t)e l)arlotte!bserBcr. LOCAL iTfElirGEScE.11- SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1879. IXUIUATIOHM. I WAK T)KPATtTMENT. Office Chief Signal Officer, VViSUtvnTnv Jan 1(1 7 "30 P. M. J "For the. South Atlantic States. falling barometer, easterly winds, warmer, partly cloudy weather. Local Keport f or ;Yet erdtty. j7 M. 12 P.M. 19 PTM Barometer Thermometer Relative Humidity,. Vlnd Direction " Velocity,. Weather , 30.205 30.45030.475 22 36 33 72 89 42 N. E. E. E. SMIles.l 2 3 Clear. Fair. Fair. Highest temperature 89 deg.; lowest 21 . Inilri t IMftw At vvrtiM-iuenu. Perry Big sale of cigars. ' Fayetteville (iazette lor sale. Mrs. L. W. Sanders Bounlers wanted. "Ah, yes, delightful weather," that it was, yesterday. Trade is In-ginning to leokup. The , streets were lull of life yesterday, The Charlotte Institute for Young . Ladies now has 102 pupils, of whom 12 are boarders in the institution. A few intrepid spirits skated on the v upper parts of the ponds yesterday, but it was too dangerous tt) be pleasant. The dramatic club rehearsed "The Hidden Hand" at the opera house last night. They are going to make a good tlung of it. Street Commissioner Hunter is "sand ing the track" to assist locomotion over the sidewalks. It is a decided improve ment The Metropolitan Hotel will be fixed up as headquarters of for delegates to the Northern men's convention, by the m-oprietor of the Central, who is the lessee. Thr Fayetteville Gazette, the ablest and most influential paper of the upper Cape Fear country, has suspended and is offered at private sale. See adver tisement. A false alarm of fire was sounded last night about 8 o'clock and all the com panies responded promptly. It was caused by the burning out of a foul chimney. The Pioneer fire company meets Tuesday night to re-organize and re vivify. Mr. F. A. McNinch has resign ed the foremanship and Mr. H. J. Elam been elected in his stead. Committees of ladies of the Episco pal church aid society made a tour of the city yesterday and we are informed found many people suffering for the bare necessities, of life. It's noble work they are engaged in. There are a half dozen citizens in Char'otte who pay between a half and two-thirds as much State tax as the whole of Polk county. The , sheriff of Po k settled with the State treasurer vesterdav through one of our banks, re turning $1,100. Sam Fullenwider and Alex. Rosboro, two negroes, were commited to jail yes terday, charged with the theft of the" -rbale of cotton which was stolen from Mr. J. W. Brigman, several miles south of the city, a few days since. They will be tried at the next term of the In ferior Court. In order that no misunderstanding may arise we are authorized to say that delegates coming on the Richmond & Danville, the North Carolina, the Char lotte, Columbia & Augusta and the At lanta & Charlotte Air Line llailwaj's will pav fare to Charlotte and be re t urned free on certificate of N. Dumont. Agents along the line of these roads will please state this to applicants-for delegates' tickets. Thermometer Jtecord. The following will show the state of t lie thermometer, at the stations men tioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Wash ington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the sig nal omce in mis city : Atlanta 43 Augusta 45 Charleston -45 Charlotte 37 Coisicana 40 (ralveston .43 Havana 78 "Indianola 4(5 Jacksonville. . . .49 Key West... ...69 Mobile -46 Montgomery . ...45 New Orleans 43 Punta Rassa. . . .71 Savannah . . .46 St. Marks 53 I Meed Bebnlf ng in of Ibe Poor. We are requested to ask the several pastors of the various city churches to meet in the parlor of the Central Hotel to-day at 12 m, to confer with the com mittee of ladies in regard to distribu ting means of relief for the poor. There was never more destitution in the city than at present, and the demands for the charities and the active endeavors of our people for its alleviation, are of the most urgent character. WerTiope i lie meeting to-day will be well attend ed and will result in something prac t ieal in behalf of the suffering poor. :m t -Sheriff's Settlement. Yesterday, Sheriff Alexander settled through the Commercial National Bank the taxes of Mecklenburg county for the vear 1878. The total amount of this tax is $18,404.03: less the sheriffs com i Missions ner centW&920.20 : making the total amount paid into the State's treas-. urv, $17,4S3.83. The educational iunu, which has also been accounted for to the county board of education is $10, 137.12. The settlement of the county tax with the board of commissioners will be made as soon as the sheriff can col lect the balance of the tax, w hich he hopes to do within the inext few weeks. m i ii i'h A Very Practical man. Tom Evans' Reidsville Times says of Mr. N. Dumont and the convention of Northern men which is to meet here next Wednesday, as follows: "Dumont, of Charlotte, is a very practical man. He has been South a number of years on experiment and has neither, been scalped nor snubbed, but has found the -limate and people most genial, and none of his people bom iiere have een born witli horns nn their heads. He now desires to call a convention, of Northern men who are fellow explorers i i x a. a. g- i i-i. j ii me same cause, to meet at naoutie, the 15th instant, to testify of the things they have seen to their brethren at home." H