- . ... mkT'-' -TIL 1 " taClOttC QDUflf: -TUESDAY JANUARY 21, IS?? X TIIEXEOISfc ATVB jRaleighObserverJ ' ' SENATE. i Friday, January 17, IS? MEMORIALS AND PETITIONS. Mr. Davidson presented a petition nf Ashftville to nro- hibit the running of trams on the, JIolt Mr. Leach presented a petition, similar eharacter;-1-TaiHonr. .Tarvis Dresented a petition from Chas. M. Grove, of Fredericksburg, M(L, asking ttiat tne uenerai asswuoij pay him for $2,000 North Carolina bonds oJi nffpHnor to take a certain amount t lu rAlino TJoilm-il afcwlr.' - i'-ril in intuitu wuu""" .. By Mr. Taylor, from the citizens of Henderson county for the protection of singing and game Diras. RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. Graham, of Lincoln, request ing His Excellency the Governor, to fumiah t the Senate an itemized state ment of the expenses of penal institu tions for the past two years. .This in cludes pounds, yards, bushels, measures, salaries, &c. . ot ::' By Mr. Mebane, covering the State am Tn annoint a ioint committee on the State debt, said committee- toe in structed t inquire into the expediefff 'of chansrine North Carolina'Railroad bonds for-State bonds as far as they will go, and making some arrangements for the balance or rue aeDt, Rv Mr. Caldwell, a resolution Of in quiry requesting the finance committee to inquire into me prHuucaumtv ut incr iwnt and shoes, saddle, harness. stoves, iron, vehicles, &c manufactured out or ttie&tate. , , , Tlv Mr. Eoos. a iomt resolution relat ing to to the fourteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States to inmiirp whether this amendment was violated at the late election in the sec ond senatorial district. bills. 1 By Mr. Everett, a bill to establish a 1 normal school at Trinity, ', Wake Forest and Davidson, colleges. . ' By Mr. Everett, a bill to prevent gam bling on railroad trains. By Mr. Henderson, a bill authorizing the collection of arrears of taxes due the township of Salisbury for the years isio-n. By Mr. lied wine, a bill to repeal so much o the laws of 1876-'77 as relates to the election of county commissioners and justices of the peace they to be elected as provided for in the constitu tion before it was amended. By Mr. Henderson, a bill to prevent the sale of liquor at or near the seat of the University. By Mr. Taylor, a bill for the protec tion of birds. By Mr. Mathesou, a bill to aid In the extension of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad. .. Mr. Everett called upS. B. 104 in re gard to the seat of Jos. G. Waldo, which alleged that the district board of: can vassers in the second senatorial district hai rejected some 2,000 votes for Sam! T. Carrow, thereby electing J. G. Wal do. Passed its second reading and was referred to the committee on privileges and election?. CALENDAT. S.R 116, referring to exemption of personal property from sale. Passed its third reading. : ' . S.R.141. His Excellency the Gover nor to furnish report of cost and com pensation in regard to penal institu tions, passed second reading and copy ordered to be sent to His Excellency the Governor. S. B. 29, to punish stealing dead bo dies. Passed its third reading, with an " amendment that the sheriffs, jailers and ' superintendents of penal and charitable institutions of the !?tate shall deliver to such medical schools as hive schools of dissection the bodies of persons who may suffer death at the hands of the officers of the law, or die while under going a term of imprisonment, provided such bodies shall not be claimed by rel atives or friends of the deceased.; S. B. 7, amending chapter I9fi, section 1, laws of 1876-'77, adding at the end of said section: and provided further, it shall not be lawful to farrh out any per son convicted unless the court in its judgment shall so authorize. Passed the third reading. & B. 23, draining and darning low lands. Passed the third reading, i S. B. 60, repealing part of section 13, chapter 13, Battle's Revisal. Tabled. ' S. B.30, in relation to judgments ,n appeal from justices of the peace.'' A substitute reported by ther jadieiary committee was accepted, and the bill passed its third reading. H. R.138, S. R. 107, from joint com mittee to take tinder consideration the fish interest of North Carolina by which the streams of N"6rth Carolina may be cleared out and fish 'culture improved; Passed its third reading. ) .riUfiS 65. a. 43 to punish seduction of women was made a special order for QFriday next at l2o'clock. ' ; S. B. 74, providing for more efficient returns to the agricultural department was recommitted to the committee on agriculture. S. B. 40, to allow foremen of ; grand juries to administer oaths andafilrma tions, passed its third reading. " '".;' House of Repkesenjatives. , . , ' FRiDA'january 17. ' ; PEllXlONS . were presented and referred as fqllows: By Mr. Brow;n,'x)f Mecklenburg; a pe tition from the trustees of Davidson College asking the institution of tiormal schools in various section? of the"Btate. To the committee on education. : kByMr. Mebane, a. petition from, the citizens of Melville township, Alamance county, to prevent ' trairis running