- f - . - t . .. ., , , ...... . .. . . .-- .untidy) nriitititi el fl'f-J ii. II I Oil l Jitf-t :.J : avBsomPTioif jutes :.a Daily, om year, (.pott-paid) to advance. . . f8 00 SixMotUh 4 00 Has bem tJtorouaUv tnirmtM U wmt, and with the Laied Stylet of Type, and every matmerqfJoi) Work can now be done with neatneex, J dispatch and eheapnem. Wt can tvrnith, at Short Three MohUb ..i;.'i;....Ulw;.;.. 2 00 OmtMmth. 7 WEEKLY EDITION : Wetv,1towmityJKrmmH..........--92 00 Mx JfoniOta X .". . .". i i v 1 00 V - - vO 1 s. I ' Ml ...... III!- I II ..' ' 1 i Kiil- ..1 ' - . ' " ' ' III III III llli -rt i AIL III IIVIIV ii BLXSK&, BXLD-SSADS, LETTKR-HEADS, QASDS, ' tabs. sscsnrsrosTtai8,! H,A PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, AOL , ; i ji-j -:n t Uim .'S.irA-m fih :i t '; VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C:, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1871 NO. 3,080. CASHMERES AND ALPACAS. t Just Received another lot of superior .L CASHMERES AMD ALPACAS, Ranging to Prk from 25 eenU to One DolUr. A few Pieces of COLORED CASHMERES, Ml Wool, of superior Quality, at sixty eeaW . worth. l-00 Do not fall to see oar LADIES CLOAKS before buying. It will pay you. - ELIA8 COHEN. B URGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL DIAUR IK 111 kinds or FURNITURE! 5H: FURNITURE! TO . BIDDING, Att i t - -i - ' BEDDING, C BEDDING, 4c. FUKNITURE I ! ' i A Ml Line of '4 CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS I LOUNGESi.- ' LOUNGES! - LOUNGES I . .1"., LOUNGES i PiRLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS f ' Pi RLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS 1 J3P COFFINS of all. kinds on hand. ET COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. g Wist Thade Strkkt. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ladiss' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a line supply. JanJj (j. , IAROAINS . . I . IM YVVU UBBfe Wn n TTTTrj5 UBBJt'lMt 'j ii': i,-:. - 'i i- J!5 ')i;r:! i "Kit.' - .udm'ssfiCiUjil'b. "K. G. ROGERS" WAREBOOMS, ' ' ' ' ' - " - " ' " ''- l 'J''- ' : ' . ; il ', - hi It NKT TO POBTOmCB. r 61TeT7Xart;aBmbragi lull .'yJnj AKU YfJ Ul -it if A I, .1J-X3UT JA'-MtyiiT! .... , orncuRNiTUR; , , , " ? ; .! n?V I fWiij l wS(iirt 1f:M i.'iliy. fJiUJi 1-.rj ;j; l -!HjI Kiifl ltrtU.jj , 14 '"i 'OiJ .1:1 iiK.w ut 1U jJiU i(iiOa i .e-i'iri r All GP&ckeAfwft-Charfe ; -v ALS ! A LoiS ! WB HATS THIS DAT MM MM A RRR K KKKK ODD MMMM AA K BK K B D D M MM M A A BBB KK EB D D M M M AAA B BK K B D 1 M M MA AB BK KIS8DDD DDD OO W W WSS N D DO OWWWWNIf N D DO O WW WW N N N D DO.OWWWWNWN DDD OO W W H NN About Forty pieces of DRESS GOODS To 25 cents, worth 50 cens per yard. Also 30 or 40 pieces to 20 cents, worth from S9V to 45 cents. , A lot of Dress Goods to 8ft and 10 cents, worth from 12ft to 15 cents. THESE GOODS j MUST BE SOL-pi 1 Must be sol-L ( and If you want cheap goods, this Is the place to get them. Very truly, ALEXANDER & HARRIS. P. S. Our whole stock must be reduced, and In order to do so will sell very cheap. A. AH. CLOAKCI LOAKOi CLOAKC I LOAKO i I hare on hand a small stock of HANDSOME CLOAKS, which I will close out without any profit Also a , FEW SHAWLS, to be sold before the season is over. All shades in WORSTED FRINGES. Call and get some handsome Dress Buttons. A Beautiful Line of DRESS GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. A New Lot of LADIES' AND GENTS' KID GLOVES, m Opera Shades. Be sure and examine my stock of Nottingham ii . .'! -;: v ;i Lace Curtains, before making purchases. Respectfully. T. L. SEIGLE, f Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. Jan LADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAKO f ADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAK O i THE GREATEST, BARGAIN HE GREATEST BARGAIN OF THE SEASOVT F THE SEASOiNi fXK HCIIDBXD CHOICK LADIK8 CLOAkO "KJmUBBSOSMB CHOICK LiDW' U0AS.iD ill. 'I, .- I1 ,! ij,.: . . .;ti . . i-jl.-tif U . . J ta ... i !i:b? 3 . ,i ;. :.-; !: joi!'; ! ....! TOR BBCKITEV B iBXTBESQ tl OCT Hnr BT JOPWSkJ. t ' -; ' - K -r v i,' : tin ' ' I ' ' "... ,i.jwrii..ii-i..