V i ii i. :f it" , a .. 3(1$ KCIiSVKietlON RATKSl VI. I!!""'"""' ' T.iv Montht. One Mori WEEKLY EDITION : W eeHyXin the county) inadvanafiKm Out of the county, pawpaw,. ... Six Months Liberal Reatuxtomjor liwx. ...$2 00 ....... 2 10 1 00 QASHMERES AND ALPACAS. Just Received another lot ot superior : '.Us, iji-illi III 111 El 111 ill 111411 III li V V" It. -lEIt. JlliUSKt ill 111 III -HI 41 1.1 II IMl 1 1 I II liiiill O J 1 1 -.-:-.'..;.- i . TBJt OBSERVER JOS DUPARTUEMT ,) -I'jiji ' . r- - - i ' - : - Mm bee thmVHgWmibpl mtJKMft mmM? i T it -ii'H) mnmer or job worm ant now ae dispatdJi and chtctpnem. I1 Wit Am ; tvr Wttee, '-.rtri.-n mad-sail BZAKK8, BOX-HEADS,- I 0. (. OILAllLO TTE, N. C,,:,FKIO.VY, JANUARY 10, 1879. ! lillii! 'Hi i i ! A LolS CASHMERES AND ALPACAS, 1 Ranging In Price from 25 cents to One Dollar. WE HATE THIS DAY MM MM,A EER K KEEK DDD MMMM'li R RK K K D D M MM M A A RRR KK EE D D M M M AAA R RK K E D D M M MA AR RK KEEEDDD My Slain. BX RICHARD REALF. ii.il A w Pieces ol COLORED CASHMERES, all Wool, of superior quality, at sixty centa.' worth 81.00. po not tail to see out UPJES' CLOAKS before tuylnK ''It Wiil pay yoa !; ', ELWAWHEi?. DDD OO W W WKN N D DO OWWWWSN N D DO O WW WW N N N D DO O WW WW N NN DDD OO W W N NN About Yorty pieces of DRESS GOODS To 25 cents. ortQ 50 Cfints per yard. Also 30 or 40 pieces to 20 cents, worth from 3313 to 45 cents. A lot' of Dress Goods to 8V3 and 10 cents, worth from 1212 to 15 cents. THESE GOODS 3 TVf TJST BE SOL 1 iVlUST BE SOL-M The sweet child which hath climbed upon mj This amber-haired, fouiM?ummered little maid, With her unconscious beauty troubleth me, With her low prattle maketh me afraid. Ah, darling ! when j ou cling and nestle so You hurt me, though you do not see me ery, Nor hear the weariness with which I sigh, For the dear babe I killed so long ago, . .,. , , I tremble at the touch of your caress ; I am not worthy of your innocent faith ; I who with whetted knives or worldllness Did put my own ehild-heartedness to deatn, oui,io ,hnH oravfi 1 n,;e forever more, Like desolation on a shipwrecked shore. There is no little child within me now, , ; , To sing back to the thrushes, to leap . When June winds kiss me, wheri an apple bougn Laughs Into blossoms, or a buttercup Plavs with the sunshine, or a violet Dances iu the glad aew. Aias : aias ; The meaning of the daisies in the grass . I have forgotten ; and if my cheeks are wet, It is not with the blitheness of the child. But with the bitter sorrow of sad years O, moaning life, with life lrreconciled ; O backward looking thought, O pain. O tears, For us there is not any silver sound Or rythmic wonders springing, from the ground. Woe worth the knowledge and the bookish lprea Which makes men mummies, weighs out every grain , . Of that which was miraculous before. And sneers the heart down with the scoffing brain ; . Woe worth the peering, analytic days That ri h tonrier inipp.s in the ureasi, And put the thunders of the Lord to test, So that no marvel must be, and no praise, i Nor any GoU except necessity. ..,..,.. What can ye give my poor, starved life to lieu Of this dead cherub which I slew for ye ? Take b;ck vour doubtful wisdom, and renew . . , i ,jv fmt.hnace nf tbp. dlinO,ft. Whose simple Instincts guessed the heavens at once. B URGES8 IWCHOLS.,,!; "I. and if you want cheap goods, this Is the place to I get them; Very truly, ALEXANDER & HARRIS. P. & Our whole stock must be reduced, and in order to do so will sell very cheap. A. & II. OBSEBVATIOSS. hundred to its He did CILOAKQ I 'LOAKO . nLOAKC I J L O A K o ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKXJ.EK IN ALL KINDS Of BEDDING, && BEDDING, AO. FURNITURE. !' " tURNITURE!: BEM)1NGt;&c. ,V'v -Ieding,- FURNITURE i-.!;-i.r fXIKNITURE ! I J it Full Line of ; . CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! .CHEAP BEDSTEADS! k-ouNUEsn LOUNGES ! 