Sun day. To the committee on propositions and grievances. t ... m i RESOLUTIONS i; were introduced and disposed of as 'fol ; lows: j I ; o ' BrMf-.AfciresplutJoti to raise a committee to examine into the causes of the business depression. Proposi tions and grievances. By Mr. Bost, resolution of instruction to the committee on retrenchment and reform. Salaries and fees. .uii:- , By Mr. Turner, resolution -t 'Expkj BILLS ' - a V . rM.ii were introduced and disposed of -as foi- JBy Mr. Blocker, bill to carry Into effect, the constitutional provisions' rn relation to jurisdiction of justices Of the peace. Judiciary. , ? XtHr'HW the ihore "" Bpeedf trial of cnmmals. Judiciarv p. rBv Mrs Orchard Jbill to allow , "collector of Concord to collect arrears of. taxes. Finance. ' 11 " J rv jjy jvir. iNorment, Din to prevent th- wanton ngnungoi game cocks, and betr "! tine thereon." Judiciary. 1 , , , Bv Mr. liitchev. bill to exemnt. Rtb nlv county from the operation, of the law in relation to county governments, ;;:CiiW tie cities, &Ci. , .mt-Mumm. " : ay mx. BiocKer, Dili to amend theabt authorizing counties to rarmjput'cbn' victs.i J Judiciary; ' 4.:";.v v: . The House branches of joint commit- fMMt wurflTMYinoTmnfld aa follows t The Deaf and Dumb and the Blind- Messrs. Council, Mebane, Taylor Cooke; Venable, Wheeler, Richardson, of Wake.. - Harreli; Jones, Bingnam,Chnstmas andr- Public Buildings and Grounds-lISaf sjr mcnarason, oi .vyaK XA DrarvMesT . moore, AjU derson, D.xon aiid Hewitt. .mm Insurance Messrs. Co vingtohBizzell Ribtlelsdcm tStHttti, Angler, Bird and TCnisba tinJ fnvrpnPV Messrs. UrCIl ard, Brown, of Mecklenburg, Leatner wnnd. Davis, of Havwood, Burroughs, Leach, Foy, Forbes and Wynne." ;f Tnaann A avium Messrs. S.XorKitU4.C- CorkleiFoard, Ikhart, RiclmMso3of Reid, of, McDowell, fCUck, Cartar.o Yanr'Johiwd.''oh, McLean. anttJNormeni. . , A message was received irom uie Senate proposing to go into 'an uraioii to fill, vacancies n,the Ijioara or trustees otue.nmyersiQr on to print tne report oi w. - oumiS secretary of the board. The House con curred in tne proposnious. , The bill to amena tne law oi uivuiuo so that uhchasity of the woman before marriage shall be good grounasJiortai vnwo if mitnnwn to the husband, was read .the second" tinte, the amendment nr-nnnacu Viv the pnrnmittee on tne. 1UU1- ciarv. proviume mat tuo .ouwAuciy either party should be grouna m,!U' - vorce was adopted, and the bin passed i the second time. Tho hill x ftYpmnt merchants from the Davment of a privilege tax was laid on the table. tuv "Prtdrri mnvptl that the rules De susnended arid the resolution in relationr t6 thejtearitabkpinstitutioiis" rMShnpebv9di-'.-' ''w " nn The motion nrpvaiiea. ana injirwHq'"?s' n.-rzu. io lncoruornie uio jjeiiiicutB- "" . -" . I-"- itUUJ'.Jl' -aioint-seleet committee - to: investigate lOOtopaythe.expensqs, In discussing the resolutcm Mr. Foard said that it was in accord !with public sentiment. Mr. Vaughan staid that he heartilt concurred in the spirit of the resolution, but thought the'Object sought could be better attaineu oy in- triir"tinff the staridinsr committees on theBubject. Mr. Foard in: reply said that the object of the committee was to save useless expense thathe had heard that a committee of like nature had heen anuointed bv a previous Legisla ture by Which $10,000 had been sayed, and he thought that the present com mittee if raised would save at least $25t, 000. Mr. Ardrey agreed witn Air. Vaughan. He thought this multiplica tion of committees '.-a. sheer waste of time. Mr. Cooke was with Mr. Foard in sentiment, but thought the tendency of so manv committees would' be1 id raise expenditures. He did not want the resnonsibilitv divided. Mr. Bernard thought that it would be a saving of money to give the money appropriated by the resolution to the institutions 14-. Uier tnan to tne committees, uvir. uaTis, of Madison, was oppogptl to incrasiflg the committees, . '":., , ' Mr. Vamrhan off ered a substitute; for the resolution instructing the standing committees to make the investigation desired, which amendment prevailed, and the resolution was then adopted. ' On motion of Mr. York, the rules -wtre suspended, and the resolution to remove obstructions in the Yadkin riv er was taken up and ' iyiopted. This resolution, raises a joint select commit tee to confer with the Legislature of South Carolina, and provide means for carrying out its objects. I On motion of Mr. Meares, the rules were suspended and the bill to prevent the enticing of sailors from their vessels was read and passed the seewiu time. The bill was read the third time; Mr. Powers moved to amend so as to make the law general in its application The amendment prevailed, and the bill passed the third time. The bill makes it a. misdemeanor punishable with 50 fine or 30 days imprisonment -to- entice sailors away trom their ships or to hat bor them. , On motion of Mr. Jones, the bill to change the line between the counties of Wilkes and Caldwell was taken up. Mr. Jones read a petition signed by the only nine men living in the section affected playing the passage -of the bill. M".Mr, York lnovM that further consid eration of the, Mi J lie made special brder for the 31st inst, saying that he was not certain that he would oppose the, bill but desired time to obtain further information on the subject. The motion prevailed. On motion of Mi". Leatherwood, the rules were suspended and the bill for the relief of the tax collector of Jack son county was taken up.