3fyc Cljarlottc bBtrotr, Vj .'ill ( i - .'.r.W ; K ' i t-.H t ' ' ' ' ' ' II I I - llVrVxAY3 II VtTI IttlT i n i . w I HVBSCRIPTION KATES i Daily, one year, pout-putt) in advance. Six Monti .... . Three Month One Month -. WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (to the county) in advance. Out of th county, postpaid, Six Month 1 . ty iAbeml Reduction for Club. TEE OBSERVES JOS DEPARTMEUT - - Mm been' thoroughly sumilfd iolfh' mrv' needed ' want, and with the Lated Style of Type, and every Janner of Job Work cm now be done toithmatnets, duh fheapnett. We cwt tvrntih, at Short BLANKS, BILZfSEADS, . LETTER-BEADS, CARDS, TABS RECEIPTS, POSTERS, ; " ' i PROGRAMMES, BAJTQ-BILL8 PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, 4tO. 88 00 . 75 V t.' ..S2 00 .. 2 10 .. 1 00 VOL. XiK. CHARLOTTE, N. C. THURSDAY JANUARY 9, 1879. NO. 3,075 . 11 r V. A -2 1 .i :- Ir-' ; ' ' ; ' ' J . grtj (Soon. c ASHMERES AND ALPACAS. Just Received another lot of superior - . . - - - -I CASHMERES AND ALPACAS, R inglhg In Price from 25 cento to One Dollar. A Kew Pieces of COLORED CASHMERES, all Wool, of superior quality, at sixty cents, worth $1.00. Do not fall to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before buying. Itwiilpay you. ELIAS A COHEN. p UBGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRALKK IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! FURNITURE! , t BEIDING, &C BEDING, 4C. BEDDING, Ac BEDDING, AC FURNITURE! FUKNITURE ! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES I LOUNGES t PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of all kinds on hand. -OEl iHT COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ladies' and tntlemen's Biulal Robes a line supply. Iun3 BARGAINS IN VH V U RRR WW N II TTTTU UMffiEKK f V UR RNN N II T U DE IR IK V URRRNKNII T D URRREB f V UR RN KN II T U.6 R RK f UU R RN NN II T UU R RBBB AT R. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, Nkxt to PosTorncK. My Slock is very Lar. :and embraces a Full iJne of PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROO AND OFFICE FURNITURE I. Ail Goods Packed Free of Charge X l Ai8tS ! WE HATS THIS DAT fl M AA R EE KB D D A A RRR KK EB D D M M MA IB BK KBKBDDD DDD oo w vr Wltll w D DO OWWWWNN N D DO O WWWWNNN D DO O WWW N KN DDD OO W W N NN About Forty pieces of DRES3 GOODS To 25 cents, worth 50 cents per yard. Also 30 or 40 pieces to 20 cents, worth from 331& to 45 centp. A lot of Dress Goods to 81& and 10 cents, worth from 121& to 15 cents. THESE GOODS J "Vf UST BE SOL "T T 1 iVluST BE SOhU f and If you want cheap goods, this Is the place to get them. Very truly, ALEXANDER & HARRIS. P. S. Our whole stock must be reduced, and In order to do so will sell very cheap. A. AH. LADIES ! ADIES ! LADIEO I LADIEO ! Call and get one of those handsome Cloaks that I am now closing out very cheap; also some of those nice silk, lace and hemstitched Handker chiefs; I am also selling very cheap a beautiful Black Spanish Lace Scarf; be sure to ask to ask for those pretty White and Opera Kid Gloves, both for gents and ladles; a large stock of fancy Hosiery to be closed out very cheap; a new lot of nice black Cashmeres Just received; a large lot of Fancy DRESS GOODS, v iru dviu , j a iron iv vi nprouuiu uiwr k kets, at prices to suit the times, and the most beau- urui Diack silk Fringe just received; also worsted Fringe In all colors. Tou can always be supplied with the nicest Dress Buttons that are to be found in the city; a large lot of Shawls and Balmoral Skirts for the cold weather very cheap. Remember I always have a large assortment of Corsets, all sizes and prices; Knitting Cotton and Germantown Wool in all colors. Call and get a suit of clothes off of our Charlottes ville Casslmeres that you can't wear out; also Just received a large lot of the splendid Regtna Um brellas. My stock of Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps always complete and at prices to suit the times. Respectfully, T. L. SFJGLB, Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. dec22 LADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAK O ADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAKO. THE GREATEST BARGAI NO HE GREATEST BARGAI Nk5 OF THE SEASOVT F THE SEASOlN. OHI HUNDRED CHOICE LADIBB' CLOAK Q NB HUNDRED CHOICE LADIKS' CLOAK O- JC8T RXCXITED BT BXFSES UST RECEIVED BT BXPRBSl s, Which win be sold without reserve, at sacri- : flclng prices. Don't fall to come and look at : SWEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PRICE O WEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PBICEO NOW IS TOUR CHANC-p OW IS YOUR CHANCJJi T8 nrrr a rtrtkX TOR a CHRISTMAS GIFT 0 BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFX AT HALF PBICTS T HALF PBICX!. H. MORRIS 4 BROS. H MORRIS A BROS. AKiS ! dee!4 0ly Me, Caroline A. Mason, In Congregatlonallst A little figure glided through the ball; "Is that you Pet?" the words came tenderly; A sob suppressed to let the answer fall "It isn't Pet, mamma; it's only me." i The quivering baby lips! they had not meant To utter any word could plant a sting. But to that mother-heart a strange pang went; She heard, and stood like a convicted thing. One instant, and a happy little face, Thrilled 'neath unwonted kisses rained above; And from that moment Only Me had place And part with Pet in tender mother love. OBSERVATIONS. Afghanistan is not a good place to carry on war. There are no trees for the officers to get behind. "This wlfe-beatlng must cease," said an English Judge, as he fined the seventh man six pence. tree Pre. The colored people of Georgia own $6,000,000 in property, and are all Democrats. Ex. Bribery and corruption! No, reader, no! It isn't polite to ask the lady who has clocks on her stockings what time her lower limbs indicate. If a law to punish women for wearing male attire is the correct thing, why not hove a law to punish men who part their hair in the middle. Borne Sen lirwi. We no longer question the propriety of considering vessels In the feminine gender. They run each other down almost every day in the English chan neL Turner's FaU Reporter. "So you've raised your Elwnezer and refuse to apologize to me, do you, sir?" said a teacher to an obstreperous colored lad. "Down on your ebon knees, sir, this moment, or leave the school." If now and then a modern, preacher sees a lid covered eye, a drowsy face, or a nodding head, he gtes back with comfort to the Incident recorded in oly Scripture, that, while Paul preached, a man slept It will be observed that the fiend who leaves the door open now Is the Identical public enemy who used to elose it after him, when the weather was hottest last summer. Henry C. Work, the author of "Grandfather's Clock," says: "I have written a thousand or more songs, and one of the worst of them all has made mefamous-ln a small way. Some of the best things I have written have had a very limited sale, and a few songs on which I have spent the most time have never sold at all." Eugene Field thinks that "since Victoria bestow ed tne garter upon Beaconsfleld she ties up her own stockings with a couple of black shoe-strings." This man's deplorable ignorance of the resources of royalty Is enough to madden us. Thou stupid! The Queen can get trusted for another pair of g (you know) at any dry goods store In London. Hawkeye. An Empty Mausoleum. LNewark Advertlser.1 About twenty-five miles from the city of New York, on a wide expanse of prairie land, and from an elevation in sight of the ocean, is a newly built town called Garden City. Everything is new about it, for ten years ago not a house was standing there; the trees them selves are struggling with the soil for a secure lodgment ; the streets, good as far as they are made, all terminate in un broken or freshly cultivated fields, and the one hotel seems wondering what it was put there for, as of all places in the world Garden City is about the last to in vite travelers. Those who live there are merchants or clerks from New York. There is not a manufactory of. any kind in the vicinity, nor a store, except those miscellaneous affairs found in every country village. It is a farming country, rich in dairies, hay, corn and cabbages, but a more quiet and serenely peaceful country is not anywhere to be found. Garden City may be traversed at noon day without meeting a human beim?. In the centre of this ambitious town, all of which belongs to one estate that of the late Alexander T. Stewart rises one of the stateliest churches in this era" of ecclesiastical magnificence. It is yet unfinished, but its spire points heav enward, and it bears all the evidence of high art and of unlimited wealth. The stranger unacquainted with the history or its construction would won der over it more than the hotel, for there is no population to nil it. Probably it will have its active uses in the future ; it may possibly be the center of great educational