(''IS -f ' TUESDAY', JANUARY 21, 187 RAILROAD DIRECTOBT. The following table Bhowsthe running of passen ger trains to and from Charlotte,', on all the rail roads (Washington time): .., , :;, ; Arrives from Richmond and Goldaboro, 1.00 a. m. Leaves tor u - , " 8.20 a, m. Arrives from Richmond, 10.50 a. m. Leaves for ' 6.66p.m. ".-V, ATLAHTA CHAKIXWTX AIRLINE. Arrives from Atlanta, 8.20 a. m. Lmtm for Atlanta. ; 1-05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, i , 50 P- m- Leaves for Atlanta, . . J ...... 10.60 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta,,... ! . p. m. Leaves for Augusta,.,. .... . ........ 11,00 a. m. ,- CAROUDHA CENTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington,. ..... 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington, 6.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby, 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Shelby, 7.00 a. m. . ATLANTIC, TKXXES8KB OHIO. Arrives from Statesvnie,:. 5.80p.m. Leaves for Statesvllle..., ....... 7.00 a. m CHARLOTTK POST OFFICE. OFFICE HOURS. OPENS. CLOSES. Money Order Department,. .9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. ml! Registry Department,.... 9.00 a. m. 5.00 p.m. Gen'l DehVy Stamp Dept.. 8.00 a. m. 6.00 p. m. " s 8.80p.m. 8.45p.m. tST" On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 8.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. OPKNINO AND CLOSING OF MAILS. OFENS. CLOSES. Danville ft Charlotte R.R.,. 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " " " 11.15a.m. 6.00p.m. Charlotte ft Atlanta R.R.,. 8.00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. ft Augusta R. R., : 8.80 p. m. 1 0. 00 a. m. Wtlmn ft Charlotte R. R.,. 8.80 p. m. 5.00 a.m. Charlotte ft Shelby R. R.,.. 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a. m. ft Statesvllle 5.3Q p. m. ( 6.00 a.. m. ty Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at .'5.00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. W Yorkvllle, (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. W. W. JENKINS, P. M. Index to New AdverjUiemeniM. E. D Latta ft Bro To-Day. Wlttkowsky ft Baruch Linen Goods. :8lfford ft Durham New Firm. INDICATIONS. War Department, Offtck Chief Signal Officer, Washington. Jan. 20 7 -.30 p M. ) For the South Atlantic States, warm er south to west winds andjpajAly cloudy weather with stationary or slowly fall ing barometer. Local Iteport for Yenterday. T7XMT2 P. M. Y9 P. M Barometer Thermometer, Relative Humidity,. Wind Direction,. . . " Velocity Weather, 30.139 19 85 S. K. ' 3 Miles Cloudy. 29.942 29.949 36 53 S. W. 4 Clear. a 1 88 aw. , 8 Fair. Highest temperature 40 deg.; lowest 18. IIO.VIE PENC1LIKGS. Visions of more skating have begun to appear to the lovers of the sport The 'New York Herald liad daily re orts of the recent cocking-main in this city. ; They are trying to stop cock fighting in the State. See legislative proceed ings, published elsewhere."4 1 Colds were never more prevalent in the community. The physicians re port quite a number of people prostrat - ed-by them. ; Next Friday night Grand Master Eringhaus, of the Independent Order JM.SliftJff to the lodges of this order in this city. Four members of the Hornet fire company got the engine oiit, laid the hose and threw the only stream, .oa the trire Sunday morning. - , There will be a sociable on next Fri day evening at Mrs. Wilkes': for the benefit of the Home and Hospital, All friends and the public 'generally are in vited. 'v: ' ' The boaixl of aldermen was to have had a meeting last night. There was no ouorum present and the members adjourned to 4:30 o clock this after, noon. The people are getting meaner and deviltry is manifesting itself in new directions. B. Cochrane had a grind stone stolen from his premises the other night. , . .. Calvary Mission church was crowded; Sunday night .by a crowd: anxious to hear Mrs. Moon,, the Quaker reviyAlist? These were much interested arid im pressed by. her! manner .and her lan guage. Again, last night the church was full. ' ' "; The citizens of Davidson College had a meeting a few days aga,and sent a pe tition to the Legislature, i asking that the town be incorporated and that Rev. W. P. Williams be appointed mayor un til the tirst.of May, when-the municipal elections are held throughout the, State,; The American Agrlculttitist for Jan; u;iry, published by ,vthe; 4Orange Judd Company, : 245 Broadway, 'New York, has been received-' We have no hesitation in prononricihg it ne pliis ultra among the agricultural periodicals of this country, and heartily commend it td our readers. . :-! , . . Xhenn ometer Becor TliR following will show the state of the thermometer, at the statioTWrmeTFT tioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Wash ington mean time, as. ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the sig nal othce in this city : Atlanta.. ::i..;;.49l Jacksonville. . . .53 .57 .56 .53 ..58 .53 ,-5Q .53 iVUgUSUt. , .... A 1 1 ' - r I Key West.....: Mobile Montgomery . ., New Orleans. . PuntaBassa... Savannah ... ... Charleston . -, . i 4 Charlotte 39 Coi sicana . . u...iM Galveston.-. Havana........ .63 Indianola. . .'-i-i'j'iOl J Sty Marks Alntt Frozen tDeaUi,. ,:i Sunday: "nibrwnabou4ij 2 o'clock, Policemen Orr.and Uealy- found, Clark; Hall lying between the ' tracks' of. the North CarolinSBailroad, near tbeTrade street crossing, almost frozen toi death His clothes r werer frozen stiff, and he was covered with sleet, having probably lain nnr. sin r.hft earlv nartof the even ing, as he was seen in '-that , portion of thpi town in a state of beastly; : intoxica tion, about darken the evening .beforew Thfi nolicemrai revived himi and he was able to appear before the mayor y ester- xiay morning. 'Jtio. yi uuwkha uui w wmo to town within a year if they would let .liVKi T.--'-.? iiT,;-i j i ll' T . H ill 111, n'UV 'I ' Election f Officer. " 'u,-. At the annual meeting of the GharH lotte Grays, for. the election of ofiicers .neia lasLmsui iueiouowmg wereeieui- ed , for '. tne: ensuing v term ot twelve months r"-"l t?. '' ; ' . t Captaihr-B. B. Alexander, I First tieutenant H. D. Duckwortl '.Second lieutenant T -J. Black, Third Lieutenant!!. 'M'. Ramseur,, Orderly Sergeantrll. J.,Sifford, Secretary and' Treasurei-J.jT. Boyt; j: rh 'TinnWvirnrniftsinnfld : offifiers will be hereafter appointed :by the eap it is proper tef state' that - Capt. W. U Hand; who has, ever since the re-organization of the Grays,' commanded the , company with so great satisfaction and . uch fine results, positively ideclined to erve another term as a commissioned LOCAL INTELLIGENCE; chicken thieves work by fits and starts.-; About j Christmas, a dozen or two heir roots were robbed, and now again -they .have started on the rounds. Capt. E.' Ji'Allen losttll his Friday nizht Sunday nieht. Mr. W. H. H. Greeorv's watch doer was kill ed in his yard and an unsuccessful rasdV was made upon nis coop, un xne same evening, a servant in the employment of Mai. C. Drowd caueht a negro named Sam Young in the act of carrying off a fattened turkey. He was sent to jail yesterday morning. There is no clue! to the other thefts. - . .. 'A A ISA tee, held at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, vesterdav af ternoon,sub-committees,were appoint- ten iui cm;u vy iu, Moil uilvs Leilg vo find Out the poor of the city, investigate the circumstances of eacli aoulicant for aid and make orders on the treasurer of the association for such funds as .may m meir opinion De needed. These com mittees are com posed of ladies. Anoth er committee composed of gentlemen was appointed to collect lunds. The committee will hold another meeting sion to hear, re ports from the sub-com .mUtee&,'-.'Qer, thirty persons attended XI . a rrx 1 i 1 1 i 1 wit) ' meeemgi xney nave laKen 1101a of their work, zealously. Personal. Hon. K. F. Armfield, of StatesvilVe, the distinguished Congressman-elect, fioni the seventh district, was in the city last evening, and left this morning .for Raleigh. Mr. C. J Lineberger, seniof 'rjfrdpne tor of the factory of Lineberger & Co., Gaston county, is lying very ill at Iris home, and iu response to summons. Dr. J. P. McCombs. left this morning on the' Air-Line train to attend him. Dr. Jos. Graham left yesterday morn ing for Raleigh to attend a meeting of tne Mate ooara or health ot which he is a member. The board at this meeting submits to the , General Assembly through the Governor life first annual report, together with such recommen dations as it sees expedient as tending to promote toe puDac.iieaitn. ut. vv . e. uregg, 01 unester, s. C was in the city yesterday "and was warmly