tab bed to Death. The Air-Line passenger train which came in yesterday morning brought the corpse of Bill Carson, colored, one of .the hands' employed on a material train of the road. He was killed dav before yesterday by one of, his fellow-laborers, also a negro, while the train was stand ing at Toccoa. The difficulty which ter minated so tragically, only lasted a few minutes. One or thej)ther of the par ties came into the car just after the hands had gotten uu to eo to work, and tailed to shut the door behind him. His companion called attention to the fact, and a controversy soran ud between litem. They only struck a few blows. Aviien tne other combatant, whose name could not be ascertained, nluncred a knife into the neck of Carson, the blade taking a downward direction and pene trating the yitals. He died almost in stantly. The slayer was arrested and confined by the authorities at Toccoa. Carson's body will be taken this morn ing to statesville, where he once lived. Citizens of "Smithville" were disturb ed and alarmed by cries of "murder," "lire" and all manner of unearthly sounds night before last, for the origin of which nobody could account. It was all brought out in the mayor's court yesterday morning. A drunken crowd of negroes coming home from a frolic, got into a row, the parties to which were Henry Fullenwider, Jim Brown, Burt Wilson and a woman, whose sur name is Brown. As the result of the investigation by the mayor, Fullen wider and Brown were committed to jail under the charge of an assault with a deadly weapon, and Wilson and (the woman were each fined. None of the combatants were seriously hurt the. more's the pity. Failure of Smith Sc Forbett. An associated press telegram in an other column announces the failure of the firm of Smith & Forbes, Boston and Charlotte. The house in this city has Leen closed by legal process, but this has created but little stir in business circles here, as nearly, if not entirely all the creditors are at the North. A deed of trust has been filed in the office of the register of deeds conveying all the pro lerty of the firm in this city to J. M. B. Reynolds. of Massachusetts. The assets are put down in the telegram at $10,000. This is a great mistake. The most re liable information we can get is that the firm has three or four times that amount of goods in this city, though in the pres ent state of the litigation it is difficult to get any accurate information con cerning its affairs. Lunibcrion K.. of H. Installation and Speaking-. Col. Chas. R. Jones returned last evening from Luinbertou whither he went, as district deputy dictator of the Knights of Honor, to install the officers of Lumberton Lodge, No. 1114, K. of H. and to deliver an address on the occa sion. In the court house Thursday at 2 o'clock he delivered a public address up on the character, objects and aims of the order, in the presence of quite a number of people, and subsequently conducted the installation of theotlicers in the same public manner. He was most favorably impressed with the hos pitality and courtesy of Lumberton and is glad to have had an opportunity of mingling with them and forming many pleasant acquaintances. "Concord's Excitement." Among the attractions which North Carolina possesses, and which until re cently have not been fully recognized among a certain class of Northern news paper miscreants, is her admirable adaptation as a State to locate lies in ; that is, occurrences, generally of a char acter to scandalize and injure a com munity, which have no existence, in fact, or if there is the slightest founda tion, so distorted as scarcely to be re cognized by those conversant with the facts. These stories are generally told in the police gazettes and are profusely illustrated. It is absurd to attempt to correct them all, but at the same time there are some which cannot be passed by unnoticed. Among these is a story which appears in a late issue of the Police Gazette, of three "respectable young ladies," of Concord whose names it pretends to give, eloping with three negro men, the brothers Townsend who it says had a store in-frlie town. This is said to have occurred on the night of the 28th of December, and it further tells that they all went to Washington city. (This last fact was probably put in to give tlie color of truth to the story as Washington is the place that would mostly be sought by such a crowd). Kaiiroad Notes. There is to be an important meeting of the Southern and South-western Rail road and Steamship Association (the pool) in Atlanta, next Monday, at which the representatives of through lines run ning into Charlotte will be present The object of the meeting is not known. We can t look for thebegmning ot the work on the union depot till spring. llie railroad boys m the city will thus be allowed an opportunity of standing around during the summer evenings and superintending the work. t ive cars ot a lreight train on the Richmond and Danville Railroad were thrown from the track between China Grove and Concord by a broken rail. Comparatively little damage was done, as the train was moving slowly at the time, and no one was hurt. 1 he pas senger train was delayed by the acci dent and missed one of its connections here. It is a subject of congratulation among railroad men that they have passed through the cold weather with only one accident, from a broken