l)c t)arlotte bscrbcr. . LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1870. BA1LR0AD UIRECTOBT. The following table shows the running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time): RICHMOND DAKVIIAK. Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 1.00 a. m. Leaves for " " 3-20 a. m. . Arrives from Richmond, 10.50 a. m. Leaves for ' 6.55 p. m; ATLANTA CHABLOTTJt AIB-LINK. Arrives from Atlanta, 3 20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta, l.Oo a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, 6 50 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta, 10.50 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AUGUST A.- Arrives from Augusta 6.45 p.m. Leaves for Augusta, 11,00 a. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington, 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington 6.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby, 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Shelby, 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO. Arrives from Statesvllle, 5.30 p. m. Leaves for Statesvllle 7.00 a. m chTuuTitkposToffice. OFFICE HOURS. , OPENS. CLOSES. Money Order Department,. .9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. Registry Department, 9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. Gen'lDeliv'yStampDept,.8.00 a. m. 6.00 p. m. 8.30 p.m. 8.45 p.m. fW On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. OPENING AND CLOSING OF MAILS. OPENS. CLOSES. Danville 4 Charlotte R. R. , . 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " 11.15 a.m. 6.00 p.m. Charlotte & Atlanta R. R.,. 8.00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. & Augusta R. R., . 8.80 p. m. 10.00 a. m. Wllm'n & Charlotte R. R,. 8.30 p.m. 5.00 a.m. Charlotte & Shelby R. R., . . 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a. m. & SUtesville, .... 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a. m. XST" Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5.n0 p. in., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m, Sf Yorkville, (horse route, Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. W. W. JENKINS, P. M. INUIClTIOftS. War Department, uj' r jv k' v.. j i a jj a " - i ' W asi 1 1 ngton, ,J an. 17, 7 :30 P. M. ) For t lie South Atlantic States, easter ly to southerly to southerly winds, fall ing barometer, slight rise in tempera ture during Saturday and partly cloudy weather, with iight rains in the north ern portion. Local Iteport for Yesterday. ' ' TT'.W2 P. M. 9 P. M Uarometer Thermometer Relative Humidity,. lnd Direction,... " Velocity,. Weather , 30.323 30.180 30.098 34 48 45 70 49 76 N. E. E. N. E. 3 Miles 3 ' 1 Smoky. 1 Fair. Cloudy. Highest temperature 50 deg.; lowest 34. Index to Nnr Advcriiienieni. LeRoy Davidson Good health, 4e. S. M. Howell Family-Groceries. J. J. Mort Notice. Perry Perry's Caromels. Andrew Welsh For Sale. The advertisement of Mr. Andrew "Welsh canary birds for sale appears corrected this morning. '.'! Mr. A. H. Creswell has sold out his stock of groceries to Messrs.SifTord fc Freeland, "who will continue the busi ness at the old stand." The meeting of the creditors of Dr. Win, Sloan, appointed by Register Ke ogli to beheld in this city on the 15th, was postponed to the 20th. ' Mr. J. A. Stockton, well known litre as a tailor, having resided in Charlotte for several years, died last Sunday, at his old home, Salisbury, of a oongt?uve chill. " Masonic Address. At a regular meeting of Charlotte Chapter No. 39, Koyal Arch Masons, held at Masonic Temple last night, a resolution was adopted appointing a committee to prepare a -.supper to be given on the 7th proximo. An address will be delivered on the occasion by Companion Chas. R. Jones. . Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations men tioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Wash ington mean time, as ascertained .from the daily bulletin issued from the sig nal orhce in this city: Atlanta 4G Jacksonville 60 Augusta 58 Key West.. 76 Charleston 55 Mobile . 65 i 'h arlotte 49 Montgomery 69 Coisicana 49 New Orleans. . ..73 Galveston 65 Punta, Rassa. .. .75 Havana 78 Savannah., 58 Indianola 71 St. Marks. 