2., CHAS. B JJflES, - : ,; EJitor and Proprietor "Free from the doting cniple that fetter our free-lorn reason. 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 1611879. GOV. VASCE OUR HOT SEXATOB, if not surprising, anil the. gratification attending th intelligent that Gov. Vance was last night nominated by the Democratic caucus for United States Senator, is increased by the knowledge of the unanimity of the action. This is glory enough for one day, and thereto no danger in this case of the recurrence of a former mishap. The Democratic par ty has declared its will in the premises and that will will be enforced. We are glad indeed that Gov. Vance is to be our next Senator; we are glad der still that the party has reasserted its integrity. MltfATOR MERRIMQ.VS DEI LIXATIOX. Our readers have already been in formed of Senator Merrimun's declina tion as a candidate for the United States senatorship, before the Legislature, but we present below the letter which was iead before the caucus of the Demo cratic members of that body, annoimc the fact : Raleigh. Jan. 13, 170. To the Democratic Caucus : My friends have ascertained that whatever may be the popular desire for my re-election to the Senate of the United States, causes and influences have been brought to bear that will pre vent my re-election. 1 have no desire to disturb the quiet of the Democratic party by further con test over the senatorsnip. ana, nence, beer my friends not to mention my namft further now in that connection. I beg to express my inc&t' grateful thanks to friends m and out of the Leg islature who so generously and earn estly manifested interest in my behalf, 1 can never cease to remember them with feelings of pleasure and deepest gratitude, and l venture to trust mat they will not have occasion to regret the confidence that they have reposed m me. A. S. merrimon. If, as stated in the letter, Senator Merrimon's actual desire was "not to disturb" the quiet and harmony of the Democratic party by further contest over the senatorship" his course is patri otic, and deserves to be mentioned in terms of praise, aud if there were other reasons. Gov. Vance's friends in their hour of triumph, cannot afford to boast over the discomfiture of Senator Mer rimon's friends. We have said, and we believe that the failure to elect Vance to the Senate would disrupt and disor ganize the Democratic party, but now that Senator Merrimon and his friends have done so much to avoid the impend ing evil. Gov. Vance's friends can do no less than recognize the fact, and by letting the dead past bury its own dead, all re-united and re-encouraged, worK tor the success or the vital prin ciples of our party, which means whole some and just laws for the people ; the revivification of that prosperity through out the State which is the hope and aim of all, and the rehabilitation of. the ohl commonwealth, in all the rowers aid prerogatives, which belong properlyto one of the original thirteen American colonies, which spent the blood and treasure or its people; to estaDlisn and perpetuate this great American Union of co-equal and co-ordinate States. BOXDS CALLED IX. The eightieth call for the redemption of 5.20 bonds of 1865 was issued on last Saturday, being the fifth call issued for the redemption of the 1807 series. The call is for $6,000,000 coupon land $4,000, 000 registered bonds, interest on which will cease April 111879, when principal and accrued interest will be paid atihe treasury. The number and, denomina tion of the bonds called are as follows: Coupon bonds, dated July; 1. 1867 : 650, No. 2301 to No. 27000, both inclusive; $100, No. 2401 to No. 31000, both inclu sive; $500, No. 2201 to No: .27000, both inclusive $1,000, No. 2701 to No. 34000, both inclusive; total coupons, $0,000, 000. '.I Registered bonds, redeemable at the pleasure of the United States after the 1st day of July, 1872: $50, No. 801 to No. 1150, both inclusive; $100, No. 6901 to No. 8200, both inclusive; $500, No. 3801 to No. 4850, both inclusive; $1,000, No. 13501 to No. 17850, both inclusive; $5,000, No. 4301 to No. 5330, both hlclu sive; $10,000, No. 3501 to No. 4800, both inclusive; total registered, $4,000,000; aggregate, $10,000,000. ,. Tbe cession of the town of Alexan dretta, on the Syrian coast of the Medi terranean, by Turkey to England, is In-, dicative of the purpose of the latter power to hasten the construction of the proposed railroad from the Mediterran ean 5 to the Persian Gulf. The most feasible route is from Alexandretta to Aljppb, and thence to