Stye l,arlctU bsemr. rTl WSD y, JANTJAKY tyiSiJ. " RAILROAD D H1C O .T - - I I .lid. " , j' . ' The following table shows the miming of passen ger trains to and trom Charlotte, on all the rail ro.ids (Washington time): RICHMOND DANVILLE. , . Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 1.00 a. m. Leaves for " ' - " 8.20 a.m. Arrives from Richmond lO.SQia. m. Leaves for ' 6.55 p. m. ATLANTA A CHARLOTTE AXB-LINX. Arrives from Atlanta, ... 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta 1.05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, 6 50 p.m. Leaves for Atlanta, 10.50 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta 6.45 p. m. Leaves for Augusta, 11,00 a. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. . n!ves from Wilmington, 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington 6.00 a. m. v alves from Shelby, 5.00 p.m. Leaves for Shelby 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE A OHIO. A rrlves from Statesville, 5.30 p.m. Leaves for Statesvllle, 7.00 a. m CHARM) rTK P08T OFFICE. OFFICE HOURS. OPENS. CLOSES. Money Order Department, . . 0.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. Registry Department 9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. (ien'l Dellv'y stamp Dept.. 8.00 a. m. 6.00 p. m. 8.30 p.m. 8.45 p.m. On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department win be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. OPENING AND CLOSING OF HAILS. OPENS. CLOSES. Danville & Charlotte R.R.,. 8.00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. 11.15 a.m. 6.00 p. ra. Charlotte A Atlanta R. R.,. 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. A Augusta R. R.,. 8.30 p. m. 10 00 a. m. Wilm'n A Charlotte R. R.,. 8.30 p.m. 5.00 a.m. ChlM'Il.ttp .V Shplhv H R K 9n n rr tt An n m A Statesvtlle,. . . . 5.30 p. m. 6!00 a. m. Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at JUF Yorkvllle. (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 ;p. in., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. W. W. JENKINS. P. M. INDICATIONS. War Department, i Office Chief Signal Officer, Washington, Jan. 8, 730 p. m. ) For the South Atlantic and East Gulf states, falling barometer, warmer south erly winds, cloudy and rainy weather, followed by colder northwest winds and rising barometer. Local It eport for Yesterday. I 7 A. M. I 2 P. M. ! 9 P. M Barometer Thermometer Relative Humidity, rt hid Direction,.. Velocity,. Weather , 30.243 35 80 S. 12 Mile. Cloudy. 30.075(29.931 40 36 73 W. 1 Cloudy. 71 E. 5 Cloudy. Highest temperature 41 deg.; lowest 34. HONE LINUS. The next amusement will probably be sleigh-riding. And the Legislature has met and or ganized. The receipts of cotton have been ex tiemely light the past week. It cost $144.40 to keep the prisoners in the county jail during the month of December. The county commissioners have been in session three days, and yet haven't finished the work for the month. Thfcy meet again 011 the 16th inst. Mr. II. Smith, of Monroe, is one of the crack shots of this section. They tell it here that the other day he broke. 31 out of 37 glass balls. Wood has sold in the city during the cold weather at the rate of per cord. It's a wise family man who buys his winter's wood in the fall, that is to say, when it is down. .V young man wants to know how the young lady skaters managed when hoops were in fashion. Think of a stout girl skating in one of those "ultereiies" whi6h were worn a year or two after the war. Mr. J as. M. Allen, the spiritualist, will lecture in the courthouse to-night, and if he remains over, in the opera house to-morrow night. If the latter appointment is decided upon, due notice will be given. sheriffs Watts, of Iredell, and Mays, of Alexander, came down yesterday and settled with the State treasurer through the Traders' National Bank. Iredell pays about $7,000 and Alexan der about 2,01)0 State tax. Napoleon Alexander is the name of one of two negroes' committed to jail esterday. lie was sent in from Paw i ieek township under the charge of having made threats against the life of a white woman. His companion in chains is Henry Hall, who was com mitted for larceny. The interest in the convention of Northern settlers is increasing. Mr. Duuiont, in answer to the card publish ed in The Observer from time to time, -is receiving letters of acceptance from many persons whose names