- The bill wras read a second time,,' and 'tfie substitute recommended by the committee wa adopted. (This substitute allows all sneiiifEs and tan; collectors to collect ar rears of taxes b&CKfco 1872.) -Mr. Lockhartread the prasent law on theBubject and explained the purport of the bill. Air.itner, 01 jjuncomoe, said that h was osed to going so, , far back. He ;o amend so that taxes, -before 187 should not be Cfftletted ; under this 111 TT 1 11 .1 . 1 ! unique sam imu, auis,,trouDie "was caused by the sheriffs using their office for political purposes anif the:State' lds- es nioney.., lhat-t nwsnot right to al low them to go over-ie same ground, time and again. harra6sing and worry- ing tne people.- That by refusing the aOKHiUOriitdiW, tkelJegislature would put the sheriffs on notice that thev tiSfJ1 their ce8 nMT, Anturioii iinoviKUhat the bill be recommitted. Ji' Mr. Richardson, of .Cokinbus, stated for information that a nhlubecntf bills of -like! character with' this were in the ui4u.vfiini uLunuoni 01 mat ;Comr4 miitee to rorm tnem into an omnibus bill, so as" to save ' the tinWof the House and the expense of printing. ; , Mr JJrown, at ,Mekfenturg, spoke briefly to the motion to1 refer. Mif; tte;bf.'c6m'be,' by content; offeted . an 1 amendment nrovidinsr that no homestead should be.sold under the -act, and the bill jWas f erif trred 1 v un motion of -Mr. Carson, the Senate resolution to raisef ft "joint select com mittee on so mach the Governor's message as applies to-the t public roads was taken up and adopted.,., On motion of Mr. Reynolds, the bill to provide for the electidn 'of township constables in August, 187$ was taken ut and read and passed the secOnd'tithe. Tliebill.was'thenread'th third time, and after considerable discussion, par ti lcipated in. by MessmiV aughanT;6c 'V.W.. V' rrm - m ' - t " -wwr -m -m- mm iia.ii,, xoara, jirevara, Waddell. KevT nolda antb Atkinson, was, on motion c$ Mr. Cooke, referred to the committee on L privilegeAnd elections.'" 1 , JWJfWWPX&ni Introduced biH MbtimWMbJdtoXl which w as placed nstbe caiendarand ) Mr. Cooke al3ccfeync(toseritflntt0duced a bill to tulkte tfife prW hi lehistry, and, ,a biyjto ameaa the constitntion so as to leave it optionwli'wrth: 3the1' Legislatire ,J.r6vide for the indigent deaf and dn nb, bliha and insane, both of which were'referreeLta thecemraoittee on the iLdijiarv. Amii -jwt Kilt T.f OYfoTlH TVlO flTTIO ftV Hi demptioW'tof i lifld old for taxes and tbought.bywyie,ii&i;ateJs.extHnds time to raa.ii,ii6ai),swasu:t!ed!nd!'i)assed the . ,alu xu uwLum me tisuls 01 mai uiai)Ha ndrnort'gagore (allows mortgagees" to1 am intwdoced -riprpei 8iA(j0by;lrowrio yesterdayr Mr; Ti : meat of 'crime; tv ff!!'1 I SATLKliAi, Jan. 18, 1879. Bv, Mr. Graham, arpetitioa from citi- MfiRaPf zpnTrXlhcoln-cauntKasJtine for a no RESOLUTIONS. . P TWM ft Drtoind. a resolution' ill favor of soldiers of-North- Garolinaiwtio lost t.hAirpsiorhti.rn.ithe,aervica of the rvmfWferjitn States. Insttacts the treas .- -"-ii'iii'-i T nrpr to nav tne same tweniYiflrve uut-. j mBy!'M'McEachern,'W i4sfiition in avjrpf soldier.w.hq)lpstc;tftBMF eyer sight in tne tjonieaeraie services fSn -W5S h iMWBIfifA um - the degree of J9ni"M-OTlcn personf - nliay' biarrV.niei bill defines it shall be unlawful WBaarry,,, 3ilribt efe-'dlsMDtito arfdtofecutors to sue administrators or collectors atfciiSy time, W lie 11 LI1C1C 1 Jty ( UfflfY'T- utuw "" than tne assets. ; oLji-t ?By Mr. Caldwell, to extenaiticiume for sheriffs and tax collectorsJtp .collect taxes for 1878. iM.jhr.i: CALENDAR. ; -- :- cti$n in regard f U.imm tool e .to a thorouffli vision 0f iaws in regt"d'"to same. Re ferred. ,jl H. R. 15. S. R. 102 concerning commit- ;teeio imrsestHzation to confer with the Attorney-tienerai ana solicitor nenry to innmrft into anv into any irauas wnera.tae State has,, lost ,inaney, was lndelnttelyc (OUamiaroau, passeu its second reading. .t.ri ..wxv.a ;:;n ... , r ..... J J second reading. TO sit. ! s it T T 1 1 f Mr. Leach asked permiision to intro duce a resolution to purchase fifteen chairs for the use 01 the committees ot the Senate, at a cost not to exceed one dollar. ' 'Mr.' Austin oftered an amendment to purchase twentv-four instead of fifteen. Mr. Leacn could not, accept (Mi amendment, especially as ;this was a Legislature of reform and retrench- ment.T ine idea 01 spenaing so mucn money at one time would be an unpar alleled one, and then it would never do to go back to the constituent of tins great body and say they had drawn so jteavilyj uponie treasury. He could not possioiy stanu uus stuuejisiunp v penditure of money, and if fifteen chairs were not enough to seat all of the, coin-' mitteeshe proposed that they take lt l turn about, this was one of bis pet meas- ures-, one to which: he had given a great deal 01 tnougnt. 