Birijik, the head of navigation on the Euphrates, and thence by Nmevah to Bagdad and Bas soraliand Kurrachee, and from there to connect with the East India railroad system." It is about 500 miles from Alexandretta to Bagdad, and from Bag dad to Kurrachee 1,900 miles. The cost of "the railroad is estimated at from 030,000,000 to $160)00,000, and it will be built for strategic reasons alone, and will eventually prove a,, bonanza when the ancient countries through which it will ; pass respond to the fructifying pressure of, a. high civilization and a good go Yernmenfc ( . .m -i ' ' ' mm i f' t . ...... ? It ', H ' jiaid that the recent ; extraordi nary cold weather, in Florida did not materially damage the - Orange groves, owing to, the fact; we suppose, that the cold wave", perceptibly diminished in Intensity as it. went Sputifc Striking Miners Resomlns. :i Wixkesbaree, Pa, Jan. I5.--Charles Parish & Company's miners ,who,rhave been on a strike in consequence of 10 per cent, reduction, have accepted the situation, and work was resumed at the mines in this city vthisj morning with full forehand i work at r thePlymojith division will resumelto-morrowr There dnction will only he enforced until tne first of April, f - - j : ;f? , r, ;i 'uh BY ACCLAMATION. THE WAT i WHICH GOT. YAXCKl WAS KOMIXATEB. This Done by tbe Caucatf last JUbt-r Ills Speech in Recognition of the Compliment. Special to the Observe?. -Ralbi N, Cf January 15. In the Tiamocratic 1 -caucus fo-night benator DorBhnomShavrTalSert United States, Senator. wker Mor- ing, as a constant friend and supporter of r Senator - Merrimon, seconded.; the nomination.' which: 'was unanimously ; made by acclamation. ;'The ,'GQvejnftr by invitation addressed the caucus in a broad, stirring Democratic speech. He thanked the people of the State through their representatives for the many high honors conferred upon him, and con gratulated the Democracy of the State on the perfection of the solid organiza tion for 1880, and that it numbered in its ranks men from the height of Sena tors in Congress down to the humblest citizen who could lay their ambition and aspirations on the altar of the party and labor for unity and harmony in the Democratic ranks. The House to-day by an almost unani mous vote abolished tha office of State Geologist, to leave that work in the province of the agricultural depart ment. The other legislative proceed ings were not important. II. FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. I K0( KKDI VtiS OF THE HOUSES COMMITTEES. AND Senate. Mr. Voorhees, of Indiana, submitted a resolution instructing the committee on Indian affairs to inquire into the circumstances which led to the recent escape of the Cheyenne Indians from Fort Sill, Texas, and tlie subse quent slaughter by U nited States forces. Agreed to. Allison, of Iowa, from the conference committee on the military academy ap propriation bill, submitted a report which was agreed to. Having been agreed to in the House of Representa tives yesterday, the bill now goes to the President for his signature. During the morning hour the Senate proceeded to consider the bills on the calendar not objected to under the five minutes' rule. The Senate resumed consideration of the bill to amend the patent laws and adjourned without action. House. The House has under con sideration the bill reported from the committee on ways and means for the issue of certificates of deposit of the denomination of $10, bearing interest of 3 per cent, and convertible at any time into 4 per cent, bonds, establishing in brier a national savings bank. An interesting debate followed, Speeches were made against the bill by Banks, Butler, Hewitt and others, ;;nd favorably by Wood, (iarheld and Chit tenden. All amendments were rejected and the House took a recess with the main question on the bill still pending. Kelly submitted an amendment to make the certificate convertible with accrued interest after six months into lawful money, and at anv time into 4 per cent, bonds. evening feEssjox. i be llouso re sumed the consideration of the bill au thorizing the issue of certificates of de posit, the hi st vote being on a motion to table the bill, which was defeated, The bill then passed yeas 117, nays 72, COMMITTEE BUSINESS. , The House committee on banking and currency to-day authorized Representa tive Ewing to offer the following amendment to the bill now pending oh the calendar of the House, providing for the repeal of the resumption act : "Provided, that the money hereafter re ceived from any sale of