SATURDAY, JANUAKY 18, 137 J. , -fill; I.EOISI.ATUIJE. Rjlelgh Observer. v tor SENATE. "Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1879. The following standing committees were announced by the president : . Senate branch of committee on Li braryMessrs. Merritt, McEachen, qnd Oraham, of Montgomery, j ; , Propositions and Grievances Bryan of Pender, Harris, Respass;, Bryan, ot Duplin, Alston and Epps. : Insurance-Messrs. Hd, Taylor, Rwlwine. Mitchell, Black and. Bull. .ii. Senate branch of Joint Committee on Ridings of the Superior Court Judges in the several Districts Messrs. By num, Waldo, Davidson, Everett and Senate branch of Committee on Pub lic Grounds and Buildings Messrs. Moye, McEachen and Mitchell. Agriculture, Mechanics and Mining Alexander, Lyon, Mebane, Bryan, of Duplin, Graham, of Lincoln, Dancy anil lines Salaries and Fees Snow, Iiobinsoru, Hoyle, Eaves, Mattlieson, AVaddell and Austin. Tr Hanks mu f,nrrenev HovleHsenaek-- elford, Ward, IloHeman, Caldwell, King, and Bledsoe. - . Mr. Brower was appointed to take the place of Mr. Epps, one of the! com mittee on internal improvements. Claims Waldo, Taylor, Stewart, Or mand, Brvan, of Duplin, Lyon and White. PETITIONS. ( By Mr. Caldwell, a petition from citi zens of the city of Greensboro asking for the repeal of the act for the prohibi tion law for the sale of spirituous and malt liquors by a vote of the people, and make it a general law, and intro duce the "Moffett register." By Mr. Caldwell, another petition covering same ground as above. RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. Everett, to appoint a joint se lect committee on the State debt. By Mr. Epps, relating to graded schools, and asking the committee to take into consideration the propriety of amending chap. 2S5, laws of lS76-'7, so that townships and others who have a population less than five thousand can establish graded schools. By Mr. Brower, requiring the Secre tary of State to famish the General As sembly information as to how far the indexing of the laws and documents in his office as provided oy law had pro gressed, and how much "had been ex pended for clerical aid in the perform ance of such indexing,;and to whom it had been paid, and also be requested to furnish the General Assembly with a statement of the fees arid emoluments . of his office for the past two years. bills. ' ',.-; By Mr. Scales, a bill to amend chap. 44, sec. 10, Battle's Revisal, in regard to evidence. By Mr. Black, a bill concerning streams used to propel machinery. Re ferred, i- By Mr. Bryan, of Duplin, a bill con cerning duties of Superior Court clerks. Referred. By Mr. Brower, a bill discontinuing additional clerk hire in office of Secre tary of State. THE MORNING HOUR having expired, Mr. Leach moved to re consider the bill which passed yester day appointing a joint committee to visit the Western North Carolina Rail road and Western Insane Asylum. After a spirited discussion in which Messrs. Bynum, Snow, Scales. Everett. Robinson, Graham, oTTTncoInTAustin, Oidtfweil: and Dortdi-" participated, the reconsideration prevailed, when Mr. Leach offered a substitute appointing a joint committee of one from the Senate and two from the House, to examine the management, books, papers, con victs, &c, with the power to send for persons and papers and administer oaths. In addition the Governor to ap point an engineer as an expert who is to receive same mileage and per diem as the member of the General Assembly on the committee. The substitute was passed, and immediately transmitted to the House. Mr. Nicholson, by suspension of the rules, called up the printing bill which had been tabled. Mr .Henderson with drew his substitute, whenMr.Nicholson presented the substitute as requested by the printing committee, which estab lishes the price of plain work at 40 cents per thousand ems, rule and figure work at 80 cents per thousand ems, full sheep binding 60 cents per volume, half binding 20 cents per volume, every token of 240 impressions twenty-five cents. Mr. Snow offered an amendment changing the word forty to fifty, .and the word 80 to one dollar. MrJSnow believed in fair living wages for these men as well as for allothers. Experts had come before the committee on printing and stated that the printing offices of Raleigh were paying 37 cents per thousand ems, and these were only lair wages, and the printing could not be done at any profit for less than C - - A. AT 1 1 1 li y cents per luousanu ems. lie was tor retrenchment, but m the right direction. Mr. Nicholson said that 'txcn Tvtm-a had come before the printing, commit- lee ana testinea mat tuey paid but 30 cents per thousand ems. and he; was satisfied that the printing and bmdine v-uuiu. uc uune tix, wie prices stated m tne Diu. , rnv ,.,k;,ni ..n. jj 'ii' lit . xuo Duujcti vvcis limy Qiseussexi Dy Messrs. Nicholson, Austin, Caldwell and Henderson. t , Mr. Snow's amendment was loted dow. Ayes 4, noes 42. i - v, , The joint committee's substitute then passea its several readings and was im mediately transmitted to th TTrmsA i Mr. Everett, by consent, called up his resolution on the State debt; which pro vides for a conference of the creditors of. the btate with a committee of the General Assembly at Raleieh. Mr. Dortch moved to lay on the table which prevailed and the resolution was taDied. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wednesdat. Jan. 15th. iS7f ; By Mr. Norment, a petition from cer tain citizens of No. 3 townships, Ca barrus county, praying a prohibitory law for two miles around Shiloh church. Referred to the committee on proposi tions and grievancep. ? By Mr. Turner, the following reso lution: O i 7111 , f ; Whereas, Josiah Turner, the mem ber fromjOra?ig9;;ls. represented as a calumniator of the General Asseinbly, in tbat he charges and1 now charfees that a Democratic Legislature did pass a bill commandine the treasurer to. ex change good for depreciated bonds,1 thel said bilL House , bill 422 havHrg ibeen put through the Senate witbout reading, except by its title, which was false and calculated to deceive, ..... , , tT -: Resolved, J that the clerk be ordered to address a note to each jSenator of the General Assembly of 1874; when House bill 422 was passed, asking each Sena tor if he heard said bill read except by its title, and if any two shall answer the body of the bill wag read, then and thereupon the, reading of , two such letters, the1 membervfrom: Orange be and he is hereby declared ' unworthy of a s iat in this body, and is then . ana ' ther without further inquiry , expelled from the House. ; '' ' - ' v -''F'A Th.9 :fo!jwng nan el bills were in- --i " " -- . 1 .1 i ' I"... ' r-s . -. troduced, read and passed first time, and were ref etred aiil5ptlwvlse disposed of as follows: . . . : V , ... '"A Mr. Kicnartlson. or v axe, uiu in to te case of State VS. G.CW feasSlscovered by a mnarr South and M. S. Littlefield. To the committee on judiciary. Bv Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, bill '. . . amendr the charter of the city;;f; Charlotte, judiciary, ny. By Mr. Reynolds, bill to- establish a normal school for each raceinach con gressional district. Calendar. By Mr. Norment, bill to amend tb constitution of North Carolina in rela tion to the insane;: f lnsanersylnm. ; By Mi -Vaughw, Ml to amend the charter of the Mt. Airy Railroad, and to provide for building a railroad from Greensboro, Guilford county, to Ore Knob, Ashe county. Railroads, &c, nv Mp Orchard, a bill to urohibit the sale of liquor within one mile of Shiloh church, Cabarrus county. , Propositions and grievances. 'i By Mr. Gatling, a bill to regulate the official bonds of sheriffs. Finance. ' Mr. Atkinson moved to take up the Senate resolution on retrenchment and rofnrm Thfl motion prevailed. Mr. Vnrt stated that a bill identical with tua nn under consideration had al rpnrl v nassed. and therefore he moved that the resolution . Be ,on ,fhe table. The motion nrevailed. "' ' , nn mnHnn nf M'rjRevnolds. the1 briJ introduced bv himself in relation .'to. normal schools was taken pv ordered to bfriffhited and-refeited to the- com-j SRfflFffML the Governor covering a report from AV.V, Rollins, whilom President ot tneiwest ern Division of the Western North Car olina Railroad, and recommending that Rollins be relieved of the penalty in curred by him for failure to report. On motion of Mr. Cobb it was ordered that the renort be printed A message was received from the Senate transmitting the substitute adop tori iv that hnrlv for thfl House, bill to lj4 jj i j reduce and reculate the price of pubnc printing, and asking the concurrence of; .1 t t ' t.: tne nouse. ' Mr. Ellison moved to amend by mak ing the price 62 cents instead of, 40 cents. Mr. York moved the previous ques tion, and the House ordered the main question to be put. The question then recurring on the amendment offered by Mr. Ellison, it did not prevail, and the. ouestion then recurring on the motion of Mr. Covington, that the House con cur m the substitute adopted Dy the Senate, the yeas and nays were ordered on demand of Mr. Ellison, and the mo tion prevailed. Mr. Turner moved to take up and consider his resolution to expel himself. The motion did not prevail. Mr. Foard moved to take up House bill 32, bill to abolish the office of State Geologist, and put the same on its sev eral readings. The motion prevailed arid the bill was read the second time. - Mr.Foard said that in introducing and urging the passage of the bill now under consideration he was performing about the most unpleasant dutv of his life. Prof. Kerr had been a life-long friend of his own, and for him as a man he had the highest regard and esteem. But in this question the State had an interest. From every county the Leg islature was in receipt of petitions pray ing that the strictest economy be en forced in all departments of the gov ernment. That reform was the watch word of the lwur, That.the Legislature had cut out much cloth and it was now time to build the garments. That the State Geologist's office bad for 26 years been a rat hole through which $5,000 annually had run out of the public crib. That the State had never received any benefit from this expenditure, and that even if it had ever been useful, it was now rendered unnecessary by the estab lishment of the agricultural depart ment, which does all the good to be de lved trom the twt departments.