movements, but its chief end was to serve as a monument to the man whoso money built it, and whose bones were to rest in a costly and, mag nificent crypt beneath its stately roof. No civilian ever before had a tomb so grand, a mausoleum so enduring. A description of it says : "On either side of the cathedral gran ite steps lead under the church. A short passage, about twelve feet wide, extends to a mortuary chapel. This is about twenty-six feet by thirty-six feet There will be two entrances from this chapel into the mausoleum, which will be directly under the chancel of the church proper. As yet it is only rough brick walls, but those who have made a careful study of the plans say that it will be one of the finest of its kind in the world. Some declare that it will surpass the mausoleum of Napoleon." Nearly all the fine marbles of the world are used in the ornamentation or in the more solid parts of the structure. The sides, the floor and the ceiling will all be of white American statuary marble, with elaborate tracings. At each angle there will be three detached columns, forming a triangle. The front column of each triangle will be of black Irish fossil marble, with a beautiful white vein, and all highly polished. The re maining columns will be of white mar ble, but of different kinds. At the head of the crypt will be a white marble pedestal, three feet high, on which a life-sized figure of the Angel of Resur rection will stand. In the middle of the crypt a sarcophagus will be erected. It will be of granite, and about six feet in height, with space for one coffin. And here the great merchant was to rest under the solemn light of the six teen stained-glass windows, and here during the winged centuries to come he was to point the moral of life and of earthly mortality. The story recorded in another column is, in terrible contrast to this other story of the cathedral, and reminds us that the nearer men attain to Christian civ ilization the blacker seem the crimes that stand forth as its opposite. We have on one side a noble, beautiful and f costly building, setting forth the faith 01 tne nauon aim us mguest ituus, aim on the other the miserable ghouls, the unshrived and soulless fiends who have robbed the grave of the body that was to rest beneath its roof. Language has no words to paint this atrocity, and it is a singular fact that the law has never fathomed, the depths of a crime like this and provided a . penalty. It is far beyond what we supposed men capable of doing, and borders on the barbarism that sanctions the eating of enemies captured at war. Railway Mortality. ; The Chicago Railway Age places the number of railroads sold under fore closure in the United States during 1878 at forty-eight, with; a length of 3,902 miles, and a nominal capital of $311, 631,200, a little less than half of which was stock. Referring to this exhibit, the Philadelphia Times suggests that, as this, by the process of sale, is almost always "wiped out" entirely, while usu; lly the bonded debt is scaled also, virtually, if "not nominally ifc may De considered that the amount written off the natiou's books, in the profit and loss aocount of the year, includes ; at least a hundred and seventy-five mil lions of dollars' worth, of raijroad pro-' perty. ' ' " : " ' " ': : A PreperteroaH 8torf. ."A jocular Senator from the "West," according to the Washington' corres pondent of the Boston Journal, tells a very good story about another Senator from a Southern State, iThe latter be gan life as a brakeman on a railroad,1 and by industry and foresight has accu mulated a fortune and high political honors. Senator Thurman, while speak ing, usually holds his eye-glasses in one hand and a huge red hankerchief in the other; He blows a sounding blast on his nasal organ in the midst of a speech quite as naturally ' as Senator Dawes looks up at the galleries every time he addresses the Vice President It was an all night session. The silver bill was under discussion. The Southern Sena tor referred to was quietly sleeping on a sofa in the cloak room. Mr i Thur man waa speaking. He blew his nose with such vigor that the report could almost have been heard in tne secreta ry's office. The sleeping Senator was awakened by the noise; and, leaping to his feet, grasped a chair by the side of the sofa, and ktwsted it around until the author of the storv grasped him by the arm and brought nim to a realizing sense of his