he had not gotten, although he addressed over 800. The convention of Northern men meets January 15th, at noon, in the opera house. Delegates coming over ine statesville road should be here on Tuesday evening's train, as no morning 1 rain runs on that road on Wednesday, as heretofore. The directors of the Atlantic, Ten nessee & Ohio Railroad held a meeting in the office of the superintendent yes terday. Nothing of public interest has transpired in connection with the pro ceedings. The Statesyille directors came down on a special train, return ing m the afternoon. A half dozen skaters went out to Stuart's K)nd again yesterdax and were a little surprised to 'find that the ice was still good, though it had been softened somewhat by the rain. The accumula tion, of water on it, however, will, if there is a freeze, put it in line condition again to-day. Further rain will stop ill the fun. Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations men tioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Wash ington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the sig nal omce in tnis city: Atlanta , . .56 ..61 .:.54 ..38 ..32 ..45 ..75 ..40 Jacksonville. ..63 ..71 ..57 ...60 Augusta. . . Charleston. Charlotte . . Coisicana. . Galveston . . Havana . . . Indianola. . Key West Mobile ... Montgomery . .New Orleans. .65 Punta Rassa. .,-68 Savannah -.58 St. Marks 58 Meeting: t the Dramatic l lnh. A jneeting of the members of the liarlotte dramatic club is requested at 1 lie opera nouse, Friday evening, at i o clock. It is hnnprl thut oers will b well mi m the,;- tins time. The opera house, we are further asked to say, will be made com lortable for the rehearsal Friday nieht. mill if I..-. 1 i.i .j. n At . J -" nupm uiai aji inose wuo nave D'ndu 1 . 41... . 1 i"11'1 111 ime piay win oe present. TCarriaye in Sia:eville. Miss Augusta Lovet of Statesville, manager of the State&ville nostoffice. and well known as the "pretty postmis tress," aud Prof. Davis, a musician of some note, surmised the teoDle of statesville yesterday morning by the .ninouneement of theirroarriage. Rev. r A II' .. fl i 1 i f 1 1 . . iv. vv ooa. 01 ine rresuyterian cnurcn performed the ceremony, and the couple ett on the evening train tor 'Washing- Blda't Get the Hany of Thing. - - I t was a Bheriff of one of our western counties who. nomine w ith the State treasurer through one of I tle village of freight cars around the depot, remarked to a fellow passenger u;on the multitude of small one story houses wLijh have sprung up in Char lotte since he was here twenty years age "and," said he, "they are all num bered 1 ust like they are in a regular city." lheylet him live, because he was an officer in his county. IntcnteCold In the Wett. A gentleman from the western part of the State reports that the cold in that section, especially in Watauga and Caldwell counties, is the most intense known there for years, and owing to the protracted spell the people are suf fering probably more than they have ever done before. In Caldwell county the owner of a mill cut ice on his pond which was twenty-seven inches thick. Many of the farmers in the colder re gions of these counties have been com- Eelled to burn the fences around their ouses to keep themselves warm, and work and business of all sorts has been, as a matter of course, completely sus pended. Juror for tke Inferior Court The following jurors have been drawn to serve at the February term of the Inferior Court : E. C. Stillwell, Jas. li, Hutchison. C. L. Alexander, N. S. P. Sloan, E. M. Rozzell, , J. C. Taylor, J. A. DeArmond, W. L. Fisher, C. Alexan der, W. II. Goodman, Wm. Thompson, Wm. S. WTilson, J. C. Beard, C. C. Hayes, J. N. Alexander, Solomon Seford, Wm. H. Martin, J. M. Wolfe, Henry Beamer, Hugh Helmes, N. C. Hubbard, B. F. Withers, W. A. Pearce, C. A. Hoover, T. M. Shaw. Wm. Sample, J. McLaugh lin, T. P. Grier, J. M. Wilson, W. D. Beatty. Personal. Adjutant GeneralJones, of Morgan ton was in the city yesterday en route to Raleigh, to attend the military meet ing there to-morrow. Col. C. W. Alexander, of the second regiment of the State Guard, will also attend the meeting. Maj. S. M. Finger, of Catawba, is registered at the Central Hotel. Capt. Blanchard and wife, of Boston, are on a visit to their son-in-law Mr. W. S. Forbes. Maj. W. H. Chapman, revenue agent for North Carolina and South Carolina, arrived in