11, naa scannea it closely, and fifteen chairs was all this body . coaldi possible BtofjA. Retrench ment and reform were synonymous with saving money, and the. saving of money was oxw QfciheingSt.fl&is Legislature was her fcr.' The whole interest of the country ,afemTrtsd.3t, and Jie was for it, Snow .,(ja ft lfeaBaTltry) thought that:Sen.atorjSrlio oted forty cents for the publtc ptinting ought not to sit in chairs. Mr. Hoyle, .keeping up the humor, moved to' refer to the committee on re trenchment and reform. There being no :sU$, committee, the amendment was not received. The question on the amendment to . pwphase.twenjty chairs was lost, when the'o'riginal resolution was adopted; : Mr. Henderson, chairman of the print ing committee, reported that, the com mittee had made a contract with Messrs. Hale & :SainderSy Who bad given the necessary3 bond.1 iTberehairinan of the committee wras insttucted to deposit the contract and bond with the treasu rer, --J';'-. MrJ The calendar being cleafed, Mr. Leach moved to adjourn until Monday morn ing at 10 o'clock. 1 ' ' ' "" 1 " . HOrSE OF REPRESENT ATI VES - t't -i ', ! saturpay, Jan. 18, 1870. PETITIONS were presented and referred as f olio wsi 3 By Mr. Bfown, of Mecklenburg, peti tions from a committee of the Metho dist ohuruh, m from. . the j synod of the Korth Carolina Presbyterian church, from the ladies of Charlotte, from ce1 ta4n citizens of Steele Creek and Berry hill townships, In Mecklenburg county, from Back Creek jchurch. from certain citizens of Henderson coaity, and from certain citizens of Charlotte, praying the passage of a law to prevent the run ning, loading or unloading of trains on Sunday. Referred to the comTnlttpft Kori Internal i'mritbviments. i v jii. Oliver, it puiiuii wprwvenv trains from running on Sunday. To the committee on internal improve ments. , , . . The Speaker presented a memorial from Concord presbytery, praying the passage i of an aft to forbid the run ning ot trains on Sunday, which was II1IHIM CIIJCIU.1. 'v jit!"' J -:' BILLS:' The following named Mils were in troduced, read and passed first time and were referred or otherwise disposed' of-' as follows : By Mr. Brown of Mecklenburg, bill to prevent the desecration of the Sabbath. Io tlie committee on internal improve-, ments. CALENDAR. The bill to amend the law of divui'UH was read the third time. Mr. Carter, of rmncomDe, saici: mat ne was unwil ling without very mature cbnsideritfimijJiSH? 410118 toe to vote lor a bill, making , so cpjiipletei as revoiunon in estaDiisnea law. That the . policy!' of the law was to make divorces hard to obtam, and that this law seeking to make it more easy to obtain a divorce had been rejected by almost every previous Legislature. He thought the consideration,. of the bill ought td b'e""postp'oried, and the bill printed s--. - ,.,...,,.., Mr. Norment said that the bill had Been considered by tbie committee on judiciary, and its passage recommend ed. That it was true thaff tliie bill made a radical change in the divorce lawbut that the change was proper and.qught to be made, Mr. Brown, of Mecklen burg, who introduced the bilL said that he had no wish to hurry the bill through without due consideration, and he there fore moved that the bill be printed and its further consideration postponed un til next Weanesdav. and mnri rW sfceial order for that da.tL ni 19 nfrinnh- Tne motion preyailed. I ODm ttf defibiS tlirisdiction.oX4us--tices of the peace, providing that where the law'gays the punishment shall h a. .imprisonment for.one month it. shall ho construed td meanthiitv davs was read and passed second and third times. Bill f daflo,w the Raleigh & Augusta Av jLineJiailroad Company to extend its line to Charlotte was made special order for 12 o'clock Wednesday next 1 he bill to punish incest was read the secondtime the amendment proposed oy . tne committee deilnincr th. nrimn fixing rh,!TilinKrfT' ?r7ft ' won'fS pnsonuaeat was adopted, and the . bill P,sAepWd.tiine.fi ,The bill was then reaa-antiasseah'e'thira timp?Hjfj- .v3Che.TChaiEisanBouttced Messrs. 'iBQJfry 5SdP?as the House brnck-ePfee- rn Insane.,Lvylthaut a rival... . r adiourned. rora:the tnfetef Fire Columns in One tl the Best j on 7. i a ir (t-n i Greenville IS. C.) News. Theproceedrngs of the settlers' con ventinn hll in r),ai.inf4. at v. i hpbh- the r 15th instant. ktjTpE Observer, st exchansres that; A CARD. w. Tn sll mjut tm anfferine from 'the errors and discretions of youth, Berrous. wfcnesa, early de- cay, loss xrt manhoodpi taSI-yte send a receipt that will core you, SREJE. pfcCBJiliBm Thla ereat remedy - was - cUscoreyedby talssionar to Sootb remedy -was - dlscoreyedr America.