whereabouts." Another Fire in Raleigh. Raleigh Observer, 7th. About 3 o'clock this morning the store of Lewis& Jones, near the bridge on Hillsboro street, took fire. The store was entirely consumed with all its con tents.. Mr. Wm. Lewis was found on the pavement blackened, burned and broken limbed. He was taken insensi ble to Mrs. Lowe's; across the street. The residences of Mr. R. W. Best, Mrs. Drake and the stores of Messrs. Lewis & Jones and Mr. Jolly, with some out houses, were devoured by the flames like so much kindling wood, There is little or no insurance., There was no water,.no hose for the engines, but the firemen, as they always do, worked like men. At 5 o'clock the fire is under control. Supreme Court. Ealeigh News, 7th. The first term of this court under the now regime began yesterday. The ses sion began at l o'clock, when the court was formally opened by Marshal D, A. Wicker. There were present on the bench, Chief Justice W. N. H. Smith and Assciate Justice John H. Dillard. Associate Justice Thomas S. Ashe was absent. He is at his home in Wadesboro, sick. The court transacted no business ex cept the examination of applicants for license. Of these there are 31. The ex amination was continued until to-day, when it will be concluded. An Extra Session of the Senate Probable. Special to Richmond Dispatch. Washington, January 6. The feel ing to-night is stronger than heretofore that there will be an extra session- of the Senate after the 4th of March. In fact ,1 have the best Republican author ity for stating that the President de clared to-day that unless his New York nominations and others of importance are confirmed he will call an extra ses sion. This threat is aimed at Conkling & Con and it remains to be seen wheth er it will have the desired effect. The Death Penalty. An effort will be made during the coming session of the Indiana Legisla ture to procure the abolition of the death penalty, and interest will be add ed to the subject by the strangling of three men on January 29, directly .un der the windows of the legislative halls. By a new law in Georgia murder is to be punished by death unless the jury shall recommend imprisonment for life, or the judge shall in hid discretion ex tend that clemency where the convic tion has been found solely on circum stantial evidence. Hopes He Will Be, Elected rspartanhurg (A. CO Herald, 8th. The North Carolina Legislature meets, in Raleigh to-day. The election of a United States Senator to succeed Senator Merrimon is the most impor tant matter that we know of to come before the body. It seems to be, gene erally conceded that Gov, "Vance will be the choice of the Legislature for this position. We hope he may be elected. When Commodore Yanderbilt was running steamboats, he beat all rivals by crowding on steam to tne utmost, and even running down nls enemy if necessary, to accomplish a trtumpb. When he went into railroading, he adopted a muck shrewder and more successful way, by uniting vast lines and their tributaries under his' own management, thus eapturing all rivals, by sharing with them the Im mense pool of profits, that : were made tp his skill ful manipulation. Messrs: Laurence & Co.,, Bank ers, N. L, accomplish a1 mucte igfeawr success m stock ope rations by their new eombbtaslon method of dealing. By thin yattan thefrVaffT thmnr,ri. of customers are Dooled .Into one .vast sum and co operated underthe most xperlejided management. ' thus giving to each shareholder all the benefits of 1.. luurf olrlll DitnAta Hlvl1ai4 mnnfh. JtMgU"VapiM WO D&Ufe (T WflO WT.UW UJWUUl lys. Any amount from 85 'to $25,000 can be used with great success, 91 o wiu mane 94t pront. su would return $720, or 9 percent, on the stock dur ing the month, according to the market The new circular (mailed tree) has "two unerring rules of success" and full explanations, bo that any one ean operate profitably. Stocks and bonds wanted. Government bonds supplied. Apply to Lawrence & Co., Bankers, 57 Exchange Place, New York City. Ease AttalBAble bj the Bheumatie. Yes, although they may despair of relief, it is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries off, by means of Increased aetlvlty f the kidneys Important channels for blood purincatlon-i-the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent is Eostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer, contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it ; A Good Reselatloa for Hew Years. Many, on