11 i )i I 11, i: -.). I ..1.0 'if' ,- I '. '! ' , i .,.1 -k!T CiMilii'' ii-w.lli J" I have on hand a small stock of HANDSOME CLOAKS, which I will close out without any proni. aiso a FEW SHAWLS, to be sold before the season is over. All shades in "WORSTED FRINGES. Call and get some handsome Dress Buttons. A Beautiful Line of LOUN LOONG ha. PARLOR AND CHAMBER DW j ' ' ( , PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUir . tw COFFINS of all kinds on hand. -1 j EJT- COFFINS of all kinds on hand. , - . . r i - ': ' ' - i ' ! . ' No. 5 Wfcsr Traok Strkkt. J .CHARLOTTE, N. C. DRESS GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. A New Lot of LADIES' ApSD GENTS' KID GLOVES, in Opera Shades. Jerusalem is adding fifteen Jewish population every year. Stanley Matthews has been in Memphis. He did not prevail as an epidemic, nuwevi.-. Cortstitution. Don't ride a mule unless you want to place one foot in the grave and the other m the Luited Mates Senate. WTdUhatl Time. A Cincinnati preacher declares that the earth is getting bett The gentleman has reference, doubtless, to the soil. The stock liar of the Tribune has mtouited himself on the cipher dispatches and that paper has re-engaged its old star performer-E. V. SmaJley. Atlanta Constitutum. -An admirer of Caleb Cushing says that the loss toThe world by his death is like that which would be felt upon the Durmng 01 a uidsiimvcu. of rai-e and undupltcated books. nnotBon -RtitlPT S'200.000. That sum "would havrpurchased five otto tawW pianos for the poor laboring men who he said had just as much right to pianos as rich men. And now the Chinese claim that the telephone is net", two thousand years old having teu muse the almond eyes, there is something th.it is older than the telephone, wuig. " - -f p-rpHt Chinese wall, it is older than tne city 01 Pekin Itte as old as the first Chinese historian. And about as reliable. Burdette. It Is a well understood arid strictly observed rule with editors never to give the name ,0 ; the author of an article unless demanded, and a, ng""? bsewed custom of covei,tSfhe to public press never to tlemand uUesE tlntinn Vf htm who demands to take the matter in controversy out of the papers and to noia me author to a personal account. Edison's sister tells a good story ,?f Jason's bovhood. "He tried to set on eggs, she jsaid. -what's that ? How V What do you mean ? lrlEufred the listener "Why. he wis about six, I shou d think, ana he found out how the goose was setting and then saw what the surprising .result ws One day we missed him called, sent .mes sengers, couldn't lind him anywhere. , By and . by, ?i" l'.. ,i,i,,L- f.thorfmiTid him curled up in a nest he haa madri the baru and tilled with goose ? hpn-rpUs-actually sitting on the eggs and trying to hatch them !" -iq yi'XU mu'ftUi i. i'.hia;..i A Gamhto'i JMtglitet -and Hee Work, iNirvv YoRkJ January S.MaryiL Danser, daugliter of Matt. M, Danser, the ' niostr Il'tiinate. gam uier iew twit ever had;, has , chapel monument in Greenwood cemetery that cost 25,000. Tlie linishing touches were put to it to day. The lot is -eighty feet indiameter. The walk'f rom the entrance of ; the lot to the door of-the tomb consists of a trr ami t ft si ab twentv feet long, six feet wide ana a iool tmci. i ia me laigcou single