LOCAL ITELLIGE,CE. SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1879 ZcBAKUlITK POST OFFICE. . V J OFFICE &OUBS. ., : OPENS. CLOSES. Money Order Department, ; . ft.OO a. m. 6.00 p. m. Registry Department, ......9. 00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. Gan'l Dellvv AStamnTtentL.-K Of) A. Jtt. 6.00 D. m. " . . " ,.. " . 8.80p.m. :8.45p.m.! On Rnnila va Hi a AenATfil Ttallvetv and'Stamn Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 ! a. m. i OPENING AND CLOSING OF MAILS. i ,- OPENS. CLOSES. Danville ft Charlotte R.R., . 8.00 a.m. .00p. mJ !' ' " " 11.15 a. m. 6.00 p. m. Charlotte & Atlanta B. R., . 8.00 a. m. fl.00 p. m. " & Augusta R. R.,. 8;80 p. m. 10 00 a. m. Wllm'n ft Charlotte R. R.,. 8.30 p.m. 5.00 a.m. Charlotte & Shelby R. R... . 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a. m. & Statesvllle 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a, m.- Beattle's Ford, (noree" fnute,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m.. and Tuesdays at 8 00 a. m. l& Yorkvllle. horse route.) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. W. W. JENKINS; P. M. BAlLBOii) IlIKfcCi OBI. The following table shows the runnin ger trains to and from Charlotte, on i roads (Washington time): RICHMOND & DANVILLE. Arrives from Richmond and Goldshoro, Leaves for " " Arrives from Richmond, .. Leaves for ' of passen-; the rafl- 1.00 a. m.: 3.20 a. m. 10.50Ja. m.f O.OO p. m. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE AIR-LINK. Arrives from Atlanta, . . 8.20 ti m. Leaves for Atlanta, 1.05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, . 6 50 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta, ..... 10.50 a. m.; CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta,. . . ... ... 6.45 p. m.i Leaves for Augusta......... 11,00 a. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. ; Arrives from Wilmington Leaves for Wilmington Arrives from Shelby, Leaves for Shelby ; 7.29 p. m. 6.00 a. m.. 5.00 p. m.; 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE OHIO. A rrlves from Statesvllle, Leaves for Statesvllle.. . . .". ... 5.30 p. m. ' 7.00 a. m INDICATIONS. War Department, Officio Chief Signal Officer, Washington, Jan. 11, 7:30 p. M. For the South Atlantic States, falling barometer, increasing southeast -winds, warmer, cloudy and rainy weather. Local If o port for Yeserly. J I 7 A. M. 2P. MLP. M Barometer;.... .... Thermometer Relative Humidity, Wind Direction,.. " Velocity,. .,. . . Weather, ....... 80.466 29 78 E. 1 Mile. Cloudy. 30.296 301162 ; 39 55 N.E. 42 50 W. 8 Cloudy. tLt Rain Highest temperature 44 deg. lowest Index to New A4erieiiei4r " Pioneers, Attention, i J. J. Mott Notice. S. Wittkowsky Clothing. -- T H K C U D Bl' Hfcs TCI) A I. Young Men's Christian association Hall. Devotional exercises this afttfnoon at 445 o'clock. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Services In the moromg at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 o'clock by Rev. E. A. Wmgard, pastor. .: Sunday school In the afternoon 'at 3 o'clock. Baptist Church. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock Rev. H. H. Griffith and In the evening at 7:30 o'clock by Rev. Dr. Theo. Whittield, pastor. Sunday school In the morning at 9 o'clock. First Presbyterian Church. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening ar7 SOA by Rev. A. W. Miller. l. D., pastor. Sunday school in the afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 :30 o'clock by the pastor. Rev. E. H. Hauling Sunday school in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Associate Reformed Presbyterian Chapel Services in the morning at 11 o'clock by Rev. W. T. Waller, pastor, and In the evening at 7:30' o'clock by Rev. J. Y. Pressly. Sunday school, hi the morning at 10 o'clock. , , Calvary Mission Church. Services in the morn5-' ing at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at 7 0 o'clock by Rev. J. F. Butt, pastor. Sunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock and class-meeting in the af ternoon at 2Va o'clock. St. Peter's (Catholic) Church. Services In the morning at lOVi o'clock and catechism taught in the afternoon at 412 o'clock by Very Rev, L. P. O'Connell. Vespers in the afternoon" at 5 o'clock. Sunday scriboi in the morning at 9 o'clock.' Trton Street Methodist E.) ChuhcS. Ser vices in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 7:30 o'clock by , Rev. A. A.- Bos hamer. pastor. Sunday school In the evening at 3V8 o'clock. Prayer meeting every - Wednes' day evening at 7;30 o'elock. Strangers . cordially Invited. - ; Graham Street (Cplpred) Methodist (E.) Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7:30 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. L. B. Gibson. Sunday school in, the morning at 9 o'clock. Prayer meeting eveiy Wedhgsday evening at 8 o'clock. . . ."' 4 i aSO.TOE PENCUJNGS. It was an idle day with the courts, yesterday. Days getting right sharp longei. Length of to-day 9 hours 56 minutes. ! There ought to be some law regulating the positions of wood wagons on the streets. ' ' Again skaters went outto try Stuart's pond yesterday, but the ice couldn't stand the pressure. ' 4 To avoid answering so often the senatorial election occurs on the 21st, ji week from next Tuesday. Wild ducks from Newbern are fne vuf the attractions which our market affords. They are abundant and qheip. Enoch was translated Sfill yeafs ago to-day. flietcher five dollars yon never heard .of Enoch before. Betcher think Enoch was a Latin book. Now honest V Wvllttle girl dropped a bracelet out of . nie of the windows of the Central Ho ttel, yesterday, and it is advertised in an other column that a reward will be paid for it. Some of the maps of the city made by Mr. 0. M. Ward, by far the best we haye ever had, are advertised for sale by Mr. H. ('. AVilliams. lie has about a dozen left, which will be disposed of at very 1 'heap rates. ' ' .' It was reported at a late hour last niglit that a colored woman named Liz zie Coopman was seriously, if not fatal ly burned at her home on "the extreme end of Eighth street, by the npsettifig of a kerosene lamp; Too late, to give particulars. . n, . : .1 A little sensation yvM caused jester day by the report. that -an iron safe had been found in a tunnel in the.Rudisill mine. Ori investigation; it ;;was ascer tained that it was found in an old pow der house, a sliort distance from the main shaft It belonged to a :former owner of the mine and Was thrown aside its useless. , ..v:.t.- -i w ju. f-'t Delegates to the convention here next Wednesday from the line of tire States ville Railroad must reach the piJtyTCues day evening. Delegates, coming on the Kichmond & Danville, the North Caro lina, the Charlotte, Columbia '& Augus ta and the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Railwayswi'll pay fare to Charlotte and be returned free, on certilicate of X. Dumont. 3Ioney for llie Poor. Mayor Smith has now on hand -about $150, contributed by different citizens for the relief of the , poor. He is espe cially anxious tliatthereshouloVbesome sort of meeting to agree upon a plan for distributing it,H which shall insure its being put where it is- most needed. The meeting called at the Central Hotel yesterday was designed for this purpose, but there were so few persons present that they determined to adjourn to met t at the rooms of the Young Men!s Chris tian Association Monday .at 12 o'clock, -when it ii sincerely hoped that there will be a' full attendance. The sflm'.in the iiossession of the mayor would go far towards relieving the distress but he doesn't feel at liberty to distribute it on his own responsibility. 1 In. the meantime the i'of are Suffering for the very necessities which it could supply. ReUef Committee. j f The relief committee of the board of county commissioners met at the pffic of the register of deeds and paid but to applicants for aid the sum of $20. The committee turned, away several applicants, believing that their cases were not absolutelv urerent. " They will meet again next Tuesday at thes ame time and place. ' Meeting of Northern men. ' A meetingnof Northern settlers in Charlotte ',ind tecklriburg was held yesterday at Jthe-'offic pf M. N. Du mont, to make furtner 'artangements for -the general convention to be held at the opera house in this city on Wed, nesday next. A committee consisting of Messrs. J. Chambers, V. C. Morgarr, J. C. Callahan, J. W. Carr,s J, F. Smith, of Messrs. J. Chambers, W. C. MormTrAtlZ N.' Dumont; K. E. McDonald and J. & Chambers was appointed to meet the' delegates at the several trains as they, ! arrive nere ana escort tnem to tneir headquarters at the Metropolitan Hotel. The meeting1 adjourned to re-convene Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. . ma m t Thermometer Uecord. TChe following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations men . tioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening,- Waste1' ington mean time, as ascertained from; trie aauy ouneiin issuea irom me sig 'nal office in this city : Atlanta; Augusta. . . . Charleston. .. Charlotte . . . .46 .58 . ..5 .43 ..4 ..51 .78 .02 Jacksonville. . Key AV'est Mobile Montgomery . New Orleans. Punta Rassa. . Savannah .... St. Marks . .62 ..76 .,49 ...S3 X)oi sicana. . ...58 Galveston . . Havana Indianola. . . ..74 ..53 . .59 Bangs atid Chanfrau The Julius Csesar 'combination, tinder. the management of Mr. J no: T. FordJ with F. C. Bancrs as the star will appe; r in the opera house on the 5th of Febru-1 ary as "Marc,, Antony. This will be the leading dramatic event of the year. The com pany will pnly appear in one other splace in the State Wilmington, next Monday night Mrs. Chanfrau, who did, such superb acting in tins' city about a year agiy will . visit us qn the 11 th and l2tn or February. It " was she wlio in the emotional character of Miss Multon wrought her audience up to such a pitch that many? of them wept freely She will meet with a far more cordial reception than greeted her on her last appearance in Charlotte. A Little Oat of Tinif. Some iays ago 4 gentleman, of .this cityv-on goin.to his office -in th& 'morn ing, found on the desk a postal ca'rcf.ad- , rjfsed to his : wife. " It was a tidy inenaan a neignrxring town, wiw said she wovild be down in a feW da.linti Would be glao! to stop with her. There. was no vacant room in tne nouse, - -The citizen and his wife caucused ovet'thet matter, the lady went tb see ler motlier, and the result wasThal "Ihe gentleman replied to rttjQ) paet&L' card, stating the case frankly and adding that Mrsr (his mother-in-law) -would bemoreihan glad to entertain her. The next dtfthe lady in. the other, town wrote to the gentleman who had gotten the postal" card asking tor an explanation ot his strange letter and saying she hd. no idea of visiting Charlotte any time soon. The gentleman rummaged around and found the postal card again. lie looked at the foot. It certainly was the name. Then it was his turn to be mystified. He looked at the top and on the back ; it was dated last June, and the lady had paid her visit tq Charlottaand forgotten about it. ,. Old postal card lying around loose. m: these horrid men:.. ,H .,..,.- -T- rr - . Religions Notes. . . : 7 The Presbytery of Mecklenburg" ttfll meet in called session Wednesday, the 15th dnst, at $ p. m in the First Presby terian church, this city, to 'take into considatihjLadYj Tng. the time of holding the apjig ses snifeCTesbtetVP Or?Tf Rev. Mr. Ioty, the Canadian minis ter in vjted by the vestry of St,,lYtifer's church to make a visit. to Charlotte witlLa view to a call from that;Churph, is expected to arrive about the 19th" of Uie present month. Rev. Mr. JjOgaiii of Spartanburg, will conduct service in this church next Sunday. . ' ' ' . ; 3iX, F. L. Sleeper goes to Rock Hill to fill the pulpit recently vacated by the Rev. Dr. Mack. Rev. J. Y, Pressly, of LoursvfhV, Ky., who is visiting in the city, will preJtcJi in the Associate Reformed, chapel-tlite !evenmg. The pastor will conducfe the morning service, ' , ; , '' ,r . The meeting of the stwaHficof the churches composing the Charlotte dis trict conference convened jmit Monroe Friday. Their chif business is tb as sess the churches the proportion re spectively of the presiding elder's sal ary. --' Cotton Buers and Sellers. The war between the cotton buyers andsellers of Augusta in reference to the light of possession of cotton used as samples, already referred baa-been ended, the buyers being allowed to kfeep the samples. The following -terms of agreement 'will be Of interest to the trade in this city , - . j "All weighing must be done by dulv sworn weighers, , ' : , - 1 JN o reclamations snail De - made oy buyers for los$ in weight; Wnless . the ;ql tqn r&h&U Mv;e ' j)een '.weighed within three xtays succeeding the lay of pur chasei' weather permitting; Bunday and holidays excepted. .,, , . !. "ji " In weighing no account shall be kept of thdisCTeparrey in the weight of any bale.unless the same shall vary from the weight billed to the purchase 'fiacre than one pound ; and no . reclamation shall be madiipon the'" purchaser un less,af tea-, making allowances for gains, tiie losses shall aggregate a least ,one half uourid Up eac" bale ' fefglifi; ex cept in cases' of glaring -eroh; ; , " The seller may have the privilege of retaining in his pbssessfon, properly ticketed, all sale samples until the cot ton ah all' have been shinned. After shipment said samples shall berortle: the property or tne,pujcnei, ;!ln- .n--- ;Miss 7Ada WristOn is. vlsitih.' fiss Bouknight of Columbia. 