State government to our keeping. The names of Smith, Ashe and Dil lard are a guarantee that the bench of the Supreme Court will restore the re spect and veneration with which in former days our highest judicial tribu nal was ever wont to be regarded. The Land of Prom'i&e. London correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. I wrote in one of my early London letters about a plan to purchase Pales tine by some of the leading Jews in this country. I now learn that the project is completed, and that the Messrs. Rothschild, Montefiores and other prom nent financiers and patriots have nopes of success in their undertaking from every point of view. The secretary, who, by the by, is a Christian in faith, tells me every evidence of support to the project is manifested by the. Jews of the entire world ; yet a wise reserve as to the details of the plans, purposes, &c, is demanded. QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TEA INS GOING EAST. No. 8 Daily ex. Sun. Date, Nov. 10, 78. No. 2 Daily No. 4 Daily Leave Charlotte, " Greensboro, " Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, 3.45 a m 8.20 a m 3 00pm 6.55 pm 1 4.10pm 5.30 a m 5.25 p m 9.30 a m No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with WJT.C.R.R. for all points in Western North Carolina, daily except Sundays At Greensboro with R. A D. R. R. for all points North, East and West At Goldsboro with W. ft W. R. R. for WUmlngton. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with R. & D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7. Dally ex. Sun Date, Nov. 10, '7& No.1 Dally. No. 3 Daily. Leave Goldsboro, 1 9.50 a m 5.35 pm Kaieign, s.bupm 5.30 am ureensDoro h.m om 6.47 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 am 10.50 a m No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C, C. A. R. R. for all points South and South-west; at Air-Line Junction with A. fc C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and South-east. No. 8 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. dally except . Sunday. At Air-Line Junction with A.SUA. l. ior au pointB oouin ana souw-wesi. At Charlotte with C., C. fc A. Railroad for all points South and South-west SALEM BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive Salem, " " " 10.50 pm Leave Salem, " " " 5.45 a m Arrive Greensboro, " " " 7.45 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. & D. and N. C. Railroads. SLEEPING CABS VITHOCT CHANGS Run both ways on Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Ttirotifirh Tickets on sale at Greensboro. Raleigh. Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. R. MACMTJRDO, Gen. Passenger Agent nov20 Richmond Va. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta R. R., Columbia, S. C, Dec. 27, 1878 On and after Sunday, Dec 29th, 1878, the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington time,): NIGHT EXPRESS. Going South, No. 1. Leave Charlotte, 1 00 a. m Arrive Columbia 6 00A.K Leave Columbia 6 05 A. m Arrive Augusta 10 00 a. m Going North, No. 2. Leave Augusta 5 55 P. . Arrive Columbia 10 00 P. M. Leave Columbia, 10 10 P. K. Arrive Charlotte 3 10 A. M. DAY PASSENGER. Going South, No. 3. Leave Charlotte.. 11 27 A. m. Arrive Columbia 4 10 p.m. Leave Columbia 4 15 p.m. Arrive Augusta 8 30 p.m. Going Nobth, No. 4.' Leave Augusta.. 9 03 ax Arrive Columbia 1 20 ?. x Leave Columbia 1 80 P.x Arrive Charlotte 6 80 P.x These train stop only at Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Chester, Wlnnsboro, Ridge way, Leesvllle, Bates burg, Ridge Springs, J oast on, Trenton and Granlte vllle. All other stations will be recognized as nag stations. if ! - Pullman Palacy sleeping and drawing-room cars on Nos. 1 and 2, Greensboro to Augusta; also on Nos. 3 and 4, New York to Savannah, via Rich mond A Georgia Central Railroad. ; ; . - T. D. KLINE, Superintendent ' Jno. B. UacMuboo, O. P. Agent . dec29 grtj (Saculs. 655S5 jm no oooo woo an nn on na Wfit 4W1 A1 AA AA KK aa nn oa An m u n in 555565 Wogoo oOqqQq oftjnoo ay AND EES K EB E EES Contemplating at an early day to make a change favorable circumstances, I have concluded to re selected out of my stock various complete lines, any sacrifice it may be to me, and consumers will PPP RRR P PR K PPP RRR P R R P R B that they will In this instance come to the conclu but cheap enough to lay up for next winter. As day's paper, I beg the reading public to look daily of special lines on special days. L OO OO K K L O OO O K K L OOOO KK L O O O O K K LLLL OO OO K K OO U U TTTT O O V V T O O U U T O O U U T OO UU T COME OME I would urge those owing me and desirous of S. WITTKOWSKY. UXillittmj. JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, Another laige stock CLOAKS,! HATS, COE "ETS.j BALMORAL SKIRTS, And fine Fancjr HOSIERY, at the lowest possible prices, at Mrs QUERY'S OB nov!2 JEVENUE SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, Statesville, December lath, ii. Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenne Laws, on Thursday, December 12th, '78: One wagon, two mules and harness,and three bar rels whiskey, owner unknown. Notice is hereby given to t he owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office In Statesville, and make claim thereto before the expiration ot thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, decl4oaw4w ' Collector. jq-OTICE OF SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, Collector's Office. 