07 i Xlie Meanest JTIan. When they go to revise the catechism we want to submit an answer to the question, AVho is the meanest man? and for fear of being too late about it we will submit it now. He is a Charlotte man. He promised his wife $d' if slie would not buy a certain breastpin which she wanted; she accepted the proposition, and then he turned around jind bet her 5 that North Carolina would whip in the cock main, and won 1 lie money. At It Again. The colored barber, Sandy Pagan, who iigured so extensively here a few months ago in the battles of the bar bers, has gone to Chester S. C, and-th Reporter says that last Monday he went into the bar-room of a man named Ellis in that town and began making violent and threatening demonstrations when Ellis, who appears to be a man, without any foolishness about him, drew a pis tol and sent a ball whizzing through the young man's throat, lodging it in the back of his neck. The ball was extract ed but the wound is a serious one. A arrow Escape from a Terrible D1m aster. The passengers on the Carolina Cen . ral train which came in last night riar Jwly escaped a dreadful fatality, a short distance below Polkton yesterday. The train was composed of the usual ii umber of passenger cars and a half doz en or more freight cars. As it was com ing down the grade and turning the eurve near the first of two trestles across small stream.theforemost truck of the inst-class car jumped the track. As soon as the conductor felt the jar, he pulled the bell cord and the brakes were l,ut on and the engine1 reversed; as quickly as possible, but owing to the length of the train, and the rate at v inch it was going, it was impossible to stop it before the trestle was reach ed Some of the passengers looked out hiiu saw the danger, and two of them leaped from the car. The first trestle' was cleared and still the train did not su p. The jarring caused by the1 wheels Jinnping over the cross-ties added tor uie confusion "and alarm among the passengers. The next trestle, less than hity yards distant,' was reached, and it was not until the trucks had jumped Ji f teen or twenty of the cross-ties on tpis, that the train 'came to a standstill. hen the passengers got out, they re alized the danger through , which they had passed. Tlie wheels had broken may of the cross-ties on both trestles. and were then resting within a.few inches of the end. The escape was al most miraculous. One of the r passen gers who jumped from tlve train . was Mr. W. J. Orr who, it will be remem bered, was one of the sufferers from the Fishing creek disaster on the Charlotte,' Columbia & Augusta road . over a year a go. Neither he nor the other- gent le-' men who jumped from the train receiv ed any injury, , r" 0 Victory forlfortn. Carolina bat' Close riffbt. - -" Almost the same faces which appear-" ed in the cock pit day before yesterday were again there on the last day f the fight, but they wore more anxious and; excited expressions, especially towards the close, ot the main. A iew being unable to stand the pressure of demor alization resorted to the winie cups, and hence the order was not so good as on the first day, though there were no dis turbances. ; " ' :'- ' "-',! First Fight North Carolina showed a ginger red of Sim Jenkins and Dusty Miller, mixed breed, weight 5 :8 ; South Carolina, red Nub Comb, weight 5:8. llather slow fighters and neither seem ed to have the advantage for the first four or five deliveries. The ginger finally struck his antagonist in the head and he was carried out of the pit. Time, 10 minutes. . Second Fight North Carolina, span gled Phillips cock, 5:8; South Carolina, dark red Pink Howell, 6:8. Even and lively fight for the first two or three de liveries, but the red lost first one and then the other eye, while the spangled also seemed to be pretty severely pun ished. The red showed game till the last, striking at his antagonist when ever he could tell where he was. The spangled at last suddenly left the pit in a brisk trot. Time, 23 0, Third Fight North Carolina show ed a dark lied Horse,1 5:10; South Caro lina. 'red Nub Comb, 5:11. Flew at each other from the jump. On the first de livery the dark red inflicted a cut on his antagonist and received one him self. On the fourth delivery he struck the Nub Comb a blowr in the head, when the latter jumped and fell dead on his back. Time, 4. Fourth Fight North Carolina, a sil ver grav Jenkins and lied Horse, 5:14; South Carolina, red Nub Comb, 5:12, Short sharp and decisive. Both flew high and stood up'To each "other until the Bilver gray drove a gaftthrough the head of his antagonist, killing him in the pit. Time, 1 :30. ' ? Fifth Fight. North Carolina.a bright red "Flary Eye," 5:15; South Carolina, silver gray cross on Sim Jenkins, 5:13. The gray' seemed to be the stronger cock from the beginning and held the advantage throughout, the red seemed to do his best, reviving towards the last. On the fifth delivery he received a blow in the head and trotted out of the pit. The pitter of the red claimed another chance, but his cock refused to fight. Time, 9. Sixth Fight South Carolina;' red dominique, Georgia ,breed, 6; North Carolina, silver gray cross on Sim Jen kins, 6. The gray" was game enough, but a poor fighter, and the