- .v . Which will be sold trtthonl.:re9erre, at saert- : : fldng prices. Don't fafl to cpme, and look at : 1 '( if'- -MM"".' 'WEEPING REDUCTION of FORMER PRICE C SWEEPING REDUCTION of FORMERPBICSO i a ' :-' ??ii M.i (I 1 f Vf TW0W. I8 TOUR CHANCTEVji OW IS YOUR CHANC-E4 i.ii!t;f TO BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFnp O BUY A CLOAK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIF X AT HALF PRIC fj T H AJTjF PEI C Xu. H. MORRIS & BROS. B MORRIS 4 BROSj cU THE LOWER HOUSE. A Glance at Its Pcrsonel and Prcceedingi 3Ier rimou'.t Withdrawal. House of Representatives, ) Raleigh, Jan. 14, 1879. f To the Editor of the Observer A look at the political character of the Legislature shows that the House is composed of 79 Democrats and 41 Republicans. Of the latter 11 are col ored, some of whom will vie in black ness with the ace of spades. I think the members shows a determination to do all they all can towards retrenchment and reform, and to elevate our good old State to her former prosperity and hap piness. , Among our prominent speaking Dem ocrats way be mentioned Cooke, Carter, of Buncombe, Vaughan, Atkinson. Jones, of Caldwell, Davis, Lockhart and Turner the Hon. Josiah, who is up on nearly every question, and invariably ventilates the frauds and corruptions of the State. Besides the above there are many solid, substantial Democrats, who are an honor to the State and who never appear upon the floor to make speeches. Among the prominent Republicans are Norment, of Robeson, a native of our county, Blocker, Clark, &c. The Hon. Montfort McGehee is de tained at home by sickness. He is very much missed, as 6e is one of the most distinguished Democratic members of the House. The House has passed and is now working on some very important bills and resolutions, some of which I will mention : We have- repealed the mer chants license tax ; a resolution has been offered by Col. J. L,. Brown for an ad justment of the State debt; one by Mr. Atkinson for the reduction of salaries and fees of State officers, and a general reduction of State expenses; by Mr. Turner, a resolution to investigate the Sewepson and Littlerield frauds ; a reso lution by Mr. Cooke to impose a license tax on lawyers ; a resolution for the in troduction of the Moffett bell punch. &c J udge Merrimon, United States Sen ator, addressed a communication to the Democratic caucus asking that his name be not used for re-election. This was a great surprise to all the Democrats, and we hope it will result in harmonizing the Democratic party. . A. More TeMtimouy for Blaine. Baltimore 8un. Senator Blaine should imitate Sena tor Thurman . and cull some choice newspaper articles for the use of the Teller committee, which is now in New Orleans on a chase after "Southern outrages." Mr. Blaine should file with the committee a copy of Number 706 (January 9, 1879,) of the New York Na tion, containing an article entitled " Genesis and History rof ' A Story.' " It appears that the New York Tribune's Mr. Z. L. White, iu the course of his fine-tooth-comb search of South Caroli na for " outrages," came upon the fact that Rev. Dr. Cooke, originally of Mas sachusetts, president of the Clafllin University for colored people, was hus tled by some young roughs in 1876, and in 1878 voted for Hampton. This, Mr. Z. L. W. insisted, was because the doc tor was "bulldozed "in 1876. The doc tor denies the aspersion in a very em phatic card to the Tribune, in which he s ys he cannot conceive how a para graph of the same length could possi bly be written "containing more mis statements and false coloring." He adds that he was not bulldozed ; that he believes in home government every where ; that there was no opposing can didate to Hampton, and that "after watching his course carefully for two years, I fully believe he is a true friend of the colored man, and is doing vastly more for his elevation in this common wealth than any Northern man could do under bayonet rule. I need only point to