l)e l)arlotte bstroer. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 187P. BA1LBOAD OIBEGTOBT. The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time): RICHMOND DANVTLLX. Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 1 .00 a. m. Leaves for " " 8.20 a.m. Arrives from Richmond, 10-505a" m Leaves for 6.55 p.m. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE AIB-LINE. Arrives from Atlanta, 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta 105 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, 6.50 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta, 10.50 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta, .'MS0 m- Leaves for Augusta, 11,00 a. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington, 7.29 p.m. Leaves for Wilmington, 6.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Shelby, 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE OHIO. A rrives from Statesvllle, 5.30 p. m. Leaves for Statesvllle 7.00 a. m CHAKLOrTK POST OFFICE. OFFICE HOUE8. OPKNS. CLOSES. Money Order Department, . . 9.00 a, m. 5.00 p. m. Registry Department, 9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. Gen'IDellv'y a Stamp Dept.. 8.00a. m. 6.00p.m. 8.30 p.m. 8.45 p.m. 1ST On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. OPENING AND CLOSING OF MAILS. OPENS. CLOSES. Danville A Charlotte B. ., . 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " 11.15 a.m. 6.00 p.m. Charlotte A Atlanta R.R.,. 8.00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. A Augusta R.R.,. 8.80 p. m. 10.00 a. m. Wilm'n & Charlotte R. R... 8.30 p.m. 5.00 a.m. Charlotte A Shelby R. R... . 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a. m. A Statesvllle,. . . . 5.30 p. m, 6.00 a. m. IW Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8. 00 a. m. 33 Yorkvllle, (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. W. W. JENKINS, P. M. INDICATIONS. War Department. Office Chief Signal Officer, Washington, Jan. 16, 7:30 p. M. ) For the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, slowly rising barome ter, north of Florida westerly to north erly winds and slight fall followed by rising temperature. Local Heport for Yesterday. 7A.M.2P. M.9P. M Barometer, Thermometer Relative Humidity,... Wind Direction, " Velocity, Weather , 30.075 51 40 N. 5 Clear. Highest temperature 61 deg. ; lowest 39. Index to New AdverUtenaenla. Tlddy A Bro Butteriek's Fashion Sheets. Andrew Welsh For Sale. HOME PENCI LINGS. It has been a week this morning since there has been a session of the mayor's -ourt. The dramatic club rehearses to-night. The manager says that only the actors and their escorts are expected. One of the most appreciated of the recent street improvements is a rock crossing at the intersection of Tryon and Sixth streets. Two prisoners have been released from jail within the past two days, hav ing served out their terms of imprison ment. There has been an indescribable change in the postoffice. It will appear when you enter the door, if yon don't blind yourself against it. The news of the nomination of Gov. Vance by the Democratic caucus, was received here joyfully. It was a sub ject of general conversation on the streets yesterday, and the satisfaction of our people over thejresult is unbound ed. Many wives who had a suspicion that their husbands were hanging around the ragged edges of the cock-pit yesterday, examined their shoes last night, and it is not to be denied that in raanv cases, alas! alas! the tell-tale sawdust was there. The colored woman Lizzie Koopland, who was so seriously burned last Sat urday night by the explosion of a kero sene lamp in her house on Eighth street, is still in a very critical condition from painful bums on different parts of her body, particularly about the hips and arms. ; Itailroad Note. The Air-Line has built a temporary trestle over the wash-out on its road the other side of Garibaldi, and a cul vert is being built to take its place per m anently. The Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line Railroad will put on very low special rates for the accommodation of persons who wish to visit the New Orleans Mardi Gras. The proceedings of the last meeting of our board of aldermen have stirred P the Wilmington papers, and they are again strongly talking Carolina Cen l ral Railroad shops. Thermometer Hecord. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations men tioned, at 455 yesterday evening, Wash ington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the sig nal othce m this city Atlanta 59 Augusta 64 'Charleston 60 Charlotte 60 'Corsicana .50 'Galveston .58 Havana 78 ridianola 56 Jacksonville 73 Key West. 71 Mobile 64 Montgomery . ...63 New Orleans ... 