bonds of the United States sliall be applied only to the redemption of other bonds bearing the highest rate of interest and subject to call; and provided further, that whenever from time to time the pro ceeds of the sales of bonds shall aggre gate 83,000,000,, the secretary of the treasury shall issue a call for that amount of bonds to be redeemed and interest on bonds called for. Redemp tion shall cease in thirty days from date of such call ; and provided further, that all United States notes received at the treasury snan xe re-issueu ana kept m circulation without change in the ag gregate amount of the several denom inations existing on the 31st day of May, 1878: ana it shall not be lawtul to issue legal tender notes of larger ' denomina tions than one thousand dollars. The vote of the committee on the amendment was: Ayes Buckner, of Missouri; Ewing, of Ohio; Yeates, of North Carolina; Ilartzell, of Illinois; Fort, of Illinois 5. Nays Harden berg, of New Jersey ; Eames, of Rhode Is land 2. Bell, of Georgia : Hart, of New York; Chittenden, of New York, and Phillips, of Kansas, Were absent. At the meeting of the committee of ways and means to-dav. Gibson moved to reconsider the vote bv which the committee last Monday decided to re commend changes in the sugar tariff, but the motion was lost five in the affirmative to six in the negative. CAUCUS. The Democratic members of the Sen ate held a caucus this morning with a view of determining what course of ac tion should be adopted in regard to the resolution recjentyFsubmitted by Mr. Edmunds, which" in substance declares" that the thre last constitutional amend ments were' duly ratified, that the laws already enacted for their enforcement should be faithfully executed, and that Congress should further provide for their enforcement by additional Jegishv ject was referred to a committee of seven, headed by -Judge Thurrnan, to re port to a future meeting of the caucus. The caucus also appointed a committee of three, with Senator Morgan as chair man, to report what further action, it any, siiouia be taken to secure the re peal of both of the sections of the revised statutes which prescribe test oaths for jurors m the united states conrts The following are the members of the committee on Edmunds' resolution: Senators Thurman, Eaton, McDonald, uoraon, sauisbury, Morgan and Harris. An Astonishing Fac. 7'. f Alar erorjomon of the American raonle are to-day dying from the effects of Dyspepsia or dis ordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the masses of Intelligent and valuable people is most alarming, making life actually a burden in stead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. There Is no good rea son for this, if tou will only throw aside prejudice andokeptlcismi take tbe advice of Druggists! ana your friends, and try one bottle of Greeirs August Flower, jour speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicine have been given away to try its virtues, witn sausiactory results in every case. Tou can bur a samDle bottle for 10 cents to trv. Three doses will relieve the worst case. Positively so:u Dy an aruggists on me western uonunent. Not Medicine hat Focd. Tbe fall and early winter season is the harvest time of hacking coughs and -debilitating forms of Catarrh, Just as the later spring is the seed time of maianai levers, to know a certain cure 01 tne one. and a Dreventlve of the other, is to have with in our reach th. most inestimable blessing of the period. We do know of them, for these really mar velous properties are combined In Soott'r Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophospltes of Lime and Soda. . . it There is no form Of physical waste and prostrat ed vitality, that a bountiful use of the Emulsion, will not change, to glowing health and full life and vigor, and then it is not a disagreeable medicine, but the most delightful kind of food. ' . -gBfferlnjf for lIWTImf; " I Persons afflicted with rlifcdrnatlsmtften suffer ft x & life time, their tortures being aliost without re mission. The Joints and muscles of snch unfortu nates are la most cases shockingly contorted land drawn out or shape, TO afford them even tempor ary relief, the ordinary .remedies often prove utte ly useless. "Oobetuffa -Stomach BltterSr On the other hand. Is avouched by persons who have used It, to be a genuine source of relief. It keeps the blood cool by promoting a regular habit of body, and removes from it Impurities which, in the opin ion of all ratipnal pathologists, originate this agon rang cortiptaMU, n