rail. This is a danger greatly dreaded and one which is usually attended with se rious results. The Kemalm of Congressman Hart- ridge Paimed Through. The remains of Hon. Julian Hart- ridge, member of Congress from the first district of Georgia, Who died in Washington City Wednesday morning, passed through this city yesterday via the Richmond and Danville and Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta railroads, en route to the late home ot the deceased, at Savannah, Ga. The remains were accompanied by the congressional com mittee appointed to escort them to Georgia, to-wit: Messrs. Gordon, of Georgia, Booth, or California, and Beck, of Ky., of the Senate, and Repre3enti tives Cook, or lia., Jb rye, or jviaine, ua bell, of Virginia, Stone, of Iowa, David son, of Florida, Hanna, of Indiana, and others, making the party number eigh teen in alU Mr, cox, ot jn ew l oik. or the House Committee, was unavoidably detained in Washington. The remains were doubtless met last evening at Co lumbia bv Mrs. Hartridge. She had started to Washington via the Coast Line upon learning of her husband's dangerous illness, and was intercepted as she passed tnrougn vvnmington Wednesday by telegrams announcing his death. The remains were transferred from one train to the other upon arrival here, and passed on through without delay. ' Capture of Two Thieves in Lincoln ton. -" For several months past numerous robberies on a small scale have been perpetrated in Lincolnton, not only to the loss but to the great annoyance of the citizens. The last was the theft, last Tuesday or Wednesday night, of some ten bushels of peas from Mr. J. C. Cobb, and it was by these peas that the thieves came to grief. They were found in the house of a negro named Anderson Phifer. and it was subsequently ascer tained, with a considerable degree of cer tainty, that it was he, aided and abetted by two Charlotte negroes, Henry John ston and Calvin Man well alias Gibson alias Greenlee, who had been operating so extensively in the community. The three men were associated as well-dig- gens ana an uiaue uirii uuuic ai x unci o house, in which were found, upon search, numerous articles of jewelry, etc., all of which had evidently been stolen, and among other things a silver cake basket which, PhilVis wife said, had been brought from Charlotte y Johnston and Man well. Johnston and Phifer were arrested Thursday, were tried before a magis trate and jn default ot bail were com mitted. Manwell escaped, though fired iirwvn rr Vi a nfflioi onT liha nrT". 1 toon I4vvii J ViUWii tfU, Utah? vv wvvii captured. The following description of him comes from Lincolnton: lie is" a dark mulatto, 25 or 30 years old, 6 feet high, weighs about: 160 lbs., has no beard on his face, wears check pants and stammers a little when first spoKen. to, The following postal changes have re cently been made in North Carolina: iifc addition to those already noted? ' : Office established. Red Oak, Nash county. Discontinued. Hopewell postolfice, Mecklenburg county. Service between Franklin, N. C, and Walhalla, S. G, has been increased to six times per week, greatly advancing mails for Clay, Cherokee, Graham, Jack son and Macon counties. Relief Committee. The special committee of the board of county commissioners to provide for urgent cases of suffering among the poor will meet at the office of the regis ter of deeus this morning. It would be well for persons who know of any fami ly specially needing assistancs to make application to the committee, either by letter or in person, stating fully the cir cumstances of those for whom assist ance is asked. The committee are of course compiled to enquire into all the facts to prevent imposition. It is composed of T. L. Yail, R. M. White and Win. Maxwell. A Voice from the County Jail. Clark Hall, the same old Clarkey, lias addressed a letter to the editor, appar ently quite a witty and sarcastic letter, from the portion of it that can be de ciphered. The sarcasm consists in his begging that his compliments be pre sented to his honor the mayor and to the city marshal, and that they be inform ed that he is greatly pleased with the dull monotony of prison life, falsely so called, which he occasionally varies by drinking the best of whiskey and smok ing the finest cigars - at the expense of the county. He refers in touching terms to the fact that he has,during his J ears of debauchery, contributed the andsome sum of $1,849.50 (in fines) to maintain the city officers, at whose hands he, poor Clark Hall, has never received other than the roughest treat ment. He closes by saying that it would not go so hard with him if it weren't for that the fact that the mayor and the marshal disliked so much to take $5 or $10 from him because he simply takes one or two drinks of good old brandy. Verily, there is but one Clark Hall. He is the Rip Van Winkle of Charlotte, and will long be remembered as such. A BREAK FOR THE PRAIRIE. Hostile Cheyennes Escape from Prison and Kill Two Guards Forty of the Savages Slain. Fort Robinson, Neb., January 10. The hostile Cheyennes imprisoned here since October, having been informed by the commanding officer that they were to be taken back to their agency in In dian Territory, became very sullen and expressed a determination to die before consenting to such a movement. A strong guard was placed over the prison room last