7 FuntaBassa 71 Savannah 69 St. Marks 64 Letter KeiuaJninff In Ibe Poloffice Uncalled For. Louisa Artis, Thos. Anderson, Samuel F. Barnes, David Bryant, Jno. C. Broad way. Susan Barnes, C. C. Boston, Bobt Bowers. Wm. N. Bell, W. F. Beattie,M. H. f'aldwell. Silla Dimonds. Dr. C, Fuller. Andv Gulick. Ed. F. Gavin, Si5 ; inon Hudgins, 2, Wash Hoover, Diley llutson, Mrs. J. Deliubbard, Hampton Henry, Frederick Harris, G. A. Jen kins, M. E. Lenard, Wilson Marsh, S. M. Osborne, Kate Ransome, Henderson lteid, A. M. Rea, Alice Sadler, Ruffin ; Sellers, Rev. J. S. Stevinson, Mrs. Skel ler, Samuel Steel, Jnb. Thompson, M. A. Thompson, B. C. Thomason, Daniel Thomas, Mrs. S.M. Taggert, Geo. Wirts, 3Iillie Wilson, Mv nroe Williams, J. E. Waddill, Thos. Walker, Catherine Wil liams, Cynthia Wooten. jenieat of Ball read Property ' I At a called meeting of the board of county commissioners held yesterday, a communication was read from the com missioners of Columbus county, re ferring to the fact that there was a manifest inequality between the rate of assessing rauroad -property for pur poses of taxation-in the counties through which the - Carolina Central Hail way passes, and requesting the board of Mecklenburg county to ap- iMint delegates to a convention com posed of members of the boards of ,these counties, to be held at a time and place to be designated hereafter, to fix a uni form rate of assessment The board endorsed the suggestion and appointed Commissioners vail and Sandifer as delegates'to the proposed convention, and recommended that it be held Charlotte. -r 1 No other business of local or general importance was transacted. The board will meet again to-day. - 29.967 29.860 41 57 91 69 8. VT 8 W 6 Miles 12 Foggy. Fair. THE SIGNERS. A List of the Names Attached to the Ketolutiema Pa e d by the late Convention of Northern Settlers -In the Sonth. ' Kev. S. Mattoon, D. president of Biddle University at Charlotte, N.C.; formerly of New York. W. B. Middaugh, Danville, Van farm er: formerly of Tiogo county, Pa. H. CoykendalL farmer, Black's, S. C; DesMoines, Iowa. A. J. Curtis, fruit grower at San Ma ted, Florida, and stock farmer at States ville, N. C. ; Saratoga, N. Y. H. D. Ingersoll, miner, Loudsville, Ga. ; Massachusetts, and of Company F, 47th Massachusetts Infantry, and late Company D, 59th Massachusetts Vete rans. N. Dumont, president of convention, Charlotte, N. C. R. E. McDonald, secretary, Charlotte, N. C; 27th Pennsylvania Volunteers. John Woodhouse, editor Register, Concord, N. C; Morris county, N. J. Thos. J. Conger, farmer, Elm wood, N. C; Brooklyn, N. Y. J. F. Smith, farmer, Mecklenburg county, N. C; Port Jervis, N. Y. W. H. Miller; Van Buren county, Iowa. John W. Plummer, merchant, Plum mersville, Robeson county, N. C. ; Mil waukee, Wis., captain Company G, 24th Wisconsin Infantry. S. A. Sollenberger ; Newville, Pa. Julius Braun, upholster, Charlotte, N. C. ; New York, 7th U. S. Cavalry. S. M. Howell, merchant. Charlotte. N. C; Newark, N.J. Chas. Foster, farmer, Mecklenburg county, N. C. ; Lebanon, Pa. Company E. 2d New Jersey Cavalry. W. B. Harker, Shoe Heel. Robeson county, N. C; Salem county, N. J. Leverett M. Loomis,land agent, Ches ter, S. C. ; Camden county, N. J. Wm. Sahms, superintendent cotton factory, Clay Hill. S. C., Philadelphia, Pa. Jno. W. Carr, book keeper, Charlotte, N. C. ; Norristown, Pa. Jas. Miller, Mecklenburg county, N. C. ;. Columbus, Ohio. A. D. Gage, physician, Statesvllle, N. C; Geneva, N. Y. J. C. Burroughs, merchant, Charlotte, N. C; New Jersey. W. J. F. Liddell, iron manufacturer, Charlotte, N. C; Erie, Pa. H. G. Whiting, painter, Mooresville, X. C.; Massachusetts, 25th Massachu setts Volunteers. Wm. Shroules, tailor, Charlotte, N. C. ; New York, second lieutenant Company 1, 10th New York Infantry. A. Hagar, farmer, Newton, N. C; Frederick, Md. Henry Brown, farmer, Catawba coun ty, N. C; New York. Geo. A. Page, carriage maker, Moores ville, N. C; New York City. S. J. Warren, gold miner, Mecklen burg county, N. C. ; Cold Spring, Put nam county, N. Y. Fred. H. Cushing, iron moulder, Lin colnton, N. C; Hartland, Vt, sergeant Company C, 58th Massachushetts Vol unteers. A. R. Simonton, Statesville, N. C; Staten Island, N. Y. E. R. Berdeen, planter, Aiken, S. C; New York. Wm. Lewis, gold miner, Mecklenburg county, N. C. ; Askam, Luzerne county, Pa. Jas. Ludlum, dairy farmer, Charlotte, N. C; Dickertown, N. J. G. W. Carr, dairy f armer,Charlotte,N. C; Norristown, Pa, Company