- That it was time to cut out the gore1 from the body politic, and that .this.wa's a chron- sore, wmcn since its esiaonsnment las drained me public ot more than $120,000 and shows no sign of healing. That no good results to the State could result from continuing the office. Mr. Holt favoredthe bill. The Leg islature was pledged to retrenchment and reform, and useless expenditures must be stopped, fie said that Prof. Kerr had never made a track in his county (Johnston) except iossibIValonr the line of the railroad. . Messrs. Clarke and Etheridce opposed the passage ef the bin. ' Mr. McLean favored the idea, but did not like to turn the whole thing over to the agricultural department, which he thought needed investigating itself. Mx. Lewis , thought, tins a good place to begin retrenchment. The office was useless; Prof. 'Kerr had never made a single visit to his county. Mr. smith also favored the bill He thought the agricultural department could do all that both now dow Mr. Amis favored the bilL The office is unnecessaryrftwd-the expense- "Should oe stopper r w MrBrown. 6f YadKiii: favored the bill. In his county, also, the geologist had never set foot. Mr. Foard moved the previous mies- tion, and the House ordered the main question to lie put. The question then recurring on the passage ot the bill, th yeas anu nays were ordered, and the bill passed. The bill was then read and passed the third time. Mr. Turner rose to a question of priv ilege. He said that the attacks on him in the papers were such that he could not have due weight in the House. He read extracts from the paper complain eu vi, aim anerwaros spoKe at some length. When Mr. Turner sat down, me i louse, on motion, adjourned, The Speed of a Dop, ReldsYilleTtaneSiV ! " '! Mr. James Cobb, an excellent farmer in Halifax, Va., took the train at Barks dale for Danville, Va., and as it started his pointer dog, Ida, . ran after it in full speed. It was makincr twentv miles an hour. She kept close behind. At Suther lin's the train rather slacked to toss the mail out, and afraid that she would run nerseit down, Mr. Cobb called out to liedd to seize her and send her home, but she slipped him, and on she came, her tongue lapped outkeepih'g' well uo q.ub..uu7 ,,viiiu., , aus p3scjii5iz: were nvsx-i'.w.'4 . "I. 1. J ill- .... ! -i M.umrcu mj .liic uiiase, anu Willi ' neaas out of the windows, watched it eagerly - !rfiridS,('? uis rthis slue'Of Sandy Creek stood oh the platform of the rear coach, ana tne brakesman ipiJ hipa he,7 wou Put on all the brab-es he h'onlrt. anrlh he should stoop down and seize Idii by the neck &n lift 'her aboard? He' did so in the nick of me!land hauled her on, her tongue out, and pretty tiearly let down.: She had run : f 6uf miles at the rate of m miles airtara.1,v'Mr.f5bpb, who is a ereat doer man. beiiev"e&"that with cleir eventrackJ witftotttbtish or tump, a dog caa;erpruir'20 rniWd an twur or eo in tiwee toottiw""' Charlottfv N. C, has given $150 to the relief pt jxraK)or.,d iNcaciiari'Qtte, That's the kind of a ln the. tramps love to heit bfT, aMsttoeRth;iailH)ad tracK: c" .,?5& w nt msa ! j . t;vb IReldjville TimeaJ We advise the Bafe1iMZTH6'ep Hussey on it ; h 's the smartest chick en its roost holla, but no telling: Jor dan, the comtotfeion' merchant, and an CX3ellent young man, and sings fine cn irch music. iia manager, and he's mighty nice, ,:B At hold Hussey. .......j, A Card, To all who are suffering from the errors and in? discretion of Youth, nervous weakness," eany oe- tax, Inoa nf manhood. I will Bend a VeCelDt that will cure you. x juus uf vilumw ausjs" (.'America. Send a self-addressed envelope tome KKV. JOSEPH T INMAN, Station V, BlDianouse, New York City. . marewgw a -yEGETTNE j .:?!. X AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE. T Springfield, O., Feb. 28, 1877.: ; ,Thla la toertlii that, i have used VEGETINE,. anataotured tay ELiStevens, Boston, Mass.. for Ttlietjiriatlsm andGenejtPrMtraaQnvOttbe Ner- OU8 system, wnn 'gooa success. . i rucoountsiia VEGETINE as an excellent-' medicine fm such complaints, . Yours very truta-- Mr. Vandesrrlft. of the firm 61 Vandegrift A Huff man, is a well-known business maa in this place, having one of the jargesi stores In Springfield, O. UP.MINISTEB'S WITE. Louisville, K., Feb. 16, 1877. Mr. H. B3SteBK:s-'H;rH(Vj