the entrance of hew year, form new resolutions of good conduct to be-' observed during the coming year, t One of the best determinations is to try rU fair means of securing a competency at little cost and the easiest best and most attractive . method is to send at once to M. A. Dauphin, P. O. Box 692, New OrieansrfaM two iWhuuauu secure a chance lnthe 104thj grand, monthly .drawing; of the Louisiana State xottery , which takes place at Pew Orleans, La., on Tuesday, January 14th, 1879. Here all is 'honestly conducted, and them s no such thing knowai aa $he -postoooement ot thedrawtogorsoaliflaof Uj8 Hj&eralnsf of. prices offered, . " ". ,': . ; ' mr'iiiy:W ' " J f'"' !'-' Every moment that we-ilve the work of aestrno tlon never ceases among wh&tts scientifically call ed 'thstfseoes 05whieiuEbwflffiui Every moment If we are In health, the work of re pairing this destructive process' gees on-' with equal pace. When the vital force 4s great more vigor Is given to the blood and muscular fibre than the-ordinary wear and tear of existence uses up,'. When the vital force fails from any cause, there ensues ft wasting away, which if not arrested, ends 1b decay and death. Physicians all declare that when these il aeciuw bci in, tne uiuj ceiuun reme- . ver OU. But then" patients. -with al- unanimity, say that Cod Liver Oil Is rh ntv" thev cannot take it The only mseuiee left is to obtain Scott's Emulsion of the Oil with the . pbospiutes ox tame ana aoaa. Tnis w aiio r free from disagreeable taste and Odor, and- s an unequalled tonic, forthe nerves and brain. ooPoo 00 00 eo oo "oo00 ooWoo 0009 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 Woo00 "W0 Kb55 W AND REJS K KB B Contemplating at an early day to make a change favorable circumstances, I have concluded to re selected out of my stock various complete lines, any sacrifice it may be to trie, and consumers win PPP RRR P P R R PPP RRR P , R R P R R that they win in this instance come to the conchi but cheap enough to lay up for next winter. )D RRR Y Y OOO OO OO ODD aSS, D K B X Y G oo oo on nS 8S 1 KKB T G R R T S HD R R Y OGG OO OO DDD BSSS 600 Pieces, 25,000 Yards, Cretonne Prints, (ask Pieces Bleached 4 4, gf5 oooo og 00 OO S 65 00 00 X 355555 000 s 1 All my Ladies' nntrlmmed Hats, only 50 cts. on the dollar. Boulevards from $1.00 to $3.00, I would urge those owing me and desirous of S. WITTKOWSKT. UST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, Another laige stock CLOAKS, HATS, COfETS,: BALMORAL SKIRTS, And fine Fancy HOSIERY, tn lowest possible iM-ices, at Mrs QUERY'Suf nov!2 JEVENUE SEIZURE. V. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, ) Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, V Statesville, December 12th, 1878. ) Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Thursday, December 12th, "78: One wagon, two mules and harness juid three bar rels whiskey, owner unknown. Notice is hereby given to the owner or? claimants of the above described property to appear before me at ray office In StatesviUe, and make claim thereto before the eiplratlon ot thirty days from date hereof, or the 'same will be forfeited to the United States; . . 5 J. J. M.OTT, decl4oaw4w Collector, OnCE OF SEIZURE. ' ' U. 8. INTERNAL REVENUE, . )U; Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, V Stetesvllle, N. Cjpeoember gth, 1878. ) Seized for violation of .United-States Internal Revmue Laws,"on 'Saturday, 'December27th, '78: . 2 mutes and I wagon and harness, one barrel of whiskey, the, property, of W, F Burns. s, . ,., ( Notice Is hereby given to the owreror ciafmants ot the above described property to : appear before me 1 at mi office ln .Statesville. and make claim 'thereto before the expiration of thirty days from who nereoi, w wm same wui oe luneiiea to me United States. J. J. MOTT, J.U. Yarafe . . . .Collector.. t - r Deputy. ' : . ' )anl4woaw jyOTICE OF SEIZURE. , i United States Internal Revenue, jlrna, i , 1878. ) Collectors Office. 6tn District North ean StatesviUe, N. a, December 6th, 1 Seized ' for violaflon of tJiilted Stages Internal Revenue Laws, on Saturday; December 6Ui, '78: Tut i .f,i:i f;!;.-i-!u to viHinftfiS "!'