M, 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry. Deloert L. Barker, planter, Morgan ton, N. C. ; Springfield, Mass. N. E. Johnson, farmer, Little River, N. C. ; Lockhaven, Pa. T. Hovt, real estate agent, Earlsville, S. C; JNew York City. Jno. Glover, engineer. Hickory, N. C. ; Washington county, N. Y., sergeant Company D, 65th Ohio Infantry. J. H. Best, farmer, statesville, jn. j.: Rensallarr county, N. J. " VV. Li. Gilbert, tarmer, .Limwood, JN. C; Brooklyn, N. Y. Jno. J. Gilbert farmer, Elmwood, N. C; Brooklyn, N. Y. H. C.Hunt merchant Ashevilie. jn. C. ; Cincinnati. Ohio. H. I. Woodhouse, printer, Concord, J . C. ; Morris county, N. J. Fred. Page, carriage maker, Moores ville, N. C; New York City. H. L. Bollman, farmer, Polk county, N. C; Pittsburg, Pa. T. A. Davis, superintendent cotton mill, Gaston county, N. C. ; Pennsyl vania. H. McNamara, miller and farmer, Mt. Pleasant N. C. ; Lima Ohio. Isaac Slayton, merchant, Burke coun ty, N. C. ; Worcester, Mass. Jno. T. CiarK, miner, jwecKienDurg county, N. C; New Haven, Conn. S. P. Parker, carnage maser, otates ville, N. C. ; Newark, N. J. S. Radchffe, saw and plain mm, JNew- bern, N. C; New York City. M. O. Beatty, farmer, Concord, JN. J.; Pittsburg, Pa. B. J. Beatty, Charlotte, jn. u. GENERAL NOTES OF THE CONVENTION. Tn reference to the above list of sig natures, we are asked by the president of the meeting to say that it sun incom plete. The work of signing the resolu tions was begun, but DeiBg a tedious business, a resolution was passed unan imously that the names on the roll of the convention oe aaaea. xne rouow ine to the carelessness of some of the delegates in not handing in their names, is still incomplete. Two names of the speeders at tne night meeting of citizens and delegates were unintentionally omnteu. Thos. M. Holt, Ot Alamance county, and Judge Shipp,of this city, both made short addresses, f The personel and bearing of the dele- ?ateshave been' the subject ot much avorable comment by citizens since the convention assembled. ,, . . After the adjournment of the con vention, an arrangement was made be tween a committee of delegates and the committee of citizens of Charlotte who presented the address of welcome, !for the publication of 10,000 copies of the roceedings ior aisiriuuuou. iwemj- S are TO De iuruiaueu eiiuu member of the convention and also each settler who wrote letters to Mr. Dumont on the subject ana tne re mainder are to be placed in the hands of Mr. Dumont to be distributed under the direction of the committee. Heck len bnrff PreaDT ter jr. A called meeting of the Presbytery, was held in the First Presbyterian church night before last Bev, Mr. Chester, the moderator of the last regu lar meeting, presided. The object of the meeting was to change the time of holding the spring sessiori in order to prevent its occurring at the same time appointed for the meeting of Concord Taiivtirv Tt was asrreed -to change tho fifViA to the Fridav before the first Sunday in May. No other business. narrla e of a lainUtter. Bev. W. W.Orr. ft promising young divine of the Associate Beformed Pres lwfAHsui rhnreh. a citizen of this county and ji treiitleumn well-known in Char- lnttP was married vesterday at Hun tersville.on the Charlotte and States ville Railroad, to Miss Lula M, daugh ter of B. B. Hunter, Esq. The marriage ceremony was performed by, Bev. A. Hanson. D.D-" assisted by Bev. D. G. CaldwelL . i . , The Observer acknowledge the courtesy of a remembrancer in the form of a Rnecimen of the weddimr cake and - makers haste to tender the young coupie t its best wishes for a long, happy and I prosperous life. T vu Seen in the Pit. There were about one hundred and fifty men in the cock pit yesterday when it was announcea that the hghting would commence. Most of these were about middle aged, though there was a con siderable sprinkling of younger men. The representation from the countrv was scarcely over twenty, and the vis itors were even fewer. The main has not been advertised as was that of last year, and hence the slim attendance of, sporting men from other towns. The utmost good order prevailed, there be- ngvery little drinking ; in fact there was not a drunken man or boisterous character on the grounds all day. not withstanding there was a bar-room ad joining. The pit is under a shed and is paruy surrounueu i oy seats. The time tor the hrst tight was nxed at 11 o'clock a. m., but it was 12 before the parties stepped into the ring with their cocks in hand. K. C. Franklin, ot Columbia, was the pitter for Walker & Co. and S. B. Holt pitted for Holt & Co. The judges took their places just out side the ring, and as the cocks were brought out they compared them with the description on paper in their hands to satisry themselves that there had been no change in the matching. First Fight North Carolina (Holt & Co.,) showed a red spangled. Holt's own breed, weight 4.15; South Carolina (Walker & Co..) a light gray, breed un certain, weight 4.15. The cocks did not fly at each other when first delivered, but walked over the pit and finally wrent at each other simultaneously; fought hard at first but had a lone rest towards the last. Both held up well. South Carolina killed by a wound in the neck ; time 35 minutes. Second Fig Id. North Carolina, black gray, Sim Jenkins stock, weight 5.3; South Carolina, dark gray Stone and War Horse, weight 5.1. Both flew at each other and fought rapidly. Black ray received a cut and nagged on the fth delivery, and on the sixth ran ; time 16.30. Third Fight North Carolina, silver gray, Sim Jenkins, 5.3; South Carolina, dark gray. Black" Hawrk, 5.1. Went to gether like a flash, silver gray being a high flyer. The fight was- pretty even for several deliveries and both held up well under a hard nght. The dark gray finally lost his vigor and received a stab in the neck : carried out of pit appar ently dying. The silver gray was un hurt; time 7.50. Fourth Fight North Carolina, gin ger red Red Horse, 5.2 ; South Carolina, ginger red Shawl Neck, 5.2. Shawl neck fought vigorously from the jump and seemed to have the advantage for the first five deliveries but received several severe cuts and lost an eye; flagged for awhile but revived and held up pretty well until struck in the head. The red horse kept up well and was fresh at the last but lost an eye. There were ten deliveries and a long rest both chickens being blind in one eye and having the blind sides turned towards each other ; time 23.20. Fifth Fight North Carolina, silver gray Sim Jenkins, 5.4 ; South Carolina, red bhawl Neck, 5.4. The Shawl JNeck flew at his antagonist at the start, and alter some vigorous hghting, got the advantage which he held throughout. The gray flagged early and was down two-thirds of the time, but continued to strike as long as he was able. The shawl neck was in good condition at the close, when the pitter of the gray gave up the fight. isixti Hight. JNorth Carolina, black gray him Jenkins, 5.o; bouth Carolina, lied Tarter, 5.5. Sharp fighting from the jump by both. The gray received three cuts about the neck and head on three several deliveries, and on the third ran out of the pit, but died before the gaffs were taken off. The Red Tar ter received little, if any injurv. Time, 3.10. Seventh Fight. North Carolina, dark Red Quill, 5.5: South Carolina, brass back gray ; Stone and War Horse, 5.6. Flew at each other savagely and fought vigorously and with -equal advantage until the second delivery when the gray was wounded in the back, and when taken up was bleeding at the mouth ; he died on the third delivery, The best fight of the day. Time, 1.40. Eighth Fight North Carolina, blue gray, Sim Jenkins, 5.8 ; South Carolina, gray domimque, breed uncertain, 5.8. This was a long and bloody fight neith er gaining the advantage and both be ing literally cut to pieces. The domi nique flagged first, and failing to make a stroke was, according to the rules, af ter five deliveries, counted out ; time 39. The result of the dav s fight was. North Carolina. 5; South Carolina, 3. North Carolina having won the first fight, day before yesterday, the second stands 6 to 3. The betting was pretty lively, but no very large bets were made. The North Carolina backers are very jubilant. They only have to win four fights to day to win the main. The fighting begins this morning at 11 o'clock, and the main will be closed to-day, there being yet nine fights to be had. NOTES OF THE PIT. The last day of the main. It open out with the odds in favor of the North Carolinians. "Hack fights" were going on at the cock pit till a late hour last night. The severest fighting of the main will be that to-day. Both sides will put their very best birds in. In the fifth of to-day's battles will appear, according to the sworn declara tions of Uncle Ned Glavin, the "faer-faemed-fleary eye" one of North Caro lina's most boasted strains. Jcadiug Club Re-orffaniiBed. A re-organization of the reading club was effected night before last, the meet ing being held at the residence of Mrs. Dewey. The following officers were elected for the present season : Presi dent Capt Arniistead Burwell; vice- president, Mr. Frank