block of granite 'ever brought into the cemetery.1 T ho mOntlment is a combination ot a chapel, ana the torn d is a Gothic structure of cruciform shape. The base is 21x21 feet and it rises to a height of thirty-eight feet. The mate- rials usea on xue exwjiui io coucxij white granite with trimmings and col- umns OI pOUSneu TOWU: giamre. xuc intprinr IS fi nished 1 in i Italian marble with trimmmgs ot' American dove-coi-ored marble, and the columns are red Tennessee 1 niarble. iTne visitor; - ap- Tirriachps the entrance of the chapel by a flight of granite steps cut out of a sititrlB hlnfJc of stone. The roof is a marvellous piece of architecture, formed .if fonrnointed eraWeK Twelve huge slabs of marble slope-from the sides up ward to an apex, and the seams are so tightly joined as to make them seem ii p a solid niecft of rock. Rising from thp anfit of the roof of the chapel is a monument of white Westerly granite, sivlPPn fftftt in heisrhi lf An Italian mar ble sarcophagus containing Miss Dan set's remains is to stand beneath the stained glass window. Upon it are to stand two'marie stattteuses, curee ieei high Faith', and Hope--by an Italian, artist.' There are "to be four tiers of tombs on either side of the entrance. Miss Danser's mother's remains are to repose in a sarcophagus on the left. On the right, those of Tier father, Matt M. Danser. These are all members of Miss Danser's immediate family, Tbe other relatives are to be buried in the remain ing vaults. Matt, Danser died in 1876. His wife survived him only three months, and the entire property, valued at $700,000, fell to his only daughter, Mary. The latter was a pious Metho dist, hut she trave liberally to all de nominations, and1 her charities were manifold. She was engaged to be mar ried to a Mr. Stevens, a telegraph opera tor, and the wedding iwas to have taken place shortly- before she' died. Miss Danser, then in good health, drew her will on December 13, 1875; just sixty days from that time she died after a short illness. By her will she left $185, 000 to her relatives and 'friends, and $335,000 in legacies, varying from $5,000 to $20,000 to thirty-one charitable, reli gious and benevolent institutions in this city, and $25,000 for her monument. 55555 55 000 00 00 00 00 5555 OOoqOO 00 00 00 00 ) 0000 00 00 00 00 Jit 1 (HifWf! rri5ipJHl)LiJ fit nflil Jj0jOj5..!(i,it.l('.. 1 00 00 00 00 AND EEK E KB' E BKB i OOO ?0 O O O S OOO , A : aa A A 88 , S A A 1 ! . I H HHH, 1 rniKB nrarv 1 REMEMBER THAT A JUST EXfENDITUEB- T AOS. RECEIPTS, POSfsSSi PSQGRAJOiKSfUmyBILLJI PAMPWLEfStVlBCVlliXSi CHECKS, C ft f.li" ww w wwww WW WW w w i" -r v. A A HJD T KB. AAA N NN T , B A A N NN T KKB mi llii ! i ISA OOO 8 0 O O OOO 00 O O 0 o o o 00 NN N NN N IJS N NN N NN OO o o o o o o OO Tkf fit MM M M M ftC BOC ML M M M M 31 M ; 1 u v wrrto;i ts Hiw h!i;nnili;y. iit an y.,i .--..!!(! 1 to 7 ; i U,- :: h .t ,..! 1 "(! 1' -'. i ) r -A:.,. t'. 'i'l-i') ;-.ii!i'.: 11 ! i'.i 'i ; 1 ) Contemplating at an early day to make a change favorable circumstances, I have concluded to re selected out of my stock various complete lines, any sacrifice it may be to me, and consumers will PPP RRR P P R R PPP RRR P R R P R R that they will in this instance come to the conclu but cheap enough to lay up for next winter. in the name and style of my business, and being duce my present large stock, and as this ean be arhounUng to about $50,000, which I am deter find the U OOC EEB sSSc II O O E II O EE II O O B II OOC BEE sSSa OO 5ssa s, o o 8SS8 OO 880 o L L L Ii LLIX desirous to commence the new firm under die most