the improved common schools and increased facilities for his intellec tual training in proof of this assertion." Neither the Tribune nor Z. L. W., how ever, are satisfied with this. Theyre rjeLtttjat Dr. Cook was bulldozed, and produce evidence to prove it against the man's own statement. Thereupon: the Natum retoitywith a sarcasm amply desert ;; ; ; . "We again repeat fhaf this exposure does not prove that there was no vio terictf f fraud at the late election fr South Carolina, but it does illustrate the recklessness and unscrupulousness with Hrhictr 1 Southern: troubles are dis torted, colored and exaggerated to make party capital at the North. It is a mis erable business, and the Tribune ought. to be ashamed of it and drop it. The contention-"with Dr. Cooke as to wheth1 er the hustling he got from, some row dies did not make him change his vote, two. years later is as comic, as anything in recent political literature. What caused the correspondent to take!' the trouble to prepare the story," undoubt edly was the firm possession of his mind by the theory, which lay at the bottom of Mr. Blaine's speech, in the Senate, that .not only every v negro, but every white man .engaged in the instruction of negro youth, must, in theabsenee of duress, desire to vote ' the Republican ticket even in South Carolina ; and that when he says he does not desire to vote it; he-is irbt td be believed even on oath? and his person ought to be examined for welts and bruises." Washington Notes, rwash. Cor. Baltimore Sun, 14th. Ux-Cro vi Hendricks, of Indiana, was at the capital to-day and on the floor of both houses. He was warmly received particularly in the Senate, although he, met verv few. indeed, who were in the Senate at the time of his service in that body. . He is looking remarkably well. Wm. Hill, the Republican caucus nominee for Senator from Colorado, will be probably elected by the Legisla ture of that state to-morrow. He is the gentleman who. according : to the public declaration of Representative Patterson, of Colorado, contributed large sums of money to aid) in the election of - Repub? l l!J.i J!. AT T !..- ilcan canuiuams xur tut; atjgisiitiuie with the distinct understanding that he should be elected United States Senator, Chief Josephof the Nez Perces tribe of Indians accompanied by an inter preter and Yellow Wolf, another Nez Perces chief, arrived in this city to-day, and! will have an interview with the Commissioner of- Indian affairs to-mor-rdwv ' Joseph is ii full Indian costume. tt' : fir u : i ills uujeuL ill uuiuiug lu tv aauiuKLim is to be allowed to speak fox himself con cerning his views as to how ; he, should be treated by theovernment, ''" -vi iWashvCot Richmond Dtspateh, 14ih. j i -"Mr. Schleicher said on ' New Year's day that he weighed three hundred and SixtVt-fiVeib - i' 5 Two women were sent to the peniten tiary tc-day for robbing a green Phila deluhian of $900. They w ere. defended by Airs. Lock wood. ; Benjamin F. Butler, decorated with a beautiful button-hole .bouquet, was in the House to-day He is running over with a speech on intimidation in Mas sachusetts. A Congressional Spree. Washington Special to'the Boston Herald. There is beginning to be a good deal of talk among Congressmen regarding the story first printed by the .Aram and Navy Journal, that an . affray had oc curred '.some time ago between i two Virginia Congressmen, and that one of tliem had since died, the intimation be ing unmistakable that h6 died from the effects of the injuries he received in the encounter. The matter having become so public, it is no longer necessary to conceal what are believed to- be the real facts. The two Congressmen are understood to have been ex-Governor Walker and Beverly Douglas, of Vir ginia. Both gentlemen, as the, story goes, -were on a spree-and- met at a house of of doubjf ul reputation, F ,They naa Deen on inenaiy terms, rmr, as usual, a woman was in the case, and very violent altercation " followed. Both gentlemen are said to . have been seriously injured, and one of