1 ,:-.. -The"igbOF--t-yrrghres visiting thef tfriust PpwjtGeorgia has twtff air rttfresenfative 'v?hose ar-: rivals have been previously announced. There is talk of a charity ball sofoe time during the preseftt w eek', airwould' come in very ni,cely,,. .just, mpw when there;,M-:,ii; hand for the yOUhgi folks-, ' " vIhose who. dqn't .. skate Tjire looking fbrward to sleighing with peculiar plea- surei JThereJ te; peverai iiancrsome sleighs awaiting th hint snow. s - t The german fever, appears, to., have died but in a measure, "buf its devot-ees say it is ohiytempotaryi'andthat it-Will break out again in 'a tew -weeks. " 1 A wiseacre says that choir, mejra have brought about more. malnthonial alliances than any other gatherings.: In this reseot they rank next to mountain triis. ' nw:v ' ? ? KV A sorely felt want in the community is a hall suitable foF dancing, concerts and,1 gatherings ''Of sorts.;, Thei'evis not a placein town, adaptedi to thw pur pose that can be used at all times, " - The dramatic club will" meet, for re hearsal again &t the., opera house Monr day night ..Tlie room will be well heat: ed. It is hoped that no number .will ;be absent. 1 The manager, requests ' ui: to say that a few visitors will be welcome provided they do hot go sbeUiud.the scenes. ' " -' " '- - Sugrar er ; Referring to the loianaiioR f f Aclass in! 'agricultural ch'eahiaErvTJniSuirar XDfeek ; townsliip, the Raleigh Farmer and MecJianic sajs : ft , "The Sugar Creek neighborhood in Mecklenburg county, is full of historic? associations and traditions. It was there that John McKnitt and AdanR H Alexander first settled : it " was there that Maji'Josepli Gahanrwas ciitdowfkkf81!8 j??jiatoJarttebon uy rarieton s cavalry, and there you may nnd to-day the scions of the jOld stock which made CoiTiwallis swiear that they were the d dest, double. d- dest, rebels he ever? got amougN' liut the Sugar Creekers or to-day are- " SIadmS , clao,fJpe,J)tfij jnlei,45fegaH ; on wow tM'4maiMwmn&iBinf?saBtpi win the 23rd. Dr. Davis is a very energetic mv&i is ovowiflbivi alirloi his work, and meets his appointments in all sorts; ,Tie, ISuOikiJI Mine' -tw-i mu msMtt&iif eletllanks the awaieus xi Mi -ftuisiBf? aine? w-as rakeii'iEiriy.'Sudi sill gold mine vfh'fch'J' as "everybody knows, j i9.'WtUtedljlKtdUf-lthe south western outskirts of the Hit v. and fmtTrrl'! pda'atijig tbein-wigfi&'jaii4T shining-metal irom tnexiHte-'ore wtueil W n&W ibem s .sverallii'e'ctiQna, aepaOonmnift the : ooweis oi company ganized soma few months ago, and the new company seem determined tp push ftors'.lplft i-iiastfpnittna or so ianew iBUaifiiiiias the mihersittpe j, benefit q trie stamp mill. With aboafr-thirtitj hands employed, -at a cost of less than! twenty-five dollalr'erlrr."tfc6ariif-Jl ny are now finding about one hunaredii LpenriyweightS.otgQU4.y.aiiil thl largely increasea value W)se. POriBOW being raised gives promise of a much better yield. It is believed .that the sup ply of ;ore in the veins atfeauy exj&gred and there are some which have heyer been worked is inexhaustible. The re cords of-this mine sboW that'tfVer H'J . ,"l l ; .1.11 . 1 1 i i -I uiiiuon uoiiais nave ueen prouueeu, ana it is said., the .ore now keinwrked js as good as any ever brought to the siir-. face. : - ; "-AS-titlfls is one of the enterprises whickwe look upon with pride "as. an ally to Ihe prospei ity, of , Charlotte, weH look forward to its" success "witii leel ings of no common concern. Imporlani Order from be CoBumis ' klolier of Internal Kevcnue. ; "onTmfi'sibe'Flntrn'ai revenue Raum has issued- -an important circular to the epllectoiSt . Wluch has 4eev re ceived by "the officers in fliis district within thelast few daya--AfterTefer-ring.to tlJfact hat the government is frequently afrautled by the resiling of stamped boxes and the re-use of stamps, says: r' "It is believed that the provisions of the law in regard to the destruction of stamps upon cigar boxes are well un derstood hy dealers and manufacturers throughout tire country. In view of then jexCraofrdinary means heretofore employed by this office and local officers to inform" manufacturers of and dealers in .uigtuisx)f the requirements in this re spect, professed ignorance thereof byn mem can no longer oe received and en tertained in extenuation of these viola tions of the law. "The notorious re-use. of cigar stamps and stamped. boes ; imperatively de mands vigorous arid 1 prompt action to euforce tlie preeriljeu penalties. At tention is called to section 340(5 llevised Statutes of the United States. Also to the views of this office as to the proper construction of said section