Dear Sir Three years ago I was suffering terribly with Inflammatory Bheumatlsnu Our, , ministers wife advised me to take VEGETINE,.; After tak ing one bottle, I was entirely ' reUeed.M, Ihls year, feeling a return of the disease, X again commenced taking It, and am being benefited greatly. It also greatly improves my uigesnon. nespecuuuy, Mrs. A. BALLARD, 1011 West Jeffeison.Street SAFE AND SURE. Mr. H. R. Stevens: In 1872 your Vegetine was recommended to me. and yielding to the persuauons of a iriend, I consented to try it At the time I , waa suffering from eeneral debility and nervous, BostraUoa. superinduced by overwork aud Irregular habits. Its wonderful strengthening and curative-properties seemed to affect my debilitated eystem from the first dose; and under its persistent :se I rapid ly recovered, gaining more man usual oeaitn ana good feeling, since then I have hot .feesitated to give Vegetine my most unqualified iaderMment, as being a safe, sure and powerful agent in promot ing health and restoring the whs tea system to new me and energy, vegeune is me oniy. eaicine i use; and as long as I live I never expect to find a better. Yours truly, W. H. CLARK, -; 120 Monterey Street, Alleghany, Penn. .yGJETJXE ThffUwaettiTrfoii'Ree. W Mansfield, iuiiiiviij acsowa va uiv wvuivuiw Aurww vimivui Hyde Park, and at present settled In LoweQ, must convince every one who reads bis letter of toe won-' aeriui curanve quaunes oi vegeune asainorougn cleanser and purifier of the blood. Hyde Park, Mass., Feb. 15, 1 876. LMr. H. B: StewnsH-' ' I f . Dear Sir About ten years ago ray health failed through the depleting effects of dyspepsia; nearly a year later I was attacked by typhoid-fever in its worst form. It settled In my back, and took the form of a large deep-seated abscess, wbien was fifteen months in gathering. I had two surgical operations by the best skill in the State, but receiv ed no permanent cure. I suffered great pain at ames, ana was constantly weaaenea Dy a pro ruse discharge. 1 also lost small pieces or bone at air ferent times. Matters ran on thus about seven years, till May. 1874, when a friend recommended me to go to your office, and talk with you of the virtue or vege tine. I did so, and by your kindness passed through your manufactory, noting tne ingredients, dec., Dy which your remedy is produced. By what I saw and heard I gained some confi dence in regeuue. I commenced taking it soon after, but felt worse from its effects; still I persevered, and soon felt it was benefitting me in other respects Yet I did not see the results I desired till I had taken It faithful ly for little more than a year, when the difficulty In the back was cured; and for nine months I have eiuoyed the bssiol health; ' I have in that time gained twenty-five pounds ot nesn, Deing neavier man ever Deiore in my lire, ana I was never More able to perform labor than now. During the past few weeks I bad a scrofulous swelling as large as my fist gather on another part of my body. ,1 took Vegetine xaJttfuily, and it removed U level with the surface in a month. I think I should have been cured of my main trouble sooner if I had tak en larger doses, after having become accustomed to its effects. Let your patrons troubled with scrofula or kidney disease understand that it takes time to cure chronic diseases; and, if they will patiently take vegetine, it win, in my judgement, cure them. With great obligations I am Yours very truly, g. w. Mansfield, Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church VEGETINE Prepared by II. R. STEVENS, BOSTON. MASS. Vegetine la sold by all Druggists. an5 rpHE GENUINE D R. McL A N E' CELEBRATED AMERICAS WORM SPECIFIC OB- - VERMIFUGE -SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. The countenance is pale and leaden colored. with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; tfte pu pils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid; the nose is Irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; oc casional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a knawlng sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains In the stomach; occa sional nausea and vomiting; violent pains through out the abdomen; bowels Irregular, at times cos tive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respira tion occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally Irritable, Ac Whenever the above symptoms are found o exist DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY In any form; It is an Innocent preparation, not capable or doing tne slightest injury to the most tender tnf ant The genuine Dr. McLane's Vermifuge bears the signatures of (J. Mclane and Fleming Bbos. on the wrapper. DR. C. McLANE'S L 1,7 E R PILLS , 4 are hot recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh Is heir td," but In affections of the liver, and In all bllloun wimnlnlnts. dvawnatn. unH inv headache, or diseases of that character, thej stand . J .i -f H' A ?:l -'W 'I' ' Ague and fever. iw toiS81 rtlc cari lusea prepuratoiy ti, or ' .fAafR1! DQr8attv ttey are unequa-'ed. ; ' nil it- BEWARE OF. IMITATIONS. The eenuine am timm tatfn ivn, Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with the lmnresslon Dr. MrT.iwa i.m tk. . Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and FLEMina Beos. ,,i,rT , - r Kcituuir; V aULAMS I uemg ran or umtations of S1 PeUiduterenUy but same jr uuuiiwmivilt dec29fr,) r j-n viMnsp Jrorf 'f "-, fiA xtftlisx anil (Slxssxvnxt r,- m rniT .r r.rTi (t lot bSUUBlt u - Ik l wit .- TTTT !1? B OB'tV UK g JKI DDD . AA J D AD D in n n HHH H ,H h n KJE DOi rl DDD RRB TTTTKK RRB .SSg UR R- A A KKK $ AAA B. R T ; B - R B - S. CHINA, STLVEBWaBE, CUTLERT HINA, SILVEBWABE, CUTLER I PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. . , --.i PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. Removed to Tiddy's Old Stand. Bemoved to Tiddy's Old Stand. jau!4 rMPOBTANT, BOTH TO TBS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TBADE. Having unrivalled facilities I have lust opened the largest andbest selected stock of CHINA, CROCKERY, , GLASSWARE rnT- AND LAMP GOODS, XVIB OFTXBKD IK MOBTH CABOUMA We keep a full line of all goods usually kept in a ; ftbst-class OUU O O O O O OOO H H H H HHH H H H H n s n n WH N If HH A A OO O O O O O O OO RRR B R RRR R R R R IB B BR B in T T VIZ: Toilet Sets. Tea Sets. Caps and Saucers, Plates, Ewen and Basins, Goblets, Glass Sets, Lamp Goods, and in fact everything in that line. We buy for cash and do a stiieuy cash business through out, therefore we are-enabled to fill orders at a very small profit: Merchants and the Retail Trade generally win find It greatly to their advantage to call and ex amine our HUGE STOCK ! All orders from Merchants, whether small or large, will be carefully and piompUy attended to. JOHN BROOXJTELD, Trade st, under Democrat Office, Charlotte, N. C, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHINA, W. G. and C. C WARS. ROCKINGHAM and YELLOW WARE, GLASSWARE and LAMP GOODS. novl9 JjMELD BROS., WHOUBAU AND RETAIL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF THE CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been newly furnished and la kept In first-class style. Terms, Per Day $200 Table Board, Per Month. 10 00 tyOmnlbus and Carriages at every train.9 FIELD BROTHERS, Proprietors. s BEN KIMBALL, Clerk. dec! CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL hqusk. CALDWELL HOU8T? Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. CHARLOTTE, N. C. C, a P. CALDWELL Proprietor. This house is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts'of a flrstclass boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, $1.25; per week, $8.00; per month, $20.00; table board, $15.00 per month. JanlO gtutistrtj. D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST- OFFICE OYER L.B.WRISTON A CCPS ;" DsuaSroBB. With 25 reaffl1, eperlenee I fuarantee entire atisfactlon " janll pOA iTN WINES, yr ' i , Ajid nire IJquors, Three Years OM, go ! COCHRANE, ' Central Hotel Saloon. CEWDiO MACHINES. 7 15 or 20 fln HmTm vhiM i11 be sold cheaper than they bought else- i?T- ....?!?! jau eany as tney must De v tS?n MJtolwipn Herohants, .CbaxloMe, J. a g"e.v .w tarn :- fES ' ' ' A a a v ; it -"A 1TTT XT JtMVOTTQ . r - t . v . - , 5 A T rr I have now ra atom s full supply of Groceries and lamu' applies. ' ''! ' ' ; ! Abo, Turkeys, weighing from 12 fins, to 25. lbs. Just Becelved a lot of Cranberries. Fresh Goshen Butter. New Buckwheat Flour. S.M, HOWELL dec8 JOTICE TO FARMERS!!! am prepared to STOBE COTTON In my fire proof building either in basement or on the first or sec ond floors and will give warehouse receipts on which you can draw money If desired. i Charges moderate. THOMAS H. GATTHER. octl2 BOCEBIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS ! NEW FEATURES ! Come to me for Bacon, Com, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Famtiy Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods delivered In the city free of charge. W. H. CRIMMTNGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand, ap 15. C O T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED- BI THOMAS H. GAITHER, Cotton Commission Merchant. octl2 yiLLUMS & FINGER, Have lust received a lot of Turkeys and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to Williams & jrmgerand ray me Dest jramuy nour irom me best mills. Wheat, Bran, Oats, Corn and MeaL Honey, -Country Lard, Butter and Eggs. The best Timothy and North Carolina Hay, cow and horse feed of the best quality. Sugar, Coffee, e. . Con signments solicited for all kinds of country produce. Will make-prompt returns of Bales. aeoo HENDRIX, AeEKT, GROCER- GROCER- AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Comer Main and Bianding Streets, COLUMBIA, S. C SDeclal attention raid to eonsiirnments. Quick sales, and prompt returns guaranteed la every in stance. janlO lmeod R EAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will Advertise free of cost, an properties placed In my hands for sale. THOa F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. C. declO TTOR RENT. FOB RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FOR REN X I X1 OR RENT. 10 Room House, two blocks from public square, $2G per moron. K Boom House, acre of rround attached, four blocks from public square, SltJ per month. 