them, Mr. Douglas, died within a few days. It is not supposed, however, by his" friends. that death was caused by any injuries received rrom Governor w alker. Mr. Douglas has been 'for years a iconstant and heavy drinker, and all his finer sen sibilities and his domestic virtues have been blunted and destroyed ijy his un fortunate habits. Inflammation of the bowels is said to have resulted from his excesses, from which disease he is said to have died. Governor Walker has not been an habitual drinker, but some times, when under the influence of liquor, he has been very violent and un manageable. He is of very distinguish ed appearance and bearing, and was known as the handsomest man in the House. He is tall and straight, being over six feet high, and finelv propor tioned. He hair is prematurely white. and is abundant. His moustache is nearly black, and his face' is young and strikingly handsome. The effect of his spree lasted a long time, and until with in a few days he was confined to . his apartments. The Editor. They Need to be Frayed For. Wilmington Star. The editor has every-day more or less temptation to be false to God, to truth, to humanity and to himself. He is con stantly beset by dangers, many and great, .tie may lacs manliness, justice, conscientiousness, veracity, honor. Waen this is the case, such an editor will not only be untrustworthy, but an absolute curse to society and the State. He is so easily betrayed into extrava gances of statement, into sensational writing, into personalities without jus tification. He needs the "utmost cir cumspection and care on his own part, and, surely, he needs all the spiritual neips and graces possible. He ought to be prayed for not once a year, or once in a decade, but every day, and especial ly every Lord's Day. This would in deed be a grand country if all the edit ors in it were men or trutn, men ot hon or, men of genuine patriotism, men of Christian consecration and zeal. In the past the press has done no little of good, but it has also done no little ot harm. If it were not for the extreme portion of the press there would long ago have been peace and concord throughout all of our borders. We are clearly, then, of the opinion that true Christians should not neglect editors in their prayers. That L'ase ol Supposed Poisoning. Danville (Va.) News, 14th. In Sunday's issue we mentioned the mysterious illness of several of the par ties who attended the wedding of Mr. Owen and Miss Motley, in north Dan ville, Wednesday night. Since then we have enquired into the matter and from all appearances it seems to have been a case of poisoning through mistake. It is now believed that the cake was pois onous, thus causing all the trouble.. Mrs. Motley, the mother of the, bride made it at home, and it is thought that the chemicals put in the cake for flavor ing was of a poisonous nature, being taken through mistake tor essence ot lemon, or Some other essence, as the case may be. Captain Luckett, one of the victims, took a-fkte t Urn k to his little child, which was taken quite ill soon aftef eating it,-and was affected in the same manner as the others. A fentleman present did not eat anything ut a small piece of cake and he suffer ed a slight attack also. All the sick ones, excepting Mr. Holtz- claw, are reported as improving. He is i. ' A T .1 J 1 - A. yet quite sick ana yesteruay it was thought that very little change for the better had taken place. . Light on the Cheyenne Revolt. The following is an extract from a private letter from the department of the Platte, dated on the 9th instant, on the night of which the hostile Cheyen nes escaped from Fort Robinson : "We have now in this department a delicate question to handle in the removal of the Cheyenne prisoners to Leavenworth. They say they will die before they will go. From the latest accounts the officer in command, in order to induce them to consent, had taken their rations from them. They had then been twenty-four hours without provisions, and refused to permit him to feed the children, of whom there were