J imuuiu inaymjjue uui. - pedeJlheIQerf mesoefthe stomach, liver and nerves, prevent ana eradicate intermittent and rendttent fevers, promote appetite and sleep, and are highly Secomrriended by phy sicians as a desirable medicinal stimulant and J ; : :i . : 1 : ..... . Success la the Stock Market. Few people understand how large fortunes rae amassed so rapidly in stock operations. Messrs. Lawrence 4 Co.. Bankers, N. Y., have just publish ed "two unerring rules for success," and full de tails, so that any one can operate. Mailed free. Their new comDinanon system oi aeanng in stocks is wonderfully profitable. By this method thous ands of orders, in various sums, are pooled into 9 tie immense capital, and co-operated as a mighty whole, thus securing to each shareholder all the advantages of vast capital and best skill. Profits divided every 30 days. $15 would make $75 profit, SI 00 would return si.ouu, or iu per cent, on me stock In the month, and so on, according to the market A New York fashion editress and promi nent newspaper correspondent, made over 375 per cent profit on an investment, October 5th, 1878. Many others are doing as well or better. Large or small amounts can do usea wren equal proportion ate success by this system. All kinds of stocks and bonds wanted. Government bonds supplied. Ap ply to Lawrence 4 Co., Bankers, 57 Exchange Place, N. Y. City. Ease Attainable by the Bbenmatie. Yes, although they may despair oi relief, it Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries oft, by means of increased activity of the kidneys Important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. - The name of this grand depurent is Hos tetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a oertaln means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it. Erery Moment's Wonderflil Work. Every moment that we hve the work of destruc tion never ceases among what Is scientifically call ed "the tissues" of which our bodies are composed. Every moment, if we are in health, the work of re pairing this destructive process goes on with equal pace. When the vital force is great, more vigor is given to the blood and muscular fibre than the or dinary wear and tear of existence uses up. When the vital force fails from any cause, there ensues a wasting away, which If not arrested, ends in decay and death. Physicians all declare that when these symptoms of decline set in. the only certain reme dy is Cod Liver OIL But their patients, with al most equal unanimity, say that Cod Liver Gil is "so nasty" they cannot take it The only resource left is to obtain Scott's Emulsion of the Oil with the Hypophosphltes of Lline and Soda. This is alto gether tree from disagreeable taste and odor, and is an unequalled tonic, for the nerves and brain. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETBEPORTS. JANUARY 16, 1877 PRODUCE. Cikcinnati Flour quiet and unchanged; family 4.40i5,25, Wheat dull and drooping; red and white 90a98. Corn quiet at 82aty TDats quiet and steady at 24tya7. Pork firm at 8.40a50. Lard fairly active; steam 5.80. Bulk meats oulet and firm; shoulders 2-85atM), clear ribs 8.96, clear sides ij.VMia4.oo: Dacon scarce and arm; should ers 3, clear ribs 4, clear sides 4- Whiskey active and firm, Sugar steady and unchanged; bards 9al0, A white 8a9, New Orleans 7. Hogs steaay ana in iair aemana; packing a.Hoaa.lo. Nsw TOBK Flour on decided change; No. 2, z.auaz.so, supemne western ana state 3.zoa3.50. common to good extra Western and State 3.ttoa 3.70, good to choice do 3.95a4.60; Southern flour uncnangea; common to iair extra 3.85a4.H5; good to choice do 4.75att.25. Wheat slightly in buyers' favor; ungraded winter red 1.0la9, No. 3 do 1 03J4 a3V2 Corn scarcely so firm; ungraded 47Vfea48i& No. 3, 44 Oato dull and lower at 32Vi Coffee in fair demand and steady; In cargoes llalB, in job lots llal7. bugar quiet and firm, Cuban HViaS, iair to good refining twsaffl, prime 7: refin ed fairly active; standard A 8a, granulated HH, powaerea wuoaw, crusnea ao. ho lasses oulet and nominally unchanged. Rice in good demand and steady. Pork mess on spot 7.H0. Lard prime steam onspoio.io. wmskey nominal at l.n. reignts nrm. COTTON. Norfolk-Oulet: middling 9c: net receipts 2,010; gross; stock 17.518; exports coastwise (500; sales 360; exports to Great Britain 6,686. Baltimore Oulet : middline fllic : low middling 8c; good ordinary rMa; net receipts ; gross 35; sales 125; stock 11.276; exports coastwise 34; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent Boston Quiet: middling 