contained in a letter, a copy of which is inclosed. For the,purpose of discovering the vio lations1Sf fciw above referred to, and of effectually suppressing the same, you are directed to cause your deputies to visit every cigar manufacturer and, dealer who sells cigars at retail in their respective divisions, carefully examine, the premises and to destroy every emp tied cigar bot-upoli whfch a cigar stamp is found. In casesHwhefe it is believed that the person in' whose possession an empty stamped IfdX-isfoxind has wil fully neglected tth36y,the stamp, or who has bought of accepted the same from another person, or has sold or used an empty stamped box for packing cigars, cigarettes or cheroots, you will report the offender to the United States Attorney for prosecution. "You are instructed to see that this canvass is commenced in each division of your district promptly on the morn ing of the 6th of January, 1879, and con tinued daily, without intermission, un til every cigar factory, and the place of business of every retail dealer in cigars is visited and examined." In a letter in answer, tof.aut .iimuiry the commissioner says : "This office has carefully' ewMslrlered the inquiry made in vour JfitterjQlLthe 8lh inst,,,wfetfrrgyeflU;ljSa3 1 iHwiiuiy uesiioy an empxy cigar oox rn which a partially destroyed stamp is found, and is of the opinion thatnlie cannot do so ; provided the stamp is uxukdlated, erased or destroyed to such an extent that it would no longer be accepted as evidence of the payment of a tax on any cigars which might subse quently bei'imd in said box.:- ; - ' "But any person wh-wHfUrlfce3ects or ref useswuttefly destroy" " thStp on an emptied cigar box, whenever it is emptied, would be liable to the fine and imprisonment . rjrovidejd. .by section In accordance with this order Deputy Collector Young has been engaged the past tejta-daya in1 fiTcrrig' the ' exa;nifta tiomi$$ w$V- pliftile tMfii until he, hafgoneite rounds. ..jVr ' niMAPHIC MARKET REPuSft i 0 JANUARY 11, 1877 PRODUCE. - tOracairrt-Lftw-strfirje-arid-' MglieT; family 4.40a5.25. Wheat heavy; red and white 90a98.i Corn in good demand at 82Y2a33. Oats 25a7. Pork held at 8.50, Lard In good demand; steaui 5.67V2a75. Bulk meats shoulders 2.80a90, clear; ribs 3.87V2. clear sides 4I4; bacon shoulders 3iA,i clear ribs 4Vb, clear sides 4 Whiskey in good demand at 1.08. Butter firm and unchanged; prime to choice Central Ohio lHal7. Sugar steady and unchanged, hards yjiilOj-A white 8a9, New Orleans 7. Hogs lh' gooa demand, packing 2.95 3.15. Baltimore Oats dull and easier; Southern 28a32, Western white 80a31, do mixed 28a30, Pennsyvanl28aaa2.i Hay ami arid steady: prone : Pennsylvania and Maryland lOal I. Provisions a ; shade firmer and quiet; mess pork, old 8.00.' flew y.00: bulk meats luoseshoulders,new 2a3, clear rib sides, new 4. per pear load,packeLHtv 3Ma4l2i bacon shoulders, old 8. clear sMs, new 5, hams, sugar-cured. 9a. Lard refined jerce8rito.n Butte in good, tntjulryr ohoice W4st rn paekei IBaAti, rolls 15altt- Ootfe- Qulat an nojnalBab Bie.rgoesdiAaWWj WMskartoBal XiQyiQ. jjSugap-flEm aodfteadys At soft 8ia9.s le Western and State U20aa 50, commoa t . extra western ana araj we chblce- do 405&5$'SoHl$6U ouiet: common-"to fair extraJ "3.85a4.65; gooff-to ' m tm . 1TT1 A. . ' ..T K'ni choice do 4.75arl.25, Wheat opened Wal bet- ten unaiadea' spring-8TOa99,ffio: 8BgHnl 00 rorn a shade firmer: un WO. o, 4-w4. vttw uiin aiiu tjuicb, a ,J A u; m cargoes j isaiovs, Ii .-ana .steady; 6a, prime 7; refined moderately active; standard A Ha-, granulated 8, powdered tfiai4, crusnea ao. mo lasses dull and unchanged; New Orleans 25a38, Porto Rico 25a3&!'Buriitaay.S Pork mess on spot 7.50. Lard -prime steam on 8P0t 8.05al2. Whiskey. firmer. ,.2 Fralgbts.arra.uv i f. COTTON.'" 0. emb - receipts Nobfoiji Quiet; middling 9c.; net motner -earth. iu wiirbe re- mmeicjd .by, tire' reMers 'of'TiiK Ob sidrvfen that the company was re-or- I : sales 175: exDorta to Ureat Rritain 1 B altimoks Quiet ; middling 9tac:lowm iddlfn ordinarrlc: net receipts ;grtwx SHWK llWi; eXDOttB coastwise 1St&tiGS& Britain -; totSontlnentr : Bohtujn (juiet; middling fn . .uv. nM,n. OIL.. . 0; low middling i 766; spinners ; ex- Phiuld !t:Biklllnar min 1m mmai Oltflnarv K3e: nnt nlng 4' .t?ai?8H??r 144; stocfci 9,OH7;TBtport8 DOd ordinary T3faC.: .rfinta 5RA. .MiSF000!? 