- ena MV. JOSEPH ssea envelope w uus, i - . i . u J rEGETINK. . i!fiTi? ' ''1'' 'i - '''J - y ; ; -, . AN EXCELLENT! MXDICINE. Sprlnlei,ti.'Feb. 28, 1877. This Is to certify that I hiwemsed VEGETINK, monufactured hyH.fi. Steei, Boston, Mass., tor Bheumatlsm andieneial JProstration of the Nerv- ous System, wltb , tcood . success. X R9UUHUIM3I1U VEGETINE as an excellent medicine for such complaints. JLVUIB TCI J M J ' ' ' Mr. Vandegrlft. of the Arm of' VJUidegrlft Huff- Tnffl05TTWeTetoWrliie88 man of this place, onBjo yat stores in spnngneia, u. i' OUR MINISTER'S WIFE. Louisville, Ky., Feb. 16, 1877. Mr. H. R. Steyens: 'ttlvlilea me ti) laUeVEGETINB. After tak ing one bottle, I was entirely relieved. This rear, feellne a return of the disease. I again commenced taking it, and am being benefited greatly. It also myuigesoon, ...... pectmuy.. . airs. a. oaujAov, 101 1 West Jefferson Street . SAFE AND SURE. Mr. H. R. Stevens: In 1872 your Vegeone was recommended to me, ,at4 iyleldmgr'U ; thai ;persuations.of a friend, I consented to try It At the time I was suffering from general debility and nervous prostration, superinduced by overwork and irregular habits. Its wonderful strengthening and curative proper ties seemed to affect my debilitated system from the first dose; and under Its persistent use I rapid ly t-eooveied. gaining moie than -usual health and intod feelmZ snw then I have' not hesitated to give Vegetlne my most unqualified Indorsement, be Lag -a safe, sum and powerful agent is promote 1nglieaithJand 'restoring (he wasted aystem to new life and energy, vegeune is uie oniy : raewewe 1 iisei and as long as J live I never expect to And a itter. yours truiy.. , w. n. vaaji 111 iao joonwiey streev yegnany, renn. VEGETLNE The fDllowlng letter from Rev. G. W Mansfield, formerly pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, Hyde Park, and at present settled In Lowell, must eonvlnce every one who reads his tetter of the won derful curative qualities of Vegetlne as a thorough cleanser and purifier of the blood. Hyde Park, Mass., Feb. 15, 1 876. Mr. EL R. Stevens: Dear Sir About ten years ago my health failed through the depleting effects of dyspepsia; nearly a year later I was attacked by typhoid-fever tn its worst form. It settled" In toy back, and took the form of a large deep-seated abscess, which was fifteen months lo gathering. I had two surgical operations by the best skill In the State, but receiv ed no permanent cure. I suffered great pain at times, ana was constantly weaxenea oyaproiuse discharge. I also lost small pieces of bone at dif ferent umea. Matters ran on thus about seven yean, Ull Hay, 1874, when a friend recommended tne to go to your office, and talk with you of the virtue of Vege tlne. I did so, and by your kindness passed through your manufactory, noting the ingredients, Ac, by which your remedy Is produced. BywlLit I saw and heard I gained some confi dence in vegeune. I commenced taking it soon after, but felt worse from its effects; soil I persevered, and soon felt It was benefitting me In other respects Yet I did not see the results I desired all I had taken It faithful ly for little more than a year, when the difficulty In tne pack was cured; and lor nine montns 1 have enjoyed the best of hearth. I have In that time gained twenty-five pounds of nesn. oeing neaner tnan ever oeiore in my me, and 1 was never more able to perform labor than now, During the past few weeks I had a scrofulous swelling as large as my fist gather on another part 01 mj uuaj. I took Vegetlne faithfully, and it removed it level with the surface In a month. I think I should have been cured of my main trouble sooner tf I hi!d tak en larger doses, after having become accustomed to its effects.. ' j r Let yowpairora troubled wltl icrofula or kidney disease 'understand that it takes time to cure chronic diseases; and. If they will patiently take etlne. It will. In my Judgement, cure them. nth great obligations I am Yours very truly, , G. W. MANSFIELD, ' Pastor bf the Methodist Episcopal church VEGETINE Prepared by H. R. STEVENS. BOSTON, MASS. Vegetlne is sold by all Druggists. an5 rpHE GENUINE -DR. C. McLANE'S- CELEBRATED AMERICAN W o RM SPECIFIC OB - VERMIFUGE. - -SYMPTPMS OF WORMS.- i.r.a r 1 ; f Tne- countenance Is pale, and leaden colored, with oaaagtopfti fluoho er a elfemnscrlbed spot on otrh;oe4ft eyes become dull; the pu tower 'eye-lidf the 1 nose- fe 'irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; oc- :easl wtth humming or throbbing of A". iU.' htu; iiu the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or fih&i&g; Breath very foul, particularly In the morning; appetite variable, sometimes veracious, with a knawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occa sional nausea and vomiting; violent pains through out the abdomen; bowels irregular, at times cos tive; stools Mirny; hot unfreQuently tinged with bleodi'belly swollen and hard; urltie turbid; respira tion oceasldfially ' oMIcutt, ' and ' accompanied by hlccoughV'cough"sometlme8 dry and convulsive mteasy arul disturbed sleep", J wftir grinding of the teethrtetoper variaWe", but "generally irritable, whenever the above symptomsare found 0 -exist j.RQ.MoIlNE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT" DOBS MOT CONTAIW lill(CUKT in any form; it is an Innocent preparation, not capable of doing the slightest inlurrto the most tender iniant. ; The genuine, Dr. McLane's Vkbmituox bears trreignatures of c. McLank and Flemino Bros. on tne wrapper. i-ZMT-rWH