received by his many friends. " Quite a number of the creditors of, the late firm of Smith Forbes1 fiave unveuiu cue city, wunin me pasx lew days. -1 ' ' ' ' Important Railroad Meeting. The meeting of the railroad officials recently held in Atlanta was one of considerable importance. Owing to the aaopuon 01 the new classification and through rates, to take effect on the 15th instant, changes -were necessary in locai ratesana ciassincauonaiTCver all the roads. These new rates' and classifications take effect from both east and west. The meeting was for the purpose of securing uniformity of action wnu reierence uuocai rates, and also for the purpose of considering a re vision of the present division of busi ness. Committees were appointed to take into consideration eaeh point of interest, ana the meeting adjourned til the next day.. The committees report ed that they had found their-dutiee such that they had not been able to agree upon a report. The association theft adopted a resolution requesting the committees to be ready to report at a meeting to ue held, March 19th. A tnis meeting eacn member ot the com mi t tee will present his views, and pre sent them written out in full. County- meeting of Northern Settlers. t acts 'of the Northern men s convention, held in this citv. a few days since, was to express its belief in the importance Of a previously passed resolution, calling county conventions of Northern settlers to meet on the 15th of "February, to appoint''1 delegates to State conventions, to be held in March, which shall in turn appoint, delegates to a -general 'convention, to be held in Charlotte on the 4th of Jul v. The ob ject of this general convention is simi- ar to that recently held, and the pur pose in insisting on county meetings is to ineure-a-repiTsentatioTrwhich shall heuUerdn ,eyj&Ssense of the word. Tne president and Individual members of ..the convention expressed an earnest desire that those of their countrymen who had not spoken should be given an opportunity to do so. They believe that they have undertaken a work which is capable of great and lasting benefit to the South, and tbeing firmly convinced of ; this,. they .desire to leave nothing un done which shall" tend 1 to render this work complete; ;! Sunday ?Mrri lag's Fire 1 ' Aboufc-Si30 Sunday i morning. Police man Healy riiswvejfed "fire and smoke issuing-' from' the.'secbhd storv of one Of the brick baildLngs oir College street belongmg-to the- Commercial Nation al Bank, the lower floor, of which iir-occa- 1 MessrsIjoag & Bro. as a bar room. ine atarm was sounaeu and the fire' eomnaflies responded: .The Hornet nginwaS playing bh the building- a Bimrb iimje aicei waru uu booh succeeu- ed in putting out the nre. Thefothe companies were ready; for work, but uieir services wenriiub xuijjiirea. The cause of the fire was investigated vesterdav morning in the mavor's couit. It was found that G. A Kieer had. built. a Ore in the, room some time jdnxtng-tne night and had fallen asleep near it The floor caught t rota this, probably by a chunk rolling on to it.' and when Kiser awoke lie was almost stifled by the 'etnokfcHef nnade an effort to put out the names, but failing he departed, leav ing a shoe ana hat Behind 1 About a third of the floor was burned and the walls were blackened, but the damage to the building was slight. Messrs. CntbbertsOtt'& Ijong had about a hundred bales of cotton stored' in' the cellar. Had the building been burn ed the entire block of stores 6n College street would doubtless ' hate been de stroyed, The audience which assembled : last night0to hear Blind Tom was chetiy, composea oi ivvu ciossks muse wnu went.i see ihe-musical prodigy and those-ywha; went to 3 bear'-the musical ceniuslia,Thei latterilass iwas1 laf gely composea 01 people wno are noir oun seen in the theatre. The attendance was considerably above, the ayjeraffeajUJaniiaij; hiusicaT etitertainmenw m Charlotte. Of Blind Tom and his playinff noth ing'newcan bePsaid. Hi' performance last tirght" waS' fri no niaterial points . f j , . 