dominique nid not press his advantage. Both cocks were slightly injured at the close of the fifth delivery. On the sixth delivery the gray received a. wound in the body, which produced bleeding at the mouth.; fell and tried to come, but failed. Time, 8:30. Seventh Fight. North Carolina, dark gray, same breed as above, 5 :15 ; South Carolina, dark red Welshlegger, 6. In the very first buckle the gray had his leg broken above the knee, disabling hiin, but he continued to fight bravely notwithstanding the red inflicted a half dozen wounds in the head and neck, from the effects of which lie final ly died. Time, 19. Eighth Fight North Carolina, dark red Jenkins, mixed breed, 6:3; South Carolina, White Tarter, 6:2. Both in fine condition, and neither seemed to have the odds. The white received two cuts, but recovered and dealt his antag onist a head stroke which laid him over on the fifth delivery. Time, 720. Ninth Fight North Carolina, gray Johnston's stock, 6:4; South Carolina, Nub Comb, breed known as "Yaller-4 Gal," C :3. The hardest fought battle of the day. Both hit hard licks and cut each other pretty badly, being high fly ers. The gray received all his wounds about the neck ; the red on the fifth de livprv pot a ojir, in Mia hack which caused a deep rattfe. He showed signs of flagging from this on, and finally ran. (This is the first South?1' Carolina cock that has run during the main.) Time, 22. : ' This ended the main, the result of the day's fightning being South Caroli na 5 to North Carolina 4; the result of the main being North Carolina 10, South Carolina 8. When the last fight ended the North Carolina backers gave a yell that might have been heard a half dozen blocks. 4'hey had almost despaired of winning the main, having lost the four fights immediately precedingthis one, when it was generally believed that the result would be a draw. The fighting throughout the day was better than that had the day before. The betting was not so large at first,but increased towards the last, until on the final . fight both sides risked almost everything they had lett. NOTES OF THE PIT. The event of the day was the igno- tmnous deteat or. tne iaer ieamea flaery eye in. the fifth fight; he ran yes, lett-the -pit in a trot, iv was tne most humiliating eyent, in the life of Uncle, Ned Glavin'iMt was. more than he could stand. But they do say that he was not absolutely pure blood, and the pitter said before the fight .that he was not jnjssiOd jCQfluiuoD After the main yestesday twev shake- bag fights were had, hi one of whieh the South Carolina party whipped .an,d in the other the North Carolina. ' ' Quite a number of .hack fights were had last niglrb, the South Oatohniana winning largely. '.."' '. '. . There will be hack; fights to-day jand to-night. Neither of the cock-fanciers will leave, 'With tHr birds -before, to morrow morning' ' " .' '-' In the rante-room " after-the backing last night, Bob Chapman gave entel-- tainmpnt which ereatrV mscOuntefl tl nt main and pushed a circus very closely.., . , .. '.:- n.'i! Salisbury Item. ' '" The Observer, .as well asthe-llaleigh papers, came Tresday yia the "Western North Carolina Kailroad. ' " v : Amateur theatricals Thursday and Friday nights for the benefit of the Lee monument fund, and a putrti&fedd&Bs on Monday night next byr James -Madison Gray, Esq, for the same object. -' The horses of tto wan are dying of a strange new disease. They are taken suddenly, apparently with an affection Of the brain, and die on short order. : Petitions are circulating in the coun ty for a stock law, a revival or the whipping post, cutting down of salaries and fees, Sec. L. H. Clement Esq., of Mocksville, has located in Salisbury for the prac tice; of his profession the law. Jas. M. Grav. Esq.. who was recently, licens ed by the Supreme Gourt, has also hung out ins shingieiiere;' (- : . "Klttz'a'drug store5 Tiaa . a curiosity in the Shane of a twin babv. Jb -has two perfect and distinct heads and our arms. It .isiojjied at breast bone, but has but two JegSTT-twQ perfect upper ex tremities and but one Tower.; Colored, of course. ' ' ' v' '' " ' " ' '! JTJ inuteix of lb Methodist Conference. "Wh h indebted to the Dublisher. Mr. W. C. .Wolfe, of Monroe, for, "a copy of tne journal r me iorxy-ecoiiu session of the North Carolina annual confer ence, of the M; E. Church, South, held in this city in November and December last. The job id a particularly haftdsOme oneas handsome' as "cojald. Jiave been 'done anywhere and - the time between the conference' and tbe plrblicatioh - of the minutes is shorter than usual,,;, The journal is Edited by Bey. Dr. B. Craven the secretary of 4he conference! tT THflB$ ocl ATIO?r- Til XUfectea - lfeterdy. l