:'"''-' -' -.-J---r .v.- --.-,-. f r' tHS OBSERVER JOS DEPARTMENT - Hot been thoroughly tuppUed with every needed leant, and with the Lated Style of Type, and every manner of Job Work can now be done with neatness. gUjpafcA and cheapness. We can furnish at Short SLAKKS BLTXr-ffEAD8, . ' ' ' V7 LETTER-HE ADS, CAJZD8, " TA6S. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, C. SVhSCRIPTION RAT KM : Ikiilu, um ynir, ( pout-paid) in advtr. ..... .J8 00 Six Month 4 OQ Three Months 2 00 One Month 75 WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, in the county) in advance $2 00 Out qf the county, postpaid,. .. . 2 10 Six Month 1 00 VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1879. NO. 3,074. ' Liberal Reductions jor dubs. Stye l)ctrlbtte bscruer. Pit Si grtj (goods. C ASHMERES AND ALPACAS. Just Received another lot of superior -) CASHMERES ANT) ALPACAS, Ranging in Price from 25 cents to One Dollar. A Few Pieces At COLORED CASHMERES, all Wool, of superior quality, at sixty cents, worth $1.00. Do not tan to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before buying. It will paj you. ELI AS & COHEN. giiruittttrjc. rROK?S NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dkaLKR IN A 1. I. KINDS OF FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! BEDDING, &C. BEDDING, &C. " BERDING, &C BEDDING, &C A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS.! a. LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES 1 PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! I'ARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of all kinds on hand, tr COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. I ? Lades' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a tine supply. jan3 B AltGAINS IN VftV V RRR NN N II TTTTU U RRR EEE t 0 UR RNN N II T U UR Rg . I' K U U RRR N N N II T U U RRR EE r U OR RN NN II T U UR BK K UU R KN NN II T UU B REBR . AT E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, Next to Po&toitock. - ."Sly Slock Is very Lar, 1 land embraces a Full i.lne of PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING BOO AND OFFICE FURNITURE 'All Goods Packed Free of Charge gnj Woods, ItftMug, Sec. A lSsS ! A loIS ! WE HATE THIS DAT MM MM A RRR K KEEK ODD MMMM AA R RK K E D D M MM M A A RRR KK EE D D M M M AAA R RK K B D 1) M M MA AR RK KEEEDDD DUD OO W W WNN N D DO O W W W W N N N D DO O WW WW N N N D DO O WWWW N KN DDD OO W W N NN About Forty pieces ol DRESS GOODS To 25 cents, worth 50 cents per yard. Also 30 or 40 pieces to 20 cents, worth from to 45 cents. A lot of Dress Goods to 8V3 and 10 cents, worth from 12Vz to 15 cents. THESE GOODS t lf UST BE SOLTA I 1 1VlUST BE SOL U f t. and If you want cheap goods, this is the place to get them. Very truly, ALEXANDER & HARRIS. P. S. Our whole stock must be reduced, and In order to do so will sell very cheap. A. AH. LADIES 1 ADIES ! LADIEO I LADIEO I Call and get one of those handsome Cloaks that I am now closing out very cheap; also some of those nice silk, lace and hemstitched Handker chiefs; I am also selling very cheap a beautiful Black Spanish Lace Scarf; be sure to ask to ask for those pretty White and Opera Kid Gloves, both for gents and ladles; a large stock of fancy Hosiery to be closed out very cheap; a new lot of nice black Cashmeres just received; a large lot of Fancy DRESS GOODS, To be sold very cheap; a new lot of splendid Blan kets, at prices to suit the times, and the most beau tiful black Silk Fringe Just received ; also Worsted Fringe In all colors. Ton can always be supplied with the nicest Dress Buttons that are to be found in the city; a large lot of Shawls and Balmoral Skirts for the cold weather very cheap. Remember I always have a large assortment of Corsets, all sizes and prices; Knitting Cotton and Germantown Wool in all colors. Call and get a suit of clothes off of our Charlottes ville Casslmeres that you can't wear out; also Just received a large lot of the splendid Regina Um brellas. lly stock of Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps always complete and at prices to suit the times. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE. Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. dec22 LADIES' CLOAKS. ADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAK C LADIES' CLOAK THE GREATEST B A R G A I NO HE GREATEST BARGAI NO OF THE SEASOTVT F THE SEASOlN. 0 NE HUNDRED CHOICE LADIES' CLOAK Q NK HUNDRED CHOICE LADIES' CLOAKkJ- JC8T RECEIVED BY EXPKESO UST RECEIVED BY EXPREsO, Which will be sold without reserve, at sacri- : flclng prices. Don't fall to come and look at : the ; "THE j SWEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PRICE C WEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PRICE NOW IS YOUR CHANCE" OW IS YOUR CHANOL- TO BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFrp O BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIF X AT HALF PRICTj" T R A L F, P R I C Af. H. MORRIS BROS. H MORRIS A BROS, , decU Startled. ' J. A. C, DECEMBER 31. Some one is at the door: Who's there? His hand is on the latch Oh dear! His step Is on the floor How dare A glimpse of him I catch- -New Year! O New Year you did frighten us; But, New Year, now you brighten us, And. New Year, you will lighten us Ah, New Year, will you whiten us? Come in! , Begin Within; Sin! Sin! Alas! New Year, the night in us! O USK It V A'!' IONS. When peopleock into a place of business as If they were making a run on a saving bank, there is no occasion for alarm. It is only an evidence that the establishment advertises. Rome Sentinel. The difference 'twixt tweedledum and tweedledee Is illustrated by the fact that the rich man with a great appetite is called an epicure and the tramp with a great appetite is called a glutton. Rome Sentinel. Mrs. Hayes has had the modern grate taken out of the Red parlor in the White House, in which she receives her evening callers, and an old-fashioned "three-foot wood fire-place" substituted, with brass andirons and lender. A St Paul paper tells of a young man who bought for $10 from a rival a qultrclaim to a girl's affec tions, paid $5 on account and got credit for the re mainder, pawned his overcoat for $5 to buy her a present with, stole the coat, and was sent to jaiL "Is this a fair?" said a stranger, stopping In front of a place where a festival was in progress, and ad dressing a citizen. "Well," replied the citizen, "they call it fair, but they take everybody In." He probably had invested in a ticket in an oster soup lottery, and had drawn a blank. Toledo Cotnmer cud. The Rev. Matt hew Hale Smith says the secular newspapers of the day are more religious than the religious papers proper, and it cannot be denied that they occasionally have articles which do not express a desire to cut off the heads of their theo logical opponents or to burn that other denomina tion alive. Buffalo Express. Rupert writes to know what Is meant by "a change of base." We don't Just exactly know our selt Rupert But we think It means turning out one bais-slnger and putting In another. Of course this may not be the correct answer; but, so long as you don't know any better, it Is just as good as any. Miss Bessie Turner, of TlltOn-Beecher memory. Is a member of the company now playing "A Cele brated Case" at the opera house. Last night Theo dore TUton attended the play, and from one of the boxes witnessed Miss Bessie's acting. Doubtless his thoughts reverted o another celebrated case. Ind. Journal, Dee. '15th. Instead of bridesmaids, fashion in France now prescribes two tiny pages, who are chosen from the pretiiest of the boy relatives of the bride and bride groom. They are dressed in velvet ol the bride's favorite color, and are kept from getting into mis chief by the promise of a pocketful of candy or the alternative of a spanking, as soon as the ceremony is over. FROM WASHINGTON. The Wisconsin Senatorship Green backs for Customs Merging of Bureaus Fight Between Congrsssmen, &c. Washington Correspondence Baltimore Sun, 5th. THE WISCONSIN SEN ATORSHI P. Senator Howe returned from Wis consin last night. He is in the best of spirits, and informed his friends to-day that there is no doubt of his re-election. He considers that ex-Senator Carpenter is not in the contest at all, but that the tight will be between him and Mr. Keyes. Friends of Senator Howe stated to-day that they had good reason to be lieve that, after a ballot or two in cau cus, the supporters of Mr. Carpenter would leave that