H .i .t-i i DR. C. McLANE'S hi.t.un nwil( I V E R T I L 1. s are not weomended ae a remedy "for all the Ills that flesh Is hetetel ,bu hi aaecaops of the liver, and In all bilious complaints, dyspepsia and sick headache. Or diftAaww nf that nhnnubr thai etnnH T " AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic ean be osed pMparatory to, or after taking Quinine. rr k has a- 81m pit nunrative thev are imeaualed. Hi ?! ttftf .tf!!3 fill ill .flHii ".' ,jlflUH A .U.4BEWARE OF IMITATIONS." ' VL ,'HtoiiM'j land'mU me;iajfioj b a-uu. -T Kemune are never sugar coated. Eachboxhaa aedwix el onrlhelldwiththe imDresslon Br. McI.a vb' i.im i.m Each wrapper baara the signatures of C. McLanx and Fleming Bros. - Insist H1On hlivlnrf a aanntntt Tkn fl W.T irn t gPf- Prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pltts- uuigu. jrtwjuie mantes being run of imitations of . . .1 01 -!" j 'CJhit J 1: &m m f'b. A A,.WW WW , Baaa . t ....... o rsiut i yM 'EH! '! in T T 000 A , A DDD HHH ER ;AA D D SH B AAA J H KEB A A DDD 0 V -A KKBTTTTBKB RRK .SSg CHINA, SILVERWARE. CUTLERXT , HINA, SILVERWARE, CUTLER X . PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. " PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. Removed to Tlddy's Old Stand. Removed to Tlddy's Old Stand. Janl4 JMP0RTANT, BOTH TO TOT WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL TRADE. Having unrivalled facilities I have Just opened the largest and. best selected stock of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMP GOODS, KVEB OFFXBXD IN HOBTH CAROLINA. We keep a full line of all goods usually kept tn a FIRST-CLASS OOO O O O o o OOO H H H H HHH n ii n n ii UN K W NX ' A AA A A A A C 88S8 TTTT T T T T OO O O O O O O OO RRK ' R R RRR R R R R RRK B KB B KEB VIZ: i Toilet Sets. Tea Sets. Cum and Saucers. Ptateft. Ewers and Basins, Goblets, Glass Sets. Lamp Goods, and in fact everything In that One. We buy for cash and do a strictiy cash business through out, therefore we are enabled to fill orders at a very small profit Merchants and the Retail Trade generally will find It greatly to their advantage to call and ex amine our : HUGE STOCK ! : ' - V All orders from Merchanto. vhpttiA maii at large, will be carefully and piomptly attended to. JOHN BROOKJTELD, Trade st, under Democrat Office, Charlotte, N. C, Wholesale and Retail Dealer tn CHINA, W. G. and C. C WARE. ROCKINGHAM and YELLOW WARE, GLASSWARE and LAMP GOODS. nov!9 F IELD BROS.. WHOLK9ALK AND RKTAIL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE ALSO, PBOPBIKTOifS Of THK CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been newly furnished and Is kept in first-class style. Terms, Per Day ... $ 2 00 Table Board, Per Month. 16 00 (SrOmnlbus and Carriages at every train. FIELD BROTHERS, Proprietors BEN KIMBALL, Clerk. deel CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL HOUSB, CALDWELL HOUS CALDWELL HOUS E, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, : Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. CHARLOTTE, N. a. a, S. P. CALDWELL.. .Proprietor. ', This house Is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts'of a firstrclass boarding house. Persons visiting the dty will find It a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES?- r day, $1.25; per week, . $6.00; per month, $20.00; le board, $15.00 per month. janlO D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, -DENTIST OFFICE OVER L. R. WRISTON 4 COTS '' ; ,. DSTO StOBB. ..-lii"Ui 4 with years experience I guarantee rottre arJs taction lanll JpOR FINE WINES, ' . ,;,!i And rare Liaoors, Three Years Old, go ; ' ' COCHRANE;a,): r ' . . s Central Hotel 8alooo.' s G MACHINES. v.-rvihmi '. 1R or 20 fine Sewing Machines on consignment, , .spW 6bSt thantoey can be bought ete where tn the State. Call early as they must be pi- MAXWELL HARRISON, AV?S Commission Merchants, Chariptte, . C. t'--'W) tv'W m,vRSS. (Sonftttiomxxits.: it- OO RAJK3E.' -O 01KJK s. it LEMOSW N LEMOWW LEMOS S LEMog i S, orange. tits, a: 1 n "r.U i! TRY T E R R Y Y C C R R M M S, JL E The greatest luxury of the 60e per pound.) Also remember that be keeps the finest tuwortment of Candles ever seen In Char lotte. Ladies partic ularly inrtted to call. 'uBSt VANILLA. CHOCOLATbkb CIIOCOLAT K CHOCOLATgE CHOCOLATRK. MANILLA. y AWIT.T.A VV ANILLA. v ANILLA. Janl8 pHE "RISING SUN." According to the command of Joshua of old, al- I though repudiated by the " Jasper Philosophy " of the new, is now standing staL at the Old Place, on Trade Street, opposite the Market House, plus Hornet Fire Engine Hall, where the light of reason Ruminates the surrounding atmosphere, which in vests all tilings with the glow of inspiration, and the world no longer seems "Afleedngsbow, Toman's Illusion given,' Once on a time. In another Hemisphere, "Man's Illusion" was checkmated and fanaticism stamned out in the Holy Wars of the Cross vs. the Crescent, J (the Crusades). Two million men were killed and a pyramid was erected from the bones from one battle-field alone, near NIeve. by Solrman. as a monument to their fanaticism, and the Saracens drank beer out of their skulls. Since