j. Pursuant to a call of a previous-meeting, a few ladies and gentlemen assein- .bled- at. the rooms ?fi tha young Men'w uurisuan association, at 4 p. m,jesiej day, for the purpose of making a 1 per manent organization of the Charlotle Belief Association: ' h' d The temporary chairman (Gen. John A. Young)f thepriusHieetirig being called to the chair,: and Gen. Thos. P. Drayton requested to act as secretary, at was at once recommended that the association proceed to elect officers. Gen. Jno. A ,YtOung ; wae -numnated frit nrac ' H an'f d nVT uTatarl iinQninrtAiiulii lien. xnos. a . urayton was elected vice president, and A. G.iBrenizer was elect ed treasurer and secretary. It was then moved by Dr. E. Nye Hutchison' and adopted, that the follow ing ladies: .Mrs, Julia, Pox, Mr. B. Bush Smith, Mi's. 'II. C. Jones, Mrs. Jno. Wilkes, Mrs. Johrf Valandinghanl, Mrs.. Owens, Mrs. J I4W-hitsitt and Mrs. Powers, who had previously composed the relief committee be continued, and that the following, additional persons be appointed' members of said commit tee,' viz : Mrs. Iiuf us Jones, Mrs. Jonas Kudisill, Mra. Dr. Whitfield, Mrs. Capt. DeAVolfe, Mrs. Col. J. li. Morehead, Miss Sallie Davidson, Capt. S. Gross, Mis. Sidney Heading, Mrs. Ger. Thos. J. Jackson,' Miss Clara Yates, Revs. J. F. Butt and Vr. S. Haltom, Mrs. Frank Snyder, , Mr, C. Hilker, Mrs. W. C. Mor gan and Prof. Geo. B. Hanna. The followingresolutions, introduced by Dr. Hutchison, were adopted: 1st. That the general committee be instructed to meet at the earliest prac ticable moment to organize, dividing its members into four sub-committees, each of which shall elect its own chairman. ; 2d. That orders for relief must be sigried by the chairman, of the sub-com-inittee of the ward in which the desti tute reside. 8d. No order for relief shall be given oetore some member ot the ward com mittee has personally satisfied herself (or himself) that it is for a case deserving of assistance. It was further resolved, on motion of Mayor Smith, that the general commit tee for distributing aid to the sick and destitute, are authorized to make ar rangements to collect funds from the citizens from time to time, as the neces sities of the poor may demand The ladies of the relief committee submitted the following statement oi families assisted and money expended wnnin me last iew aays. WARDS NOS. 1 AND 2. 13 families 15 WARD NO. 3. 19 families 31 WARD NO. 4- 3 families '...' 6 98 00 50 Total., , $53 48 The mayor reported that he still bad igT05.45 unexpended Tunas in his posses sion, which he was requested to turn over to the members of the relief com mittee on their reqiiisitiori. !',. It was further resolved that the regu lar monthly meetings of this association shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month, at 4 p. m., in the reoms o the Young Men's Christian Association, ana that tne president ot tne associa tion give 'notice in The Daily Ob server of a called meeting for next Monday, at 4 p. miu the same room "After the secretary had been desired to publish the proceedings in the morn ing issue ot ihe Observer, tne asso ciation adjourned to assemble as above Railroad Notes. ..Xbe, Piedmont AjLtJJiifi.liaitlie .'.'call" on the Xennesaw ronte.this season in the rmittferttravelJ'Canse: first-class accommodations, pretty route, fast time and certain connections. ' i Mr. C. Yingling has been appointed emigrant agent of the IMedmont Air- Line, with headquarters at No. 9 Astor House, New York. It is stated by the railroad men that the young railroad telegraph operator, f egg, wno was lound dead last Sunday morning in Greenville, S. C, did not suicide, out, being drunk, wandered off. fell down, andbemg uuable to rise, was irozen to death. Gol. John B. Peck, of Atlanta, former ly Superintendent of the Air Line Kail road, has been appointed superinten dent 'of .the South Carolina Tiailioad, vice Mr. S. S. Solomons. Col. Peck is an elegant gentleman and a railroad man ager ot ability and experience, The pool met in Atlanta i yesterday and adopted new rates, to go into effect . - A. 1 .'Tl 1 ' ' J A . A. X 1 L . . . on me lotn. it is saia inat. tne new rates are lower tnan tnose lately in force. A committee -was appointed to report to another meeting,' to be held March 19th, upon, certain questions which were lett to its consideration Dramatic Notes. -' Bangs will probably draw the largest nouseoi the season: in Charlotte. Al though his date is yet a considerable distance off (February 5th) he is already being much talked about. Our next amusement will be Blind Tom, who appears at the opera house Monday night. He is a musical prodi gy, and although he lias been long on. the stage the public seems never to