She OIt)arlottcbsmS Fll DAY,VlNtfTlFJl IW RULRUil) D c O il The following table shows the rumitngof passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, 5 on all the rail roads (Washington ttme)r - . - , kiCHHotm' banvxllk. ' V ; ; rrlves from Richmond and GoldsbOro, : 1 00 a. m Leaves tor " ,..,.. , . .g. Arrives from Richmond, ... V. : . . , lO KOla! m! Leaves for w. 6.56 pi m. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE AIB-LINB. Arrives from Atlanta,.....,.,,..,.. 820a.m Leaves for Atlanta,.... ' l'f)5a7m" Arrives from Atlanta,. 'go d. m Leaves for Atlanta, . . . . .-; . . . . . . . . . ; . . . ip.50 m! CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUQCSTA. " " Arrives from Augusta, A 45 p m Leaves for Augusta,. h.qo si mi - CAROLINA CENTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington,. .'.'....;.'..; 7 29 d 'm J.eaves for Wilmington, 6.00 a." ml Arrives from Shelby R.OOd m Leaves for Shelby 7.00 m." ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE OHIO. A rrlves from Statesvllle, 5 80 p m Leaves for Statesvllle 7.00 a. m CnARLOrTK POST OFFICE. OFFICE HOURS. OPENS. CLOSES. Money Order Department, . . 9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. ' Registry Department.. ..... .9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. Gen'l Dellv'y Stamp Dept., .8.00 a. m. H.00 p. m. " 8.80 p. m. 8.45 p.m. tW On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. in. OPENING AND CLOSING OF HAILS. OPENS. CLOSES. Danville & Charlotte R.R.,. 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " 11.15 a.m. B.00p.m. Charlotte & Atlanta R. R., . 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " ft Augusta R. R.,. 8.30 p. m. 10 00 a. m. Wllm'n ft Charlotte R. R.,. 8.80 p. m. 5.00 a. m. Charlotte & Shelby R. R... . 5.30 p.m. 6.00 a.m. ft Statesvllle,. . . . 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a. m. tW Beattie's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8 00 a. m. Yorkvllle. (horse route,) Thursdays' at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. W. W. JENKINS, P. M. Index lo New Advertisements. Maxwell ft Harrison Auction. Wm. Maxwell Poor House Supplies. a P.' Caldwell Caldwell House. S. Wlttkowsky Dwelling House Wanted. J. A. Hendrix Commission Merchant INDICATIONS. -War Department, ) Office Ciiief Signal Officer, Washington, Jan. 9, 7:30 p. m. ) For the South Atlantic States, cooler westerly winds, rising barometer, clear or clewing weather. Local Iteport for Venterdajr. I 7 A. M, 2 P. M. ; 9 P. M Barometer, Thermometer Relative Humidity,. Vlnd-Direction,... " Velocity,. Weather. 29.553 29.550, 30.036 84 52 W. 7 Clear. 56 75 S. 8 Mile. Cloudy. 54 55 a W. 20 Cloudy Highest temperature 60 deg. ; lowest 82. Rainfall 0.16 Inch. IIO.TIK PENGliilNUS. The mining board meets this evening at 7.30 at the office of Gen. Drayton. The market is glutted with wood just now, after the, cold weather is gone. Business is dull, true, bat who ever knew it otherwise from the 1st to the 15th of January? Next Sunday being communion Sun day in the Presbyterian churches ser vices are leing held nightly in both of them. - Warm, rainy and blustering in the morning and cold and freezing at night is what the probabilities ought to have said about yesterday's proceedings. They tied up their little skates yester day and regretfully laid them aw,ay. There are four skaters in Charlotte now where there was one ten days ago, One result of the recent cold weather is the entire absence of oysters from our market. Hhs dealers have received orders saying that owing to the freeze it has been impossible to get any. The signal office, will hereafter keep one of its bulletins posted at the post office. The others are posted at the Central Hotel and at the door of the Traders' National Bank. The county commissioners have. been called to meet in special session to-day to make a final settlement with the sheriff. The latter will settle Wjth the State treasurer to-day. An advertisement of the Caldwell House, published elsewhere, offers spec ial inducements to persons desiring hoard. This house is conveniently situ ;i ted, and is fast winning popularity. Dr. Davis met with the class of farm ers of Sugar creek yesterday and deliv ered his first lecture to them on the sub ject of agricultural chemistry. The class is composed of about twenty members, the best farmers of the negh lwrhood. Northern settlers residents of Meck lenburg county are requested to meet at the office of Mr. N. Dumont, over the Traders' National Bank in this city, on ;Hurdav, 11th inst, (to-morrow) at 4 p. 111., to arrange for the reception of dele gates to Wednesday's convention. The Northern men's convention meets ;it the opera Jiouse in Charlotte, at noon .,1 Wednesday, 15th inst. No early tram being run over the Statesville roadmj that day, delegates coming over that road should arrive here the night of Tuesday. 