night. When nearly every one was in bed the savages jumped from the windows of the room and made for the prairie, which is coated with frozen snow, firing on the guard with revolvers which they had conceal ed since their capture, wounding four, one of whom died, and another of whom will not survive the day. The main guard rushed out, opened fire, and shot and killed over forty. A hundred and sixty cavalry, mounted and dismount ed, are pursuing the fleeing savages. Terrific Snow Storm in Ohio and Ken tucky. Cincinnati. Jan. in. A lieiiw snow storm visited southern Ohio yesteichiv, extending as far south in Kentucky as mciiinonu, delaying the trains on all roads in that recrion and in some in stances stopping them entirely. At Mavsville the snow was sixteen "inchps deep, in places drifting to a depth of n e xeei. it was me Heaviest storm tor wentv vears. The farmers are annre- hensive of loss of stock. At. T ronton Ohio, no trains have been able to leave tne city anu tne mills have been obliged to stop because of a lack of coal. The ice in the river remains firm. Fire In Cincinnati. Cincinnati, January 10. A fire is in progress on Main street below Fourth. P. Wilson & Son's' extensive carriage trimming and saddlerv establishment has been entirely destroyed : also Weeks' unoccupied building adjoining. The loss on the former is $40,000, al most entirely covered by insurance; on the latter, estimated at $40,000. Wayne & Son's stock of cutlery, next above, was badly damaged by" water. The thermometer is at zero and there is freat difficulty in handling the hose, t is thought the fire is under control. Assault aud Outrage in Illinois. Cincinnati, Jton. 10. An Illinois dis patch says Tuesday night three men named McLarland, Patterson and Mahony entered the house of an old man named Nevil, near Pecatone. dragged him to a tree, tied him and then pounded him until he was stunned and bleeding. They then assaulted and outraged Mrs. Nevil, aged 70, and her daughter, aged 20. They were all arrested. English Victories Over the Ameer. London, January 10. The Viceroy of India telegraphs confirming the news of Gen. Roberts' victory over the hostile tribes, but says that owing to rumors of a threatened attack by the Mongols, Gen. Roberts intends to return to Koo rum, concentrating his forces, which are now much scattered. Friendly let ters have . been received from several prominent men of Cabul. The general feeling in Cabul is very strong against the Ameer and Russia. Fatal Railroad Accident Ice Checking Railroad Business. Little Rock. Jan. 10. A passenger train on the Iron Mountain Railroad, bound South, was ditched near Kensett last night. Baggage Master Crawford was killed, Expressman Brown mortal ly injured and several wounded. All through trains on the Memphis Railroad have been stopped in conse quence of ice in the river at Memphis. Coroner's Verdict Against an Editor. Cincinnati, January 10. The inquest of the coroner's jury over the body of James H. Rogers, of Bloomington, In diana, who died from wounds received on new year's evening, returned a ver dict of 'murdered by Henry Felters, proprietor of the Bloomington Courier, and Julian Wentworth, his employe." The parties were all drunk at the time the deed was committed. Sparks from the Wires. . Madame Auderson, the Brooklyn tiedestrienne, has but three days more o walk. She is in good condition. The work of hatching codfish pro gresses favorably at the headquarters of the Massachusetts fish commission. About a million young cod fish were put into the ocean, last week. The investigation at New Orleans was continued yesterday, the testimony- re ferring to the outrage upon blacks, with statements of . violent; interruptions of Republican; speakers at meeting char acterized hf forced divisions of time, " 7J COMESS: THE TAIL WAGGING THE DOG. More Committee than Congressional r Proceedmgg-r-The -Houses' Doings Uninteresting The Ciphers to j be Investigated Sugar, To bacco, Territories, Ships ' and the 'Mississippi Be fore the Com - ; - .. mittees. Washington, Jan. 10. Senate. Messrs. Conkling and Keman, of New York, presented a resolution of the Net York State Senate, remonstrating against the passage of the bill to re-organize the army or at least that portion of it prohibiting the manufacture of arms at the United States arsenals. Laid on the table, the bill having been reported to the Senate. Mr. Anthony submitted a resolution directing the committee on naval af fairs to inquire into the expediency of providing by law that the selection of chiefs of the bureaus of steam engineer ing, provisions and clothing and medi cine and surgery at the Navy Depart ment be made from officers not be low the rank of captain. Agreed to. The Senate passed the Indian appro priation bill. House. The House was in commit tee of the whole on the private calendar. There was an animated debate on the William and Mary College bill, which was finally rejected. committee proceedings. The Potter committee to-day adopted the resolution offered by McMahon pro viding for an investigation of the cipher telegrams and embodying the request that the House grant an addi tional appropriation to defray the ex penses. The hearing of the sugar representa tives was resumed before the committee of ways and means this morning. Have meyer, of New York, argued that the duty on sugar should be collected on the