60,127; exports New Yori Quiet; sales 809: mlddng:' hnlands 1M4c.rmlddfflOrlean8 Wfec.: owsoUdatodset re ceipts 13,778, exports to Great" Britain 1,359. to Continent 8,54; to France WO; to channel -. LiVERiwiKwModerate inquiry, which W&s freely suppUe4a Mid(filng uplands 5 5-16,Orlean ir?1111 -11 P1 ordinary I specalaflpuand xpori 1.000 receipts lsilOO. f-vn AttetWtureparUaW5 1 better uuiim unHiatHicuMi8e?dntnry delivery 59-32, January and February , February and March Marcn ana April 5 ll-32a4fe, 'April and Mai 5 13- o, may ana June O I-1B, June anfl Uiy bib, July and August -. Nero shipped January and February tePMK.- ' K.ia-iMA: t FUTURES. IfdHiEufartia'finC-sale 68,- IctS WSlft &wnt ?'b : .i Ihfl n iwi 1'! ' Jarfliary........... 9.3 February .T-gi4 9.52a.5 aiarcii 9.71a.ia 9.87a8 10.08 10.13a.14 10.22&24 10.32a.34 I J.tv H. i -Jo April. May... Jutuia.. Jul a... AlipSfe. ja...u. K H H v- V H r. tf"M' -IT" 1 r.rv, 1S 33 a a u a 1 unn ft it U i OfFtfjS iW TBI )bskbtxb,. 1 a QMBuno, January 12. t879. 1 The market yesterday closed Steady and unchang ed, as follows: Good middling "PS -in R1 IONEEBS, ATTENTION ! adlourned TUESDAY aHiKF. The BOLL WILL BE REVISED and other, 1 ATAU IllOl.l Ortl JUUI UCUl CHl U UU. lenot Wet at 4Mb- tltin. iinlftMA mfficfint: st)iaaeted,-wnibe!5Scken Mm therolL very mempe.i;is, earnewefluegted to he present. ELAM. W. B. Kmn. Presidexti Janl2 It 11 iw.i'wT ': 1-1 , . , V.' VfOTICE, SALE OF. FORFEITED PROPERTY. (iifLJi';)lW HO-U-&T Irs- United States Internal Keren lie, Collector's Offioa. U ColIeetlon District, N. C. Bfatestme, Jan. 12th, 4829, The property described in this advertisement, having become teeieAXhe United States, will be sold at publIcauction,Ty Maxwell ft Harrison, auctioneers, In Charlotte, on Tuesday, January 21, 1879, at 11 o'clock a. m., to wltrw n lKt I 2 Mules, 1 Wagon and Spirits, owner unknown. Harness, and 3 Barrels' J. J. MOTT, ! r-i : .-i CoUetor. ':t J. G. Deputy. Jan. 12 It LOBT-11tmonetfTrtriaW8 0f the Onntral Hotel , a child's gold bracelet The finder w$n -be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the office of the Hotel, jan 12 It OOO o o o O o OOO OO O O O O O O OO TTTT'B? Bt rf NN N NS N if N N N NN K KN GOO o a o o 00 GGf L L L LLLL T T T T H H ff HHH ii h fin h h n c o o H H N N G! Gt H H G! GREAT REDUCTION. w 4 'During this week I offer ' my whofe stock of Cloth ing at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 400 Pairs Pants at 50c on the Dollar. i H 1 ! '-IT'. Is THEiEATEX; . WOSDER OVsTjBE AGE. UNLAUNDBrED D ,-KiUtrt1'Kl H ti-Xi '4 WW H H II R R T 1 , -AT- nun' via :- l.'J!lJ. 1 YMFTY CENTO' j i, d i A iFTY iCENTi , bflii - "Hit, fJbll ( ml:V -to GENTS F URNISHINO soodO : 1- 8HIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, HANDKER- CHIEFS, 0 ! i.f ;i ij - t i 'K' BBB ' R B EEK'-LK '.a aw nrft iw w o o w w w w TJ T T. ' nn tiWW WW . l ,l BBB- Rjti .... .? jfllJ;iu-'fi COST, !fcntonwj,nf ATA.VWITTEOW8KT8. f-'- J r'' - vrtiU Un: tol stbh! VA?,i wste ... --Tsbi" i-'.'-- -: mutiOaol jtsmtiU ws? SHb ro -n iJHAS Jt. OAaaCbae 'iriA.il J " .1 , team' awi aw 15 or 20 fine Sewing Machines on consignment, whl rfeln.iaearthin they cah W bought else-wbere-inAha States Call early . they must .be' soUU & fcuT&iiSAXWELL ft HARRISON, Auction & Commission Merchants, Charlotte, N. C JanlO lw hWiFMV' mid- , rW3W Me. ) goW ordinary 7; net receipts 507: 814 7 ' S WX MX ll A H X U B O XI HOLIDAY AND CHRISTMAS GOODC OUDAY AMD CHRISTMAS GOOD& - i SAYS OOia ABB OPBH FOB CtSPBCnOH AMD BALK 1 A large and varied stock. TECS BEST WE BYEB HAD. 1 i 't 1 . . . YOU ABE INVITED TO CALL. TTDDY BROTHER. decl2 3 FOB THE HOLIDAYS, -T-AT-- BTJTijER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. watches; CLOCKS, iEwiaitt, ' STLVEB AND J SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. 4 t. Gold-Bead Canes and evervthlnz von want (or Christmas, at ... N-,s J. TV SUTLER'S. WI DXSIRS to call attention to OUR STOCTT E DKSIKK to call attentkxito OUR STOCiV ANCY F A N C Y e o o d GOOD Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest in the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Case?, French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON Jt CO. decl3 ARE ALWAYS READY And wOllng to show goods whether or not you are ready to buy. L. R. WRISTON & CO. declS PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully and accurately prepared at all hours, by WILSON ft BUB WELL, dec 13 Druggists. JpiNK FRENCH BRANDY Wines and. Whiskies for medial purposes, can ehadof WILSON BURWELL, i! iect3. Druggists. -jyroTicE. : . By vlrtae of the power conferred la mortgage made by T.J. Wuklnson and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte Building and Loan Association, I will sell at public auction, a