6th District North Carolina. Statesville, N. C, December 26th, 1878. Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December 27th, "78: 2 mules and 1 wagon and harness, one barrel of whiskey, the property of W. F Burns. Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office in Statesville, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, J. 6. Young, i Collector. Deputy. )anl 4w oaw "gov gljent XTJRONT ROOM over McAden's drug store to let i? for the present year. D. P. HUTCHISON. .Jan3tf LET. Two 5-room cetta&es: one on corner of College orher of 1 and Fourth streets, the other on the corner of vnurcnana jrounn streets. ' - - - - JAS. H. CARSON. Jan3 St-pd. " i ; H H H H HHH H H H H A A A A j TUKE HEET i 1 AKE HEE U f REMEMBER THAT A JUST EXPENDITURE IWiEi- OOO O O O O O 000 OO O O O O O O OO NN N OO NN N OO N N N OO N NN O O H KM OO M fit Bf AI MMMM AC 2A BC M M M In the name and style of my business, and being duce my present large stock, and as this can be amounting to about $50,000, which I am deter find the n OOO EES RSSa rSSo OO nooE Is Is o ( L L L L I.T.T.T. O O o o n o EE 'ss, n 0 8 SSa n OOO EBB 88B ssrS o o '8S OO sion that " A just expenditure is a wise economy," my lines are so varied that to enumerate them at my advertisements, as I propose to take up eve GGO RRR EES A TTTT O GR RE AA T G RRR EE A A T G GO R RE AAA T GGG R REEEA A T n NN N DUD II NN N D D II N N N D D n N NN D D II N NN DDD t rpHE NEXT THIRTY DAYO I I X HE NEXT THIRTY DAYO f IN STORE FFF OO RRR F O O R R FP O O RRR Y - Y OO V U Y Y O O U U YY O O U U Y O O U U Y OO UU r 00 r r EARLY, AS THERE WILL NO DOUBT BE A GREAT keeping up their ere-Jit, to call and settle. S. WITTKOWSKY. CL O T H I N G I LOIHINO! CLOTHINfl I CLOTHINUJ . W. KAUFMAN & CO'S. : CLOTHING HOUSE! : GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Havine determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the peoDle of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock OOO L OO TTTT H H n NN N GGO O O L OO T H H II NN N O G O L O O T O O L O O T HHH n N N N G H H n N NN G GO H. BUN NN GGG OUU 1,1.1,1. OO T WB HAVE EVER OFFERED, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN S. BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. All we ask Is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as it will be to your interest and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. W. KAUJTMAN a uo., Springs Corner, Charlotte, N. Cy ; dec!2 JJHOTOGRAPHS. ' In consequence of the reduction In the price of the original cost of materials, and In order to give my patrons the benefit of the reduction from and after this date Photographs will be taken at my Gallery at REDUCED RATESl ; sept22 J. H. VAN NESS D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, j DENTIST ' OFFICE OVER L. R. WRISTON & CO'S ' Dsuo Stobb,' 11 ' ' 17 i .T. -With 25 yearn' experience I guarantee entire satisfaction Janli 000 o o a 0 o 000 grtj (Straits. TV W W A NN N TTTT EKB DDD w w w w aa. n n n t k - I WW WW A A NNN T. EE D WW WW AAA N NN T K I) D n v ' W W A A N NN T EES DDD 3 IS A Y Y Y T YY Y Y desirous to commence tne new firm under the most done only by offering great Inducements, I have mined to sell by the 1st February, regardless of OO o o o. o a o oo www w w w w WW WW w , w. .'. ' and buy not only for present and.early spring use, would require more space than I can get-In this one ry line separately; hence there will be special sales IT U OOO EEBMM MMEEENN NTTTT.SS. U U O 0 E M MM M R NN N T 3 8 U UD EE M MM M KE NNN T 8SS UUOOE MMME N NN T a UU 000 EEBM M M EBB N NN T SS8S RUSTT RUSlT S. WITTKOWSKY. POSITIVE OSITIV H. P0SITIVT7 OSITI vHi. FFF OO RRR . nun a v vrs. P O OR R SIXTY. P D AA Y Y g7 FF O O RRR SIXTYO D AA TT, TJUa F O OR R 01A1X D D AAA Y g F OO R R DDD- A. Ail ' "88- S fVU ENTIRE STOCYT 1 VUB ENTIRE STOClX f -OF- MENS, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S 8S 88S v v n TTT U U II T V V tt T TTTT oSSn 8BSa Ha W 8 T T SggS AT- CCO O O o O O 000 TTTT 1 T, 1 O O a i i T j OO BSS8 T 1 OtflrSTUCl UR STOCAV t IS II MM MM MM MM FEE NN N rSSr EEB II MMMM MMMM E NN N 5 B E j II MMMM MMMM EE NNN DSSa F'E ' IIMMMMMMl NNNg gK II M M M M M M BEE N NK SSH EKE Z We are bound to sen, and will sell; A call will amply repay you. Respectfully, t , " , . L. BERWANGER ft BRO., Tine Clothiers and Tailors. . , OR THE HOLIDAYS. JUST RECEIVED at ALLEN'S JEWELRY STORE o the handsomest stock of Goods ever offered m Charlotte. , Elegant Cameo Sets, Florentine, Masaics, Diamond, Pea3 and Onyf SmgshSternngSnveEnd Plated " ' Ware In great TarictT.- 'The Ladlesvare invited to call early and make their ' ' ' :;- 7 ielectlons.! ':' ri -dec81m ',. : - ;. pOX'S andNELNJSJSELTTNE, Com Starch, Italian Macatontd . PeariJ -pRENCH BRANDY, . , i .ff., ' - i '), ,. i - It:;.: il i , Guaranteed tope . . , TWENTY YEARS OLD, r.y,; f " ATTENTRMr HOTEL 6A1AXJ. J . i .il i.i i i . TTT J vlAai Wrtannori to th& retail trade, and tH oar oooos are warrant m u TllRWELL. ;deci3 " -x u; 'h p.x?

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