14th inst The Lecturer on Spiritualism. Mr. Allen, 'the spiritualist, failed to arrive vesterday and consequently there was no lecture, at the court house 1 ; 1st n ight. Notfcing has been heard from him and as he , has . a months en gagement in Atlanta it is BOpposed that, finding when he came here yesterday morning that the weather was unfavor able, he decided to go on to his destina tion. He may arrive to-day, in wmcii event due notice of his lecture will be 1 ,il.:l irt . given by means 01. nanuouw- 1 1 1 -Miot Twice. , ' " . - A sharp pistol shotriti the vicinity of Perry's cigar store last ' night, about 9 o'clock, suddenly drew a considerable crowd into the streets. It- soon learned that the pistol had been nrecl bv Dave Leecraft colored who is a sort of a porter at Kyle & Hammond s. lie was just working at it and -it- went off, carrying a part of his thumb With . rt. He has but recently come into, the pos- wooivm and 1 onlvi aay ncnniuii ui tire i.w..., - - - . - before yesterday, evening ';it was chs- cnargea unaer exauu; '"rrr.. stances and cut a piece out of his otner i v. rr -...j1 ha will nrobablv drop it on the grOUnd,(and then it win go off and the bair will en-er-'hls beel, bringing abo'ul.the end Which he is so assiduously courting. Cotton Stolen ttttd1 Burned. . About a week, ago a. bale of .cotton was stolen from' the porch or aide 01 Mr. J. w; Brigman's house, three or four miles south, of ;the. city. Two or three parties.-. badr carried it off and were tracked for some disfcmceinto the neighboring woods.-JJihgetitsearth was made through 1 the OUhtryor a mile around, but without success, until me one was attracted,yesterday morn ing, by smoke .arising from thicket on the plantation of ill B.HBy. and a half distant from Mr. Bngman s, and on investf gatiOnoWd ,ttat it was (paused bv the burning of the lost .bale of cotton which had evidently just ceen set fire. About one hundred and twenty-five pounds of the cotton was saved. Officers are-Working tip the -case ana expect to get the thieves. - : Thermometer Kecord. U ; thermometer, at the stations men yesteay eyening, Wash tiSn ,i?KUfitl? ascertainl from y bulletin -Issued from" the sig nal olhce m thiscitv: h v.iaitta... A-itrusta. . . ... ..32 ..47 ...01 -.44 ..35 ..37 ..76 ..39 Jacksonville. . Key West Mobile Montgomery . New Orleans . Punta Kassa.. Savannah...'. St. Marks. ..:.. .00 .78 .41 .36 ..39 .06 ..57 .54 Ouarleston. Charlotte Corsicana. . . Galveston . . . Havana . . ,i.. Indianola . , v I Deatn ot jni Allison. The death of Miss Mary Lou Allison, daughter ot Mr. K. W. Allison, which occurred at her home in Concord, night before, last, at 8 o'clock, was received yesterday morning just in time for in sertion of the bare announcement of the fact. Miss Allison has been at the point ot death for some time, and her iriemls and relatives have awaited the result with painful solicitude. Miss Al ison has a large circle of friends in this section of the State by whom she was greatly beloved for the amiability and loveliness of her character which never failed to make a lasting impres sion upon all who met her. She will be buried in Concord to-dav. Several friends and relatives of the family in this city went over yesterday afternoon to be present at the funeral services. 1 I I 1 mm Salisbury Items. Hon. F. E. Shober is still i in health. He is not, as has been re ported, suffering from Bright's disease. Rowan Inferior flourt h;is lion in coc sion this week. The docket was rathr ght and none of the cusps worn nf much imjwrtance. The wife of Cant, rhas Print. wi,n has been very ill, but who had much improved, has undergone a relapse and io lcpuiicu tvs 111 a, uriucai conuiuon. A citizen of Salisbury who luis from which he harvests ice in the win ter for sale in the summer, let it out as 1 sKating rink during the recent cold pell. He charged 25 rents ner nnnitu for a dav's skatinsr uuon it. swent. it. nff each nisht and noiired water nn it cr that it