93r.: low mlddllne 9c; good ordinary 8Uc; net receipts 899: eross ; sales ; stock 2, 1 00; exports to Great Brit ain Wilmington Firm: mlddllne SSUc: low mid dling 8tec.; good ordinary 7Vfc; net receipts 288; gross ; sales 100: stock 6-540; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain : to Con- nent ; to channel . Philadelphia Quiet: middling 9lfec.; low middling 914c; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 10; gross i33: sales 365: solnners 1.1a; 165; stock 8,630; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Quiet: middling RVsc.: low mid 626; dllng 8ic.; good ordinary 7x; receipts shipments ; sales 668; stock . Charleston Quiet ; middling 9c; low mid dling 9c.; good ordinary 8 Vac; net receipts 2. 105; gross ; sales 2.O0O: stock 59.230: exDOtta coastwise ; to Great Britain : France ; Continent ; to channel . Nbw York Dull: sales 208: mlddHner tmlands 9 5-16.. mid. Orleans U 7-1 ri- conHollditlArl imt in. celpts 15,966, exports to Great Britain 17,074, to Continent 1,326; to France 2,528; to channel . LrVKBPOOLNooH Moderate lnaulrv. which wjw freely supplied. Mld'g uplands 5, Orleans5 9-16, low middling uplands , good ordinary uplands . ordinary uplands . sales 12,000, speculation and export 2,000, receipts 13,100, American 12.600. Futures opened 1-32 better. Uplands low mld'g clause: January delivery 5 11-32, January and February do, February and March 5, March and April 5 13 82, April and May 5 7-16, May and June 5l&al5-32, June and July , July and Au gust, August and September . New crop shipped December per sail 5 13-82. FUTURES. Nkw Tokk Futures closed steady. Sales 46, 000 bales. January. 9.30a.31 February 9.44a.45 March 9.63a64 April ,. ft. 79a 80 May ft.93a.94 June 10.04a.05 July 10.14a.16 August . 10.'28a.2a FINANCIAL.4 Nkw York Money 1.2la3. Exchange 4.8334. Governments active. New 5's 1.07 State bondrf dull. CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of thb Observer, i Charlotte, January 17. 1879. f The market yesterday closed quiet, as follows: Good middling oat, Middling. -. S?? Strict low middling. 3 Low middling.... ..j 70 Tinges .Jig Lower grades 5a7 Vfc CfHRLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. JANUARY 16. 1879. corrected daily. Cotton Ties-- New, per bale....... Spliced, " Bagging, per n. .... Corn, per bush'l Meal, j Peas, ."i f Oats. sheUed, .. Bacon N. C. hog round, i... Hams, N.C.. Hams, uneanvassed. Bulk Meats Clear Rib Sides. Coffee Prime Rio... :. . Good.. ; Stbup-- Sugar-house Molasses .Cuba..,...., 'New Orleans ..... ,V. Salt . ; ";: ' Liverpool fine. SUQAB White...... Yellow..... PrvriTo-Bft-.' $2.25 1.75 40a45 50a65 - 83a35 -'Raft llall 16al6: s 18al ,vt)-i 88a4 ,.85a50 V;;00a2.00 lrlshfe,;;t:: Butter- - North Carolina. . . Eggs, per dozen,... Flour Family.,, j, ouper.;,'.,;.,,M ' " ' "V ..vv if85a40 ." 40850 12a20 f.8.00a350 . 2.75a3 00 .2.35a2.59 A BemarkableBesBlt. v It makes no difference how many physicians, or how much medicine you- have tried, it Is now an es, tabllshed fact that German Svnm is the only reme dy which has given eomplete satisfaction in severe eases of Long Diseases. It Is true there are- yet thousands of persona who are , predisposed tor xnroatana umg Affections, uonsumpaon, Hem orrhages, Asthma, Severe Colds settled on we easuf Pneumonia ; Whooping Cough, sc., who have no personal knowledge of Boschee'a German Syrup. To such we would Bay that 60,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint Con sumptives try Just one bottle. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by ail druggists In America, BAJLKOAfr BIKECT0BT. The f ollowlnsr table shows the runnlncr of wtssen- ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rafl- roaos i wasmngton ome;: RICHMOHD DAHTHXK. Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 1.00 a. m. Leaves for " ' ' " 8.20 a.m. Arrives from Richmond,, w... 10.50ia. m. Leaves for ' 6.66 p. m. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE ATR-LINK. Arrives from Atlanta, 8.20 a.m. Leaves ror Atlanta, 1.05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, fi 50 d. m. Leaves for Atlanta, 10.50 a. m. CBBLOTTS, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta,. ..... 6.45 p. m. Leaves ior Augusta,- 11,00 a.m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington,. 7.2ft p;m. ijeaves lor wumingwn,. ti.UO a. m. Arrives rrom sneioy.. 5.00 n. m. Leaves for Shelby, 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNKSaKS 4 OHia Arrives from Statesvflle, 5.80 p. m. Leaves ior oiasesvuie 7.00 a. m JEVENTJE SEIZURE, U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. 