done only by, ottering, great inducements, I Jiaye, mined to mil b f the 1st February, regardless ot a 1 OO O O o o O O OO www W WW w WW WW WlWW r.!..r sion that "A just expenditure is a wise economy," 0 P E C I A T I O P E C I A XJ and buy hot only for present and early sprttlg use. DDD RRR Y Y BPR R Y Y D RRR YY D DR R Y DDD R R Y GGO OO OO DDD SSSS d GO G O G GGO OO OO OO 88 OD GGO OO OO DDD 8S' r a D8SS ACA &&& MM MM II L M MM M II L M MM M II L M M M n Ii n s n M M M II LLLL LLLL II S NN L II NN N II NN N II N NN EBB RRR Y Y E R R Y Y EB RRR YY B R R ,Y EBB R R Y SSSa AA KB sas'' A. Ma Ik -3 a AIXLIiKEK S8H TI'OR OR TEN TEN DAYS DAYd ONLV ONL I 500 Pieces, 25,000 Yards, Cretonne Prints, (ask Pieces Bleached 4 4, for that brand and take no other) at 5c. as good as " Fruit of the Loom," at 8c. 25 Pies All other Personal, Be sure and examine my stock of Nottingham ... tac Curtains, before making purchases. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE, Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon sthailotte, N. C. janlO XOBILITY BEHIND THE F00: LIGHTS. r-rr AWES' (CLOAKS. T ADIES' CLOAKS LADIES' CLOAKC LADIES' CLOAKO Richard III. in thi Olympic Theatre, New York. fXew York Sun, 8th. The Count Joannes and Ins lovely pu pil " in the sublime tragedy ot Kichard ill '"played in the Olympic Iheatre last evening to an audience smaller and less witty than on the opening night. Certain improvements were noticeable, such as the Count's new shoes and the substitution of a volcanic bugler tor the consumptive who had the manipula tion of that instrument on the previous occasion. Full-sized programmes were another improvement. But the cast ot 1,0 o,,riienr'P wns verv much weaker than 011 Monday night, and the enter tainment was as a whole correspon dingly less entertaining. The very flist line of the play, "Has the King walked forth to-day T was greeveu miuKi . "Whatd'yer soyV" from the gallery, and from that moment the play became -a pantomime to all except those who had seats well in front. Lord Stanley, in his colloquy wiui awixxcj,, encouraged by the shout "Go for him MulligaS !" and when the Duke-of Gloster declared "I am myself alorie, a Ladles line supply. ,an3 ' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes-a ARGAIN8 np H E GREATEST B A R G A I NO 1 HE GREATEST B A R G A I NIO Or. T n E S E A s o.xr FT EE SEA 8 O i voice called out, -wen, who &uu.juu wasn't, George ?" The fair Avonia was IN ! ' A ! il 'A' .i I'M- v uRRWlj Utrptf SI8 IT IT RRlt N N N. H . .'A ii X o fiS 5 it t uu a URR U R UU R DRRR EBB RRR EB jlliffiVOOtOirS R. (i. ROGERS' WAREROOM&, 1 ,:, ,,-;tMII. .1 'MU "10 'IIf)ftl'-'v' ' , (II iMK ..-f.iiT.HUll 1 iB'"f' , -(t t. litMI-X -Mtl KIH.-UHM . -,f( flu' -tu;n,i,nri U:U fcidi .-:iit ' ' 1' Ant HUKDEED CHOICE LADira' KftX ' - j -Unk hundred CHOICE LADIES' ClflAKt--, JU8T BEOEIVEfD. B aaCPKKBQ POT KECEITE BY! EXPBES 7 fi ,f. V,v sick is.laAba Ml .Ineo! v .)- 4riiol Wiit be riold without reserve, at sacri- : n'3S SSStoil to come andooa'. -THE .m :'i:r; i T I i Oil t .fWof It;)!' ) ' . .1! .i .ito.lSAT JKAH'rtWM PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROO .i no i.f .'! 01 Ol 01 ; i til t ! , '.i ! 1 u- y .1'. .'), s.K "-"' -!'tniii' ' 'Thl Rl'WflSlio' 1 .'.( -fi, :,;ir AND I'. ! .i , .,t)i'nciruRNiTBK nrv lO BUY , it' I 1 on t ... It,..'! il.ll Aioi' Mlh Mil TfiJ titty it "TiOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIrT BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIF X .,.