would be slick next morning. Thrift, thrift, Horatio." Railroad Notes. As is Usual at this lwrtieulm- tini nf the year, business in the freight depart ment Of all the roads is evoeedimrlv dull. The passenger traffic' of the Mil-rail through lines has reaied the benefit of the stoppage of traffic over the routes, occasioned bv the ice. The Atlanta Constitution, of Wednes day, says: "The Teller committee of the United States Senate, while in the city Sunday, investigated the beautiful train ready to go out on the Air-Line road. The elegant coaches, furnished with everv convenience, and the cene- ral symmetry of the train, were much admired." The Atlanta Constitution lias inter viewed an official of the Marietta and fJorth Georgia railroad, who renresents that the work is progressing favorably. "The whistle of an engine can be heard already in Cherokee county," said he; and then he added: "We are going to push right on to Murphy, N. C, and it is time our friends at Asheville were preparing to meet us there. They ought to stir their stumps. Tins is a thorough bred Georgia enterprise and we propose to show what Georgians can do when they take a notion to do a thing." "be Coining Cocking main. The cocking main w hich is to be had in this city, commencing on the 15th inst., will be an inter-State contest be tween North Carolina and South Caro lina. It will continue for three days and the stakes will be $50 on each bat tle and 31,000 on the odd. Each party is to show twenty-one cocks. On the first day the sides will show and match and fight one battle, and the remaining "battles will be fought "on theTwo suc ceeding days. '.Extensive advertisement of the coming event has been made by posters nnd a large number of sporting men will doubtless oe present. The South Carolina partv, represented here by Messrs. C. T. Walker & Co., have already brought up forty-one as handsome cocks as ever stepped and will receive fourteen more. Messrs. S. B. Holt & Co., of Alamance, represent ing North Carolina, are expected to ar rive here to-night with their coops. As their stocks are well known for their fighting qualities, and as much pains has been taken by the opposite party to gather together a lot of games which can stand against them; it may be ex pected that this three days' sport will be about as spirited as has ever been seen here, which is putting the case strongly since there is hardly a community in the South which is more fully "up" than this in all matters pertaining to the pit. Help the Poor. Editor Charlotte Observer: I notice in this morning's Observer that the ladies are taking steps to assist the poor. I don't know whether they in tend to help the poor outside the city or not. There is a iamily living 3 miles east of the city at the Park s place, con sisting of a father and mother and eight children, seven of them girls. As a mutter of necessity all the girls labor on the farm ; early last year the father was stricken down by disease, which rendered him entirely unfit for labor for the year. During the summer nearlv the entire family was stricken with chills, but with all these difficul ties they managed to harvest a fine crop which is now under mortgage for pro visions furnished. The girls haven't sufficient clothing to keep them com fortable, and they are worthy the no tice of all charitable and Christian peo ple, for I believe them to be respecta ble and honest. f liivn film ihel Ihem with suDDiies the past four years,they being unable to get them elsewhere; and I have been peculiarly struck with tire honesty of the father, who offers at the close of each year to surrender all he has to settle the debt, and while he now offers to ,do so, I propose instead to cancel the mort gage! hold, for $50, ahdtrustrothers will see this notice and aid in gifts of old clothing and other suitable articles Which will be. very highly appreciated by the family. -r, A-Friendto-thk-Poor. - In this connection it is not inappro priate to refer to the fact that no steps have as yet been . taken to relieve the poo?of the City. The liberal sum so generously - tendered : by an lesteemed r--Lt -.. u., v.aar turned ver to the n tO Sribmy im as he may think best. ; If anything : else has been done ba the, way ; ,of .contributions rccT HJrto Wav bv nersons liv- wre'sulTeringit lfc'nas nw wiuo w The Episcopal church aid society a has been doing somethiagv, ! .arte without funds. The committee appoint ed by