gentleman and come over to Howe. If Senator Howe should be re-elected he will be one of the three or four Senators ever elected for four terms. Mr. Benton was the only Sena tor ever elected for five terms. GREENBACKS FOR CUSTOMS. Several members of the committee on ways and means have had consultations with the Secretary of the Treasury rela tive to the receiving of greenbacks for customs dues. As there seems to be some doubt in the minds of members of the committee as to the power of the secretary to do this, in the absence of an express provision of law authorizing it, it is understood that Mr. Wood will introduce a bill to that effect. SENATOR VOORHEES AND RESUMPTION. Friends of Mr. Voorhees state that he is disposed, in view of the great suc cess of resumption, to modify in a slight degree some of his wild theories, in or der to please the hard-money Demo crats of the Louisiana Legislature. IMPORTANT PROPOSITIONS. The legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill will be reported to the House this week. The bill contains several very important propositions ; among them are the consolidation of the three geological surveys into one and the consolidation of several of the bu reaus in the departments. In the Treas ury department it is proposed to merge the office of commissioner of customs with that of commissioner of internal revenue. Such provisions as these will lead to lengthy and animated discus sion, and the difference of opinion be tween members of Congress is such that the adoption of the consolidation pro visions is extremely doubtful. A PERSONAL DIFFICULTY. The Army and Navy Journal has seen fit to refer to a personal difficulty said to have taken place a short time since between two Virginia members j r 1 a. i T ii l A l oi congress, anu io intimate ma. me subsequent death of one of them was due to physical injuries received incon sequence. As publicity has thus been given to this matter it is perhaps well to say that the difficulty referred to is declared to have occurred in a house of questionable reputation in this city,and that the altercation was very violent, but there does not seem to be any good ground tor the statement tnat tne death of one of the member?, which happened soon after, was directly due to this cause, although such statement has been freely made here. The probabili ty is that, like other unfortunate affairs of this character, the circumstances have been greatly exaggerated. The reduction of some 20 per cent oil stamped envelopes has largely in creased the requisitions on the post office department, those received on Saturday footing up 4,466,600 enyelopes, valued at $97,555, or more than double those of any single day in the history of the department. The entire requisi tions for the day for postage stamps, stamped envelopes and postal cards amounted to $517,589, included in which were 5,765.500 postal cards, Wayne MacVeagh's friends assert that heis to have the Berlin mission. There is said to be no foundation at all for the reported deficit in the ac counts of the government printing of fice. ' - An Astonishing Fact. ' A litree proportion of the American people are to-day dying from the effects of Dyspepsia or dis ordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the masses of Intelligent and valuable people to most alarming, making life actually a burden in stead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. There is no good rea son for this, If vou will only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take the advice of Druggists and vour friends, and try one bottle of Green's August Slower, your speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicine hare been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results In every case. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents to- try. Three doses will relieve the worst case: Positively sold by all druggist, on the Western Continent Republican Fraud, in Election Another Letter from Senator Thurman. Washington, Jan. 5. On Saturday Senator Thurman sent a , supplement ary letter to Senator Teller, in which he says: "In further compliance with the request of your committee, com municated to me by your letter of the 2lst ult., 1 have the honor now to inclose to you installment number two of facts re lating to the late elections, and special ly to the misconduct of United States supervisors and deputy marshals, to wit: First, a letter from James H. Paine, Esq., of Jacksonville, Fla., rela tive to the misconduct of United States supervisors and deputy marshals at the late elections in the second congression al district in that State; second, an affidavit of Owen J. Summers, of Duval county, Fla., relating to the same sub ject ; third, a statement of F. C. Ran dolph, Esq., of Montgomery, Ala., show ing the misconduct of united States deputy marshals at the late election in that State. I am assured that these three gentlemen are citizens of high standing and respectability, and I beg leave respectfully to commend their statements to the earnest consideration of your committee." Here follow the statements referred to in the letter of Senator , Thurman. Mr. Paine's letter refers principally to the employment of United States supervisors of election and deputy mar shals at voting precincts throughout the counties comnrisincthfi "black belt" of FloridaNassau, Duval, Alachua, Columbia, Suwanee, Marion, Madison, Jefferson, Leon and Gadsden and he concludes by saying that the deputy United States marshals who wew pre sent on election day at the various precincts in the "black belt" of coun ties were in no sense general deputies, but men solely engaged on special ser vice, beginning and ending on election day ; that there was no earthly neces sity for their being present at all, as the State and municipal officers present were amply able to preserve order and conserve a fair election, as has been evidenced time and again before. Owen J. Summers, whose affidavit is alluded to by Mr. Thurman, deposes that colored deputy United States mar shals in Duval county, Fla were en gaged in the election of the 5th of No vember in distributing Republican bal lots and persuading colored men to vote the same. Mr. Randolph's letter concerning the conduct of the election in Montgomery county, Alabama, alleges that colored men were forced by deputy United States marshals to vote the Republican ticket, and that deputy marshals, in violation of State law, distributed whiskey and other refreshments among colored voters. THE DEVIL'S DIARY. More Than Eleven Hundred Persons Murdered in the United States in 1878. Cincinnati Commercial. In this happy land 1,1.32 people were killed by their fellow-men m 1878. We briefly summarize the killing as fol lows: Persons poisoned 25 Women killed by abortion 12 Persons killed by thieves 57 Killed in political quarrels 14 Fathers kill sons 18 Insane murderers T. .13 Prostitutes killed .'..17 Mothers kill their children .37 Bagnio fatal quarrels j. .10 Men killed in common quarrels 1.258 Bar-room and drunken quarrels. . J. .74 Wives killed :..68 Child murders 9 Accidental killings 69 Justifiable 28 Killings on account of dogs 4 Killings on account of wives 64 Card and gambling quarrels 15 Feuds 56 Parricides 8 Fatal quarrels about -property. 55 Mobs kill , i .... . .29 Wives kill husbands. 11 Officers kill persons 53 Officers killed. 36 Prostitutes kill men. 2 Fraternal fatal quarrels ' 14 Seduced women Kill seducers 6 Thieves shot 27 Negroes killed 112 Negroes kill 102 Raped and killed .10 Persons killed on account on lan guage or opprobjioug epithets used, 13 How the latest Social Tendency Operate 1 in Nevada. From the Virginia (Nevada) Chronicle. It is now . considered the height of fashionable flummery in this city to be among the late arrivals at a social party given at a private residence. Last even ing there was a party" of r that descrip tion on north B street-which didn't come off. A lady who desired to give a little entertainment , made the usual Drearationa and invited a number of guests. She illuminated the parlors and j left the blinds open, that the glare of ! the eras mieht likht the weary traveler j on tho street. : This was her grand mis take. About 9 ' o'clock a, couple came up to the house, and the young lady, looking in the window and seeing the Earlors empty, insisted on returning ome, as she would not for all the world do such a vulgar thing as to enter a house where there was not a big room full of DeoDle to look at her. The two accordingly returned home. In a few minutes another couple reconnoitered the situation from across the street and retired. One after another the guests came up, viewed the empty parlors, and nielted back into tne aarKness. 