the city yesterday and is lodged at the Central. Mr. Ed. L. Trant, a well known com mercial traveler for Robt Y. Williams & Co, of Richmond, has been admitted as a partner in the firm. Mr. Will. B. Meares, another commer cial traveler well known to the trade of North Carolina, has left the Baltimore house with which he has been for sev eral years connected and is now with Edwin Bates &. Co., clothiers, of New York. Compliment to the Mecklenburg Bi ble Society The Bible Society Record, a monthly journal issued by the American Bible Society, from its publishing house in New York city, contains reports from each of the district agents in the United States of the progress of the work in their respective districts. In the De cember number Rev. C. II. Wiley, su perintendent of the district composed of North and South Carolina, makes the following statement respecting the efforts of the Mecklenburg auxiliary so ciety : 'lam happy to say that the fine old Mecklenburg County Bible Society, in North Carolina, has entered with spirit on the thorough canvass of its field; that its agents have been instructed and furnished with blanks by your su perintendent, and that they will report their labors to me as well as to their auxiliary. This society is instinct with ite and energy, having been greatly re vived during the last year, and is now setting an example which I hold up be fore other auxiliaries, and which can not fail to exert a happy influence." County Cdmmiwionert, The board of county commissioners were again in session yesterday all the members being present. Henry Severs, r . Sossaman and G. K. Elliott were appointed to divide the Beattie s tord road trom Charlotte to the four mile post into two sections and apportion the hands to each. The chairman of the board was direct ed to advertise a call for sealed propo sals for furnishing the county poor house with provisions during tne year in such quantities as may be necessary, to be delivered monthly to the superin tendent of the poor house, in Charlotte. It was further ordered that such pro posals be handed in to the clerk of the board within ten days after they are made. A. G. Neel, R. M. White and J. R. Morris were appointed a committee to visit the poor house with a view to as certaining the cost of constructing a furnace in that portion of the building occupied by the lunatics and report to th board at its next called meeting. Adjourned to meet Monday the 16tu inst. Illicit DiatilliBgr la the Sixtn District. fYil- W. H. r.hanman. asent of the rv-mw r w - 1 7 J rAVMiiw denartment. has iust returned from a trip to Washington, and is here to take anotner iook aner me sixm uis trict, the one which requires more at tention than all the other districts with in his jurisdiction. In response to in- quines as to tne status oi uits uismuu he gave an Observer some facts and inr.prpKt. in reference to illicit 1 1 VAX - J V. wm. v - distilling in this district. He states that the outlook from the standpoint or tne frnvai-nmoTir is more encouraging. This is evidenced by the fact that the num ber of government aisiuienes una largely increased during the past few mAnfha inrHnar.inir that the blockaders are beginning to learn that it pays bet- ter to conduct- a legiuuiato 1000. The number of distilleries registered at it. nennt timff iqi9.s and the number in operation 95, a larger number than is reported uy auy ume TTiiitftd States, except one in the State of Kentucky. , ... u He states t-nat aunng mtj i m"j w the raiders,as they are commonly called, llv Auccessinl lu break- ing up illicit distilling. Their success ne Deiieves w uc lli ix b-j due to a growing sentiment m the coun trv ncrainat the Practice, among the bet ter classes; whoT are beginninffto feel themselves no longer unuer - uu.iHtuim to conceal the fraudulent practice of their neighbors,: as 1 the evil effects of the . existence of a distiUeiy w their neighborhood oecomes muic Tn nhnrt. the officers experience less difficulty in finding out tne location 01 ucu iuouv..w, - sequently can break ;up;(more ui,wjbui within a giveu uiuc. .1 ikonmon'a rMrrns snow tnax during the month of December, 55 illicit distilleries wi-re broken up; dunng the six months ending witn ueceuiuei. .w, nnnnero fiflStrOVed in SIX months, 89; numoer ui iwcui,-., number 01 ueer Btauus dcw mnfha ooii- in "DfifiAmber.' 