1 Collector's Office, 6th District, North Carolina, V aiaiesvine, January latn, isvh. ) Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Monday, January 13th, 1878: jg Two mules, one wagon and harness, and nine boxes of Tobacco, (he property of J. M. Foster. Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my' office In Statesville, and make claim thereto before the expiration et thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. . , J. J. MOTT, Collector. J. G. Yodhq Deputy. anl8oaw4w Eli&E. 1ST ones of s: :.i Statesville. Jan. 13th, 1879. ) Seized for violation of United States Internal Revenue Laws, on Wednesday, December 18th, 1878: Jive boxes Tobacco, the property of T. C Striek er. Notice is herebv given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office In Statesville, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to tbe United States. J. J. MOTT, J. G. Young, Colletor. Deputy. Jan. 16 St ? J A N O L D 5 And true maxim "Take care of the dimes and the dollars will take care of them selves" should be remembered. There fore, when any one, whether young or old, married man or JJ BACHELOR WANTS A f real luxury in tbe CIGAR line, and does not wish to give an extravagant price, let him by all means call at PERRY'S; there you can find the finest and choicest Candies, Just the thing to please tbe little folks or as a present for "your t t GIRL" WITH THE CASH J Intact anything you want In the above line can be bought very cheap. Try the New Orleans Cigars Just introduced, 5 and 10 centers, Just as good as Imported at doubly the price. Don't forget the big sale of Cigars, but go and buy a box. Janl6 v O PERA HOUSE ! ONE NIGHT ONLY! MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 20TH, 1879, BLIND LIND TO TO M, The Musical Phenomenon of the Age, renowned throughout the world as the greatest NATURAL PIANIST LIVING. At these performances Blind Tom will exhibit tbe marvelous gift which has gained him world wide celebrity, and which has both astonished and delighted the greatest masters of music. Admission, 50 cents Children 25 cents Reserved Seats 75 cent. Tickets on sale every day at the Central Hotel, commencing January 15th. Jan 15 ctfl Estate. JEAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will Advertise free of cost, all properties placed in my hands for sale. THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. C. declO FOR RENT. OR RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT1 FOR REN 1 10 Room House, two blocks from public square, $20 per month. : 5 Room House, acre of ground attached, four blocks from public square, $16 per month. 7 Room House, with 6 acres of land attached, price $150 per year. 7 Room House, four blocks from public square, $15 per month. FOB SALE. 4 Boom House, with good tot, prlce.$l ,200." 4 Bxiom House, with good lot, price $700. 5 Room House, with acre and half of land, four blocks from public square, price $3,000. 1 WANTED. 7 to 10 Room House, near public square. 8 to 4 Room House, hear public square. Canat ' sir DAWSON 4 CO'S, lti'uoi Bunding. i3decl8 gru0s mid $XttlUlnt&r JR. J. H. MCADEN, 7 .:.. ' , ; druggist And chemist, 5 ' " t Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, i i' i Kill Alt i English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and daylat J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store. ECURITY ! SECURITY ! SECURITY 1 200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE AJTL ALADDIN SECURITY 'OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil. from G West 4 Sons, Baltimore. , Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will bum. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C. SCARR 4 CO., J Tr R UGGFTTOf 1J-7RUGGIST NEAR THE POST-OFFICE, Would respectfully inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Offlce, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. Jan 7-tf. g00ts and li0jes. pEGRAM 4 COm DEALERS IN : BOOTS, SHOES : AND h a a H H AA HHH A A H H AAA H H A A TTTT T 88 m Dod 8, S 1st National Bank Building, Charlotte, N. C.. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, 4c., is acknowledged to be the best in the State, and we would be plead ed to have you call and examine for yourself before fiuying. PEGRAM 4 CO. dec! Usix Qftvcvtistrnznts. HOLIDAYS i ll We will during the HOLIDAYS dispose of 100' PIANOS and ORGANS, at EXTRAORDINARY LOW prices for cash, SPLENDID ORGANS 2 8-5 sets of reeds $65, 3 sets with Sub Bass and Coupler $80, 2 sets $50, 1 set $40, 1 set $35. 