then, fol lowing the Reformation, In Christian conflicts (so ealled.) fifty million more were slain aR by Di vine appointment' making Drobablv in all. lOO. 000,000 who have victimized themselves to their faith. Peter the Hermit had nothing to An with ihe latter conflicts. He had Peter'd out some time previous. The present Hermit who runs the ,. "RISING SUN" Is pleased to say that he has received hinxtwb since Christmas, and has now on hand FERRY'S CELEBRATED GARDEN SEEDS (warranted to come up without the crusade of your neighbor's chickens), In addition to his stock of Candles, Nuts Ralstns, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Flour.Lard, Sardines, Canned Fruits, Apples and Oranges. In fact everything kept in a Confectionery and Gro cery. C. 8. HOLTON. Jan 1U Democrat and Home copy. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES FOR THE POOR OF THE COUNTY. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Register of Deeds. In the city of Charlotte, until Friday, the 17th Inst., at 12 o'clock M., for the fol lowing Si pplles (more or less,) onetxth of said supplies to be delivered to the overseer of the poor in the cPy on the first Monday In each and every month, for the next six months, to-wif : 2m Bushels of Com Meal, J 26 pounds of good Coffee, 2,000 pounds of Clear Side Bacon, . 65 pounds of whole Rice, 2Q sacksFamOy Flour, 5'2 poands ol good Brown Sugar, - 62 gallons of fair Molasses, 2 sacks, of L. P. Salt. Said articles must be sound and lrr good order.1 The commissioners of the county reserve the right to reject auy and all bids. - By order of the board of county commissioners, this 8th January, 1879. wm: maxwell, Register and Clerk of the Board of County Com. JanlO i .;,, -JT- fjUTTERICK'S METROPOLITAN FASHION SHEETS, And Patterns of Garments tor February received this day, at TIDDY fc BROTHER'S. Janl7 SLeaX Estate. 'jEAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and win Advertise free of cost, all properties placed in my hands for sale ' THOS. F. DRAYTON, declO Charlotte, N. C. ; TTOR RENT. JL1 OR RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENnp FOR REN 10 Room House, two blocks from public eauare. $20 per month. - viBw, J55S!LKi--JK tt?d, four fivw uviu iittuuv muiin jpr moouu . ' 1 'SS?' HoaBe wttn 6 acres of lana attached, priee $150 per year. r : . . ITBoom House, foui blocks irom pubUe souare, $15 per month. . . . ' - , ' f l f , . J. . fob Bale. a 4 Boom Housa, wtffl good lot, price $1,200. ;i5JtoomEu)o. w!tt aore andhalf of land, four '"V-yf.wuK Bvuora,,pnce WWW. ' ': WANTED. "7 to 10 Boom House, near public souare. ' ' i j8 to 4 Ropm House, near public square. ; '" J -i,J ' -; DAWSON ACQ'S, :i ; ; Old Bank of Meeklenburg BuQdlng, 4ecl8 i 'i-iilii- 10 , fin Jr.it .A OTO Ki-OTj.! !) sj.i1; ; .III. 'iioij 4 -CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON V 'XXu i- ff " For Standi Pure Liquors. 'T. NICHOLAS, - SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAG AZIN F ( POK GIRLS AM1 HOYS. - H5EAL CHILDREN'S MAOAZINK Messrs. Scribner 4 Ca.ln 1873. began the , cation of ST. Nicholas,' an Illustrated gL' h SKJSiP Boya- T10 W Mary Mapes 1 editor. Five rears hnv nauuH .u. " ber was Issued, and the maeazinA rat mini. WKhestBOSltloiiy It hSs amn.".,."0" has - , """V vuvumiiujl I OTKB 50,000 COPtES. u is uuuusueu simnimnAmioiD in t j New York, and the .transatlantic recn r,'; '1'1!1 most as general and hearty as steady advaiilt h n..oSS1???6 .hd8 ,ii nf r LTCT-;.uxr 1US eauor s itl; of best, Decause and the maeazin her irir.:.r""".,.s .St. Nicholas stands ,ngments T literary and art comm.,, Oons for the new volume the sixth-are com nil. drawing from already favorite purees S win from promising neW one& MrKk R. St i ton's new serial story for boys, btH:k' "A JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," '5.runJhough toe twefre monthly parts -t fj0"'!"! the number for November. 1878 the first of the voluma - 1 1 h. ,ii.,.A j i'.lut trr- u one oi travel ana adv Mure l iwma aim me Panamas, i or the girls tinned tale, u tun. "HALF A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS," BJ!iktliartne D. Smith, with illustrdtlons by fr.,. erick DIelman. begins in the same number; ai u , Sertal by Susan CooUdge, euUtled - e V fea There wm ais "BDMPTT DODGET'3 TOWER," YJS111 Hawthorne, and illustrated bv Alfred FredArlpJcR. khant th A,h. ....,.V," u ") tures of St. Nicholas, the editor preserves a u,d humored silencer content, imrhnna tn ii h.6.?1" volumes already issued, prophesy coiicen:ine i,I sixth. In respect to short stories, pictures nol n ' humor, Instructive sketches, and the lure and iu of 'Jacmn-the-Pulplt," the "Very Little Folks ' department, and the "Letter-obx," and -huuL OOX." ' Terms. S3.00 a vear: 95 cents H Tiling V or o... sertptlors received by the publisher of this pai, and by aU booksellers and postmasters. pirm wisning to subscribe direct with thA nm.H. i. . should write name, postomce, county anS state in iuu. aua sena wnn remittance in check p i money order, or registered letter to ' , SCRIBNER & CO declO 743 Broadway, New York