the board of countyucommission- cu vj y . ,i rrnA smvrdiefT kbout a Half dozen parsons who applied with small sums, aim wm incc5c." " office of the register of deeds to- morrow .101 , w3 " "w js. 4L. nuuiv ni-Rit not aware j of the f ac that they can get relief from ;?W?SSbmil that; this" meis one which should engaae Vae attention of all thoughtful people. It would be well ; for persons who know of urgent cases to appear before the commiwe oi uie t board of cotmtr :;commissioners,:in be I half of such cases.iA This much at least I will surely be done, ' ' 1 ;8..' Meeting of Citizen in i ih 1 Northern Uteri' Conrentioa. ;In response to the call published in jpsterday morning's Observer, a meet ing "was held last night in the rooms' of the chamber! of commerce, at which Mayor Smith presided, to discuss what action was proper to be taken by the citizens of Charlotte in reference to the convention of Northern settlers in the South, which is to assemble in the opera house on th 15th; After discussion, in wThich the objects of the convention as announced in the call were highly com mended by Col. H. C. Jones, R. N. Tiddy, Dr. J. M. Miller, and others, who spoke on the subject, it was resolved that a committee be appointed, consisting of Mayor Smith, and a citizen from each ward, to .prepare an address of welcome to the convention from the citizens of Charlotte, expressing their gratification that Charlotte had been selected as the place of holding their meeting, the pur poses of which are designed to advance the material prosperity of the South, and assuring them of cordial sympathy in the work they have undertaken ; also to take such other action as may be deemed necessary in the premises. " The committee wa3 constituted as follows : Mayor Smith, to represent the city at large ; Mr. R. M. Miller, from the first ward; CoL II. C. Jones, from ihe second ward ; Mr. W. J. Yates, from the third ward, and Maj. C. Dowd, from the fourth ward. It was understood that the committee would prepare the address forthwith, and present it to the chairman of the convention immediately after its organ ization. 7IARRIED. On the 8th Inst. at the residence of the bride's father In this city, by Kev. T. Whitfield, D. D.. Miss Sallle K. Barnett. of Charlotte and Mr. B. B. Glass, of Columbia, S. C. DIED. At Huntersvllle, Mecklenburg county, January 7th, of croup, Willie A., son ot John B. and Alice J. E. Woodside, aged 1 year and 4 months. Home andDemocrat please copy. TELEGRAPHIC MARKhT REPORTS. JANUARY 0 1877 PRODUCE. Cincinnati Flour In good demand at full prices. W heat inactive ; red aud white uoayy. Corn strong er at b2ayyi2. Oats In good demand at 2oai. Port firmer at 8 00, but Lard In good demand and a shade higher; steaui 5.55ati0. Bulk meats quiet butui-m; snouiders 2.t)5a7U, shoit.i js 3.7oa r 5, short clear 3.Oa5; bacon scarce and linn; shoiuders 8M3, clear ribs 4, clear sides 4. Whiskey steauy aud in fair demand at 1.03. But ter stronger; prime to cnolos Central Ohiolfial7. Sugar steady aud unchanged. Hogs steady and In good demand; packing 2.y0a3.0d. Baltimore Oats quiet and steady; Southern 28a82, Western white 30a32, mixed 28a9, Penn sylvania 28aa32. Hay dull and steady; prime Pennsylvania and Maryland lOall. Provisions quiet and unchanged; bulk meats loose shoulders, new clear no sides, new 3H. per pear load, packed, new 3tea4J,8; bacon houlders, old 3V8aV, clear sides, new 5, hams, sugar-cured. atyg. Lard renued tierces 004. Butter Ui fair demand dnd steady ; choice Western packed 16al8, rolls 15alb Cohee quiet; Rio cargoes llalB. Whiskey firm at l.OHVaalO. Sugar firm; A soft 84iay. New York Flour steady; No. 2, 2.30a3.00, superiine Western and state 3.20u3.50. common to good extra Western and State 3.b0a 4,00, good to choice do 4.05a50; Southern hour unchanged and quiet; common to fair extra 3.8oa4.t5; good to choice do 4.75at5.25. Wheat ungraded spring ssayti, No. 3 spruig UBayV2, red. No. 1 Minneso ta, 1.10. Corn without any utcided change; uugra ued 47a48, No. 3, 44V2. Oats No. 3, 'Avift. Cotfee quiet and unchanged; in cargoes 1 lVaaltti, In Job iots HV2al7V2- Sugar unchanged; Cuban bias, fair to good refining ms, prime 7 ; refined in moderate demand; stanuard A 84a44, granulated HS4a8, powdered 9iai4, crushed do. Molasses dud aim unchanged; New Orleans 25a3, Porto Rico 25a35. Rice steady and rather quiet. Pork mess on spot 7.45a00. Laru prime steam on spot 5.y7kjaH.oo. Whiskey