1546: total number of gallons of beer seized m six months 190, jn o. rw ; in veceiuui, h 50 piumber of gallons of singlmgs in six mnntha 9ftis- in Ttvftmber. 885 : num- ir nf ivaiinna nf whiskev, seized and forfeited to the government, 2,097 ; num- Vor rf frail ATI 9 BP1 rA in . December. 292. The whiskey is sold at the rate of about Public Meeting to rneA. thi vpntn6 "at a Sut TI 1 tlSl'AW?! rootus of the chamber of .commerce; td ueciae v nat action snail oe taken by the citizens generally with reference to the early convention in; this city of North ern men who have made their homes in the . South to decide narticularlv the character of the attention which it may 1 ue consiaerea proper to. pay the aeie- fates to the convention. ' It is earnestly esired that there be a full attendance at this ineeting this evening. Another Big Cock Fight Pending. The articles of agreement have been drawn up and signed under., which there will be another large cocking main in this city oh Wednesday next; the 15th instant. The parties to the agreement are Messrs. S. B. Holt & Co, of Alamance, on 'the one side, and Messrs. C. T. Walker & Co, of Char lotte, on the other. The stakes will be $25 on the fight and $25Q on the odd. There will be as many fights as cocks can be matched between the weights of 4 pounds and 6 ounces and 6 pounds 4 ounces. Messrs. Walker & Co. will show cocks from six different States ; Messrs. Holt & Co. will show none except their own celebrated breeds and perhaps a f ew flary eyes. The coming event is being much dis cussed in sporting circles. It will doubtless be the occasion of the gather ing here of a large number of sporting men from other places and the stock to be fought gives abundant assurance that the sport will be verv fine. Aid for the Needy. Having seen the call for assistance for the poor, in The Observer of January 7th, the Church Aid Society, at its meeting that day appointed com mittees to seek out the needy. These committees request the co-operation of all charitable citizens. All money, food or help of any kind sent to these ladies will be properly distributed. Mrs. H. C. Jones, Mrs. B. R. Smith, Mrs.VanLandingham,Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Wilkes, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Whitsitt, DIED. In Concord last night at 8 o'clock, of typhoid fe ver, Miss Mary Lou, daughter of B. W. Allison. Telegraphic market reports. JANUARY. 8, 1877 PRODUCE. Cincinnati Flour stronger. Wheat scarce and firm; red and white 92al.00. Corn quiet and firm at 32a33. Oats strong at 25a7. Pork buoy ant at 8 00. Lard steaui 5.52la55. Bulk meats Shoulders 2.KOa8fv clnar rlha M KKn7 rlnr aliea O ?fftjr. W i n . ... 7faXO: hann ahniilriera SijiLfa oloni- rlha A'A, clear sides 4. Whiskey steady at 1.03. Butter in iair aemand and higher; prime to choice Cen tral Ohio 13al5. Sugar steady. BALTTMnMIE Clata oaalar- Snnthom OtfaQO tem white. 30a32, mixed 28a, Pennsylvania 28a a32. Hay steady and in fair demand; prime Penn sylvania nnrl Marvlanri 1 0n 1 I Trnot and unchanged : bulk meats loose shoulders, new zn, ciear no sides, new 334, per pear load, pack ed, new 3ia4V6; bacon shoulders, old 3aiA. clear rib sides, new 5, hams, sugar-cured. Ual& Lard refined tierces ft Butter to fair demand dnd firm; choice Western packed 16al8, rolls 15alti. Coffee quiet and steady; Rio cargoes UVfealofe. " tnrkcjr mm aitu juk u x.w$nxf- sugar arm; sun oMaif. NEW YORK Floor In huTnm' tavnr- tin 9 2.30a3.00, superfine Western and State 3.20a3.50. common to good extra Western and State 3.60a 4,00, good to choice do 4.05a50; Southern flour a shade stronger; common to fair extra 3.85a4.65; good to choice do 4.75att.25. Wheat laJ low er, with only moderate export and speculative bus iness; ungraded spring 83a92. No. 8 spring 0a2. ungraded red 96a 1.00. Corn without any decided change; ungraded 46a48, No. 3, 44iAafr. Oats No. 3. 