ad valorem principle, and that no dis crimination should be made against any class of citizens. Legislation should encourage labor and capital to afford the people sugar at the lowest price. The consumer would be best protected by a tariff which approxi mates to free trade and leaves undis turbed the relative value of sugar, as when purchased at the places of pro duction. He opposed one rate duty as it would annihilate the refining inter ests. The allegations of fraud against the refiners, circulated by those in favor, of one rate of duty, have been disprov-' ed. Win. T. Booth, of New York, com menced his remarks by declaring his belief that the sugar refiner should be protected. He then spoke of the polar iscope, saying its value depends on the accuracy of the reports of the samplers, and that the sugars are not sold owing to the results of the polariscope, but on the basis of color. At the meeting of the Senate com mittee on territories this morning, the recommendations of the sub-committee who have been investigating the question of the advisability of provid ing a territorial form of government for the Indian Territory or otherwise opening it to general settlement, were laid before the committee, but it was decided that before taking ,any action on the subject a hearing shall be given by the full committee next week to the representatives of the various Indian nations affected. The House committee of commerce this morning considered the bill which proposes to authorize the purchase and registry ot loreign built ships by citi zens of the United States, and made an order to continue its consideration by the full committee on Friday, 17th, at which time an opportunity will be af forded the friends and opponents of the measiure to be heard. Capt. Cowden was also briefly heard to-day in favor of his proposed plan for the improvement of the Mississippi river. The Senate committee on finance to day heard Gen. Raum, commissioner of internal revenue, in opposition to the pending House bill for the reduction of the tobacco tax. He asserted that the enactment of the bill would.be the cause of an annual loss to the revenues of not less than nine million dollars in the receipts from the taxation of tobac co, and ot at least two millions in the revenue from cigars. He argued that the proposed reduction would not bene fit the consumer of tobacco, it being re tailed in very small parcels, the cost of one of which to the manufacturer would be reduced thereby only to the extent of a certain fraction of one cent, and the consumer would be charged the same price as now so far as the rate of 4 41 A. uia uxes 1L. Senator Withers, who was present to look after the interests of the Virginia tobacco producers&uggested-that this fractional difficulty ''might be obviated by increasing the size of the plug." Laughter. Raum resuming stated that in order to yield as much revenue under the reduced tax as the govern ment obtains now, the annual consump tion of tobacco would have to be in creased from the present amount of 105,000,000 pounds to 160,000,000, which he does not consider at all probable to occur. The committee will consider the bill at another meeting to-morrow. personal. The condition of Representative Schleicher changed ' slightly for the worse during the night and he is exceed ingly low this morning. His physicians can offer but slight hope of his recov ery. - THE LEGISLATURE. Raleigh News' Report Condensed. SENATE. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 8, 1879. At 12 o'clock the Senate was called to order by the President, Lieut. Gov. Jar vis. In a few words he expressed to the body Jiis gratification at their as sembly, and stated his determination to conduct the business of the Senate, with their assistance, with dispatch and in harmony of action. The roll was then called, which show ed that the following Senators were in their seats; Messrs. Alexander, Alston, Austin, Bfower, Bryan of Duplin, Bryan of Pender, Byn urn, Caldwell, Dancy, David son, Djllard, Dortch, Eaves, Eppes, Er win, EVerett, Graham of Lincoln, Har riss, Hlenderson, Hoyle, King, Leach, Lyon, Matheson, McEarchairn, Merritt, Moye, 'Nicholson, Ormand, Redwine, Robinson, Respass, Scales, jjhackleford, Snow, Stewart, Taylor, Waddell, Waldo, Ward, Williamson. 1 The Senators, as their districts were called, came forward and were sworn in by Judge A. C. Avery. The election of officers was then held. The result has already teen given. No other business was transacted, and at 1 p. m, the Senate adjourned until to-morrow at 11 o'cloek: - HOUSE OFiBEPKESENTATIVES. At 12 o'clock Mr. John D, Cameron, clerk of the last House, called the House to order. - The roll of counties was then called, and as each was named the dele gates advanced hkI presented their cer tificates of election, Each was sworn br Justice C, B. Root. When Brunswick county was riiaehed a protest was pre sented as Mr. Meares stepped to the desk. It was stated that the question was in controversy in the courts, to be decided next week, each candidate hav ing a certificate. Meares was sworn, r The clerk announced that the follow ing members were present : Messrs."1 Amis, ' Anderson, Angiar, Ardrey, Armstrong, Atkinson, Barr r.nger, Battle, Bernard, Berry,1; Bing ham, Bird, Bizzell, Blaisdell, Blalock, Bost, Brown, of Mecklenburg, Bruee, Bryson, Buchali, Burroughs, Cale, Car