7 Room House, with 6 acres of land attached, price $150 per year. 7 Room House. four blocks from public square, $15 per month. FOR SALE. 4 Room House, with good tot, price.$l ,200. 4 Room House, with good lot, price $700. B Boom House, with acre and half of land, four blocks from public square, price $3,000. WANTED. 7 to 10 Room House', near public square. 8 to 4 Room House, near public square. Call at DAWSON & CCS, Old Bank of Mecklenburg Building, dec 18 T3ROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES FOR THE POOR OF THE COUNTY. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Register of Deeds, In the crty of Charlotte, until Friday, the 17th tost at 12 o'clock M-, tor the fol lowing supplies (more or less,) one-sixth of said supplies k we aeuverea m ine overseer or. tne poor to the dy on the first Monday to aca and every month, lor tne next six montns, to-wii: 260 Bushels of Com MeaL 28 Bounds of rood Coffee. 2,000 pounds of Clear Side Bacon, Go pounos oi wnoie nice, 26 sacks Family Flour, 52 pounds ef good Brown Sugar, 52 gallons of fair Molasses, 2 sacks of L. P. Salt . Said articles most be sound and In good order; The commissioners of the county reserve the right to reject any ana ail duu. By order of the board of county commissioners, this 8th January, Register and Clerk of the Board of County Com. JanlO. " : " ' - ' - '! :i -' I TUDEBAKER WAGONS. I am now in receipt of a large lot of the celebra- ted STUDEBAKER WAGON3.aU sizes which will be sold on reasonable terms. CALL. EARLY, - . . i i . . i and supply yourself with the best wagon out T. H. GAITHER. Jan. 8-tf. ; - s TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE, 'Salisbury, N. C. ; ;; a & Bbowh, Proprietor, CLate of the National Hotel, Raleigh. Q. 8. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; If.; 0. Siielbnrn As dec80 , A N o Ii D I 0 -it And true maxim "Take care of the dimes and. the dollars will take care of them selves" should be remembered. There fore, when any one, whether young or old, married man or f BACHELOR WANTS A t real luxury in the CIGAR line, and does not wish to give an extravagant price, let him by all means call at PERRY'S; there you can find the finest and choicest Candles, just the thing to please the little folks or as a present for "your ' i 5 GIRL" WITH THE CASH i 5 In fact anything you want in the above line can be bought very cheap. Try the New Orleans Cigars just introduced, 5 and 10 centers, just as good as Imported at double the prioe. Don't forget the Mg sale of Cigars, but go and buy a box. Ianl6 ft0ttetttotrarijes. rpHE "RISING SUN." According to the command of Joshua of old, al though repudiated by the "Jasper Philosophy " of the new, is now standing still, at the Old Place, on Trade Street, opposite the Market House, plus Hornet Fire Engine Hall, where the light of reason Uuminates the surrounding atmosphere, which in vests all things with the glow of inspiration, and the world no longer seems "A fleeting show, To man's illusion given,' While we honor the name of a Gallileo, Newton. Fulton and Morse, whose discoveries have done so much for the natural world, in the aid afforded man In his material labors, what should be the reward of him who fearlessly announces to the world and asserts his ability to demonstrate the fact that he has in store a large fresh stock of Con fectioneries of every description. Also, Toys in variety, including Toy Guns loaded with love and charity for the "little ones," Wagons, Baskets and Dolls with their hearts, with fine Apples in kind re membrance of "Old Mother Eve's," speculation. Pipes and other Fancy Articles from Amsterdam and Rotterdam, Buckets and Baskets from Pots dam, Sardines from Fish Dam, Wooden Monks from Beaver Dam, and Goobers from Yuba Dam. For housekeepers, all kinds of Groceries, includ ing Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies dally. Buckwheat Flour, Spices, Sugars, Coffee, Mince Meat, Ac. Thankful for past patronage, I hope for a con nation of the same. Respectfully, deel C. S. HOLTON. 'gXistzlVzuzans. $200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE A Power PrtnOrtfir Press, Guernsey make, old style, size of bed 26x40 inches. Was in use until replaced by a new one. Address J. C BAILEY, editor Enterprise and Mountaineer, Greenville, 8.0. Janltf NO MORE JHEUMATIS OR GOUT ACUTE OR CHRONIC j ALICYLIC A SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OF PARIS AND LEIPZIG. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 95 cures out of 100 eases within three days. Secret The only dlssolver of the poisonous Uric Acid which exists in tne Blood of Rheumatic and Goaty Patients. $1,00 a box, 6 boxes for $500; Sent to any address., on receipt of price. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. Ad- aress WASittJUKMS A CO.. nov7 Only importers' Depot 23 CHff-st , N. Y. WANTED A good agent to canvass Charlotte and the adlolnlmr towns for the best selling household articles in the world. Tip top profits, write at once to World Manufacturing co., 2 Clinton riace, new xors. H OUSEKSEPERS I 1 1 A postal card sent us with your address will In sure free in return, our Illustrated Circulars of nice Householdiniz Srjecialties. PALMES Jk SKIT. TON jhmim i itcmreitt, mi mm ouvet, Mew xorx. GENTS, READ THIS. We will oar Aeents a Salary of $100 oer month and expenses, or allow a laree commission to rail our new and wonderful inventions. . We mean what we say. Aaaress, without delay, on rjta a in x kaj juarsnau, Michigan. 4w D IPHTHERIA1 Johnson's Anodyne Unlment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases . In ten. Information that win many lives sent free by nutiL Don't delay a mo mem. nevennon is better than cure. Sold evpr. wnere. l S. JOHNSON ft CO.. - - - Bangor, Maine. NEW. EXCITING BOOK Bristling with the wild adventures of STANLEY IX AFRICA. The ONLY authentic and conrrinhtetl chM n arfiHm w tne orutumt descriptive author, Hon. J. T. Headt fey. Gives a full history ot his wondertol dis eovertes in Africa and xasvxlocs Journey down mevonoo. More jqanwgrino- tnan mimiiiM tm. jvasy uiustraiea, ana highly ' etxiormi by the U'HT Foe pabticdlabs about the book, success , vw Aunia ouu luasr xjuuu Hoaress ' Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. JENSON'S CAPCLNE POROUS PLASTER. CELEBRATED THE WORLD OVER. ine manuracturera wera Hwn.nri(wi tha ,ho ahd only medal rtvm rahhnr ninativ at Kik Centennial arKip Expositions. FAR SUPERIOR TO common porous plasters, liniments, the so-ealled SlSJTPS Lv known, rv " MiACKi rneumatism. Kldneys,8pliua Complaints and ailflTs forwblch nrJSi88?-" AMt Jar druggist for Benson's CandnA piAtA ami nothing else.- Bold brail. drusElsts.' Price 25 ctsT Jgcvio&icnXs. 'T. NICHOLAS. SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAG A IX K TOR GIRLS AND BOYS. AN IDEAL CHILDREN'S KAtiAZTNK. Messrs. Scribner & Co., in 1873, began the nubn cation of St. Nicholas, an Illustrated Maeazi, ii for Girls and Boys, with Mrs. Mary Mapes Dolct Ll editor. Five ears have passed since the first num ber was issued, and the magazine has won th highest position. It has a" monthly circulation of OVER 50.000 COPIES. It is published simultaneously in Londor and New Yorsvand the transatlantic recognition is -n most as general and hearty as the American ai though the progress of the magazine has been steady advance, it has not reached Its editor's ide wt of best, Decause her Ideal continually outruns mi and the magazine as swiftly follows after. TokI VC Sr. Nicholas stands -ui The arrangements for literary and art contribu tions for the new volume-the sixth-are complete drawing from already favorite sources, as well kv"m"6 ucw vues. jar. irank H. stock ton's new serial story for boys, "A JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," Will run through the twelvn mnnthlr nnrt0i, ginning with the number for November, 1878 the grst of .the volume, and will be illustrated by Jas E. Kelly. The story is one of travel and adventure in Florida and the Bahamas. For the girls, a con tinued tale, "HALF A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS," By Katharine D. Smith, with illustrations by Fred erick Dielman,- begins In the same number; ana a fresh serial by Susan Coolldge, entitled - Eye bright." with plenty of pictures, will be commenced early In the volume. There will also be a contin ued fairy-tale called "RUMPTY DODGET'S TOWER," Written by Julian Hawthorne, and Illustrated bv Alfred Fredericks, About the other familiar fea tures of St. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good humored silence, content, perhaps, to let her live volumes already issued, prophesy concerning the sixth, in respect to short stories, pictures, poems humor, instructive sketches, and the lure and lore' of "Jack-in-the-Pulplt," the "Very Little Folks"' department, and the "Letter-obx," and "Kiddle box." Terms, $3.00 a year; 25 cents a number. Sub scriptions received by the publisher of this papei and by all booksellers and postmasters. Person-' wishing to subscribe direct with the publisher should write name, postoffice, county and state in full, and send with remittance in check, p-'u money order, or registered letter td SCRIBNER & CO. dec 0 743 Broadway. New York. rpHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THIRTY-FOURTH TEAK. The most Popular Scientific Paper In the World. Only $3.20 a year, Including postage. Weekly, r.