'mere was no party, and the lady who had prepared the entertainment didn t know what to make of such shabby treatment. This idea of trying to be the last one at anapning party is growing to be so coirSaon on the Coin stock that the time will come wrhen an invitation to a Friday evening's enter tainment will mean, " Come as early as possible on Saturdayanrning.. The S!uih in the Next Republican National Con- VCDtion. Rnmfi nf the Renublican Daoers are beginning to enter protest against al lowing a solid South, which will proba bly not cast a single Republican elecu . il l,14J..4- Lorai voie, w name wc vituuiuaw: nuiu the .Northern States must elect, if he is elected at all. They propose that rep resentation in the next national con vention be based upon the number of Republican votes. past at a preceding election, rathei. t'hanBPO tne electoral vote of States, under , which system Southern Republicans would have very few delegates. ' ": " ; ; '; . A Cai. tf . To all who are suffering from the errors and in. discretions of youth,- nervous weakness, . early de cay, loss of manhood, &c. I will send a receipt that will Isiiref you, ; FREE OF ' CHARGE-i . This great remedy . was discovered by a missionary in South America. 1 Send a self-addressed, envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. mtu80 diw tf 0000 00 00 00 00 oouo 00 00 00 00 OOpoOO 0000 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AND EBB K EE E Contemplating at an early day to rhake a change favorable circumstances, I have concluded to re selected out of my stock various comptete lines, any sacrifice it may be to me, and consumers will PPP RRR P P R R PPP RRR P R R P R R that they will in this instance come to the conclu but cheap enough to lay up for next winter. DDD RRR T Y OGO OO OO DUD RSSR T TB B V v n n r rr rr n ? o I 1 KKK Y Y O OO OD DSS, D DR R Y G GGO OO OD Ds a DDD R R Y GOO OO OO DDD BSSS 500 Pieces, 25,000 Yards, Cretonne Prints, (ask Pieces Bleached 4 4, 55555 oouo S9, '55,, 00 00 Y. ee iu on V 5555 00,00 (XX w vv O O All my Ladles' untrimmed Hats, 50c; picking on the dollar. Boulevards from $1 .00 to&3.00, I would urge those owing me and desirous of S. WITTKOWSKY. fUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, Another laige stock CLOAKS,. HATS, COE'ETS.j BALMORAL SKIRTS, And fine Fancy HOSIERY, at the lowest possible ; prices, at Mas yUERY'8,Ta nov2 JEVENUE SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNA- REVENUE, Collector's Office, 6th District, North Carolina, Statesvllle, December 12th, 1878. Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Thursday, December 12th, '78: One wagon, two mules and harness, and three bar rels whiskey, owner unknown. Notice Is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office In Statesvllle, and make claim thereto before the explratioh ot thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, decl4oaw4w Collector. jOTICE OF SEIZURE. U; S. INTERNAL. REVENUE, ) Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, V Statesvme, C., DeTOmbe26th, 1878. ) Seized for violation ot United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December 27th, "78: 2 mules and 1 wagon and harness, one barrel of whiskey, the property of W. F Burns. r Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office in Statesvllle, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same wUl be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, J. G. Young, Collector. Deputy. . )anl 4w oaw j JOTICE OF SEIZURE. , United States Internal Revenue, ) Collector's Office 6th District North Carolina, V Statesvllle, N. C-, December 6th. 1878. ) Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December 6th, '78: V Ten boxes Tobacco, as the property of J. f. Fare. & fcoHoe Is hereby given tot the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before meat my office In Statesvllle, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. i . , J.J. MOTT, . , dec254woaw ' Collector. - 55555 55 K5oK gtntj C00ds. 000 o o o o o H H H H Tr tt ,r A A OOO A SggS ' V W H H 1 -Lake be&U 1 REMEMBER THAT A JUST EXPENDITURE OOO OO NN N OO OOOO NN N OO O OONNN OO OO OO N NN OO OOO OO N ITN OO .M m a bt I USA M. ril M H It 11 in the name and style of my business, and being duce my present large stock, and as this can be amounting to about $50,000. which I am deter find the n OOO FEB RssB it n r tp . 