tire ot him There are -some grounds for believing tnat Miss uenivieve Jiogers will give us a call before long. She is called the most captivating actress of her age now on the hoards. - In-riewof-the-fact -that :Kate "tflax- ton is shortly to appear infEaleigh and Greensboyoit wirl be' Advisable for the citizens of thoge towns to put double insurance upbn their ' property. Slje is the most hre-tried actress on the continent.1- i -i Nothing has been heard of Katie Putnam since she broke in Lynchburg. w e are giaa sn aia not come co 3oar lotte.i All repots; agree that' the 66m "pahy with her ,tvas perfectly, beastly. . A Pittsburg ' repoiter woke Funfiy Davenport1 up at! 1 '-o'clock : th:,!othpr morning to asK h.erif itsswere reallytrtie that she had been married. thecnigbt before to a mejTchant,Joif "Alleghaiiy City, She sleeuV.i Nrl'ptiyfeby de med tne sojc unpeacnmeaU' u-! i:." . . .-.o hi ; " r li-.i I.A "- Conutj Affairs " i t The board of 'couhrv',eOmmissioners held ah adjourned meeting yesterday .all the jBejera oeingi presents t Tbe.committee alipointed tb 'visit the" county, jau and report-n the condition of the apparatus for heating the "Cells, hgaye-it -as then upiiiiun thai no lm- provemeniawere.dentandea. xne pris oners report that'they nave not suffer ed during the cold weather. The committee appointed to visiti;he county poor house and report on the question of heating that portion of the puilding occupied, by theunaticstated that after an examination of the sub ject they thought it inexpedient to put m luruaucs jusiiiuw. i3 ;poit was received an4 the committee discharged, Commissioners Vail and Neel were appointed to confer. with Mr. A, S. apuoimeu w . corner . wiui -flix. ji. o. Caidwell as to cairyihg oiit the contract between the board and the late Kev.Sarn. 16" Uplands low midduneciausejjanuaa e Pearce in reference tothemapof the"-Ttj!Wra?n LAflunii - - '-- . - -. - . 1 W . It was ordered that W; CHUJNeeLre turn to Wm. Maxwell the sum of $75 paid him by; ,t,be board X or s 1 the tax or last year. t - tttt.i. " il. 1 lui 1 uiuisuuig duj;)hct j iaj wo ywx ( Jjxport house, beinreljuired:to deliver a cer- ' Actual exports.,..., tain portion of them the first of each 'r 7C monihatagiven price. - ' :Mto 1 1 m tm, , . a Amertdaiil Ml 'iaF CBSWJAQKSOlfiSlBEST 6WEEXlTAfJ-' ABOBtHt.il. TOBACCO. i American ... The Davidson- -Gollesre graduatinff class of 1878 appointed as historians of the rClassMessrs. m W. Moore arid IL WMalldy; and Under their auspices" ; the'-rirst elassfrpapeD ever issued bv Davidson students has just been print- ed and sent put fronjsTHE Observer" presses. Of the thirteefi graduates, ten write accounts of thmselvesiand these letters are "put together in pamuhlet form. These ten letters - are from Messrs. Scott Flemings now teachine at MbrgSnn; CMcG, Hepburn, study ing at thefCpiyersity f Virginia; H. w. Maiioyrteacning-at Laurel Hill: W. W. Moore, studying at Union Theologi catSemiftary ; ;Viip,eel, W the dry goods business. -afc Charlotte ; C. Q1. Nor wood, tudyingaj;ohs.rHbpSans Uni-; versity; J. L. Patterson, living at Sa lem; Geo. F.-Robertson, studying at Prmceton ; J . JU ,W lUiams, at Columbia reologQal .Seminary, iuid ireachin nearly every Sunday; H. E. Fries, just' returned to Salem from a trio abroad. In additio&ito these communications. the pamphlet contains numerous items, notes and comments, of interest to the members of the class and to the alumni of the mstiutiott every where. Conventions of Northern Settlers. Charlotte, N. C.,' Jan. 17 is79. To Northern Born Residents of the South and ExrMembers of the Fed ernl Army Residmt'in the Southern .States;.. At the convention of Northern set tlers in the outh held in Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 15, 1879, it was unanimously resolved that Northern born residents of the Southland ex-members of the Federal army resident in the Southern States meet in convention at the county scoiaui turn itsspecwvo uounues on ine 15th day of February 1879, to consider upon the preparation for publication through the press of the United States and otherwise of a paper setting forth the soiL climate, prices, ease, of making a living and. sdeial treatment of the in dividual Northern man in the Southern States;' that these conventions be held regardless of party politics and that the same be excluded as well as all vexed questions ; that reports of their prdceed iugs be signed bv the members- attend ing and the' same sent to N. Dumont, at jnarioue, JN. (j. ; and further, that these several county conventions on Feb.. 15, 1879, select delegates to State conventions to be held at the capital of their r especti vei States to consider the sairie-matters, March 1 . 