1 1. r 1 1 aiaerenj.rrom wooa iwuicu ne uaa ueeu crivinff in thi8'vc0Untry tmd in Europe for nearly or,.quiterraJI!aiuar ter of a cen tury. Many of then PieceK he gave and they included every variety or mu sic, from the. most classical of Betho venV"' compositions to the plantation songs of Southern negroeSH-were hearti ly enioyea Dy tne.auaience. ; nis won derf undelidSte'totichaha fine expres sion cannot cease toi be a source of plea- Bare to the lovers of the divinest of arts, as they are a wonder to everyf listener. As a .vocalist, he is not a brilliant suc cess, his voice being more expressive than ni'i.i';ilv,hufc this . f eattifti bf US Eerformahce relieves the monotony of isentertainmeht& :J?Ihe 'rendition of some of his own compositions, musical and, literary, had the effect of investing the curious autnor witn a greater inter est, as tending to-eive an insight l!hto his nature, or rather perhaps, of adding to the mvstervof his beine.- Blind Tom will never cese j;0,be'a in terestinjr character. t OBEtr JAOKSONS BEST SWSTirJT f ChsuJotte. - -j .'.Fi" . vTh Georgetown; Texas. "Re&yrdfGtl recenB-daterChronicles the marriage of jit. AvuarieyMieu 10 juiss iNora.iiarcy; Dotn or tue towir named. - ifie vouae ady is a daughter of Mr. WiUiamHartVr4 auu a.mece ot nir townsman, Mi.ja$ HartyfitThe bjide in this ease lef tr(5tiat- J - a . . . I lottewnen a sm&u gif m ne paper re ferred to, speaking of the parties to the nuDtials.savs: "Both are well-knowr. !ajidihavteirn3tiy jfriends, who hope for Ji 1 tl 1! ITJIetMtra.Xfatta dc Bro' Ad H'jMessra, Laita & B(rl re-appear in the S lupins o vbseryer this morn g with an ad. which must attract the eye of every one who turns td! the. first page of tlie paper. They have marked uOwa'qiiantity; pfiir goodsto starts wig ngures, auu me granu Closing pud. sale in certain lines begins this morn- ins. Thftsft. redufttinna cm t.hfl 'Tiarfc::nf this.rm arenas it has before demonstrat ed bonajiae. They will sell everything at the prices, awhich they are off ereds lOwI 'these 'r' prices are. As to the character of their goods, everybody knows thev are first-class. To strangers we commend tb firnvad to their adV vertisement we invite public ' atten tion. '-. I I I -i ItahreaI Notes. ' ; The Carolina Central is all right again after it recent trestle accident' " The Constitution savs that Mr. Her bert Brown, of Atlantarr-who was for some time engaged' at the Air-Line de potIn this city will soon be admitted to the bar. Mr. Thomas Anderson has resigned his position as master mechanic- of the .Charlotte, Columbia and, Augusta Rail road, and Mr. T. D. Kline is now;doing auty as Dotn superintendent and master mechanic. Capt. Wm. Ficklinghas Deen appointed foreman of the shoos..',' -, ' From tlie number, of bills which have Vfeen introduced in the Legislature td prevent the running of trains bn unv, aay and to prevent discrimination) on the part of the roads inthe matter of freight; charges, it would appear that 4he present session of the General As- semoiy is likely to give the railroads some trouble. Iteport of the Hecerit Courentloa Here.;"; '. ' . The proceedings of the convention of Northern settlers, held in, this city last wees, .naye gotten very f- generally into print. Special telejgraphic reports of the same were published the morning after the convention In the New York Herald and World ; the latter had a re-, port covering more than a half column. The proceedings were alsa reported briefly to the associated press, and thus got into every dajly paper in.tbe coun try. The Atlanta Constitution had special and very excellent reports of thedpings of the body,, and a great pro portion or tne newspapers ol this and adjoining States have published full summaries, taken fron The Obsekvtsb or other charlotte papers, in many instances these publications have been accompanied by highly congratulatory eauoriai comments. mE&MPHIC MARKhT REPORTS. JANUARY 20i 187 PRODUCE. Cincinnati Flour dull: family 4.25a5.25. Wheat dull; red and white 90a97. Corn dull. Pork firm, held at 9.00. Lard higher; steam 6.00. Bulk meats aulet shoulders clear HWs 4.25. clear sides 4; baoou scarce and firm; shoulders 3, clear ribs 5, clear sides 514. Whiskey quiet and weak at 1.03. Butter dull and unchanged. UiinQ, Ann. hoWlo 11 . -i 1 . k A OIUmL. Van. Orleans 5a7. Hogs In active demand and higher ; packing 3.25a50. BAtTTMOKB Oats more Inquiry : Southern 28a 32, Western white 30a31,do mixed 28Vfea2l&. Pennsylvania 29a32. Hay quiet, steady; prime Pennsylvania and Maryland 10a 11. ProYlsioM better Inquiry and firm; mess pork, old 8.50, new D.50; bulk meats loose shoulders, new 3aV dear rib sides 4a, per car load, packed new 3a4; bacon -shoulders, old3a4, clear sides. new 5V2. nams, sugar-cured, new. Voife. Lard refined tierces 74- Butter active and very firm; choice Western packed 16al8. rolls 15al7. Coffee quiet and nominally steady. Rio cargoes Haiti. Whiskey dull 1.09aV& Sugar duil and easier ; A soft&fcafa. New YoEKFlour unchaneed. nuiet: No. 2. 