lower at l.O'.Ui. Frelgnts quiet COTTON. Norfolk Quiet; middling 8fec; net receipts 1.873; gross; stocK 27,432; exports coastwise 5tkt; sales 300; exports to Ureal Britain 7,8tH). Baltimore Dul.; middling 9lc; low middling 87'gc.; good ordinary 8gc.; net receipts ; gross 3ju, sales 225; stock 11,132; exports coastwise 20; spinners ; exports to bireat Britain 1,733; to Continent . Boston Dull; middling low middling yVgc; good ordinary Kfygc; net receipts 3ytJ; gross ; sales ; stock 2,700; exports to tireat Brit alu Wilmington Dull; mlddllngg 83ic.; low mid dling 84bc ; good ordinary 74t; net receipts 378; gross ; sales ; stock 7,6ytJ; spinners; ex ports coastwise ; to (ireat Britain ; toCon nent ; to channel . Philadelphia Quiet; middling yi&c.; low middimg yirsc; good ordinary Hijc; net receipts 182; gross 1,255; sales 7VH); spmuers37t; stocE y,Odl ; exports to (ireat Britain . Augusta Quiet; middling 8c.; low mid dling 7hc; good ordinary 7Vic.; receipts 461; shipments ; sales 1.037; stocK . Charleston Quiet; middling yl&c.; low mid dling yc; goou ordinary 8V2c;nei receipts 2, O.ti; gross do; sales 1,000; stock 57,270; exports coastwise y5y; to Great Britain ; France ; Continent 1,480; to channel . New York Dull; sales 330; middling uplands y 5-1B.. mid Orleans y 7-lt.; consolidated net re ceipts 20,04ti, exports to (ireat Britain 10,217, to Continent 2,yi3; to France 7yt5; to channel . Liverpool Noon Heavy. Middling uplands 5, Orleans 5 low middling uplands , good ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands . sales 7,000, speculation and export 1,000, receipts 7,000, American 4,350. Futures 1-32 cheaper. Uplands low middling clause: January delivery 5 y 32al4, January and February do, February and March do, March and April 5 5-16ay-32, April and May &fcall-32, May and June 5 13-32a June and July 5 15-32, July and August . New crop shipped December and January per sail . FUTURES. New York Futures closed steady. Sales 74V 000 bales. January 9 .17a.l8 February 9 .37a.38 March -6tta 57 April H.70 May H.84 June 9.H5a.y July 10.04a.05 August 10.15a.18 FINANCIAL. New York Money active at 1.02V2a4- Exchange at 4.82 Governments firm. New 5's 1.07 State bonds dull. CITY COTTON MARKET. 1 Office of tbb "Observer, i ; Charlotte, January 10. 1879. ( The market yesterday closed dull and lower: flood mlddllns & Middling. J8 Strict low middling. J 48 Low middling. , w Tinges, IVsaSfe Lower grades 5abl8 CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. DECEMBER 31, 1878. corrected daily. Cotton Ties New, per bdle Spliced, " Bagging, per lb. Corn, per bush'l Meal, " Peas, " Oats, shelled, Bacon - N. C hog round Hams, N. C Hams, canvassed. . Bulk Meats Clear Rib Sides. . Coffee Prime Rio.-.. - .. Good.... Strut ; Sugar-house Molasses Cuba New Orleans $2.25 1.75 1114al2 40a45 50a55 33a35 8a9 llaim 111 12al 13 4tea5 16al61fe 13al5 25 38a40 : 45350 Salt Liverpool fine Sugar f White , Yellow 1.00a2.00 93&alU4 7a8 L.POTATOE8-7 r; ' '' i "35aio 40a50 " Irish Butter North Carolina;. Eggs, per dozen... Flour Family... '..v.v Extra..... Super .j, ;u. 12Mja20 12al5 . ...4 3.00a3.50 2.75a3.00 2.25a2.50 . A BenackableBeBalt. , .' Bin&Beanb dhTerence'liow many physicians, or how much medicine you have tried. It la now ail es tabllshed fact that German Syrup is the only reme- eases of Lung Diseases. It ig true there are jet " Throat ana Lung Affections, Consumption, Hem orrhages, Asthma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Ac, who . nave no personal knowledge of Boscnee's German . Syrup. To Buchwe would say that $0,000 dozen i were sold last year, without one , complaint Con- sumpUves try Just one bottle. Regular size 75 1 cents. Sold by all druggists In America. I 'I ' -f ft 1 Ml vl t A UCTION, I SATURDAY, JANUARY ltK 1879, A T 11 O'CLOCK, A. M., Household and Kitchen Furniture, One large Sausage Cutter and other Miscellaneous Goods. Unlimited articles received until hour ol sale. MAXWELL & HARRISON. j an 10 tds s EWLNG MACHINES. 