ter, f Bun com be. Carter, of Warren, Carter, of Yancey, Carroll, Carson, Gary, Chad wick, Christmas, Click, Cobb, Cof field, Col well, CookerCifcncil. Covington, Davis, of Catawba. Davis, of Haywood, Davis, of Madison, Deans, Dimsdale, Dixon, Dunn, Ellison, English, Eth eridge, Fen ell, Foard, Forbes, Fos ter, Gatling, Goldston, Grant,, Har rell, Harrison, Henderson, Hew ett, Horton, Huffstetler. Jones, John son, of Davie, Lamb, Leach, Leather wood, Lewis, Lindsay, Lockhart, Low rie, Meares, Mebane, Moore, Moring, McCorkle, McLean, Newell, Norment, Oliver, Orchard, Osborne, Paxton, Pow ers, Rawley, Reid, of Macon, lieid, of McDowell, Reynolds, Richardson, of Columbus, Richardson, of Wake, Rilch ey, Scott, Smith, Taylor, Turner, Vaugh an, Venable, Waddell, Wheeler, White, Wimberly, Woodhouse, Wynne, York, Young. 104. Nominations for the position of speaker were then announced as being next in order. Mr. Cooke, of Franklin, nominated John M. Moring, of Chatham. Mr. Scott, of New Hanover, nomina ted R. M. Norment, of Robeson. The roll was then called, when: it was found that Mr. Moring had received 68 votes and Mr. Norment 27. Mr. Moring said: " Gentlemen of the House of Representatives I extend to you my heartfelt thanks for the compli ment you have paid me in calling me to E reside over the deliberations of your ody. In return for the confidence you have placed in me, I promise you that whatever of ability or experience I pos sess shall be expended in the impartial discharge of the duties devolving upon me. Gentlemen, with your assistance, which 1 reasonably may expect, I in dulge the hope that the public business which we have assembled to transact may be harmoniously and speedily dis posed of." He then declared the House ready for business. On motion of Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, the House, at 1 :15 p. m.. adjournesd until 10 o'clock to-morrow. Fire on Shipboard. Boston, Jan. 10. A special dispatch from Galveston states that a fire broke out this morning on board the bark Charles W. Cochrane, of Boston, Capt. Given, which was loading at that port, for Havre, and had on board 3,000 bales of cotton. The steamers were pump ing water into her to extinguish the fire. New Trans-Atlantic Cables. London, January 10. A telegram from Paris, published in London to-day, states that a new French cable com pany has been constituted. Its pros pectus was issued yesterday. The com pany propose to lay two cables, orte from Brent to Cape Cod, and the other from Lands End to Nova Scotia, both by the way of St. Pierre. Failure of a Boston and Charlotte House Boston, Jan. 10. Smith & Forbes, boots and shoes, of Charlotte, N. C, and Boston, have made an assignment. Nothing definite is known in regard to the condition of the firm, but the re ported liabilities are $125,000 or $150,000. The assets are nominally $10,000. Most of the indebtedness is to houses in Bos ton and vicinity. Ease Attainable by tbe Rheumatic. Yes, although they may despair of relief, it Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries off, by means ot increased, activity of the kidneys Important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent Is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and ii certain means of relief In dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous aliments. It is, perhaps, the Hneft tonic extant, and Is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it . TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPOTS. JANUABT 10, 1877 PRODUCE. Cincinnati Flour strong and higher; family 4.35a5.25. Wheat dull; red and white 90a98. Corn tending upward at 32a33i. Oats 25a7. Pork held at 8 25a50, Lard in good demand; steaji 5.t2J2fi70. Bulk meats strong and higher shoulders 2.7 5a0, clear ribs 3.80ay5, clear sides 4.00; bacon quiet but firm : shoulders 38, clear ribs 4Ss, clear sides 4 Whiskey In good demand at 1.03. Butter firm and unchanged; prime to choice Central Ohio lHal7. Sugar firmer; hards yialO, A white 8ai), New Orleans 7. Hogs active, firm and higher; packing 2.90a3.10. Baltimore Oats firmer and active; Southern 28a33, Western white 31a32. do mixed 28i&a30, Pennsylvania 28aa33. Hay dull and steady; prime Pennsylvania and Maryland lOall. Provisions a shade firmer and quiet; mess pork, old 7.75, new 8-50; bulk meats loose shoulders,new 24. clear rib sides, new 3?$a4. per pear load, packed, new 3l2a4i; bacon shoulders, old 3aty. clear sides, new 5, hams, sugar-cured. 9ai,2. Lard'-refined tierces 6 Butter In good inquiry; choice West ern packed 16al8, rolls 15al6. Coffee quiet and nominal; Bio cargoes lltfcaltj. Whiskey firm at 1.0912110. Sugar firm and steady; A soft 8Haa9. New York tlour steady; No. 2, 2.30a3.00, superfine Western and State 3.20a3.50. common to good extra Western and State 3.H0a 4.00, good to choice do 4.05a50; Southern flour unchanged and quiet; common to fair extra 3.85a4.65; good to choice do 4.75atf.25. Wheat opened afyk bet ter and closed qntet and scarcely so firm; angraded spring 85a98 No. 3 spring 8SV2a90.' Corn a shade firmer; ungraded 46a47V2. No. 3, i4438a Oats firm and quiet; No. 2, 31 Coffee dull and unchanged; in cargoes 1 11M1B1&, in joblots lli&a nVi. Sugar quiet and unchanged; Cuban 6ta8, fair to good refining B&atfj' prime 7; refined moderately active; standard A 8ga. granulated 8&j, powdered 9VsaiA, crushed do. Molasses dull