house and lot of land fronting on the N. C. Railroad, in square No. 68, beginning at a stake on the N. C. Railroad and run ning with said road toL. A. Phillips' coiner, thence with her line 180 feet to a stake, thence parallel j with said railroad -18JA feet to J. B. Shannon house's line, inence 10 xne peginning, wnicn is now claimed subject to said mortgage by E. W. Mellon. Bajd property to be sold at the court house door in the city of Charlotte on the 1st Monday In March, 1879. for cash, the amount due the Charlotte Building and Loan Association being $229.25, with cost of advertising and sale. R. E. COCHRANE; dec 19 tds Sec'y snd Treas. T7R0NT ROOM over McAden's drug store to let A? for the present year. D. P. HUTCHISON. JanStf tisttllvintons. PROPOSALS FOB SUPPLIES FOB THE POOR OF THE COUNTY, . Seated proposals will be received at the office of the Kegteter 01 weeds, in tne ercy or unanoae, unm Friday; the 17th lnst, at 12 o'clock M., lor the fol lowing s. ppttes (more or less,) one-sixth of said supplies to be delivered to the overseer of the poor in the cly on the first Monday In each and every iBOtlvftbaertslxinoiiths, tc-ivttr 260 Bushels oJCortfcMeaV j ) 2B rndsdrgood Coffee, 2,000 pounds of Clear Side Bacon, 65 pounds of whole Rice, -26 sacks Family Flour, 52 pounds of good Brown Sugar, - 52 gallons of fair Molasses, 2 sacks ot L. P. Salt Said articles must be sound and In good order. The commissioners of the county reserve the right to reject any and all bids, " 1 By order of the board of county commissioners, this m fmam tm5- WM. MAXWELL, Register and Clerk of the Board of County Com. JanlO G OTO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pure Liquors. JEWELLING HOUSE WANTED. A first-class tenant who is wOllng to pay a liberal rent wants a good dwelling house wi& 6 to 8 rooms Trade or Tryon street, and as near as possible to the public square, Is preferred. Apply to - a WITTKOWSKY. JanlO o T " '-"L . : . VAROLISA CENTRAL .5 : i . ... ' Tlmla T In. Vn ...YnuJ ''I'm ' h..... . a w vsuig luuj cuiimi tin. . hwuicbb, Freight from-, Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern CrUes to Greenville Spartanburg, aO. Stattons Atlantic, Tennessee. Ohio, :.:.,?.! -. '" As wen as polsta In. Georgia 'AtSfn.u -' ... Insurance and Rates guaranteed aa Low as Information furnUhad F. W. CLARK. - i . . i .,) . ' Gen. Freight Agent, wlmilngton, N. a septSO -4 D R. J. H. McADEK, UBDOGIST UXO CKBOST, , Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, . ; English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, .French and '" American Tooth Brashes ' 9 PRESCRIPTION'S Carefuliy prepared at all hours, both night and dayt J. H. MCADEN'S ! Prescription Store. s ECURITY ! SECURITY ! SECURITY 1 200 Barrels of , C WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AXL ALADDIN SECURITY'OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. SCARR ft CO., jrylVGGT sT"cjrr U R U G G I S T O f F. HBAB THX F06T-OFnCB, .: Would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drag Store, near the PostOffice, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and (jure Drugs. - , Jan 7 tf. Coufcctionartcs. rpHE "RISING SUN." According to the command Of Joshua of old, al though repudiated by the "Jasper Philosophy" of the new, is now standing stm, at the Old Place, on Trade Street, opposite the Market Home, plot Hornet Fire Engine Hall, where the light of reason lluminates the surrounding atmosphere, which m vests all things with the glow of Inspiration, and the world no longer seems " A fleeting show, To man's illusion given,' While we honor the name of a GaUileq, Newton, Fulton and Morse, whose discoveries have done se much for the natural world, In the aid afforded man In his material ' labors, What should be the reward of him who fearlessly announces to the world and asserts his ability tb demonstrate the fact that he has in store a large fresh stock of Con fectioneries of every description. Also, Toys in variety, Including Toy Guns loaded . with love and charity for the "little enes," Wagons, Baskets and Dolls with their hearts, with fine Apples in kind re membrance of "Old Mother Eve's," speculation. Pipes and other Fancy Articled from Amsterdam and Rotterdam, Buckets and Baskets from Pots dam, Sardines from Fish Dam, Wooden. Monk from Beaver Dam, and Goobers from Yuba Dam. For housekeepers, all kind of Groceries,, iqenwt mg Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies dally. ' Buckwheat Flour, Spices, Sugars, Coffee, Mlnee Meat, fte.' i ' Thankful for past