2.30a2.85, superfine Western and State 3.20a3.50. common to good extra Western and State 3.65a 3.70, good to choice do 3.U5a450; Southern Hour unchanged; common to fair extra 3.85a4.65; good to choice do 4.75a6.2o. Wheat dull; ungraded winter red 99al.09, No, 3 do 1.03a3. Corn without Important change; ungraded 47i&a48i, No. 3, 44- Coffee fairly active and unchanxed In cargoes IlalB, In lob lots Hal7. Suear aulet and unchanged; Cuban tiias, fair to good refin ing &aoH, prune i ; rennea quiet; standard A HVs. granulated 8, powdered y, crushed Molasses quiet and unchanged. Rice In moderate demand and steady., i PorkmeaB on spot 8.20. Lard prime steam on snot 6.22lAa30. Whiskey nominal. Freights quiet ... COTTON. Norfolk Steady; middling QVtc: net receicts 2.H51; gross; stock 19,581; exports coastwise 810; sales 475; exports to Great Britain . Baltimore Firm; middlimr eeae. : low mlddllnK 9c.; good ordinary 8c.; net receipts ; gross 306; sales 247; stock 11,528; exports coastwise 26; spinners 75; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent . . Tlnfrmw Ii'lnn mldailncr Q5fa Inw mtdHKnir ftlic; good ordinary 8!; net receipt 467 V gross 2,034; sales ; stock 2,575; exports to Great Brit- WnjiiKGTON Steady; middling 9a.tr low mld- dllug ma-; guoff'M fllfiaTy8T5eT receipts 109; gross w sales t stock 4.754; spinners --j exT rr$jcMVlf983: to Great Britain ; to Con- neni ; to cnannei x.iou. .tpttljliyjSLPHLViii fMafifntddang, 9lc.;. :ddlnir Who.:, low. mMulmk 1 9V ; ' koo ordlHary &lcc net receipts 203; gross 557; sales ; spinners 616; stock. 7,750; exports to Great Britain ; coastwise 100. ACGU8TA Firm; middling sake; -tow -arid- dling 814&; good ordinary IVsfi.; receipts 396; shlpmente; sales 818; stock . - . Charleston Steady ; middling 9Vsfi.; low mid dling 9Vfec.;good ordinary 844c; net receipts 3, 068; gross frLBales, 1,000; stock 60,386i exports Continent ; to channel . .1 , New York Steady; sales 546; middling uplands 9 7-16., mid. Orleans 9 9-16.; consolidated net re ceipts 25,456, exports to Great Britain 12,470: Continent 10,639; France 9,274; to channel 1741? Liverpool Noon Good demand Mldg uplands 5 7-16, Orleans 5 low middling uplands , good ordinary uplands . ordinary uplands -r-. sales 15, nnn. sneculatlon and exDort .8.000. recelbts 7.400. Anterlcatr4000. Futures opened 1-1 6 cheaper, but, have 8ince,recoverea. u pianos lewraiaaiingciause: January delivery 5 13-32, January and . February ; do, February and March do. Match, and "April 5 7-16al5-32, April and May Wkal5-32aiv May and June 5 17-32a9-16. June And July 5 l9-32a July' and August -, August hnd September t-. New crop hipped January and February per sail 'ii;.!?- FUTURES! ' "Nivf YoKK Futures 'closed firm. Sales 46,? 000 bales. 9.44a.46 9.60 - : 9 -.70 9 .86a.87 10 .Ola 02 10 .12a.l4 10 .22a.23 10.31a.33 February - .. May,'.".'.'".'.'.".'.".".".'..,.... June - :.....;...'-'..'.. July II: August FINANCIAL. -New YoRk Money 1.2Vz. Exchange 4.84a5i Governments firm. New 5's l.Ollk. State bonds dull.- - CITY COTTON MARKET.! Office of the Observer, .u -n-. Charlottx, January 21. 1879. 1 .The market yesterday closed quiet, as follows: Good middling Middling. iVtisuCfil 81 8 7 SJcUow middling. 7. Lower grades 5a7ij CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. .a if-jii-yj JANUARY 20, 1879. CORRECTED DAILTi . ' Spliced, ti thv 1.75 MSAC, -40a45 50366 8aa35 V 8a9 lOallMi . lal6ft 18al6 mi, ; K a hog rounr, . ; . Hum nnwHMrwnnil , ........ aearJUdejkJii Susar-house.... . .7. 25 MOLASSS8 Cuba............. New Orleans - , ;S8a40 ...;.:;.;86a6a v L00s2UX) Salt LlveTDOOl fine. . . . wnne. Yellow ftll Potatoes ,, Sweet Irteh,.L... . i 85a40 ,40a50 12M20 .: 12Vial6 3.00a3.60 2.76a3.00 2.26a2.50 North Caroltn&P.'