-,f fid with 9 TIT th v.m.t "Von're a daisy !" and when she decided not to impale George on the sword he had placed m her hands, a disappointed individual in the gallery exclaimed, "Oh, , why didn't you sti6k 'im Two of the guards who remained insight while (Jloster was making love 1 Av,no xvptp food enough' to retire in obedience . to the ; command "Look a here, you two cum uui stage." "George, there's blood on the s moon," shouted some one in the uppei tier when Richard was going into one ot his passions; ' and when Btchajd. awakens from his dream and looks, around in a brightened way a small boy shouted, ."Look out for the moke behind you," -mt the c osef ' the second act the audience loudjy called fur a speech; whereupon , the XO.unt came down to the footlights and said, "1 will make my speecn ui "y benefit night." The audience timed his stately stride i h a loud l -aghtjett. right, lett, naiti anu uib tuuu, to regard this as the " most unkindest cut" of all. Just as he was making his exit at the close of one of the scenes a shower of beans fell upon him, and he " V mnn-ith hia sword as though he would impale an unoffending bald- 1 1.1 mnn wrilt flPPlH KU UI1"3 V to carry their parts wiuiuut demoralized, but the strain on their f a efal lines resulted in some extremely minful expressions. Warned by tlw Semandfor"Hy Mary Ann" on the opSg night, Che orchestra came pr .j SithfhAnntfts of that popular VfW called forth ex- fell he went down ;iuuu "- - shower ot beans. The Ohio Govornoiship. Washington Special Baltimore Sun, 7th. f Rpnator Thurman in position to know says that it is not r"f .t th,.t Mr Thurman will be com- iaiu um nhirt pelled to run ior uuvtuiui alter an Gen. Ben Butler was thrown out of a sleigh in Lowell, Mass., Monday, but not hurt. The proceeds of the recent Catholic fair in New York were $171,500 over till expenses. , The salary of the mayor of Savannah, 5a., has been reduced from $2,500 to $2,000. ; Buffalo Bill has made $135,000 on the stage, and he has bought 6,300 head of cattle in Kansas, where he will live. Cyrus W. Field is said to have made $2,000,000 by the Tisein New York El evated stock and nonos. Col. Thomas' A. Scott, according to a Paris paper, has been almost completely restored to health since his arrival m Europe. Jefferson Davis was in Memphis on the 5th instant the guest of his son-in-law, Mr. Addison Hays. 1 The report f requently circulated and recently revived that Wilkie Collins was to finish Dickens' story of " Edwin Drood" is denied by Mr. Collins. He was asked to do it,lut he declined. The Mississippi was a sea of ice at liia rr tlP nth. and the Aweal ij.cinJiii v , ----- , -'-Vrii says it was a sight worth seeing. The boys also were amusing themselves sliding along the frozen streets. Mr. Wilber 1 . Story denies emphati cally the rumor that he has sold or ln tia tasoii t.lwv flhicasro Times to Mr. John Wentworthr Hai says he would ! no more think of selling his paper than he would of going without his. break fast." : '..'!'!'"- " . Mmei1ldeliwPathpV,is,;now at Berlinris laid up wiiU aa accident to the knee-cap, which causes much aax- iety.to her trienfla,,as,e(,icw, ""oo.o 00 00 55 00 00 55-J55 0000 coo o o o o o OOO z TTIFTY x1 : CENTO to All my Ladies' nntrimmed Hats, only 50 cte. on the dollar. Boulevards from 1.00 to $3.00, IFTY CENT picking choice. Silk Scarfs from lOc. to 75c., worth former price $1.75 to $6.00. Everything in the es, 2.500 Yards, Harmony prints at 44. 