I. Osborne ; secre tarv. Miss Emma McDowell ; treasurer, Miss Maggie Morehead, The time and place of the next meeting win De an nounced hereafter. The Deaf and Dumb and lilind An). Inn).. Win have had for several davs the verv full and satisfar.tiirv renorts of the effi- cers of the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind. The report oi tne presi dent of the board of directors snows that th inat.it.nt.inn was operated last year within the appropriation and had lett a Daiance or snowing quite an extraordinarv saving, which was devoted to the building of a much- needed wing to the asylum. The presi dent in his report, reiernng to mese figures, says: "With the balance on hand at. tins date. I think an aDDTODria- tion of $40,000 a year for the next two years will be necessary ior tne support of the institution. This is a saving to f v.r of of. tf AiSOfYl ninnarpH with the amount expended by my' predeces sor ior tne years o, aim is o,uuu less than was appropriated for the two years just closed. The list of pupils shows that there are in the white department of this institu tion, or were, at the conclusion, of the year ending January 1 st 1879, 263 pupils, of whom 3 are from Mecklenburg 1 deaf arid dumb female (Mary Hargrove, of Paw Creek,) 1 blind male (J. A, Har tis, of Matthews' Station,) and 1 blind female (Catherine Sloan, of Paw Creek.) In the colored department Mecklenburg has 11 inmates 4 deaf and dumb males, and 7 deaf and dumb females, Second Day's Fight What ifl el Again After a Long Time. Mr.B. Chambers, the livery man of this city, was a citizen of New Zealand sixteen years ago, and was the first man in the town of that province where he resided, to run a dray. The first man in that town who gave him any work in the line of draying was Mr. J. C. Bates. Afterwards Mr. Chambers left New Zealand and lately settled in Char lotte. In the meantime Mr. Bates had settled in the adjoining countv of Union, and yesterday the two met "again and Mr. Bates paid Mr. Chambers a dray fee. They were glad enough to see each other, too.; . . L meeting in Behalf of the Poor To Day . The temporary association for the re lief of the poor expires by limitation to day, and by order of the meeting of citi zens which organized this association, another meeting is called for this after noon at 4 o'clock, for the organization of a permanent association. All citi zens, male and female, are invited to attend. It is hoped by those who have begun this work that all good citizens will at once recognize the necessity of such an organization and not fail to attend the meeting to-day. , i i ' Statesville Ileum. The first term of Iredell Superior Court, lately organized, has been in ses sion this week. It passed, among oth ers, on five jail cases which came with in its jurisdiction. A young man from the northern part of the county has been arrested and lodged in jail on the charge of rape. Application for bail, on a writ of ha beas corpus, has been made to the judge of the district Quite a quantity of stock in the States ville Air Line Railroad, proposed to be run from Statesville to Mount Airy, has been subscribed for since the opening of the books. The Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Railroad, will probably be asked to aid in this undertaking on the ground of its giving it a through and short connection to the Virginia line. The members of the United States coast survey, who have recently had their headquarters in Statesville for the purpose of ascertaining accurately the latitude and longitude of this town, with reference to certain mountain peaks, have concluded their labors and left for Atlanta. Statesville must be at least five de- f;rees colder on an average than Char otte. There was excellent skating on Davis' pond, near Statesville, four or five days after all the ice had disappear ed from the ponds around Charlotte. I nd ucenienta to Returning Em ig rants . It has already been mentioned that a convention of railroad ticket agents has recently been held in Texas for the pur pose of adopting popular rates by which persons who have moved to that State from the South and Southeast, and be come dissatisfied, may return to their old homes at small cost Maj. W. J. Houston, general ticket agent of the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line Rail road, was one of the members of this convention, and of its proceedings he spoke the other day to a reporter of the Atlanta Post, as follows : Rep. Yon have failed then to accom plish the object of' your visit ? Maj. H.Notr at 11. I have perfected an arrangement