.1 EecM per dozen. . . "V.'t Famtty-r?7.T;-.V. ALra.. ... . .. . Super..... Ou o u R iTTOLlCAT AMD CHRISTMAS GOODO ' JJlOUpAY AH CHBISTMAS KXDO HA VI COJDS ABB OPXM TOR DtSFXCTION AKB BALXi A large and varied stock. THE BEST WE EVKR HAD. T0t AE. INriTXp TO CALL TIDDT. Ik, BBOTHKL Kcl2 G BEAT BABOA1NS FOB THE HOLIDAYS, AI JrX BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, i- CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SrLYEB- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and evervthins too want for Christmas, at , , , J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 XXTE DESIRE to call attention to OUR 8TOCT7" a TV E DESXRE to call attention to OUR 8TOCAV --Fi N C Y N C Y GOOD GOOD 8- Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, Including some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases . A -j .- .. . French . Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. , ,1 , L. R WRISTON ft CO. decl3 A it! CALDWELL HOUSE.' CALDWELL HOUS E, Caldwell Hovsav caldwell hocs . . ,..,.,CoxiTryonand Sixth Streets, ' Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C CHARLOTTE, N. C, & P. CALDWELL... . . Proprietor. This house Is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first class boarding house. Persons visiting the dty will find Jt.a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms.;, .,- , ninn n 01 or. w fta n. month, , $20,00 ; . le board, $15.00 per month. . , J&nio,. ..... , . A. W. ALEXANDER, - DENTIST- OFFICE OVER L. R. WRISTON ft COV Dbuo Store. With 25 yeaw ' experience I guarantee entire atlsfactlon )anil And rure Liquors, Three Years Old, go eOCHRANES. Central Hotel Saloon. J Gdod.t3 Stbdp SEWING MACHINES. ' , 15 or 20 fine Sewing Machines on consignment, will be sold cheaper than they can be bought else where In the State. Call early as they must be sold, . ; ; i MAXWELL ft HARRISON, Auction ft Commission Merchants, Charlotte, N. C janlOlw TX7ADDILL HOUSE " ...j 0AJBT0Nli,HC , . ;-"' a but mbvf nAiMiiigfj: u.ti ' ; ' ' ' lift. B. WADDJLLt 1 , feblOtl NOTICE TO TARMERSm am prepared to 3TOBJS COTTON In my fire proof building-cither lu basement Or on the first oc sec ond floors and will gire ! warehouse receipts on which you can draw mooey If desired. Cbaiges moderate. , ? . . - THOMAS H. GAITHXR, oetl2 QBOCKRIKS CBXAPER THAN EVER. NIW GOODS t NEW FEATURES! Come to me for Bacon. Com. Susar. Cafiee. Mo lasses, and other PamDy Groceries. . Just received, tew barrels of Berry Foster's (Do yle county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Coon try Hams. I sen for cash. All goods delivered In the city free of charge. W. H. CRIMMTNQER. Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand. apl5. C O T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED I- BT THOMAS H. GATTHER, COTTOH COMMI88IOH KllCIAHT, octl2 yiLLIAMS & FINGER, Have ust received a lot of Turkeys and Chickens which we offer at low prices. Come to Williams & Finger and buy the best Family Flour from the best mills. Wheat, Bran. Oats, Com and Meal, Honey, Country Lard, Butter and Eggs. The best Timothy and North Carolina Hay, eow and horse teed of the best quality, Sugar, Coffee, Ac. Con signments solicited for all kinds of country produce. wui maxe prompt returns 91 sajes. deeS J. A. BENDRIX. Agist, -GROCER -GROCER AlTD . . . -COMMISSION MERCHANT, Cornei Main and Blandlng Streets, COLUMBIA, a C. Special attention paid to consignments. Quick sales, and prompt returns guaranteed in every In stance. JanlO lmeod FAMILY GROCERIES, I have now in store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies. Also, Turkeys, the country. Chickens and Ducks, fresh from Just Received: Fresh Goshen Butter. New Buckwheat Flour. S. M HOWELL Janl8 J UST RECEIVED, CHOICE PINE APPLES, -AND FINE INE YELOW BANANA O YELOTp BANANAtO, Also some beautiful CONCH SHELLS. Be sure to call on me for c N N E E s. Remember my stock of Confectioneries and Fancy Groceries is Complete In every Particular. I Invite a trial of my Celebrated Mottled, Blue and Red Laundry Soap. Remember I keep the Largest Bar of Blue Soap In the city for 5 cents.. Also a good Laundry Soap at 8 Bars for 25 cents. Recollect that my stock Is not composed of Fancy Goods alone, but also Heavy Groceries, such as Bacon, Lard, Molasses, Sugar and Coffee. Don't fall to call ou me when 'you want first class Goods. Respectfully, Janls. ;,' LeROY DAVIDSON. G OOD HEALTBTT3 ESSENTIAL TO HAPPINESS, And Good Bread is Essential to Good Health. Therefore buy BRIDGEWATER Family