100 goods in proportion.1 : ' . .. i ' : i .' i i; !';-! ' ' ' ' ! '': -':' ,- 1 U .' . i 55664 ML: fX10 (HnJi.V ks " n n WW 00 00 00 00 o. o O - o o 665585 flO from 80c to $1 0. : Dress Goods reduced to 50c Dry Goods line t3T at very great sacrlfioes. , i i I would urge those owing me and desirous of & WITTKOWSKY. JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, Another laige stock keeping up their cre Jlt, to call and settle. S. WITTKOWSKY. c L O T H I N G 1 L O T H I N G ! CLOTHINfll CLOTHINUl S. WITTKOWSKY. POSITIVE OSITI V JCi. POSITIVE OSITI V Sli CLOAKS,! W. KAUFMAN 4 CO'S. CLOTHING HOUSE! FFF OO RRR v 2 05mR SIXTY KF O O RRR SIXTY P O OR B1AH, F OO R R DDD A Y Y - D D AA. Y Y D D A A rjT ' DDD AA f HATS. COI 'KTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS. prices. stead- of; ;geWng, better.. .rFw1! worse, and Dr. Wims , states that am putation. D., the limb may become im perative, , , :;: Fannv Louise Buckingham played And line Fancy hosiery, at the lowest possible week: i A deputy J sheriff went behind . the scenes to levy ou. her wardrobe, but there-wad so little that he also attached the "fierv, untamed steed ' used in the play. Mazeppa begged him to perinu her to Tide tne nurse "ro,1"u''u"vl Ue steppes: of ; Tartaay, so tlnit the au dience might not be disappointed. He consented, and was conducted to a pri vate box! ltd -wait. The curtain was raisedg but ni horse was there. .At the. same instant' he -heard the flatter of hoof in the passage back of the box. He ran Out, and was just in time to see the steed, with a groom on its bark, dashing down the street. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section ol North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock , ( -or- ) rVUR ENTIRE STOCTT 1 VUB ENTIRE STQClV f -OF- MSN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S 'SS ; OU rrpi 8ss8 OOO L ci n T. O ! O O T OOO LLLL OO T OO TTTT H H II NN ? GOG O O T H H II KN g Q HHH II N N N O H H II B HR O CrG H H II N NN GOG "laa8 -a't .. coo bd 8s 8 "8l" Wl HAVE EVBB OFFKBED, AJuRSTOClV Mks QUERY'S JO j Consisting of the usual variety of MEN'S, BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S ' . n i Eff-CLOTHING, . , '-. f' r i . j i ! I.'- ii l.liii .',i'..! Ill I'iii'tui-i j; H.U't' .' ! f Ii;, Jr., 1 Ul uu uu uu lrcir. KK N II MMMH M MM M KB. .HHH .K . 5 H Do JTir. r. m n M M M 11 At M M : nov 1 2 i.i l. M M M EEK '1 (!.!!' !!. FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. !'ii-..'-l ,tUH' A Kuggi'Mii.n to Col. FunKy.. Business and Industrial Item. nK; hmif wn.tpr.woi" ks ' at Lewiston, Me., which are now aodirt 'completed, huvp nost, 429.200. and it is thought that When expenses jet begfig met the cost. wiu . .""S, below' the original esttiuHLem. n?,,. Hamnshdre. . - Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New. A;ork, New Jersey Pennsylvania iuma i gan are the: sonly States an which the postal service pays, jn-a surplus frodi these as &2,2a30OO.i , ; ; London the were on; ftW. ?tJ;gyof December 4251 paupers m :vvi i. ' f, i-H t"AT "HA L F P B I C -Ci. The New York TTorfa, alluding to the iict that the deaths oi m-i. Ji""ia JJ-,-otwi n,m ( 'nhb Cushine followed buUIoipfc iMfffahnfelitai i railway Underground) is said to average about mm grbss receipts and $4,500 tunnipg flYinonsftvefv dat. ! ; 1 : ! r ' : ;; ' -W'i UUtnfVi ' for1 New'ork 007,007, compared with OrVi'Plfsj rina 1S7S. ,,..-fm.i ,. i i ,u u 'The artesian1 well at Charleston, S. C, is 1)40 feetdeepj ancsaas u- Collector.. JEVENUE SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, j Collector's Office, 6th District, North Carolina, V Statesville, December 12th, 1878. ) Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenne Laws, on Thursday, December 12th, '78: One wftsron. two mules and hamess,and three bar rels whiskey, owner unknown. .Ti.