15 or 20 fine Sewing .Machines on constenment. will be Bold cheaper than they can be bought else where In the State. Call early as they must be sold. MAXWELL HARRISON, Auction & Commission Merchants, Charlotte, N. C. JanlOlw J3R0POSALS FOB SUPPLIES FOR THE POOR OF THE COUNTY. Ssaled proposals will be received at the office of the Register of Deeds, in the city of Charlotte, until Friuay, the 17th Inst, at 12 o'clock M., tor the fol lowing spplles (more or less,! one-sixth of said supplies to be delivered to the overseer of the poor In the cry on the first Monday In each and every month, for the next six months, to-wlt: 260 Bushels of Corn Meal, 20 pounds of good Coffee, 2,000 pounds of Clear Side Bacon, 60 pounds of whole Rice, 26 sacks Family Flour, 52 pounds of good Brown Sugar, 52 gallons of lair Molasses, 2 sacks of L. P. Salt Said articles must be sound and In good order. ! The commissioners of the county reserve the right j to reject any and all bids. j By order of the board of county commissioners, this 8th January, 1879. ! WM. MAXWELL, Register and Clerk of the Board of County Com. janlO ! CALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUST7 1 ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSXi9 1 Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. S. P. CALDWELX.T..".: .....:.:.: Proprietor. This house Is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first -class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, $1.25; per week, $6.00; per month, $20.00; table board, $15.00 per month. janlO WELLING HOUSE WANTED. A first-class tenant who is willing to pay a liberal rent wants a good dwelling house with tf to 8 rooms, Trade or Tryon street, and as near as possible to the public square, is preferred. Apply to S. WITTKOWSKY. JanlO J. A. HENDRIX, AGENT, -GROCER 4-GROCER- AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Comer Main and Blandlng Streets, COLUMBIA. S. C. Special attention paid to consignments. Quick sales, and prompt returns guaranteed In every in stance. janlO lmeud FOUND A safe (probably Herring) key, was found on the street yesterday. Can be had by the owner upon application at this office. JanlO It S TUDEBAKER WAGONS. I am now in receipt of a large lot of the celebra ted STUDEBAKER WAGONS, all sizes, which will be sold on reasonable terms. CALL EARLY, and supply yourself with the best wagon out Jan. 8-tt 7 , JjRESH ARRIVALS, FOR SALE, WANTED. 10 boxes assorted Candies, 5 boxes choice Oys ter Crackers, 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest 10c bars bi toe city. Also 1 fine Milch Cow and one medium quail Cow with young calf, for sale low. 500 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED. dec29 B. N. SMITH. (Svoizxtzs. C 0 T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED BT THOMAS H. GAITHER, Cotton Commission Merchant. octia -TLLIAMS & FINGER, Have lust received a lot of Turkeys and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to Williams & Finger and buy the best Family Flour from the best mills. Wheat, Bran, Oats, Corn and Meal, Honey, Country Lard, Butter and Eggs. The best Timothy and North Carolina Hay, cow and horse feed of the best quality, Sugar, Coffee, Ac Con signments solicited for all kinds of country produce. wm maxe prompt returns 01 saies. aeco QXistzllmitons. G OTO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pure Liquors. ILSON & BLRWELL, DRUGGISTS, , Have Just received, , ' . Gelatine, ,. j uarn staren, : , - : ;- . SherryWlne, Flavoring Extracts, 'v-w -"!U ', .... v.- . ' ' .; All of the best quality for retail trade, k decl3 '" i TOP AT THE "J 1 ,fv:Bp,YDEN HQU8E, ,3-a ', !:" Salisbury, N. C. . C.S, Brown, Proprietor, xwth TMiMB -r-n 3.7 JLate of the National Hotel, Raleigh, .' fC Si Brown, Jr., Chief aerk; W O. Snelbam As- .i'j x ftvicitt'f -isisianr. - dec 30 , - i;f v Policing Moods. Our 0 u R HOLIDAY AND CHRISTMAS GOODQ OLIDAY AND CHRISTMAS GOODO HATE COME & ABE OPEN FOB INSPECTION AND SALE, A large and varied stock. THE BEST WE EVER HAD.- YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL. TIDDY & BROTHER. decl2 JREAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED W.VRE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything yon want ' tor unnstmas, at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 WE DESIRE to call attention to OU.1 STOCT7" E DESIRE to call attention to OV) i STOClV -T7 ANCY GOOD O A1 ANCY GOOD lO " Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest in the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CILULOID TOILET CASES. French Plate, Hand Mirrors. Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON & CO. decl3 ' 7E ARE ALWAYS READY And willing to show goods whether or not you are ready to buy. L. R. WRISTON & CO. decl3 PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully and accurately prepared at all hours, by WILSON & BURWELL, decl3 Druggists. JjMNE FRENCH BRANDY, Wines andWhiskies for med'cal purposes, can be had of WILSON & BUKWELL, dec 13 Druggists. Auction titles. N TOTICE. By virtue of the power conferred in mortgage made by T. J. Wilkinson and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte Building and Loan Association, I will sell at public auction, a house and lot of land fronting on the N. C. Railroad, in square No. 58, beginning at a stake on the N. C. Railroad and run ning with said road to L. A. Phillips' corner, thence with her line 180 feet to a stake, thence parallel with said railroad 4 9 feet to J. B. Shannonhouse's line, thence to the beginning, which is now claimed subject to said mortgage by E. W. Mellon. Said property to be sold at the court house door in the city r f Charlotte on the 1st Monday In March, 1879, for cash, the amount due the Charlotte Building and Loan Association being $229.25, with cost of advertising and sale. R. E. COCHRANE. decl9 tds Sec'y sud Treas. D. G. MAXWELL. 0. F. HARRISON, Auctioneer. "YJAXWELL & HARRISOJ" i AUCTION and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; i Will give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. dec3 QOBN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, Postofflce Address, Charlotte City Mills Parties having grain to grind or to sell wfll find It to their Interest to call on the undersigned. Meal ground either fine or coarse, according to order. Thankful for former patronage, I will give my prompt personal attention to all orders from one bushel to a car load. ' ROBERT D. GRAHAM, f Superintendent F iRONT ROOM over McAden's drug store to let for the present rear. D. P. HUTCHISON, i Jan3tf " QAROLLXA CENTRAL j VU WILMINGTON, 1 TfiitOUGII FREIGHT ROUTE ' 1 This Line being fully equipped for business, j Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, aO Stations Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio, As well as points in Georgia, Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, WOmington, tf. & sept30 vuqs and &t&itinz&. D R. J. H. MCADEN, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English. Jiejifb anil American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefuhy !repared at all hours, both nlgtal and day'at J. H. Mc AD EN'S Prescription Store. ECURITY ! SECURITY 5 SECURITY ! 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ANL ALADDIN SECURITYIOIL. Wests'ExMaXa. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West ft i Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded tfcffcntennial Exposition. C rratal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a tuB test of 110 degrees Fafcrenfeeit before It will bi. xa. C West & Sons, Ba&imQre For Sale by K. 3. H. JtcADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. i- F. 8CARR & CO., i T R U G G I S T Si XJ R U G G I S T NEAR THE P08T-OFBICE, Would respectfully Inform the publte ihat they have opened a retail and family Drug Stew, near the PostOfflce, and solicit the patronage of $&eir friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dlspensed.wlth great care and pure Drugs, jan 7-tf. Gonfcttioimvizs. rpHE "RISING SUN." According to the command of esbwof old, al though repudiated by the "Jasper Philosophy" of the new, is now standing still, at the Old Ptaee, on Trade Street opposite the Market House, plus Hornet Fire Engine Hall, where the light of season llumlnates the surrounding atmosphere, which in vests all things with the glow of inspiration, and the world no longer seems " A fleeting show. To man's illusion given,' While we honor the name of a Galllleo, Newton. Fulton and Morse, whose discoveries have done so much for the natural world, in the aid afforded man In his material labors, what should be the reward of him who fearlessly announces to the world and asserts his ability to demonstrate the fact that he has In store a large fresh stock of Con fectioneries of every description. Also, Toys in variety, Including Toy. Guns loaded wUh love and charity for the "little ones," Wagons, Baskets and Dolls with their hearts, with fine Apples In kind re membrance of "Old Mother Eve's," speculation. Pipes and other Fancy Articles from Amsterdam and Rotterdam, Buckets and Baskets from Pots dam, Sardines from Fish Dam, Wooden Monks from Beaver Dam, and Goobers from Yuba Dam. For housekeepers, all kinds of Groceries, Includ ing Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies dally. Buckwheat Flour, Spices, Sugars, Coffee, Mince Meat, Ac. Thankful for past patronage, I hope for a con uatlon of the same. Respectfully, deel a S. HOLTON. gTOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Merchants ft Farmers' National Bank, I Charlotte, N. C, December 19, 1878. ) The annual meeting of the stockholders of this bank will be held at their Banking House, In this city, on Tuesday, the 14th January, 1879, at 12 o'clock, M. J. K. HOLLAND, dec21td Cashier. w ADDILL HOUSE, GASTOKXAvKC. B iR. Ew WlBDfLL- fehlOM. IAWfflUNJg 4jUUiij KO&ttfCllOTTC,. LJJ TO ALL POINTS offers unequalled facilities lor the Transportlon of . Charlotte, Statesvllle, Asherllle, ButherfoMton, on the Atlanta & Richmond Alr-Llne, ' and Western N. C Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick.! 1 . t upon application to WM. A. MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C t. t. smith; Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. $00ts unti J&Uozs. IE0RAM ft CO., DEALERS 18 BOOTS, SHOES H H A TTTT -88- H H AJk. T 5fa , HHH A A T B88o ' H H AAA T at H H A A T BaS8 Z 1st National Bank Building,' Charlotte, N; C. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Ac, aolcMwteArad to be the best In the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buying. PEGRAM ft C?. GREAT 'OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS II! We will during the HOJjLDASS UspowQf J00 PIANOS and ORGANS, at ESCTBAOBJSBtAWf LOW prtoes for jasfc, SPLENDID ORGANS:23f5 sets of seeds $65, 3 sets with ub Bass andtCoupler $80,2 sets $50, 1 sett40, 1 set $85.. 7ctaveall ROSEWOOD PI All OS $130, 7 1t34o,,$14Q war ranted for six years. AGENTS WAJnTED. illus trated catalogues mailed. Music at half price. HORACE WATERS ft SONS, Manners andDeal ers,40E.i4thBt,N. Y. JMINENT DR. EL R. WALTON A1TNAP0LIS, MD., WRITES-. Colden's LIEBIG'S LIQUID EXTRACT of BEEF Is a most excellent preparation. It 13 par excel lence. Superior to Cod Liver Oil or anything I have ever used in was-ed or Impaired constitutions, and an excellent preventive of Malarial diseases. Sold by all druggists and grocers. QILS SASSAFRAS AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought in any quanlty. for cash ;qn jlellvery, free of brokerage, commissions, DtOJAXJE ft OLCOTT, Importersan1 Exportejrs of , DRUGS, jESSSTUL OlLa & 88 William St ajVork. Q.E0. C.WARE, " Manufacturer and Wholesale. Pealet hi PURE APPLE CIDER AND CIDER VINEGAR, j- .Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of E..R. CONDIT'S TABLE SAUCE, 287 to 295 ,W. Third St., CINCINNATI, O. JACKSON'S, BJCQT SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO, Awarded highest prize at Centennial Exposition for fine chewing qualities and exoellenee ana lasting character of sweetening and flavoring. The best Tobacco made. As our blue strip trade-mark U closely Imitated-on inferior goods, see that "Jack son's Best" Is on every plug. Sold by all dealers. Send for sample free, to c A JACXSON a vo., Man ufacturers, Petersburg, va. A DAY to Agents canvassing for the " fun- jtv-tj VTOTfivtii ' Tamta find rttifflr" TlVkA Arl. dress P. 0. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. ; 11 ; i. i AGENTS WANTED For the best and fastest celling Pictorial Books and Bibles, Prices re duce 33 per cent Address NAT. 'PUB. CO., Phll6L, Pa. , ' -j OC -ChKano Cards, Ac., Cupids, Mottoes,LFlowers, Z9 no two alike, with name, 10c, NASSAU KiAtiifXAj., nuaartu, a, x. OA Mixed Cards, Snowfiake, Damask, ftcv, no two OU alike, with name, 10c, J. MhiklerA Co., Nassau. N. X,, s " . , in MIXED .CARDS, with name 10c Agents' 4U outfit ltlt L JONES ft CO., Nassau, N. Y. dec31 U NDEBTAKJNG The oaderslgned Is now ptepwedt nil all orders for every dass of Undertaking. Having on band a full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metaltc ' PRICES AS tOW AS ANT. Hearses furnished If detred.! Furnlrure of everj pescrlpllon Repaired at shoi notice,'. J,.',,'; t W. M. WTLHKLM, 1 With E. G. Rogers, Trade Street. june 20. jTEW LIVERY STABLE. ' .', L V " , ' ' If you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Hones, go: to the -New Livery Stable.' Imsslivrr r,-:. If yon want Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, gd to the New Livery Stable.' ' '' : 1 : ' if you want your horses well fed and well groomed go to the New livery Stable. ?: nnrf.i ' Careful drivers, promptness aid reasonable price's 'areourmotto. - ' i'' wiW-