for the transportation of immigrants who are to beconie ac tual settlers in the Southeast at rates less than the average rates given to Texas heretofore. Rep. Is there any certainty about this and when will it go into effect? Maj. H. It is a certainty as all the railroads and steamboat lines between two important points in Texas have given full authority to carry the same into lull effect, and it only requires time to arrange the preliminaries. Rep. Do you expect luany to avail themselves of this arrangement? Maj. II. The saason will be rather too far advanced to do much until the coming crop is made. After that I ex- Eect them to come in large numbers, owever, during this winter and next spring, they will come in small detach ments. Rep. Has such an arrangement ever been made before ? Maj. H. No, sir. This is the first time. ItlARUIED. In this city, by Rer. Tlieo. Whitfield, D. D.. on the 14th Inst, Mr. Wm. McKamey and Miss Fanny Lockhart TELEGRAPHIC MARKtT REPORTS . JANUARY 17, 1877 PRODUCE. Baltimore -Oats dull and steady; Southern 28a82, Western white 30a31, do mixed 27a28, Pennsylvania 28aa32. Hay dull, steady; prime Pennsylvania and Maryland lOall. Provisions fair trade and firm; mess pork, old 8.00, 'new 9.00; bulk meats loose shoulders.new 2&ta3, clear rib sides, new 4. per pear load, packed, new 3a4i&; bacon shoulders, old 3& clear sides, new 5, hams, sugar-cured, UaVfe. Lard refined tierces 6. Butter active and firm; choice West em packed 18a20, rolls 15al7. Coffee quiet but held firm; Rio cargoes lH4al6i4. Whiskey small trade at l.OyVg. Sugar quiet; A soft 84StaU. Mkw York Flour on decided change: No. 2, 2 30a2.85, superfine Western and State 3.20a3.5O, common to good extra Western and State 3.05a 3.70, good to choice do 3,9oa4,S0; Southern flour unchanged; common to fair extra 8.86a4.tt5; good to choice do 4.75a.25. Wheat quiet; ungraded winter red 1.0la, No. 8 do 1.03tya3iA Com dull and unchanged; ungraded 47a48s, No. 3, 44. Oats a shade firmer. Coffee unchanged and very quiet; In cargoes 1 lal6, in Job lots llal7. Sugar very firm, with fair inquiry: Cuban 8i4a, fair to good refining 6a, prime 7 ; refined standard A Ha, granulated 8, powdered 9feal4, crushed do. Molasses dull and unchanged. Rice in good demand and steady. Pork mess on spot 7.H0. Lard prime steam on spot 8.15al7te Whiskey firm at I. IQ&Vt, bid. Freights quiet. COTTON. Jorfolk Quiet ; middling 9c.; net receipts 1,229; gross; stock 13,346; exports coastwise 1,218; sales 1,015; exports to Great Britain 4,180 Baltimore Quiet ; middling 914c. ; low middling 8c; good ordinary 81&C.; net receipts 175; gross 275; sales 225; stock 11,388; exports coastwise 40; spinners 125; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent . Boston Outlet; middling 9; low middling 9c; good ordinary 8iAc; net receipts 510; gross 2332; sales ; stock 2.575; exports to Great Brit ain . Wilmington Steady; middling 8c; low mid dling 8tec.; good ordinary 744; net receipts 631; gross ; sales ; stock 7,171; spinners; ex ports coastwise 931 ; to Great Britain ; to Con nent ; to channel . Philadelphia Quiet; middling Ue.; low middling 9a; good ordinary 8$.; net receipts 158; gross 263; sales 284; spinners ; stock 8,629; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Quiet; middling 8i&c.; low mid dling 8c.; good ordinary 714c; receipts 1,383: shipments ; sales 1,866; stock - - Charleston Quiet; middling 9c; low mid dling 9ic.;good ordinary net receipts 038; gross ; sales 1,000; stock 57,848; exports coastwise 1,227; to Great Britain ; France ; Continent 2,195; to channel , - New York Dull; sales 206; mldtBlu v 6-16.. nua. uneans -16.; consoud ceipts 15,902, exports to Great Britain 20,677; to Continent 2,995: to France 2,947: to channel . Liverpool oon- Moderate Inquiry, which was freely supplied. Mid'g uplands 5, Orleans5 9-16, low middling uplands , good ordinary uplands . ordinal y uplands sales 10,000, speculation and export 2,000, receipts 27,500, American 25,000. Futures weaker, with sellers at last night's prices. Uplands low middling clause; January delivery . January and February 55-16, February and March 5 Il-32a5-16, March and April 5 11 32a 5-16, April and May 5 13-32, May and June 5 7 16, June and July 5ft, July and August 5 9-16, August and September . New crop shipped Jan uary and February per sail 5 13-82. . . . "futures. " T New Yore Futures dosed firm, Sales 45,. 000 bales. . January., February:; 98a.39 9.51 fl. 708,71 9 .85a 86 . -0.99al0 10.O9a.10 f0.18a.20 10.28aJiO April... June July... August FINANCIAL. New York-Money 1,214. Exchange 4-84ali Governments firm. New 5 s 1.07. State bonus dull, : COT COTTON MARKET. , . v - XFTICX Off TEE OBSKKYKR. Cautions. January 18. 