rJ,HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THIRTT-FOCRTH TEAK. The most Popular Scientific Paper in the World. Only 83.20 a year, Including postage. Weekly, Ty Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. Th PcrENTiFlC American is a large tirst-dass Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed in the most JBeautlful style, profusely illusi rated with splendid, engravings, representing the newest in ventlons and the most recent advances In the Arts and Sctences; Including New and Interesting I acts In Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History' Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, ly eminent writers in all departments of Science, Will be found in the -clentlnc American Terms, $3.20 per year; $1.60 hall year.which inl eludes postage, Discount to agents, t-lngle copies ten cents Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by pos tal order to MUNN & Co., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific American-, Messrs. Munn & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 34 years experience, and now have the largest establish ment m the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice Is made in the den tine American of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the Immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery er invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. We also send free our handbook about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marka, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Hts., Washington, D. C. novl9tf JJARPER'S WEEKLY. 1 8 7 9. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. The Wxeklt remains easily at the head of HTus trated papers by its fine literary quality, the beaut? of its type and woodcuts. Springfield Republican. Its pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace every variety of subject and artistic treatment. -Zlon's Herald, Boston. The Weekly Is a potent agency for the dissemi nation of correct political principles, and a power nil opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. Evening Express, Rochester. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the firt Number of January of each year. When no time is mentioned. It will be understood that the sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of his order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year Harper's Weektr. " " S 4 . 4 mi 00 (H) 00 00 Harper's Bazar. ; " " 4 xne rnree publications, one year, lo Any xwo, one year, 7 bix suosenpuons, one year, 20 00 Terms for laree clubs furnishMi Postage free to all subscribers In the United states or Canada. The annual volumes of hpi'9 wcth v in neat cloth blndlne. will be sent bv exnrpss. free of expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on uvuor per voiume;., ior $?.uu each. A complete Mf comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re eejpt of the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. yioin cases ior each volume, suitable for bmdlng, wlu be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of 81. w each. ' 'Remittances should be made by postofflce money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers, Address HARPER & BROTHERS, deel I New York. 1879 187 ',HE FOUR REVIEWS AND B LACK WOOD. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative The British. Quarterly Be view (Evangelical), AND BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections; they give the originals In full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. t.5? JuWicaUons can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep pace with moderuthought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether in religion, science, lit erature, or art. The ablest writers fill their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and wftti an intelligent narration of the great events of the day. TERMS FOB 1879 (INCLUDING POSTAGE): Payable strictly in advance. For any one Review, ; $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews, ; - r 1 OO For any three Reviews, 10 00 " For all four Reviews, 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 OO For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three M 18 00 For Blackwood and four -V 15 00 ' ; POSTAGE. This Item of expense, now borne by the publish ers, Is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on the cost ta-subscriperaln former years. A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to, Clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. i . . ' . PREMIUMS. . ; New subscribers (applying early) for the year 1879 may have, without charge, the numbers for Ihe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for."-- t Or, instead, new subscribers to any two, three or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. , Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given ti ClUDS. ,,' ,-,KVt i ':: !'' :ir''.-":'. ; .. To secure premiums It will, be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for thnt purpose is limited. n Reprinted by '' .THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO.. 41 Barclay Street, New York