patronage, J hope for a eon nation of the same. Respectfully, . - deel C 8. HOLTON, OTOCKHOLDEBS' MEETING. Merchants ft Farmers' National Bank. 1 t . , Charlotte, N. C, December 19, 1878. y : The annual meeting of Hie stockholdera of this bank will be held at their Banking House. In this city, on Tuesday, the 14th January, 1 879, at 12 o'clock, M. J. B. HOLLAND, dec21 td Cashier. - w ADDILL HOUSE, GASTONU.NC, -, . i ',,? Jr. e. waddilLv feb 10 rt DISPATCH TO ALL POrNTA SOUTH. - often uneqnalled facilities for the Transportlon of Charlotte, Statesvllle, ' AsheriDe, 1 Rathetfordton, on the Atlanta ft Blchniond Alr-Llne,' " and Westerns, a Bautoadg, '1' ' ' Alabama and Mississippi; 1 via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick4 upon application to v 1 .u. ;',-";;;"WM.i.MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C. 'v. T.;T. SMITH, Agent 0. C, Railway, Charlotte. EGRAM ft CO., ',1: ' ir.if v t M!Tf trt;V 1 Vf Vf t' BO 0Y8i B0 88 t -' jjji-.U AJWs ; .; ! H H A . ! I HH.: AA H H: H H 1st National Bank Bulldlng,,Charlotte,JN. C. . ; 1 r ' ill X ....:!-, !:1 .-;!. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, fteU WadoMWledged to be the best in the State, and we fwald be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buying. ' PEGRAM ftCO. l-'i ;; A GREAT OFFER FOR 'i-.:, ;.;!-. HOLIDAYS I ! ! We will during the HdLrDA'drfioo PIANOS and ORGANS, at t0RDaRy LOW prices for cash, SPLENDID ORGANS 3-R sets of reeds 966, 8 Bete with Sttb Baw aM Coupler $80, 2 sets $50, 1 set $40,1 set$85LT;7Pctaye all ROSEWOOD PIANOS, $130, 7 1-8 40. S140, war ranted for six years. ' AGENTS WANTED. Illus trated catalogues mailed. Music at hait price. HORACE WATERS ft SONS, lUnW'al' ers,40E.14thst,N. Y. n jgMINENT DR. Hl R. WALTON , ,: : s , , ANNAPOLIS, MD., WBITjBS: Colden's LIEBIG'S LIQUID EXTRACT Of BEEF is a most excellent preparation. - It la; par. excel lence. Superior to Cod liver OH or anything I have ever used in wared or impaired consntntlons, and an excellent preventive of Malarial diseases. Sold by all druggists and grocers, , , v u o ILS SASSAFRAS ' ' 1 ' AMI? FENNYBOTAI, Of prime quality, bought -In1 any1 oiahity, for cash on delivery, pee of brokerage, eomnusstons, , or storage expenses,, by , , . . v'.ji 7l;.i!'.'i! i S ..- DOD GR- OL CO T T ,- i i Importers and Exporters of - DRUGS,' ESSENTIAL' OtLS5, ftc. 88 William St,...' .............. .New ; York. Q.EO.C.WARE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In PUB E APPLE (?lDXB ' : :- -.m .-':').- , ; --CiDKB' YDfEGAB.- Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of E.' B. CONDITS TABLE SAUCE,--- 287tomW.ThWti,l CiNcnrNATt.o. JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO. Awarded highest prize at Centennial Exposition for fine chewing qualities and excellence and lasting character of sweetening and Savoring. The best Tobacco made.- As ear Ub strip trade-mark is rimer hnttafisd oa tntattor roods. ee that ' Jack son's Best" is on every plug. Sold by all dealers. Send lot sample free, xov.a. jackbon up., an afactaren, Petersburg, Ya. , , ; . t .; EA DAY to Agents canvassing for the "Fnrs sins VisrroRji; Terms ana outfit free.. Ad P. 0. VJCKERY; Augusta, Maine. , . AGENTS WANTED For the best and fastest selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Pricesre duced 83 per cent Address NAT. PUB.. CO., Phlla., Pa. 25 Chromo Cards, ftc., Cupids, Mottoes, Flowers, no two alike, with name. 10c. , NASSAU CARD 00.,' Nassau, N, Y. 30 MlxBd Cards, Snownake, Darnask, Ac no two alike, .wUh name. 10c J., Mlnkter ft Co., wi,' N. Y. : ' , '. ' ."' '. Nassau, M A MIXED CARDS, with name 10c. Agents' outhtlOe. L. JONES ft COn' Nassau, N. Y. dec8l ; .., tjnitaking:;.; ' ., !M .. ',.. The undersigned Is nowpreparedto fllVall orders tor every class eC Undertaking. Having on hand e. fun assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BUBIAL (kstB, j Both WoM andMetsnV. ' H , . :-,-. i : i ti; if; , . ; " ' nana as um 'As'i?tt;! Hearses ' rnrnlshed If oearred. , ; Kurntture ef every DeseripUoti Bepaired at shot - -;p q; niotieeIi'' ; f,r ' : x Wtth K. G. Bogen, Trade Street; June 20. . : - viiS -i.i. -. N' H you want ftrstelass Carriages, lliaeton :Bng gles or Saddle Horses, go to the New Livery, stable. h:U fpy.'.y. iw'.tiit 1 II jvu mam vimg muu immv t nr j meet arriving or IepuflBg traaia, go to the New ! Livery Stable.. t , . . .r,nT,'i HyonwantyetrhenwweniedaiJdwellgroonied !getottteNewLr'itanle?- VU .'"! :! Careful drivers, promptness and reasonaDie prices -are our motto. may28 R. CHAMBERS ft CO.