7 Octave all ROSEWOOD PIANOS $130, 7 1-3 do. $140, war ranted for six years. AGENTS WANTED. Illus trated catalogues mailed. Music at half price. HORACE WATERS 4 SONS, ManuTrs andDeal ers, 40E. 14th st, N. Y. . , JgMINENT DR. H. R. WALTON ANNAPOLIS, MD.', WRITES: Colden's LLEBIG'S LIQUID EXTRACT of BEEF is a most excellent preparation. It is par excel lence. Superior to Cod Liver Oil or anything I have ever used in was.ed or impaired constitutions, and an excellent preventive of Malarial diseases. 3old by all druggists and grocers. o ILS SASSAFRAS AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought In any qnanlty. for cash on delivery, free of brokerage, commissions, or storage expenses, by DODGE 4 0LCOTT, Importers and Exporters of DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, 4c 88 William St. .;NewYork. QEO. C. WARE, ' ' ' Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in PURE APPLE CIDER- - AND-7 CIDER VINEGAR,- Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of E. R. CONDIT'S TABLE SAUCE--: ' 287 to 295 W. Third St, CINCINNATI, O. JACKSON'S BEST , V- SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO. Awarded highest prize at Centennial Exposition for fine chewing qualities and excellence and lasting character of sweetening and flavoring. The best Tobacco made. As our blue strip trade-mark is tnat" Jack- rail dealers. nna.Whw. T . . . n .- I . TT . . t 111 lunvAiuicis, x cicrauuig, fa. . . . $7' DAY to Agents canvassing forthe "Fire P bide VisiTuu." Terms and outfit free.- Ad dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. " ; , AG:ENTS WANTED-For the best and fastest AHtS6 otiai B md Bibles? Pricesre Phh pi.1 Address NAT. PURTcO., OK Chromo Cards, 4c., Cupids, Mottoes, Flowers! . - . --; ' :-i 1 R0 Hjf61 PJS?8' Snowflake, Damask, At, no two NaiLSNlY? name' l;:-J.5! 40 MIXED CARDS, with Tnim 'lftn" ; 4.1 routnt 10 L. JONES 4 CO.rNsau, Y." fUB li' . Tfc.: -, - - All i. N' rj' if Hi , fh V rfoLirAY iND cMTMTSWoODO Xl OLID AY AND CHRISTMAS GOOOO .Z.Z .JOY HATE COME A ARB OPEN FOR INSPECTION AND SALE. A large and vanea stock. . . - W1 THE BEST WE ' EVER ' HAD. t v u. : A t H IA. V. W t. A V. H W -a : 1 ( -A A U H S.?f hi li. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL. '. t- ... o 'i : -i ' 1 ! TIDDY St BROTHER. decl2 G RE AT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. 3. T. BUTLER'S. i WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND . , SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. i Gold-Head Canes and everything you want for Christmas, at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCT7" E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCAV OF- : ' I -Tj A NC Y GOOD O -V ANCY GOOD O " Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In tbe market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. decl3 w E ARE ALWAYS READY And wilUmrto show roods whether or not tou are ready to buy. L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. declS . . 6S Carefully and accurately prepared at all hours, by WILSON 4 BUBWELL, decl3 Druggists. F LNE FRENCH BRANDY, Wines and Whiskies for medical Durnoses. can be had of WILSON 4 BUBWELL, decl3 Druggists. "ILSON 4 BUBWELL, DrpgGists, Have Just received, Gelatine, Cornstarch, :7T Sherry' WIneJ ; Flavoring Extracts, ) All of the best quality for retail trade. declS iisttlVxutans. ROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES - Is J-- ' : 1 - H t "FOR THE POOR OF THE Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Register of Deeds, in the city of Charlotte, until Friday, the 17th inst, at 12 o'clock M., tor the fol lowing supplies (more or less,) one-eixth of said supplies tqe delivered to the overseer of the poor in the city on the first Monday in each Vftad every month, for the next six months, to-wit : 260 Bushels of Com Meal, 26 pounds of good Coffee, 2,000 pounds of Clear Side Bacon, 65 pounds of whole Rice, 26 sacks Family Flour, . , tz pounds 01 gooa Brown sugar, 62 gallons of fair Molasses,,, 2 sacks of L P. SanV J .r-.'i if 5 ynHfl Said articles must be sound and In good order The commissioners of the county reserve the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the board of county commissioners, this 8th January, 1879. WM. MAXWELL, Register and Clerk of tbe Board of County Com. JanlO TO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON " i : '!fotstatidaiPttre)low'r'rt:'?