and entirely nominal; New Orleans 25a38, Porto Rico25a35. Rice fairly active and firm. Pork mess on spot 7.50a75. Lard prime steam on spot ti.0oal2fe. Whiskey firmer. Freights dull. COTTON. ' ! Norfolk Steady; middling 87rc; net receipts 1,154; gross ; stock 27,966; exports Coastwise ; salt : ; exports to ureal untain . Weekly net receipts 1 1 ,563; gross ; sales 3.430; exports coastwise 5,400; to Great Britain 7,860; to France . j , Baltimore Dull; middling Qc; low middling 8c; good ordinary 81,2c; net receipts 3D0; gross ; sales 200; stock 1 1,217; exports coastwise ; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent . Weekly net rec'ts 1.047;gross2 884;salfes 1,050; spinners 500: exports to Gr"t Britain 4,849; coast wise 200; to Continent ; to France . Boston yuicts middling 9.; low hilddling 9o; good ordinary 8Vfcc; net receipts- 203; gross ; sales ; stock 2,700; exports to Great Brit aio . Weekly net receipts 2,365; gross 6,408; sales exports to Great Britain 1,267. Wilmington Dull; middlings 8a; tow mid dling 8tec; good ordinary net receipts 132; gross ; sales ; stock 7,828; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; toCon nent ; to channel . Weekly net receipts 1,599; gross do; Sales ; exports coastwise 4; to Great Britain ; to Continent ; to France ; spinners ; to channel ; shipments . j Philadelphia Quiet; middling 9lc; low middling 9Vkc; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 325; gross 1,025; sales ; spinners 4-; stock ; exports to Great Britain . j Weekly net receipts 958; gross ;; sales 2,558; spinners 2,370; exports to Grt Britain 803; stock 9,184. J Augusta Steady; middling 81sc.; low mid dling 8c; good ordinary 7t4c; receipts 856; shipments ; sales 981 ; stock . ; Weekly net receipts 3.353; shipment 6,297; sales 3,911; spinners ; stock 22,869, j Charleston Oulet ; middling 8tijc.; low mid dling 9&s gootf ordinary 8c;net receipts 1, 516; gross; sales 1,000; stock 57,886; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; France ; Continent : to channel . j . - Weekly net receipts 10.223; gross ;: sales 9, 600; exports coastwise 2,590; to Continent 13,543; to Great Britain ; to France 6,199; jto chart' nel . i New York Quiet; sales 885: middling uplands 914c, middling Orleans map. : consolidated net re ceipts -, exports to Great Britain . , Weekly pet receipts 6.508; gross 28,068; exports to Great Britain 1,559; to Continent 450; to France 796; sales 4,907; stock 1 1 6,115. f ' ;Xrri!BPOOi Nooh Moderate toqulry. which was freely supplied. Middling uplands 5 5-1$ Orleans 5 9-16, low middling uplands good "ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands -.. sales 8.000, peculation and export 1,000, receipts: 31,000, ail American, Futures partially 1-32 better. Up lands low middling clause 1 January delivery h January and February do, February andMarch do. March and April 55-16, April and May 5 11-31 a HB, May and June , June and July 5 1&&2, July and August , New crop shipped December ptr sail 5 5-16. Sales for the week . . American Speculation Export Actual exports Imports. American. Stock American Afloat American U.O0O : 42,000 j 4.000 i' 5,000 ; 13,000 ! 70,000 ! 59.000 ; 407,000 1 285,000 245,000 199.000 FUTURES. Nsw York Futures closed steady. Sales 82, 000 bales. January. 9 -20a.22 February 9.43 March 9 .63 April fl .77a 78 May 9 .92a.93 June 10. 03a. 04 July 10.lla.13 August 10.21a.23 CITY COTTON MARKET. Office or thb Observer, t Chablottx, January 11. 1879. i The market yesterday closed quiet and unchang ed, as follows: Good middling 84 Middling. Strict low middling. . 7 Low middling. 7: Tinges 7: Lower grades 5al A FEW gentlemen can obtain day board, on rea sonable terms, by applying to the undersign ed, corner Tryon and Second streets. MRS. L. W. SANDERS. Jan. 11 3t. bbb n GOO B B II G G BBB n G B B n G GG BBB n GGG BBB II GGG B BUG G BBB II G B B II G GG BBB II GGG SA L A L E OF CI G A R O I G A R O AND TO B A C C f O B A C C U AT E BR Y ' O E R R Y ' O . NOW IS YOUR TIME. TpOR SALE ! THE NORTH CAROLINA GAZETTE, Published at Fayetteville, N. C, is offered for sale. It has a good supply of newspaper, adver tising and display type, press in fine order, ample printing material of all kinds, and, In short, every thing needed for the publication of a good seven column newspaper. THE GAZETTE- is the only paper published in Fayetteville a city of 5,000 inhabitants; it has long been the recogni zed organ of the Democratic party in the upper Cape Fear section; and it has a large subscription list and good advertising patronage. Circulation from 1,000 to 1 ,200. For terms, &c, address PROPRIETORS GAZETTE, Jan 1 2 3t Fayetteville, N. C. CALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSI? ALL) WELL HOUSfcl, CALDWELL HOUSH Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets. Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets. CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C, S. P. CALDWELL Proprietor. This house is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, $1.25; per week, $6.00; per month, $20.00; table board, $15.00 per month. janlO pROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES FOR THE POOR OF THE COUNTY. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Register of Deeds, in the city of Charlotte, until Friday, the 17th Inst., at 12 o'cloek M., tor tie fol lowing supplies (more or, less,) one-sixth of said supplies to be delivered to the overseer of the poor in the ciy on the first Monday in each and every month, for the next six months, to-wlt: 260 Bushels of Corn Meal, 26 Dounds of eood Coffee. 2,000 pounds of Clear Side Bacon, 65 pounds of whole Rice, 26 sacks Family Flour, 52 pounds of good Brown Sugar. 52 gaUons of fair Molasses, 2 sacks of L. P. Salt 4 1 1 Said articles must be sound and In good order. I The commissioners of the county reserve the right i to reject any ana an mas. By order of the board of county commissioners, . tins 8tn January, 1879. i WM. MAXWELL. Register and Clerk of the Board of County Com. JanlO s TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE. Salisbury, N. C. C S. Brown, Proprietor, i,Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. S. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelburn As islstant. dec 30 2 rtiflltt ms. QAROLLNA CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line being fully equipped for business, Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee tt Ohio, As well as points In Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information famished F.W.CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C sept30 PEGRAM ft CO., rttULKRS IS BOOT 8, SHOES AKD H H A TTTT H U , AA T HHH AA T MH AAA T H A A T 1st National Bank Building, Charlotte, N. C Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Ac, Is acknowledged to be the best In the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buying. PEGRAM & CO. dec! A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS 1 1 ! We will during the HOL1DAY8 dispose of 100 PIANOS and ORGANS, at EXTRAORDINARY LOW prices for cash, SPLENDID ORGANS 2 8-5 sets of reeds $65, 8 sets with Sub Bass and Coupler $80, 2 seta $50, 1 set $40, 1 set $85. 7 Octave all ROSEWOOD PIANOS $180, 7 18 do. $140, war ranted for six years. AGENTS WANTED. Illus trated catalogues mailed. Music at half price. HORACE WATERS & SONS, Manufrs and Deal- ere,40E.14thst,N. Y. - TMINENT DR. H. R. WALTON ANNAPOLIS, MD., WRITES: Colden's LIEBIG'S LIQUID EXTRACT of BEEF Is a most excellent preparation. It is par excel lence. Superior to Cod Liver Oil or anything I have ever used In washed or Impaired constitutions, and an excellent preventive of Malarial diseases. Sold by all druggists and grocers. o ILS SASSAFRAS AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought In any quanfty, for cash on delivery, free of brokerage, commissions, or storage expenses, by DODGE 4 OLCOTT,- Im porters and Exporters of DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, Ac. 88 William St New York. QEO. C. WARE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In PURE APPLE CIDER AND CIDER VINEGAR. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of - E. R. GONDII'S TABLE SAUCE. 287 to 295 W. Third St, CINCINNATI, 0, JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO. Awarded highest prize at Centennial Exposition for fine chewing Dualities and excellence and lasting character of sweetening and flavoring. The best Tobacco made. As our blue strip trade-mark is closely imitated on inferior goods, see that M Jack son's Best " Is on every plug. Sold by all dealers. Send for sample free, to C. A. Jackson A Co., Man ufacturers, Petersburg, Va, A DAY to Agents canvassing for the " Fim sidb Visitor." Terms and outfit free.- Ad- dress-P. o. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine; AGENTS WANTED For the best and fastest selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices re duced 33 per cent Address NAT. PCS. CO., Phila., Pa. . ;. : , C Chromo Cards, Ac, Cupids, Mottoes, Flowers, , Lf no two alike, with' name, 10c NASSAU CARD CO., Nassau, N, Y. on Mixed Cards. Snowflake, Damask, Ac ho two OU alike, with name, 10c. J, Mlnkler A Co.,, Nassau, N. Y. A A MIXED CARDS, with name 10c Agents' -U outfit 10c L. JONES A CO., Nassau, . Y. decSJ. N EW LIVERY STABLE. II you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Horses, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want your horses well fed and well groomed go to the New Livery Stable. Careful drivers, promptness and reasonable price are our motto. . L may28 R. CHAMBERS A CO. OTO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pure Liquors -yiLSON A BLRWELL, DRUGGISTS, Have Just received, Gelatine, Cornstarch, Sherry Wine, Flavoring Extracts, All of the best quality for retail trade declS JEWELLING HOUSE WANTED. A tret-class tenant who Is willing to pay a libera 1 ! rent wants a good dwelling house with 6 to 8 rooms ! Trade or Tryon street and as near as possible to j the public square, is preferred. i Apply to 8.WITTK0WSKY. I JanlO j gEWTNG MACHINES. 15 or 20 fine Sewing Machines on consignment will be sold cheaper than they can be bought else where In the State. Call early as they must be sold. MAXWELL A HARRISON, Auction A Commission Merchants, Charlotte, N. C. JanlO lw DISPATCH LDil 'E, . NORTH CAROLINA TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offere unequalled facilities for the Transportkm of : Charlotte, Statesville, Asheville, ButherferdtOB. on the Atlanta A Richmond Air-Line, and Western N. C Railroads, Alabama and MlSSlSSlppL t I competing Line, and Time as Quick., upon application to ' WM. A. MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C v i.TsMrra-i' Agent C. & Hallway, Charlotte. if