1879. 1 The market yesterday closed quiet, as follows: Good middling . S&k Middling.. ... : . . . . . . xia Strict low middling... . .-... g Low middling. 7 xuigws 7; Lower grades , 5a7: CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. JANUARY 18, 1879. CORRECTED DAILY. COTToa Trss New, per bale. $2.25 Spliced, " 1.75 Bagqujo, per lb. lU&al2W Cork, per bush'1 40&45 MiAfc. " 40a46 Pkab, " 50a5& Oats, shelled, 83a35. Bjlcom N. C. bog round Ra9 Hams, N. C. llaim Hams, uncanvaased. tui Bulk Hsats Clear Rib Side. 5ft COFFKK Prime Rio. IBalCSM Good. 13al5 Syrup Sugar-house. 25 Molassxs Cuba 88a40 New Orleans 85a50 Salt , Liverpool fine 1.00a2.00 Sugar White. 9ttalMA Yellow.. 7a8 Potatoes Sweet 35a40 Irish. 40a50 Butter North Carolina. 12tta20 Eggs, per dozen. 12ftal5 Flour Family 3.00a3.50 Extra. 2.75a3.00 Super 2.25a2-50 gplirXatt (goods. QUB OUR HOLIDAY ASS CHRISTMAS GOODO OLIDAY AND CHRISTMAS GOODO HATB COMB AKK OPSK FOR UfSRCTTON AND BALK A large and varied stock. THE BEST WE EYEB HAD. YOU ABE INYITED TO CALL. TTDDY A BROTHER. decl2 G REAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, h CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and eveirthins von want ior i;nnsimas, ai J. T. BUTLER'S, dec24 WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCTT E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCJV or -T? ANCY GOOD O -r ANCY GOOD Ground and Cut Glass BotUes. the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English anS American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brashes. - L. R. WRISTON A CO. dec!8 w E ARE ALWAYS READY And wOlinc to show goods whether or not you are ready to buy. L. R. WRISTON ft CO. aecia pBESCBIPTIONS Carefully and accurately prepared at an hoars, by WILSON BURWELL, declS . ... , V . Druggists.- F TNE FRENCH BRANDY, Wines and Whiskies for medical nonoses. can be bad of WILSON A BURWELL. decl8 Druggists. ( WnBLilwinroEra . Have Just received, -Gelatine, ; Cora Starch, Sherry WmeJ J ' ' . ' ' Flavoring Xxtmets, All of the best quality for retail trade. declS ABOLDU CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, 1 THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE ! This Line being fully equipped for business, Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern CtUea to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee ft Ohio, As well as points in Georgia Insurance and Bates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F.W.CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C. sept8Q jy. J. H. McADEN, DRUGHOT AND CKEMI9T, Now otters to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Boney and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brashes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and daytt 3. H. McADFJTS Prescription Store. s ECURITY! SECURITY ! SECURITY 1 200 Barrels of C. WEST A SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AJTL ALADDIN SECURITY:0IL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a Are test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before tt will burn. C. West A Sons, Baltimore. For Sate by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. F. SCARR A CO., )Fi BUGGI8TOI U RtJGGIST IJ t, KIAB THE FOOT-OFFICE, Would respectfully inform the public "that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Postoffice, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pore Drags. jan7-tt Soots wx& J&h oes. T) EG RAM ACQ., DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES AND gH A TTTT ssaK H AA T 5 8 HHH AA T s8So H H AAA T B H H A A T Baas 1st National Bank Building. Charlotte, N. C. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Ac, is acknowledged to be the best in the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buying. j PEGRAM A CO. N EW LIVERY STABLE. If you want first-dais Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Hones, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want your horses wen fed and wen groomed go to the New Livery Stable. Careful drivers, promptness and reason able prices are our motto. may28 & CHAMBERS CO. gisccllatttotts. jpRESH ARRIVALS, FOR SALE, WANTED. 