Flour, the best in America. For sale only by ' ' LeROY DAVIDSON. $X,isttVfoutons. NO MORE RHEUMATilsJVI OR GOUT U T E OR 0 H R O N I C A L I C T L I C A A C s SUBXjCURE,' Marrafaotured r e above Trade-Mark r- 1 ' EUROPEAN RALlCYLlC MEDICINE CO., . Immediate relief warranled. i PermaneDt rare guaranteed. Now exduatvely used by all celebrated physicians of Surope and ' America, becoming a Staple, Harmleesv and -Sellable Remedy on . both conunenu. . , -xne , mgnest jteaieai Acaoemy , ox Paris reoort 95 eures out of 100 eases vrithlnthree days. Oocret The only dlssoiver tf thepoisonous Uric Add which exists in tne Blood of Rheumaoe and Gouty Pauents. $1,00 box; 6 boxes foe $5 00. Sent to any address on receipt of lalce.' Endorsed by physicians. Sold by an druggists.' Ad- Oiess,, ;! WASHBUKNEft CO.,"1' h novt Only Importers' Depot. 23 Qiff-st., N. T. S TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE -. eallsbury.N.C. , & a Bbowv, Proprietor, ' . KLate of Che National Hotel. Raleigh.' ' : C. a Brown, Jt, Chief Qertt .asiielbamiAs swanw i deogo - j -; . i, 4" CAROLINA CENTRAL ' . " ... VIA WILMINGTON; ,i- ' ? THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTS Tula Line being' fully equipped for business. IMgkt&oa' ".;1'';.,''.-V";" .--ei WTIinlngton and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic Tennessee ft Ohio, As well as points in Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low aa Information furnished F.W.CLARK, Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. sept30 R. J. H. McADEN, PBUGGIST AHI CHSipST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices. Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes FRESCBIPTIONS Carefully prepared at an hours, both night and day; at J. H. McADEJTS Prescription Store. s ECURITY 1 ..SECURITY ! ISECURITY 1 200 Barrels of C. WEST ft SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ACT. ALADDIN SECURITYIOIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene OU, from C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before It will bum. O. West ft Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. a F. SCARR ft CO., )D U U G G Si NEAR thx post-offici, . Would respectfully inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Office, and soOeK the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pore Drugs. Jan 7-tt ei Juduertiaemjetxts. TX7ANTSD A sood asent to canvass Charlotte vv and the ad joining towns for the best selling household articles In the world. Tip top profits, write at once to World Manufacturing co., 2 Clinton Place, New York. H OUSEKEEPERS 1 ! ! A. postal card sent us with your address will in sure free In return, our Illustrated Circulars of nice Bouseholcnng Specialties. PALMER ft SKILTON, Manufacturers, 281 Pearl Street, New York? GXNTS, READ THIS. We will Day AcentB a Sfdarr of SI 00 ner month and expenses, or allow a lane commission to sell our new ana wouaeniu mvenuons. we meanmut toe soy. Address, without delay, , . isri kkm aw a w., mars nan, Michigan. 4w JIPHTHERIA! ) Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine oases In ten. Information that will" save many lives seat free by mall. Don't delay a mo meat, Prevention Is better than eure. Sold every where. L U JOHNSON ft CO.. ... Bangor, Maine. A NEW EXCITING BOOK ! ' Bristling with the wild adventures of - ' STANLEY IW AFRICA- 1 The onxt emthentie and covuruiMeA cheap edition. By the brUiiaat descriptive author, Son. J. T. Head ley. GtvesaiWf ft&ora bf his wondkrtul dis coveries In Africa and jLurvelocs tourney dotrn tfte Conga. More fttcinatig than romance Pro finely Illustrated, and highlt endorsed by the eurgy ana prem. uver io-uu sohl Jiore AGENTS WANTED. ' tar fob particulars about the book, success ov A0SNTS and bkst terms address , MUBBARDBROa, Publishers, Philadelphia. Pa. B ENSON'S CAPCTNE POROUS PLASTER. CELEBRATED THE WORLD OVER. The manufacturers were awarded the lushest and only medal given rubber Blasters, at both the Centennial and Paris Expositions. - " FAR SUPERIOR TO : i' common porous plaatera, liniments, the so-called UWUICU BUPUBUOBB,. ac u is iw rest Known remedy for Lake and Weak Back, rheumatism. Female Weakness, Sciatica,- Lumbago, Diseased Kidneys. Spinal Complaints and all Ills for which 'porous plasters are used.