1879, which state conventions shall also send re ports j of their proceedings as above and shall alstf appoint ten' delegates- from each of the Southern States to attend a general convention to consider the same matters, to be holden at Char lotte, N. C, July 4, 1879, at noon, to which time this convention shall ad journ. . '.Win the persons coming within the purview of the above resolutions please convene in accordance with it N. DuafONT, President of Convention, TELEGBAFBIC MAMT REPORTS. JANUARY 17, 1877 FBQPXjCR Baltimore OatB qalefcand steady; Southern 28a32. Western white 80a31, do mixed 28a2. Pennsylvania 28aa32. Hay quiet, steady: prime Pennsylvania and Maryland10all. Provisions firmer and more active; mess pork, old 8.00, new RiJottoO; bulk meats loose shoulders, new 34feavfe. clear rib sides 43sai&, per car load, packed new 334a4; bacon shouldersold 81a. dear sides, new 4V2, hams, - sugar-cored, new. Haifa. Lard refined tierces 7. Butter In good demand and firm; choice Western packed 18a20, rolls 15al7 Coffee quiet and nominally firm; Rio cargoes 11a alti Whiskey duiet and easy at 1.09& Sugar quiet; a sou 4iay. New York Flour unchanged, quiet; No. 2, 2.30a2.85, superfine Western and State 3.20a3.50. common to good extra Western and State 3.65a 3.70, good to choice do 3.U5a4.50; Southern flour. uncnangea; common to iau extrda.8oa4.o6; good tocnoice ao 4. tKUi.-jo. w neat quiet; ungraded winter red y9al.l0, No. 3 do l.Q3iAa3lfe. Corn without lmoortant chanire: ungraded 47ia4KlA. No. 3, 44 Coffee fairly active and unchanged; m cargoes i laio, in joo lots iiaiv. sugar quiet and firm; Cuban 64a, fair to good refining t$fea prime 4 ; rennea quiet ana uncnangea: stan dard A 8ait, granulated 8, powdered 914, crushed do. Molasses 4ull and unchanged. Bice in good demand and steady. Pork mess on spot 7.HOa75. Lard prime steam on spot 6.20. w hiskey lower at l . 1 0. relghts lower. Cincinnati Flour dull and a shade lower; family 4.3ouft.25. Wheat inactive; red and white yoa'.m, Corn dull at 32a3. Oats quiet and steady. Pork strong, held at 8 50. Lard firm; steam 5.80. Bulk meats strong; shoulders SM. clear ribs 41. clear sides 4; bacon scarce and firm; shoulders 34s. clear nus 4 vs. clear sides 45. wmskev in fair demand aitd Sno at 1.03, Bnlter dull arid unchanged. Sugar steady and unchanged; narda UUialO, A white 8a, New Orleans 7. Hogs firmer; packing 3.i&aaa. COTTON. Norfolk Steady; middling 9lc; net receipts 2,509; gross; stock 15.855; exports coastwise -r; sales 475; exports to Great Britain . Weekly net receipts 10,703; gross ; sales 3,394 exports coastwise 4,193; to Great Britain 18,621: to France . Baltimore Firm ; middling 914c. ; low middling 8c. ; good ordinary SVsfs. ; net receipts 215; gross 292; sales 295; stock 10,776; exports coastwise ; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent v ' Weekly net rec'ts 640; gross 2,199; sales 1,900; spinners 400; exports to Git Britain 2,035; coast wise 205; to Continent ; to France . Boston Quiet; middling 9.: low middling 9c; good ordinary 8Jc; net receipts 453; gross 833; sales; stock 2,575; exports to Great Brit ain . Weekly , net receipts 1,608; gross 4,804; sales exports to Great Britain 534. stock ""WOMrSBTOifHSteady; middling gcj low mid dling Slftc.; goon ordJuiy,7 15-16; net receipts tuu; gross ; sales 6ftok-1,481; spinners; ex ports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to Con pent to channel-., -i- ; i t Weekly net receipts 2,682; gross ; ales 887; exports coastwise 769; to Great Britain 2,260; to Continent ; to France ; spinners ; to channel ; shipments . Philadelphia t- Firm; middling 9a ; low middling 91q.t 'good Ordinary 8&4&; net receipts 10; gross 149"; sales 401; spinners ; stock 799; exports to Great Britain . Weekly net receipts 382; gross 1.643; sales 8,060; spinners 2,368; exports to Gr"t Britain 385; coastwise 92; sock'j-. . , Augusta Firm; middling 8Vdc; low mid dling SVfec.; good ordinary 7lc; receipts 740; shipments 4,755; sales 913; stock 22,129. - Weekly net receipts 4.015; shipments 4,755; sales 6,753; spinners ; stock . Charleston Steady; middling OVsfi-i low mid dling 9c.; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 2, 610; gross ; sales 2,000; stock 58,906; exports eoastwise ---to Great Britain ; France 'Continent ; to channel . b-Weeklr net receipts 14.702; gross ; sales 12, 906; exports coastwise 3,474; to Continent 6,112; to Great- Britain 2.824; to France 1,272; to chan nel. ,, .,.,, .., .. " New York Quiet; sales 634: middling uplands 9 7-16.. mid. Orleans 9-16; consolidated net re ceipts , exports to Great Britain. Weekly net receipts 5,022 ; gross 22,155; exports to' Great Britain 4,430;-to Continent 500; to France ; salee 4,369; stock 128,886. COMPARATIVE COTTON STATEMENT. Net receipts at all United, States dUflBg- 4he ,W00k-.