about fifty. He was, when he reported, about proceeding to stop their fuel. " AIT of our information" leads to the belifef that theyare iu deadly earnest, and that when the removal commences, which will be in a few days, somebody will certainly be hurt. In fact, from present indications, the mat ter is likely to prove serious." How the Negro Senator Feels. Washington Letter to New Orleans Times. When a place on the Blaine Committee was offered Mr. Bruce, of Mississippi, he replied that he realy did not see how any good could result from the proposed investigation Perhaps, he said, there have been some frauds. It would be strange if there had not beenr but: his people had just made the second largest crop of cotton ever grown in the South, and that circumstance f urnisned ample evidence Jo his miud, that they were quite as prosperous as the laboring class es North. This being the case, the col ored people ought not to be stirred up bv political excitement, which could do no good, and might do harm by arousing anew the feelings of suspicions and dislike of the whites, which were dy ing out with the prosperity of the New South. These sentiments were felt to be full of the good sense which Mr. Bruce has always shown in speaking of affairs; affecting the South andjhi people. A Rabbit on the Icr, Richmond Dispatch, 14th. Yesterday morning a rabbit persued bv does ran into the river near Mayo's bridge from the Manchester side, and for safety mounted a piece of Ice that floated by. aster and raster tnei cur rent carried along the ice and its pas se neer4own the river past the islands, and on towards Rocketts. The rabbit no doubt escaped to the woods When the ice stopped at the gorge. CLOTHING! CLOTHINfl I LOTHING! CLOTHINU! W. KAUFMAN CCS. CLOTHING HOUSE! i GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock OCO L OO TTTT H H II NN N GOO O O L, O O T H H H NN N G Q OOL OO T H H n N NN G GG COO TTTT. CO T H HUN NN GGG WE HAVE SVEB OFFERED, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN S, BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. t& All we ask Is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as it will be to your interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN A CO., Springs Comer, Charlotte. N. C. dec!2 JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, Another laige stock CLOAKS,! HATS, OOF KTSM BALMORAL SKIRTS, And fine Faney HOSIERY, at the lowest possible prices, at Mrs QUERY'S nov!2 pOTICE OF SEIZURE. V. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, 1 Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, Statesvllle, N. C, December 26th, 1878. ) Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December 27th, '78: 2 mules and 1 wagon and harness, one barrel of whiskey, the property of W. F Burns. Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office In Statesvllle, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United Stales. J. J. MOTT, J. G. Young, Collector. Deputy. )anl 4w oaw JOTICE OF SEIZURE. United States Internal Revenue, ) Collector's Office. 6th District North Carolina, V StatesvlUe, N. C, December 6th, 187& ) Seized for violation ot United Stes Internal Revenue Laws, on Saturday, December 6th, '78: Ten boxes Tobacco, as the property of J. F. Fare. Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office in Statesvllle, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, dec25 4w oaw Collector. (groceries. J. A. HENDRIX. Agent, -GROCER GROCER- AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner Main and Blanding Streets, COLUMBIA, S. C. Special attention paid to consignments. Oulck sales, and prompt returns guaranteed in every to stance. 1 anl0 lmeod QORN AND WHEAT EXCHANGE, Postoffice Address, Charlotte City Mills Parties having grain to grind or to sell will find it to their interest to call on the undersigned. Meal ground either fine or coarse, according to order. TnanKiui lor lormer patronage, x wiu give my prompt personal attention to all orders from one bushel to a car load ROBERT D. GRAHAM, - Superintendent THRESH ARRIVALS, FOB SALE, WANTED. 