- t,ncv. Moti tn tiiA owner or claimants of the above described property to appear bef ore mt i at my office In StatesvUle, and make claim thereto betpre ine ww.L'TmS ditte pereoi, or rue same wm j'fypv : deel4 oaw 4w XTOTICE OF SEIZURE. - : i U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. , , CUector's Qffi.ce, 6th Distrid -North . CwoUm. SAiri for violation of United States Internal Rev-mue Laws, on Saturday, December Aim, to. k raiilAQ 9T1fl 1 WRGTOn and harness, one barrel of whiskey, the property of W, F Burns. Knti is hereby given to the owner or claimants of th alfr dtiiribed property to appear before thereto beforefce expiratioa of. J&ifif?SS date hereof, or the. same will be forfeited to the United Stoles. ; 1 Jr J. G. Yochs, coueCTOr- i . Deputy. )anl 4w oaw XfOTICE OF SEIZUBE. in ilr la that nnr friends and customers willgive us a call, as It will be to your Interest, and vmi riii rata from fifteen 4o twentw perioent on yourpurchaaes. wmWWJjCO-, : opruiga wiuci, Mimwwi. decl2 rjHE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. For Sale Also J we are bound to sell, and will sell. : .-(.. ;;:-.!-t:f:r-."ij;-.Ii,! i amDly re nay ion. . r - n . vi.'.-jii " i i 1 ui I! 1 A can will if;..-iSii.f iiiiti' '1 1. r ; I Rrarfuuy, ': L. BBBW1NGB ABW).;! Fln Clothiers and Tailoff. PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWliEST F iobThe HOLIDAYS! i i t ? ; , ( 0 i i: 'i j; s.::- (Si; . ii i: JUST RECEIYED at ALLEN'S JEWLBY (ST0EE !,..' 'I . ' ' ili.'ii i - j i in 1 1 I ' i ! i : s t ii ,! :: fiii the,hdBqwesstpca , Goods ever offered to Charlotto. fw Sets. FlontfHte: Hasaluf Plumond, Pearl and rWW.toratWf' .ii! Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Wxtures Gene "rallyT The Improved Type WrlterJI , il r.H ! .1 i .T?i,r V, ;T Ihfi f miblication of per J i"Mih of rtbem ift Co. Forney's PfMw 8TK8: -If he will but select his W8 Wloudy. Col. , Forney may make his lively yet eadly journal the instrument of great good . t9 , hift country and to mankind.. , Si -iU,f 'JHH "ihfUH Itlw -'" f3' -n , r 1,) ft,' A t t"f tt irnwmfl A BROS, 'i 'ifl MORRIS & BROS. lii.il stflir'Mij .riifuii!i' i. iuit,., '! iUi 'j-A. ltiiiii Ji '' Tr. all who are sufrerIiig, ttie eriors aod' erne youTTREE pF CHARGE: ; Thisgreat, WWcbrataission .America. Sehd- a self-addressed' vewpe: w uhj REYrjOSEPH T IN"A StettibTeuet New York City. fijTOwTJu. . TTitoi ctatAaTntArnal Revenue. i bolfecis Office frfimii X ' 8totesTiUeiNia,IJScember 6th, 1878.) Seized for violation bf Un Ss Internal I Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December a, 78. ' ' t eri boxes Tobacoo, as the property of J. R Fare, I r Notice Is hereby ven,KK mmmx of the above described property to apjpear before meat my office to StotesvUlet nd make-ciatm. .date hereof, or,the same, will , be forfeited w ine United States. , , , ., J- J- VuLior dec254woaw- " , coiiecwr. Ing Pump Cp's M' Oil u Tb ldjes are Iftytteto caU.early and 'ii(-"l n'l'xi U) akette I liiH-il llii:' I 4! end for Crreolars.1 - s hi . FAIRBANKS CO., . ; :f-i t (; ' 'i I'm "IflU Broadway, New bt 1 1 1 A ' i't! For sale by Leading Hardware J septl-dtaww...!; .j .Ml Walersl; ft h i ,-i 01 ,'JPiiii iiJ-.Ji- '.wfri anus y.Y'.Yf.'i vrnui Goaanteed ,tbe i, J i rAn m mil 'rdJ io .ATlCTHiBm .v 'Hu.tn r.t; to 'HMiut htnh mr-tl J. tothe retail, trade, and ffl Wtt , Vr Hi fcrtof IfliqlrisJ 1I ban loiiqa , .jsipiii 1 .sfdesjiwia-K 'fl;jip'i inodf; sia noij .imnlv-Wi VJ liiw m "fi xhH I decll

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