2914). Coffee dull: in canmefi 1 1 Ua1 Kl. In Job lots llial7i&. Sugar quiet and steady; Cuban vwom, iair so gooa renmng Baft, prime 7 ; renn ed fairly active and steady; standard A 8a, gran ulated 83ka, powdered 9thaiA. crushed do. Mo- lases dull and unchaneed: New Orleans R:-R Porto Rico 25a35. Rice in Iair demand and steady. Pork mess on spot 7.30. Lard prime steam on spot 5.921&195, Whiskey nominal. Freights firmer. COTTON. Norfolk Quiet; middling 9tfec.;-net receipts' "" '-1 o " , " w.w, uwiid wooLnu 300; sales 410; exports to Great Britain . Baltimore Quiet: middline oakc. : low middling 9c; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 88; gross 92; sales 200; stock 12.575; exports coastwise 25; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent . Boston Dull: mlddlinz 91A.: low middling 9Uc: good ordinary 85bc: net recelnts K4: emm ; sales ; stock 2,700; exports to Great Brit rid Wilmington Steady: mlddllnss 85kc. : low mid dling ifc ; good ordinary 744; net receipts 149; gross : saies ; stock v,ai; spinners; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; toCon nent ; to channel '. Philadelphia Quiet: middling fltfec: low middling 9ic.; good ordinary 8c; net receipts ; gross 45; sales 505; spinners 434; stock 8,182; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Quiet: middling 8tfec.: low mid dling 8c.; good ordinary 7H4c; receipts 325; shipments ; sales 674; stock . Charleston Quiet: middling 9lfac.: low mid dling 9c.; good ordinary 8c.;net receipts 1, 504; gross do; sales 500; stock 57,633; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; France ; Continent 3,125; to channel . New York Quiet: sales 598: middling uplands 93kc middling Orleans Wsc; consolidated net re ceipts 14,394, exports to Great Britain 7,893, to Continent 4,825; to France 6.080; to channel . Liverpool Noon Dull and easier. Middling uplands 5 7-16, Orleans 511-16, low mld'g up lands , good ordinary uplands , ordinary up lands . sales 7,000, speculation and export 1,000, receipts 22,000, American . Futures 1 lticheaDer. Uolands low middling clause: January delivery 5 tt-32aJ4 ; January and February 5 9-32a Elk. February and March 5 5-16a9-32. March and April 511-32a5-16. April and May 5foall-82, J May and June 5 19-32, June ana Juiy o4aio-3z, July and August New crop shipped December and January per sail . 5 P. m. Futures closed dull but steady. Sales 52,000. FUTURES. New York Futures closed steady. Sales 83,- 000 bales. January .29a.S0 eDruary v .4a.ou March .68a 69 April 9.82a.83 May .... 9 .85a. 96 June 10.07S.98 Julr -rr-.':: . : . . . :r. ....... . 10 n7a.Trt August iuosoa. FINANCIAL. MvarVnnv Mnnav aaMva nt 1 (YVaoA. Exchange at 4.821. Governments active. New 58 1.07 State bonds dull. CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. DECEMBER 31, 1878. CORRECTED BATLT. Cotton T res- New, per bale. Snl1frf. " ....... $2.25 ' 1 -1.75 nooTNf. ner Tb. Uttari Corn, per bush'l Meal, " Peas " ...... Oats,' shelled, 50a55 88a35 BACON n. c. nog rouna -, Hams, N. C 8a9 llallM 12al3 Bulk Meats - Clear Bib Sides.....: COFTKE Prime Rio.... ....... Good STROP ! , Sugar-house Molasses Cuba New Orleans v. Salt , a Liverpool fine....... Sugar White f YeUow...,.-.f Potatoes ' Sweet.i. ' Irish Butter " North Carolina,...-. Eggs, per dozen. Flour ; Family... Extra..... Super 4a5 16al6lA .. 13al5 38a40 '45a50 1.00a2.00 91 85&40 40a50 12 20 11 lo 2.75a3j00 ...... 2.26a2.50 A 111811 wno win dououess realize th t there are millions iat. has disco a remedy which we will characterize an Via flrnvt fni to-rammr . TTIa nfvmn.; tionhas beea found on one of the 1 streets of the city, and though it may be ' wuvuj uw vuo uiswrensf oia; now and effective remedy for one of the ills that flesh is heir to; for a newspaper to give it away without his knowledge or consent, still,-we dP not j feel that we would be justifiable in, withholding this inestimable booh from 'the human race. We therefore append this recipe h Tincture Kamfireowe trance - 1 -j-" Lodenum a-little -rt ,,K " Kyan Pepper two pen worth Klonform, a little, out not much as it is a dangerous medicine . , , Dose, half teaspoonfull when the k ramps come on. ; J ' 5 ileal Estate. R EAL ESTATE, I ! MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mine. Lands and Houses, . and win Advertise free of cost, all properties placed in my bands for sale. THOS. J. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. C. declO FOR RENT. OB BENT. FOB BENT. FOB BENT. FOB BENnp FOB BEN -L 10 Boom House, two- blocks from pnbHc square, $20 per month. 5 Room House, acre of ground attached, four blocks from public square, 816 per month. 7 Room House, with 6 acres of land attached, price $160 per year. , , , , 7 Boom Bouse, four blocks from pubUe square, $15 per month. 71 . FOB SALE. E4 Boom House, with good lot, price 81 ,200. 4 Boom House, with good lot, price $700. 