-j Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. The Pcientific American is a large first-clu-, Week! Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed in the njost beautiful . style," profusely illustrated with splendid engravings,' -representing the newest in ventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences; including New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress.. Social Science, Natural History Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent-writers in all departments of Science, will be found In the scientific American Terms, $3.20 per year; $1.60 half year.whlch in eludes postage. Discount to agents, single copies ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by pos tal order to MUNN fc Co., Publishers, 37 lark Row, New York PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs. Munn dt Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 34 years experience, and now have the largest establish ment In the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made In the scien tific American of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the Immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easih effected. Any person who has made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. We also Bend free our hand book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on Inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. MUNN & C0737 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sts., Washington, 1). C novl9tf H ARPER'S WEEKLY. 1 8 7 9. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. The Weekly remains easllv at the heasi nf m,,-. trated papers by its fine literary quality, the beauty of its type and woodcuts. Springfield Republican. iiwmu ouniKuuua are superD, ana embrace every variety of subject and artistic treatment. -ZIon's Herald, Boston. ine weekly is a potent agency for the dissemi nation of correct DoliOcai Trincinle ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences The volumes of the Wteki.y hoin mith tho Arv, Number of January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of his order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year $400 Harper's Weekly, " " 4 jo Harper's Bazar, " " 4 ( The Three publications, one year, 10 DO Any Two, one year. 7 iut Six subscriptions, one year,. 20 Ul Terms for lanre clubs fnrninhnri Postage free to all subscribers in the United Suites or Canada. - The annual volumes of Hasper'h W'EKKI.V III neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), tor $7.00 each. A complete se comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re celpt ot the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. viwa cases ioreacn volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 each. Remittances should be made bv nootoffto mmwv order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harner A Brothers. Address HARPER fc BROTHERS. deel l New York. 1879 1K7H T HE FOUR REVIEWS ANl B LACK WOOD. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative ) The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), and BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections; they give the originals in full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. No publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equaL They keep pace with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement whether In religion, science, lit erature, or art The ablest writers fill their pages with most interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the day. TERMS FOB 1879 (INCLUDING POSTAGE): Payable strictly in advance. For any one Review, $ 4 00 per annum . For any two Reviews, 7 00 For any three Reviews, 10 00 For all four Reviews, 12 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three "13 00 For Blackwood and four " 15 00 POSTAGE. This Item of expense, now borne by the publish ers, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on the cost to subscribers in former years. CLUBS. t A discount of twenty per cent win be allowed to cw four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. ;,t:t ; ' --a PREMIUMS. ;. New subscribers (applying early) for the rear 1879 may have, without charge, tne numbers for ihe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. Or, instead, new subscribers to any two, three or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to dubs can be allowed unless the 'money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to clubs. To secure premiums it will be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for that purpose is limited. Reprinted by .THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 41 Barclay Street, New York 1"

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