9 o SSSS OO g 8 o o 88Sa O O o S O O B8S8 OO I, h L L T.T.T.T. no EE I TT 1 rt W 'S tt rum v.w. rro sion that " A just expenditure is a wise economy," IS E C E C 1L A MM MM II L 4 A MMMMIIL I, II NN N L II NN N L H N N N M MM M II L A A A.JL& A M M M II L L II N NN M M M U LLLL LLLL II N NN OR TEN DAYS ONLV OR TEN DA Yd ONL I for that brand and take no other) at 5c. 25 Piec as good as " Fruit of the Loom," at 8c. All other FIFTY CENTO IFTY CENTO choice, $i.00. Silk Scarfs from 10c. to 75c., worth former price $1.75 to $6.00. Everything in the keeping up their credit, to call and settle. 8. WITTKOWSKY. CLOTHING! CLOTHINfl I LOTHINU! CLOTHINU 1 : W. KAUFMAN 4 CCS. : ' GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock OOO L OO TTTT H H II NN N GCG OCL OO T HHIINICNO O O LOOT HHMIINNNG OCL OO T H H II N NN G GO OOO LLLL OO T H H II N NN OOO WK HAVE EVER OFFERED, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN S, BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S m- CLOTHING, FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. All we ask is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as It will be to your Interest, and you will save , from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN & CO., Springs Corner, Charlotte. N. C. decl2 rpHE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. For Sale Also,. PATENT ALARM MOISEY DRAWERS? Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rally . The Improved Type Writer.. Oscillating Pump Co's Pumps. pnd f or arculars. j . . . J-. '!," . . : FAIRBANKS & CO., -it!-: '.- rSllBjxadwaj.NewTork . t3T For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers! h septl-dtaww CLOTHING HOUSE! I NN N TTTT EKE DDD NN N T B D D N N N T EE D D N NN T B D D WWWW A A W W A A N NN T EBB DDD Z IS A Y Y Y Y YY Y Y desirous to commence the new firm under the most done only by offering great Inducements, I have mined to sell by the 1st February, regardless of 00 w w w o o www w o O WW WW O O WWWW OO w w and buy not only for present and early spring use, EKK RRR Y Y E R R Y Y EE RRR YY E R R Y KEE R R Y SSSS IBS S8SR A A L KB 88S s AAA L E , 9 8SBA A LLLL KEE TW8 es, 2,500 Yards, Harmony prints at 4c 100 goods in proportion. 55555 55, OOOO OOO 55,s 00 00 o o 65 00 00 u o o 5555 oooo from 30c. to $1.50. Dress Goods reduced to 50c Dry Goods line tW at very great sacrifices. , S. WITTKOWSKY. POSITIVT7 "POSITIVP OSITIvil. X OSITIVH. FFP OO RRR DDD A Y Ya8&. F O OR R SIXTY D D AA Y Y S FF O ORRR SIXTY D D A A YY 8SH F O OR R D D AAA Y -5 F OO R R DDD A A Y "fiS8 m j CiVB. ENTIRE STOCTT I 1 JVR ENTIRE STOClV ( -OF- MJJN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S RS8a IT U II TTTT 0880 B88s U U II T B88R B8S8 UU n T BS88 -AT- OOO OO RS8a TTTT O OOOI 8 T O QO 8So T O O O' O bS T OOO OO BSS8 T OUR ST0CT7" UR STOClV I -IS- II MM MM MM MM FEE NN N RSSR BEB j II MMMM MMMM E NN N g 8 E ) II MMMM MMMM EE NNN BSS, EE 4. nMMMMMME N NN a 2 B ' II M M M M M M EEE N NN B8S8 KKK S We are bound to sell, and will sen. A call will amply repay you. - x Respectfully, L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. JjKR THE HOLIDAYS. JUST RECEIVED at ALLEN'S JEWELRY STORE the handsomest stock of Goods ever offered In Charlotte. Elegant Cameo Sets, Florentine, Masalcs, Diamond, Peai and ' Onyx Rings, Sterling Silver and Plated Ware In great variety. The Ladles are Invited to call early and make their selections.) tee8 lm Q0XS and NELSON'S GELATINE, Corn Starch, Italian Macatortf andPearijTa Woca. L. B. WRISTON A CO. : dfiCl3 F BENCH BRANDY, -9 . Guaranteed, tobe , , , TWENTY TEARS OLD, .;; i AT CE-TTRAL HOTEL SALOON. E PAY. 4 ; vntro-lKi- i yt, ' Especial attention to the retail trade, anJ til our Goods are warranted ,oUmu f;i -decl3'-;' .ftr,.. .r.lg-&n W W W A WWWW AA.

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