! ,t:Ten boxes Tobacco, as the proper of 4. FP Fare. -: Notice Is hereby gNen to tlw owner or elahnanu . ot the above described, property to appear : before mf at my offloe In StatesviUe, -and make claim thereto before the bxplratlon of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, dec254woaw Collector. S900 00 OU 00 00 H ' H ... H H. HUH H Hi H H J rruKE HEE"TV I 11 AKE HEE-U f BEMEMBEB THAT A JUST EXPENDITURE oou o o o o OCO OO NN N OO O O N N N O O O O N N N O O O O N NN1 O O GO N KN OO In the name and style of my business, and being 4ace my present large stock, and as this can be attracting to about S50.000, which I am deter find ibe ' n COO EBB SSR HOOK 5 h ii o o fTs n OOO BEE ss 88 8ssg SoqS OO O O o o h L h LLtL o o 88 OO sion that " A just expenditure Js a wise economy," 1 Q P E 3 c Li O P E C I A , A AAA MM MM II L M MM M II L MMMM II L L II NN N L n NN N 1 . U N M N ft A 4 TLX U U TITTTT T T T f,W VU us u II l. II, U C Vi TJOR TEN DAYS ONLT -T OB TEN DAYd ONL I for that brand and take no other) at 5c. 25 Piec as good as " Fruit of the Loom," at 8c. All other FIFTY CENTO IFTY CENTO picking choice. Silk Scarfs from 10c. to 75c, worth former price $1.75 to $6.00. Everything in the keeping up their cre Jit, to call and settle. S. WITTKOWSKY. CL O T H INGt CLOTHING I LOTHINGI CLOTHINVJTi . W. KAUFMAN A CO'S. - I CLOTHING HOUSE! K GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock COO I. OO TTTT H H II NN N GOO OOL -OO T H H II NN N O O O L OO T HHH n N N N O OO L O O T H H II N If N G OQ OOO IJiLL OO T H HUN NN GOO WE HAVE EVER OFFERED, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN S. BOY'S, 1- . YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S j tST" C L O T H I N O , aa FOUND IN A FIRST CI.ASS HOUSE. AH we ask is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as UwiU be to your interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN ft CO., Springs Comer, Charlotte. N. C. decl2.' gttiiZB, Set. WORLD'S STANDARD. ' , FAIRBANKS' SCALES. i For Sale Also,.. PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS" fCoflee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene- . I lit. . : , , ' 1 . ,i : ! i . . . ! . ,( . . ..- , , -.. tally ;;....,.(. The Improved Type Writer. , ,, , : Oscfllattng Ptrrnp Co's Pomps. 'endforClrcuIars. : - , FAIRBANKS 4 CO., . "'lV v!'airBroadway,ewlorki' r-: ; -i-ti'-;if;;t 'Hit i :i iv-.--(o: Ji(fj t'--'(.i 1 For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers! r septl-dtaww OCO A CO AA ' , 0 A A 0 0, AAA OOO A A MM MM M M S M M U W W W A NN N TTTT KKB DDD WW WW AA NN N T . B . D D WW WW a A NNN T EB D' D 1 WW WW AAA N NN T , B D D W W A A N NN t EBB DDD S IS A Y Y Y Y desirous to commence the new firm under the most done only by .offering great inducements, I have mined to sell by the 1st February, regardless of 00 WWW O O W WW w 8 O WW WW O WW OO w and buy not only for present and early spring use. yY g88 A l IS88 EB RRR YY SSB A A L KB SSg B R R T BEE R R Y a E AAA Li K a g DSSA A LXXXKKK 5888 es, 2,500 Yards, Harmony prints at 4c 100 goods in proportion. Sooss on., nm 55,, 00 00 O O no UU 00 O BS65 00 OOO 7. from 30c to $1.50. Dress Goods reduced to 50c o o Dry Goods line ty at very great sacrifices. S. WITTKOWSKY. POSITIVE T30SITIVTJ OSITIV-Ei. X OSITIV-b. FFF OO RRR DDD A Y YRSSR F O O R R SIXTY D D AA Y Y g FF O O RRR SIXTY D D A A YY 8SS F O OR R B1A1 d D AAA Y g F OO R R DDD A A Y B8SS 3K S fXVTR ENTIRE STOCT7" 1 UUE ENTIRE STOCXV f -OF- CEJTS. YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S RSSB TJ U n TTTT BSS, S IJ U II T 8S 'SSH U U II T T T Be 'SSa V UP UU II 88S8 A T- CCO OO dSSq TTTT n. r. r n 5 t C CO O n n 80 Ba O A S s 000 : 00 ss' OUB STOCT" UR STOClV 1 . ( IS- i II MM MM MM MM FEE N N 5Sa KKE n MMMM MMMM K NNNS SH 1 n M MM M M MM M EE NNN S8 EE t II MMMM M M B N NN o E' j II M M M M M M EEE N NN S8H KKK S We are bound to sell, and will sell. A call will amply repay you. Respectfully, L. BERW ANGER Tfc BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. R THE HOLIDAYS. JUST RECEIVED atALLE.VS JEWELRY STORE the hand3cest"8tdckW Goods ever offered in Charlotte. Elegant Cameo Sets, Florentine, Masaics, Diamond,1 Pearl and Onyx Rings, Sterling Silver and Plated Wum In mat vsurf . ; The Ladles are Invited to.call earl and make their ; . ,,, selections.,' . .1, . -, V.1.:U.,H U .,',;. ' QOXS and imsONS GELATINE, j Corn 8tarch, Italian Macaroni and Peart Ta-' pktca, i L. R. WRISTON X).i ;;i-i;r RENCH BRANDT, " Guaranteed to be . TWENTY, TEARST0LD, AT CENTRAL; HOTEL ftAlJOS. , ! ) .! ,S'll 'l'1 ' Li .ii'inl bit I r- PAY i i. ; ;A SiUiiitO .'A s ' : Especial attention to' the retail tradeand all our Goods are warranted of thetauahWj-V'f'i 1 decl3 Druggists.