-TT.-T-rrrrTTr ports tr,540 Same week last year. 150,584 2,936.161 2,772.102 Total receipts t1iil$"ia?&'.;- .y1. . . . " " to same date last year Exports for the weefc.;. -. . ..... : .-.-. Same week last year." Yi ' : A ;. 121,055 156)096 Total exports to this date 1,678,105 -io same aate last year. . . . i.4on,Z33 Stock at all United States ports 841,461 " " " . " same time last-year....:..; 856,415 Stock at all Interior towns 177,594 '' -' J same time last year 145,355 Stock at Liverpool . ... . .- 424,000 same time last year, 392,000 gtock of American afloat for G. Britain, 2 1 3,000 Same time last year, 386,000-' LTv4obNobNa(ng; YMMyg uplands 5, Orleans 5 9-16, low middling uplands , good ordinary uplands . ordinary uplands . sales 12,- V'LrzSX tToR ' 000, speculation ana export z,uuu. receipts 8400. riaryana marcn o io-a,- maniH afiu Apru o 7-1 6a 13 32. April and May 51&al5-82. Mar and J ne 5 15-32, June and July 5 17-32 July and August . August and September-. rNew crop shipped January ana t eDruary per sail o 7-16. sales ror xne week. 64,000 .52,000 ,,4,000 4,000 , 6.000 87.000 "75.000 ItmHMK vsi - ':: '424,000 ;.::Vv .?J;257,000 243,000 -FUTURES. !: if latin s'itv- ." ' -' -V . New Tom Futures closed weak. Sales 78.- . " .5 . -. ,i February .... 4a.6o marca.,.,..-..,.....,.,w.,, , H.74&.75 April,,... . --: lfif i'.-i- 10.0405 Jiiub. : .. ;rr.y:r.r:;vr::v;.--rrrri0-:l4a.l8 July ,...tVi....A .: ., 10 .24a6 August 10. 328.35 FINANCIAL. Nkw York Honey 1.2Vs- Exchange 4-84ai. Governments weak. New 5's 1.07 State bonds UU1L. CITY COTTON MARKET. Omci or thk Observer, Charlotte, January 18. 1879. i ' . The market yesterday closed steady, as follows: Good middling miauling. tmes ww middimg. LowmlddllnK. Tinges ixwer grades CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. JANUARY 16, 1879. CORRECTED DAILY. OTJTTOH TEBJ New, per bale. ; 32.25 SpUcea, " 1.75 BAoanro, per lb. Ilal2i4 Corn, per bush'l 40&45 Meal, " 40a45 Peas, " 50a55 Oats, shelled, 83a35 Bacon N. C. hog round 8a9 Hams,N.C llallMi Hams, uneanvassed. QiZ Bulk Meats Clear Bib Sides. - Ufa Coffee Prime Rio. 16al64 Good. I3al5 Syrup Sugar-house. 25 Molasses Cuba....... 38a40 New Orleans 35a50 Salt Liverpool fine 1.00&2.00 Suoar .White..... 94an xeuow. 7; WATOES 8weet 35a40 Irish.....: 40a50 BUTIKK North Carolina.... 12a20 Uses, per dozen. 12ial5 Flour Family S.OOaaSO Extra. 2.75a3.00 Super 2.25a2.50 O5 HOLIDAY and CHRISTMAS GOOD OLIDAY AND CHRISTMAS GOODK HATE COlfE A ARB OPEN FOR INSPECTION AND SALE , A large and varied stock. THE BEST WE EVER HAD. YOU ABE INVITED TO CALL. TIDDY A BROTHER. dee 12 G BEAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S, J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and evervthln vou want for Christmas, at J. T. BUTLER'S. ec24 WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCTT E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCAV OF -1? A fTC Y GOODlO--r ANCY GOOD'O-- Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON ft CO. decl3 lyE ARE ALWAYS READY And willing to show goods whether or not you are ready to buy. L. B. WRISTON ft CO. dec!3 ; PRESCRIPTIONS . I Carefully and accurately prepared at all hours, by . WILSON ft BUBWELL, j declS Druggists, j piNE FRENCH BRANDY, Wines and Whiskies for medical purposes, can be had of : WILSON ft BUR WELL, i decl3 Druggists. ! yiLSON ft BUBWELL, DROeoiSTS, Have just received,' A6elaUne.. ,. ! . , f . f. . ......... ' '"ComStareh, Sherry WlneJ .- ... .KwortogExtraota, - All of the best quality for retail trade. decl8 . QAROLINA CENTRAL VUWILMQiGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE TWs Line betng tuny equipped for business, , crevnuvia WTlmlngtoQ and all Northern and Eastern Cities to - Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee ft Ohio, As weD as points In Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARE, Gen. Freight Agent, Wumlngton.'N. C septSO D R. J. H. McADEN, DRUQ6I3T AND CHEMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubtn's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Careful!y prepared at all hours, both night and daat J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store. s ECURITY! SECURITY 1 SECURITY ! 