6 Boom House, with acre and half of land, four blocks from public square, price $3,000. . WANTED. ' t-- ' ' 7 to 10 Boom House, near public square. 3 to 4 Boom House, near public square. t Call at DAWSON CP'S, Old Bank of Mecklenburg Building. decl8 FRONT ROOM over McAden's drug store to let for the present year. D. P. HUTCHISON. ' jandtf rpo LET. -- T5 " , vu v. winu and Fourth RtrLj thn nthAr nn tha onmar nf Church and Fourth streets. , . JAS. H. CARSON. Janf St-pd. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST- OFFICE OVER L. B. WBISTON A CO'3 Drug Stork. With 25 years experience I guarantee entire atlsfaetlon ianll rOBN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, Postoffice Address, Charlotte City Mnls " w mmm 111 mX 11 1 V A U1U VI OT DCU TV AAA U1IU It tA thair IntAVOot tn Mil nn tm nnHAMlanAH 1Xa I ground either fine or coarse, according to order. x iKMiiim iw wruier pouuuagv, i wui give my prompt personal attention to all orders from one bushel to a car load, BUttfittX l. UKA11AJA, Superintendent &XQttVit&. RETROSPECTIVE ETBOSPECTIYE RETR08PECTIVT? RETROSPECTIVH AND CONGRATULATORY. - In lookins back over the. buslneea of lhe Tear now just ending, I feel very thankful to mz many friends and the folic generally, for the liberal support they hare given me In my efforts to supply the wants our city with a FIRST-CLASS Grocery, where anything in the grocery line can be found, and I flatter myself that ( have fitted-, the want to the entire satisfaction of my numerous patrons. In the future, as In the past, I propose to keep a strictly first-class stock of FAttCY AND HXlt? GROCERIES, AKD -,;( -M ! and assure the public that no effort of mine shall be spared to please, and I sha'l always keep on hand the best and most complete stock that the demands of my easterners may require, and now call attention to the fact that I have the agency here for the celebrated - ' 1 ' BRIDGEWATER FAMILY FLOUR. the beet In America, as attested by the fact" of Its having received the first silver medal at Paris. I have also Just received 25 barrels of STONEWALL Family Flour, and 20 barrels of Baltimore Family Flour, both of which are very good flours equal to any sold In this market, except Bridge water. Also something very Bice tn the way of Family Cheese, Pickled Pigs' Tongue and many other novelties. Very Respectfully, , , ' - LeBOY DAVIDSON. , I beg leave to return my sincere thanks lo my many Jrieuds who bestowed their patronage on tne In my new quarters with Mr. Davidson, and promia ing by strict attention and fair dealing to merit tt In the future I solicit a continuance of the same. . . Very Bespectfullf , GEO. T. COLEMAN. dec29 .cii'-. ui'Ul'M U pfMILY GBCCXmfeV t have now In store a full supply of Grooerieaand Jamlly supplle?. Aiso,;er; weighing' jR'igj'tti each. " " J : :! i ; tii :l-H'i .:! ' JustBeoeiTed lotof Cranberriee. :.. . - .V.ilT'ts if. Fresh Goshen Butter. u New Buckwheat Flour. r 1 decO Ml"V JOTICE TO FJlBMEBSII! yA. i! no am prepared to STROBE. COTTON In my fire proof puildlngT-eltber ktbawment or on the first or sec ond floottH4uid wutttwl1 warehouse -receipts on which yon can draw monej tf desired :i " '- !' -r -r- jXi Kytilil & THOMAS H. GATTHEEvu- OCUZ A." Lv.i 'J 1 l HOLIDAY Aim CHRISTMAS QOODO OLIBAY AMD. CHRISTMAS GOODO ABXOPKK POS IKarKCTlOM AmSALt A large and rarted stock. -THE BEST WIS EVER HAD. YOU ABE INVITED T CALL- TTDDT BBOTHOt: dec!2 QBEAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, -AT J, T. BUTLER'S. 3. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE, OLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Headlcanes and everything you want for Christmas, at , J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 X DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCT7" S DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOC IV FANCY A N C Y GOOD O GOOD Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which wfn pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CILULOID TOILET CASES. French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hah and Nail Brushes. , L. B. WBISTON & CO. declS w E ABE ALWAYS BEADY And willing to show goods whether or not you are ready to buy. L. R. WRISTON & CO. decl3 hpRESCRIPTIONS Carefully and accurately prepared at all hours, by WILSON & BUKWiLL, dec 13 Druggists. JpiNE FRENCH BRANDY,, Wines and.Whi8kles for medical purposes, can be had of WILSON & BURWELL, decl3 , Druggists. Ruction ales. jTOTICE. By virtue of the power conferred in mortgage made by T. J. Wilkinson and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte Building and Loan Association, I will sell at public auction, -a t house and lot of land fronting on the N. C. Railroad, In square No. 58, beginning at a stake on the N. C. Railroad and run ning with said road to L. A. Phillips' coiner, thence with her line 180 feet to a stake, thence parallel with said railroad 49 feet toJ. B. Shannonbouse's linaV,, thence . to the beginning, which is now claimed subject to said mortgage by E. W. Mellon. Said property to bo sold at, the court house door lu the city of Charlotte on the 1st Monday la' March, 1879. for cash.' the amount due the Charlotte Building and Loan Association being $229,26, with co& of advertising and sale. . . R. E. COCHRANE.' decl9tds , Sec'y.andTreas. d. e. maxwell. C. t. HARRISON, Auctioneer. M AXWELL A HABRISQXT . A - : AU(m6N and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : : - : , . V i (Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MEBCHANDISE AND COUNTBY PRODUCE;- t -.: ' Will give strict personal l i'.i . : .'.if ' ; attention to all business entrusted to our care. - Four doors above Charlotte HoteL it -; decS M EETLNG OF STOCKHOLDERS; ' ; " ""' Traders' Katlbnal Bank, ; ,: Charlotte. N C January 44h, 187a l The next annual meeting of the stockholders of wis bank will be held tts banking house, on Trade street, Tuesday, January 14th. 1879. at 12 o'doek, m. . .f yios a Ni O. BUTT, Janfii 2t; tin nn u -i CtoMeT.-.. TJBESH ,ABAlSfcOB SALli WAMTETaT r 10 boxe a8ortod Candies. .R boxes choice Oys ler Crackers, &boxea FwoUy Washing Soap, largest IOoAmi tBitte-ettf -.HMt ntnn v,r?.-'i .Mt'.yi '-a a Also 1 fine MUch Cow and one medium quail Cow with young calf, for sale low. .L j; ; Jt-y u 500 dozen PABTRIDGES WANTED. dec39 . B. N. SMITH. QABOL1NA CENTRAL , t" ,! Tlx WILMEN'GTON, . THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line being fully equipped for business, Freight from : Wilmington and an Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee ft Ohio, As well as points In Georgia, Insurance and Bates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C. septSO grugs and pXjejdijcittts. D B. J. H. McADEN, DEDGGIST AND C DEMIST, Now offers to the tzade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes, English Select ploes, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brashes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and dayt J. H. MCADEN'S Prescription Store, lECUBITY ! SSCURITY ! SECURITY ! 200 Barrels of C. WEST A SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ANL ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before It will burn. C West & Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. SCARR A CO., F, RUGGISTQI U RUGGISTOf near the post-office, Would respectfully inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Offlce, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and. family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. Jan 7-tf. GZouftttlonuvlts. T HE " RISING SUN." According to the command of Joshua of old, al though repudiated by the "Jasper Philosophy" of the new, is now standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Street, opposite the Market House, plus Hornet Fire Engine Hall, where the light of reason Uumlnates the surrounding atmosphere, which in vests aH things with the glow of inspiration, and the world no longer seems " A fleeting show, To man's illusion given,' While we honor the name of a Gallileo, Newton. Fulton and Morse, whose discoveries have done so much for the natural world, in the aid afforded man in his material labors, what should be the reward of him who fearlessly announces to the world and asserts his ability to demonstrate the fact that he has In store a large fresh stock of Con fectioneries of every description. Also; Toys in variety, Including Toy Guns loaded wUh love and charity for the "little ones," Wagons, Baskets and Dolls with their hearts, with fine Apples In kind re membrance of "Old Mother Eve's," speculation. Pipes and other Fancy Articles from Amsterdam and Rotterdam, Buckets and Baskets from Pots dam, Sardines from Fish Dam, Wooden Monks from Beaver Dam, and Goobers from Yuba Dart. For .housekeepers, all kinds o Groceries, includ ing Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies dairy. Buckwheat Flour, Spices, Sugars, Coffee, Mince Meat, Ac Thankful for past patronage, I hope for a con uatlon of the same. Respectfully, deer ; C 8. HOLTON. TOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Merchants & Farmers' National Bank, i , . Charlotte, N. c, December 19, 1878. i " The annual meeting of. the stockholders of this bank will be held at their Banking House, In this city, on Tuesday, the 14th January, 1 879. at 12 o'clock, M. J. B. HOLLAND, dec21 td ' : ' -.' -- Cashier. X17ADDILL. HOUSE, . ., , ',; , ; i 's,G!AroN;ircv:';; ;rM iB. 1. WADDILL feblOtf. '"l. it'?. l - 'it dispatch ra" NORTH CABOLDfA. - TO ALL POINTS SOUTH, offers unequalled facilities for the Trans portion of Charlotte, Statesville, Ashevllle, Rutharfordton, on the Atlanta & Richmond Alr-Llne, and Western N. C. Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick.; upon application to WM. A. MOODY, . Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. EG RAM A CO., DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES AND H H A H H AA HHH A A. H H AAA H H A A TTTT T T T T 18 . 1st National Bank Building, Charlotte, N. C. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Ac, is acknowledged to be the best in the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buying. PEGRAM A CO. A' G ra O KFKROR HOLIDAYS 1 1 ! We will during the HOLIDAYS dispose of 100 PIANOS and ORGANS, at EXTRAORDINARY LOW prices for cash, SPLENDID ORGANS 2 8-5 sets of reeds $65, 3 sets with Sub Bass and Coupler $80, 2 sets $50, 1 set $40, lset$35. 7 Octave all ROSEWOOD PIANOS $180, 7 1-3 do. $140, war ranted for six years. AGENTS WANTED, illus trated catalogues mailed. Music at half price. HORACE WATERS A SONS, Manufrs apdyDeat era, 40 E. 14th st, N. Y. 2MINENT DB. H. R. WALTON ANNAPOLIS, MD., WBITES: Colden's LIEBIG'S LIQUTD EXTRACT of BEEF Is a most excellent preparation. It is par excel lence. Superior to Cod Liver Oil or anything I have ever used in was'ed or impaired constitutions, and an excellent preventive of Malarial diseases. Sold by all druggists and grocers. o ILS SASSAFRAS AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought in any quanlty, for cash on delivery, free of brokerage, commissions, or storage expenses, by DODGE 4 OLCOTT, Importers and Exporters of DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, AC. 88 William St New York. QEO. C. WARE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In PURE APPLE CIDER- AND CIDER VINEGAR. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of E. R. CONDIT'S TABLE SAUCE, 287 to 295 W. Third St, CINCINNATI, O. JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO. Awarded highest prize at Centennial Exposition for fine chewing qualities and excellence and lasting character of sweetening and flavoring. The best Tobacco made. As oar blue strip trade-mark is closely imitated on inferior goods, see that "Jack son's Best" is on every plug. Sold by all dealers. Send for sample free, to C. A. Jackson A Co., Man ufacturers, Petersburg, Va. A DAY to Agents canvassing for the "Fibk- crmv VTornm " Tomu nnn mitftt. trAP. Afl- dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. AGENTS WANTED For, the best and fastest selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices re duced 83 per cent Address .HAT. PUB. CO., Phlla., Pa. 'r-'V On Chromo Cards,. Ac, Cupids, Mottoes, Flowers. ZD no two alike, with name, 10c NASSAU CARD CO., Nassau, N, Y. oa Mixed Cards, Snowftake, Damask, 4c no two OU alike, with name, 10c. J. Minkler A Co., Nassau, N. Y. ' ia MIXED CARDS, with name 10c. Agents' 4U outfit 10c. L. JONES A CO., Nassau, N. Y.r dec31 TJNDEBTAKTXG . The undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand a full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metallc prices as'low as ant; ; i 1 Hearses-'furnished if desired. ' ' . 1 Furniture ol every Description Repaired at she t notice. v W. M. WTLHELM( ' '.' rwithE. G, BogenvTrade Street. . June 20. : - - " NEW UYERY STABLT.. . ' If jaa want flrstclass Carriages, Phaetons, Bug ; . gles or Saddle Horses, go to.the New Liverr meet arriving or departing .trains, go to the New Livery Stable. , .. , . . , ... 1 Tt nM vimr finnuu wfTl fed and well STOOmed H.. ViU. TImiot Qt.KlA . : bf.t i.. i'r:i i carerniorivera,prorapinesiuiuioaowuouiw may28 " S. CHAMBERS A CO. ton (Miv J v $1.35 per gallon.