10 boxes assorted Candles, 5 boxes ehoice Oys ter Crackers. 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest 1UC oars in me city. , Also 1 fine Milch Cow and one medium quail Cow with young calf, for sale low. , 500 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED. dec29 B. N. SMITH. rpHO&E FINE 5c CIGARS Have arrived at the Central Hotel Cigar Stand. Genuine Imported Cigars fpr 10c; genuine Import ed Cigars 2 for 25c Also a fine lot Key West and other domestic brands, selected very carefully foe our retail trade. JanlSlw ' ; ' . SHAD, 6HAD, SHAD Just received a lot of fine Shad from St John's River, Florida, Call early and secure a pair. J : T. JULIAN, Janl5 Under Traders' National Bank. TTTE HAVE A SELECT STOCK , , ..Of Whole and Ground Spices, including Feus' mixed spices, try ft and be convinced that there It BOthlng nicer. L. R. WRISTON A CO. eci . 1 9rtj Goods. OCO L OO TTTT H H TJ NN N : OGO O OL . O O T H H U NN N G Q O LOO T HHH n K N N O r OO L O O T H H II S JS G GG OCO LLLL OO T H H n N KN GGG ' CLOTH LOTH I N 1 f CL O T H I N I L O T H I N VJ I o- GREAT REDUCTION. During this week I offer my whole stock of Cloth ingat GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 400 Pairs Pants at 50c on the Dollar. THE GREATEST WONDER OF THE AGE. UNLAUNDRIED SSSS H H n RRR TTTT RSSR a il tl ll K li x 5 a nua ii iuui f 055 n 11 ft tt "SS8 H H U R R T T 38S8 AT FIFTY CENTO IFTY CENT GENTS' FURNISHING URNISHINO BOOB O GOOD SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY. HANDKER CHIEFS, At and BBB EKE L OO WWW BBK L OOWWWW BBB EB L OO WW WW BBB L OO WW WW BBB BEE LUX OO W W COST, AT S. WITTKOWSKY'S. Merits, Sec, WE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. For Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rallyi The Improved Type Writer. Oscillating Pump Co's Pumps, end for Circulars. FAIRBANKS & CO., 1 311 Broadway, New York For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers! septl-dtaw w faction gnlts. JOTICE. By virtue of the power conferred in mortgage made by T. J. Wilkinson and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte Building and Loan Association, I will sell at public auction, a house and lot of land rronangonuMin. u. iMiiroacu in sauare mo. 58. beginning at a stake on the N. & Railroad and nm rung with said road to a. .Phillips' corner, thence with her line 180 feet to a stake, thence parallel with said railroad 4 91& feet to J. B. Shannon house' line thenee to the beginning, which is now claimed subject to said mortgage by E.. W, Mellon. sam property to De sold at tne court nonse door in the city of Charlotte on the 1st Monday in March, 1879, for cash, the amount doe the Charlotte Building and Loan Association being 8229.25, with cost of advertising and sale. it. K. VUOmCANJS. dec 19 tds Secy nd Treaa. d. e. XAXWXLU O. T. SAKRISON, Auctioneer. M AXWELL A HARRtSO N : AUCTION and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i I Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of 1 : '' . ' ' ' ' -. MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE;-; ' ' ,.. , . . - ' ;. . Will give strict personal ij . i - attention to all business entrusted to our care. ' 1 Four doors aboye Charlotte HoteL , L dec3 ' TDOSITIVt? ' AZ PSITIT.Jtli,, . mnt OO rrk :. nnn F O OR R SIXTY D D AA Y f S1 rrt o orrr Itxtt r aa. , ty bsSo F OOB B o11 d D AAA V F . OO R R BDD aT Y Hi? ,; 1 M J fXUft ENTIRE BTOCT7" 1 UUB ENTIRE STOClV. f -OF- MEN'S, YOUTH'S'BOYS' AND" CHILDREN'S gSSo UUri TTTT RSSo 1 U U II T "sag sun t Bsso Rg V TJ II T B g Bss8 cn 11 1 8ss8 -AT- OCO OO sSSo TTTT O O O O S 8 T O O O SSa T O O O O a T UUO OO SS" T o UR STOCtT UR STOCAV -IS- II MM MM MM MM EEE NN N cH8a BEB n MMMM MMMM R NN N 2 K II M MM M M MM M EE N N N sSSo EE ( IIMMMMMME N NN f K U M M M M M M EEE N NN BSSS SEE 8 We are bound to sell, and will seU. A Call will amply repay you. Respectfully, -. L. BERWANGER 4 BRO., . Fine Clothiers and Tailors. F OR THE HOLIDAYS. JUST RECEIVED at ALLEN'S JEWELRY