200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AHL ALADDIN SECURITYIOIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before It will burn. C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. SCARR ft CO., F. JTA RUGGISTOJ U ruggistIj NEAR THE POST-OFFICX, Would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the PostOfQce, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. frescriptiotis and family recipes dispensed with great care and pore Drugs. Jan7-tf. 00t& Rttjft UQtS. EGRAM ft CO., DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES AND H H A H H AA HHH A A H H Y AAA H H A A TTTT 8S8g 88s T T S8f8 6 1st National Bank Building. Charlotte, N. CLJ1 TOur stock of Boots, Shoes, ftc, Is acknowledged to be the best in the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buying. PEG RAM ft CO, JyJTEW LIVERY STABLE. If you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Horses, go to the New Livery Stable. , If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want your horses well fed and wen groomed go to the New Livery Stable. Careful drivers, promptness and reasonable prices are our motto. . may28 R. CHAMBERS ft CO. gfcXisccHaucotts. THRESH ARRIVAL8, FOR SALE, WANTED. 10 boxes assorted Candies, 5 boxes choice Oys ter Crackers, 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest 10c bars in the dty. Also 1 fine MlichCow aad -one medium quail Cow with young calf, for sale low. 600 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED. dec29 . B. N. SMITH. w ADDELL HOUSE SASTONIANC. Bl EL- WADDILLi feblOU DISPATCH LIN NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offer, unequalled facilities for the Transportlon of Charlotte, Statesvllle, Ashevllle, Rutherfordton, on the Atlanta ft Richmond, Air-Lino, and Western N. C Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick.. upon application to WM. A. MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C. T. T. SMITH, Agent a C. Railway, Charlotte. JOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To win a fortune. Second 'Grand Distribution, Class B, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 11th, 1879-1 05th Monthly Drawing. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, with a capital of 21,000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve Fund of $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two DoUars each. Half Tick ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $80,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize, , . : 5,000 2 Prizes of $2.500 siooo 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 600 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10.000 200 Prizes of 60 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10,000 1,000 Prizes of. 10 .. .,.... 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to. $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation win be paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office In New Orleans. Write, clearly stating fuU address, for fidl Infor mation or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, Postofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD andJUBAL A, EARLY. Janl4 Ujcmj &&vtvtiazmmtB. jPRomrTsTwThuntebT" baltimore, m. d. Having become familiar with Colden Lelbig's Liquid Extract of beef and Tonic Invigor ator, I take pleasure In recommending It as an ex cellent preparation, combining as It does food and tonic In a remarkable way, producing good blood, health and strength. So!d by all Druggists. Q.EO. C. 'WAKE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In PURE APPLE C I D & R AND CIDER VINEGAR. Sole Proprietof and Manufacturer of E. R. CONDIT'8 TABLE SAUCE, 287 to 295 W. Third St, CINCINNATI, 0. o ILS SASSAFRAS AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quaUty, bought 1ft any quanfty. for cash on delivery, free of brokerage, commissions, or storage expenses, by DODGE ft OLCOTT. Importers and Exporters of DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, ftc. 88 William St New York. dfc'T A DAY to Agents canvassing for the " Firb 3Pl side YiBrroB." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. OA Fancy Cards, Chromo, Snowflake, ftc. no two 0J alike, with name, 10 cents. J. Minkler ft Co, Nassau, N. Y. A A MIXED CARDS, with name 10c Agents' W outfit 10c L. JONES 4 CO., Nassau, N. Y. dec31 rpo ADVERTISERS. Send for our Select List of A Local Newspapers. Sent free on application. Address GEO. P. ROWELL ft CO., 10 Spruce St, New York. THE OO V V A J, O O V V AA Ii OOO A K KEEK O O AA K K E O A A KK EK O O AAA K K B OCC A IK KEEE 8 O V V A A Ii O VV AAA T. OO V A ALIXL COLGATE ft CO'S COLGATE ft CO'S NEW S 8 P! ' S P! SAVES WASTE rar for laundry use. UND NDERTAKTNG The undersigned Is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand a fun assortment of ' COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL, CASES, Both Wood and Metallc FEICE8 AS LOW AS ANT. Hearses furnished If desired. . A V 'i.-; J Furniture of every Description ipairea KPr nOttoS. .' ' ' -' - :w. M. wn.fTET.M, IWlth E. G. Rogers, Trade Street June 20.

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