-.) Ask. your druggist for Benson's Capcine Plaster! and see that you get nothing else.' Soklbyall druggists.' Price 25 eta. Mailed on receipt of price by SEABCRY ft JOHN SON, 21 Piatt Street, New York. . . ' anl - ' :fv-1 UXiscjeHancjoxts, JjmESH ARRIYALa FOR SAI WANTED. ' 10 boxes assorted Candles, -6 boxes choice Oys ter Crackers. 5 boxes Family Washing Soap, largest 10c bars in the etty. . ...i .. . .., ' Also 1 fine Milch Cow and one medium quail Cow with young calf, for sale low. 1 - 500 dozen PARTRIDGES WANTED.' dec29 ' B. N. SMITH. 'Si NORTH CAROLINA. 1 TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled faculties for the Transportlon of ..i.:.v: V . ,4 : . Charlotte, Statesvllle,;. Aauevflle.' Rutherfordton, on the Atlanta ft Richmond AJr-Line, and Western N. C. Railroads, . t Alabama and Mississippi. . via any Competing Line, and Time as QulckJ upon application to ' WM. A. MOODY, Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C. T, T. SMITH, Agent C C Railway, Charlotte. Sotfccvijcs. JOTJISIANA STlTB LOTTERY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To win a fortune. Second rGrond Distribution, Class B, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 11th, 1879 i05th Monthly Drawing. -.I-.,'.. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes) In 1868, with a capital of $1,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of S3 50.000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $80,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half Tick ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize , $30,000 1 Capital Prize, . 10,000 1 Capital Prize, 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000.;...., 5,000 20 Prizes of 600 - ... 10,000 100 Prizes of 100... 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 20.... v. 10,000 1,000 Prizes of. 10..:.; 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to. $110,400 Responsible corresponding .agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. ,- i; ut h; Application for rates teclUbsshould only be made to the Home Office In New Orleans. Write, clearly stating fun', address, for full Infor mation or send orders to - My A. DAUPHIN, Postoffice Box 682, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordmafr Sfewintrs are under the supervision and managemenf of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD andjUBAL A, EARLY. anl4 F ROM DR. a W. HUNTER, BALTIMORE, M. D. Having become familiar with ColUen Lelblg's Liquid Extract of beef and Tonic Invigor ate, I take pleasure In recommending it as an ex cellent preparation, combining as it does food and tonic In a remarkable way, producing good blood, health and strength.. Sold by all Druggists. Q.EO. C. WARE, . '". ' Manufacturer and wholesale Dealer in -PURE .A. PPL, E CIDER 1 AND ' CIDER VINEGAR. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of v - E. R. CONDIT'S TABLE SAUCE, 287 to 295 W. Third Sti . : CINCINNATI, O. O ILS SASSAFRAS AND PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bought in any quanlty, for cash on delivery, free of brokerage, , commissions, : pr storage expenses, by ,HtD0DGE 4 OLCOTT. Importers and Exporters of DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, Ac. 8$ William St,. . ...(v,i4,.v. New York. A. DAY tb Agents eahvassuig for the " Fire- (fass P. 0,-TICKER Y, Augusta, Maine. OA Fancy Cards, Chromo, Snowflake, 4c no two w auKe, wunname,i0 oeats, j. Minkier ft Co, Nassau, N. Y. . J A MIXED CARDS, wltlr hanie 10c. AgenU' iU outfit 10c. L. JONES 4 CO., Nassau, NT Y. decSl TX ADVERTISERS. Send for our Select List of X - Local Newspapers. 1 Sent free on application. Address GEO. P, BO WELL ft CO 10 Spruce St, New York. ... ,. . THE ' u OO V VaYfc OOD "'A K KEEB o ov Q O, AA K K O V V A A 'A A KK F.K O iUO; AAA K K E A, AK KEEE OO UV A COLGATE ft GO'S COLGATE ft GO'S MEW- O o P! S8 i P ! i m; SAVES WASTE. FOR UUNJXRY TJNDERTAKTNG ::,J a iV The undersigned Is now. prepared tp fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. ' Having on hand a full assortment of ii 'it COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Wooi Both and Uetailc PRICES AS LOW A3 AVT. Hearses furnished if desired. i. Fjrnlture of 'every Description Repaired at shor -i '" .r'1--liottBTILl (With E. G. Rogers, Trade Street DISPATCH LIN June 20.

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