STORE the handsomest stock of Goods ever offered In Charlotte. Elegant CameO Seta, Florentine, Masalcs, Diamond, Pearl and Onyx Rings, Sterling Silver and Plated Ware in great variety. The Ladles are Invited to call early and make the selections. ; aec8 lm QOX'S and NELSON'S GELATINE, Corn Starch, Italian Macaroni and Pearl Ta pioca. L. R. WRISTON A CO. decl3 JpRENCH BRANDY Guaranteed to be TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. E PAY ecial attention to the retail trade, and all out 1 are warranted of the best aualitr. WILSON BUB WELL, dec! 3 Druggists. QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. POSITIVT7 ' OSITIVH. T-f E9pi Goods No. 8 Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 2 No. 4 Dally Dally Daily ex.Sun. Leave Charlotte, 3.45 a m 1 6.55 p tn " Greensboro, 8.20 a m 4.10pm " Raleigh, 3 00pm 5.80 ami Arrive Goldsooro, 5.25 p m 9.30 a m ., I, o. . 1 1 , No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.R.R. for all points in Western North Carolina, daily exeept Sundays At Greensboro with R. 4 D. R, R. for all points North, East and west. At Goidsboro with W. 4r W. R. R. for: Wilmington. . No. 4 Connects at, Greensboro with R. A D. R. R. for all points North, East and West 1 I,, TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7. Daily ex. Sun Date, Nov. 10, '7a No. I Daily. No. 8 Daily. Leave Goidsboro, 9.50 am 8.50 pm 5.85 pm Kaieign, ' Greensboro 5.80 am 8.28 pm 6.47 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 am 10.50 am Nn. 1 Connects at : nreAnsTMirai with ' SalelA Branch. At Charlotte with C, C. 4 A. B. R. tor all points South and South-west; at Alr-Llne Junction with A. A C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and South-east ; ; 1 ' 1 No. 8 Connects at Salisbury with W. Ni C. R. R. dally except Sunday. At Air-Line Junction with. A. 4 C. A. L. for all points South and South-west At Charlotte with C., C. 4 A. Railroad for all points soutnand boutn-west. SALEM BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally extent Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive Salem, 10.50 pm Leave Salem, " " ' 5.45 am Arrive Greensboro, " " " (,7.45 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. 4 D. and N. C. Railroads. SLEEPING CABS VTTHODT CHANGS , . , Run both ways on Trains Nos. land 2, between. New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. . , . Threugn xicKeta on sale at ureensDoro, itaieign, Gorasboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at alt principal points South, South-west, West, North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address ' ' ' J. R, MACMURDO. , Gen. Passenger Agent, . nov20 Richmond Va. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. .. . Charlottk, Coluxbia and Augubta R. R., . CoxUMBiA, a C Dec. 27, 1878 On and after Sunday, Deo. 29th, 1 878, the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over this oad, (Washington time,): - NIGHT EXPRESS. GOINO SoOTtt; N6. 1. Leave Charlotte, ....... ..... 4. .. 1 00 A,JJ Arrive Columbia,. 6 00 a. h Leave Columbia.... ........ ....k.. ... OS A.K Arrive Augusta .10 00 A. M Going North, 1 Isa 2. veAugusta.T!Trf...rr.'.. At'S' Arrive Columbia- lOflORK. Leave Columbia,..., ;. 10 0P- - Arrive Charlotte,.. 8 10 A. ; DAY PASSENGER. ' ,.: :: i, GOINOS0UTH,NO.8. . Ive Charlotte............ i jl'f-'JJj Arrive Columbia.. ....: tIe-Jt Leave Columbia.. ........ 1 - Arrive Augusta.."... . . 8 80 GoTkt"1?oSth, NoTi Leave AL:L: i 03 A. 11 Arrive Columbia 1 gO?.it Leave Columbia.-. . . . . . v ..-;- go Arrive Charlotte;;. . . .. . .v..V- 'y P , These'rraui stop -only at. FoTf 'MutJHf Cheated WInMb(5ro, HdgeW lvlllej Bates burg. Ridge Springs, Jobston, Trenton and Granlte iw AlfUrstattonswjlJ be recognjufiag Pman Palacj sleepmgsidrawtWroont; eart on Nos. 1 and 2, Greensboro to Augusta: also o Noe8 and4, JTorlrte LSavjanwU fajUOt-, mond A Georgia Central Railroad,.; ; , monQ !TV r D. KLTNB, SupermtBdent," jHd R. MacMchdo, Gi P; Agent vi'iA 10 dec29 H

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