10 boxes assorted CandW'5 boxes ehotee Oys ter Crackers. S boxes Family Washing Soap, largest 10c ban tn the etty. Also 1 fine Much Cow and one nedhan avail Cow with young calf, for sale tow. 500 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED. : dec2Q f B. K. SJOTH. w ADDQX HOUSE GASTONIA,N C IB. K. WADDILL, feblOtt 0 DISPATCH LIN 1 7 ; - NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled facilities for the Trans portion of Charlotte, Statesvllle, Ashevffle, Rutherfordton, on the Atlanta Richmond Air-Line, and Western N. C Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi via any Competing Line, and Tune as Quick.; upon application to WM. A. MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C. T. T. 8MTTH, Agent a C Railway, Charlotte. potteries. JOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To win a fortune. Second 'Grand Distribution, Class B, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 11th, 1879-105th Monthly Drawing. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868,' with a capital of 81,000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve Fund of 8350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution 1 CAPITAL PRIZE, $80,000. ' 100,000 tickets at Two Dollars each. Half Tick ets, One Dollar-. LIST OF PBiEES : 1 capital Prize, ........ 830,000 1 Capital Prize, 10,000 J Capital Prize. 5,000 Prizes of 82,500 .,. 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000........:..-....-. 5,000 20 Prises of 600...... ..:. ... ... 10,000 100 Prises of 100; ; . 10,000 200Prizesof 60 ... - 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10,000 1,000 Prizes of. 10.. 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : ' 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Frizes ot 100..... 900 1867 Prizes amounting to. ...$110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prmntoenotnts, to whom a liberal compensation Application for rates to elubs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans, Write, clearly stating full address, for full infor mation or send orders to M, A. DAUPHIN, Postofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREOARDandJOBAL A, EARLY. Ianl4 A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS ! ! 1 We will during the HOLIDAYS dispose 4t 100 PIANOS and ORGANS, at EXTRAORDINARY LOW prices for cash, SPLENDID ORGANS 2 8-5 sets of reeds $65, 3 sets with Sub Bass and Coupler $80, 2 sets $50, 1 set $40, 1 set $35. 7 Octdve all ROSEWOOD FIABOS $180, 7 1-8 da $140, war ranted for six years. AGfflfTB WANTED. Illus trated catalogues mailed. Musis ai half price. HORACE WATERS SONS, Mmufrs and Deal ers, 40 E. 14th st, N. t. JgMTNENT DR. H. B. WALTON ANNAPOLIS, MD., WRITES: Colden's LIEBIG'S LIQUID EXTRACT of BEEF Is a nest excellent preparation. It Is par excel lence. Superior to Cod Liver Oil or anything I have ever used in washed or Impaired constitutions, and an excellent preventive of Malarial diseases. Sold by all druggists and grocers. O ILS SASSAFRAS AND PENRTROYAL Of prime quality, bought tn any qotattr. for cash on delivery, tree of brokerage, eommissloas, or storage expenses, by DODGE OLCOTT, Im porters and Exporters of DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, Ac 88 William St. New York. QEO.C.WARE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in , PURE APPLE CIDEB- AND CIDER VINEGAR. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of E. B. CONDIT'S TABLE SAUCE,- 287 to 295 W. Third St, ' CINCINNATI, O. JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO. Awarded highest prize at Centennial Exposition for One chewing qualities and excellence and lasting character of sweetening and flavoring. The best Tobacco made. As our blue strip trade-nark is closely Imitated on Inferior goods, see that "Jack son's Best" is on every plug. Sold by all dealers. Send for sample free, tot A. Jackson Co., Man ufacturers, Petersburg, Va. $7 A DAY to Agents canvassing for the "Fixs I side Visitor.' Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. AGENTS WANTED For the best and fastest selling Pictorial Books and Bibles; Prices re duced 83 per cent. Address NAT. PUB. CO., PhUa, Pa. - - - . OK Chromo Cards, Ac, Cupids, Mottoes, Flowers, At) no two alike, with name, 10c. NASSAU CARD CO., Nassau, N, Y. 30 Mixed Cards, Snowflake, Damask, o,, no two alike, with name. 10c. J. MinkW A Co.. Nassau, N. Y. i A MIXED CARDS, with name 10c. Agents' ttU outfit 10c L. JONES CO., Nassau. N. Y. decSl XnLzvbxXiiiQ. TJNDEBTAKrNG The undersigned is now prepared to nil all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand a full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and MetaBc. , PRICES AS LOW AS ANT. -"- Hearses furnlahed If desired. ' M Furniture of every Description Repaired at shCf ! notice.' . u U - v. W.M.WILHXLM, .With X. O. Rogers, Trade Street. June 20.

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