-r 1 ii'.ll ri f i , , , ,1 1 - : - -f a JEWELLING HOUSE WANTED. A first-class tenant who is willing to pay a liberal rent wants a good dwelling house with 6 to 8 rooms Trade or Tryon street, and as near as possible to the public square, is preferred. Apply to A . 'i.n ' 8JWTTTXOWSXT. JanlO -.k-AtU,: y nl -1 t7 WlnQtms. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. !.- .r;AKTklMH- f Hii fH- I I am now In receipt of a large lot of the celebra ted STUDEBAKER WAGONS, all sizes, whieh will be sold on reasonable terms. 'CALL EARLY,' T J and supply yourself with the best wagon out T. H. GATTHEB. 1 "Stove and Hardware House fw,:1 ; f. u 1t i " 1 I I 1 'm I I Buy your COOK STOVES from me, as I have -good reasons why they will do your work Quick and Easy, CbMpliritl Clean r ' 1 ' BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE . " They are best to use. BECAUSE ,Si Jkl :t -1 ! ? -. Jbfiy bake evenly and quickly. BECAUSE Their operation 13 pertetj. BECAUSE They always have a good dnut BECAUSE ' ' ' ' ' '- They are made of the best material. BECAUSE They roast perfectly. BECAUSE They require but little fuel. BECAUSE They are very low priced. BECAUSE''' '-- : They are easily managed. BECAUSE They ae suited to all localities. BECAUSF Every Stove Is guaranteed to give satisfaction JpOR SALE ! THE NORTH CAROLINA GAZETTE, Published at Fayettevllle, N. C, la offered for sale. It has a good supply of newspaper, adver tising and display type, press in flue order, anrnle printing material of all kinds, and, in short everr thrng needed for the puhllcatkm,f a good seven column newspaper. -THE GAZETTE is the only paper published in "Fayettevllle a city of 5,000 Inhabitants; it has long been tbe recogni zed organ of the Democratic party in the upper Car 1 ear section; and- tt ; has a large subscription list anrooa advertising parmmiMi Circulation, from. 1,000 to 1,200. or terms, 4c, address .5 4anl2 3t Fayettevllle, N. C. gLOCKADE TOBACCO, FOR SALE. Having purchased a nice line of Tobacc. at tn Government sale,.. ; u .. I am prepared to Dflter extra inducements to ere. Call early. THOs. H. GAITHIRT nov7 ELL IMPROVED ! CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. Any person desiring to purchase a well Improve City Lot, House with nine rooms, and mortem m. 1 venlences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ae- commodated by applying at THIS OFFICE. J Q0Q FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and F&r Sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. JjOR RENT, LEASE or SALE, At Davidson College, N. C. Some dwelling houses Jarge and small. Also,, some farming lands. Apwy to Janl tf H. P. HELPER. "OR SALE. ! f . ii The Bourgeoise and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and was not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because it became necessary to use s different style of type. It will do good service for several: years to come. It will be sold In lots to sul pur chasers, and in fonts, of 50 to l.OOOlbs, with or wittiout cases. Address -' ' OBSERVER, oct5 -' 1 : Charlotte. N. C. Wbxtchzs aud Qcvozlvy. rUST IN TIME. ii- J! k : i 5 :-f . We have Just received a fine selection- ofj huc& tioods as yon want for V-i CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Such as fine Lockets and Chains, Fine Sets, Seal Rings, Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins and anything In the line you may want CALL AND SEE THEJC -HALK8 4 FABBIOR.-'lii dec20 p LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL TEB PLATER, T.fStteeoimoalte. First .Presbyterian Church, ;j Nat Gray 8twi tut" ' Every kind of repairs rnadV'at ence at halt price wwlJf"x one ear. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Silver-Plating and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as rood M new. Work done for the trade at tow prices. f& Apprentice wanted, with premium and good septlS pHOTOGBAPHS. xln consequence, of the reduction to the price of the original cost of materials, and In order to give my patrons the benefit of the reduction from and after this date Photographs will be taken at my Gallery at REDUCED BATES. spt22 J. H. VAN NESS tailoring. JJ ' LICHTEN3TEIN, MERCHANT TAILOR, -vary , ..,., . 1? . m; , . 4. Next door to Wilson 4 Burweo's drug store, CHARLOTTE, N. C dec 13 AMES MURPHY, PRACTICAL TATLOB, "Holton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. Owing to the stringency of the times I will In fu ture work very cheap, wot make fine suite for $10, Casidmere suits for $8. Panto of suits same rates. I guarantee all my work mo fit, no charge. Give meaeeil and beorovlnced. " , ' July 17. .J.V"- n J